E - Rev.8 - 2023 - e

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Transport Department

Application for an Examination of a Motor Vehicle, Trailer or Semi-Trailer

申請人姓名 聯絡電話號碼
Name of Applicant: Telephone No.:

登記號碼 類別及類型
Registration Mark: Class & Model:

車身底盤號碼或編號 廠名
Chassis or Serial No.: Make:

(A) 如申請每年檢驗,必須填報汽車行車證之屆滿日期。
If the application is for an annual examination, please give expiry date of licence

(B) 此車輛最早之檢驗日期,必須在有效行車證屆滿前四個月內選擇,作為領牌之用。
For the purpose of re-licensing, the appointment date chosen and booked should be within four months of the date of
licence expiry.

Please state below when you want the vehicle to be examined. Two choices should always be stated. You will be allocated an
appointment as near to your choice as possible.

第一選擇 上午/下午 第二選擇 上午/下午

1st Choice a.m./p.m 2nd Choice a.m./p.m.
日期 (date) 日 期 (date)



VE 19 (Rev. 99)
Transport Department Notice

Statement of Purpose of “VE 19”

4. Purpose of Collection

The personal data provided by means of the “VE 19” Form will be used by Transport
Department for the following purposes:
a) facilitating communication between Transport Department and yourself;
b) activities relating to processing of your application in this form;
c) serving as an agreement for processing of your application in this form.

5. Access to Personal Data

You have a right of access and correction with respect to your personal data as provided
for in sections 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Your
right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of your personal data provided by this form.

6. Enquiries

Enquiries concerning your personal data collected by means of this form, including the
making of access and corrections, should be addressed to one of the following Centres where your
application is submitted.

a. Transport Department Vehicle Examination Complex,

1/F, Transport Department Vehicle Examiantion Complex,
18 Sai Tso Wan Toad, Tsing Yi, New Territories.
(Attn.: Senior Motor Vehicle Examiner) Tel: 3961 0309

b. Transport Department Vehicle Examination Complex,

2/F, Transport Department Vehicle Examiantion Complex,
18 Sai Tso Wan Toad, Tsing Yi, New Territories. Tel: 3961 0323
(Attn.: Senior Motor Vehicle Examiner)

c. Sheung Kwai Chung Vehicle Examination Centre

302, Wo Yi Hop Road, Sheung Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong. Tel: 2424 5215
(Attn.: Motor Vehicle Examiner I)

Vehicle Safety and Standards Division

Transport Department
Jan 2022

NOT_VE19.doc (Jan 22)

