SOP e Hashimoto
SOP e Hashimoto
SOP e Hashimoto
Reviewed by: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) are endocrine
Trine N. Jorgensen, disorders that commonly occur among young women. A higher prevalence of HT in
Case Western Reserve University,
United States
women with PCOS, relative to healthy individuals, is observed consistently. Combined
Florencia Rosetti, occurrence of both diseases is associated with a higher risk of severe metabolic and
Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas reproductive complications. Genetic factors strongly impact the pathogenesis of both
y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán
(INCMNSZ), Mexico PCOS and HT and several susceptibility loci associated with a higher risk of both disorders
*Correspondence: have been identified. Furthermore, some candidate gene polymorphisms are thought to
Ewa E. Hennig be functionally relevant; however, few genetic variants are proposed to be causally
[email protected]
associated with the incidence of both disorders together.
Natalia Zeber-Lubecka Keywords: autoimmune thyroid disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, polycystic ovary syndrome, genetic variants, association studies, susceptibility loci
Ewa E. Hennig
associated with a higher risk of PCOS or HT; however, the Genetics of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
mechanisms underlying the close relationship between these two PCOS is a complex, multifactorial disorder with a strong heritable
diseases, and common components to their genetic backgrounds, component, as indicated by familial clustering and twin studies,
remain uncertain. Here, we comprehensively review a wide range which accounts for as much as 72% of the risk of syndrome
of reports on genetic discoveries related to PCOS, HT, and their development (32, 33). Until recently, the genomic approach to
combined occurrence. PCOS research was dominated by candidate gene association
studies, including more than 100 genes whose alterations may be
functionally involved in PCOS development. These genes are
POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME mainly related to the insulin signaling pathway and IR, chronic
inflammation, reproductive hormone disorders, and biosynthesis of
PCOS is a heterogeneous endocrinopathy that affects 5–20% of androgens; such as those encoding insulin (INS), INS receptor
women of reproductive age (12). It is characterized mainly by (INSR), INSR substrates (IRS), methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
clinical and/or biochemical hyperandrogenism (HA), ovary (MTHFR), IL family members, TNF-a, toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2),
dysfunction (OD), often reflected by chronic oligo- or fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO), paraoxonase
anovulatory menstrual cycles, and polycystic ovarian morphology 1 (PON1), calpain 10 (CAPN10), peroxisome proliferator-
(PCOM) on pelvic ultrasound; for diagnosis, two of these three activated receptor g (PPAR-g), FSH receptor (FSHR), LH/
criteria must be present (13). Consequently, four main PCOS choriogonadotropin receptor (LHCGR), LH-b, sex hormone-
phenotypes have been proposed: phenotype A, with HA, OD, and binding globulin (SHBG), androgen receptor, transforming
PCOM; phenotype B, with HA and OD but without PCOM; growth factor b (TGF-b), fibrillin 3 (FBN3), and vitamin D
phenotype C, with HA and PCOM but without OD; and receptor (VDR) (17, 33–37). Nevertheless, the vast majority of
phenotype D, with OD and PCOM but without HA; with candidate gene variants associated with PCOS in previous studies
phenotypes A and B comprising an estimated > 40% of cases have not been replicated, indicating the possibility of substantial
(14, 15). PCOS is characterized by symptoms of hypothalamic- genetic heterogeneity across various ethnic populations or different
pituitary-ovarian axis dysfunction, including increased genetic architectures underlying specific PCOS phenotypes (38–49).
hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) pulse
frequency and GnRH quantity, as well as an elevated ratio of Genome-Wide Association Studies for
luteinizing hormone (LH) to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
which contribute to excessive ovarian androgen production and To more deeply investigate genetic predisposition to PCOS, several
ovulatory dysfunction (16, 17). genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been carried out
Depending on the phenotype, POCS is associated with variable (Table 1) (50–54, 59, 66). The first two studies were conducted in
degrees of reproductive and metabolic dysfunction. Dyslipidemia China, and together identified 11 susceptibility loci located within
occurs with a particularly high prevalence of up to 70% (14, 18). or near genes implicated in: 1) gonadotropin activity, ovulation,
Also, defects in insulin activity and secretion, which may lead to IR, and erectile dysfunction [FSHR and LHCGR, both at 2p16.3, and
hyperinsulinemia, and impaired glucose tolerance, are observed the zinc aminopeptidase gene (C9ORF3) at 9q22.32]; 2) insulin
very frequently (19, 20). PCOS is a low-grade inflammatory state signaling and diabetes mellitus [the thyroid adenoma-associated
(21); women with PCOS have higher levels of inflammatory protein (THADA) at 2p21, high mobility group AT-hook protein
markers such as C reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor (HMGA2) at 12q14.3, and INSR at 19p13.3]; 3) organ growth
a (TNF-a), and interleukin 6 (IL6), independent of associated control, cell proliferation, and apoptosis [yes-associated protein
obesity (22). Over a lifetime, PCOS is associated with a higher risk of (YAP1) at 11q22.1 and zinc finger protein 217 (ZNF217) at
menstrual irregularities, hirsutism, anovulatory infertility, 20q13.2]; 4) endosomal membrane trafficking and exocytosis of
spontaneous abortion, obesity, and obesity-linked co-morbidities gonadotropins [DENN domain-containing protein 1A
such as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome, (DENND1A) at 9q33.3 and RAS-related protein (RAB5B) at
type 2 diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular pathologies, in addition 12q13.2]; and 5) modification of chromatin structure [TOX high
to endometrial adenocarcinoma (20, 23–27). PCOS reduces quality mobility group box family member 3 protein (TOX3) at 16q12.1]
of life, resulting in more frequent depressive episodes and suicide in (51, 52). Subsequently, associations between the single nucleotide
women affected by this disease (28). polymorphism (SNP) rs13425728 in LHCGR with higher levels of
The etiology of PCOS is not fully elucidated. It is a complex testosterone, triglycerides, and low density lipoprotein (LDL) were
disorder that might be represented by a common clinical detected among Hui Chinese subjects (56), and the two SNPs
phenotype of different processes. An IR or intrinsic ovarian rs10818854 and rs10986105 in DENND1A were associated with
dysfunction, possibly stimulated by an imbalance of female sex increased HOMA-IR and anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels
hormones, are considered inciting factors, which primarily in Arab women with PCOS (68).
results in increased androgen biosynthesis and secretion by the Later, two GWAS were conducted in Korean populations (50,
ovary (29, 30). Resulted hyperandrogenism can be further 53). In the first, three novel SNPs in the glycogen synthase 2
modulated by impaired insulin action (14). Insulin can also (GYS2) gene on chromosome 12p12.2 were identified as being
directly stimulate androgen production by amplifying theca associated with PCOS through investigation of individuals with
cell responses to LH (31). obesity-related condition (53); however, none of these variants
Locus Nearby genes dbSNP IDa/ GWAS population Replication study population [references]
Replicated Not replicated
Bolded are loci replicated in at least two replication studies. Study populations: ARB, Arabic; ASN, Asian; CHN, Chinese; EUR, European; KRN, Korean.
SNP identifier based on NCBI SNP database (
reached the genome-wide significance threshold. In the second However, GWAS have identified < 10% of the estimated
study, eight new susceptibility loci were suggested, including a heritability of PCOS (36), and there is relatively little overlap
main association signal at rs10505648 on chromosome 8q24.2, between the gene loci identified by candidate gene studies and
close to KH RNA-binding domain-containing, signal those found by GWAS, likely because polymorphisms in gene
transduction associated 3 (KHDRBS3), which is associated with coding regions are usually rare genetic variants that have a large
regulation of telomerase activity and variant splicing (72), and impact on disease risk, whereas GWAS is designed to focus
seven moderate signals at 1p22, 3q26.33, 4p12, 4q35.2, 9q21.32, primarily on common variants with a low impact on genetic risk.
