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Moving, sensing and learning with cerebellar damage

Amy J Bastian

The cerebellum is a subcortical brain structure that is essential Timing is an essential part of movement control. Here a
for learning and controlling movement. Recent work shows that ‘timer’ is used to mean an autonomous, self-paced system
the cerebellum also plays a role in certain perceptual abilities, that could be used to help measure any temporal features
beyond what would be expected secondary to poor movement of the movement (e.g. timing of stopping, velocity). For
control. This review covers these and other recent advances, example, in order to stop a reaching movement on target,
focusing on how cerebellar damage affects human abilities one needs precise timing of muscle activity to decelerate
ranging from sensory perception to movement control and the arm. There is a large body of literature showing that
motor learning. cerebellar patients have difficulty with this type of timing
Address in movement and other behaviors, as reviewed in [2]. It is,
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Department of Neuroscience, The Johns however, difficult to distinguish a defunct timing mech-
Hopkins School of Medicine, United States anism from an impaired internal model — both could lead
Corresponding author: Bastian, Amy J ([email protected])
to poorly timed decelerations as given in the reaching
example. An internal model would have to be able to
provide appropriately timed information, but would not
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2011, 21:596–601 act as a clocking mechanism per se.
This review comes from a themed issue on
Sensory and Motor Systems
An internal model is used here to mean a stored set of
Edited by Sascha du Lac and Rachel Wilson rules or parameters in the brain that mimic physical
systems like the body or objects in the environment
Available online 5th July 2011 [3]. This type of model, sometimes called a forward
0959-4388/$ – see front matter model, would theoretically allow the nervous system to
# 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. evaluate and predict how a motor command will affect the
body and environment. Such a model is important for
DOI 10.1016/j.conb.2011.06.007
movement control is because long sensory delays from the
eyes or body make peripheral feedback too slow to be
useful for online control [3]. If, however, the brain is able
Introduction to make good predictions about the state of the body (i.e.
Much of what is known about the function of the cerebel- its position and derivatives) using an internal model, then
lum is based on lesion studies. Damage produces charac- it could rely on a much faster ‘internal feedback’ system
teristic motor deficits — for example cerebellar patients to control movement, and in our example, stop a reaching
are uncoordinated or ‘ataxic,’ with poor limb, eye, and movement on target. Here internal feedback is used to
walking control. Yet, the cerebellum is connected to mean the predicted state of the body that is made by the
many cerebral areas beyond cerebral motor areas and internal model in the brain without peripheral feedback.
brainstem structures [1]. As such, it plays a role in a This notion of internal feedback control is difficult to
broader range of behaviors. This review summarizes some prove since most movements of the body take long
of the newest insights into how damage of the cerebellum enough for both internal and peripheral feedback to be
affects human sensory and motor behavior, and highlights used. Because of that, studies of eye movements are often
important unknowns. useful — they can be made much faster than limb move-
ment and would therefore benefit from internal feedback.
Cerebellar damage leads to poor movement control — for A recent study clearly showed that internal feedback
example, reaching motions become irregular, curved, during saccades is used to steer them to a target [4].
with poor targeting and oscillatory corrective movements. Saccades are ideal for studying internal feedback since
It has been debated for many years what the cerebellum they are fast and do not rely much on proprioceptive
normally contributes to movement control, and how los- feedback from eye muscles. In this study, a saccade target
ing it would lead to these particular abnormalities. Two of was jumped vertically up or down during a horizontal
the more popular ideas are that it acts as timer to clock saccade (i.e. cross axis). As subjects were repeatedly
movement and other behaviors, or as an internal model of exposed to an error — that is the jump in the target —
body dynamics that can be used to make predictions the saccade began to curve toward the target late in the
about movement. There is good evidence for both of movement — the interpretation was that the saccade
these ideas, though the latter may be better supported by used internal feedback from a predictive model to steer
recent work. it to the target [4].