附表 Schedule
特 殊 車 輛 登 記 號 碼 (不得轉讓) Special Vehicle Registration Marks (Not transferable)
z 僅由 1 至 4 個數目字組成的登記號碼 (不得以「0」開始);或
A registration mark consisting only of 1 to 4 numerals not starting with ‘0’; or
z 兩個前綴英文字母及尾隨下列第 1 至 14 項的數字組成的登記號碼:
A registration mark consisting of two letters as prefix, followed by a number listed in items 1 to 14 below:
項目 由兩個前綴英文字母及尾隨下列數字可組成一個特殊登記號碼
Item A two-letter prefix following by any of the following numbers will form a special registration mark
1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
2 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99.
3 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999.
4 1111, 2222, 3333, 4444, 5555, 6666, 7777, 8888, 9999.
5 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90.
6 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900.
7 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000.
8 123, 234, 345, 456, 567, 678, 789.
9 1234, 2345, 3456, 4567, 5678, 6789.
10 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89,
91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98.
11 1100, 1122, 1133, 1144, 1155, 1166, 1177, 1188, 1199, 2200, 2211, 2233, 2244, 2255, 2266, 2277, 2288, 2299, 3300,
3311, 3322, 3344, 3355, 3366, 3377, 3388, 3399, 4400, 4411, 4422, 4433, 4455, 4466, 4477, 4488, 4499, 5500, 5511,
5522, 5533, 5544, 5566, 5577, 5588, 5599, 6600, 6611, 6622, 6633, 6644, 6655, 6677, 6688, 6699, 7700, 7711, 7722,
7733, 7744, 7755, 7766, 7788, 7799, 8800, 8811, 8822, 8833, 8844, 8855, 8866, 8877, 8899, 9900, 9911, 9922, 9933,
9944, 9955, 9966, 9977, 9988.
12 1001, 1221, 1331, 1441, 1551, 1661, 1771, 1881, 1991, 2002, 2112, 2332, 2442, 2552, 2662, 2772, 2882, 2992, 3003,
3113, 3223, 3443, 3553, 3663, 3773, 3883, 3993, 4004, 4114, 4224, 4334, 4554, 4664, 4774, 4884, 4994, 5005, 5115,
5225, 5335, 5445, 5665, 5775, 5885, 5995, 6006, 6116, 6226, 6336, 6446, 6556, 6776, 6886, 6996, 7007, 7117, 7227,
7337, 7447, 7557, 7667, 7887, 7997, 8008, 8118, 8228, 8338, 8448, 8558, 8668, 8778, 8998, 9009, 9119, 9229, 9339,
9449, 9559, 9669, 9779, 9889.
13 101, 121, 131, 141, 151, 161, 171, 181, 191, 202, 212, 232, 242, 252, 262, 272, 282, 292, 303, 313, 323, 343, 353, 363,
373, 383, 393, 404, 414, 424, 434, 454, 464, 474, 484, 494, 505, 515, 525, 535, 545, 565, 575, 585, 595, 606, 616, 626,
636, 646, 656, 676, 686, 696, 707, 717, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, 787, 797, 808, 818, 828, 838, 848, 858, 868, 878, 898,
909, 919, 929, 939, 949, 959, 969, 979, 989.
14 1010, 1212, 1313, 1414, 1515, 1616, 1717, 1818, 1919, 2020, 2121, 2323, 2424, 2525, 2626, 2727, 2828, 2929, 3030,
3131, 3232, 3434, 3535, 3636, 3737, 3838, 3939, 4040, 4141, 4242, 4343, 4545, 4646, 4747, 4848, 4949, 5050, 5151,
5252, 5353, 5454, 5656, 5757, 5858, 5959, 6060, 6161, 6262, 6363, 6464, 6565, 6767, 6868, 6969, 7070, 7171, 7272,
7373, 7474, 7575, 7676, 7878, 7979, 8080, 8181, 8282, 8383, 8484, 8585, 8686, 8787, 8989, 9090, 9191, 9292, 9393,
9494, 9595, 9696, 9797, 9898.
TD 585 (Rev. 8/2023) 第四 頁 Page 4
(1) 此申請表只適用於申請預留下列車輛登記號碼以待拍賣:
This application form is only applicable for applying to reserve the following vehicle registration mark:
(i) 特殊車輛登記號碼 A Special Vehicle Registration Mark
z 僅由 1 至 4 個數目字組成的登記號碼 (不得以「0」開始),或
兩個前綴英文字母及尾隨載於附表的數字組成的登記號碼。(注意:可使用的前綴包括「HK」 、 「XX」及由「AA」 、「AB」 、「AC」等至最近可以預
留的前綴,但不包括「AM」、 「LC」 、「ZG」及含有英文字母「I」、 「O」及/或「Q」的前綴。)
A registration mark consisting only of 1 to 4 numerals (not starting with ‘0’), or
a registration mark consisting of two letters as prefix, followed by a number listed in the attached schedule. (Note: Prefixes that can be used include ‘HK’,
‘XX’, and prefixes from ‘AA’, ‘AB’, ‘AC’ and so on up to the last available prefix for reservation, but exclude ‘AM’, ‘LC’, ‘ZG’ and prefixes consisting
letter ‘I’, ‘O’ and/or ‘Q’.)
z 請注意,所有特殊車輛登記號碼均不得轉讓。當以特殊車輛登記號碼登記的車輛過戶時,本署會取消該特殊車輛登記號碼的分配。
Please note that all special vehicle registration marks are non-transferable. Where the ownership in a motor vehicle registered with a special vehicle
registration mark is transferred, the allocation of the special vehicle registration mark shall be cancelled.
(ii) 以「HK」或「XX」為前綴的普通車輛登記號碼 An Ordinary Vehicle Registration Mark with a prefix ‘HK’/‘XX’
z 由「HK」或「XX」作為前綴及尾隨最多 4 個位的數字 (不包括附表所列的數字) 組成的登記號碼。
A registration mark consisting of ‘HK’ or ‘XX’ as a prefix, followed by a number of not more than 4 digits (not being a number listed in the attached
z 可以透過車輛過戶手續轉讓。 It is transferable through transfer of the ownership of vehicle bearing the registration mark.
(2) 申請人必須在申請當日年滿 18 歲。 Applicant must be aged 18 or above on the date of application.
(3) 申請上述車輛登記號碼以待拍賣無須繳付按金。 No deposit is required to reserve the above types of vehicle registration mark.
(4) 在確定申請的車輛登記號碼可供預留以待拍賣後,運輸署會接納該申請,並向申請人發出申請確認通知書。在拍賣預留的登記號碼前,本署會以掛號郵
Transport Department will accept the application and send a letter of acknowledgement to the applicant if it is confirmed that the vehicle registration mark applied
