04 Worksheet 1 (2)
04 Worksheet 1 (2)
04 Worksheet 1 (2)
3. drugs used for treating anxiety and sleeping disorders
4. type of drug prescribed by doctors
5. misuse or habitual taking of drugs
8. most commonly abused drug
9. unable to resist urge to use drugs
1. drugs banned by law
2. also known as “shabu”
6. prescribed for ADHD medications
7. contains psychoactive compounds
10. alters the body’s function when taken
I. Enumeration: Fill in the boxes below and provide what is being asked. (2 items x 15 points)
People take drugs because they want to change something Someone who is sad might use drugs to get a feeling of
about their lives. Some of the reasons young people have given happiness, but it does not work. Drugs can lift a person into a
for taking drugs Is to to fit in, to escape or relax, to relieve fake kind of cheerfulness, but when the drug wears off, he or she
boredom, to seem grown up, to rebel, and to experiment. They crashes even lower than before. And each time, the emotional
think drugs are a solution. But eventually, the drugs become plunge is lower and lower. Eventually, drugs will completely
the problem. destroy all the creativity a person has.
There are many reasons people turn to drugs, which we’ve Many times people use drugs because they want to get “high.”
previously cover here. Often, it is because they want to feel good, They hear about the euphoric effects that drugs create. These
to feel better, or to feel like they belong. This is one of the most effects are also what cause many people to continue using drugs,
common reasons people use drugs for the first time is to Feel- despite the risk for addiction.
good effects.
Total 15