Renderoc HB40: High-Technology Medium Weight Concrete Reinstatement Mortar Uses Design Criteria

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Renderoc HB40 constructive solutions

High-technology medium weight concrete

reinstatement mortar

For the reinstatement of large areas of concrete and for small, Design criteria
localised patch repairs. Renderoc HB40 is alkaline in nature Renderoc HB40 can be applied in sections up to 40 mm thickness
and will protect embedded steel reinforcement. It is specifically in vertical locations and up to 30 mm thickness in overhead
designed for vertical and overhead repair work where a locations in a single application and without the use of formwork.
medium-weight mortar is required. Thicker sections should be built up in layers but are sometimes
possible in a single application depending on the actual configuration
Advantages of the repair area and the volume of exposed reinforcing steel. The
material should not be applied at less than 10 mm thickness.
„ Medium weight formulation enabling high build and
Greater thicknesses than those specified above can be achieved
thereby saving time and expense of multiple
by spray application or by the use of formwork. Please consult
Fosroc for further information.
„ Obviates the need for formwork
„ Polymer-modification provides extremely low permeability Typical Properties
to water, carbon dioxide and chlorides The test methods used were in full accordance with the Product
„ Excellent bond to the concrete substrate Conformity Certification Scheme for Repair Mortar (PCCS-RM)
„ Exceptional system of shrinkage compensation TM1 - TM6 (2010). Specimens were stored at 27°C and 55% RH.
„ One component, pre-bagged to overcome site-batched The physical properties below are typical of the results obtained in
variations practice.
„ Contains no chloride admixtures
Test method Description of Test Typical result

TM1 Compressive strength 28-33 MPa @ 7days

Standards compliance
35-40 MPa @ 28 days
Renderoc HB40 has been tested and approved in accordance TM2 Tensile strength > 2 MPa @ 7 days
with the Product Conformity Certification Scheme for Repair TM3 Elastic modulus 15-25 kN/mm2 @ 28 days
Mortar (PCCS-RM) TM1 to TM6 (2010). TM4 Bond strength > 2 MPa @ 7 days
TM5 Shrinkage - No cracks @ 7 days
Description Coutinho Ring No cracks @ 28 days
Renderoc HB40 is supplied as a ready to use blend of dry TM6 Figg air permeability > 200 secs @ 35 days
powders which requires only the site addition of clean water BS6319 : Pt3:1983 Flexural strength > 5 MPa @ 7 days
to produce a highly consistent, medium weight repair mortar. HKHA/MTS Drying shrinkage < 300 Microstrains @ 7 days
The material is based on Portland cements, graded Specification
Part D CI.2.1.21
aggregates, lightweight fillers and chemical additives which
provide a mortar with good handling characteristics, while
minimising water demand. The low water requirement ensures (i) The specimens were stored in full accordance with the
fast strength gain and long-term durability. Product Conformity Certification Scheme for Repair Mortar
(PCCS-RM) (2010).
Technical support (ii) TM1 toTM4 and Flexural strength are based on BS6319
Fosroc offers comprehensive technical support, including Part 2.
help at the design stage, application advice and on site (iii) TM1, TM2, TM3, TM4, TM5 & TM6 are requirements of the
problem solving. Specifiers and contractors are encouraged Product Conformity Certification Scheme for Repair Mortar
to contact our trained staff for answers to their questions. (PCCS-RM) (2010).
For further information please contact Fosroc. Fresh wet density: approximately 1930 kg/m3 depending on actual
consistency used.
Chemical resistance: the low permeability severely retards
chemical attack in aggressive environments. The cured mortar is
highly impermeable to acid gases, chloride ions, oxygen and
As a carbon dioxide barrier, a 10mm thickness of Renderoc HB40
is equivalent to a 600mm thickness of 30MPa concrete.
Renderoc HB40