can be reserved for auction. Before the auction of the registration mark reserved, applicant will be informed of the auction date and other details by registered mail
to the correspondence address entered in the application form. Applicant may also watch out the list(s) of registration marks put up for auction in the Transport
Department website. Applicant should attend the auction and take note of the opening price as announced by the auctioneer in deciding whether to participate in the
bidding of the mark. If nobody bids for that registration mark, the auctioneer will announce withdrawal of the mark and the mark will not be allocated to the
applicant concerned.
(5) 由遞交申請預留車輛登記號碼至舉行拍賣,需時二十四個月或以上。如申請人預留多個車輛登記號碼,或預留的車輛登記號碼 (i) 不含前綴英文字母或
(ii) 由兩個前綴英文字母及尾隨單位數字組成,等候拍賣的時間會較長。
It would take twenty four months or more from the submission of application to the holding of auction. The waiting time would be longer if an applicant reserves more
than one vehicle registration mark, or the reserved vehicle registration mark is (i) a mark without letter prefix, or (ii) a mark with a two-letter prefix followed by a single-digit
(6) 關於最新預計的等候拍賣時間,請瀏覽運輸署的網站 (www.td.gov.hk),或致電查詢熱線 2804 2600。 To obtain the latest information on the estimated waiting
time for auction, please visit the website of the Transport Department (www.td.gov.hk) or call the enquiry hotline at 2804 2600.
遞交申請表時,請一併附上以下文件 (見備註):
When you submit your application, please produce the following document (see Note):
¾ 你的香港身份證 (倘若你仍未在入境事務處辦理登記手續,可附上香港以外地區簽發的護照);或
your H.K. Identity Card (or a Passport outside Hong Kong if you have not yet registered with the Registration of Persons Office, Immigration Department); or
¾ 公司註冊證 (如申請人為有限公司),商業登記證不會被接納。
the Certificate of Incorporation (in the case of a limited company.) Business Registration Certificate will not be accepted.
Note: Photocopy of the identity document may be accepted and will be destroyed after the processing of your application.)
I hereby apply to reserve the vehicle registration mark in Part A for auction subject to confirmation of its availability for auction by the Transport Department. I have
read and understood the above conditions and important notes, and I agree to abide by them.
申請人簽署 日期
Signature of Applicant Date
(如申請人是有限公司,請由獲授權的人簽署,並加蓋公司印章。 If the applicant is a limited company, please sign by authorized person and stamp company’s chop.)
申請表可以郵寄或傳真至: Application form can be submitted by post or fax to:
運輸署車輛登記號碼分組 Vehicle Registration Marks Unit, Transport Department
九龍油麻地海庭道 11 號西九龍政府合署南座 12 樓 12/F, South Tower, West Kowloon Government Offices, 11 Hoi Ting Road, Ya Ma Tei, Kowloon
傳真:3101 5532 Fax: 3101 5532
若郵件郵資不足,香港郵政會收取欠資及相關費用。本署不會 Underpaid mail items are subject to surcharge by Hongkong Post. This department will not accept
接收郵資不足的信件,有關郵件將由香港郵政處理。為確保本 underpaid mail items, which will be handled by Hongkong Post. To ensure mail items be duly
署能妥收郵件,及免卻不必要的派遞延誤(例如,退回寄件人), received by the department, and to avoid unnecessary delivery delay (e.g. return to sender), please
請切記投寄郵件前貼上足夠郵資。 pay sufficient postage before posting mail items to this department.
如有查詢,請致電查詢熱線 2804 2600。 For enquiries, please call the Enquiry Hotline at 2804 2600.
TD 585 (Rev. 8/2023) 第二 頁 Page 2
申請普通車輛登記號碼 (非以「HK」或「XX」為前綴) 或自訂車輛登記號碼
z 普通車輛登記號碼 (非以「HK」或「XX」為前綴) 以待拍賣,請親身或以郵寄方式將填妥的申請表 (TD 283) (連同身份證明文件) 及按金港幣 1,000 元交
予運輸署香港牌照事務處 (地址:香港金鐘道 95 號統一中心 3 樓),或透過香港政府一站通 (http://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/transport/vehicle/regmarks.htm) 的
 自訂車輛登記號碼,請於接受申請期間將填妥的申請表 (TD 569) 交予運輸署車輛登記號碼分組 (地址:九龍油麻地海庭道 11 號西九龍政府合署南座 12 樓) ,
或透過香港政府一站通 (http://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/transport/vehicle/ospvrm.htm) 的網上服務遞交申請。在遞交申請前,你可透過上述網上服務,查核擬
有關詳情,請瀏覽運輸署網站 (www.td.gov.hk) 或致電查詢熱線 2804 2600 查詢。
The captioned types of vehicle registration marks may also be obtained via auction. If you want to reserve–
z an ordinary vehicle registration mark (with a prefix other than ‘HK’/ ‘XX’) for auction, please submit the completed application form (TD 283) enclosed with the
identity document and a deposit of HK$1,000 in person or by post to the Hong Kong Licensing Office (Address: 3/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong) or
you may submit an online-application through GovHK (http://www.gov.hk/en/residents/transport/vehicle/regmarks.htm).
z a personalized vehicle registration mark, please submit the completed application form (TD 569) to the Vehicle Registration Marks Unit of Transport Department
(Address: 12/F, South Tower, West Kowloon Government Offices, 11 Hoi Ting Road, Ya Ma Tei, Kowloon) or you may submit an online-application through GovHK
(http://www.gov.hk/en/residents/transport/vehicle/ospvrm.htm) within the application period. Before submitting application, you may check the proposed
personalized vehicle registration mark against the basic combination requirements through the above online service.
For details, please visit the website of Transport Department (www.td.gov.hk) or call the enquiry hotline at 2804 2600.