11p13, and 16p13.3 (50). In addition, eight of the Chinese The greatest challenge for genomic studies is to identify
susceptibility loci were replicated in Korean women (Table 1). causative mechanisms and determine the functional relevance
Two GWAS were recently conducted in populations of of loci identified as risk factors by GWAS. A pathway-based
European ancestry, confirming the association of the three approach has been proposed to increase the power to determine
Asian susceptibility loci (YAP1, THADA, and C9ORF3), as well the biological meaning of GWAS results. Application of meta-
as identifying five novel loci corresponding to the epidermal analysis gene-set enrichment of variant associations
growth factor receptor (ERBB4/HER4) gene at 2q34, double (MAGENTA) to the PCOS GWAS dataset revealed oocyte
strand break repair protein (RAD50) at 5q31.1, the GATA4/ meiosis and regulation of insulin secretion by acetylcholine
NEIL2 region encoding zinc finger transcription factor and and free fatty acids as biological pathways significantly
endonuclease VIII-like 2 at 8q23.1, FSH b polypeptide (FSHB) associated with the syndrome (75). Among significantly
at 11p14.1, and KRR1 at 12q21.2, which encodes a ribosome associated genes, the INS gene was indicated in all three
assembly factor (Table 1) (54, 59). The same rs11031006 variant pathways. However, some caution should be taken with regard
in the FSHB region, which was identified independently in both to these results as the analysis included variants of lower
European GWAS, was associated with lower level of FSH and significance level than generally accepted for GWAS.
higher levels of LH and the LH/FSH ratio, suggesting that it may The genetic loci identified by GWAS are often named
act by affecting gonadotropin secretion (54, 59). Together with according to the nearest gene. While the nearby location of a
the Chinese findings implicating FSHR variants, these results gene does not necessarily mean that it is an effector gene at a
strongly suggest an etiologic role for gonadotropins in PCOS given locus, several putative susceptibility genes located within
development. Additionally, the identified associations point to GWAS-discovered risk loci for PCOS were found to be
gonadal development, ovarian folliculogenesis, and follicular abnormally expressed in women with this condition. PCOS
maturation, as well as repair of DNA damage, as processes subtypes have been proposed based on phenotypes, expression
involved in PCOS pathogenesis in European woman. quantitative trait loci, and biological pathway analyses, in which
Recently, a large-scale genome-wide meta-analysis including genes related to gonadotropin levels, metabolic mechanisms, or
10,074 PCOS cases and 103,164 controls of European ancestry inflammation and its consequences, have independent impacts
(66), confirmed 11 previously reported loci and identified three on the risk of syndrome development (76). Similarly, expression
additional novel susceptibility loci: ZBTB16 (zinc finger and BTB analysis of genes from 11 GWAS-identified PCOS risk loci
domain-containing 16) at 11q23.2, which is involved in cell cycle revealed that different mechanisms may be involved in the
progression, control of the early stages of spermatogenesis, and pathogenesis of clinically diverse PCOS subtypes in relation to
endometrial stromal cell decidualization (73, 74); MAPRE1 obesity, since LHCGR is over-expressed in non-obese women
(microtubule associated protein RP/EB family member 1) at and INSR is under-expressed only in obese women with PCOS. A
20q11.20, which is involved in the regulation of microtubule causal role was hypothesized for SNPs in the LHCGR, INSR, and
structures and chromosome stability, and may participate in RAB5B regions, suggesting that they may affect gene expression
follicle development; and the plasminogen receptor (PLGRKT) directly or indirectly through epigenetic mechanisms (77). Also,
gene at 9p24.1, which contributes to regulation of inflammatory lower expression levels of the RAB5A gene in granulosa cells of
responses and matrix metalloproteinase activation (Table 1). obese patients with PCOS were observed relative to those in
These newly identified loci provide additional evidence for the obese women without the syndrome, which may explain the high
involvement of neuroendocrine, metabolic, and reproductive FSHR levels and FSH-FSHR signaling pathway disorders in
factors in PCOS. Additionally, the data suggest that the genetic PCOS (78). In turn, HMGA2, another gene identified by
architecture underlying the different PCOS phenotypes does not GWAS as a candidate, is expressed at high levels in granulosa
differ in terms of common susceptibility variants (66). cells of women with PCOS, where the HMGA2/IMP2 pathway is
suggested to be responsible for granulosa cell proliferation (79).
Post-Genome-Wide Association Studies One of the most extensively studied GWAS-identified PCOS
for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome candidate genes is DENND1A, which encodes a clathrin binding
A number of gene polymorphisms discovered in Chinese protein (80). The PCOS risk SNP, rs10986105, in DENND1A was
populations, including LHCGR, FSHR, THADA, DENND1A, also found to increase the risk of hyperandrogenism in women
C9ORF3, YAP1, and RAB5B/SUOX, have been confirmed in at without PCOS (60). DENND1A variant 2 (DENND1A.V2), a
least two replication studies or meta-analyses for different truncated splice isoform of DENND1A with a unique C-terminal
Caucasian populations, and can be considered general PCOS sequence, is up-regulated in PCOS theca cells, and compelled
susceptibility variants (Table 1) (55–58, 60–65, 67–71). expression of V2 in normal theca cells results in increased
expression of genes encoding cytochrome P450 isoforms times more common in women than in men (88). As a result of
(CYP17A1 and CYP11A1) and higher androgen production autoimmunity to self-antigens, approximately 60%–80% of
(81, 82). Recently, a functional network, including miR-130b- patients with HT have serum antibodies against thyroglobulin
3p, DENND1A.V.2, LHCGR, RSB5B, and the signaling pathways (Tg) and 90%–95% have antibodies against thyroid peroxidase
they target, was proposed to potentially mediate PCOS-related (TPO) (91, 92). HT is characterized by infiltration of
hyperandrogenemia. The functional significance of this network lymphocytes and chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland,
is strongly supported by the discovery of the co-localization of which promotes T cell-induced apoptosis of thyroid follicular
LHCGR, DENND1A.V.2, and RAB5B proteins in theca cells cells. The Fas/Fas ligand (FasL) cascade is the main signaling
(82), as well as the fact that decreased expression of miR-130b- pathway leading to apoptosis of thyroid cells in response to
3p, which is predicted to target DENND1A, correlates with infiltration by pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interferon
increased V2 mRNA levels and androgen synthesis in PCOS (IFN)-g, TNF-a, and IL1b (93). It is proposed that the
theca cells (83). mechanism of apoptosis leading to the characteristic thyroid
Despite the clear and strong influence of genetic factors in the destruction in HT may be a consequence of abnormal Fas/FasL
pathogenesis of PCOS, common genetic risk loci identified to date regulation and decreased expression of the apoptosis regulator
explain only a small percentage of estimated PCOS heritability. Bcl-2 (94, 95).