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Moving, sensing and learning with cerebellar damage Bastian 597

A follow-up study showed that cerebellar subjects had Yet there are studies that show that cerebellar damage
difficulty learning to steer the saccade from this type of can cause perceptual deficits in more complex tasks. The
endpoint error, as evidenced by the lack of curved paths best-studied example is visual motion perception [10].
late in the movement [5]. In addition, cerebellar patients Individuals with cerebellar damage are impaired in tasks
showed a specific deficit in using internal feedback late in that require discrimination of the velocity of visual
a saccade to correct for variable motor initiation, whereas motion [11] and discrimination of the direction of visual
control subjects could easily do so. Importantly, the motion embedded in noise [12–15]. Some studies
patients learning ability correlated with their ability to demonstrate that the visual direction impairment is
correct for errors in motor initiation. The interpretation specific to individuals with midline, but not lateral
was that the cerebellum normally corrects for variable cerebellar damage [12], and the deficit persists from
motor commands via a motor learning process that utilizes acute to chronic lesions [13]. There are conflicting
internal feedback to steer the saccade. reports about whether visual position discrimination is
affected [11,14].
There are other studies that have directly compared
timing and prediction functions of the cerebellum. A What role might the cerebellum play in the perception of
recent neuroimaging study directly compared the neural visual motion? One possibility is that it affects perception
substrates for timing control versus predictive state esti- indirectly through its control of eye movements. Damage
mation using two tasks [6]. One task could be accom- to the cerebellum almost always leads to oculomotor
plished with a pure timing signal (i.e. push a button after a deficits, such as abnormal smooth pursuit, dysmetric
certain amount of time following a reach) and the other saccades, misalignment of the eyes, and nystagmus
required prediction of the state of the body (i.e. push a during gaze holding [16] — these could easily affect many
button when a reaching arm is in a particular state). They visual perceptual tasks. Yet, a recent study of cerebellar
found that cerebellar activations occurred only in the task patients showed abnormal performance on visual percep-
where the prediction of state was used — there were no tual tasks, despite the fact that eye movements were
cerebellar activations exclusively related to the timing tracked and there were no differences from controls
task [6]. We have also tested whether a timing or internal during critical fixation periods [10]. Thus it has been
model hypothesis best explains results from a circle- suggested that eye movement abnormalities cannot be
drawing task, where individuals trace a circle with the the sole explanation for the visual perceptual deficits
hand and attempt to produce a desired tempo [7]. described in cerebellar patients [10,12]. One would,
Cerebellar patients have deficits that were improved by however, suspect that there are many situations where
slowing the movement — in other words, they could eye movement deficits affect visual perception.
produce slower tempos normally. We surmised that slow-
ing the movement reduced the need to rely on an internal It is also possible that the cerebellum acts to optimize
model of limb dynamics. In contrast, the addition of an visual motion perception through connections with fron-
external visual timing signal to reduce the need for a tal and parietal cerebral regions. One idea is that the
clock-like timer paradoxically worsened timing deficits cerebellum makes sensory predictions about movement
rather than mitigating them. We interpreted these com- of the visual target [17]. This notion dovetails with ideas
bined results as evidence that the cerebellum is indeed about human movement control, where the cerebellum is
functioning as an internal model and is needed to make thought to make predictions about how motor commands
appropriate predictions for movement initiation and will move the body [18]. In this manner, cerebellar
termination, rather than a timer. circuits could act to improve the processing of other
cerebral areas, particularly those that are involved in
Sensing processing dynamic (i.e. time varying) information. A
Our current understanding is that damage to the cerebel- recent paper tested whether cerebellar damage alters
lum does not impair primary sensory functions — that is, motion perception through remote effects in cerebral
basic tests of sensory perception are comparable to con- target areas, which would be consistent with this idea
trols. In the somatosensory realm, proprioception detec- [10]. Using magnetoencephalography, they found that
tion thresholds are normal [8] and our group has found cerebellar damage results in reduced cerebral cortical
that cutaneous sense tested with monofilaments is nor- responsiveness in a task of visual motion direction dis-
mal. There is little or no information on hearing loss from crimination in different levels of noise (Figure 1). Cortical
cerebellar damage per se. Hearing loss can occur after responsiveness directly related to the perceptual
stroke in the anterior inferior cerebellar artery distri- thresholds in individual subjects, suggesting that cerebel-
bution, but this is due to cochlear and not cerebellar lar damage affected visual perception through reduced
damage [9]. Visual acuity is also thought to be unaffected, function of target cerebral areas.
except by virtue of eye movement deficits such as nys-
tagmus, which is an involuntary oscillating or beating Neuroimaging studies also demonstrate that the cerebel-
movement of the eye. lum participates in visual discrimination of motion. A Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2011, 21:596–601

598 Sensory and Motor Systems

Figure 1

(a) 0% coherence (b) 60% coherence

(c) (d) 90

60 controls
50 80
global field power (ft)
motion coherence (%)


10 55

0 20 40 60 80 100
controls patients
motion coherence (%)
Current Opinion in Neurobiology