(1) 運輸署牌照事務處 Transport Department Licensing Offices
(2) 1823 電話中心提供的圖文傳真服務 Fax-on-demand Service in the 1823 Call Centre
(3) 運輸署互聯網站 Transport Department Internet website (www.td.gov.hk)
(4) 民政事務處諮詢服務中心 Home Affairs Department Public Enquiry Service Centers
(5) 郵政局 Post Offices


1. 運輸署會使用透過本表格所獲得的個人資料作下列用途:
(a) 辦理有關審批你在本表格中所提出的申請的事務;
(b) 辦理有關交通及運輸的事務;及
(c) 方便運輸署與你聯絡。
2. 你必須提供本表格所要求的個人資料。假如你未能提供所需資料,你的申請可能不獲接納。
3. 你透過本表格所提供的個人資料會向其他政府部門、決策局及有關機構,以作上述第 1 段所列的用途。
4. 根據個人資料 (私隱) 條例第 18 及 22 條及附表 1 第 6 條,你有權索閱及修正你的個人資料。你的索閱權包括獲取本表格所提供的個人資料副本一份。
5. 有關透過本表格收集的個人資料的查詢,包括索閱及修正資料,應寄往香港金鐘道 95 號統一中心 3 樓運輸署牌照事務組行政主任/首次登記稅收啟。
Purposes of Collection
1. The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by Transport Department for the following purposes:
(a) activities relating to the processing of your application in this form;
(b) activities relating to traffic and transport matters; and
(c) facilitating communication between Transport Department and yourself.
2. It is obligatory for you to supply the personal data as required by this form. If you fail to supply the required data, your application may be refused.
Classes of Transferees
3. The personal data you provided by means of this form may be disclosed to other Government departments, bureaux and relevant organizations for the purposes
mentioned in paragraph 1 above.
Access to Personal Data
4. You have a right of access and correction with respect to personal data as provided for in sections 18 and 22 and principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data
(Privacy) Ordinance. Your right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of your personal data provided by this form.
5. Enquiries concerning the personal data collected by means of this form, including the making of access and corrections, should be addressed to the Licensing Section,
Transport Department, 3/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong (Attn.: Executive Officer/FRT).

