Design and Advancement of Firefighting Robot Using Direction Control Model
Design and Advancement of Firefighting Robot Using Direction Control Model
Design and Advancement of Firefighting Robot Using Direction Control Model
Abstract- A robot is an automatic machine which stress. A huge number of firefighters have been
perform based on the human behavior with flexible injured while practicing their duties. Therefore to
set of movements. This robotic application is always keep away firefighters from danger firefighting
helpful in the field of medicine, rehabilitation,
robot is introduced. Firefighting robot is used to
industries and even for rescues operations. Hence
protect human lives, animals, environment and
designing an improved automatic machine for
firefighting is quite challenging. In this paper we have
materialistic things from fire accidents [5]. The
proposed to design and develop a firefighting robot figure 1 shows the sample firefighting robot
using direction control model. This direction control
model has three stages are Obstacle identification,
Temperature Spark, and Gas sensors detection-based
models. This DC model have improved the control
and performs effectively by removing the obstacle on
the way to alternative position utilizing a robotic arm
to make the path clear.
of real time environment and finally section 5 applied. Hence the motivation of this work is to
explains the conclusion. deliver fire fighting robots to help the public by
detecting the fire and to act immediately to avoid
2. LITERATURE SURVEY heavy losses of life of human or the building or any
kind of properties. Many projects have been done
Aliff and et al. [3] have developed a
based on the tracking line application as the robot
firefighting robot for extinguishing the fire in order
has to follow the path to extinguish the fire.
to avoid the risk. Hence to avoid the obstacles on
Therefore, failure of robotic path selection happens
the way, the efficient controller is used to control
due to bad simulation and design which affects the
and remove the obstacles and to deliver the process
real time situations. Hence it is important to design
automatically. The process is programmed to sense
and develop a firefighting robot for real time
the fire and to stop at maximum distance from the
application and the above-mentioned problems
fire where a human will be operating the robot
motivated me to do research in this area.
using the monitor through a smart phone or remote
Rakib Sarkar [4] have fabricated a fire fighter
for identify and extinguish the fire. Hence the robot
is made with ‘Rashed Tree’ wood which will be A robot is an automatic machine which
having water storage size of 1L. They have used performs based on the human behavior with
Arduino controller for identifying the fire and to flexible set of movements. This robotic application
extinguish the fire. The identification of fire will is always helpful in the field of medicine,
depend on the distance of the fire with wavelength rehabilitation, industries and even for rescues
of light will be fixed as the threshold. operations. Hence designing an improved
automatic machine for firefighting is quite
Bose and et al. [6] have developed a technique
challenging. In this paper we have proposed to
to identify the gas and to extinguish the fire. This
design and develop a firefighting robot using
process was used to identify the flame and gas
direction control model. The fig. 2 shows the block
using the robot. In many manufacturing
diagram of control model of firefighting robot
organizations these kinds of robots should be
installed to avoid heavy losses. 3.1 Direction Control Model
Ali and et al. [8] have developed a This direction control model has three
firefighting robot for extinguishing the fire using stages are Obstacle identification, Temperature
water pump. In this gas sensor was used ton sense Spark, and Gas sensors detection-based models.
and later navigate the robot using monitor to reach This DC model have improved the control and
the target. Setiawan and et al. [9] have proposed an performs effectively by removing the obstacle from
approach for fire fighting robot which the path to one another position by using a robotic
automatically detect and extinguish the fire. They arm to clear the path. Hence, we have to discuss
have implemented the same process in a real time about few sensors and controlling strategies are as
environment and proved it to be best and efficient follows
controlled firefighter at trinity college.
3.2 Identification using Temperature and Gas
2.1 Problem Definition and Motivation Sensors
There has been lot of research on robotics due to One of the crucial parts for target
the advancement of robotics in different identification and avoiding the obstacle is to sense
applications. This robotic application has a greater the fire. It plays a crucial role.
number of designs and advanced technology is
Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of working process of controller and This is one of the important parts in
sensor firefighting robot as they have to pump the water
perfectly. The design of robot is made itself to
deliver the effective display during these kind of
rescue operations to save the humans life. Hence
Fig 4. Schematic Diagram of Obstacle Identification
based on the system design type of pump will be
3.3 Obstacle Identification installed such as light weight and very small size is
selected to pump water or any other liquid for
The fig.3 shows the concept of obstacle extinguishing the fire with exact voltage and
identifications. Here at first sensor sends signal to current.
the controller which sends a command to the
robotic arm to clear the way. The fig. 4 shows the 3.5 Path Controller
schematic diagram of obstacle identification.
The path control of robot will be
Hence from the above block diagram it is clear that
processed using the transmitter and remote control,
the sensors act as the eye of robot to realize the
In this
figure we In one another real time environment we
can see the have tested the proposed direction control model-
robot starts based firefighter. The fire sensing process is used
moving to
for identifying the fire. At first fire is identified at
the fire
source and the left end and using water pump fire is
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