Ch1part1 2019
Ch1part1 2019
Ch1part1 2019
September 2, 2019
Theorem (1)
Let x∗ = (x1∗ , ..., xn∗ ) be an interior point of S at which f has partial
derivatives. A necessary condition for x∗ to be a maximum (or
a minimum) point for f is that x∗ is a stationary point for f , i.e.
If fxi (x∗ ) 6= 0, then we can nd dxi such that df 6= 0.
See reminders in linear algebra appendix!
I Hessian matrix
I Taylor's expansion
I Quadratic forms
I Deniteness and minors
Necessary second-order conditions
Theorem (2)
Suppose that x∗ is a local maximum (mininum). Then the
Hessian of f evaluated at x∗ , fxx 0 (x∗ ), must be negative
(positive) semi-denite.
If the rst-order conditions are satised but the Hessian is not
semi-denite negative or positive, then x∗ is a saddle point.
∀x, y ∈ S , [x, y] ⊂ S
Theorem (3)
Let f (x) be a concave (convex) function; then it reaches a global
maximum (minimum) at x∗ if and only if fx (x∗ ) = 0.
It can easily be checked that the previous denitions imply this one.
Strict concavity and unique global extrema
f (x , y , z ) = x 2 + 2y 2 + 3z 2 + 2xy + 2xz
Reminder: concavity of sums of functions
(f + g ) (tx1 + (1 − t )x2 ) = f (tx1 + (1 − t )x2 ) + g (tx1 + (1 − t )x2 )
≥ t f ( + g )(x1 ) + (1 − t )(f + g )(x2 )
Reminder: composition of concave functions
F (f (tx1 + (1 − t )x2 )) ≥ F (tf (x1 ) + (1 − t )f (x2 )) ≥ tF (f (x1 )) + (1 − t )F (f (x2 ))
(F concave)
Theorem (4)
The Cobb-Douglas function f (x ) = Ax1a1 ...xnan dened for all
x1 > 0, ..., xn > 0, with A, a1 , ..., an positive constants is
homogeneous of degree a = a1 + ... + an , and:
1. quasiconcave for all a1 , ..., an
2. concave for all a ≤ 1
3. strictly concave for all a < 1
Proof: Consider lnf (x ) = lnA + a1 lnx1 + ... + an lnxn .
As a sum of concave functions, lnf is concave and quasiconcave.
As f (x ) = e lnf (x ) , with u → e u increasing, f is quasiconcave.
f is homogeneous of degree a and f (0) = 0. If a ≤ 1, using the
theorem above, f is concave. For a < 1, f is strictly concave
(shown by checking the leading principal minors of the Hessian).
For a > 1, f is not concave (along the ray x1 = ... = xn = x, f is
strictly convex).
Generalized CES function
Theorem (5)
The constant elasticity of substitution (CES) function
f (x ) = A(δ1 x1−ρ + ... + δn xn−ρ )− ρ dened for x1 > 0, ..., xn > 0,
with A > 0, µ > 0, ρ 6= 0, δi > 0, i = 1...n, is homogeneous of
degree µ, and
1. quasiconvex for ρ ≤ −1, quasiconcave for ρ ≥ −1
2. concave for 0 < µ ≤ 1, ρ ≥ −1
3. strictly concave for 0 < µ < 1, ρ > −1
Proof: f (x ) = Au −µ/ρ , with u = δ1 x1−ρ + ... + δn xn−ρ .
If ρ ≤ −1, u is convex and quasiconvex as a positive sum of convex
functions. As u → Au −µ/ρ is increasing, f is quasiconvex.
If ρ ∈] − 1, 0], u is concave and the transformation increasing, so f
is quasiconcave.
If ρ > 0, u is convex and the transformation decreasing, so f is
quasiconcave. f is homogeneous of degree µ. By the theorem
above, if 0 < µ ≤ 1 and ρ > −1, f is concave.
The last point is shown by an extension of the theorem to strict
Summary of main concepts