NSTP SemiFinals
NSTP SemiFinals
NSTP SemiFinals
A drug is a chemical substance that brings about 1. Stimulants – drugs which increase alertness and
physical, emotional or behavioral change in a person physical disposition.
taking it. Examples: Amphetamine, Cocaine, Caffeine, and
When are drugs harmful?
2. Hallucinogens (also called psychedelics) – drugs
Any drug may be harmful when taken in excess. which affect sensation, thinking, self-awareness, and
Some drugs can also be harmful if taken in dangerous emotion. Changes in time and space perception,
combinations or by hypersensitive (allergic) persons in delusions (false beliefs) and hallucinations may be
ordinary or even small accounts. mild or overwhelming, depending on dose and
quality of the drug.
Are Products Other than Drugs Ever Abused? Example: LSD, Mescaline and Marijuana.
Yes. Substances ‘like glue, paint thinners, gasoline 3. Sedatives – drugs which may be reduce anxiety and
and other volatile (breathable) solvents contain a variety excitement.
of dangerous chemicals. They should be sold and used Examples: Barbiturates, Non-barbiturates,
with caution. Tranquilizers, and Alcohol
What is Drug Abuse? 4. Narcotics – drugs that relieve pain and often induce
Drug abuse is the use of any chemical substance, Examples: Opium and its derivatives such as
licit or illicit, which results in an individual’s physical, Morphine, Codeine, and Heroin
mental or social impairment.
How can you Tell When One is Abusing Drugs?
It may refer to any of the following practices:
A person who is abusing drugs has a lot of
changes in behavior, appearance and mood. The changes
1. Using without benefit or prescription, useful drugs may be pleasant or unpleasant. Thus he-
which have the capacity to alter the mood or
behavior. 1. Is irritable, discourteous, defiant and aggressive;
2. Is untrustworthy and lacks self-confidence;
2. Using drugs and substances for a purpose different 3. Is unhealthy and unconcerned with good
from the one for which the drug has been prescribed. grooming;
4. Has a low frustration tolerance;
3. Using drugs and substances having no legitimate 5. Lacks interest in his studies/work;
medical application for purposes other than research. 6. Blames everybody for his problems; and
7. Prefers his “barkada” where he feels accepted.
What are the General Facts about Ecstasy (MDMA)? The MDMA psychological effects are classified into
two categories. The first of which are positive
Ecstasy is a synthetic amphetamine – related psychological effects which include:
substance. It gained popularity as a recreational drug,
first in the United States and then later in Europe and 1. Extreme mood lifts
now is increasingly known in other parts of the world. It 2. Increase in willingness to communicate
has the following street names: X, Rave, Love Drug, 3. Increase in energy (stimulation)
Flying Saucer, LBD“Libido”, Jagged Little Pill, Artist Drug, 4. Ego softening
Hug Drug, MDA, MDEA, XTC, E , Eckie, and Love Doves, 5. Feeling of comfort, belonging and closeness to
6. Feeling of love and empathy
7. Forgiveness
8. Increased awareness and appreciation of music
9. Increased awareness of senses What are the Signs and Symptoms?
10. Profound life-changing spiritual
11. Neurotically based fear dissolution 1. Poor appetite
12. Experience bright and intense sensations and 2. Disturbed sleeping pattern
13. Urge to hug and kiss people 3. Erratic behavior
4. Paranoia and
The second category has negative effects which 5. Suspicious of people
What is the Profile of Users?
1. Inappropriate and unintended emotional
bonding, “Class A” People
2. Tendency to say things the user might feel “Yuppies” (young urban professionals)
uncomfortable about later, Spoiled brats
3. Depression and fatigue up to about 7 days, Recreational drug users (party goers, night owls)
4. Confusion, Age range: 20’s-40’s
5. Drug craving, and
6. Severe anxiety and paranoia. Penalty
What are the Long-Term Effects of MDMA? The penalty of life imprisonment to death and a fine
ranging from Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (PhP
1. Psychosis 500,000.00) to Ten Million Pesos (Php 10,000,000.00)
2. Arrhythmia shall be imposed upon any person, who unless authorized
3. Same effect as with Amphetamines by law, shall possess 10 grams of
4. Psychological dependence methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) regardless of
5. Depression purity to include illegal manufacture, sale, administration,
dispensing, distribution, delivery and transportation.
What are the Short-Term Effects of MDMA?
What you should know about Marijuana
1. Restlessness
2. Anxiety Marijuana, often called grass, pot, or weed, is a
3. Pronounced visual and auditory hallucination at crude drug made from Cannabis sativa a plant that
larger doses contains a mind-altering (psychoactive) ingredient called
4. Increased blood pressure and heart rate which tetrahydrocannabinol THC).
may lead to cardiac arrest
5. Nausea and In what form is Marijuana available?
6. Vomiting
A marijuana “joint” or cigarette is made from the
A user experiences grogginess, talkativeness, dried leaves, tops and flowers of the plant. Its strength
increased heart rate and palpitation, reverberating depends on the type of plant, the weather, the soil and
feeling, glassy eyes, hypertension. the time of harvest of the plant.
