Newton's Law
Newton's Law
Newton's Law
Lets recall the definition of derivative for a function Lets consider an function, f (x, y) = x2 + y 2 . This
f (x), which depends on a single variable x: is a function of two variables. To get a feeling for
the function, one can plot this function in three
df f (x + h) − f (x) dimensions, as well as one can plot this function in
= f ′ (x) = lim , (1)
dx h→0 h two dimension, by keeping one of the variables to
be constant. These are minor exercises that you
provided this limit exists. An example is, if f (x) = should do.
4x3 , then, df (x)/dx = 12x2 .
For a function f (x1 , x2 , · · · , xi , · · · , xn ) of multiple
For any function y = f (x), the normal to the curve variables, x1 , x2 , · · · , xi , · · · , xn , we define the par-
is ±(ŷ − f ′ (x)x̂). tial derivative with respect to the ith variable as
∂f f (x1 , x2 , · · · , xi + h, · · · , xn ) − f (x1 , x2 , · · · , xi , · · · , xn )
= ∂xi f = lim . (2)
∂xi h→0 h
2. If xi s are Cartesian coordinated, then we define It is confusing but important to note that, the re-
the gradient of a function, f (x1 , · · · , xn ), as verse of the statement is not always true. That is
every linear combination of dx and dy are not ex-
⃗ = ∂x f xˆ1 + · · · ∂x f xˆn .
∇f (3)
1 n act differentials. That is any expression of the form
⃗ · d⃗r,
df = ∂x f dx + ∂y f dy = ∇f (7)
This is an exact differential, as Solution of (c): ⃗r = xx̂ + y⃗y = r cos ϕx̂ + r sin ϕŷ.
r ∂⃗
Thus, ∂r = cos ϕx̂ + sin ϕŷ, and thus ∂r = 1. Thus,
∂y (3x2 y 2 ) = ∂x (2x3 y) = 6x2 y r̂ = cos ϕx̂ + sin ϕŷ.
We also identify 3x2 y 2 dx + 2x3 ydy = d(x3 y 2 ). (d) Similarly, find ϕ̂ in terms of r, ϕ, x̂ and ŷ, which is
r ∂⃗
defined as ϕ̂ = ∂ϕ / ∂ϕ , and prove that r̂ · ϕ̂ = 0 (i.e,
they are orthogonal).
4. Chain rules
Two kinds of chain rules are going to be used here. 5. Extra (only for enthusiasts!)
1. For a function f (x, y), lets assume both x and y are Taylor expansion: For a two variable function
changing as a function of time t, i.e, x = x(t) and
1 2
f (x + δx, y + δy) = f (x, y) + {(∂x f )δx + (∂y f )δy} + (∂x f )δx2 + (∂y2 f )δy 2 + (∂x ∂y f )δxδy + · · · . (12)
FIG. 2. d⃗r is the vector addition of rdϕϕ̂ and drr̂. Thus, The kinetic energy of a participle of mass m is then writ-
⃗r˙ = ṙr̂ + rϕ̇ϕ̂. ten as
1 1 1
Keeping upto the first order and identifying δx = dx and T = mv 2 = m⃗v · ⃗v = m(ṙ2 + r2 ϕ̇2 ). (19)
2 2 2
δy = dy, we recover Eq. (4).
Normal to surface: consider a function f (x, y).
In a similar manner, we can take another time derivative
Then the surface in the three dimension is given
to have:
by z = f (x, y). Lets call a function ϕ(x, y, z) =
f (x, y) − z. If two points (x, y, z) and (x + dx, y +
dy, z + dy) are both on the surface, then the value ⃗r¨ = r̈r̂ + ṙr̂˙ + ṙϕ̇ϕ̂ + rϕ̈ϕ̂ + rϕ̇ϕ̂
of ϕ is zero on both points. Thus, dϕ = 0. Then,
= r̈ − rϕ̇2 r̂ + rϕ̈ + 2ṙϕ̇ . (20)
dϕ = 0 = ∂x f dx + ∂y f dy − dz
= ∇f⃗ − ẑ · (dxx̂ + dy ŷ + dz ẑ) .
Like before, we write, ⃗a = ar r̂ + aϕ ϕ̂, with ar = r̈ − rϕ̇2
Now, (dxx̂ + dy ŷ + dz ẑ) is a direction which is tan- and aϕ = rϕ̈ + 2ṙϕ̇.
gential to the surface
both points are on the
surface). Thus, ∇f ⃗ − ẑ is normal to the surface!
B. Polar Coordinates in Two-dimensions
II. NEWTON’S LAW AND SYMMETRY the force exerted by the first particle on the second,
then Newton’s third law states that,
A. Point-particle Dynamics
F⃗12 = −F⃗21 .