Effect of cerebellar damage on visual motion discrimination and responses to visual motion in parieto-temporal cortex. (a) and (b) Schematic of moving
dots that show 0% coherent motion and 60% coherent motion. (c) Perceptual thresholds for motion direction discrimination for controls and cerebellar
patients. Cerebellar patients required higher percentages of coherent motion to discriminate direction as compared with controls. (d) Global field
power in the cerebrum, measured using magnetoencephalograpy, as a function of motion coherence for controls and cerebellar patients. Note that
patients show a reduction in global field power, particularly at higher levels of motion coherence. Thus, cerebellar damage seemed to reduce cerebral
responsiveness to this type of visual stimulus.
Adapted from Händel et al. [10].

recent fMRI study of visual and auditory motion percep- sing, since direction discrimination did not activate the
tion identified both distinct and overlapping cerebellar cerebellum [20].
activations related to the task [19]. The cerebellar acti-
vations also modulated with the difficulty of the task (i.e. These findings demonstrate that the cerebellum plays a
the amount of motion signal versus noise in the display). role in the perception of visual motion, though its exact
Another neuroimaging study showed cerebellar acti- contribution to this process, and even to motor function, is
vations only during a task that required prediction of still not understood. One idea that should be more
the velocity, and not direction, of a visual cursor after it formally tested is that the cerebellum acts to make pre-
has been occluded [20]. This group used functional dictions related to the functions of different cerebral areas
connectivity analysis to show a posterior lobe cerebellar of the brain to optimize their abilities. In the case of
activation that was linked to a fronto-parietal cerebral sensory perception, it may predict upcoming sensory
network. Results from both of these studies are consistent events. In the case of motor function, it may predict
with the idea that the cerebellum provides a sensory the movement outcome for given set of motor commands,
prediction to improve cerebral function. The O’Reilly or the appropriate motor command to produce a desired
et al. study also suggests that cerebellar activity only movement outcome (i.e. forward and inverse internal
relates to discriminations that require temporal proces- model [21]). It is also important to understand whether

Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2011, 21:596–601

Moving, sensing and learning with cerebellar damage Bastian 599

the cerebellum is only needed to predict dynamic (i.e. the corrections accumulate until the error is reduced.
time varying) phenomena. Finally, it should also be noted When the demand is removed, movement does not
that much less is known about the effects of cerebellar immediately revert back to the preadaptation state.
damage on somatosensory or auditory perception. Does Instead, it must be actively unlearned or de-adapted
the cerebellum play the same role for these types of through a similar trial-by-trial process.
perceptual abilities? Cerebellar connections have not
been mapped to somatosensory or auditory areas, though A specific type of error, called a sensory prediction error,
it clearly projects to the association areas. Under the drives cerebellum-dependent adaptation. This is defined
hypothesis of sensory prediction, one would expect it as the difference between peripheral feedback about the
to contribute to perceptual processes for other modalities. end position of a movement and where the nervous
system predicted it would be [3,22]. It is dissociable from,
Learning for example, an error in reaching a target. One might
It is well accepted that cerebellar damage impairs an reach and hit a target (i.e. no target error) but still have a
error-driven motor learning process referred to as adap- sensory prediction error because they did not move where
tation. Adaptation of movement acts to account for a the brain predicted that they would. This is nicely illus-
predictable new demand in the environment or body, trated in a study of reaching in which an unseen hand was
and occurs on a time scale of minutes to hours. Errors are used to move a computer cursor to a target (Figure 2 [23]).
partially corrected from one movement to the next, and When the cursor was made to move at a constant rotation

Figure 2

(a) typical adaptation

baseline (no rotation) early (rotation) late (rotation)

(b) strategy
baseline (no rotation) early (rotation + strategy) late (rotation+ strategy)

(c) cerebellar damage + strategy

baseline (no rotation) early (rotation + strategy) late (rotation+ strategy)

Current Opinion in Neurobiology

Schematic showing adaptation to visual cursor rotation during a reaching task. (a) Typical adaptation. A subject reaches to a visual target with a cursor
representing their occluded hand. At baseline the cursor moves with the hand (green line) and the subject points to the instructed target (green). In
early adaptation, the cursor is rotated 308 counter clockwise and the subject misses the instructed target. In late adaptation, the subject has learned to
reach 308 clockwise (dotted line) in order to move the cursor to the green target. (b) When a typical subject is given a strategy (i.e. aim at the yellow
target) they hit the desired (green) target early in adaptation. Despite this explicit strategy, the subject still adapts to the mismatch between cursor
position and hand position (i.e. sensory prediction error), as shown in late adaptation. This paradoxically causes them to miss the target. (c) Individuals
with cerebellar damage can use the explicit strategy during early adaptation, but do not learn from the sensory prediction error late in
adaptation.Adapted from Mazzoni and Krakauer [23] and Taylor et al. [24]. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2011, 21:596–601

