Masteremaco S 422
Masteremaco S 422
Masteremaco S 422
A single component, high strength fibre reinforced structural repair mortar, engineered for
repairs to new construction
MasterEmaco S 422 is available in 25 kg bags.
BS EN 1504
MasterEmaco® S 422
Reinforcing steel preparation Depending upon the geometry of the repair area
In cases where the reinforcing steel has been MasterEmaco S 422 may be installed in a single
exposed the reinforcing shall be prepared to a layer thickness greater than 40mm.
clean bright finish.
As soon as the MasterEmaco S 422 starts to
Priming of the substrate stiffen, finishing can be done by wooden, plastic
Generally priming of the substrate is not or steel float depending upon the type of finish
necessary however the concrete should be required.
thoroughly soaked constantly, to a saturated but
surface dry condition for a minimum of 4 hours For spray application please refer to Master
prior to installation of the repair. Builders Solutions Technical Services
For overhead repairs where soaking with water
is not practical an alternative method of priming CURING
is by the use of MasterBrace ADH 1414 or Good curing practice must always be followed.
MasterEmaco P 210. Curing of the installed repair should be carried
out by either.
Priming of reinforcement
For corrosion damaged reinforcement, priming of MasterKure curing agents
the steel is recommended with Damp Hessian and polythene
MasterEmaco 8100 AP, a single component,
zinc rich epoxy primer.
A 25kg bag of MasterEmaco S 422 will yield
approximately 12.3 – 12.8 L of mortar.
It is recommended that only full bags of 25 kg
are mixed. One bag of MasterEmaco S 422 will cover
MasterEmaco S 422 should be mixed by 1.25 m² at thickness of 10mm. This coverage is
mechanical means. Single bags may be mixed theoretical and depends upon the surface profile
using a slow speed drill and spiral paddle or of the substrate and the wastage.
forced action mechanical mixer.
Place the mixing water into the mixing bucket
and add the MasterEmaco S 422 powder and
mix for approximately 3-5 minutes until a smooth During the summer months or where
lump free consistency is achieved. elevated ambient temperatures are
The water additions shall be 3.2 - 3.5 litres per encountered the MasterEmaco S 422 should
25kg bag depending upon the consistency be mixed using chilled water to ensure that
required. the mixed temperature does not exceed
Application #Spray application may change the physical
Following mixing, the MasterEmaco S 422 can properties of the cured material
be installed by hand and trowel, ensuring good Do not add cement sand, or which may affect
compaction. The MasterEmaco S 422 shall its properties.
applied at a minimum thickness of 10mm and a Do not add water or fresh mortar to material
maximum layer thickness of 40mm. Deeper which has begun to set.
repair sections should be applied in layers.
MasterEmaco® S 422
MasterEmaco S 422 should be stored in dry
conditions out of direct sunlight. Shelf life is 12
months when stored as above.
The technical information and application advice given in this Master Builders Solutions publication are based on
STATEMENT OF the present state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no
RESPONSIBILITY assumption can be made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its
accuracy, reliability or completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user
is responsible for checking the suitability of products for their intended use.
Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by Master Builders
NOTE Solutions either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since
they, and not Master Builders Solutions, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific