Wrting Tips
Wrting Tips
Wrting Tips
● Make only one space after commas, periods, semi-colons and colons.
● Understand the meaning and use of the definite article (the) and the indefinite article (a, an).
● Do not use exclamation marks.
● Do not capitalize common nouns.
● Make sure all verbs agree with their subject in number (singular and plural).
● Make sure all prepositions agree with the verb (in English, most verbs have only one or two
prepositions that can be used (results in, not results to).
● Check all spellings.
● Check punctuation: do not leave out any commas.
● Check that all adverbs are in the right place (you cannot put an adverb inside an infinitive verb like
this: He tried to neatly write his name.)
● Use a hyphen for compound words such as stress-free.
● Make sure your essay has at least these: introduction, body part, conclusion.
● Make sure the thesis sentence appears in the first paragraph.
● Avoid more than one key thought per paragraph.
● Make sure your conclusion does not have new information.
● Avoid restating your introduction when writing conclusion.
● Avoid restating when writing your abstract.
● Have at least 3-4 sentences per paragraph.
● Do not make paragraphs