TD 585 (Rev. 8/2023) 第三 頁 Page 3



1. 收集目的


a) 方便運輸署與申請人互相聯繫;

b) 辦理與申請人在表格內提出的申請有關的事務;及

c) 充當辦理申請人在本表格內提出的申請的協議。

2. 索閱個人資料

根據個人資料﹝私隱﹞條例第 18 及 22 條與附表 1 第 6 條原則,你有權索閱及修改你的個


3. 查詢


a. 運輸署車輛檢驗綜合大樓
( 經辦人:高級車輛檢驗主任 ) 電話:3961 0309

b. 運輸署車輛檢驗綜合大樓
( 經辦人:高級車輛檢驗主任 ) 電話:3961 0323

c. 上葵涌驗車中心
新界上葵涌和宜合道 302 號
( 經辦人:一級車輛檢驗主任 ) 電話:2424 5215

2022 年 1月
情,並留意由 2022年9月26日起生效的新郵費結構]

Important Notice

Mail items with insufficient postage

Underpaid mail items are subject to surcharge by Hongkong Post. This department will not
accept underpaid mail items, which will be returned to the sender (with return address)
or disposed of (without return address) by the Hongkong Post. For proper delivery of
your mail items to the department, and to avoid unnecessary delivery delay or
unsuccessful delivery, please ensure your mail items bear sufficient postage with return
address before posting. [Please note details about postage and pay attention to the new
postage effective from 26 September 2022]
預 留 特 殊 車 輛 登 記 號 碼 或 以 「 HK」 或 「 X X」 為 前 綴 的 普 通 車 輛 登 記 號 碼 以 待 拍 賣 申 請 表

(此申請表不適用於非以「HK」或「XX」為前綴的普通車輛登記號碼及自訂車輛登記號碼。 This application form is not applicable for an ordinary vehicle registration
mark with a prefix other than ‘HK’/‘XX’ and a personalized vehicle registration mark.)
請閱讀背頁的資料,並以正楷填寫各項資料。 Please read the notes overleaf and complete all items in BLOCK LETTERS.


Transaction No. Date of Receipt Auction Date

甲部 PART A 申請預留的特殊車輛登記號碼或以「HK」或「XX」為前綴的普通車輛登記號碼以待拍賣


姓名/公司名稱 NAME (請按照身份證明文件上顯示的中/英文姓名填寫。 Please fill in the information according to the Chinese/English name shown in ID document.)
* 先生
夫人 Mr.
小姐 Miss
女士 Ms.
有限公司 Ltd. Co.
英文姓名/公司名稱 (姓氏先行,名字隨後) In English––Surname first, then Other Names 中文姓名/公司名稱 In Chinese

* Identity Card/Passport/Limited Company Certificate of Incorporation No. ( )
通訊地址 CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS (為方便資料輸入,請盡量用英文填寫地址。 For ease of data input, please complete the address in English as far as possible.)


室 Flat/Room 樓 Floor 座 Block

大廈/屋苑名稱 Name of Building/Estate

門牌號數及街道 (或鄉村) 名稱 Number and Name of Street (or Village)

† F 香港 Hong Kong F 九龍 Kowloon F 新界 New Territories

地區 District
傳真號碼 (選擇性填寫)
聯絡人 CONTACT PERSON: FAX NO. ( Optional ) :

日間聯絡電話 (必須填寫) (宜提供可收取短訊的本地流動電話號碼)

DAY TIME CONTACT TEL. NO. (Mandatory)(Local SMS-enabled mobile phone no. is preferred):

電郵地址 (必須填寫)
EMAIL ADDRESS (Mandatory):

有有關 車輛登記號碼以 申請的信件,會 照申請 在申請表填 的地址寄 。如申請 要更改 地址或 ,可將填妥的申請表
表TD 640 郵寄或傳真至運輸署車輛登記號碼分組 (地址:九龍油麻地海庭道11號西九龍政府合署南座12樓 / 傳真號碼:3101 5532)。
All the correspondences concerning the application for reserving a registration mark for auction will be sent to the contact address as indicated on the application
form. If you would like to change the correspondence address or other contact details, please submit the completed application form (TD 640) by post or by fax to
the Vehicle Registration Marks Unit of Transport Department (Address: 12/F, South Tower, West Kowloon Government Offices, 11 Hoi Ting Road, Yau Ma Tei,
Kowloon/ Fax no: 3101 5532).

*請將不適用的刪去。Delete whichever is inapplicable. 請翻後頁細閱須知事項及簽署。

†請在適當的方格內加上  號。Plese  the appropriate box.
Please turn over to read the important notes and sign.
TD 585 (Rev. 8/2023) 第一頁 Page 1
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