Protocol Standardization For Iot: Types of Iot Protocols

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Protocol Standardization for IoT

IoT communication protocols are modes of

c o mmu nication that protect and ensure optimum security to the
data being exchanged between connected devices.The IoT devices
a re ty p i cally connected to the Internet via an IP (Internet
Pro to c o l) network.However, devices such as Bluetooth and
R FI D a l l ow IoT devices to connect locally. In these cases,
there’s a difference in power, range, and memory used. Connection
through IP networksare comparatively complex, requiring increased
memory and power from the IoT devices whilethe range is not a
p ro b l em. On the other hand, non-IP
n etw o rksdemandcomparativelyless power and memory but have a r
ange limitation.As far as the IoT communication protocols or
technologies are concerned, a mix of both IP andnon-IP networks
can be considered depending on usage.

Types of IoT Protocols:

IoT protocols and standards can be broadlyclassified into two separate
1. IoT Network Protocols:
I oT network protocols are used to connect devices over the network.
These are the set of communication protocols typically used over the
Internet.Using IoT network protocols, end-to-end data communication
w it h in t h e scope of the network is allowed.

M2M: Machine-to-Machine Communications

M2M stands for Machine to Machine communication. It is a direct

communication system between the devices using wired or
wireless communications channels without any humaninteraction.
It collects the data and shares it with other connected devices. It is a
technology thatallows devices without the use of the internet to connect
between devices. Various applications,such as defense, monitoring and
tracking, production and facility management, are provided byM2M
communications.M2M technology may be present in offices, shopping
malls, houses, and many other places. Acommon example of a machine to
machine is controlling electrical devices like fans and bulbsusing
Bluetooth from the smartphone. Here, the smartphone and electrical
devices are the twointeracting devices with each other

Key applications are :

● Connecting machines to other machines

●Connecting machines to service centers

M2M protocols defines the packetsize, rules of communication, security

over a network, communication requirements and other properties
of the M2M network so that it will help to connect low powered, lossy
devices to theworld of the Internet.

various level of communication in IoT comprising M2M concept is well

shown inthe Figure.

Protocols used in M2M:1. MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)


MQTT stands for MessageQueuing Telemetry Transport. MQTT is a

machine to machine internet of thingsconnectivity protocol. It is an
extremely lightweight and publish-subscribe messagingtransport protocol.
This protocol is useful for the connection with the remote locationwhere
the bandwidth is a premium. These characteristics make it useful in
varioussituations, including a constant environment such as for
communication machine tomachine and internet of things contexts. It
is a publish and subscribe system where wecan publish and receive the
messages as a client. It makes it easy for communicationbetween multiple
devices. It is a simple messaging protocol designed for
the constraineddevices and with low bandwidth, so it's a perfect solution
for the internet of thingsapplications.

Characteristics of MQTT

The MQTT has some unique features which are hardly found in other
protocols. Some of thefeatures of an MQTT are given below:

●It is a machineto machine protocol, i.e., it provides communication

between the devices.

● It is designed as a simple and lightweight messaging protocol that uses

a publish/subscribesystem to exchange the information between the client
and the server.
● It does not require that both the client and the server establish a
connection at the same time.

● It provides faster data transmission, like how WhatsApp/messenger

provides a faster delivery. It's a real-time messaging protocol.

● It allows the clients to subscribe to the narrow selection of topics so that

they can receive theinformation they are looking for.

MQTT Architecture

To understand the MQTT architecture, we first look at the components of

the MQTT.

● Message:The message is the data that is carried out by the protocol

across the network for theapplication. When the message is transmitted
over the network, then the message contains the

following parameters:

❖ Payload data

❖ Quality of Service (QoS)

❖Collection of Properties

❖ Topic Name

● Client:

In MQTT, the subscriber and publisher are the two roles of a client. The
clientssubscribe to the topics to publish and receive messages. In simple
words, we can say that if any program or device uses
an MQTT, then that device is referred to as a client. A device is a clientif it
opens the network connection to the server, publishes messages that
other clients want tosee, subscribes to the messages that it is interested
in receiving, unsubscribes to the messages

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