Hydraulics Probsets

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FLUID MECHANICS AND HYDRAULICS How long L would the tank have to be to open the gate? a. 0.75 c. 0.

e to open the gate? a. 0.75 c. 0.56 A buoy is made up of two identical spherical buoys having
PROBLEMS SET a. 15.24m c. 16.39 b. 0.88 d. 0.42 equal radius of 0.60m. The two buoys are connected by a
b. 17.29 d. 18.33 Compute the gage reading on B. flexible rope when placed into the water surface. The
Situation 1 Situation 3 a. 74.39Kpa c. 75.18 heavier buoy weighs 12N and the lighter one weights only
Water flows from a large tank through an orifice of 75mm The cross sectional area of 3.4m board is equal to b. 70.39 d. 64.50 1/3 of the heavier buoy.
diameter and against a block as shown in the figure. The 0.005m^2. It is attached at one end by a hinged at one of Compute the gage reading on C. Compute the tension in the rope.
water jet strikes the block at the vena contrata. The block the vertical sides of a tank which carries oil having a sp.gr. a. 89.18kpa c. 85.30 a. 3.214kN c. 4.201
weighs 223N and the coefficient of friction between the of 0.85. The board has a unit weight of 30N/m. The other b. 95.20 d. 86.12 b. 5.103 d. 6.201
block and the floor is 0.57. The coefficient of discharge C = end of the board is floating on the oil surface making an Situation 6 Compute the depth of floatation of the 4kN sphere.
0.60 and its coefficient of contraction Cc = 0.62 angle of  from the vertical side of the wall. Water is discharged through a nozzle having a diameter of a. 0.86m c. 0.69
Compute the specific gravity of the board. the jet of 100mm at a velocity of 60m/s at a point 240m b. 0.49 d. 0.68
a. 0.42 c. 0.55 below the reservoir. Compute the volume of sphere exposed above the water
b. 0.61 d. 0.18 Compute the total head loss. surface.
Compute the length of the board which is submerged in a. 5651m c. 5931 a. 0.177m^3 c. 0.578
oil. b. 5120 d. 5683 b. 0.391 d. 0.491
a. 1.58m c. 2.47 Compute the horsepower produced by the jet. Situation 10
b. 3.21 d. 4.08 a. 1136 c. 1391 A block having a dimension of 3 x3x3m is placed on a two
Compute the angle  for equilibrium conditions. b. 1531 d. 1401 later fluids having an upper of 0.90 and lower sp.gr of 1.2.
What is the minimum height to which water must rise in a. 30.2 c. 32.7 Compute the power lost in friction The upper half of the block has a specific gravity of 0.80
the tank h in order to start the block moving to the right? b. 34.5 d. 37.4 a. 350hp c. 394 and its lower half has a specific gravity of 1.4
a. 4.415 c. 6.725 Situation 4 b. 359 d. 320 Compute the total weight of the cube in quintals
b. 5.187 d. 2.53 An open channel is to be designed to carry 1.0m^3/s at a Situation 7 a. 250 c. 297
What is the rate of discharge through the orifice? slope of 0.0065. the channel material has an “n” value of An open cylindrical tank having a radius of 0.30m and a b. 284 d. 240
a. 0.0297m^3 c. 0.0356 0.011. for the most efficient section. height of 1.20m is filled with water at a depth of 0.90m. Compute the height of the top of the cube above the
b. 0.0356 d. 0.186 Compute the depth for a semicircular section How fast will it be rotated about its vertical axis if half of interface of the two layer fluid.
Compute the velocity of the flow a. 0.06547m c. 0.0236 its volume is spilled out. a. 1.0m c. 2
a. 18.65 c. 6.82 b. 0.3291 d. 0.4755 a. 184.23rpm c. 156.23 b. 3 d. 4
b. 15.41 d. 10.86 Compute the depth for a rectangular section. b. 178.34 d. 168.32 If the depth of the upper layer if fluid having a sp. Gr. of
Situation 2 a. 0.132m c. 0.434 How fast will it be rotated about its vertical axis so that no 0.90 is equal to 1.2m, how far below the liquid surface is
From the figure shows a rectangular tank 8m x 12m x Lm b. 0.291 d. 0.084 water will be spilled out? the top of the cube
wide. It is filled with water to a depth of 6m. A 12m x 12m Compute the depth for a trapezoidal section. a. 109.21rpm c. 116.54 a. 0.50m c. 0.60
gate is hinged at a point 6m below the water surface and a. 0.458m c. 0.281 b. 110.23 d. 108.29 b. 1.70 d. 0.20
is connected by a lever to the tank. b. 0.029 d. 0.392 How fast will it be rotated about its vertical axis so as to Situation 11
Compute the depth for a triangular section. produce a zero pressure with 0.20m from the center of Water from a reservoir flowing through a non rigid
a. 0.819m c. 0.614 the tank? 600mm dia pipe with a velocity of 2.5m/s is completely
b. 0.719 d. 0.557 a. 201.23rpm c. 209.29 stopped by a closure of a valve situated 1050m from the
Situation 5 b. 207.22 d. 219.39 reservoir. Assume that the pressure increases at a
The container shown is filled with air, oil and water. Gage Situation 8 uniform rate and that there is no damping of the pressure
A reads 70Kpa and gage B reads 14kPa less than Gage C. if A rectangular channel carries a discharge of 17.6m^3/s wave. The pipe has a thickness of 18mm. bulk modulus of
the unit weight of air is 0.0036kN/m^3 when flowing 1.2m depth. If the width of the canal is 10m elasticity of water is 2060Mpa and modulus of elasticity of
Compute the min specific energy. steel is 200Gpa.
a. 1.02m c. 1.19 Compute the velocity of the sound in water.
b. 1.29 d. 1.37 a. 1238.35m/s c. 1821.01
Determine the hydrostatic force acting on the gate. Compute the normal slope if n = 0.014 b. 1341.03 d. 1420.18
a. 16631.03N c. 16951.68 a. 0.00044 c. 0.00029 Determine the max rise of pressure in kPa above the
b. 15784.01 d. 17301.58 b. 0.00194 d. 0.00033 corresponding to uniform flow when the valve closure
Determine the location of the center of pressure from the Compute the average shearing stress of the boundary. takes place in 1 sec.
hinge. a. 5.55N/m^2 c. 4.18 a. 3095.9kPa c. 3219.10
a. 7m c. 6m b. 4.78 d. 3.91 b. 3104.29 d. 3319.2
b. 5m d. 4m Compute the specific gravity of oil. Situation 9
Determine the max rise of pressure when the valve Find the depth to which it must be lowered from its
closure takes place in 5 sec vertex so that the difference in level between the center
a. 904kPa c. 915 of gravity and the center of pressure shall be 20cm.
b. 908 d. 922 a. 1.1m c. 1.2
Situation 12 b. 1.3 d. 1.4
A jet of water 25mm in diameter and having a velocity of How far is the center of pressure below the water
7.5m/s strikes against a plate at right angles. surface?
