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Aoi4oq 0j ITO p
384 J. S. CLARK J.
se i S
10 resents2caSeSH/ K1 40.0
6 2 K 20.0
KI L 21n 2 (aIQ) 16.0
K1 in ksi 10.0
Cl 1
Fig. 7 Inner race crack of bearing operated at 27,000 psi tan-
aIQ, Inches gential stress giving a K1 -
13.4 ksi (in.)1 2 bearing
Fig. 5 Graphical solution for stress intensity factors. No.8, Table 1.
growth arrested, or was the bearing removed from service the initiation of fatigue fractures. The orthogonal shear
prior to the crack reaching a critical size? To answer this stress which occurs on a plane parallel to the surface, has
question, the exact mode of crack propagation must be an absolute value equal to about 25% of the maximum
understood. The shape and the appearance of the cracks surface compressive stress, and is fully reversed as a roll-
suggest that the rolling element Hertzian stress field when ing element passes. This was the original theory on which
superimposed over the hoop tensile stress provides the bearing life was predicted, and many investigators still
principal crack propagation stress. The surface length of adhere to this premise. The maximum unidirectional
the cracks are usually proportional to the width of the shear stress occurs at a depth slightly greater than the
rolling element contact zone, although some reached criti- orthogonal shear stress and has a value of about 32% of
cal depths before reaching this length. The crack depth, the maximum surface compressive stress. The maximum
however, has not been uniquely related to any characteris- unidirectional shear stress can be expressed as l/2(u5. -
tic of the Hertzian stress field. o). Since the hoop stress is in the same plane as o.,, the
hoop stress increases the value of the shear stress by 1/2
of the applied hoop stress. The Hertzian and shear stress
Crack Initiation analysis follows the development given in Ref. 3. Without
In our early investigations of fractured races, we consid- going into the details, which are given in Ref. 4, the
ered that the cracks initiated from fatigue spalls. How- orthogonal shear stress is not affected by a uniform hoop
ever, later evidence indicated that the cracks were very stress, and thus the unidirectional maximum shear stress
likely the initiation sites for spalling. As can be seen from appears to be the only influence on crack initiation.
Table 1, a significant number of incidents have been ob-
served where cracks were present without spalling evi- Crack Propagation
dence. In all cases where spalling is present, the crack ap-
pears near the leading edge of the spalled area indicating As stated above the Hertzian stress field superimposed
the crack appeared first and initiated the spalling of the over a tensile stress field is assumed to provide the impe-
raceway. tus for crack propagation. First, consider a uniform stress
In the subsurface fatigue spalling mode, two different field with some microscopic flaw below the surface. A roll-
shear stresses have historically been cited as the cause for ing element passing over this flaw introduces a three-dim-
ensional stress array with the three principal stresses in
compression. In bearings of normal geometry, one of the
principal stresses (o-) falls in the plane of the tensile stress
field. Therefore in the zone beneath the contact area, the
stress patterns in the a plane (hoop) will be
o -