600 Sensory and Motor Systems

(e.g. 308 clockwise) relative to the hand, subjects initially studied adapting reaching while a force field pushed their
missed the target by that amount. They subsequently hand off course in a perpendicular direction. When per-
adapt their reaching direction trial-by-trial in order to hit turbing forces were abruptly stepped to full strength,
the target. However, if subjects are given an explicit patients with severe ataxia from cerebellar damage could
instruction to aim at a target that is 308 counter-clockwise not adapt. When the forces were gradually ramped up to
from the cued target, they can immediately hit the full strength over many reaches, these same patients
desired target. Yet, despite having no target error there showed some ability to adapt and counteract the force.
is still a sensory prediction error — that is, the cursor does Thus, cerebellar patients learn better from small versus
not move to the predicted hand position. Repeated large errors [25]. It is not known why this is the case — it
reaches show that even when using the strategy to hit may be that different brain regions are capable of adapt-
the target, they adapt to reduce this sensory prediction ing to smaller and more implicit errors, or that the
error, which paradoxically moves them off target. This damaged cerebellum can make small but not big adjust-
process is also cerebellum dependent, since people with ments. It is, however intriguing that such a simple manip-
cerebellar damage do not show this phenomenon ulation of gradual introduction of a perturbation can
(Figure 2 [24]). Once they are given an explicit strategy, improve their well-known motor adaptation deficit.
they stay on target and do not show any adaptation to the
sensory prediction error [24]. Many questions remain about cerebellum-dependent
motor learning. For example, since cerebellar damage
The cerebellar deficit in adaptation occurs in many move- disrupts some aspects of sensory perception, does this
ments, including: eye movements, reaching, hand move- impact error dependent learning? It seems possible that
ments, walking, and balancing. This means that patients faulty perception could lead to poorer detection of errors
cannot maintain optimal calibrations for movement con- that normally drive adaptation. Is the cerebellum prefer-
trol, which makes movements inaccurate, frustrating, and entially engaged for adapting to large errors that occur
unsafe. Therefore it is important to understand what, if during big perturbations? This seems unlikely, though it
any, motor learning abilities are intact in these individ- is intriguing that the patients can adapt reaching move-
uals, which could be potentially harnessed for rehabilita- ments when given small and gradual perturbations. What
tion. brain mechanisms are being used for gradual adaptation?
Can other movement types, such as eye movements and
We recently found that cerebellar patients can improve walking, benefit from gradual adaptation? It will be
adaptation of a reaching movement if a perturbation is important to understand if gradual training procedures
introduced gradually over many movements, instead of can be leveraged to improve cerebellar patient move-
abruptly all in one step (Figure 3 [25]). Patients were ments for rehabilitation.

Figure 3

(a) abrupt perturbation (b) gradual perturbation

force field

force field



0 0

reach # reach #
Current Opinion in Neurobiology

Schematic showing adaptation to gradual versus abrupt force perturbations during reaching. (a) An abrupt perturbation (blue line) given during
reaching where a force field is turned on full strength in one step. Errors are high for both the control (black) and the cerebellar (red) groups early in
adaptation, but after many reaches the control group adapts to reduce error. The cerebellar group does not adapt as much and their errors are greater
at the end of adaptation compared with the controls (red versus black shaded). (b) A gradual perturbation (blue line) ramps up slowly during
adaptation. Both controls and cerebellar patients adapt to counter the gradual perturbation, showing low levels of error throughout. At the end of
adaptation when the force field is at full strength, cerebellar subjects have learned nearly the same as controls (red versus black shaded). Thus,
cerebellar patients adapt much more normally to gradual perturbations.Adapted from Criscimagna-Hemminger et al. [25].

Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2011, 21:596–601

Moving, sensing and learning with cerebellar damage Bastian 601

Summary 10. Händel B, Thier P, Haarmeier T: Visual motion perception deficits

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impairs global visual motion discrimination. It adds important information
types of behaviors. As such, cerebellar damage not only showing that cerebellar damage impairs cerebral cortical function related
affects movement coordination, but also disrupts some to motion discrimination. Thus, the cerebellum may help cerebral cortical
mechanisms to optimize this process.
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