Diamanti Kandarakis2006
Diamanti Kandarakis2006
Diamanti Kandarakis2006
ENDO (Online) ISSN 1559-0100 © 2006 by Humana Press Inc. All rights of any nature whatsoever reserved.
Both genes and the environment contribute to PCOS. ment in PCOS, and unfortunately there has been little work
Obesity, exacerbated by poor dietary choices and phys- in gene–environment interactions in this area. The overall
ical inactivity, worsens PCOS in susceptible individu- hypothesis is that a genetic predisposition combined with
als. The role of other environmental modifiers such as a favorable environment leads to PCOS.
infectious agents or toxins are speculative. Phenotype
confusion has characterized genetic studies of PCOS. The Diagnostic Dilemna of PCOS
Although several loci have been proposed as PCOS
The diagnosis of PCOS has traditionally been based on a
genes including CYP11A, the insulin gene, the follista-
history of oligomenorrhea and/or hyperandrogenism, either
tin gene, and a region near the insulin receptor, the
clinical, i.e., most commonly hirsutism, or biochemical, i.e.,
evidence supporting linkage is not overwhelming. The
elevated circulating total or bioavailable androgens; and/
strongest case can be made for the region near the insu-
or polycystic ovaries. The criteria that emerged from the
lin receptor gene (but not involving this gene), as it has
1990 NIH–NICHD conference identified PCOS as unex-
been identified in two separate studies, and perhaps most
plained hyperandrogenic chronic anovulation, making it
importantly has not yet been refuted by larger studies.
in essence a diagnosis of exclusion (1). The “consensus”
However, the responsible gene at chromosome 19p13.3
definition did not include the polycystic ovary morphol-
remains to be identified. To date, no gene has been
ogy, most commonly found today on ultrasound consisting
identified that causes or contributes substantially to the
of multiple 2–8 mm subcapsular preantral follicles and
development of a PCOS phenotype.
increased ovarian volume (2); however, these ultrasound
criteria for polycystic ovaries are also a shifting target (3).
Key Words: Insulin resistance; familial studies; associ-
Ultrasound criteria were recently incorporated in the revised
ation studies; linkage; obesity.
2003 Rotterdam diagnostic criteria, which requires two out
of the three outlined cardinal stigmata for PCOS: oligome-
norrhea, hyperandrogenism, and/or polycystic ovaries (4).
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common, The Difficult Genetics of Complex Diseases
but least understood, endocrinopathy. Although a major
None of these expert generated definitions include insu-
genetic contribution is suspected, there have been no clear
lin resistance, a common but not inevitable finding in PCOS.
genes or family of genes identified that cause or contribute
This diagnostic dilemma has hampered clinical and genetic
to PCOS. There are a number of environmental factors that
studies of PCOS. The larger the number of distinct pheno-
clearly also contribute to PCOS, most notably obesity. The
types within the affected category, the more complex the
rapid emergence of PCOS as a major endocrinopathy has
genetic analysis and the greater the likelihood that inves-
gone hand in hand with the epidemics of obesity and type
tigators using different diagnostic criteria will arrive at dif-
2 diabetes sweeping developed countries. While these dis-
ferent conclusions. Other factors that contribute to difficulty
orders also have a genetic component, clearly the environ-
in performing genetic studies in PCOS include the associ-
ment has changed radically in the last century to further
ated infertility and low fecundity (selection bias against the
these epidemics and it is reasonable to assume that similar
transmission of PCOS genes). Thus, it is rare to find large
changes have also factored in the PCOS epidemic. This
pedigrees with multiple affected women with which to per-
article will explore the contributions of genes and environ-
form linkage analysis.
Another difficulty is assigning phenotypes to premen-
Received December 11, 2005; Accepted December 11, 2005. archal girls and postmenopausal women (who lack menses,
Author to whom all correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed: and have indeterminate ovarian morphology, and no clear
Richard S. Legro, MD, Department of Ob/Gyn, PO Box 850, 500 University
Drive, M.S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey PA, 17033. E-mail: rsli@psu. cutoffs for hyperandrogenemia), a problem that also limits
edu the utilization of pedigrees. Although a male phenotype has
20 Role of Genes and Environment in the Etiology of PCOS / Diamanti-Kandarakis, Kandarakis, and Legro Endocrine
been postulated, there are no rigorously established clinical in most studies as the criteria for diagnosing PCOS in pro-
or biochemical features that can be used to identify “PCOS bands. Earlier studies tended to characterize relatives on
males.” This makes formal segregation analysis as well as the basis of questionnaires, whereas later studies focused
genetic linkage studies more difficult. Finally, the lack of on more intensive phenotyping. More recent studies have
animals that spontaneously develop a PCOS-like pheno- focused on hyperandrogenemia, which appears to be one
type, especially mice, precludes the use of usually powerful of the strongest genetically inherited characteristics in fam-
tools of genetic mapping. The animal model (rhesus mon- ilial cases (6,7).
