Renderoc GP Jun22

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Fosroc® Renderoc GP constructive solutions

General purpose medium density concrete

reinstatement mortar conforming to the
requirements of BS EN 1504-3 Class R3

For the reinstatement of concrete where low permeability
characteristics are required but where high compressive
strength is not the most important consideration. Where higher
compressive strengths and low permeability characteristics
are required, Renderoc HB45 should be used.
Renderoc GP has been specifically developed as a general
purpose repair mortar that can also be used as a render coat.
Renderoc GP is suitable for repair methods 3.1, 3.3, 4.4,
7.1, 7.2 as defined by BS EN 1504-3.

 Compatibility with concrete of compressive strength 20- 35
 Frequently obviates the need for formwork
 Extremely low permeability to water, carbon dioxide and
chlorides 0370 0836
 Exceptional system of shrinkage compensation provides 09 22
0370–CPR–0845 UK 0836–CPR–22/F6049
long-term dimensional stability
 Can be applied quickly and efficiently by wet spraying DOP: UK9-13
 One component, pre-bagged to overcome site-batched Fosroc International Limited
Drayton Manor Business Park, Coleshill Road, Tamworth, B78 3XN, UK
 Contains no chloride admixtures Fosroc® Renderoc GP
 Shade can be varied with Renderoc Lightener / Darkener* EN 1504-3:
Structural and non-structural repair methods 3, 4 and 7
Compressive strength Class R3: ≥ 25 MPa
Chloride ion content ≤ 0.05%
Renderoc GP is supplied as a ready to use blend of dry Adhesive strength by pull-off
powders requiring only the site addition of clean water to ≥ 1.5 MPa
produce a highly consistent, lightweight repair mortar.
Thermal compatibility: freeze
It is based on Portland cements, graded aggregates and ≥ 1.5 MPa
thaw cycling with immersion
chemical additives which provide a mortar with good Carbonation resistance Pass
handling characteristics while minimising water demand. Elastic modulus 15.1 GPa
The low water requirement ensures good strength gain and
Reaction to fire Class A1
long-term durability.
Dangerous substances Complies with 5.4
Renderoc GP has been specifically engineered for vertical
repair work. It can be applied in sections up to 70 mm
thickness in vertical locations and up to 60 mm thickness in Specification clause
overhead locations in a single application and without the The repair mortar shall be Renderoc GP, a one component,
use of formwork. Thicker sections can be achieved by the medium density cementitious mortar, conforming to the
use of formwork or can be built up in layers. Deep pockets requirements of BS EN 1504-3 Class R3. The cured mortar
can sometimes be filled in a single application dependent shall achieve a compressive strength of 15 MPa at 1 Day,
on the configuration of the pocket and the volume of 30 MPa at 28 Days and a drying shrinkage of <300 micro-
exposed reinforcing steel. strain at 7 days. It shall be able to be applied in sections
Renderoc GP can be quickly and efficiently applied by the up to 70 mm thickness in vertical locations and up to 60
wet spray technique. Consult the local Fosroc office for mm thickness in overhead locations in a single application
further information. without formwork. The product shall be mixed, applied and
cured in accordance with the manufacturer’s written
The material should not be applied at less than 10 mm
thickness. instructions to a correctly prepared substrate.

*Refer to separate datasheet

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Fosroc® Renderoc GP
The following results were obtained at a water : powder ratio of 0.18 and at a temperature of 20°C unless otherwise stated.

Test Method Standard EN 1504 R3 Requirement Test Result

@ 1 Day 15 MPa
Compressive strength EN 12190:1999 > 25 MPa
@ 28 Days 30 MPa
Bond strength by pull off: EN 1542:1999 > 1.5 MPa 1.8 MPa
Chloride ion content: EN 1015-17:2000 < 0.05 MPa 0.03%
Freeze thaw cycling: EN 13687-1:2002 > 1.5 MPa 1.6 MPa
Resistance to carbonation dk EN 13295:2005 dk < ref concrete Conforms
Fire rating EN 1504-3 cl. 5.5 - Class A1Non-Combustible
Flexural strength BS 6319 Pt 3:1990 - 7.1 MPa @ 28 days
Initial set: 3 1/2 hours
Setting time BS4551:2005+A2:2013 -
Final set: 4 hours
Elastic Modulus EN 13412 > 15 GPa 15.1 GPa @ 28 days
Fresh wet density - - Nominally 1800kg/m3
25 x 25 x 285 prisms, - - < 300 microstrain @ 7days
27 OC, 55% RH
- - The low permeability of
Renderoc GP severely retards
chemical attack in aggressive
Chemical resistance environments. The cured mortar
is impermeable to acid gases,
waterborne chloride ions and
Build Characteristics
(hand applied)
Minimum thickness: - - 10 mm
Overhead: Up to 60 mm
Vertical: Up to 70 mm
Clarification of property values: The typical properties given above are derived from laboratory testing. Results derived from field
applied samples may vary. Maximum build thickness is dependent on location of repair, water content and application technique.

