007 New Age of Artificial Intelligence

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Pragti Negi1, Priya Rawat2, Anil Panwar3
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Program Incharge Cum Assistant Professor
Department of Agriculture, Sardar Bhagwan Singh University, Balawala Dehradun


In 1955, John McCarthy coined the term "Artificial Intelligence" and suggested carrying out
research based on the idea that "every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence
may in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to imitate it." These
days, artificial intelligence (AI), one of the main fields of computer science, has spread to many
industries, including manufacturing, education, healthcare, agriculture, and finance. This is
because AI is intended to address issues that humans are not very good at resolving.

Relevance of AI
in Agriculture:
ӆ Weather predictions, monitoring agricultural sustainability, and identifying diseases, pests
and undernourished plants are done by artificial intelligence-enabled systems with the help
of satellites and drones, as well as data such as temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and
sun radiation.

ӆ Farmers who have Wi-Fi connectivity can use AI apps to get a continually tailored plan for
their farms, they can also benefit from a constant AI-based support system. By utilizing
data from IoT and AI-driven technologies, farmers will be able to meet the increased
demand for food in a responsible manner without depleting priceless natural resources.
There are several variables associated with climate, including heat, precipitation, wind, and
solar radiation.


Advantages of AI in
Horticultural Sector
ӆ Aside from enhancing production, adjustments utilizing automated machine
harvesting, and selling essential crops adjustments to forecast the weather,
with AI, AI also checks for defective crops identify diseases and pests, improve crop
and enhances agro-based businesses' management practices, resolve climate-
efficiency. related challenges faced by farmers, pest
infestations and weed infestations that
ӆ It also strengthens agro-based reduce yield, and it would not eliminate
businesses' ability to operate more jobs for farmers; instead, it will make
efficiently through automated machine their processes more efficient.


Indian Government and ICAR
Initiatives on AI and Job
1. The Indian government is working climate data of 30 years. Through this app,
persistently to make a strong growth farmers get to know information about
ecosystem that ensures a fit development the sowing time even in their regional
of AI in India and its applications in languages like Kannada and Telugu.
several sectors. Some of the ambitious 5. Government of Andhra Pradesh has
initiatives are given as established a pilot study, known as
2. NITI Aayog and IBM (International HARITA PRIYA (precision Technology
Business Machines Corporation) for Agriculture) to admit cutting-edge
have contracted together for precision sensor based technologies for real time
agriculture using AI technology. They are accession of the micro-climate data of
evolving prediction models with inbuilt the farmer’s field. The key institutions
AI to provide real-time consulting to the that are involved in this study are- Centre
farmers. This includes data for improving for Develoment of Advanced Computing
crop productivity, soil yield, regulation (C-DAC), Hyderabad, Central Institute
of agricultural inputs, accurate weather for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA),
forecasts, and early warning systems International Crop Research Institute for
to prevent pest/disease outbreaks. This Semi- Arid Tropics and ANGRAU.
pilot project is being accomplished in
ten aspirational districts of the states
like Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and
Uttar Pradesh.
3. Another collaboration has been
done between Microsoft and United
Phosphorus Limited (UPL), one of the
largest producers of agrochemicals, in
developing the Pest Risk Prediction App,
which relies on AI and machine learning
to stipulate the pest attack incidence
that is presently used in states like
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana,
Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh.
4. Microsoft has also partnered with
ICRISAT, under the Bhoochetna Project,
and developed an AI-based Sowing
app that utilizes machine learning and
business intelligence. It has been used
in Andhra Pradesh to calculate the crop
sowing period by analyzing the historic


ICAR Initiatives-
Established a Model Using AgriDaksh, an ontology based expert system
Machine Learning/ Soft Computing tool has been developed by ICAR- IASRI for
Techniques- the crops like Maize, Rapeseed- Mustard,
ICAR in collaboration with IASRI has come up Tobacco and other Solanaceous crops. ICAR-
with various techniques like artificial neural IRRI has established rice expert system for
networks (ANN), Genetic algorithms, Fuzzy the regulation of insects- pests and diseases
systems, Support vector machines (SVM), in rice crop.
and Rough sets etc. The neural networks uses
weather parameters and forecasts a data for Use of AI in Bioinformatics-
rice yield. The database and prediction server that
utilizes the genome/proteome sequences
IoT, Expert Systems and Knowledge using machine leraning algorithm has
been developed by Centre for Agriculture
Management- Bioinformatics (CAbin) at ICAR- IASRI, New
ICAR- CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram has
Delhi. The various SSR developed includes-
come up together to develop an electronic
BuffSat for Buffalo, PipeMicroDB for Pigeon
crop (E-crop) solution based on IoT.
pea, TomSatDB for tomato, SBMDB for
Along with this, they have also developed
Sugarbeet etc.
Sree Visakham Cassava Expert System.


AI Startups in India-
Startups using artificial intelligence (AI) ӆ RML AgTech: RML AgTech offers
to solve regionally specific agricultural farm management and precision
problems have becoming more prevalent in agricultural solutions powered by AI.
India. Here are a few prominent Indian AI Their platform uses AI algorithms to
agriculture startups: deliver farmers and agribusinesses
ӆ AgNext: AgNext creates AI-driven individualized advice. Services including
products for agricultural traceability weather forecasting, crop advise, and soil
and quality evaluation. Their technology testing are available.
helps farmers and food processors ӆ Fasal: Fasal provides farmers with
maintain the quality and safety of their an AI-powered platform for crop
products through assessing the quality monitoring and advice. Their technology
of agricultural commodities including helps farmers make data-driven decisions
grains, fruits, and vegetables using and maximize yields by providing real-
spectroscopic and machine learning. time insights into crop health, water
ӆ AgriBazaar: AgriBazaar is an AI- stress, and pest infestations using sensors
powered agricultural marketplace and weather data.
that links farmers with agricultural
commodities buyers and sellers. Their
platform helps farmers access better
markets and pricing for their goods by
facilitating transparent and efficient
trading via the use of data analytics and
machine learning.
ӆ CropIn: CropIn offers a digital
farming platform powered by AI and
data analytics. Their platform provides
farmers with insights into crop planning,
monitoring, and management, using
satellite imagery, weather data, and field-
level observations. CropIn's technology
helps farmers optimize resource usage
and improve productivity.

AI has been regarded as one of the most feasible solution to those problems and has been
developed and improved for years by scientists worldwide prospect in this field. Agriculture is
undergoing an evolution because of the use of AI. It is enabling more intelligent and effective
farming techniques, which are crucial for tackling the issues of the 21st century.


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