The Islamic Pagan Root
The Islamic Pagan Root
The Islamic Pagan Root
Since the 11 September 2001, the Islamic religion grows very fast. Today,
almost the quarter of the world's population is Muslim. Millions of Muslims
in the world pray ve times a day in direction of the Islamic Holy City, called
Meccah. A city from Saudi Arabia, where Islamic religion was revealed in
622 AC to Muhammad the prophet of Islam.
Muslims worship ve times a day the house of Allah called the Kaaba: a
mysterious black cube inside the sacred mosque of Meccah.
This is the Kaaba, the Sanctuary of ALLAH, inside the Highest Spiritual
center of Islam, Meccah.
The Sabians, who were pagans in the Middle East, were identied with
two groups, the Mandaeans and the Harranians. The Mandaeans lived in
Iraq during the 2nd century A.D. As they continue to do today, they
worshipped multiple gods, or light personalities. Their gods were
classied under four categories: rst life, second life, third life and
fourth life. Old gods belong to the rst life category. They summoned
deities who, in turn, created second life deities, and so forth.The other
group, considered as Sabians, were the Harranians. They worshipped
Sin, the moon, as their main deity, but they also worshipped planets and
other deities.
In Mecca, the Ahnaf were called Sabians because of the doctrines they
embraced. Later, when Mohammed claimed to be a prophet, he was
called a Sabian by the inhabitants of Mecca because they saw him
performing many Sabian rites which included praying ve times a day;
performing several movements in prayer that were identical with the
Mandaeans and the Harranians; and making ablution, or ceremonial
washing, before each prayer.
Ibn al-Nadim wrote in his book, al-Fahrisit, about various religious sects in
the Middle East. He says in the month in which the Harranians fasted for
thirty days, they honored the god Sin, which is the moon. Al-Nadim
described the feasts they celebrated and the sacrices they presented to
the moon. Another historian, Ibn Abi Zinad also speaks about the
Harranians, saying that they fast for thirty days, they look toward Yemen
when they fast, and they pray ve times a day. We know that Muslims also
pray ve times a day. Harranian fasting is also similar to that of Ramadan
in Islam in the fact that they fast from before the sun rises until the sunset,
just as the Muslims do during the days of Ramadan. Still another
historian, Ibn al-Juzi, described the Harranian fasting during this month.
He said they concluded their fasting by sacricing animals and presenting
alms to the poor. We also nd these things in Islamic fasting today.
[1] Jackson, Abraham Valentine Williams (1911), "The Oil Fields and Fire Temple Baku"
crucial Vikramaditya inscription, found inscribed on a gold dish hung
inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, is found recorded on page 315 of a
volume known as 'Sayar-ul-Okul' treasured in the Makhtab-e-Sultania
library in Istanbul, Turkey. [1]
The religion of Islam has as its focus of worship a deity by the name of
"Allah." The Muslims claim that Allah in pre-Islamic times was the biblical
God of the Patriarchs, prophets, and apostles. The issue is thus one of
continuity. Was "Allah" the biblical God or a pagan god in Arabia during
pre-Islamic times?
Archaeologists have uncovered temples to the Moon-god throughout the
Middle East. From the mountains of Turkey to the banks of the Nile, the
most wide-spread religion of the ancient world was the worship of the
Moon-god. In the rst literate civilization, the Sumerians have left us
thousands of clay tablets in which they described their religious beliefs.
As demonstrated by Sjoberg and Hall, the ancient Sumerians
worshipped a Moon-god who was called many different names. The
most popular names were Nanna, Suen and Asimbabbar. His symbol
was the crescent moon. Given the amount of artifacts concerning the
worship of this Moon-god, it is clear that this was the dominant religion in
Sumeria. The cult of the Moon-god was the most popular religion
throughout ancient Mesopotamia. The Assyrians, Babylonians, and the
Akkadians took the word Suen and transformed it into the word Sin as
their favorite name for the Moon-God. As Prof. Potts pointed out, "Sin is a
name essentially Sumerian in origin which had been borrowed by the
In 1944, G. Caton Thompson revealed in her book, The Tombs and Moon
Temple of Hureidha, that she had uncovered a temple of the Moon-god in
southern Arabia. The symbols of the crescent moon and no less than
twenty-one inscriptions with the name Sin were found in this temple. An
idol which may be the Moon-god himself was also discovered. This was
later conrmed by other well-known archeologists.
