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Myths and Misconceptions about Drugs of Abuse

 Myths and Misconceptions     Facts about Drugs of Abuse 

  Drugs of abuse shut down proper brain

Drugs of abuse improve functioning. Certain drugs stimulate the
memory              brain but do not really help improve memory.
Most drug users claim they think better and
clearly after taking drugs but tests on
performance and cognition have proven that
they have performed worst.
Drugs of abuse do not improve memory. .    
  Certain drugs of abuse
stimulate the production of
Drugs of abuse help in the stomach acids. Constant
digestion of food. exposure to higher than
normal acid level damages
stomach linings which can
result to ulcers.
Drugs of abuse do not help
in the digestion of food.
Certain drugs of abuse remove shyness
and inhibition. In psychology, normal
inhibition prohibits a person to do
Drug of abuse unacceptable things, thoughts and
desires. Normal inhibition includes not
make a person bold and taking other people’s things, not crossing
brave  a busy street and knowing what is right
from wrong. The temporary courage
brought about by taking drugs is a
dangerous one as it makes a drug user
lose normal judgment which is part of
the person’s normal inhibition.
Drugs of abuse place a user in a
dangerous and life-threatening situation .
  Drugs of abuse are not the solution
  to problems and worries people
encounter. Some people believe
that using drugs eliminate one’s
Drugs of abuse remove life’s problems and worries in life. The
problems and worries. truth is drugs of abuse will only
  worsen the scenario and further
add more problems some of which
are even harder to solve.
 Drugs of abuse worsen life’s
problems and worries.
  Drug users believe that certain drugs
cause the blood to become warmer which
makes the body temperature rise. In cold
Drugs of abuse heat up the countries, drugs are used to heat the
body. The truth about this is far from
body. reality. Drugs dilate blood vessels in the
skin which makes the blood to flow
  nearer to the skin which enhances
convection of heat from the body to the
outside environment. Convection transfer
heat from inside the body to the outside.
Through convection of heat, body heat is
lost faster than normal.
Drugs of abuse do not heat up the body;
instead they make the body lose heat
faster than normal.
Profile of a Drug Abuser
The Dangerous Drugs Board listed the following signs and
symptoms of drug abuse.
It is important to note that having a few of these signs doesn't
immediately make a person a drug user. Therefore, observations
of physical, mental, emotional and social behaviors must be
carefully done to confirm if a person is a drug user.

Below are some of the signs and symptoms of drug use:

 Declining interest in studies and work
 Identification with known drug users
 Negative outlook in life
 Uncontrolled irritation
 Paranoia (fear that people always stalk and talk about him/her)
 Severe feeling of depression and loneliness
 Complains of over fatigue (psychological or physiological)
 Frequent involvement in petty fights and crimes
 Frequent changes of mood and extreme mood swings
 Lousy physical appearance
 Reddish eyes
 Sudden loss in weight
 Frequent complaints of headache and stomach pains
 Convulsions
 Frequent attacks of cough and runny nose
 Brown stains on fingertips
 Foul body smell
 Wearing of sunglasses even at night
 Loss of balance
 Loss of interest in sports and hobbies
 Poor judgment and loss of inhibition
 Loss of concentration
• At the end of this learning material , you are expected to:
• Discuss the harmful short-term and long-term effects of substance use and
abuse on the body.
• Discuss the harmful short-term and long–term effects of substance use and
abuse on the following domains:
• Self
• Family
• School and
• Community


Gateway drugs are accepted and legal with restrictions. In the Philippines,
people below 18 years of age are not allowed to buy and use gateway drugs.
The use of gateway drugs puts a person at risk of using more dangerous and
illicit drugs. Tobacco of any form and alcohol are gateway drugs.
Depressants, also known as “downers”, suppress or slow down the central
nervous system. In the medical field, depressants are also called sedatives
which are used to treat anxiety, mental disorders and sleep disorders like
insomnia. Types of depressants are tranquilizers, barbiturates, and
hypnotics. Tranquilizers are mild depressants which are used to treat
anxiety. Barbiturates are stronger than tranquilizers and are used to treat
insomnia and other sleep disorders and control seizures. Hypnotics are the
most powerful depressants. Alcohol is also a depressant. The table below
shows the effects of depressants on the body.

Stimulants are also known as “uppers” or “speeders”. They stimulate

or activate the central nervous system. A person can stay awake for
longer periods under the influence of stimulant drugs. Some stimulants
are legal while some are illicit and dangerous. Caffeine is a stimulant
which is found in soft drinks, energy drinks, coffee, tea and chocolate.
Illicit stimulants include cocaine and methamphetamine or shabu. The
table on the next page shows the effects of stimulants on the body.
Narcotics are known as “painkillers”. They also induce
sleepiness. Narcotics are administered to patients with mental
problems. They are also given to cancer patients to relieve
severe pain. Narcotic drugs include cocaine, heroin and

Hallucinogens create hallucinations. Hallucinations

distort what is real. Everything the person sees,
hears and feels are the opposite of reality. Lysergic
acid diethylamide (LSD), psilocybin and mescaline
are some of the common hallucinogens.

Inhalants are found in common household chemical

products. Inhalants are huffed or sniffed. The effects of
inhalants are similar to the effects of alcohol intoxication.
Identify if the sentences is SHORT-TERM EFFECTS or LONG-TERM EFFECTS.
3.Cardiovascular diseases
5.Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
6.Low blood pressure
7.Heart attack
8.Inability to sleep
10.Overdose leading to coma and death
Identify if the sentences is Effects of drug use and abuse on the family, Effects of
drug use and abuse on the school or Effects of drug use and abuse on the

1. Broken and unhappy family ties

2. Low academic achievement rate
3. Effected economy due to low manpower production
4. High incidence of accidents, e. g. road accident, accidental
falling, etc.
5. Increased rate of absenteeism and tardiness
6.Financial constraint due to drug dependence and
7.Ignored duties and responsibilities
8.Increased incidence of school fight
9. High incidence of crime which includes stealing,
robbery, and snatching
10. Loss of government funds due to drug-related
operations, treatment, and rehabilitation
Prevention and Control of substance use and
• There are various and healthy ways to get rid of drugs . These range
from simple immersion to hobbies like interactive and board games,
sports, and joining clubs of interest.
• Prevention is the best way for people like you to avoid the use and
abuse of drugs. People should understand the different protective
factors and risk factors. Protective factors should be enhanced while
risk factors should be avoided and dropped for good. You should
learn decision-making skill and resistance skill in order to refuse
temptations and offers from known drug users.
Direction: Identification the following.
1-5. Give the 5 common Myths and misconceptions about
6-10. Give the 5 facts about drugs of abuse.
11-15. Give at least 5 sign and symptoms of drugs abuse.
16-21. Identify the following drugs to their classification.
16. Tobacco 17. Psilocybin 18. Rugby 19.Shabu
20.Marijuana 21.Tranquilizers
22-27. Give one short-term effects and long-term effects
of the following.
a. Gateway Drugs
b. Depressants
c. Stimulants
d. Narcotics
e. Hallucinogens
f. Inhalants
28-30. Give the effects of drugs use.
31-33. Give the three steps on drug abuse
treatment and rehabilitation.
34-35. Give at least 2 the mode of treatment.
1-5: Drugs of abuse improve memory 
Drugs of abuse help in the digestion of food.
Drug of abuse make a person bold and brave.
Drugs of abuse remove life’s problems and worries.
Drugs of abuse heat up the body.
6-10. Drugs of abuse do not improve memory. l

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