After-effect of Ecstasy leads to sudden drop of Hashish or hash – is made from the extracted resin of
euphoria and depression. the plant. it is usually stronger than crude marijuana and
can both be smoked and eaten.
After taking the drug, user usually indulge in sex Why is Marijuana dangerous?
(with single or multiple partners) and some resort to Marijuana slows down the user’s mental and
mental intercourse (jamming) sex talks. psychomotor activities. Users don’t remember what they
learned when they are high.
The effects of Marijuana can also impair thinking,
reading comprehension and verbal and mathematical How can I say “NO” to Marijuana?
Keep your reasons simple and honest. You don’t
Marijuana creates other health problems related to have to explain why you don’t want to use drugs.
the reproductive system, the heart, and the lungs. It has
been found that Marijuana use may lead to cancer. Be polite but firm.
Long-term regular use of marijuana may lead to Avoid drug users. Choose your friends wisely. If your
psychological dependence. Once started, it may take peers are real friends, they will accept you whether you
more of the drug for the user to get the same effect. take drugs or not.
Young Marijuana users are more likely to go on Remember that it is your right to say “NO” to drugs.
experimenting with drugs.
Why should I say “NO” to Marijuana?
Immediate Effects
Drugs can’t solve your problems. Only you and a little
1. Faster heartbeat and pulse rate help from friends, and people who care about you, can
2. Bloodshot eyes solve them.
3. Dry mouth and throat
4. Altered sense of time/disorientation Give yourself the chance to be all you can be.
5. Forgetfulness/inability to think Discover your special talents, get involved with other
6. Impaired reflexes, coordination and people, learn many skills and develop your own
concentration personality.
7. “Acute panic anxiety reaction” – extreme fear of
losing control Anything you can get out of using, you can get out of
other activities. The trick is finding out which things are
Long-Term Effects right for you.
Delayed Effects
Morphine, meperidine, paregoric (which contains What treatment is available for Opiates addicts?
opium), and cough syrups (that contain codeine) are the
most common opiates with legal medicine uses that are 1. Detoxification (supervised withdrawal from drugs,
abused. either with or without medication) in a hospital or
as outpatient.
What are the dangers of Opiates abuse?
2. Rehabilitation in therapeutic communities –
1. Opiates may cause dependence and tolerance. An patients live in highly structured drug-free
opiate-dependent person makes finding and using environment and are encouraged to help
the drug his main focus in life. An opiate-tolerant themselves.
person needs more and more of the drug to get
the same effects. 3. Outpatient drug-free programs- emphasize
various forms of counseling as main treatment.
2. Overtime, opiate users may develop injections of
the heart lining and valves, skin abscesses, and 4. Methadone maintenance – using methadone, a
congested lungs substitute for heroin, on a daily basis to help
people lead productive lives while in treatment.
3. Infection from unsterile solutions, syringes and
needles can cause illnesses such as liver disease, Why do people use opiates?
tetanus and serum hepatitis, and AIDS.
1. Peer Pressure
4. The opiate-dependent women suffer from health 2. Curiosity
problems like anemia and may give birth to babies 3. Boredom
with defects or who are dead. 4. Frustrations (caused by personal / family / school
Immediate effects 5. Stress
6. Escapism
1. Restlessness 7. Lack of parental guidance
2. Nausea and vomiting 8. Lack of focus in life
3. “on the nod” effect (going back and forth from
feeling alert to drowsy) How do I avoid Opiate Addiction?
1. Talk to someone you trust – your parents, a 3. Freebase – purified substance of “rocks”. It is
favorite relative, a teacher, a family doctor, a usually injected or smoked.
friend who doesn’t use drugs. They can help you
understand and solve your problems. 4. Coca Paste – is the crude product smoked in
South America. It is more dangerous because it
2. Learn how to deal with bad feelings. Remember, has contaminants such as kerosene.
you are responsible for what you feel – no one
else. If you change the way you think about Why is cocaine dangerous?
something, you also change the way you feel
about it. 1. In some people, even low doses of cocaine may
create psychological problems.
3. Solve your problems the P.R.O.B.L.E.M. way
2. An overdose may cause delirium, convulsions,
P = problem, what is it? respiratory failure or death
R = results, what do you intend to happen?
O = open a file what info do you need to collect 3. Regular intake of high doses of cocaine may
B = brainstorm, what options are there? cause paranoia or may lead to “cocaine
L = look at the consequences: what would happen by psychosis” (hallucinations of touch, sight, taste or
following each of the options? smell).
E = evaluate and execute, which is the best choice? Make
M = make sure it works, have you got what you wanted?
What is Cocaine?
2. Preparation of freebase exposes the user to death 1. Learn to say “NO” and to ask for help. Close
and serious injuries from fire or explosion that can friends are important, but you don’t have to do
occur. everything your friends do to remain friends.
Effects begin within a few minutes, peak within 15- 4. Learn to fine new interests, find out what you like
20 minutes and disappear within an hour. doing, what other people like doing. Meet new
people, go to new places, and put yourself in new
Delayed Effects situations.