The evidence reveals that the temple of the Moon-god was active even in
the Christian era. Evidence gathered from both North and South Arabia
demonstrates that Moon-god worship was clearly active even in
Muhammad's day and was still the dominant cult. According to numerous
inscriptions, while the name of the Moon-god was Sin, his title was al-
ilah, i.e. "the deity," meaning that he was the chief or high god among the
gods. As Coon pointed out, "The god Il or Ilah was originally a phase of
the Moon God." The Moon-god was called Al-Ilah, i.e. the god, which was
shortened to Allah in pre-Islamic times. The pagan Arabs even used Allah
in the names they gave to their children. For example, both Muhammad's
father and uncle had Allah as part of their names.
The fact that they were given such names by their pagan parents proves
that Allah was the title for the Moon-god even in Muhammad's day. Prof.
Coon goes on to say, "Similarly, under Mohammed's tutelage, the relatively
anonymous Ilah, became Al-Ilah, The God, or Allah, the Supreme Being".
This fact answers the questions, "Why is Allah never dened in the
Qur'an? Why did Muhammad assume that the pagan Arabs already
knew who Allah was?" Muhammad was raised in the religion of the Moon-
god Allah. But he went one step further than his fellow pagan Arabs.
While they believed that Allah, i.e. the Moon-god, was the greatest of all
gods and the supreme deity in a pantheon of deities, Muhammad
decided that Allah was not only the greatest god but the only god.
In effect he said, "Look, you already believe that the Moon-god Allah is
the greatest of all gods. All I want you to do is to accept that the idea that
he is the only god. I am not taking away the Allah you already worship. I
am only taking away his wife and his daughters and all the other gods.
"This is seen from the fact that the rst point of the Muslim creed is not,
"Allah is great" but "Allah is the greatest," i.e., he is the greatest among
the gods. Why would Muhammad say that Allah is the "greatest" except
in a polytheistic context? The Arabic word is used to contrast the greater
from the lesser. That this is true is seen from the fact that the pagan Arabs
never accused Muhammad of preaching a different Allah than the one
they already worshipped. This "Allah" was the Moon-god according to
the archeological evidence. Muhammad thus attempted to have it both
ways. To the pagans, he said that he still believed in the Moon-god Allah.
To the Jews and the Christians, he said that Allah was their God too. But
both the Jews and the Christians knew better and that is why they
rejected his god Allah as a false god.
Al-Kindi, one of the early Christian apologists against Islam, pointed out
that Islam and its god Allah did not come from the Bible but from the
paganism of the Sabeans. They did not worship the God of the Bible but
the Moon-god and his daughters al-Uzza, al-Lat and Manat. Dr. Newman
concludes his study of the early Christian-Muslim debates by stating,
"Islam proved itself to be a separate and antagonistic religion which had
sprung up from idolatry." Islamic scholar Caesar Farah concluded "There is
no reason, therefore, to accept the idea that Allah passed to the Muslims
from the Christians and Jews." The Arabs worshipped the Moon-god as a
supreme deity. But this was not biblical monotheism. While the Moon-god
was greater than all other gods and goddesses, this was still a polytheistic
pantheon of deities. Now that we have the actual idols of the Moon-god, it is
no longer possible to avoid the fact that Allah was a pagan god in pre-
Islamic times. Is it any wonder then that the symbol of Islam is the crescent
moon? That a crescent moon sits on top of their mosques and minarets?
That a crescent moon is found on the ags of Islamic nations? That the
Muslims fast during the month which begins and ends with the appearance
of the crescent moon in the sky?
The Muslim's claim that Allah is the God of the Bible and that Islam arose
from the religion of the prophets and apostles is refuted by solid,
overwhelming archeological evidence. Islam is nothing more than a
revival of the ancient Moon-god cult. It has taken the symbols, the rites,
the ceremonies, and even the name of its god from the ancient pagan
religion of the Moon-god. As such, it is sheer idolatry and must be
rejected by all those who follow the Torah and Gospel.
The religion of ancient Israel was based on revelation; the Old Testament
says that God appeared in diverse places and spoke to the Patriarchs;
there they raised altars of undressed stones, called Beth-el or House of
God. Man's sensual imagination soon led him "to collect his gods in the
dust and fashion them as he pleased," imagining that God resided in
these Stones. Thus it became Beth-aven or House of Vanity. Beth-el
abounded in Chaldea, Asia, Egypt, Africa, Greece, in remote parts of
Europe, among the Druids, Gauls, and Celto-Scythians, and in North
and South America.