Determine the force on the plate if the plate is stationary. a. 3.2m c. 3.4
a. 25.35N c. 27.61 b. 3.6 d. 3.8
b. 20.45 d. 22.33 What is the base width of the plate if the total hydrostatic
Determine the force on the plate if the plate is moving in force acting on the plate is 76.28kN.
the same direction as the jet at a speed of 3m/s. Compute the hydrostatic force acting on the circular gate. a. 1.1m c. 1.2
15 a. 77.05N c. 67.32
a. 9.94N c. 5.20 b. 1.3 d. 1.4
A vertical cylindrical tank 6m high and 4m in diameter two b. 70.10 d. 56.32
b. 6.30 d. 7.40 Situation 20
thirds full of water is rotated uniformly about its axis until Locate the center of pressure measured from the pivot
Determine the force on the plate if the plate is moving Reservoir A, B and C are connected by pipes 1, 2, and 3
on the point of overflowing. point.
towards the nozzle of a velocity of 4m/s respectively which meets at the junction x. The water
Compute the linear velocity at the circumference of the
a. 69.29N c. 66.39 a. 0.00625 c. 0.00739 surface at the reservoir B is 6m below that of A while
tank. b. 0.00529 d. 0.00731
b. 64.92 d. 61.19 junction x is 12m below the surface at A. When the
a. 8.86m/s c. 7.50 Find the length of the chain such that the gate is just on
Situation 13 pressure head at junction x is 9m, compute the following.
b. 6.59 d. 6.12 the verge of opening.
A rectangular channel 10m wide carries 60m^3/s when Pipe Diam. Length friction factor
How fast it has to be rotated in order that 6 cu. m of a. 7.32m c. 5.92
flowing 3m deep 1 300mm 450m 0.0198
water will be spilled out. b. 8.58 d. 6.30
What is the specific energy? 2 150 240 0.0175
a. 45.91rpm c. 47.05
a. 4.0m c. 5.0 Situation 18 3 200 360 0.0168
b. 40.29 d. 43.16
b. 4.5 d. 3.2 From a reservoir whose surface is at elevation 225m, Rate of flow out reservoir A.
If it is rotated at a speed of 48rpm, what is the pressure at water is pumped through 1200m of 300mm pipe across a
What is the critical depth? a. 93.2L/s c. 90.12
the center bottom of the tank? valley to a second reservoir whose level is at elevation
a. 1.54 c. 1.44 b. 99.5 d. 102.12
a. 6.92kPa c. 8.24 240m. if during pumping, the pressure is 550kPa at a point
b. 1.33 d. 1.49 Rate of flow in or out of reservoir
b. 7.30 d. 7.45 on the pipe, midway of its length and at elevation 195m.
Determine the minimum specific energy? a. 25.6L/s c. 20.9
Situation 16 Use friction factor f = 0.02.
a. 2.31 c. 4.39 b. 28.4 d. 29.7
A barge 8m wide by 14m long is 4.5m deep. It carries
b. 3.10 d. 5.10 Compute the rate of discharge in liters/sec. Rate of flow into reservoir C.
reinforcing bars having a unit weight of 7850kg/m^3. a. 149.23L/s c. 166.8
Situation 14 a. 73.9L/s c. 70.2
Reinforcing bars are 6m long with a diameter of 20mm. b. 150.19 d. 172.0
Oil with a sp. Gr. of 0.87 is being pumped from a lower b. 78.3 d. 80.2
the weight of the empty barge is 200000kg. Assume Compute the head added by the pump to the flow of
reservoir to an elevated tank as shown. The pump in the Situation 21
density of salt water is to be 1026kg/m^3. water.
system is 78% efficient and is rated 185kW. The total head A cylindrical tank having a radius of 1m and a height of 3m
Determine the draft of the barge on sea water before the a. 38.12m c. 37.71
loss from point 1 to point 2 is 12 m of oil. is full of liquids A, B and C of equal height. There is an
bars was loaded. b. 36.01 d. 35.91
Compute the flow rate of oil in the pump. Use orifice at the bottom of the tank having an area of
a. 1.74m c. 1.92
9.79kN/m^3 unit weight of water Compute the input horsepower of the pump if it has a 0.09m^2 and a discharge coefficient of 0.60.
b. 2.20 d. 3.1 efficiency of 82%.
a. 0.244m^3/s c. 0.340 Sp. Gr. of A = 3, of B = 2, of C = 1
If a draft is to be maintained at 3m, how many pieces of a. 100.93hp c. 102.39
b. 0.450 d. 0.510 Find the time to remove liquid A out of the container.
steel bars could it carry? b. 105.40 d. 108.12
Compute the velocity of flow in the 160mm pipe. a. 10.88s c. 9.40
a. 9782bars c. 9312
a. 10.32m/s c. 12.14 b. 11.39 d. 9.59
b. 9591 d. 9831
b. 14.40 d. 13.30 Find the time to remove liquid A and B out of the
What is the draft of the barge when one half of its cargo is
Compute the head added by the pump. container
unloaded in fresh water?
a. 72.12m c. 69.43 a. 24.48s c. 29.32
a. 3.12m c. 2.43
b. 70.12 d. 75.20 b. 28.30 d. 22.39
b. 2.12 d. 4.28
Find the total time to empty the container.
Situation 17
a. 50.75s c. 52.49
From the figure shown the cylinder weighs 200N. The Situation 19
b. 48.59 d. 45.69
pivot point is at the center of the gate where the A vertical triangular plate whose height is 2.6m has its
Situation 22
horizontal shaft is attached. Neglect the weight of the base horizontal and vertex upper most in the water
chain and lever attached to the circular gate. surface.
The triangular channel shown (n = 0.012) is to carry water Compute the elevation of reservoir C. Compute the max. permissible discharge if the water Compute the Froude number to obtain a min. specific
at a flow rate of 10m^3/s a. 228.19m c. 218.73 hammer pressure is not to exceed 1400kPa when the energy.
b. 236.16 d. 226.10 outlet calve is suddenly closed in liters/ s. a. 1 b. 2
Situation 25 a. 17.4L/s c. 13.12 b. 1.5 d. 2.5
The jet from a standard 12mm orifice (in a vertical wall) b. 15.30 d. 19.30 Compute the critical kinetic energy.
under a 5.4m head, strikes a point 1.5m horizontally and Compute the rise in pressure due t sudden closure of the a. 0.838 c. 0.825
0.12m vertically from the center of the contracted section. outlet valve when the valve closure takes in 4 secs. b. 0.749 d. 0.710
The discharge is 400L in 569s a. 504kPa c. 403 Situation 32
Find the critical depth. Compute the coefficient of velocity. b. 201 d. 304 A 600mm pipe carrying 800L/s of oil having a sp. gr. of
a. 0.389 c. 2.192 a. 0.93 c. 0.60 Situation 29 0.85 has a 900 bend in a horizontal plane. The loss of head
b. 1.178 d. 3.120 b. 0.645 d. 0.87 Compartments A and B has cross sections equal to 10sq. in the bend is 1 m of oil and pressure at the entrance is
Find the critical velocity. Compute the coefficient of discharge. m and 40sq. m respectively. An orifice is installed at the 300kPa
a. 2.4m/s c. 3.0 a. 0.93 c. 0.60 common side of the compartment and has a valve of C = Compute the horizontal component of the force exerted
b. 3.2 1.8 b. 0.645 d. 0.87 0.60. The dimension of the orifice is 0.3m x 0.3m. The by the oil on the bend.
Find the critical slope. Compute the coefficient of contraction. height of water at A is 6m above the center of the orifice a. 96.12kN c. 91.62
a. 0.00181 c. 0.00161 a. 0.93 c. 0.60 and that of B us 3m below the water surface at A. b. 99.10 d. 84.12
b. 0.00281 d. 0.00391 b. 0.645 d. 0.87 Compute the discharge from A to B. Compute the vertical component of the force exerted by
Situation 23 Situation 26 a. 0.318m^3/s c. 0.414 the oil on the bend.
A pipe having a length of 1600mm and a diameter of 1.2m A sewer pipe has a diameter of 800mm. the coefficient of b. 0.293 d. 0.491 a. 83.12 c. 89.36
has a celerity of pressure wave equal to 970m/s. The rate roughness n = 0.012 and slope of 0.001 Compute the time to which the water surfaces in the two b. 92.12 d. 98.10
of flow is 850L/s Compute the depth of water for max. velocity. tanks will reach the same elevation. Compute the resultant force exerted by the oil on the
Find the water hammer pressure for instantaneous valve a. 623mm c. 638 a. 110.12s c. 115.86 bend.
closure. b. 648 d. 650 b. 120.34 d. 118.29 a. 127.98 c. 120.29
a. 720.12kPa c. 730.38 Compute the max velocity. How soon thereafter will the water surface be 1 meter b. 130.12 d. 118.30
b. 727.5 d. 732.19 a. 1.026 c. 2.309 apart. Situation 33
How much time should be allowed for closing a valve to b. 3.017 d. 4.301 a. 43.12s c. 49.12 Test on a 600 V notch weir yield the following values of
avoid water hammer? Compute the discharge of the sewer pipe. b. 48.97 d. 45.68 head on the weir and its corresponding discharge.
a. 3.3s c. 3.5 a. 412L c. 447 Situation 30 When H = 0.345m
b. 3.7 d. 3.9 b. 428 d. 436 The cross sectional area of 3.4m board is equal to Q = 0.107m^3/s
Find the appropriate water hammer pressure of the valve Situation 27 0.005m^2. It is attached at one end by a hinged at one of When H = 0.665m
if it is closed in 4 seconds. The diameter of a sewer pipe is 500mm. Coefficient of the vertical sides of a tank which carries oil having a sp. gr Q = 0.520m^3/s
a. 612.01 c. 606.38 roughness is 0.012 and slope of energy gradient is 0.002 of 0.85. The board has a unit weight of 30N/m. The other If the discharge is given in the equation Q = CHn
b. 600.19 d. 614.50 Compute the depth of water in the pipe if the discharge is end of the board is floating on the oil surface making an Determine the value of n.
Situation 24 maximum? angle of  from the vertical side of the wall. a. 2.11 c. 2.41
Elev of reservoir A = 300m a. 412mm c. 469 Compute the specific gravity of the board. b. 2.22 d. 2.31
Elev of reservoir B is 285m b. 452 d. 439 a. 0.45 c. 0,51 Determine the weir constant C.
Elev of reservoir C is unknown Compute the velocity of the flow. b. 0.61 d. 0.72 a. 1.419 c. 1.391
Pipes length diam. “f” a. 1.03m/s c. 2.32 Compute the length of the board which is submerged. b. 1.291 d. 1.481
1 1500m 0.8m 0.0157 b. 3.12 d. 4.91 a. 1.45 c. 1.58 If the head is equal to 0.52m, what is the discharge in L/s
2 450m 0.6m 0.0162 Compute the max. discharge. b. 1.34 d. 1.69 a. 264L/s c. 288
3 1200m 0.45m 0.0177 a. 197L/s c. 183.12 Compute the angle  for equilibrium conditions. b. 273 d. 168
The three reservoirs are connected by pipelines a, b and c b. 176.10 d, 164.12 a. 33.4 c. 39.2 Situation 34
respectively, which merges at a junction D. rate of flow Situation 28 b. 34.5 d. 33.2 A closed cylindrical tank, 1m in diameter, 3m high, is full of
from reservoir A is 140L/s. The bulk modulus of water flowing in a 150mm pipe which Situation 31 water. It is rotating about its vertical axis with a speed of
Compute the rate if flow in reservoir B. is 1020m long is 2.0164x10^9N/m^2 A rectangular channel having a width of 3m carries water 180rpm. Assuming that the vessel is rigidly constructed.
a. 0.335m^3/s c. 0.349 Calculate the velocity of the sound in the water. flowing at a rate of 20m^3/s. depth of water in the Find the gage pressure, just under the cover at the
b. 0.459 d. 0.659 a. 1420m/s c. 1490 channel is 1.2m circumference with a small hole in the cover at the
Compute the rate if flow in reservoir C. b. 1304 d. 1380 Compute the specific energy. circumference.
a. 0.741 m^3/s c. 0.592 a. 2.776m c. 2.338 a. 22.17kPa c. 20.19
b. 0.681 d. 0.591 b. 2.401 d. 2.391 b. 23.29 d. 24.12
Find the gage pressure just under the cover at the center a. 208.8mm c. 210.8 Compute the power generated by the turbine in KW, a. 0.167 c. 0.056
with a small hole in the cover at the circumference. b. 212.8 d. 214.8 assuming unit weight of water is 9.79kN/m^3. b. 0.139 d. 0.112
a. 0kpA C. 2.39 Situation 38 a. 206Kw c. 211 Compute the flow in pipes CD.
b. 3.12 D. 4.20 A rectangular channel has a depth of 1.2m and a b. 223 d. 232 a. 0.167 c. 0.056
Find the gage pressure, just under the cover at the coefficient of roughness of 0.012. The channel is carrying a Situation 41 b. 0.139 d. 0.283
circumference with a small hole in the cover at the center. flow rate of 600L/s. In a certain dam in San jose, a vertical rectangular gate Situation 44
a. 22.17kPa c. 23.19 What is the width of the channel for a most efficient was constructed at the bottom of the dam where it is A square tank having one of its sides on the bottom equal
b. 17.29 d. 19.30 section? exposed to wate surface on one side only. The dam is to 2m has a height of 8. An orifice having a diam. Of
Situation 35 a. 2.0m c. 2.4 supporting water to a height of 15m above the 71.36mm is installed at the bottom of the tank.