key) that best reflects the complex metabolic and reproduc- These studies strongly support the clustering of reproduc-
tive abnormalities found in women with PCOS has resulted tive abnormalities such as clinical and biochemical hyper-
from prenatal iatrogenic androgen exposure in utero, at least androgenism, polycystic ovaries, and, to a lesser degree,
providing support for the idea of some potential endocrine oligomenorrhea in first degree relatives. Similarly, there
disruptor contributing to PCOS in humans, but most im- appears to be an associated increased prevalence of biochem-
portantly the role of the environment in shaping PCOS (5). ical insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia in first degree rela-
The idea that PCOS is a heritable disease is supported by tives. In one study 50% of sisters of women diagnosed with
studies documenting ethnic predisposition, familial aggre- PCOS had elevated total or bioavailable testosterone levels,
gation, concordant twin studies, and association with other suggesting that hyperandrogenemia is a common trait, and
Mendelian disorders. This chapter will review the evidence has a bimodal distribution suggesting a dominant form of
that PCOS is a genetic disease and will briefly overview the inheritance (6).
largely negative genetic marker data that have emerged in
the last decade. Twin Studies
Table 1
Summary of Diagnostic Criteria for the Proband in Familial Studies of PCOS and Proposed Mode on Inheritance
Author Diagnostic criteria for PCOS Number studied Mode of inheritance/familial cluster
Cooper et al. Oligomenorrhea, hirsutism, polycystic 18 PCOS women and their Autosomal dominant with reduced
(41) ovaries (by culdoscopy, gynecography, first degree relatives and a penetrance
or wedge resection) control group
Givens et al. Oligomenorrhea, hirsutism, and 3 multigeneration kindreds (?X-linked) dominant
(42) polycystic ovaries (exam and surgery)
Ferriman and Hirsutism and/or oligomenorrhea, 381 PCOS women and relatives Modified dominant
Purdie (43) 60% with polycystic ovaries and a control group
(by air contrast gynecography)
Hague et al. Clinical symptoms (menstrual 50 PCOS women and Segregation ratios exceeded
(44) dysfunction, hyperandrogenism, 17 women with CAH and a autosomal dominant pattern
obesity, and infertility) and polycystic control group
ovaries by transabdominal ultrasound
Lunde et al. Clinical symptoms (menstrual 132 PCOS women and first Unclear, most consistent with
(45) irregularities, hirsutism, infertility, and second degree relatives autosomal dominant
and obesity) and multicystic ovaries and a control group
on wedge resection
Carey et al. Polycystic ovaries (by transabdominal 10 kindreds and 62 relatives Autosomal dominant with 90%
(15) ultrasound) penetrance
Norman et al. Elevated androgens, decreased SHBG, 5 families with 24 females Not stated, metabolic abnormalities
(46) and polycystic ovaries on ultrasound and 8 males associated with insulin resistance
in families
Legro et al. Elevated testosterone levels combined 80 PCOS probands and Hyperandrogenemia consistent with
(6) with oligomenorrhea (≤ 6 menses/yr) 115 sisters an autosomal dominant trait
Govind et al. Polycystic ovary morphology on 29 families with 53 sisters Autosomal dominant
(47) ultrasonograpy and 18 brothers
Kahsar-Millar Oligomenorrhea and either hirsutism 90 PCOS probands, 50 sisters, Increased prevalence of symptoms in
et al. (48) or elevated testosterone levels 78 mothers in first degree relatives suggesting
genetic trait
Legro et al. Elevated testosterone levels combined 346 PCOS probands, Increased prevalence of hyper-
(25) with oligomenorrhea (≤ 6 menses/yr) 307 sisters insulinemia in sisters segregating
with hyperandrogenemia
Legro et al. Elevated testosterone levels combined 87 PCOS probands, Increased DHEAS levels in
(49) with oligomenorrhea (≤ 6 menses/yr) 119 brothers brothers
Sir-Petermann Hyperandrogenism (elevated free 106 PCOS Probands, Increased diabetes (approx twofold)
et al. (50) androgen index or hirsutism) AND 200 parents and insulin resistance among
oligomenorrhea PCOS parents
Yildiz et al. Elevated testosterone levels AND 52 PCOS Probands, Elevated testosterone levels in
(51) oligomenorrhea 102 first degree relatives sisters and mothers, increased
rates of glucose intolerance in
first degree family members
Kaushal et al. Polycystic ovary morphology on 20 PCO probands Increased prevalence of insulin
(52) ultrasonograpy and 20 brothers resistance and endothelial
dysfunction in brothers.
