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We will take the traditional model of attentional top- processing in downstream areas. The fronto-parietal
down control of fronto-parietal over visual cortex during activation during directed attention encompasses a
space-based selection as a starting point and introduce multitude of topographic areas that have a preferential
three more recent control accounts along with evidence in representation of the contralateral visual hemifield
their support: advances in feature-based control, thalamic (Figure 1a top, left; [17]). Accordingly, spatial attention
control, and control of temporal dynamics in network to the contralateral hemifield evokes a stronger signal
interactions. We propose that the control mechanisms than to the ipsilateral hemifield, thus generating a
associated with each account are not mutually exclusive contralateral spatial biasing signal in each topographic
but may rather synergistically interact and complement area (Figure 1a top, right; [18]). The sum of biasing
one another. Together, the view that emerges from these signals across all fronto-parietal areas is similar in
different lines of work is that attention control is magnitude across the two hemispheres suggesting a
distributed across multiple network nodes exhibiting balanced spatial attention control system in which visual
specific control functions over space, objects, and time. space within a hemifield is largely controlled by the
contralateral hemisphere (interhemispheric competition
Fronto-parietal control of the selection account; [18e20]. The large-scale attention network
process that has been observed in humans is generally conserved
Neuroimaging studies have provided a detailed account in non-human primates, including key regions in frontal
of the functional neuroanatomy of the attention network. cortex, particularly the frontal eye fields (FEF) and
When human subjects are attending to a location in visual adjacent areas in dorso- and ventrolateral prefrontal
space in anticipation of a target stimulus, activity in cortex (PFC; [21]), as well as in posterior parietal cortex,
frontal and parietal cortex is sustained relative to activity particularly the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) and adja-
in visual cortex, reflecting the cognitive operations of the cent parietal regions such as V6/V6A, and the ventral
task, but not sensory processing (Figure 1a bottom; [16]). intraparietal area (VIP) [22e24].
Such results are in line with a top-down model of spatial
attention control, in which the fronto-parietal network Important evidence that frontal cortex is a source of top-
generates feedback signals that influence visual down feedback signals comes from studies demonstrating
Figure 1
Fronto-parietal top-down control of attention. a) Top: A spatial attention task activates fronto-parietal regions (color indicates p < 0.001 of contrast:
‘attend to periphery’ vs. ‘attend to fixation’) in humans including FEF and IPS of the contralateral hemisphere (right; adapted from [18]) that largely
overlaps with topographic maps of the fronto-parietal network (color wheel maps visual field angle to color overlay; left; [17]). Bottom: Directing attention to
a peripheral target (horizontal black lines) location activates FEF and V4 during an expectation period (grey bars) preceding target presentation (red bars).
V4’s activity is further increased by the visual stimuli, whereas FEF’s activity reflects the cognitive operation involved with the task (i.e. allocation of
attention in space) (adapted from [16]). b) Electrical microstimulation using currents below saccade-inducing thresholds in FEF induces attention-like
effects (red) in V4 neurons with receptive fields overlapping the saccade field. Black indicates control data when FEF is not stimulated (adapted from [27]).
c) A schematic of the macaque brain, the flow of sensory bottom-up (black arrows) signals, and the trajectory of control signals (red arrows) originating
from higher-order cortical areas in the fronto-parietal network that backpropagate to sensory, lower-order cortex.
that electrical microstimulation of FEF can induce were abolished in FEF (Figure 2a, right), and behavioral
attention-like effects. First, stimulation of FEF can in- performance in a feature-based attention task was
crease the behavioral performance to discriminate a impaired [42]. These findings suggest that VPA is a
stimulus, similar to the effects of attentional allocation on source for top-down feedback signals related to feature-
discriminability [25,26]. And second, FEF stimulation based attention control that may propagate to other
leads to attention-like effects in downstream area V4 higher-order areas such as FEF [42] as well as visual
such as increasing neuronal firing rates (Figure 1b; [27]). cortex [43] to boost the processing of relevant stimuli
Causal manipulations in humans using transcranial mag- across the visual field.