1. Newton’s laws Using the second law, then,
p1 + p⃗2 ) = 0,
In this section, we start by studying the dynamics of dt
‘point’ particles. A point particle is essentially an object where p⃗1 and p⃗2 are the linear momenta of the two
with a very small size (small compared to other length particles. This means, for two isolated mutually
scales of the problem), and have some finite mass m. At isolated pair of mutually interacting particles, the
a point of time t its position, with respect to an ’inertial’ net linear momentum does not change in time.
frame, is ⃗r(t). Its velocity is defined as
⃗v = ≡ ⃗r˙. (21) 2. Angular momentum, energy and conservation laws
Its linear momentum p⃗ is defined as Angular momentum of a free-particle is defined as
(with respect to an origin)
p⃗ = m⃗v , (22)
⃗ = ⃗r × p⃗.
and its acceleration is the rate of change of it velocity, On the other-hand with respect to the same origin,
the torque is defined as
⃗a = ≡ ⃗v˙ . (23)
dt ⃗τ = ⃗r × F⃗ ,
Newton’s first law simply says that in such an in- where the force F⃗ is applied on the particle. We
ertial frame, if the particle is not acted upon by immediately see that,
any external forces, then its velocity remains un- ⃗
changed. = ⃗r˙ × p⃗ + ⃗r × p⃗˙ = 0 + ⃗r × F⃗ = ⃗τ . (25)
One may think that the first law is a statement that
inertial frames exists! The kinetic energy of the particle is
In an inertial frame, a free particle travels with uni- 1 ˙ ˙
T = m⃗r · ⃗r. (26)
form velocity. That is, it traverses equal displace- 2
ments in equal intervals of time. This is an essence This implies,
of homogeneity of time. Similarly, it must travel
in straight-line, otherwise its direction of velocity dT
= (m⃗r¨) · ⃗r˙ = F⃗ · ⃗r˙.
wont remain constant. This is a statement of homo- dt
geneity of space. And it shall travel in straight-line So, change of kinetic energy, when the particle
in any direction it started with. Which is a state- moves from ⃗r1 at time t1 to ⃗r2 at time t2 , is
ment of isotropy of the space. These all together Z t2 Z t2 Z ⃗r2
defines an inertial frame. dT ⃗ ˙
T (t2 ) − T (t1 ) = dt = F · ⃗rdt = F⃗ · d⃗r.
t1 dt t1 ⃗
Newton’s second law states that, in an inertial (27)
frame, application of a force alters the momentum,
and the rate of change of linear momentum is equal Now, in case when the force is a gradient of a po-
to the applied force, tential,
⃗ (⃗r),
F (⃗r) = −∇V
F⃗ = ≡ p⃗˙. (24)
dt then,
Z ⃗
In some way, Newton’s first law can be derived from ⃗ · d⃗r = V (⃗r1 ) − V (⃗r2 ). (28)
T (t2 ) − T (t1 ) = − ∇V
the second, alternatively, the second law can be ⃗
taken as a definition of force.
These kinds of forces are called conservative forces,
Newton’s third law states that to each action, as the net kinetic and potential energy remains con-
there is an equal and opposite reaction. stant under the dynamics of particle which are sub-
jected to conservative forces. That is, from the
For two interacting particles, if F⃗12 is the force ex- above equation,
erted by the second particle on the first, and, F⃗21 is T (t2 ) + V (t2 ) = T (t1 ) + V (t1 ) ≡ E.
Gravitational force. In this case, the gravitational 1. The force should only depend on the coordinates
attraction of a small body of mass m due to a large and not their time derivatives.
body of mass M (say, earth) is ⃗ r) =
2. Its curl must be zero. The curl of a vector A(⃗
GM m Ax x̂ + Ay ŷ + Az ẑ is defined as
F⃗ = − r̂.
x̂ ŷ ẑ
⃗ ×A
∇ ⃗= ∂x ∂y ∂z = x̂(∂y Az − ∂z Ay ) + ŷ(∂z Ax − ∂x Az ) + ẑ(∂x Ay − ∂y Ax ). (30)
Ax Ay Az
⃗ = ∇V
It is easy to check that, for a vector of the form A ⃗ , Here F⃗ij is the force on ith particle exerted by the jth
⃗ ⃗
from the above formula, that ∇ × A = 0. particle. The net force (vector sum of forces) acting on
all particles is then
An example: Lets consider the force field X X X
F (x, y) = c xy x̂ + yx3 ŷ .
Is this a conservative F⃗i = F⃗ij + F⃗iex
force? i i,j:j̸=i i
= (F⃗ij + F⃗ji ) + F⃗iex .