Therefore, next-generation sequencing studies to investigate entire The progressive destruction, and finally fibrosis, of the
genomic regions have been conducted to determine whether rare glandular parenchyma often leads to hypothyroidism. AITD is
genetic variants with large effect size may contribute to PCOS considered the most frequent cause of hypothyroidism, although
pathogenesis. Potentially deleterious variants in AMH were it can go unnoticed for years, without overt thyroid dysfunction.
identified using whole-genome and targeted sequencing of AMH Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH), defined as a serum thyroid-
in a case-control PCOS study (84). Seventeen PCOS-specific rare stimulating hormone (TSH) above the defined upper limit of the
AMH coding variants resulted in significant reduction of AMH- reference range, in combination with a normal level of free
mediated signaling in dual luciferase reporter tests. Therefore, AMH thyroxine (fT4), is more common than overt hypothyroidism,
mutations in PCOS are suggested to result in decreased AMH- in which fT4 levels are reduced below the normal lower limit and
mediated inhibition of CYP17 expression and androgen TSH levels are further increased (96). HT has clinically
biosynthesis, leading to syndrome-specific hyperandrogenism. heterogeneous presentation, from the presence of thyroid
Furthermore, the missense variant rs104893836 in the first exon antibodies but normal thyroid function, to SCH or overt
of the GnRH receptor gene (GNRHR) was detected by the whole- hypothyroidism. The prevalence of hypothyroidism among
exome sequencing (85). Functional analyses revealed significantly women with HT increases with age, and in most of cases it
reduced GnRH binding by the resulting variant GnRHR containing eventually develops despite patients initially being euthyroid
a Gln106Arg substitution; however, since this is a fairly common (97). The diagnostic criteria for HT are based on detection of
variant affecting the first extracellular receptor loop, its effect in vivo elevated levels of circulating anti-thyroid antibodies (anti-TPO
is likely to be mild (86). It is worth noting that an increase rather and/or anti-Tg) and a typical hypoechogenic pattern of the
than a decrease in GnRH signaling is a hallmark of PCOS. Recently, thyroid gland on ultrasound examination (3). Although the
whole-genome sequencing revealed several rare non-coding presence of thyroid antibodies is a marker for thyroid damage,
variants in DENND1A associated with reproductive and metabolic they are unlikely to play a role in the pathogenesis of HT (98).
traits in PCOS families, suggesting their contribution to disease Hypothyroidism may be associated with serious pregnancy
pathogenesis and providing additional evidence for the central role complications, such as spontaneous abortion, preterm delivery,
of DENND1A in PCOS (87). and placental abruption, as well as reduced fertility, ovulation
disorders, insufficient endometrial thickness, and excessive,
irregular menstrual bleeding (99–101). A recently published meta-
AUTOIMMUNE THYROID DISEASE analysis showed that SCH significantly increases the risk of
miscarriage before 20 weeks of pregnancy and that early
AITD is the most common autoimmune disorder, affecting 5%– treatment can reduce the miscarriage rate (102). In hypothyroid
20% of the female population of fertile age (88). Its prevalence varies states, lower levels of several hormones related to the ovarian axis,
depending on age, geographical origin, and iodine intake (2). AITD including SHBG, 17-b-estradiol (E 2 ), testosterone, and
is classified as an organ-specific autoimmune disorder mediated by androstenedione, were observed (103). As a result of increased
T cells (89). An autoimmune attack, directed against components of secretion of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), prolactin levels
the thyroid gland, may lead to clinically heterogeneous conditions, can increase, while LH and FSH concentrations remain normal
manifested by either thyroid hormone excess (hyperthyroidism), as (104). Underactive thyroid is also associated with the formation of
in the case of Graves’ disease (GD), or reduced hormone production ovarian cysts, which were normalized after T4 replacement
(hypothyroidism), a typical feature of HT, on which this review will (105, 106).
mainly focus. Metabolic changes are also common in hypothyroidism,
HT is considered the principal autoimmune disease among particularly dyslipidemia and IR, and the severity of these
young women and the most frequent form of AITD, affecting disorders correlates with TSH concentration, even within its
4%–9.5% of the adult population (90); its occurrence is eight normal range (107–109). A link between autoimmunity and
obesity has been noted, with leptin as a factor linking the two 149–153, 156); however, HT is rather poorly represented among
conditions (110). Being overweight during childhood is GWAS. Numerous studies have been performed using small
positively associated with anti-TPO antibody levels in women cohorts or patients with HT and GD grouped together (128, 161).
at 60–64 years-of-age (111). Since thyroid hormones have a wide In total, six GWAS included separate groups of patients with HT
impact, the symptoms of thyroid dysfunction can be systemic, (134, 140, 146, 147, 154, 159), while three included patients with
affecting almost every physiological system, in addition to hypothyroidism, a typical feature of HT (133, 135, 158). Together,
significant reproductive or metabolic defects (3). Nevertheless, 16 putative HT susceptibility loci have been identified; however, the
the pathogenesis of HT remains largely unknown. most convincing evidence for associations is limited to HLA (6p21),
CTLA4 (2q33.2), PTPN22 (1q13.2), and FOXE1 (9q22.33) variants.
Genetics of Autoimmune Thyroid Disease Additionally, two loci, TPO (2p25.3) and ATXN2 (ataxin2;
As in the case of PCOS, a strong genetic predisposition to AITD 12p24.12), are convincingly associated with the presence of anti-
has been established, suggesting that over 70% of the TPO antibodies, and three loci, CAPZB (capping actin protein of
susceptibility to the development of antibodies directed against muscle Z-line subunit beta; 1p36.13), phosphodiesterase PDE8B
thyroid antigens can be attributed to genetic factors (112). (5q13.3), and PDE10A (6q27), are associated with TSH levels
Among first-degree relatives of patients with HT, the risk of (Table 2).
developing HT is increased by 20- to 30-fold; in 60% of first- A genetic overlap was observed between susceptibility loci
degree relatives of patients with HT, anti-thyroid antibody identified in GWAS for AITD or hypothyroidism and GWAS for
positivity is observed (27). Also, the high concordance of HT thyroid function, including FOXE1, CAPZB, and PDE8B. FOXE1,
in monozygotic twins (55%) strongly supports a genetic also known as TTF-2 (thyroid transcription factor 2), is associated
component in AITD predisposition (113). with hypothyroidism, and with TSH and fT4 levels, as well as with
Candidate gene case-control studies identified several thyroid cancer (133, 143, 158, 162). This factor is involved in thyroid
putative susceptibility variants associated with AITD gland development and differentiation (163, 164). FOXE1 regulates
development or progression. These included variants in genes TG and TPO transcription by binding to response elements in their
encoding proteins related to inflammation, modulation of promoter regions (165), and is necessary for synthesis of thyroid
immune responses, or specific for the thyroid, such as: human hormones. Both PDE8B and CAPZB also have strong links to
leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I and class II, forkhead box P3 thyroid function. PDE8B encodes a phosphodiesterase that catalyzes
(FOXP3), cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 the hydrolysis of cAMP and is primarily expressed in the thyroid
(CTLA4), cluster of differentiation 40 (CD40), protein tyrosine gland (166). It is proposed that PDE8B may affect TSH release from
phosphatase, non-receptor type 22 (PTPN22), selenoprotein S the pituitary and mediate the effects of TSH in the thyroid by
(SEPS1), IL4, IL2 receptor a (IL2RA), VDR, Tg, TSH receptor altering cAMP levels (155). A role for PDE8B in cAMP-dependent
(TSHR), signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 generation of triiodothyronine (T3) and T4 has also been proposed
(STAT3), and STAT4, with HLA-DR3 carrying the highest risk (143). Similarly, CAPZB, a member of the F-actin-capping protein
(2, 114–120). Among non-HLA genes, CTLA4 and PTPN22 were family, is highly expressed in thyroid tissue. As a protein associated
most consistently identified as predisposing to both HT and GD with cytoskeleton remodeling and assembly of cytoplasmic
(121–124), while the TSHR locus appears to be specific for GD, microtubules, it may contribute to the disturbance of thyroid
but not HT, suggesting some genetic differences between these follicular architecture commonly observed in AITD.
two types of AITD (125, 126); however, similar to PCOS, Interestingly, three independent GWAS connected VAV3
candidate gene screening for HT susceptibility mainly (vav guanine nucleotide exchange factor 3) variants with HT,
generated controversial and non-replicable findings (127–132). hypothyroidism, and TSH levels (133, 140, 141). VAV3 activates
Limited understanding of disease pathogenesis and the Rho and Rac GTPases and is important for both thyroid and
consequent lack of comprehensive datasets on candidate genes, immune function (167). VAV3 is also necessary for B-cell
small sample sizes, and low statistical power, were some of the receptor endocytosis and antigen presentation by major
main limitations of candidate gene studies for both disorders. histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules (168).