pered by the same drawbacks as our diagnostic criteria, lar gene or region, and it has not so far helped us to get in
inadequate understanding of the fundamental pathophysi- any way closer to the exit of this genomic labyrinth. There
ology of PCOS. Molecular defects in such candidate genes has been no genome-wide scan performed in either asso-
as gonadotropins and their receptors, in enzymes involved ciation or linkage studies, and one problem has been the
in steroidogenesis, as well as those underlying insulin ac- failure to accumulate a sufficient number of individuals or
tion and secretion pathways, have been under continuous families to perform adequately powered studies using these
and intense investigation with variable results. broader tools. Thus, findings of positive and negative genes
Although this scientific race is quite stimulatory, it has in PCOS must be corrected for the relatively small sample
not been possible to establish firmly the role of any particu- size and the limitations of our vision.
22 Role of Genes and Environment in the Etiology of PCOS / Diamanti-Kandarakis, Kandarakis, and Legro Endocrine
Fig. 1. Map of D19S884 region of chromosome 19p13.2. Locations of the short tandem repeat polymorphisms used in the analysis of
367 PCOS families, including those for (A) the 6.6 MB region of strongest evidence for linkage with PCOS in the INSR region and (B)
the narrow region around D19S884. D19S884 is indicated by an arrow. Adapted from ref. 18.
Fig. 2. Influence of body weight in women with PCOS (proband) and their sisters who have varying phenotypes, those with fully penetrant
PCOS, those with regular periods and hyperandrogenemia alone, and those who are completely unaffected with regular menses and
normal serum androgens. Mean BMI steps down as the phenotype improves. Adapted from ref. 6.
on the ovary to promote follicular maturation. Neutraliza- association study conducted on 97 PCOS women and
tion of activin would be expected to cause reductions in FSH matched controls revealed significant association of a pen-
levels and arrested follicular maturation as occurs in trans- tanucleotide repeat (tttta)n polymorphism at position −528
genic mice overexpressing follistatin. In addition, activin from the ATG initiation codon in the 5'-region of the CYP11A
inhibits thecal androgen biosynthesis and its removal by gene, which encodes the cholesterol side-chain cleavage
binding to follistatin might lead to unrestrained theca andro- enzyme and total serum testosterone levels (22). Although
gen synthesis driven by LH. The follistatin locus emerged no regulatory role has been assigned to this polymorphism
as a promising candidate from the study of 39 affected sib- in terms of CYP11A gene transcription, the investigators
pairs (19), although the strength of the link faded in a larger suggested that allelic variants of the CYP11A gene have a
follow-up series that included detailed sequence analysis role in the hyperandrogenemia of PCOS. This conclusion
of the follistatin gene (Fig. 2) (20). The follistatin gene has was supported by another study that found an association
also not been found to be linked to PCOS in studies by other between at least four repeats and PCOS, and within the
investigators. PCOS group an association of this allele group with a lower
testosterone level (23). In a study with a larger sample size,
CYP11A Urbanek et al. found modestly increased sharing of alleles
The rate-limiting step in sex steroid biosynthesis is deter- at the CYP11A locus among affected sib-pairs (19), but the
mined by the activity of side-chain cleavage encoded by sharing was not statistically significant. Most recently, the
P450scc encoded by the CYP11A gene. Gharani et al. exam- original group in a larger replication study, using both case-
ined 20 families with multiple affected women and found control and family-based association methods, report no
evidence for weak linkage to the CYP11A locus (21). An association with the CYP11A gene (24).