An open tank 3m by 3m in horizontal section weighs b. 2.8 d. 2.6 rectangular sluice gate. Weight of the vertical gate is If it takes 1907sec to empty the tank if it contains water at
3.6kN and contains water to a depth of 1m. it is acted by What is the velocity of the water flowing in the channel? 2230N and coefficient of friction between the gate and a height of 6m, find the value of C.
an unbalanced force of 16kN parallel to pair of sides. a. 0.208m/s c. 0.228 the runners is 0.25. a. 0.48 c. 0.38
Determine the accelerations of the tank. b. 0.248 d. 0.268 Find the hydrostatic force acting on the depth. b. 0.58 d. 0.28
a. 1.81m/s^2 c. 1.71 Compute the shear stress at the bottom of the tank. a. 158922N c. 153921 Compute the time to lower the water surface from 6m to
b. 1.61 d. 1.59 a. 0.0724Pa c. 0.0672 b. 152310 d. 161023 3m using C = 0.60
What must be the height of the tank so that no water will b. 0.0832 d. 0.0392 Find the friction force between the gate and runners. a. 520.9s c. 520.3
spill out. Situation 39 a. 39730.5N c. 39103.5 b. 592.1 d. 539.9
a. 2.10m c. 2.31 Water flows over a spillway into a rectangular channel b. 38403.5 d. 36702.4 If it takes 338.26s to lower the water surface from 6m to
b. 1.26 d. 1.72 forming a hydraulic jump in order to dissipate mechanical Find the force necessary to raise the gate. “h2” meters, compute the value of “h2” using C = 0.60
If the acceleration is increased by 4m/s^2, how much energy. The spillway and the setting basin (region a. 41960.5N c. 43021.4 a. 4m c. 6
water will be spilled out. downstream of the spillway) are 20m wide. Before the b. 42035.5 d. 49451.5 b. 2 d. 3
a. 4.92m^3 c. 3.93 jump the water has depth of 1m and a velocity of 18m/s. Situation 42 Situation 45
b. 2.01 d. 4.12 Determine the depth after the jump. An object having a certain specific gravity weighs 500N in A non rigid steel pipe 60cm in diameter, is to carry a
Situation 36 a. 6.64m c. 7.64 air and weighs 450N if it is fully submerged in a liquid maximum static head of 350m of water and additional
A 1 meter diameter new cast iron pipe 845m long and has b. 5.32 d. 5.68 having a sp.gr. of 0.86. pressure due to water hammer when quick closing valve
a head loss of 1.11m Determine the velocity after the jump. Compute the volume of the object. stops a flow of 0.85m^3/s. The pipe has a thickness of
Find the discharge capacity for this pipe using Hazen a. 3.39m/s c. 2.36 a. 0.0049m^3 c. 0.0059 18mm and a bulk modulus of Eb = 2068.5Mpa, E = 200Gpa
William formula. b. 4.12 d. 3.10 b. 0.0037 d. 0.0068 for steel
a. 1.01m^3/s c. 0.087 Determine the Froude number after the jump. Compute the specific weight of the object. Compute the celerity of the pressure.
b. 0.87 1.21 a. 0.252 c. 0.273 a. 84.75kN/m^3 c. 82.19 a. 1240.24m/s c. 1230.23
Find the discharge capacity for this pipe using Manning b. 0.129 d. 0.301 b. 88.54 d. 78.42 b. 1139.32 d. 1140.28
formula with n = 0.013. Situation 40 Compute the sp.gr. of the object. Compute the total pressure on the pipe after the closure
a. 1.01m^3/s c. 0.087 Water flows an upper reservoir to a lower one while a. 8.64 c. 7.50 of the valve.
b. 0.87 1.21 passing through a turbine as shown. Total length of pipe b. 8.34 d. 8.30 a. 7154.23kPa c. 7201.34
Find the discharge capacity for this pipe using Darcy is 100m with diameter of 250mm. water flows at a rate of Situation 43 b. 7130.31 d. 7201.23
Weisback with f = 0.021. 150L/s. neglecting minor losses and using Hazen Williams Pipeline ABC forms a equilateral triangle. Elevations of Compute the max stress acting on the pipe.
a. 1.01m^3/s c. 0.087 formula with C = 120. junction A is 10m. flow of 450L/s enters junction A and a. 119.24Mpa c. 114.23
b. 0.87 1.21 splits up with 180 L going through AB and 270L through b. 123.12 d. 128.29
Situation 37 AC. Situation 46
A cylindrical tank having a horizontal cross section 2m^2 Pipelines diameter Length A trapezoidal canal has a base width equal to 6m which
permits a liquid surface drawdown at the rate of 140mm/s AB 600mm 60m carries water flowing at a velocity of 0.8m/s.
for a 3.5m head on the orifice having a coefficient of BC 400 60 Compute the discharge in the canal if it sides is sloping at
discharge of 0.60 and a coefficient of contraction of 0.62. CA 700 60 an angle of 450 such that it will have a minimum seepage.
Compute the rate of flow in L/s BE 600 - a. 30.41m^3 c. 27.86
a. 220L/s C. 240 Compute the head loss of the pipe. CD 700 - b. 29/32 d. 25.39
b. 260 d. 280 a. 2.12m/s c. 3.06 Use f = 0.02 for all pipelines Compute the discharge in the canal for a most efficient
Compute the diameter of the orifice. b. 2.59 d. 3.49 Compute the flow in pipes BC. section.
a. 256mm c. 260 Compute the total energy extracted by the turbine. a. 0.023m^3/s c. 0.013 a. 37.44m^3/s c. 30.12
b. 264 d. 268 a. 143.43m c. 123.32 b. 0.033 d. 0.034 b. 41.29 d. 39.39
Compute the diameter of the jet at the vena contrata. b. 133.24 d. 156.65 Compute the flow in pipes BE.