Specification clauses Mixing

The polymer modified reinstatement mortar shall be Renderoc Care should be taken to ensure that Renderoc HB40 is
HB40, a single component cement-based blend of powders thoroughly mixed. A forced-action mixer is essential. Mixing in
to which only the site-addition of clean water shall be permitted. a suitably sized drum using "Renderoc" mixing paddle in a
The reinstatement mortar shall comply fully with the Product slow speed (400/500 rpm) heavy-duty (min 1kw) drill is an
Conformity Certification Schene for Repair Mortar (PCCS-RM) acceptable alternative. Mixing of part bags should never be
TM1 to TM6 and shall exhibit a fresh wet density of 1930 kg/m3. attempted.
For normal applications, place 3.8 to 4.2 litres of clean water
Application instructions into the mixer and, with the machine in operation, add one full
Surface preparation 25 kg bag of Renderoc HB40 and mix for 3 to 5 minutes until
fully homogeneous. Note that powder must always be added
Clean the surface and remove any dust, unsound material,
to water.
plaster, oil, paint, grease, corrosion deposits or algae. Roughen
the surface and remove any laitence by light scabbling or grit- Application
blasting. Saw cut or cut back the extremities of the repair For application to all surfaces, Renderoc HB40 must be well-
locations to a depth of at least 10 mm to avoid feather-edging compacted on to the primed substrate by trowel or by gloved
and to provide a square edge. Break out the complete repair hand. Exposed steel reinforcement should be completely
area to a minimum depth of 10 mm up to the sawn edge. encapsulated by the mortar. Renderoc HB40 can be applied
Expose fully any corroded steel in the repair area and remove at a minimum thickness of 10 mm and up to 40 mm thickness
all loose scale and corrosion deposits. Steel should be in vertical locations in a single application and without the use
cleaned to a bright condition paying particular attention to the of formwork. Overhead thicknesses between 10 mm and 30
back of exposed steel bars. Grit-blasting is recommended for mm can be made in a single application, depending on the
this process. nature of the substrate and the details of the location. If the
recommended thicknesses are exceeded and sagging
Reinforcing steel priming
occurs, the affected section must be completely removed and
Apply one full coat of Nitoprime Zincrich WB and allow to dry reapplied in accordance with the procedure described above.
before continuing. If any doubt exists about having achieved Greater thicknesses than those specified above can be
an unbroken coating, a second application should be made achieved by spray application or by the use of formwork.
and, again, allowed to dry before continuing.
Where thicker sections are required by hand or trowel
Substrate priming application, the surface of the intermediate layers should be
The substrate should be thoroughly soaked with clean water scratch-keyed and cured with Nitobond AR. Application of a
(any excess being removed prior to commencement) prior to further (Nitobond SBR/cement slurry) bond coat and a further
applying a slurry primer mixed with 1 part of Nitobond SBR to application of Renderoc HB40 may proceed as soon as this
1.5 parts of cement by volume. The bond coat should be layer reached initial set (typically 2-3 hours, depending on
scrubbed into the surface of the concrete. Avoid applying too temperature and humidity).
thickly. The repair mortar should be applied as soon as the Finishing
bond coat becomes ‘tacky’. If the bond coat is too wet,
Renderoc HB40 can be finished with a steel, plastic or wood
achieving the desired build may be difficult. If the bond coat
float, or by a damp sponge technique, to achieve the desired
becomes dry, build and bond will be reduced. If a Nitobond
surface texture. The completed surface should not be
SBR / cement slurry coat dries before application of the repair
mortar, it must be removed and the area reprimed before
continuing. High temperature working
In exceptional circumstances, for example, where a substrate/ At ambient temperatures above 35°C, the material should be
repair barrier is required or where the substrate is likely to stored in the shade and cool water used for mixing.
remain permanently damp, Nitobond EP Slowset bonding Low temperature working
aid should be used. Contact Fosroc for further information.
In cold conditions down to 5°C, the use of warm water (up to
30°C) is advisable to accelerate strength development. Normal
precautions for winter working with cementitious materials
should then be adopted.