Standard compliance Expose fully any corroded steel in the repair area and
Renderoc GP complies with the class R3 according to remove all loose scale and corrosion deposits. Steel should
EN1504-3, repair methods 3.1, 3.3, 4.4, 7.1 and 7.2. be cleaned to a bright condition paying particular attention
to the back of exposed steel bars. Abrasive blasting,
Application instructions hydrodem equipment, powered mechanical scraping or
other suitable means is recommended for this process.
Form a square edge perimeter to the repair area using ap- Where corrosion has occurred due to the presence of
propriate methods (feather edging must be avoided), break chlorides, the steel should be high-pressure washed with
out the complete repair area up to a minimum depth of 10mm clean water immediately after abrasive-blasting to remove
up to the square edge. corrosion products from pits and imperfections within its
Clean the surface and remove any dust, unsound or
contaminated material, plaster, oil, paint, grease, corrosion Refer to HSE information sheet CIS36 regarding control of
de- posits or algae. Where breaking out is not required, exposure to construction dust, available at
roughen the surface and remove any laitance by light
scabbling or abrasive-blasting. Reinforcing steel priming

Oil and grease deposits should be removed by steam Apply one full coat of Nitoprime Zincrich Plus and allow to dry
cleaning, detergent scrubbing or the use of a proprietary before continuing. If any doubt exists about having achieved
degreaser. The effectiveness of decontamination should an unbroken coating, a second application should be made
then be assessed by a pull-off test. and, again, allowed to dry before continuing.

constructive solutions Page 2

Fosroc® Renderoc GP

Concrete Priming If sagging or slumping occurs the Renderoc GP should be

completely removed and reapplied at a reduced thickness
The concrete substrate should be saturated surface dry to a correctly primed substrate
immediately before the application of the primer i.e. it should
be thoroughly saturated with clean water and any residual Build-up
surface water removed prior to applying Nitobond HAR. Additional build-up can be achieved by application of multiple
Under severe drying conditions repeated soaking may be layers.
necessary to ensure the substrate is still saturated at the time The surface of the intermediate layers should be comb scratch-
of application of the primer. keyed and cured with Nitobond AR. Repriming with Nitobond
Scrub Nitobond HAR into the surface. HAR and a further application of Renderoc GP may proceed
as soon as this layer has set.
Renderoc GP can be applied as soon as the primer becomes
tacky. If the Nitobond HAR is too wet, overhead and vertical Spray application
build-up of the Renderoc GP may be difficult. Renderoc GP can be quickly and efficiently applied by the
In exceptional circumstances, e.g. where a substrate/repair wet spray technique. In circumstances where large areas
barrier is required or where the substrate is wet or likely to of repair are required, the rapid placement and higher build
remain permanently damp, Nitobond EP bonding aid should attainable by this method offer economic advantages over
be used. Contact the local Fosroc office for further information. hand-trowelling. The resultant repair also offers a generally
more dense compound with enhanced mortar/substrate bond
Care should be taken to ensure that Renderoc GP is For further details on wet spray techniques contact the local
thoroughly mixed. A forced-action mixer is essential. Mixing Fosroc office.
in a suitably sized drum using an approved Renderoc
Mixing Paddle (MR4) with a slow speed (400/500 rpm)
heavy-duty drill is acceptable for the occasional one-bag Renderoc GP is finished by striking off with a straight edge
mix. and closing with a steel float. Wooden or plastic floats, or
Free-fall mixers must not be used. Mixing of part bags damp sponges, may be used to achieve the desired surface
should never be attempted. texture. The completed surface should not be overworked.
For normal applications, place 4.0 to 5.0 litres of drinking After spray application, the mortar may need to be ‘cut back’
quality water into the mixer. to the required profile using a steel float and then finished with
damp sponges as described above.
With the machine in operation, add one full bag of
Renderoc GP and mix, for a minimum of 3 minutes and a Low temperature working
maximum of 5 minutes, until fully homogeneous.
In cold conditions down to 3°C, the use of warm mixing water
The consistency may be adjusted by the addition of small (up to 30°C) is advisable to accelerate strength development.
amounts of water up to the maximum total water content of Normal precautions for winter working with cementitious
5.0 litres. materials should then be adopted. The material should not
Note that the powder must always be added to the water. be applied when the substrate and/or air temperature is 3°C
and falling. At 3°C static temperature or at 3°C and rising, the
Mixing warning application may proceed.
As with other ‘one pack’ repair mortars, Renderoc GP may High temperature working
exhibit satisfactory handling characteristics even though
inadequately mixed. This will result in a significantly lower At ambient temperatures above 35°C, the material should be
level of performance or possible failure. It is therefore stored in the shade and cool water used for mixing.
essential that mixing instructions are strictly adhered to with
particular emphasis on the quantity of water used and the
time of the mixing operation. Renderoc GP is a cement-based repair mortar. In common
with all cementitious materials, it must be cured immediately
Application after finishing in accordance with good concrete practice. The
Exposed steel reinforcing bars should be firmly secured to use of Nitobond AR, sprayed on to the surface of the finished
mortar in a continuous film, is recommended. A low pressure
prevent movement during application. atomising sprayer is essential for applying the Nitobond AR.
Apply the mixed Renderoc GP by gloved hand or trowel, Any excessive run-off on verticals or drips on soffits should
thoroughly compacting onto the primed substrate and be removed by brush before they harden.
around exposed reinforcement.
Large areas should be cured as trowelling progresses
(0.5 m2 at a time) without waiting for completion of the entire area.

