A Day in The Life
A Day in The Life
A Day in The Life
Teacher Instructions
A day in the life is an excellent activity that can be used to introduce the concept of cash flow
and cash flow forecasting. It introduces the concept in an engaging way whilst developing and
building students quantitative skills.
The activity involves telling the class a story of a ‘typical’ day involving money coming in and
money going out. There are a number of activities which can be used with this idea/ resource
and the activity can be used to introduce the concept of cash flow and cash flow forecasting or
as a consolidation activity.
Teaching and Learning Strategy 1
1 The teacher reads out the ‘Day in the Life’ story
2 Students need to work out how much money is left at the end of the day
3 The teacher may need to go back through the story again to ensure that the students have
picked up the key points.
Teaching and Learning Strategy 2
As above however the students (or some students) are given a template to complete to help
them structure their response.
Teaching and Learning Strategy 3
This is an extension activity. For this activity give students the completed cash flow forecast on
page 3 (the answer sheet). Ask students to amend the cash flow forecast assuming the following:
• The full £50 is received from the friend
• The jeans are paid for on a credit card
After this has been completed a discussion
could also take place about the longer term
consequences of using a credit card to
make the purchase.
a day in the life Resources for Courses
Student Template
Cash In £
Total Cash In
Cash Out
Answer Sheet
Cash In £
Cash Out
Cash Out