Compute the discharge if the depth of the canal is only 2/3 channel has a width of 10m and the depth of water is 1.8m
of the base width and has a side slope of 1:1. with a channel slope of 0.001.
a. 32m^3/s c. 34 Compute the maximum discharge of the channel to avoid
b. 36 d. 38 erosion.
Situation 47 a. 26.46m^3/s c. 30.18
A horizontal 300 reducing bend has a diameter of 600mm b. 25.39 d. 28.21
upstream and 300mm downstream, if the flow is Compute the tractive force of the firm clay.
0.127m^3/s of oil (0.88) and the pressure on the smaller a. 12.95Pa c. 10.45
diameter is 265Kpa. b. 13.98 d. 13.21
Calculate the horizontal component of the force exerted Compute the specific energy in the channel in
by the oil on the bend. Joules/Newton.
a. 58.96Kn c. 56.93 a. 1.91 c. 1.39
b. 59.86 d. 54.21 b. 1.40 d. 2.10
Calculate the vertical component of the force exerted by
the oil on the bend. Neglect any losses in the bend.
a. 9.476kN c. 9.392
b. 9.582 d. 9.581
Calculate the resultant force exerted by the oil on the
a. 59.72kN c. 62.12
b. 58.30 d. 57.30
Situation 48
Benzene flows through a 100mm diam. Pipe at a mean
velocity of 3m/s
Find the volume flow rate in L/min
a. 1416 c. 1429
b. 1516 d. 1520
Find the weight flow rate in kN/s
a. 0.0508 c. 0.457
b. 0.526 d. 0.203
Find the mass flow rate in kg/s.
a. 22.5 c. 20.7
b. 28.6 d. 25.6
Situation 49
A cylindrical tank carries water at a depth of 0.9m. An
unbalanced vertical force of 270N was applied upward
which accelerated a volume of water equal to 44L of
What is the acceleration of the tank?
a. 5.23 c. 4.20
b. 6.14 d. 5.83
What is the pressure at the bottom of the tank in Pa.
a. 14355 c. 12943
b. 13461 d. 12054
What is the force acting on the bottom of the tank in N?
a. 722 c. 702
b. 650 d. 620
Situation 50
A rectangular channel is to carry water with an allowable
velocity to prevent erosion equal to 0.35√ . If the
EXAM B. 2.18 D. 2.93 Calculate the width of the base needed for a rectangular C. 47.2 D. 50.6
Determine the total pressure on the side wall. section. Situation 12
Situation 1 A. 656.3 kN C. 883.9 A. 2.65 m B. 3.98 The head loss between A and B is 8.4 m.
A 1 m x 1m x 1 m tank is 50% filled with oil, sg = 0.82, and B. 748.2 D. 958.8 C. 5.30 D. 7.96 What is the rate of flow in pipe 2.
the remaining is water. When it is translated vertically Situation 5 Situation 9 A. 0.106 m3/s C. 0.227
upward at 5.10 m/s2: A rectangular planed timber flume ( n = 0.010) 1.5 m wide A open tank whose horizontal section is a 3-m square B. 0.121 D. 0.333
Calculate the pressure at the bottom. is laid on a slope of 0.001. For a depth of flow of 1.0 m: weighs 3.5 kN. It contains water to a depth of 1.0 m. It is What is the total rate of flow.
A. 8.93 kPa C. 13.57 What is the Manning’s C? acted upon by an unbalanced forc of 15 kN parallel to a A. 0.106 m3/s C. 0.227
B. 9.81 D. 14.91 A. 42.9 m1/2 per s B. 57.6 pair of sides. B. 0.121 D. 0.333
Calculate the velocity of flow through a 50 mm orifice at C. 72.23 D. 86.9 What must be the height of the tank so that no water will Compute the length of a 450-mm φ pipe needed to
the bottom of the tank. What is the uniform flow? be spilled? replace the 2 parallel pipes.
A. 5.21 m/s C. 5.71 A. 1.80 m3/s B. 2.25 A. 1.22 m B. 1.24 A. 871 m C. 1010
B. 5.46 D. 5.96 C. 2.70 D. 3.15 C. 1.26 D. 1.28 B. 916 D. 1258
Calculate the amount of flow if the coefficient of What minimum energy can give the same amount of flow? If the acceleration is increased to 2 m/s2, calculate the
discharge is 0.6. A. 1.04 m B. 1.10 amount of water hat will be spilled considering the height
A. 0.0061 m3/s C. 0.0067 C. 1.17 D. 1.24 obtained above..
B. 0.0064 D. 0.0070 A. 0.405 m3 B. 0.495
Situation 6
Situation 2 C. 0.585 D. 0.675
Two spheres each 1.3 m Ф weighs 5 kN and 13 kN,
A rock weighs 390 N in air and 266 N in water. If the tank is filled with water and then closed, what is the
respectively. they are connected by a short rope and
What is its volume? maximum pressure at the bottom of the tank.
placed in water. Assume γwater = 9.79 kN/m3.
A. 0.01264 m3 C. 0.01620 A. 21 Pa B. 21.19
What is the tension in the rope?
B. 0.01429 D. 0.01732 C. 21.39 D. 21.58
A. 1.28 kN B. 1.36 Situation 13
What is its specific weight? Situation 10
C. 1.74 D. 1.82 On the right end of a 225-mmφ pipe is a nozzle which
A. 1424.1 N/m3 C. 21044.3 A cylinder having a diameter of 1.2 m and weighing 800 N
What portion of the lighter sphere protrudes from the discharges 75-mmφ water jet into the air. The pressure in
B. 11234.2 D. 30854.4 floats in sea water with its axis vertical. The draft is 30 cm.
water? the pipe is 415 kPa and the velocity of flow is 3 m/s.
What is its relative density? It is anchored at the bottom of the sea by 0.570 m3 of a
A. 37.8% B. 38.2 Compute the velocity of the water jet.
A. 1.15 C. 3.15 concrete block weighing 23.5 kN/m3 .
C. 39.6 D. 40.1 A. 22 m/s C. 31
B. 2.15 D. 4.15 What is the buoyant force acting on the cylinder?
Find the depth of flotation of the lighter sphere. B. 27 D. 35
Situation 3 A. 0,58 m B. 0.65 A. 2.43kN C. 4.43
Compute the axial force on the nozzle due to the effect of
A masonry dam of a trapezoidal cross-section with one C. 0.73 D. 0.81 B. 3.43 D. 5.43
the water jet.
face vertical has a thickness of 0.6 m at the top and 3.0 m Situation 7 What is the reaction of the sea bed on the anchor?
