176 Assignment-2

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Poll no 3/AAS1D4L
- 2
3ec EcE-c

what is poloizalon claiky and fplain

in photo cell's 9
Polan Bation
uoith electode potentals being Corntart, ar
case, cel potental Eutt
is asually the o cell Currnt
should be (inealy Sonmetmes this
Seen from ea, But
I as is
situation. The non- linearity
is mot the
is due mainly to polariFatom
that aises as gecuction of
which is manifested
Curent & loreaponding volteze
Thou ae fou yfes
|" Concentration olari zation
3Peacto polanizatron

chanye tanfor polad3alton



phots cell;
Bas tally , the phota celt is one Kind
senstor, whick (an be sed to chane
alue bayed on the lsht
Hs speltve
as well as &peca
in mmeu 8i2ey
seusor oill peorfeu dilto
Foch phoocett ewen it thuy
with othon modula,
the same famly. Ackualy tMe
ae foom thu
in Lhis lam be highon, ange, te Beraaue
uasons, they cannot be utd o
ight lees withis milt
dede xact
Candela otherwise lux

phebett onstruct om:

a pholo cell can be done
The censtuetion of
glas abe whichincktey
by Fuacuated
electrodey tike collector and itter.
Emitter feminal Can be
of the
The shape af
of a Semi
Semi-- hollow
hollow oylinder
in theru
Tt iS aluwayy atxang2d at a
f the colle ct omiral Can be
The sha
tal ushich can be
in the foom of ame
aanged at he as f the patialy lonmtly
Cybndial bmitl: This can be
poritive tsinal. Thu eacuated
kept at a
can be tined ovor a non- metalir
glas use
baye P;s
offeud at
6toit Connecion
on th olcurnte
phetael Can depend
uistance f the effeut of
o electr (al
photo electic. this Can be wd to chane
cohen the Emte termial i coneted
fominal g allectox tominal y
te bve) batten
Connectd % the (+e)teuinal of
he feeueny xadation wllbe mee tha
the madeiat thru shold treauncy an he
Emitte. nd tthan photo ton &miaim wl
Orrur. 7he photon elechonu ane mvolved
the diu tlon of the coll ectou. tteu he
callecfo arinal s tvà teuminal with
pufeet to% the eni tter teminal. the
thu flow f Cusret will be thee wlth
the cincit. î4 ho radiata intenit
s enhaniedi then he photo ele etric (c
will be inreasd
Asite Varioy ensy nvoved en
to a
availabibty of aitonali home
apntances sach as cleamer, ufriginatt
machin, miowawe oVeny and so

Sensos are widely used in

Magnetc enlentainmet. There are
ele cto nic st
Hall sensors M vCR Came vas, stereo
magniloenstive senys
anol tae ucorales loteecordey.
veR Come ray dnd
wsed in VR

electic Ie sesor sed in

The Py0
macrnwowe ovens Comes inn geneva,
kiTao,, pyroelectrc electut
H Coists of a
mhcon bse plate and is
iicon window The set abfeas
thswyh a
tyre t efonibii ty is
300 v/w NEP is les than Qnw,
200 - 300

wponye ime eauat abun d O25,

c to tooc and
i's -oe wite
ii con wwinew
6n a mico(PceoY. Cont e d
gnstve atta


mico- Procesor Contolled wayi

machine, wate lel is kned
ing opte principal that Gompsait
Aimis ti ke aligtt emiing die
(leo) a photociode and Ligt:
The light 8lit E moved by
he waty lewel. histype
os s al sed in
raiting chawbes fo dtection of despec of
aising whih provid en fommatiom albod
the Concentraen of uiduat deterqeut
Hore twD hueh nytemy
and he other to meau ing.
ghe the phõotoromiatta t
comared ou achteving
.(evdition the sns
sn in shemat cally sha

The PervOSK: cube :

The kemoY ued ttu spn dy-ystenn in
machine is aa PzT,
Cevaic sensuY, Ttis baxd
on the briniple that whn
daips en to tthe sufae of
the kemt voltage developed
dia the S loecomey
less with moe ming toce of
wat om it. A% he lots
PzT a discued an
àn au
bo ltage alo inoe s i n t i e n of
is a
a solid
ien chan.
pbro) and lead titaril
PbTio) -34 al belons to Pewas Kte
6tuctuus. st ple to elecic Prvpey dpe
3 ohat is stepper motor, Eplains the
full steping. heh stprng
of Vatualle ebuctance
mim stepping
molt thich relevamd diagay
A steppe alr knon as
nrol s a bsushle De elect
d'vides a fule otation ind o

motor hat
number equal sks. The molo's poht
demamded o move and hold at tn
Can be
f these stus witheut amy pOntion Sayi
Pn- loop Contoller a
long as nslt coecty ed torhe apfplca
n eseet to torgue ard
Futl -skp. his method of ste pping the
meto neI ge both phayes comtantly
acheive full otatd torquee at all poitiy
tte moto St a sleeper mota has eoo sk
one pulye eavas to theh one Mep. So Q0:

3Éo deqey of mole shart rotalin

amipolas epper mo tß dsien opese
tull step mode emer ies a king phov
A bl pola stpper mott dive emergies
both coik to nake a fullskp.
the Half- sep mooe negie
&ingle coi then lwo Cois than one agein.
betwn emergiting a ingle phoe
and both phases togtho giues the motty is
hughen eyoion 4 200 step mottr opertaing
hal stey moce Could have 4oo pomtiony wice
toewet the tonaue
the nmal eolt on. touw
will Vay detonds en the sep partion
be auye at imes a tingle phae oil be
enexgiry wihile at othes mes both phasey
unl be energited. igher md doivey
tomnfws dla by intreaing
Thus moKy up to lhe loss in lorQue
the hall ste mode veng stable.
rainy ttu
Nasuable eluttamce(e) motts

aiabla e uetance e) mots hale

plain inen oti and opesate based in
prn diple that mirimum aeluctance
e, huce
occus. with mninm 9ab, the rolt
huce the

potnts age attraeted toad the state

magust polas wshre as ybi dsyncha
are a tonbinaion he pemanent magnet
ond vaialsle seludante types, lo
pouo in a mall te.

Vp motuy have power n detent but de

not have power off detenty
The punciple of vatwalle golu ttante
gtetper mold as baxd on the propesty
lines whith capture the
law eluct ance pah. thi
stati and roto of the
algued is sah
a way that the magnetic
Heluct ance i's mlineu
There au wr typy o f L
Vasualsle eluctance
step p mo ft
4 ingle stack 2 Mult stack.

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