Protocol Standardization For Iot: Types of Iot Protocols
Protocol Standardization For Iot: Types of Iot Protocols
Protocol Standardization For Iot: Types of Iot Protocols
Characteristics of MQTT
The MQTT has some unique features which are hardly found in other
protocols. Some of thefeatures of an MQTT are given below:
MQTT Architecture
following parameters:
❖ Payload data
❖Collection of Properties
❖ Topic Name
● Client:
In MQTT, the subscriber and publisher are the two roles of a client. The
clientssubscribe to the topics to publish and receive messages. In simple
words, we can say that if any program or device uses
an MQTT, then that device is referred to as a client. A device is a clientif it
opens the network connection to the server, publishes messages that
other clients want tosee, subscribes to the messages that it is interested
in receiving, unsubscribes to the messages