Easy to work out, i<j i
x̂ ŷ ẑ = F⃗iex ≡ F⃗ ex .
⃗ × F⃗ =
∇ ∂x ∂y ∂z = 3cx̂(x2 y − y 2 x) ̸= 0. i
cxy 3 cyx3 0
Where we used Newton’s third law, which says that F⃗ij =
So, this is not a conservative force. −F⃗ji . Here F⃗ ex is the net external force on this system
So, its line integral (i.e, work done under this force) of particles. Then we can write
should depend upon the path. Say, we so a line integral X X
from A = (x, y) = (0, 0) to B = (x, y) = (1, 1), in two F⃗ ex = F⃗i = p⃗˙i . (32)
ways. First in a straight line joining A and B, and then, i i
going from A to C = (x, y) = (1, 0), and then from C to If we define the net linear momentum of the system as
B. P⃗ =
⃗i , then Newton’s second law for a system of
First path: the straight line is parameterized by x = particles simply becomes
y = t, and dx = dy = dt. Thus, F⃗ .d⃗r = Fx dx + Fy dy =
c(t4 dt + t4 dt) = 2ct4 dt. Thus, ⃗˙
F⃗ ex = P.
Z Z 1
2c Let us define the center of mass coordinate as
F⃗ .d⃗r = 2ct4 dt = .
A→B 0 5 X mi⃗ri
R⃗ = , (33)
Now, A to C, y = dy = 0. i
where M = mi is the total mass. Then
F⃗ .d⃗r = 0dx = 0.
A→C 0 X X
F⃗ ex = p⃗˙i = mi⃗r¨i = M R̈.
For C to B, dx = 0 and x = 1. i i
2. Angular momentum
B. Many-particle Dynamics
The angular net momentum is then
1. Newton’s laws X
⃗ =
L mi⃗ri × p⃗i . (34)
Let us consider an N particle system. We label them
by an index i = 1, 2, · · · , N . The ith particle, at some The,
point in time, are at positions ⃗ri and have mass mi .
Then, Newton’s first law reads d⃗ X X
L= ⃗ri × p⃗˙i = ⃗ri × F⃗i
dt i i
p⃗˙i = F⃗i , (31) X X
= ⃗ri × F⃗ij + ⃗ri × F⃗iex
i,j:j̸=i i
where F⃗i is the force the ith particle feels due to external X
force F⃗iex of this particle, as well as due to the force = (⃗ri − ⃗rj ) × F⃗ij + τ ex . (35)
exerted by all other particles. Thus we can write i<j
direction to ⃗ri − ⃗rj , and thus the first term vanishes. C. Collisions
These kinds of forces are the ones we call central forces
(such as gravitational force and electrostatic force). In In this section, we’ll briefly review what we already
general the conservation of angular momentum is related know about elastic collisions. In elastic collisions, both
to isotropy of the space! This will be discussed while we the kinetic energy and linear momentum are conserved.
shall discuss Lagrangian formulation. Fo example, if we have a collision in the rest frame of
one particle of mass M , where another particle of mass
m collides with it with a velocity ⃗v , and if the final ve-
locities of these particles are ⃗v1 and ⃗v2 , then energy and
3. Kinetic energy momentum conservation leads to the following equations:
1 1 1
For dealing with energy, let us write, for every particle mv 2 = M v12 + mv22 (37)
2 2 2
the position from the center of mass coordinate, m⃗v = M⃗v1 + m⃗v2 . (38)
⃗ + r⃗′ i .
⃗ri = R In one dimension these are two equations, and two
unknowns, so can be solved exactly. In two dimen-
P ⃗ = P mi R,
As, i mi⃗ri = M R ⃗ this implies (exercise) sions, these are three equations (second one has
X two components), but four unknowns (each of the
mi r⃗′ i = 0. final velocities has two components). So, one needs
i more information for solving them. The same goes
for three dimensions, four equations and six un-
We can then write the net kinetic energy as knowns.
1X X1 1 One can square the second equation, and use the
T = mi ṙi2 = M R2 + mi ri′2 . (36)
2 i 2 2 first equation to also arrive as
Deriving the above is left as an exercise. The second − 1 v12 = ⃗v1 · ⃗v2 . (39)
term is the internal kinetic energy of the system. m
So, if m = M , then ⃗v1 ·⃗v2 = 0. So, either one of the
final velocity is zero, or they move in perpendicular
4. System with variable mass
Here vi , Vi are initial velocities of these two parti- v 2 − 2vv1 cos θ + v11 = v22 .
cles. From these equations, we get
From the first equation, we write