A. 10.58 kN C. 13.64
at the bottom. It is 6.6 m high and has a horizontal base. Water is flowing wit a velocity of .2.5 m/s in a pipe whose A. 2.01 kN C. 4.01
B. 15.48 D. 22.68
The inclined face is subjected to a water pressure, the internal diameter is 600 mm and thickness of 20 mm. The B. 3.01 D. 5.01
Compute the head loss in the nozzle.
water standing to a depth of 4.5 m above the base. pipe has a length of 125 Determine the rise of tide that will lift the anchor from the
A. 3.48 m C. 7.85
Assume sg = 2.4 for the dam and hydrostatic uplift varies m. Epipe = 1.4 (10)11 Pa and Ewater = 2.2 (10)9 Pa. bottom of
B. 5.61 D. 9.33
from 60% at the heel to zero at the toe: What is the composite modulus of elasticity of the water the sea.
Situation 14
How far from the toe will the resultant force intersect the and the pipe? A. 0.14 m C. 0.34
The short pipe connecting the two cylinders described in
base? A. 1.295 (10)9 Pa B. 1.395 (10)9 B. 0.24 D. 0.44
the figure has A = 0.0079 m2 and C = 0.65. The elevations
A. 0.54 m C. 1.34 C. 1.495 (10)9 D. 1.595 (10)9 Situation 11 of the water surfaces are indicated when the pipe is
B. 1.02 D. 1.44 What is the speed of sound traveling in this water? The tank in the figure is 3 m wide into the paper. closed.
What is the factor of safety against sliding assuming μ = A. 1138.0m/s B. 1181.1 Neglecting atmospheric pressure, compute the following:
0.51? C. 1222.7 D. 1263.9
A. 0.96 C. 1.94 What is the maximum pressure if the valve is closed
B. 1.42 D. 2.10 instantaneously?
What is the intensity of pressure at the toe? A. 2845 kPa B. 2953
A. 290 kPa C. 341 C. 3057 D. 3160
B. 301 D. 374 Situation 8
Situation 4 An open channel with stony beds, n = 030, has an area of
A closed cylindrical vessel, axis vertical, 2 m high and 0.60 flow of 14 m2.
Vertical force on the quarter-circle panel BC. Use 9.79
m in diameter is filled with water, the pressure intensity at Calculate the base width for a trapezoidal cross section Compute the initial flow through the pipe.
kN/m3 for the unit weight of water.
the top being 196.2 kPa. The side is 2.5 mm thick. If the with sides sloping at 30°. A. 0.039 m3/s C. 0.047
A. 954.5 kN B. 1059.5
vessel is rotated at 240 rpm: A. 1.12 m B. 1.23 B. 0.041 D. 0.057
C. 1164.5 D. 1269.5
Determine the total pressure against the top. C. 1.33 D. 1.42 When will the water surfaces be 2 m apart?
Resultant force on the quarter-circle panel BC.
A. 63.8 kN C. 51.6 Calculate the depth of flow for a trapezoidal cross section A. 108 s C. 308
A. 1426.1 kN B. 1505.7
B. 61.2 D. 59.5 with sides sloping at 30°. B. 208 D. 408
C. 1588.3 D. 1621.4
Determine the maximum intensity of hoop tension. A. 1.24 m B. 1.86 When will they be at the same level?
89. horizontal.
A. 2.26 MPa C. 2.42 C. 2.48 D. 3.10 A. 13.2 min C. 33.2
A. 42.0° B. 44.7
B. 23.2 D. 43.2 a) 8.99 kPa b) 13.22 The force on the bottom of the vat. Trapezoidal with the depth equal to the width of the
Situation 15 c) 17.45 d) 21.68 a) 674 c) 822 channel bottom and with side slopes of 1:1.
A trapezoidal channel 6 m wide at the bottom and sides Situation 18 b) 676 d) 824 a) 0.00152 b) 0.001684
sloped at 2 horizontal in 1 vertical conveys water at 30.40 Methane in a 2.25- m3 container weighs 50 N/m3. It is The force on the trapezoidal end panel. c) 0.00170 d) 0.00185
m3/s. The depth of flow is1.2 m. subjected to a pressure of 827 kPa absolute at a a) 169 c) 206 Situation 26
Calculate the slope of the channel if n = 0.014. temperature ef 38 oC. b) 187.5 d) 224.5 A large tank contains compressed air, gasoline at specific
A. 0.00056 C. 0.00364 Calculate its specific gravity. Situation 22 gravity of 0.68, light oil at specific 0.80, and water, as
B. 0.00210 D. 0.00518 a) 1.98 b) 2.28 A 1.0-m φ cylindrical vessel contains 1.5 m oil. An 87-cm φ shown. The pressure of air is 150 kPa gage. Neglecting
Calculate the average shearing stress. c) 3.45 d) 4.17 cylinder 110 cm high floats at a draft of 0.94 m. friction:
A. 4.9 Pa C. 31.7 Calculate its specific volume. What is relative density of the floating cylinder? What is the pressure at the water gasoline interface?
B. 18.3 D. 45.1 a) 0.158 m3/kg b) 0.196 a) 0.62 c) 0.66 a) 157.0 kPa b) 163.3
c) 0.225 d) 0.325 b) 0.64 d) 0.68 c) 169.6 d) 175.9
Situation 16
Calculate its mass density. The pressure at the bottom of the bigger cylinder What is the velocity of oil in the 20- mm Φ jet ?
In the figure shown, the area of cylinder A is 2 sq m and
a) 3.079 kg/m3 b) 4.447 increases by: a) 16.38 m/s b) 18.71
that of piston B is 0.2 sq m. The face of the piston is 4 m
c) 5.097 d) 6.342 a) 1.64 kN c) 7.86 c) 20.55 d) 22.13
above the face of the cylinder. W = 20 000 kg. The liquid is What is the mass flow rate of oil from the 20-mm Φ jet?
situation 19 b) 5.57 d) 11.77
water. a) 4.12 kg/s b) 4.70
If the smaller cylinder is 1.10 m high, how much weight is
Water stands on both sides of the 2.4-m long gate AB
needed to completely immerse it. c) 5.16 d) 5.82
shown hinged at A.
a) 0.67 kN c) 0.87
Calculate the force caused by the water on the left side of
b) 0.77 d) 0.97
the tank.
situation 23
a) 366.3 kN b) 386.3 c) 296.3 d) 306.3
An object weighs 12 N in water and 16 N in an oil of sg =
Calculate the force caused by the 3.2-m deep water on the
What is its volume?
a) 122.9 kN b) 132.9 c) 142.9 d) 152.9
a) 2.27 liters c) 8.94
Calculate the vertical force F applied at B required to open
b) 5.87 d) 11.6
the gate
What is its specific weight?
a) 96.3 kN b) 106.3 c) 116.3 d) 126.3
a) 12790 kg/m3 c) 14655
b) 13470 d) 15097 Situation 27
What is its relative density? A pipe system is described below. Determine the
What force P can maintain equilibrium? a) 1.26 c) 1.54
a) 60 kg b) 90 following if the pump is removed in the system:
b) 1.38 d) 1.68 The rate of flow in pipe A.
c) 120 d) 150
Situation 24 a) 0.032 b) 0.054
What is the pressure on the face of A?
a) 5500 kg/m2 b) 6000 A block of wood placed in water has 5 cm protruding c) 0.071 d) 0.096
c) 8000 d) 10 000 above the surface. When placed in glycerin, sg = 1.26, 8 cm The rate of flow in pipe B.