netic stimulation have corroborated these findings by
showing qualitatively similar effects [28]. Further evi- Feature-based attention control is not confined to PFC.
dence comes from lesion studies of PFC demonstrating A temporal area in dorsal posterior inferotemporal cortex
that modulatory effects of attention are attenuated in (PITd), located on the inferior bank and lip of the su-
visual cortex [29]. Together, these and other lines of perior temporal sulcus (STS), anterior to MT
research have provided compelling evidence for a hier- (Figure 2b, top) has recently been implicated in atten-
archical top-down model (c.f. [30]), in which the allo- tion control function. PITd is strongly connected with
cation of attention to locations, features, and objects are prefrontal areas VPA, FEF, as well as LIP (Figure 2d,
controlled by a higher-order fronto-parietal network that [44,45]). This area has been found to be activated in
influences processing in visual cortex via feedback sig- monkeys performing a motion detection attention task
nals (Figure 1c). in a neuroimaging study [46], and was targeted for
recording studies that revealed strong attention modu-
New perspectives on feature-based control lation (Figure 2b, bottom). Further, microstimulation of
There is extensive evidence of non-spatial effects of PITd causally shifted the location at which attention
attention that enhance neural responses to behaviorally was allocated [47]. While PITd appears to be responsive
relevant stimulus features (e.g. color or motion; see to visual stimuli of different feature categories, neurons
[31e33]). Feature-based attention operates in parallel do not exhibit specific feature selectivity [47].
across the visual field, such that an attended feature re-
ceives a boost independent of its spatial location, PITd is not only connected with fronto-parietal cortex,
supporting a notion that feature- and space-based atten- but may also receive modulatory input from the supe-
tion mechanisms may be controlled by partially non- rior colliculus. In neuroimaging studies, inactivation of
overlapping networks [34e38]. In contrast, based on the superior colliculus (SC) during a motion discrimi-
human neuroimaging findings, the fronto-parietal network nation attention task [48] has been shown to reduce
is engaged during non-spatial selections of stimulus fea- activation in the vicinity of PITd, a region termed fSTS
tures [33] or objects [39,40], characterizing it as a ‘domain- due to its location at the floor of STS (Figure 2c, top;
general’ controller with little functional specialization. Bogadhi et al., 2019). Recording studies showed a
However, the limitations of imaging methods make it un- reduction (but not abolishment) of attentional modu-
clear whether the underlying control functions associated lation effects as a consequence of SC inactivation
with space-, feature- and object-based attention are linked (Figure 2c, bottom; Bogadhi et al., 2021). While it is not
to specialized subpopulations of neurons within the clear whether fSTS and PITd are overlapping or
network or recruit common circuits. Recent studies in non- separate but adjacent areas, inactivation of this part of
human primates have shed light on this issue. cortex underlines its role in attention control by
inducing behavioral deficits akin to visuo-spatial
Several studies have probed the role of FEF and sur- hemineglect [48]; however, exact pathways affected
rounding prefrontal areas in the control of feature-based by perturbing this area remain unexplored and may be
attention. FEF neurons have been shown to exhibit best probed with systematic causal manipulation
activity that reflects the behavioral relevance of relevant studies of simultaneous multi-area recordings. Neurons
features in a visual search task [41]. However, FEF’s in this area were also responsive to different feature
neurons do not exhibit intrinsic feature selectivity. categories as well as objects. Although the exact rela-
Therefore, FEF may receive feature-relevant informa- tionship between PITd and fSTS remains to be
tion from a source area that represents not only a spatial determined, these studies show that this part of cortex
map, but also incorporates feature information. Neurons exhibits functional characteristics of an attention con-
in the ventral prearcuate gyrus (VPA), located lateral to trol area that may be specialized in feature- and object-
the principal sulcus and anterior to the arcuate sulcus based attention [46,48], and highlights afferent signals
(Figure 2a, left, inset), were found to be feature selec- from SC that may be routed to this temporal area
tive and were modulated by spatial attention [42]. VPA through pulvinar (Figure 2d). The anatomical pro-
exhibits sustained feature-selective responses that are jections between this temporal region and VPA
obtained at earlier response latencies than in FEF (Figure 2d, [45]) may also enable the flow of feature-
(Figure 2a, left). Inactivation studies of VPA showed based control signals between PFC and the feature
that feature- (but not space-) based attention effects representative areas close to PITd/fSTS.