The era of GWAS and subsequent replication studies have Notably, the MHC region, CTLA4, and PTPN22, which were
brought further data on genetic susceptibility to HT. identified by GWAS as most significantly associated with HT,
were previously described as AITD susceptibility loci, based on a
Genome-Wide Association Studies and systematic review of candidate genes (128). All of these loci are
Post-Genome-Wide Association Studies related to autoimmune responses and involved in antigen
for Autoimmune Thyroid Disease and presentation and T cell receptor signaling.
Thyroid Function Related Traits
Several GWAS for AITD (HT or GD), hypothyroidism, positivity Human Leukocyte Antigen Alleles
for anti-thyroid (anti-TPO or anti-Tg) antibodies, and thyroid The highly polymorphic MHC region of chromosome 6p21,
function parameters (including TSH or fT4 levels), have been encoding the HLA glycoproteins, is the most intensively studied
undertaken (Table 2) (133–135, 139–146, 148, 154, 155, 157– region of the genome in the search for associations with
160). Some GWAS-identified AITD susceptibility loci have been development of AITD. Numerous HLA alleles have been
replicated in different populations (Table 2) (136–138, 147, identified as genetic risk factors for AITD; however, the data
TABLE 2 | GWAS and replication studies for AITD and thyroid dysfunction traits susceptibility.
1p13.2 PTPN22 rs2476601 (1858 C/T) USA-EUR (133) hypothyroidism EUR (135, 136) hypothyroidism
UK (134) HT+GD POL (137) HT, GD
rs6679677 USA-EUR (133) hypothyroidism
rs3811021 POL (138) HT
1p13.2 MAGI3 rs1230666 EUR-CAU (139) anti-TPO level
1p13.3 VAV3 rs4915077 USA-EUR (133) hypothyroidism
rs7537605 JAP (140) HT
rs12126655 KRN (141) TSH level
1p36.13 CAPZB rs1472565 USA-EUR (133) hypothyroidism
rs10799824 ICE (142) TSH level USA-EUR (143) TSH level
rs10917469 UK (144) TSH level
rs6683419 CHN (145) TSH level
2p16.3 FSHR rs12713034 CRT (146) anti-TPO/Tg-positivity
2p25.1 TRIB2 rs1534422 UK (134) HT+GD
2p25.3 TPO rs11675434 EUR-CAU (139) anti-TPO-positivity, anti-TPO level CRT (147) HT
CRT (148) anti-TPO/Tg-positivity
rs2071403 KRN (141) anti-TPO-positivity
rs11211645 POL (138) HT
2q33.2 CTLA4 rs231775 (A49G) UK (134) HT+GD POL (149); IND (150) HT, GD
rs3087243 (CT60) EUR (135) hypothyroidism EUR (136) hypothyroidism
JAP (151); CHN (152) HT, GD
rs231779 USA-EUR (133) hypothyroidism
2q36 IGFBP5 rs13015993 USA-EUR (143) TSH level
rs6435953 CRT (153) anti-Tg level
3q13.12 DUBR rs561030786 CRT (146) anti-TPO/Tg-positivity
3q21 KALRN rs2010099 EUR-CAU (139) anti-TPO level
3q27.3 LPP rs13093110 UK (134) HT+GD
4q27 GPR103 rs7679475 NHW (154) HT
rs1513695 NHW (154) HT
4q31.2 NR3C2 rs10032216 USA-EUR (143) TSH level
rs11935941 CRT (153) HT
4q32.3 TRIM61 rs12507813 CRT (146) anti-TPO-positivity
5q13.3 PDE8B rs4704397 ITN (155) TSH level USA-EUR (133) hypothyroidism
CRT (156) HT
rs6885099 ITN (155) TSH level KRN (141); TSH level
USA-EUR (143)
rs2046045 ICE (142) TSH level
5q21.2 RP11-138J23.1 rs13190616 CRT (146) anti-TPO/Tg-positivity
6p21.3 HLA class I rs2517532 USA-EUR (133) hypothyroidism CRT (157) HT
rs2516049 USA-EUR (133) hypothyroidism
6p21.3 HLA-DPB2 rs733208 KRN (141) anti-TPO-positivity
6p21.3 HLA-DRB1 rs17886918 POL (138) HT
6p21.3 HLA-DQB1 rs3210176 CRT (157) HT
6p21.3 IP6K3 rs791903 CRT (157) HT
6q15 BACH2 rs72928038 UK (134) HT+GD
rs10944479 EUR-CAU (139) anti-TPO-positivity
6q27 DLL1 rs4710782 CRT (148) anti-Tg level
6q27 PDE10A rs2983521 ITN (155) TSH level
rs3008043 ICE (142) TSH level
rs753760 USA-EUR (143) TSH level
7q31.31 ANKRD7 rs6972286 CRT (146) anti-Tg-positivity
8q12.1 XKR4 rs2622590 CHN (145) TSH level
9p24 GLIS3 rs1571583 USA-EUR (143) TSH level CRT (153) anti-TPO level
9q21.2 GNA14 rs75201096 CRT (157) HT
9q22.33 FOXE1 rs7850258 USA-EUR (158) hypothyroidism EUR (136) hypothyroidism
rs965513 USA-EUR (158) hypothyroidism CRT (157) HT
ICE (142) TSH level
TABLE 2 | Continued
Bolded are loci replicated in at least two replication studies. Study populations: ASN, Asian; CAU, Caucasian; CHN, Chinese; CRT, Croatian; EUR, European; ICE, Icelandic; IND, Indian;
ITN, Italian; JAP, Japanese; KRN, Korean; NHW, non-Hispanic White; POL, Polish; EUR-CAU, EUR-Caucasian ancestry; USA-EUR, USA-European ancestry.
GD, Graves’ disease; HT, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis; Tg, thyroglobulin; TPO, thyroid peroxidase; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.
SNP identifier based on NCBI SNP database (
on HLA haplotypes in HT are less definitive than that in GD. DR3, whereas protective effects were detected for DR13, DR7, and
Although, some HLA alleles associated with HT are common to DR15 (119). Similarly, DRB1*04:05, DQB1*02:01, DQB1*03:02,
GD, others appear to be unique to each disease (119, 169, 170), and DQA1*03:01 allele frequencies were higher in Greek patients
suggesting that HLA genotypes may contribute, at least in part, to with HT, while those of DRB1*07 were lower, than in the control
differences in HT and GD immunopathogenic mechanisms. group (177).
