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NO. PSC/EXAM (S.S)/2023/ 32...?


. DATED: 05.08.2023
Slndh Public Service Commission conducted Pre-Interview written test for the post
of Town Officer (BPS-16) In Local Government Department, Government of Sindh ln the month of
May, 2023, Toe candidates whose Roll Nos. are given belo\v have qualified the written test.


• 100054, 100255, 101003, 101017, 101221, 101274, 101316, 101447, 101481, 101598, 101691,
101860, 101868, 101971, 102044, 102309, 102441, 102685, 102747, 102785, 103269, 103287,
103562, 103621, 103642, 103783, 10'1077, 104226, 104280, 104297, 104317, 104584, 104621,
104734, 104806, 104877, 1os3·a1, 1os41a, 1os614, 1os625, 105935, 105962, 105997, 106154,
• 106260, 106265, 106357, 106412, 106476, 106516, 106813, 106825, 106848, 106850, 107197,
107254, 107278, 107372, 107690, 107767, 107799, 107850, 107859, 107866, 107870, 107873,
107901, 107911, 107915, 107932, 107937, 107943, 107947, 107956, 108020, 108041, 10809 7,
108125, 108249, 108304, 108311, 108364, 108428, 108474, 108483, 108516, 108518, 108536,
108566, 108570, 108578, 108587, 108600, 108672, 108719, 108746, 108860, 108868, 108871,
108926, 108939, 108967, 109046, 109064, 109071, 109077, 109097, 109180, 109218, 109223,
109251, 109285, 109295, 109322, 109410, 109414, 109435, 109483, 109517, 109548, 109599,

109632, 109637, 10�643, 109652, 109685, 109775, 109835, 109836, 109845, 109863, 109865,
109885, 109894, 109902, 109907, 109911, 109958, 10�970, 110002, 110019, 110045, 110067,
110086, 110092, 110101, 110107, 110150, 110172, 110188, 110189, 110198, 110222, 110286,
110295, 110338, 110339, 110373, 110t128, 110441, 110457, 110462, 110510, 110512, 110520,
110531, 110533, 110559, 110629, 110637, 110705, 110707, 110709, 110738, 110758, 110774,
110851, 110863, 110866, 110880, 110910, 110918, 110952, 110963, 110989, 111002, 111034,
111038, 111056, 111076, 111079, 111094, 111095, 111126, 111165, 111167, 111168, 111197,
111198, 111233, 111262, 111289, 111308, 111312, 111316, 111325, 111326, 111330, 111334,
1. 11347, 111365, 111375, 111395, 111398, 111399, 111402, 111404, 111419, 111429, 111436,
111444, 111465, 111501, 111513, 111533, 111540, 111555, 111580, 111596, 111597, 111606,

111616, 111669, 111670, 111705, 111735, 111746, 111769, 111898, 111909, 111913,
111927, 111935, 111957, 111978, 111981, 111984, 111985, 111989, 112022, 112029, 112032,
112048, 112059, 112064, 112069, 112074, 112085, 112086, 112149, 112153, 112168, 112186,
112191, 112195, 112215, 112266, 112287, 112314, 112319, 112339, 112371, 112394, 112402,
112407, 112422, 112423, 112432, 112470, 112472, 112534, 112552, 112581, 112601, 112608,
112621, 112658, 112663, 112708, 112709, 112739, 112740, 112758, 112784, 112796, 112813,
112818, 112822, 112833, 112834, 112841, 112873, 11287� 112899, 112905, 112928, 112932,
112933, 112950, 112954, 112958, 112962, 112963, 112971, 112998, 113008, 113010, 113039,
113042, 113046, 113050, 113057, 113060, 113068, 113078, 113108, 113109, 113129, 113134,
113142, 113158, 113169, 113173, 113204, 113222, 113244, 113259, 113262, 113265, 113275,
113278, 113284, 113288, 113295, 113305, 113306, 113307, 113312, 113313, 113319, 113329,
113343, 113344, 113345, 113348, 113351, 113356, 113359, 113366, 113368, 113400, 113425,
113426, 113427, 113432, 113440, 113t165, 113474, 113488, 113490, 113498, 113509, 113516,
1135�6, 113561, 113563, 113565, 113569, 113570, 113572, 113576, 113593, 113594, 113601,
113608, 113613, 113618, 113655, 113668, 113679, 113690, 113695, 113696, 113706, 113714,
113739, 113741, 113772, 113781, 113786, 113799, �13805, 113834, 113837, 113849, 113855,
113899, 113935, 113937, 114046, 114056, 114062, 114118, 114120, 114189, 114197, 114230,
114241, 114248, 114263, 114272, 114322, 114331, 114361, 114365, 114368, 114371, 114385,
114405, 114'107, 114408, 114410, 114419, 114423, 114441, 114442, 114457, 114468, 114473,
114481, 114487, 114505, 114506, 114507, 114521, 114528, 114584, 11460 , 114760, 114789,
114846, 114887, 114930, 115031, 115075, 115292, 115313, 115381, 1154 , 115684, 115698,

• •
• •

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205061, 205198, 205523, 205589, 205627, 205781, 205871, 206294, 206325, 206506, 206997,
207302 & 207341.


208047, 208052, 208072, 208117, 208132, 208156, 208158, 208230, 208241, 208248, 20825�
208270, 208316, 208349, 208389, 208428, 208701, 208702, 208755, 208859, 208901, 208903,
208904, 209012, 209037, 209062, 209063, 209080, 209122, 209140, 209185, 209220, 209236,
209264, 209288, 209302, 209307, 209624, 209653, 209656, 209668, 209670, 209675, 209685,
209722 & 209737.

1. The Commission reserves the right to modify / correct the result at any stage jf any error
Is detected later on.
2. Toe result is available on official website of Sindh Public Service Commission I.e.,ok
3. Air the qualified candidates are directed to send attested copies of below mentioned
documents to the Assistant Director (Recruitment-II) within Seven Days and
bring original documents on the date of interview.

• 1. Online Application Fonn (with Applicant's Signature);
2. Three Attested Photographs (Attested on Back Side);
3. C.N.I.C (Attested copy);
• 4. OrjgJnal Bank Challan of Rs. 500/- or Rs. 1000/- duly paid within dosing date of
s. Matric Pacca Certificate Showing the Date of BJrth (Attested copy);
6. Intermediate Pass Certificate from Board (Attested copy);
7. Graduation Pass certificate from recognized University (Attested copy);
8. Masters Degree Certificate required for the said Post (Attested copy);
9. AU Marks Certificate (Attested copy);
• 10. No Objection Certificate (N.O.C) Required Original (For Already in Government Service);
11. Domicile, P.R.C on Form "D" (Attested copy);
12. Two Character Certificates:-
a. Last Institute/ College/ University Character Certificate (Attested copy);
b. One Character Certificate from Government officer not the Below (BPS-17)
(Origfnal required);
13. Valid Regfstration certificate from PMDC, PEC or SBC/PBC before the closing date of
Advertisement in case of Doctors / Dentists, Engineers, laYJYers or Staff Nurse
respectively (Attested copy);
14. Other document If required or any Experience requlred as mention in Advertisement
(Attested copy);
15. Any other necessary document coufd be required at the time of scrutiny.



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