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4 Systems Neuroscience
Figure 2
Advances in feature-based attention control. a) Left: During a visual search task in macaques, VPA (location schematically presented in inset) exhibits
feature-based attention effects earlier than those observed in FEF. Right: Feature-based effects (red) observed in FEF (top) are abolished following
inactivation of VPA (bottom). Spatial attention effects (green) are not affected following inactivation (adapted from [42]). b) PITd is strongly activated during
a motion discrimination task (top; adapted from [46]) and its neurons exhibit considerable attentional modulation (bottom; adapted from [47]). c) Top:
Inactivation of SC induces a decrease in activation in an area at the floor of the STS during a motion detection task. Bottom: fSTS exhibits attention
modulation in its neuronal responses (left). This modulation is reduced, but not abolished following inactivation of SC (right; adapted from [48,49]). d) New
nodes discovered may factor into the control of feature-based attention. VPA may generate a behaviorally-relevant template for object and feature in-
formation to FEF (solid red arrow) and to V4 (dotted arrow). Relevant anatomical connectivity is denoted in red, highlighting projections between the PITd/
fSTS area (abbreviated PITd*) with LIP, FEF, and VPA (red lines). The SC causally influences temporal cortex in the PITd/fSTS area (dashed red line)
most likely by way of pulvinar (black lines).
the cortex, the pulvinar, may play an important role in interconnected cortical areas and their projection zone
organizing the cortical attention network in time and in the pulvinar, while monkeys performed a spatial
aiding its processing efficiency [3,50]. Pulvinar is the attention task [58,59]. Focusing on the cue-target in-
largest nucleus in the primate thalamus and its expan- terval, which represents a pure cognitive state (i.e. the
sion during evolution scales with that of the primate allocation of attention at a cued location in expectation
neocortex [51e53]. It is almost exclusively inter- of target onset), during which the attention network is
connected with the cortical visual system through two prepared for target selection, neuronal spiking activity
well-established cortico-pulvinar pathways that parallel was not only enhanced, but also showed increased cor-
the canonical input-output relationships constituting relations in a common frequency band (alpha, low beta,
the visual processing hierarchy [54,55]: (i) a trans- <20 Hz) of the local field potential. The pulvinar
thalamic feedforward pathway that originates from layer appeared to have the strongest influence on this coor-
5 of a cortical area, loops through a dedicated pulvinar dinated activity in the cortical areas, whereas the
projection zone and terminates in layer 4 of an upstream cortical areas had little influence on these interactions
area, and (ii) a feedback pathway that originates from (Figure 3a; [58]). These functional thalamo-cortical
layer 6 of a cortical area and projects to its pulvinar interactions have been shown for extrastriate visual
projection zone. An important characteristic of the cortex [58], fronto-parietal cortex [59], and interactions
transthalamic feedforward pathway is that it indirectly between higher-order and extrastriate cortex [60], and
connects two cortical areas that share a direct cortico- may thus constitute a general principle of functional
cortical projection [56,57]. Based on this anatomical thalamo-cortical organization during attention. These
connectivity, pulvinar is in an ideal position to results are consistent with a role for pulvinar as ‘time-
coordinate functional interactions across a cortical keeper’, coordinating and optimizing functional in-
large-scale network [58]. This idea was probed in teractions across cortical networks to enhance the
studies that recorded simultaneously from two directly efficiency of signal processing between nodes.