Among the HLA class I alleles, HLA-A*02:07 was associated In recent studies including non-Caucasian populations, the
with HT susceptibility in a Japanese population (169, 170). Of HLA-DRB4*53:01 allele was identified as associated with HT
note, this allele was the strongest and most significantly susceptibility in Japanese patients (170) and the DR8 haplotype
associated susceptibility allele in HT, in contrast to GD, where in Koreans (178). Additionally, HLA alleles in the HP-2
alleles from the MHC class II region were more strongly haplotype (HLA-A * 33:03-C * 14:03-B * 44:03-DRB1 * 13:02-
associated (169). Furthermore, it was estimated that DQB1*06:04-DPB1*04:01) and the HP-2 haplotype itself were
approximately 58% of patients with HT carried at least one of associated with protective effects against GD and HT in a
four HLA class I alleles (HLA-A*02:07, B*35:01, B*40:02, or Japanese population (169, 170), with OR = 0.36 for HT (169).
B*40:06) (169). Conversely, in Caucasian populations, only a Furthermore, the HLA-DRB1 * 03 allele was shown to be
few studies have suggested associations between HLA class I predisposing in Kayseri Turkish patients with HT, in contrast
alleles and HT risk (171, 172). Hence, it is hypothesized that to DRB1*01, which was associated with a protective effect (179).
ethnic differences may play a role in the immunological Moreover, in an Indian population, DRB1*12 and DRB1*10
mechanisms involved in thyrocyte destruction (169). exhibited the strongest predisposing and protective effects,
Numerous associations between HLA class II alleles and HT respectively, among different HLA-DRB1 alleles (150);
have been demonstrated (particularly in Caucasian populations), however, in contrast to previous reports, a decreased frequency
including DQA1 * 03, DQB1 * 02, DQB1 * 03, DRB1 * 03, and of the DRB1*03 allele was observed in HT patients in this study.
DRB1*04 alleles, or DR3, DR4, and DR5 haplotypes (173–176). Due to its crucial role in the presentation of peptide antigens
In Japanese population, DRB1*04 and DRB4*01 were suggested to T cells, particular attention has been paid to the molecular
as susceptibility alleles, while DQA1*01 and DQB1*06 were structure of the peptide binding pocket in HLA class II
protective (169). However, all of these studies included molecules. Arginine at position 74 of the HLA-DRb1 chain
relatively small cohorts and generated inconsistent results. (DRb1-Arg74) was identified as a critical pocket amino acid
Some of these previous observations have been confirmed in a signature that confers susceptibility to both GD and HT (180,
large group of UK Caucasian patients with HT; DRB1*04, 181). Conversely, the presence of glutamine at position 74 of the
DQB1*03:01, and DQA1*03:01 showed the most significant DRb1 chain conferred a protective effect. It was suggested that a
predisposing effect, while DQA1 * 01:02, DQA1* 02:01, and specific HLA-DR peptide binding pocket structure may
DQB1*06 had the most significant protective effect. Overall, a predispose to AITD by enabling presentation of certain
strong predisposing association between DR4 or DR8 haplotypes autoantigens, such as Tg, TPO, or TSHR pathogenic peptides.
and HT has been found, as well as a borderline association with Indeed, the non-synonymous TG variant, W1999R, can interact
with HLA-DRb1-Arg74, and together these two variants confer a different prevalence rates of rare variants in the studied
high risk for AITD (182). Recently, among Polish patients, HLA- populations. Indeed, the susceptibility allele (T) of rs2476601 is
DRB1 with phenylalanine at position 67 (encoded by the generally extremely rare in Asian and African populations (198,
rs17886918T variant) was significantly associated with HT (138). 202). Also, a decreasing frequency of this allele was observed
from the north to the south of the Europe (203). It is suggested
Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte-Associated Protein 4 that AITD susceptibility in different ethnic populations may be
GWAS identified several CTLA4 genetic variants as being related to distinct risk loci. Notably, an extremely rare
associated with AITD (both HT and GD) or hypothyroidism, predisposing variant of PTPN22 (missense A77G mutation)
and these associations were widely replicated in various ethnic has recently been identified in a Chinese HT pedigree using
groups (Table 2). The most consistent associations with HT were whole-exome sequencing (204).
a SNP at position 49 (A49G, rs231775) in the CTLA4 leader Although the exact mechanism by which the R620W variant
peptide, resulting in an alanine to threonine substitution, and a predisposes to autoimmunity remains largely unknown, PTPN22
SNP located near to the 3’ UTR (CT60, rs3087243) in both the with a tryptophan residue at position 620 (Trp620) binds Csk less
Caucasian and Asian populations (Table 2). Several subsequent efficiently than the variant with an arginine at this position (205).
meta-analyses have confirmed these associations (183–187). Consequently, the capacity of PTPN22 to downregulate T cell
CTLA4 is suggested to contribute to AITD susceptibility by responses may be reduced, thereby increasing susceptibility to
interacting with other loci (188) and a strong synergy has been autoimmunity. By contrast, PTPN22 Trp620 is more active and a
demonstrated for the CTLA4 and HLA genes in AITD (189). In more potent negative regulator of T cell signaling, suggesting a
an Indian population, associations with both susceptibility (for a role for R620W in positive selection of autoreactive T cells (206).
combination of the G allele of CTLA4, A49G, and the HLA-DR5 Furthermore, PTPN22 Trp620 was associated with increased
allele) and protection (for a combination of the A allele of frequencies of thymically-derived T regulatory (Treg) cells and
CTLA4, A49G, and the HLA-DR3, DR10, and DR15 alleles) with increased expression of programmed cell death protein
have been established (150). (PD-1) on both Treg and T effector cells (207). Currently, the
CTLA4 is a transmembrane protein expressed on activated T role of the PTPN22 C1858T polymorphism in autoimmunity is
cells that functions as a negative regulator of their activation by suggested to be alteration of both the innate and adaptive
competing with CD28 for binding to the ligand B7 on antigen- immune responses (206, 208).
presenting cells (190). Therefore, it is likely that polymorphisms Overall, current knowledge of HT genetics is rather limited.
that reduce CTLA4 expression or activity may cause excessive The majority of identified associations relate to general immune-
activation and proliferation of T cells, predisposing to regulatory genes involved in the development of central and
autoimmunity (114, 191). Consistent with this, SNPs in CTLA4 peripheral tolerance and antigen presentation, which are
are risk variants for various autoimmune disorders (192); important for achieving the proper balance between an
however, it is unclear which CTLA4 variants are causative and adequate immune response against foreign antigens and
by what mechanism they confer susceptibility to autoimmunity. maintaining autoantigenic tolerance. Moreover, all
susceptibility loci identified to date together account for only a
Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase, Non-Receptor Type 22 small proportion of the heritability of HT (209). It is estimated
Similar to CTLA4, PTPN22 is a powerful inhibitor of T cell that < 5.5% of total HT variance can be explained by common
activity; it belongs to a family of protein tyrosine phosphatases genetic variants (138, 157), indicating that a substantial number
expressed in both mature and immature B and T cells. PTPN22 of HT predisposing factors remain to be discovered.
binds to the SH3 domain of the C-terminal Src kinase (Csk),
thereby suppressing kinases that mediate T cell signaling (193).