1. Psychosis
2. Restlessness
3. Irritability/anxiety
4. Sleeplessness
5. Stuffy or runny nose / ulcerated mucous
membrane of nose Why should I say “NO” to cocaine?
6. Confusion
7. Slurred speech 1. If you choose to use drugs, you may be choosing a
whole style of life. Drugs may lead to your losing
some friends and limiting your opportunities in
school work.
1. What is the legal basis for the conduct of the The three (3) major participating agencies shall:
random drug testing for secondary and tertiary
students? Issue an appropriate order informing all schools
Article III Section 36(c) of Republic Act 9165, under their supervision about the government’s
otherwise known as the “Comprehensive actions against illegal drugs; inform randomly
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. selected schools on their inclusion in the random
drug testing program; and
2. What are the objectives of the random drug Formulate and conduct training programs on
testing? drug counseling for guardian counselors for the
The random drug testing will be conducted for the purpose of enhancing their skills handling drug
following purposes: dependency cases,
To determine the prevalence of drug users among
the students, Is there really a need to implement a program of this
To assess the effectiveness of school-based and kind?
community-based prevention programs,
To deter the use of illegal drugs, The program shall be implemented primarily for
To facilitate the rehabilitation of drug users and prevention of drug dependency and rehabilitation of drug
dependents, and users and dependents. The entire populace shall be made
To strengthen the collaboration efforts of aware of the ill effects of dangerous drugs.
identified agencies against the use of illegal drug
uses and dependents. Since the selection is at random, how will the selection
be done?
Who are going to be tested?
The selection shall be through lottery, which may be
Based on the implementing guidelines, the random computerized, or in any manner the Selection Board shall
drug testing shall be applicable to students in public and agree upon.
private secondary, tertiary/ higher education institutions
and post-secondary, technical and vocational schools. Who Compose the Selection Board?
What agencies are participating in this endeavor? The Selection Board shall be the board constituted at
the level of the school composed of the Drug Testing
There are three (3) major government agencies Coordinator as chairperson, one representative each from
participating in the drug testing program and they are the students, faculty and parents as members. The
called “supervising agencies” in the guidelines since they authorized governing body duly recognized by their
exercise supervision of the schools. These agencies are respective constituents shall choose the representatives
Department of Education (DepEd), Commission on Higher from these stakeholders based on a set of selection
Education (CHED), and Technical Education and Skill criteria formulated for this purpose. In the absence of a
Development Authority (TESDA). parent’s association, the School Head may appoint any
parent who shall be a member of the Selection Board.
Do these agencies have the capability to conduct the
drug testing?
What are the responsibilities of the Drug Testing How is the process of rehabilitation done?
It includes after-care and follow-up treatment,
The Drug Testing Coordinator shall: directed towards the physical, emotional / psychological,
Convince the Selection Board within five days vocational, social and spiritual change/ enhancement of a
from the receipt of notice from the Supervising drug dependent to enable him/her to live without
Agency stating that the school is included in the dangerous drugs, enjoy the fullest life compatible with
program; his/her capabilities and potential and render him/her to
Ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the become a law-abiding and productive member of the
random drug testing for the students, teachers, community.
administrators and personnel of the school;
Inform both the student and parent concerned Who selects the Drug Counselor of the school and what
that a confirmatory test shall be conducted in are his/her tasks?
case the test result is positive;
Relay to the parents full information on the The Drug Testing Coordinator shall designate a Drug
process that shall be undertaken for the Counselor, a person trained in the techniques of guidance
confirmatory test; and counseling particularly dealing with cases of drug
Inform both the parents and the students of the dependency.
results of the test;
Not delegate the task of informing the student If after the counseling period, the student shows no sign
and parent to any other person nor reveal the of improvement, what will be the next step?
results of the test to any person other the student
and parent; and If the student fails the drug test the second time, the
Refer the student and his/her parent to DOH-accredited facility or physician may make a
government-owned DOD-accredited facility or recommendation to the student, parent, and Drug Testing
DOH-accredited government physician to Coordinator to have the student referred to a DOH-
determine the student’s level of dependency. accredited facility suited to the student’s level of
If found to be positive for drugs, the student may be a
subject of discrimination among his schoolmates. How
will this concern be prevented?
A positive confirmatory drug test result shall not be a
ground for expulsion or any disciplinary action against the
student. But in the event that it is determined that the Can it be detected if the student is using drugs for
student is drug dependent, the school may impose the medical treatment purposes and not for illegal use of the
appropriate sanctions against the student as provided for drug?
in the school’s Student Handbook of Regulations land the
Manual of Regulations for Private Schools; provided that Prior to testing, the selected students shall be asked
in the case of public secondary schools, if the student is to reveal the prescription medicines, vitamins, food
later on found to have been rehabilitated, the student supplements that they had ingested within the past five
shall then be allowed to re-enroll. (5) days. The Drug Testing Coordinator shall keep the list
How is the process of rehabilitation done? and utilizes this in the evaluation of the confirmatory drug
What if a student selected for the drug testing refuses to
undergo such test? Will he be penalized for such an act?