Robotic Fire Fighting Vehicle With GSM SMS and Call Alert: © JAN 2024 - IRE Journals - Volume 7 Issue 7 - ISSN: 2456-8880
Robotic Fire Fighting Vehicle With GSM SMS and Call Alert: © JAN 2024 - IRE Journals - Volume 7 Issue 7 - ISSN: 2456-8880
Robotic Fire Fighting Vehicle With GSM SMS and Call Alert: © JAN 2024 - IRE Journals - Volume 7 Issue 7 - ISSN: 2456-8880
Abstract- The increased number of fire accidents Technology is rapidly growing and affecting almost
recorded worldwide has led to an increased every aspect of our lives. In situations of fire
demand for systems and methods to help reduce incidents, we need a technology that will help us
this increase and ensure that lives and properties detect this fire at its early stage, extinguish this fire
are protected from the dangers of fire incidents. An without human interference, and also send an SMS
essential consideration in this regard is the ability and call alert to the property owners notifying them
to detect and extinguish fire incidents at early of any fire incident to reduce the number of
stages to prevent further damages and reduce casualties and lives lost during fire accidents. This is
fatalities; this has led to the increased use of the motivation for this project.
technology in firefighting incidents for fire
detection, fire alarms, and fire extinguishers. This A. Problem Statement
project is aimed at the design and implementation The level of damage caused by fire accidents in
of a robotic fire fighting vehicle that will homes, offices, laboratories, factories, etc., demands
automatically detect the presence of fire at a that more ways of securing these facilities from fire
distance of at most 63cm in front of it and 50 cm incidents and outbreaks be developed. Placing
behind it, automatically navigate to where the fire humans in charge of detecting and monitoring
is, and extinguish the fire using a water pump buildings for fire incidents is not reliable enough.
system without human interference and while These humans may be unable to detect small levels
extinguishing the fire, it will send an SMS within of fire in specific locations at all times, especially at
10 seconds of activating the pump and a call alert night when they are sleeping or when office
within 20 seconds of starting the pump to the owner buildings are closed for the day. Research carried
of the property where it is deployed. out on fire outbreaks in Nigeria: a case study of
Lagos state shows minimal fire management
Indexed Terms: Fire-Fighting, Robotics, IoT, capacity in many public buildings. Most buildings
GSM that experience fire outbreaks do not have
smoke/fire detectors or mechanisms to detect fire at
I. INTRODUCTION its early stage [2]. Detecting any fire incident at its
early stage is vital in fighting and reducing the
Technology today is fast evolving and has led to the damages caused by fire outbreaks; not only is early
automation of many processes and tasks to make life detection vital, but being able to put out a fire at this
easier and safer for humans. In today's world, stage is key to reducing or eliminating the potential
machines, otherwise known as robots, are being damages. This project is being built with these two
used to perform specific tasks that may be dangerous vital points in mind to provide a solution to the
or difficult for humans to carry out efficiently [1]. increasing number of fire disasters and damages
As the days go by, there is an increase in the number caused by late detection and extinguishment of fire
of tasks being performed by robots, making robotics at its early stage.
one of the fastest-growing aspects of technology
today. The rate at which the number of fire accidents B. Aim of the Project
in residential buildings, offices, laboratories, and This project is aimed at the design and
workshops is increasing is alarming. This is largely implementation of a robotic fire-fighting vehicle that
due to the increased number of electrical gadgets has an embedded GSM SMS and call alert system
whose failures can trigger a fire outbreak, flammable with the following objectives;
solids and liquids in laboratories, workshops, and
even residential buildings, electrical hazards, etc.
1) To program an Arduino to enable communication detecting fire, the robot moves to the fire and
between sensor modules and interconnected digital attempts to extinguish it using a 5V pump placed in
components. a container with water on the top of the vehicle. In
2) To design and construct a robotic vehicle with this project, only one flame sensor module and one
flame detection abilities to detect fire within its gas sensor module were placed on the robot, limiting
vicinity and navigate automatically to where the the robot's ability to detect fire from multiple
flame is to extinguish the fire. directions.