PTPN22 also functions as a negative regulator of T cell activation
through its interaction with the Grb2 adaptor molecule (194). JOINT PREVALENCE OF POLYCYSTIC
After the HLA system, PTPN22 polymorphisms may be the OVARY SYNDROME AND AUTOIMMUNE
most important genetic risk factor for autoimmune diseases THYROID DISEASE
(195). Variations in PTPN22 are associated with various
autoimmune disorders, including AITD (191). The most Considering the similar elements in the pathogenic mechanisms
extensively studied and widely confirmed is the association of and high prevalence rates of both AITD and PCOS among
the C1858T missense mutation (rs2476601), which results in a women of reproductive age, the interesting question of whether
substitution of arginine (R) to tryptophan (W) at position 620 thyroid dysfunction is significantly more frequent in women
(R620W) of the encoded protein. The PTPN22 C1858T variant is with PCOS arises. An increasing number of studies indicate a
associated with an increased risk of both HT and GD (196, 197); higher prevalence of AITD, and particularly hypothyroidism, in
however, significant differences in this association have been patients with PCOS (Table 3 and relevant references therein). In
observed across various ethnic groups. A significant association most of these studies, although not all, higher levels of anti-TPO
between the PTPN22 C1858T polymorphism and susceptibility and/or anti-Tg antibodies were observed, exceeding the upper
to AITD was demonstrated specifically in Caucasians, but it was limit of the normal range in an average of 22.3% of patients with
hardly detected in non-Caucasian populations (198–201). It is PCOS (ranging from 4.8% to 37.9%, depending on the study),
suggested that this could be due to the ancestral effects and compared with an average of 8.5% in healthy women (range 3.3%
Study year Compared groups N Population TSH and thyroid Prevalence of SCH; Anti-TPO and anti-Tg Hypoechoic thyroid Prevalence of AITD; AITD
(ref) hormone level TSH cut-off value antibody levels (goiter) criteria
2004 (210) PCOS vs. age- 175 vs. 168 German TSH 2.0 ± 1.0 vs. 1.4 ± Anti-TPO and/or anti-Tg 42.3% vs. 6.5% p<0.001 20.6% vs. 6.5% p<0.001;
matched women 0.6 mIU/L p<0.001; positivity 26.9% vs. 8.3% Anti-TPO and/or anti-Tg
without PCOS TSH level above upper p<0.001 positivity and hypoechoic
limit 10.9% vs. 1.8% thyroid
fT4 level - NS
2011 (211) PCOS vs. age- 84 vs. 81 Turkish TSH, fT3 and fT4 levels - NS TSH > 4.5 mIU/L Anti-TPO and anti-Tg l Thyroid volume and PCOS alone was not
matched healthy evels - NS heterogeneity of thyroid associated with AITD;
women parenchyma - NS Higher thyroid volume
(p=0.001), anti-TPO
(p=0.005) and anti-Tg
(p=0.003) levels in MS
2012 (212) PCOS vs. age- 78 vs. 350 Iranian TSH level - NS Higher anti-TPO median Goiter 62.3% vs. 35.7%
matched healthy level p=0.04;Anti-Tg level - NS p<0.0001
2013 (213) PCOS vs. age and 80 vs. 80 Indian TSH 4.55 ± 2.66 vs. 22.5 vs. 8.75% p<0.05; Anti-TPO 28.04 ± 9.14 vs. 12.5% vs. 2.5% p<0.001; 22.5% vs. 1.25% p<0.05;
BMI-matched 2.67 ± 3.11 mIU/L p<0.05; TSH > 4.25 mIU/L 25.72 ± 8.27 IU/ml p=0.035 Goiter 27.5% vs. 7.5% Anti-TPO positivity
women without Higher fT3, fT4 levels p<0.001
PCOS p<0.001
2013 (7) PCOS infertile vs. 151 vs. 155 Italian TSH 2.17 ± 1.19 vs. 33.7% vs. 23.2% p<0.05;
infertile controls 1.82 ± 1.1 mIU/L p<0.009; TSH > 2.5 mIU/L
Frontiers in Immunology |
Study year Compared groups N Population TSH and thyroid Prevalence of SCH; Anti-TPO and anti-Tg Hypoechoic thyroid Prevalence of AITD; AITD
(ref) hormone level TSH cut-off value antibody levels (goiter) criteria
2016 (220) PCOS vs. age and 100 vs. 100 Chinese TSH 5.11 ± 22.2 vs. 2.9 ± 27% vs. 8% p=0.0002; Anti-TPO 76.2 ± 23.4 vs. 34% vs. 7% p<0.01; 25% vs. 2% p<0.001;
BMI-matched .2 mlU/L p<0.001; Overt hypothyroid 3% vs. 20.14 ± 12.4 IU/ml p<0.001 Goiter 25% vs. 2% Anti-TPO and hypoechoic
healthy women fT3 level p=0.03; 0% p=0.01; p=0.02 thyroid
fT4 level - NS TSH > 4.25 mIU/L
2016 (221) PCOS vs. age- 55 vs. 51 Indian TSH, fT3 and fT4 levels - NS TSH > 6.2 mIU/L Anti-TPO 49.54 ± 136.9 vs. 37.7% vs. 15.6% - NS;
matched women 22.63 ± 38.5 IU/ml - NS; Anti-TPO and/or anti-Tg
without PCOS Higher anti-Tg level p=0.004 positivity
2017 (222) PCOS vs. age- 90 vs. 90 Indian TSH and fT4 levels - NS 6.6% vs. 5.6% - NS Anti-TPO 25.8 ± 2.9 vs. 14.6% 25% vs. 5.6% p<0.05;
matched women ± 2.3 5 IU/ml p<0.009 Anti-TPO positivity
without PCOS
February 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 606620
2017 (223) PCOS vs. age- 97 vs. 71 Turkish TSH and fT4 levels - NS TSH > 5. 33 mIU/L Anti-TPO positivity Thyroid nodules 29.9% 40.2% vs. 15.5% p=0.001;
matched healthy 32.0% vs. 15.5% p=0.019; vs. 15.5% p=0.043 Anti-TPO and/or anti-Tg
Frontiers in Immunology |
Study year Compared groups N Population TSH and thyroid Prevalence of SCH; Anti-TPO and anti-Tg Hypoechoic thyroid Prevalence of AITD; AITD
(ref) hormone level TSH cut-off value antibody levels (goiter) criteria
Study year Examined group N Population TSH level Prevalence of SCH;TSH cut-off value Metabolic and hormonal
[ref] parameters
2013 (96) PCOS 168 Brazilian SCH 6.1 ± 1.2 vs. 11.3%; Higher LDL in SCH p=0.04
euthyroidism 2.3 ± 1.0 mIU/L TSH > 4.5 mIU/L
2014 (227) PCOS 75 Indian SCH 6.89 ± 5.52 vs. 25.5%; Lower free testosterone in
euthyroidism 1.89 ± 0,78 mIU/L p=0.006 TSH > 3.75 mIU/L SCH p=0.006
2014 (5) PCOS 428 Chinese SCH 5.94 ± 0.53 mIU/L 14%; In SCH higher TC p=0.049;
TSH > 5 mIU/L higher LDL p=0.001;
lower HDL p=0.051;
higher dyslipidemia p=0.014
2018 (228) PCOS 137 U.S. 21.9%; In SCH higher fasting
TSH > 2.5 mIU/L glucose p=0.03;
higher HOMA-IR p=0.03
AITD, autoimmune thyroid disease; fT3, free triiodothyronine; fT4, free thyroxine; HDL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HOMA-IR, homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance; LDL, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; MS, metabolic
syndrome; NS, no significant change or similar level; PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome; SCH, subclinical hypothyroidism; TC, total cholesterol; Tg, thyroglobulin; TPO, thyroid peroxidase; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.