24 Role of Genes and Environment in the Etiology of PCOS / Diamanti-Kandarakis, Kandarakis, and Legro Endocrine
The Environment and PCOS higher saturated fat content in diet of U.S. women. There-
fore, it was hypothesized that diet alone does not explain
An overemphasis on genes is a simplistic explanation of
differences in body mass, because their food differed only
the PCOS epidemic. The rise in PCOS in populations where
in the quality of consumed fats and not in quantity. From
the gene pool has been relatively constant confirms that
these data it was concluded that genetic and lifestyle factors
environmental factors are assuming an ever more impor-
contribute to body weight differences, and there may be
tant role. The development of obesity is linked to the devel-
substantial geographic differences in the activities of daily
opment of PCOS in susceptible individuals. The modern
life including exercise- and nonexercise-related activities.
living environment in developed countries is characterized
Randomized trials of varying hypocaloric diets in women
by low daily energy expenditure and an abundant and inex-
with PCOS have resulted in appropriate short-term weight
pensive food supply, making positive energy balance com-
loss after 4 wk (with a 1000 kcal deficit/d designed to lose
mon, but we propose this too is simplistic and it is likely
1 kg/wk, mean weight loss at 4 wk was 4 kg) (31) and after
that other factors in the environment perhaps unrecognized
12 wk (on an approx 1400 kcal/d diet designed to lose about
or little recognized may also play a role, for instance expo-
0.45 kg/wk, subjects lost approx 8 kg) (32). There was also
sure to infectious agents, or environmental toxins.
an improvement in body composition, insulin levels, andro-
Obesity and Diet gen levels, and menstrual frequency with dietary-induced
weight loss (31,32). Neither of these studies found a bene-
Obesity is critical in the development of the PCOS phe-
fit to a particular dietary composition (high protein versus
notype and weight exacerbates many (most notably insulin
low protein) although their sample size was small and both
resistance), if not all, of the PCOS symptoms. Family stud-
had high dropout rates (31,32).
ies provide an interesting perspective on the role of weight
in the PCOS phenotype. There are interesting findings among Environmental Toxins
PCOS sisters revealing the role of obesity. Body weight dif- Organochlorine pesticides were extensively used through-
fers between the phenotypes in affected PCOS sisters (6). out the world until they were banned in the 1970s (33).
Sisters with irregular cycles and hyperandrogenemia are Owing to their resistance to enzymatic degradation and to
heavier than sisters with regular cycles and hyperandrogen- their concentration in fat, these products are particularly
emia, while unaffected sisters have lower body weights than persistent in living organisms and accumulate in their fat
the affected ones (Fig. 2) (25). Retrospective studies suggest over years (33). Since then, several organochlorine com-
that a different intrauterine environment is linked to dif- pounds have been characterized as estrogenic and as hor-
ferent PCOS phenotypes like PCOS women with increased mone-disrupters (34). Furthermore, organochlorines were
birth weight born from overweight mothers (26), or girls found in greater concentrations in the adipose tissue of
with premature pubarche and lower birth weights who de- women affected by breast cancer than in healthy controls
velop a more severe PCOS phenotype at menarche (27). (35). However, their role in the development of a PCOS
For obese women with PCOS, dietary therapy is often phenotype are unknown.
the first line recommended therapy and marked improve-
ment including restoration of ovulation has been noted with Medications
minimal weight loss approaching 5% of the baseline weight A better example of an “environmental” substance impli-
(28,29). The mechanisms for this are complex for weight cated in the development of a PCOS phenotype is valproic
loss is associated with simultaneous improvements in cir- acid, which is a short-chained fatty acid that is widely used
culating androgens, gonadotropins, and insulin levels. It is to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorders as well as migraines
difficult to tease out the benefits of exercise per se on improv- and generalized mood disorders. There are studies to sug-
ing PCOS, but intervention programs that have combined gest that women with these disorders and treated with val-
both dietary and exercise interventions have had excellent proic acid may develop stigmata of PCOS, including poly-
outcomes in terms of improved ovulation and/or pregnancy cystic ovaries, hyperandrogenism, obesity, and anovula-
rates. tion (36), and that these stigmata may be reversible with
Poor dietary choices including relying on energy dense discontinuation of the medication (37). Although this is a
foods instead of unprocessed grains, fruits, and vegetables, highly contentious area and there may be clear ethnic dif-
and larger portion sizes have been implicated as contributors ferences in susceptibility, recent studies suggest that weight
to the obesity epidemic. Interestingly not only the quantity gain on medication is essential to developing the full PCOS
of food but the quality and the type of nutrition as well may phenotype.
alter PCOS phenotype, possibly interacting with different
genetic patterns. One study demonstrated that women with Infectious Causes
PCOS from Sicily are less obese than women from Pennsyl- The possibility that one or more viruses could have con-
vania (30). However, total calorie intake and dietary con- tributed to the epidemic of PCOS has received little consid-
stituents were similar between countries, except there was eration. Most people view the likelihood that an infection
Vol. 30, No. 1 Role of Genes and Environment in the Etiology of PCOS / Diamanti-Kandarakis, Kandarakis, and Legro 25
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