In the Hebrew language, stones fallen from the sky are called Bethel
(Heb. "House of God"). After dreaming of a ladder reaching to heaven,
Jacob called his stone pillow a Bethel-stone (Genesis 28:10-22).
"The Pagans imitated the Beth-el of Jacob and consecrated them with oil
and blood, making them gods, calling them Betyles (betylus, baetyl,
betyles). In classical antiquity a stone, either natural or articially
shaped, venerated as of divine origin, or as a symbol of divinity. There
were a number of these sacred stones in Greece, the most famous being
on the omphalos at Delphi. Likewise there were the so-called animated
or oracular stones. The greater part of the natural Betyles was the black
meteorites or re-balls fallen from the heavens and regarded by the
Sabeists as heavenly divinities. These meteorites were the Cabiri, and
the Pelasgi-whose most noted worshippers were wandering or
dispersed men" [The Trail of the Serpent, by Inquire Within, Boswell
Publishing Co., Limited, London (1936) p. 10].
"The most famous of all of the stone fetishes of Arabia was, of course, the
black stone in the sanctuary of Mecca. The Kabah was, and still is, a
rectangular stone structure. Built into its Eastern corner is the black
stone which had been an object of worship for many centuries before
Mohammed appropriated the Kabah for his new religion, and made the
pilgrimage to this holy place one of the pillars of Islam" (Mohammed: The
man and his faith, Tor Andrae, 1936, Translated by Theophil Menzel,
1960, p. 13-30; Britannica, Arabian Religions, p. 1059, 1979). The
"Hadschar al Aswad" in the Kabah is the most well-known example of
meteorite worship in newer times. Despite the prohibition of portraying
God and adoration of objects, pilgrims to Mecca kiss this "Hadschar al
Aswad" (black stone) which, according to the prophet is "Yamin Allah"
[the right hand of God], supposedly a divine meteorite or Bethel-stone
predating creation that fell at the feet of Adam and Eve. It is presently
embedded in the southeastern corner of the Kaaba. Muslims touch and
kiss the black stone during Hajj. [1]
The fasting of Ramadan spread from Harran into Arabia. This may have
occurred after the occupation of Nabonidus, the Babylonian king, to the
north of Arabia, around the year 552 B.C., during his sojourn in the city of
Teima. Nabonidus was from the city of Harran. He was a fanatic
worshipper of the moon, Sin, and his mother was a priest of Sin. He
disagreed with the priests of Babylonia who considered the god, Marduk,
as the chief of the gods of Babylonia. Nabonidus was eager to spread the
worship of Sin, the moon, as the main deity. So he left his son in charge of
Babylonia and went to live in Teima in North Arabia.
Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, sixty cubits high and
six cubits wide: he put it up in the valley of Dura, in the land of Babylon.
And Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to get together all the captains, the
chiefs, the rulers, the wise men, the keepers of public money, the judges,
the overseers, and all the rulers of the divisions of the country, to come to
see the unveiling of the image which Nebuchadnezzar the king had put
up. Then the captains, the chiefs, the rulers, the wise men, the keepers of
public money, the judges, the overseers, and all the rulers of the divisions
of the country, came together to see the unveiling of the image which
Nebuchadnezzar the king had put up; and they took their places before
the image which Nebuchadnezzar had put up. Then one of the king's
criers said in a loud voice, To you the order is given, O peoples, nations,
and languages, That when the sound of the horn, pipe, harp, trigon,
psaltery, bagpipe, and all sorts of instruments, comes to your ears,
you are to go down on your faces in worship before the image of
gold which Nebuchadnezzar the king has put up: And anyone not
falling down and worshipping will that same hour be put into a
burning and aming re. So at that time, all the people, when the sound
of the horn, pipe, harp, trigon, psaltery, and all sorts of instruments, came
to their ears, went down on their faces in worship before the image of
gold which Nebuchadnezzar the king had put up." Daniyyel 3:1-7
Muslims prostrate towards Mecca touch the ground with his forehead.
The angel Lucifer and his sons always wanted to be like YHWH and to be
worshiped in place of YHWH. He even tried to tempt Yeshua: Again, the
devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all
the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them. Matthew 4:8
In the End Times Lucifer will force many people to worship him: And I
saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound
was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they
worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they
worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to
make war with him? Revelation 13:3-4
King Nebuchadnezzar forced his people to worship his statue.
Muslims prostrate towards Meccah touch the ground with his forehead.