gr07 Eng HL Term2 Pack01 Practice Paper Memo
gr07 Eng HL Term2 Pack01 Practice Paper Memo
gr07 Eng HL Term2 Pack01 Practice Paper Memo
Grade 7
Paper 2- Memorandum
Question 1: Comprehension
Read through the text below and answer the questions that follow.
1 Did you know that there is a fibre that is as flexible and lightweight as nylon yet five times stronger than steel? Did
you know that this fabric is resistant to temperatures higher than 260 degrees Celsius? Did you know that a woman
invented this fibre? This miraculous fabric is called Kevlar and it is used to make everything from body armour to
musical instruments.
2 The year was 1964. There were gasoline shortages due to conflict in the Middle East. A Polish- American chemist
named Stephanie Louise Kwolek was working for DuPont, an American chemical company. She and her group were
trying to make a lightweight, yet durable fibre to be used in tires. Lighter tires would allow vehicles to get better gas
mileage, but the tires had to be strong enough to resist the wear and tear of the road. They had been working on the
problem for some time and had little success, until Kwolek had a breakthrough.
3 Kwolek and her group were synthesizing or creating fibre to test. During one of the steps in the process, Kwolek
created a solution as white as milk, by mixing two chemicals that were often used in the process. This solution was
usually thrown away, but Kwolek convinced one of the technicians to help her test it. They were amazed to discover
that the fabric that Kwolek had created was not only more durable than nylon, it was more durable than steel.
Kwolek had invented Kevlar.
4 Kevlar is a remarkable fabric known for its strength and durability. Since its invention it has found its way into a wide
variety of products. Kevlar is used in sporting equipment like bike tires, bowstrings, and tennis racquets. It is used in
musical instruments like drum-heads, reeds, and speaker cones. And it is used in protective gear like motorcycle
safety jackets, gloves, and shoes. However, Kevlar is best known for its ability to stop bullets.
5 Richard Armellino created the first Kevlar bulletproof vest in 1975. It contained 15 layers of Kevlar, which could stop
handgun and shotgun bullets. The vest also had a steel plate over the heart, which made the vest strong enough to
stop rifle rounds. Vests like Armellino's were quickly picked up by police forces and it is estimated that by 1990, half
of all police officers in America wore bulletproof vests daily. By 2006 there were over 2,000 documented police vest
"saves," or instances where officers were protected from deadly wounds by wearing bulletproof vests.
6 Kevlar is an amazing fabric not only for its hardness and durability, but also for its heat resistance. Because of this it
has been used to replace asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring material that is known for its ability to resist fire.
Asbestos can resist temperatures over 520 degrees Celsius. For this reason it was used in roofs, electrical cables, and
brake pads, until people discovered that it causes cancer and other serious health problems. Kevlar poses no such
risks. It is lightweight, flexible, and resistant to fire. Therefore, it has proven to be a good replacement for asbestos in
many cases.
7 Since its invention in 1964, Kevlar has won its way into our lives. From musical instruments and brake pads to
protective equipment and sporting gear, Kevlar is everywhere. Every day of your life you are exposed to something
that was made better by Kevlar. Who'd have known?
Refer to the given text (Kevlar) and answer the following questions. Answer in full sentences.
2.1 In Paragraph 2, identify the parts of speech of the underlined words: (5)
2.1.1. Was
Simple past tense finite verb
2.1.2. The
Definite article
2.1.3. Polish- American
Proper adjective
2.1.4. DuPont
Proper noun
2.1.5. On
2.2. Identify the figure of speech and briefly discuss the effectiveness of the figure of speech in the following
phrase from the text: “Kwolek created a solution as white as milk.” (3)
Simile- comparing one thing to another, using “like” or “as”. The solution created is being compared to milk. It
is effective because one can imagine how white and viscous the solution created was, just as milk is a white
2.3. Change the following sentence from active to passive voice: (1)
Richard Armellino created the first Kevlar bulletproof vest in 1975
In 1975 The first Kevlar bulletproof vest was created by Richard Armellino. (1975 at the beginning or the end)
2.4. What is the purpose of the rhetorical question at the end of the text? (1)
Rhetorical questions encourage the reader to think or ponder further.
2.5. Refer to paragraph 3, change the following word “solution” from a noun to a verb (1)
2.6. Refer to paragraph 4, is the hyphen used correctly in “drum-heads”? Explain your answer. (2)
The hyphen is used correctly as it joins two words togetherto form a compound noun.
2.7. Refer to the last paragraph, provide the homophone for the word “brake”. Use the word you have provided in
a sentence to demonstrate your understanding of the homophone. (2)
Break- I will take a break from studying in a few minutes.
2.8 Provide synonyms of your own, for the following words from the text: (3)
2.8.1 flexible: malleable/ bendy
2.8.2 fabric: material
2.8.3 good: suitable (in context)
2.9 Provide antonyms of your own, for the following words from the text: (2)
2.9.1 stronger: weaker
2.9.2 everything: nothing
Question 3: Visual literacy
3.1 Refer to the infographic below and answer the questions that follow.
This infographic informs the reader about the health benefits of exercise for children and teenagers.
3.1.2. Briefly discuss two health benefits of exercises as provided in the infographic. (2)
*any two relevant answers: aerobic fitness, due to increased heart rate; improved muscle strength and endurance.
3.1.3. Critically evaluate the use of pictures within the infographic. (2)
Pictures assist in emphasising or reiterating the message. For example, the children in the heading, or the small
graphics for each benefit- the heart for cardiovascular health.
3.2 Refer to the cartoon provided and answer the questions that follow. Answer in full sentences.
Question 4: Summary
Read the text that follows and summarise the information into no more than 80 words.
Influenza, or 'the flu' is an infection of the lungs and the surrounding areas. This infection of the respiratory tract
is caused by the influenza virus. The virus usually spreads during the winter in temperate climates. When many
people catch the flu at the same time, the situation is called a flu epidemic.
The proteins that coat the flu virus change constantly. As a result, new strains of the flu virus circulate every few
years. In some countries, people at high risk are encouraged to get a flu vaccination every year. People with flu
infections feel as if they have a cold, but the signs and symptoms are usually more severe. Body areas other than
the respiratory tract may be infected. Signs and symptoms include weakness, chills, fatigue, muscle aches,
headache, fever, running nose and cough. The signs and symptoms could last for a week to ten days.
The influenza virus is spread largely through the air. A typical situation is where one person infected with the flu
coughs or sneezes when in close proximity with another person. Droplets of the virus, suspended in the air, are
breathed in by the other person. Once the virus lands on the lining of the nose, throat or other body areas related
to breathing, it reproduces rapidly.
Usually the flu goes away with a rest, drinking plenty of fluids and taking mild pain medication. Health care
providers may prescribe certain medication for people who are at high risk. When symptoms do not go away
after seven to ten days, there is difficulty in breathing or persistent high temperatures, a health care provider
should be consulted.
Source: (Accessed September 2019)