February 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 606620
to 15.3%). Also, decreased echogenicity of the thyroid gland, a (HOMA)-IR levels among patients with PCOS and SCH were
characteristic ultrasound pattern typical of HT, was observed higher than those in euthyroid PCOS patients, independent of
more frequently in women with PCOS than in those without the BMI (10, 228, 234). Notably, ethnic diversity among euthyroid
condition (mean, 29% vs. 9%, respectively). The prevalence of PCOS patients and patients with PCOS and SCH was suggested
SCH at TSH levels between 4.2 and 10 mIU/L ranged from 11.3% with respect to IR and lipid profiles (227). By contrast, SCH is
to 30.3% (mean, 20.3%) among patients with PCOS, which was not an independent risk factor for PCOS among obese women of
more than 3 times higher than that reported for women without reproductive age (235).
this condition (mean, 6.2%; range, 1.9% to 8.75%). Altogether, In particular, combined occurrence of PCOS and SCH increases
the estimated prevalence of AITD among women with PCOS was the risk of impaired lipid profiles. Compared with euthyroid PCOS
nearly threefold higher than that in healthy women (mean, 28% patients, PCOS patients with elevated TSH levels show a trend
vs. 10%, respectively), although it should be noted that the toward higher triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels, as well as
diagnostic criteria for AITD differed among studies (Table 3). lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels (5, 96, 220).
In women with PCOS, compared with those without the A positive correlation was found between TSH and LDL cholesterol
condition, higher TSH levels, anti-thyroid antibody positivity levels, with the optimal TSH cut-off point for elevated LDL
rate, and prevalence of thyroid disorders, particularly HT, have cholesterol risk defined as 4.07 mIU/L (5). Furthermore, two
been demonstrated in three independent meta-analyses recent meta-analyses covering 12 and nine studies demonstrate
conducted to date (9, 229, 230). Based on six studies, the that the presence of SCH in women with PCOS is associated with an
combined OR of SCH risk for women with PCOS (compared increase in metabolic disorders, particularly dyslipidemia, which
with healthy women) was 2.87 (95% confidence interval (CI), affect triglyceride, LDL, HDL, and total cholesterol levels (234).
1.82–9.92; p < 10-6), assuming a TSH cut-off level of > 2.5 mIU/L, Taken together, current data suggest that the combined effect of
and 3.59 (95% CI, 2.25–5.73; p < 10-6) when limiting TSH to ≥ 4 PCOS and HT is associated with a higher risk of more pronounced
mIU/L (229). Similarly, two meta-analyses indicated a significant metabolic disorders than either of these syndromes alone.
association between PCOS and the presence of AITD: one It has been hypothesized that increased IR in obesity and
included six studies (OR = 4.81; 95% CI, 2.88–8.04; p < 10-5) secretion of pro-inflammatory mediators can lead to elevated
(9) and the other included 13 studies (OR = 3.27; 95% CI, 2.32– TSH levels through one of two pathways: decreased deiodinase-2
4.63; p < 10-4) (230). The higher risk of AITD among women activity or increased levels of leptin hormone, which act directly to
with PCOS also persisted after geographical stratification of the stimulate increased TRH secretion by the hypothalamus (110, 236).
study populations (230). In addition, increased leptin, as a result of weight gain, can mediate
autoimmunity by preferential up-regulation of autoreactive T cells
and down-regulation of Treg cells, mediating a suppressive effect on
Possible Cross-Connections Predisposing the immune system (8). It is suggested that PCOS exacerbates
to Joint Occurrence of Polycystic development of SCH, likely via obesity and IR (237). Moreover,
Ovary Syndrome and Autoimmune hypothyroidism may aggravate IR.
Thyroid Disease One possible explanation for the high prevalence of HT in
Although the association between PCOS and AITD is generally PCOS assumes that changes in the fetal thymus, and resulting
uncontested, its cause remains unclear. Both syndromes share a alterations in immune tolerance, may predispose to combined
number of common clinical and pathological features; however, PCOS and HT in adulthood (27). Estrogen or adrenal steroids,
whether mutual interrelationships are present, or whether one such as corticosterone, injected into female mice early in life
condition predisposes an individual to another disorder, remains (before the final stage of thymus development) results in
speculative (8). Some evidence suggests that PCOS may have an anovulation and follicular cyst formation (238). It is also
autoimmune background. Abnormally elevated levels of systemic suggested that estrogen can damage the thymus during its
autoimmune markers such as anti-histone, anti-double stranded development, and that the resulting absence of Treg cells is a
DNA (anti-dsDNA), and anti-nuclear antibodies, which are prerequisite for formation of ovarian cysts (238). Similar to
considered classic features of autoimmune disease, have been PCOS, hypothyroidism can result in ovarian cyst formation (8)
observed in women with PCOS (231, 232); however, the presence and, notably, they are normalized in response to T4 replacement
of anti-ovarian antibodies in PCOS remains controversial (231). (106). CD4+ CD25+ FOXP3+ Treg cells protected against
The most obvious association between PCOS and HT is the autoimmunity in a murine model of HT (239). The
increased metabolic risk of obesity, IR, and dyslipidemia (27, transcription factor, FOXP3, which is involved in Treg cell
233). Overweight and obese patients with PCOS showed a higher formation and consequently FOXP3 expression, is dependent
tendency toward thyroid dysfunction; TSH levels > 2.5 mIU/L on production of the cytokine TGF-b (239). Since lower levels of
were significantly more common in patients with BMI > 25 kg/ TGF-b1 are reported in HT than in healthy women (240), lower
m2 (56%) than in those with BMI ≤ 25 (25.8%, p < 0.005) (7). levels of Treg cells are also expected. TGF-b1 inhibits
Patients with PCOS and AITD were more obese by an average of proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis of T cells, as well as
2 kg/m² (226). Higher TSH levels (as well as a higher frequency increases the growth of naive T cells (241); hence, it is thought to
of nodular goiter and thyroid volume) were observed in patients be involved in development of autoimmunity. Furthermore,
with PCOS, and these parameters correlated with IR (7, 223). TGF-b signaling appears to be important for the fetal origin of
Furthermore, fasting glucose and homeostasis model assessment PCOS and folliculogenesis (242).
beta-cell function was observed when compared to the age and BMI FBN3 is a member of the fibrillin/LTBP (latent TGF-b
matched controls, which was correlated with the intensity of IR (269). binding protein) family of ubiquitously expressed extracellular
A strong association was observed in candidate gene studies matrix proteins that regulate the bioavailability and activity of
between linked to each other missense FSHR gene variants: TGF-b, providing binding sites for its sequestration (273). The
Thr307Ala (rs6165) and Asn680Ser (rs6166), and intensity of FBN3 genetic variant, D19S884 allele 8 (A8), a dinucleotide
some PCOS clinical traits. The Ser680 allele was associated with repeat microsatellite marker in intron 55, is the variant most
higher serum gonadotrophic hormones concentrations and higher strongly associated with PCOS susceptibility at the 19p13.2 locus
frequency of hyperandrogenism presence (44). Longer follicular (274). A rare missense variant (Asp911Val) in FBN3 was also
phase and lower E2 levels after exogenous FSH stimulation were found by the whole-exome sequencing approach (275). Although
also observed, suggesting lower sensitivity of this FSHR variant the results were not consistent, further studies suggest that D19S884
(270). Several other FSHR polymorphisms have been shown to is likely a causal variant for PCOS susceptibility (275, 276). It was
correlate with ovarian function, including SNPs identified by suggested that the A8 allele may affect splicing of FBN3 transcript
GWAS in Han Chinese population (Table 1) and by fine (277). Women with PCOS carrying the A8 allele had significantly
mapping of 2p16.3 region in a population of European ancestry lower circulating TGF-b1 levels, and higher inhibin B and
(271); however, they seem to be associated with FSH levels and the aldosterone levels, as well as higher levels of fasting INS and
PCOM phenotype rather than with disease risk (33, 47). Recent HOMA-IR than women with PCOS without the A8 allele (277).