What is the force on the face of B? of its length is seen above the liquid surface. a) 0.039 b) 0.046
a) 300 kg b) 400 How high is the block? c) 0.058 d) 0.067
c) 800 d) 1200 a) 0.165 m b) 0.175 The rate of flow in pipe C.
c) 0.185 d) 0.195 a) 0.050 b) 0.078
Situation 17
What is its relative density? c) 0.093 d) 0.129
In the figure below: Situation 20 a) 0.68 b) 0.70
The tank below is 50 cm wide (perpendicular to the c) 0.72 d) 0.74
paper). What is its buoyant force in water if its cross section is 150
Compute the hydrostatic force on BC. mm x 150 mm?
a) 3.62 kN b) 3.80 c) 4.21 d) 4.41 a) 32 N b) 42
Compute the hydrostatic force on AD. c) 52 d) 62
a) 0.34 kN b) 0.46 c) 0.54 d) 0.66 Situation 25
Compute the hydrostatic force on CF. A flow rate of 2.1 m3/s is to be carried in an open channel
a) 1.465 kN b) 1.589 c) 1.642 d) 1.766 at a velocity of 1.3 m/s. n = 0.020. Determine the required
Situation 21 slope if the section is: Situation 28
What is the pressure at A? A vat filled with oil (sg = 0.82) is 7 m long and 3 m deep Rectangular with the depth twice the hydraulic radius. A rectangular channel 10 m wide carries a discharge of 18.1
a) - 3.924 kPa b) - 7.848 and has a trapezoidal cross section 4 m wide at the a) 0.00065 b) 0.00088 m3/s at a depth of 1.5m.
c) 3.924 d) 7.848 bottom and 6 m wide at the top. Assuming water weighs c) 0.00196 d) 0.00221 Calculate the specific energy.
What is the pressure at B? 9.79 kN/m3, compute: Semicircular flowing full. a) 1.57 m b) 1.61
a) - 3.924 kPa b) - 4.905 The weight of oil in the vat. a) 0.00079 b) 0.00167 c) 1.66 d) 1.72
c) 3.924 d) 4.905 a) 843 kN c) 1028 c) 0.00215 d) 0.00319 Calculate the channel slope if n =
What is the pressure at D? b) 845 d) 1030 0.035.
a) 0.00097 b) 0.00126 c) 0.086 d) 0.125 Situation 35 What will be the depth of water in the tank when it is
c) 0.00147 d) 0.00165 It is necessary that the flow be doubled by inserting a A block of wood (s=0.65) 20mm thick, is floating in sea brought to rest from an angular speed of 200rpm?
Calculate the boundary shearing stress. pump. Calculate the head necessary to be given by the water. Find the area of the block of wood which will just a) 0.65m c) 0.45m
a) 10.98 Pa b) 14.26 pump. support a man weighing 80 kg when the top surface is b) 0.35m d) 0.55m
c) 16.64 d) 18.68 a) 12.45 m b) 15.60 just at the water surface. At what angular speed will just zero the pressure at the
Situation 29 c) 22.32 d) 25.78 a) 9.78 m2 b) 13.03 bottom center of the tank, in rpm?
Water flows over the spillway as shown. If the pump is 70%, how much c) 15.69 d) 10.53 a) 231.34rpm c) 186.35rpm
Calculate the amount of flow power is required? What thickness should be given to the steel wall of 1.5 m b) 252.22rpm d) 150.34rpm
a) 9.06 m3/s b) 10.02 a) 15 kW b) 17 pipe if it is to withstand a pressure of 690 kPa with a Situation 38
c) 10.98 d) 11.94 c) 20 d) 24 maximum fiber stress of 100 MPa. A channel carries a head of water equal to 0.50 m.
Calculate the velocity of flow upstream. Situation 32 a) 7 mm b) 6 Compute the discharge of the channel if:
a) 1.51 m/s b) 1.67 An open channel flow has a hydraulic c) 5 d) 4 Cipolletti weir is used with crest length 1.50 m
c) 1.83 d) 1.99 mean depth of 1.503 m and a hydraulic A block of wood 0.1m x 0.3m x 1.2m was thrown into a) 1.2m3/s c) 1.3m3/s
Calculate the velocity of flow downstream. slope of 0.0009. water. If it has a sp. gr. of 0.5 and steel plates having a b) 1.0m3/s d) 1.4m3/s
a) 9.06 m/s b) 10.02 72. What is the Chezy coefficient using weight of 5 kg is connected at the bottom, what is the a rectangular suppressed weir is used 3 m long.
c) 10.98 d) 11.94 the Kutter formula with n = 0.015? length of the wood above the water surface? a) 2.2m3/s c) 2.3m3/s
a) 63.38 m1/ 2/s b) 70.16 Neglect buoyant force of steel. b) 2m3/s d) 2.4m3/s
c) 75.46 d) 85.78 a) 0.77m b) 0.43 a 90o triangular weir is used
What is the Chezy coefficient c) 0.58 d)0.62 a) 0.35m3/s c) 0.45m3/s
assuming n = 0.015? Situation 36 b) 0.25m3/s d) 0.55m3/s
a) 52.78 m1/ 2/s b) 61.13 Oil (sg=0.90) has a viscosity of 9.6 x 10- 3 N.s/m2 flows in a Situation 39
c) 69.63 d) 76.34 5 cm diameter welded steel pipe at 4.2 li/s. A jet of water 25 mm in diameter and having a velocity of
What is the Chezy coefficient What is the type of flow? 15 m/s strikes against a plate at right angles.
assuming Bazin m = 0.015? a) turbulent flow b) uniform flow Determine the force on the plate if the plate is stationary
a) 76.48 m1/ 2/s b) 80.33 c) critical flow d) laminar flow a) 330N c) 110N
c) 85.88 d) 95.78 What is the value of friction factor if ε=0.000244 b) 220N d) 270N
Situation 33 a) 0.037 b) 0.025 Determine the force on the plate ifthe plate is moving in
A vertical circular stack 100 ft high converges uniformly c) 0.012 d) 0.015 the same directions as the jet at a speed of 6 m/s.