3) To implement a GSM SMS and Call alert system
to notify home and office owners of fire detected by In another similar work, Ihsan A. Taha, and Hamzah
the robotic fire fighting vehicle. M. Marhoon designed and implemented a controlled
robot for fire detection and extinguishing in closed
C. Scope of the Project areas using an Arduino [4]. In this project, a four-
This project is confined to the following scopes; wheel car as a remote-controlled robot was
1) The robotic vehicle will be able to detect fire developed. The robot first establishes a wireless
within a distance of 0-50cm in front and behind it. connection through Bluetooth with an Android
2) The robotic vehicle will be able to automatically application that can be used to send motion
navigate to the detected fire, stop at a distance of commands to the robot. The robot has a camera
about 5cm from the fire, and attempt to extinguish placed on it to enable the user to monitor the robot’s
the fire using a built-in water pump system. In cases surroundings for fire, after which the user sends
where the vehicle is too close to the fire, the robotic commands using the Android application for the
vehicle should be able to move back, creating a robot to move and extinguish the fire. The water
distance of about 5cm between itself and the fire. pump does not work automatically; it has to be
3) Upon reaching where the fire is, the robotic commanded to do so by sending commands from the
vehicle should be able to send an SMS and call alert Android application to the robot. This project uses
within 10 seconds and 20 seconds, respectively, only one flame sensor and camera, meaning the user
after the fire extinguishing mechanism has been can only monitor fire directly in front of the robot
activated. and not in other directions. The robot still requires
human intervention in monitoring and extinguishing
II. LITERATURE REVIEW fire, which means it cannot detect and extinguish the
fire on its own except it is told to do so using
Over the past years’ robots have been designed and commands from an Android application.
constructed with the ability to extinguish fire; some
of the robots are fully autonomous and can detect In another similar work, a fire-fighting robot using
and extinguish a fire on their own without any master-slave architecture was developed by
human interference in the process, while some of the Reeshma shaundra G, Belfin R.V, and Immanuel
robots developed for firefighting are not fully Alex Pandian S [5]. When fire is detected, the robot
autonomous as they still require the presence of starts to move towards the fire, and its movement
humans to control the robots either using a remote changes according to the direction of the fire as
control or their mobile phones, despite these measured by IR sensors embedded on it. In this
advancements and the involvement of robotics in master-slave approach, a master robot is
firefighting, in underdeveloped regions that are accompanied by a group of slave robots to make the
prone to fire accidents, the use of robotics for process easier and faster. The master and slave
firefighting can be said to be almost non-existent this robots are connected using the concept of swarm
is largely due to how expensive it is to build most of robotics, and they both coordinate to put off the fire.
these robots and the lack of adequate technological In this model, a fan was integrated to extinguish the
resources to carry out research or develop fire; this is an unreliable method of extinguishing
indigenous models of robots for firefighting. fire and could even increase the level of the fire as
the fan can supply more oxygen to the fire, even
In a similar work, Jayarman. G, Dr. N. though the slave-master approach could resolve the
Muthukumaran, Vanaja.A, and Santhamariammal.R fire outbreaks in a shorter time, it will require more
developed a firefighting robot [3]. The robot uses a than one robot to be used at a time which will mean
fire sensor module (flame sensor) to detect fire; after more cost. In this model, no IR sensor was placed
behind the robot, which means that the robot cannot operation of the robot, and without this, the remote-
detect fire behind it. control part of the robot cannot work, which means
In another similar work, N. N. Mahzan, N. I. M this robot cannot be deployed in places without
Enzai, N. M. Zin, and K. M. Noh designed an internet access.
Arduino-based home fire alarm system with a GSM
module [6]. This robot uses an LM35 temperature In another similar work, J Jalani, D Misman, A S
sensor to detect the heat from fire, and an alert Sadun, and L C Hong, developed an automatic fire-
message will be sent to the user via a short message fighting robot with notification [8]. This fire-
service (SMS) through a GSM module. When the fighting robot was designed to search for fire in a
system detects a temperature of 40°C or more, it will small floor plan of a house, extinguish the fire, and
immediately display an alert notification on an return to the front of the house at last. When
embedded LCD and simultaneously send an SMS switched on, the robot will operate in auto mode; it
alert to the users. This project only serves as a fire will move randomly in the house, office, or any
alert system and does not have any provision in place place it is deployed. During the auto mode, if no fire
for fire extinguishing; the system uses the is detected, it will keep moving and scanning;
temperature of its surroundings as a basis for meanwhile, if a fire is detected, it will move toward
sending an SMS alert to the users. In cases where the the fire source and activate the water pump to pump
temperature of the surroundings gets to 40°C water to extinguish the fire. If the temperature of the
without the presence of fire, the system will send a fire site is above 40°C, the alarm will start ringing so
false alert to the users despite no fire being detected that the operator can control the firefighting robot to
in the building. go back and avoid damaging the vehicle. In this
model, the robot constantly turns and scans for fire;
In another similar project, a multi-sensor-based fire- this process consumes a lot of power and can lead to
fighting robot with wireless control and a visual a quick discharge of the battery power even before
system was developed by Md. Mahmudul Hasan fire is detected. There was no provision for a sensor
and, Nayeem Al-Tamzid Bhuiyan [7]. This project behind the vehicle to improve its sensitivity in
has two parts; the autonomous part and the remote- different directions, and the robot does not
control part. The autonomous part is based on an extinguish fire at 40°C as it withdraws from the fire
Arduino mega, 4 Flame sensors, 2 Ultrasonic and rings an alarm so the user can come to
sensors, Fire extinguishers, 4 Motor and wheels, and extinguish the fire themselves. Most fires occur at
2 Motor drivers. The flame sensors used were placed over 40°C, making this model ineffective in
on the robot's left, right, and middle positions so that extinguishing fire for most occasions serving only as
if the fire occurs on any of these sides, it will go a fire alarm.
closer to the fire by moving left, right, or forward.