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Renderoc HB40

Renderoc HB40: 25 kg bags

Curing Nitoprime Zincrich WB: 1 and 4.5 litre tins
Renderoc HB40 is a cement-based repair mortar. In common Nitobond SBR: 5 and 25 litre drums
with all cementitious materials, Renderoc HB40 must be cured
Nitobond AR: 20 litre drums
immediately after finishing in accordance with good concrete
practice. The use of Nitobond AR or Concure WB, sprayed on to Nitobond EP Slowset: 4 litre packs
the surface of the finished Renderoc in a continuous film, is Coverage and yield
recommended. In harsh drying conditions, supplementary curing Renderoc HB40: Approximately 16 litres per 25 kg bag
such as polythene sheeting must be used. Concure WB must (16mm thickness per m2 per 25kg bag)
be removed before overcoating.
Nitoprime Zincrich WB: 7.4 m2/litre
Nitobond SBR: 2 to 5 m2/litre
The completed area of the repair can be overcoated generally (diluted as slurry bond coat)
after 24 hours. Fosroc recommends the use of the Dekguard
range of protective, anti-carbonation coatings. These products Nitobond AR: 6 to 8 m2/litre
also provide a decorative and uniform appearance as well as Nitobond EP Slowset: 10 to 11.5 m2/pack
protecting other areas of the structure which might otherwise Notes: the actual yield per bag of Renderoc HB40 will depend
be at risk from the environment. Dekguard products may be on the consistency used. The coverage figures for liquid
applied over the repair area without prior removal of the products are theoretical - due to wastage factors and the
Nitobond AR curing membrane. Other curing membranes variety and nature of possible substrates, practical coverage
must be removed prior to the application of Dekguard products. figures will be reduced.
Sampling Procedure
Fosroc standard test methods must be employed when Storage
performance testing this product. For full information please Shelf life
contact your local Fosroc office.
All products have a shelf life of 9 months if kept in a dry store
in the original, unopened bags or packs.
Storage conditions
Renderoc HB40 should not be used when the temperature is
below 5°C and falling. Do not mix part bags. Due to the Store in dry conditions in the original, unopened bags or
medium weight nature of Renderoc HB40, the product should packs. If stored at high temperatures and/or high humidity
not be used in areas subject to traffic. Exposure to heavy conditions the shelf life may be reduced. Nitobond SBR, and
rainfall prior to the final set may result in surface scour. Nitobond AR should be protected from frost.


Note: In accordance with Commercial or Health & Safety

requirements packaging detail may alter. Please contact your
local Fosroc office for detail.

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Renderoc HB40

Precautions Additional information

Health and safety Fosroc manufactures a wide range of products specifically

designed for the repair and refurbishment of damaged
Renderoc HB40 contains cement powders which, during
reinforced concrete. This includes hand-placed and spray
normal use, have no harmful effect on dry skin. However, when
grade repair mortars, fluid micro-concretes, chemical-
Renderoc HB40 is mixed, or becomes damp, alkali is released
resistant epoxy mortars and a comprehensive package of
which can be harmful to the skin. During use, avoid inhalation
protective coatings. In addition, a wide range of complementary
of dust and contact with skin and eyes. Nitoprime Zincrich WB
products is available. This includes joint sealants,
and Nitobond products should not be allowed to come into
waterproofing membranes, grouting, anchoring and
contact with skin or eyes or be swallowed.
specialised flooring materials.
Wear suitable gloves, eye protection and dust masks. The
Fosroc have also produced several educational training videos
use of barrier creams is recommended. In case of contact with
which provide more detail about the mechanisms which
skin, wash with clean water. In case of contact with eyes, rinse
cause corrosion within reinforced concrete structures and the
immediately with plenty of clean water and seek medical
solutions which are available to arrest or retard these
advice. If swallowed, seek medical attention immediately - do
destructive mechanisms.
not induce vomiting.
For further information about products, training videos or
For further information see relevant Material Safety Data
publications, contact the local Fosroc office.
Renderoc HB40, Nitobond SBR, Nitobond AR and Nitoprime
Zincrich WB are non-flammable.
Flash points
Nitoprime Zincrich WB: 16°C

Renderoc is the trademark of Fosroc International Limited.

Important note
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard
Conditions for the Supply of Goods and Service, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours
to ensure that any advice, recommendation, specification or information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot,
because it has no direct or continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly
or indirectly arising from the use of its products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification,
recommendation or information given by it.


Hong Kong Ltd. Fosroc Guangzhou Limited
No. 7 Hong Yuan Road, Eastern Section, Guangzhou Economic & Technological Development
2001-5A, Pacific Plaza District, Guangzhou 510760, China
410 Des Voeux Road West
Tel: +(86-20) 8226 9245 Fax: +(86-20) 8226 8010 email: [email protected]
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2882 8662 We also have offices in the following locations :
Fax: (852) 2895 2931 Macao, Taiwan (Distributor), Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai and Suzhou
Email: [email protected] For Macao & Taiwan, please contact Fosroc Hong Kong office. For other cities in China, please contact Fosroc Guangzhou office.

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