Figure 3
Thalamic control and temporal dynamics of attention. a) Granger causality analysis shows pulvinar influences on cortical extrastriate areas V4 and
TEO (top) during an attention task when attention is directed at the RF (red) vs. away from the RF (blue). However, Granger causality analysis shows no
direct influences between the two extrastriate areas (bottom; adapted from [58]), suggesting that pulvinar initially organizes the cortical attention network in
time. b) Left: Detection behavior (as represented by hit-rate [HR] in a modified Egly-Driver task) is predicted by the phase of neural theta rhythms in three
major nodes involved in attention control: LIP, FEF, and pulvinar. Using a sine fit (black), HR is higher in one phase of theta (termed ‘good theta’) than in the
opposing phase (termed ‘poor theta’; adapted from [59,73]). Right: Functional connectivity between nodes in the attention network is modulated by neural
theta phase. Spike-LFP coupling between pulvinar and LIP in monkeys has two broad states during the cue-target delay interval of an attention task. In the
‘good theta’ phase, pulvinar spikes are coupled to LIP LFP in alpha frequencies (top), while LIP spikes are coupled to pulvinar LFP during the ‘poor theta’
(bottom; adapted from [59]). c) Schematic of connectivity between pulvinar and cortical regions involved in attention function. For cortico-cortical con-
nections (dotted black lines) there exists an indirect route through pulvinar (red lines). The directionality of the connectivity evolves dynamically over time,
organized by a theta rhythm; however, interactions beyond LIP, mediodorsal pulvinar, and FEF (panel B) during this rhythmic reweighing remain unexplored.
Further, whether similar temporal dynamics apply to areas engaged in feature-based attention is an open question (Box 1).
Pulvinar inactivation studies have corroborated these The ‘sampling’ state emphasizes visual processing
ideas by showing that, as a consequence, functional (associated with better behavioral performance) and is
interactions between cortical areas are weakened characterized by greater synchronization of gamma
[61,62], demonstrating that cortico-cortical informa- (>35 Hz) and beta (w15e30 Hz) activity within and
tion transmission is greatly compromised without between frontal and parietal cortex [73]. Specifically,
pulvinar’s influences. Further, during pulvinar inacti- spiking activity of visual neurons is exclusively correlated
vation, neuronal activity in visual cortex is greatly with gamma activity, which has often been observed
attenuated [62,63], indicating a loss of responsiveness during enhanced visual processing [79], while spiking
to visual input. Thus, it is possible that pulvinar activity of oculomotor neurons is exclusively correlated
controls the excitability of neurons to respond to with beta activity, which has been linked to the sup-
visual information from downstream areas, thereby pression of motor actions [80,81]. The pulvinar co-
playing a role of an ‘enabler’ of cortical function [64]. ordinates these cortico-cortical dynamics across the
attention network only during the sampling state in
Attention and the dimension of time: similar ways as described in the previous section, thereby
Control of temporal dynamics underlining its proposed function in sensory gating
According to classical attention theories [15,65e67] and (Figure 3b; [59]). The ‘shifting’ state (associated with
our subjective experience, neural processing appears to relatively worse performance) is characterized by a
be continuous during attentional deployment. However, release of suppression in the motor system observed as
recent studies have shown that attention function un- decreased motor-suppressive beta oscillations in LIP and
folds over time and is characterized by alternating pe- FEF [73], which may also affect SC. This is accompanied
riods of relatively enhanced or diminished visual by greater synchronization of alpha activity between
processing at the attended location, which are associ- parietal cortex and pulvinar (Figure 3b; [59]), which is
ated with respective better or worse behavioral perfor- hypothesized to temporarily interrupt the transthalamic
mance in detecting visual targets. Behavioral studies gating function, thereby leading to a relative suppression
have shown that these alternations occur at a rhythm in of visual processing. The latter state provides windows of
the theta range (w4e6 Hz; [68e71]). Importantly, opportunities to disengage from the presently attended
these behavioral rhythms have been found both in location and to direct attention to a new location or event
humans and monkeys, thus constituting an evolutionary in the environment. The rhythmic alternations of sam-
conserved and possibly fundamental property of atten- pling and shifting states during attention deployment
tion [59,68,72]. provide critical flexibility, not only to prioritize visual
processing at an attended location, but also to provide
The behavioral rhythms have been linked to neuronal opportunities to re-allocate attentional resources, if
theta rhythms in fronto-parietal cortex and the thal- behaviorally desirable, without locking them into a
amus. The phase of the neuronal theta rhythm in particular state for extended periods of time [82]. Thus,
relation to target appearance in a visual detection task even when attention is sustained at a spatial location, the
is predictive of behavioral outcome on a trial-by-trial underlying network interactions are highly dynamic,
basis in both humans and monkeys, thereby linking providing a neural model for the flexibility of a cognitive
behavior and network-level neuronal signals function (see [83] for a circuit model).