The remote-control part of this project is based on a In another similar work, an Arduino-based fire
NodeMCU, motor and wheels, a remote-control fighter robot was developed by Sushrut Khajuria,
application (Blynk), and an IP camera. The Rakesh Johar, Varenyam Sharma, and Abhideep
NodeMCU controls the robot's wheels using the Bhatti [9]. The project consists of a user-controllable
Blynk application on a mobile phone controlled by firefighter robot with a water tank and a gun for
the user. If a command is sent from the Blynk extinguishing fire. An RF remote was attached to the
application, it will store the data on a server, and the robot for remote operation and an RF receiver-based
server sends the data to the NodeMCU through wifi, microcontroller circuit to operate the robotic vehicle
then the NodeMCU commands the motor driver to and water pump. This robot also has a wireless
move according to the given data. The autonomous camera mounted over it; this camera helps the user
mode of the robot can also be controlled (Switched control the robot to move in different directions as
on or off) using the blynk application. The IP camera required. The main limitation of this model is that it
on the robot was placed to allow users to view its does not work autonomously and still requires
surroundings as it operates so the user can know how human intervention and cannot operate in the
to control the robot. In this model, no provision was absence of the user.
made for detecting fire behind the vehicle. Since the
blynk application communicates to the robot using In another similar project, Komal N. Ambadkar,
servers, internet connectivity is required for the Vaishnavee A. Gorte, Shravasti M. Rekhate, Renuka
C. L298N Driver module implementation pins of the L298N driver module were connected to
After the L298 Driver module was connected to the the pins 2,4,7,8,5 and 6 respectively of the Arduino
Arduino UNO board, the various directions of UNO board. The direction of movement of the robot
movements for the robot were programmed. is then controlled by setting the IN1, IN2, IN3, and
Because the L298N driver module can be used to IN4 to either high or low depending on the intended
control only two motors, the left motors were direction as shown in table 3.1 below, while the
connected together, and the right motors were also speed of rotation of the motors is controlled using
connected together, this was to enable to L298N the ENA and ENB pins, in this project the speed of
driver module to control the direction of movement the motors was set to 120 rpm.
of the left and right motors of the vehicle. The left
motors were connected to the ‘OUT1’ and ‘OUT2’
pins of the L298N driver module, while the two right
motors were connected to the ‘OUT3’ and ‘OUT4’
ports of the L298N driver module. Connecting the
motors this way, allows the left motors to be
controlled using the IN1, IN2 (used to control the
spinning direction), and ENA pins of the L298N
driver module. The two right motors are then
controlled using the IN3, IN4 and ENB pins of the Table 3.1: Robot direction of movement
L298N driver module. All four motors are powered
through the L298N driver module by connecting the
12V pin of the L298N driver module to two (2)
18650 batteries.
F. Integrating the water pump system with the robot G. Implementing the GSM module
The water pump system was integrated into the robot The GSM module used for this project is the SIM
using a 5v mini submersible water pump, a water 900a GSM module, the purpose of the GSM module
pipe, and a servo motor. The servo motor was in this project is to send an SMS and a call alert to
integrated to move the nozzle of the water pipe the user whenever fire is detected in their property.
during pumping action between 0° and 120 ° in front The implementation of the GSM module was done
of the vehicle to spread the water. The servo motor using an Arduino nano board, a one-way switch, a
was programmed to always be at 90° whenever the red LED, and a 9V battery to power the Arduino
robot is turned on and then spreads the water by nano board through its Vin pin. The GSM module
moving the nozzle between 0° and 130°. The digital was powered using the two (2) 18650 batteries that
input pin of the servo motor was connected to pin 10 power the entire robot. The transmit and receive pins
of the Arduino UNO board, while the positive pin of of the GSM Module were connected to pins 9 and 10
the water pump was connected to pin 11 of the of the Arduino UNO board, and the positive pin of
Arduino UNO board. The servo motor is powered the red LED was connected to pin 4 of the Arduino
through the 5V pin of the Arduino UNO board, UNO board.
whenever the robot detects fire in any of the three
directions, it automatically moves towards the
direction of the fire detected and stops when the
analog values of the two front middle sensor
modules are below the programmed value. When it
stops, the water pump is activated and the servo
motor begins moving the water nozzle between 0°
and 130° to spread the water during water pumping
until the fire is extinguished then the pumping action
is stopped.
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