constructive solutions Page 3

Fosroc® Renderoc GP

In fast drying conditions, supplementary curing with polythene the consistency used. The yield will be reduced if the material
sheeting taped down at the edges must be used. In cold is applied by a spray technique.
conditions, the finished repair must be protected from freezing.
Overcoating with protective decorative finishes

Renderoc GP is extremely durable and will provide long-term Renderoc GP should not be used when the temperature
protection to the embedded steel reinforcement within the is below 3°C and falling. Do not mix part bags. Due to the
repaired locations. The surrounding parts of the structure nature of Renderoc GP, the product should not be used in
will benefit from the application of a barrier/decorative areas subjected to traffic (in these circumstances, Renderoc
coating to limit the advance of chlorides and carbon dioxide, S should be considered).
bringing them to the same protective standard as the repair Renderoc GP should not be exposed to moving water during
itself. Fosroc recommend the use of the Dekguard range of application. Exposure to heavy rainfall prior to the final set
protective, anti-carbonation coatings. These products provide may result in surface scour.
a decorative and uniform appearance as well as protecting
areas of the structure which might otherwise be at risk from If any doubts arise concerning temperature or substrate
the environment. Dekguard products may be applied over the conditions, consult the local Fosroc office.
repair area without prior removal of the Nitobond AR curing
membrane. Other curing membranes must be removed prior
to the application of Dekguard products.
The product has a shelf life of 12 months from the date of
Cleaning manufacture if kept in dry storage in the original, unopened
bags. If stored at high temperatures and/or high humidity the
Renderoc GP and Primer should be removed from tools, shelf life may be reduced to less than 6 months.
equipment and mixers with clean water immediately after use.
Cured material can only be removed mechanically. Nitobond AR and Nitobond HAR should be protected from
Clean tools used with Nitoprime Zincrich Plus and Nitobond frost.
EP before material cures, using Fosroc Solvent 102. Precautions

Estimating Health and safety

Supply For further information refer to the appropriate Safety Data

Sheets available at
Renderoc GP: 25 kg bags
Nitoprime Zincrich Plus: 1.9 litre and 800 ml cans Fire
Nitobond HAR 5 litre drums Renderoc GP is non-flammable.
Nitobond AR: 5 litre drums Nitoprime Zincrich Plus and Fosroc Solvent 102: are flammable.
Fosroc Solvent 102: 5 and 25 litre tins Keep away from sources of ignition. No Smoking. In the event
of fire, extinguish with CO2 or foam. Do not use a water jet
Coverage and yield
Flash points
Renderoc GP: Approximately 16 litres /
25 kg bag (approximately 1.6 m² Nitoprime Zincrich Plus: 41°C
at 10 mm thickness) Fosroc Solvent 102: 33°C
Nitoprime Zincrich Plus: 8 m2/ litre
Nitobond AR: 6 - 8 m2/ litre
Nitoprime HAR 3 - 4 m2/ litre
Fosroc and Renderoc are trademarks of
Notes: the actual yield per bag of Renderoc GP will depend on Fosroc International Limited

Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions for the Supply of Goods
and Services, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification of
information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct or continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept
any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the use of its products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation
of information given by basis. All Fosroc datasheets are updated on a regular basis. It is the user’s responsibility to obtain the latest version.

Fosroc International Limited

Drayton Manor Business Park
Coleshill Road, Tamworth, telephone: fax: email:
Staffordshire B78 3XN. UK +44 0 (1827) 262222 +44 0 (1827) 262444 [email protected] FM 610 EMS 61113

Page 4 June 2022

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