(Figure 3b; [72,73]). The theta rhythm across the
fronto-parietal-thalamic network appears to present a Conclusions: Attentional control 2.0
mechanism that temporally coordinates potentially Taken together, findings from the recent literature
conflicting sensory and motor functions within the introduce new functional nodes and mechanisms that
network. Specifically, the network contains both are implicated in attention control beyond a fronto-
neuronal populations for visual processing that gets parietal, top-down framework. Substantial evidence
boosted during attentional deployment and for shift- points to pulvinar as a critical node that is involved in
ing attention or executing eye movements to a new the active propagation of attention control signals. Pu-
target of interest [74e78]. Sampling and shifting tative temporal control areas discussed in this review
cannot occur at the same time and require temporal [84,85], as well as SC [86,87] may communicate with
coordination of the associated neuronal populations fronto-parietal nodes using pathways involving pulvinar.
and the wider circuits they are embedded in. Theta- This places pulvinar as a potential hub for control signals
dependent attentional rhythms appear to set up two to route through efficiently, either as a means to coor-
alternating states e for ‘sampling’ and ‘shifting’ e that dinate processing between control areas or to propagate
are characterized by complex temporal dynamics from control nodes to sensory areas that exhibit atten-
across fronto-parietal cortex and the thalamus. tional modulation.
Increasing evidence indicates a dynamic unfolding of Although future studies need to elucidate the role of the
attention function and its exerted control over time. reported temporal control areas and how they relate to
The large-scale network with thalamus at its center may prefrontal feature-based attention signals originating in
dynamically alter functional connectivities across nodes VPA (Box 1), current evidence indicates that neurons in
at timescales similar to those obtained in behavioral PITd/fSTS exhibit feature- and space-based attention
studies, setting up alternating attentional states that are effects as well as object selectivity [47,49]. The finding of
characterized by complex temporal network dynamics. spatial and non-spatial effects in that region and its
We propose that these shifting functional connectivities location in the visual processing hierarchy along the object
enable behavioral strategies for efficient exploration of processing ventral visual stream suggest that PITd/fSTS
the environment as well as provide a means to alternate may act as a control node that integrates sensory infor-
between enhanced sensory processing and motor- mation relating to the basic form, color, and motion and
engaged shifts of attention. Specifically, we propose may be involved in the control of object-based attention.
that these dynamic interactions, which are coordinated
by theta rhythms, not only influence the fronto-parietal In summary, we propose that the non-canonical nodes of
attention network, but may also modulate the putative attention control discussed in this review are integral
temporal control areas, as well as putative orienting parts of one conjoined large-scale network, or constitute
signals originating in SC (see Box 1). subdivisions of smaller subnetworks that function in
tandem in a dynamic fashion, as attention function un-
folds over time.
Box 1. Open Questions
Conflict of interest
Do thalamocortical interactions support and control other None declared.
cognitive functions? Higher-order thalamus, and particularly
pulvinar, has been shown to contribute to cognitive control. It is an
open question whether thalamocortical circuits support other Acknowledgments
cognitive functions in the primate brain, as suggested by recent This work was supported by grants from NEI (2R01EY017699; SK), NIMH
studies in rodents [88]. For example, working memory recruits (2R01MH064043, P50MH109429; SK), and NSERC (PDF-557604-
2021; RB).
overlapping mechanisms in PFC [89]. It will be an exciting venue
for future research to investigate whether similar thalamocortical
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