GWAS among patients with HT identified SNP rs12713034 in the It is hypothesized that women with PCOS and the A8 variant, and
FSHR gene that is associated with the presence of anti-thyroid therefore lower TGF-b levels, are more susceptible to HT than those
antibodies (146). In addition, hypothyroidism has been found to without this allele (27). Some findings suggest that expression of the
decrease FSH and E2 levels and alter FSHR-mediated expression of FBN3 gene in fetal ovaries may predispose to PCOS development in
CYP51, a key enzyme involved in sterols and steroids biosynthesis later life, supporting the existing hypothesis of the fetal origin of
during folliculogenesis and oocyte maturation, which is regulated PCOS (278).
by FSH (272); thus providing a further link between the functions As outlined in this review, our current knowledge of the
of the ovaries and thyroid gland. genetic basis of the joint occurrence of PCOS and HT leads us to
FIGURE 1 | Schematic presentation of possible cross-linkages between PCOS and HT. Involvement of the most important genetic factors and molecular pathways.
Treg cell dysregulation emerges as a critical point in the genetic and functional network linking the two diseases. In PCOS, genetic variation emphasizes the
contribution of both hormonal imbalance (gonadotropins, androgens, and female sex hormones) and metabolic factors (IR and INS secretion), often interacting
through a feedback loop. Suppression of TGF-b signaling pathway in combination with IR may lead to dysregulation of Treg cells and promotion of autoimmunity in
women with PCOS (red line connections). Possible interaction of ncRNA (miRNA, lncRNA) with TGF-b signaling. The most important genes are indicated in blue;
darker blue designates susceptibility genes for both diseases.
believe that there may be no strong shared genetic variants IL2 (286). In turn, lncRNA-IFNG-AS1 was upregulated in HT
associated with the risk of both diseases. Rather, it is a specific patients, and it was associated with IFN-g expression in human
combination of risk factors for individual diseases that CD4+ T cells and with the frequency of circulating Th1 cells (287).
predisposes them to occur together. Moreover, due to the The lncRNA TGFB2-AS1 was shown to be transcriptionally
complex background of both disorders, this combination may regulated by TGF-b and to suppress TGF-b/BMP-mediated
be specific not so much to the risk of the disease itself as to the response of target genes (288). In granulosa cells from patients
expression of its individual phenotypes. In line with this with PCOS, expression of miR-423 was downregulated, and both
assumption, it has been recently indicated that the use of miR-33b and miR-142 were upregulated, compared to controls;
combined polygenic and phenotypic risk prediction may miR-423 directly suppressed SMAD7, while miR-33b and miR-
improve the accuracy of PCOS diagnosis (279). 142 targeted TGF-b receptor 1 (TGFBR1) (289). Several lncRNA
As shown in Figure 1, which simplifies the possible cross- have been reported to positively regulate TGF-b/SMAD signaling
linkages between PCOS and HT, the multi-directional link seems (290). The lncRNAs can act directly or as miRNA sponges, thus
to be the best explanation for the predisposition to joint occurrence reducing their regulatory effect on target mRNAs (291). In
of both diseases. Treg cells dysregulation emerges as a critical point granulosa cells, lncRNA-NORFA directly interacts with miR-
in the genetic and functional network connecting the two diseases. 126 and prevents it from binding to TGFBR2 3’UTR (292).
In PCOS, genetic variation emphasizes the contribution of both Another lncRNA, MALAT1, has been found to regulate TGF-b
hormonal imbalance (gonadotropins, androgens, and female sex signaling through sponging miR-125b and miR-203a, TGF-b
hormones) and metabolic factors (IR and INS secretion), often negative regulators by targeting TGFBR1 and TGFBR2 (293).
interacting through a feedback loop (230, 248). It can be assumed Considering the above-mentioned examples of the role of ncRNA
that the favorable hormonal and metabolic background in women in modulating of TGF-b signaling, the involvement of ncRNA in
with PCOS may predispose them to thyroid autoimmunity and the processes leading to the joint occurrence of PCOS and HT
aggravate the disease symptoms through the HT susceptibility seems very likely; however, there are no strong data supporting
factors (8, 219). this hypothesis and it requires confirmation in further studies.
The best documented genetic association between PCOS and
HT relates to the TGF-b signaling pathway. Factors involved in this
pathway are clearly good candidate susceptibility genes for both
syndromes, since they have key roles in the immune system,
hormone regulation, inflammation, cell proliferation, tissue PCOS and HT are two of the most common endocrine disorders
differentiation, apoptosis, and related metabolic consequences among young women worldwide. Both syndromes are causally
such as IR. In PCOS, the inflammation of visceral adipose tissue related to the risk of severe metabolic and reproductive disorders
resulting in chronic release of pro-inflammatory cytokines is a and are significant social problems. Thyroid dysfunction in
major contributor to IR (280). Treg cells suppress pro-inflammatory PCOS appears to enhance the clinical symptoms of the disease
effects of autoreactive T cells (281). Depletion of CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ and the severity of its consequences. The pathogenesis of the
Treg cells and increased inflammation in visceral adipose tissues was association of PCOS with HT is not clear, although the
found to contribute to IR in HT (282). We are hypothesizing that the relationship between thyroid hormones and ovary function is
suppression of TGF-b signaling pathway in combination with IR indisputable. There is good evidence for a strong genetic impact
may lead to Treg cells dysregulation and promotion of on the development of both diseases; hence, a common genetic
autoimmunity in women with PCOS (Figure 1). Beside FBN3, no predisposition is possible. However, to date, it is not apparent.
members of the TGF-b signaling have been shown to be among the Furthermore, the question of whether PCOS predisposes to
top GWAS associations for PCOS or HT. However, rs4803457 development HT, or whether HT is a forerunner of PCOS,
polymorphism in TGFB1 gene was associated with PCOS remains open.
susceptibility in candidate gene studies in Chinese Han women
(273). The genetic variation in transcription factor FOXP3 has also
been reported in candidate gene studies for AITD (2). FOXP3 is a
crucial regulator of Treg cells differentiation and function and its AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
expression is induced by TGF-b, which activity, in turn, is regulated
by FBNs (33). All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted
In recent years, there has been an increase in evidence of the version. NZ-L wrote the original draft. EH wrote and critically
role of non-coding RNA (ncRNA) in the development of various revised the manuscript.
diseases. Differentially expressed microRNA (miRNA) and long
ncRNA (lncRNA) were identified both in PCOS and HT (283,
284). The ncRNAs were shown to be involved in regulating T cell FUNDING
production and differentiation (285). Furthermore, several
ncRNAs were involved in regulation by the TGF-b signaling This work was supported by the Polish National Science Centre
pathway. In HT, the expression of miR-141 was downregulated (grant number 2016/23/B/NZ2/00696) and the Centre of
due to its involvement in TGF-b pathway and regulation through Postgraduate Medical Education (grant number 501-1009-12-20).
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