Situation 30 from a diameter of 20 ft at the bottom to 16 ft at the top. A balloon weighs 1100 N and has a volume of 400 m3. It is a) 30N c) 50N
Coal gas with a unit weight of 0.030 pcf enters the filled with helium which is 1.76 N/m3 at the temperature b) 20N d) 40N
Water is flowing through the pipe shown. Kinematic
bottom of the stack with a velocity of 10 fps. The unit and pressure of the air which weighs 12.7 N/m3. What load Determine the force on the plate if the plate is moving
viscosity = 0.114 x 10-5 m2/s. f = 0.016.
weight of the gas increases uniformly to 0.042 pcf at the will the balloon can support? towards the nozzle at a velocity of 6 m/s.
66. Compute the velocity of flow of water.
top. a) 3582 N b) 3725 a) 330N c) 110N
a) 4.49 m/s b) 4.69
What is the mean velocity 25 ft above the bottom of the c) 3276 d) 3135 b) 220N d) 260N
c) 4.89 d) 5.09
stack? The percentage of volume of an object having a density of Situation 40
Compute the Reynolds number.
a) 10.07 fps b) 10.12 950 kg/m3 submerged in water is: An unbalanced vertical force of 270 N upward accelerates
a) 476859 b) 576834
c) 10. 17 d) 10.22 a) 5 % b)95 % a volume of 0.044m3 of water. If the water is 0.9 m deep
c) 643421 d) 711897
What is the density 50 ft above the bottom? c) 100% d) 0% in a cylindrical tank
How much water is flowing through the pipe in kg/s?
a) 0.0007 slug/ft3 b) 0.00156 What is the actual stress on a 2 m diameter cylinder, 5 mm What is the acceleration of the tank?
a) 76.4 b) 86.4
c) 0.00112 d) 0.00219 thick, containing water under a head of 5m? a) 8.45m/s2 c) 4.11m/s2
c) 96.4 d) 106.4
Situation 34 a) 15.62 MPa b) 9.81 MPa b) 6.14m/s2 d) 5.55m/s2
c) 12.5 MPa d) 11.62 MPa What is the pressure at the bottom of the tank?
A cylindrical caisson having an outside diameter of 9 m
It is a pressure force that acts as the body submerged in a a) 13.84kPa c) 17.42kPa
floats in seawater with its axis vertical and its lower end
fluid at rest which is equal to the weight of the fluid b) 14.35kPa d) 21.11kPa
submerged 9m below the water surface. If its center of
displaced by the submerged body either partially or What is the force acting on the bottom of the tank?
gravity is on the vertical axis and is 3.6m above the
completely. a) 0.8kN c) 0.5kN
a) Hoop Tension b) Drag force b) 0.7kN d) 0.9kN
Find the distance from the metacenter to center of
buoyancy. c) Power d) Buoyant Force Type of flow where at any time, the discharge or flow rate
a) 0.56m b) 0.65 Situation 37 at every section of the stream is the same.
c) 0.46 d) 0.50 An open cylindrical tank 30cm in diameter and 80cm tall is A. continuous flow C. steady flow
What is the metacentric height? filled with water and revolved about its own vertical axis B. laminar flow D. uniform flow
a) 1.46 m b) 1.55 at constant angular speed. A barge, weighing 350 kN when empty, is 6 m wide, 15 m
Situation 31
c) 1.36 d) 1.40 What angular speed will caused 1.6L of water to spill in long, and 3 m high. Floating upright, evaluate the draft of
A 300 mm pipe 2500 m long for which f = 0.020 discharges rpm?
What is the righting couple when the caisson is tipped the barge, in meters, when
freely into the air at a n elevation of 5.2 m lower than the a) 80rpm c) 40rpm
through an angle of 8°? transporting 3000 bags of cement along a river, each bag
water surface of the reservoir. b) 60rpm d) 20rpm
a) 1025.36 kN-m b) 1175.52 having a mass of 40 kg. Assume the specific gravity of the
Calculate the discharge.
c) 1248.11 d) 1398.54 water in the river to be 1.02.
a) 0.012 m3/s b) 0.055
A. 1.38 C. 2.01 B. 20.6 D. 19.6
B. 2.57 D. 1.70 Situation 41
A spherical balloon 9.5 m in diameter weighs 1250 N. It is Water is supplied to a 75-mm Ø nozzle under a head of
filled with helium weighing 1.65 N/m3. Determine the 280 m. C = Cv = 0.96
maximum load (N) the balloon can lift. γair = 12 N/m3. Compute the velocity, in m/s, of the jet.
A. 3671 C. 3519 A. 41.15 C. 61.15
B. 3408 D. 3396 B. 51.15 D. 71.15
The Reynold’s number for fluid in a 250-mm diameter pipe Compute the hp lost in the nozzle.
is 2000. What will be the Reynold’s number in a 150-mm A. 60.63 C. 80.63
diameter pipe forming an extension of the 250-mm pipe? B. 70.63 D. 90.63
A. 3333 C. 2000 What is the efficiency of the nozzle?
B. 432 D. 1200 A. 90.16% C. 94.16%
Type of flow where the mean velocity of flow for a given B. 92.16% D. 96.16%
length or reach is the same at every cross section. Situation 42
A. continuous flow C. steady flow For a given circular channel, D = 3m, n = 0.016, and slope
B. laminar flow D. uniform flow =0.2°
Determine the discharge in m3/s if the depth of flow is
Water from a dam flows thru an 8-m long spillway whose
2.30 m.
crest elevation is 212.8 m. The water surface is
A. 25.36 C. 18.79
approximately 10 ha. How long will it take to lower the
B. 20.14 D. 22.58
water surface by 100 cm from elevation 214.5 m?
Determine the maximum discharge in m3/s.
A. 57 min C. 1 hr 52 min
A. 23.18 C. 28.77
B. 1 hr 37 min D. 2 hr 11 min
B. 21.55 D. 26.94
A ship having a displacement of 20,000 metric tons enters Determine the maximum velocity in m/s.
a harbor of fresh water. The ship captain recorded a draft A. 2.06 C. 3.47
of 8.4 m while the ship was still in seawater (specific
B. 2.94 D. 4.71
gravity = 1.03). Obtain the draft, in meters, of the ship in
fresh water if the horizontal section of the ship below the
waterline is 3000 m2 in both instances.
A. 8.75 C. 9.54
B. 7.78 D. 8.59
Type of flow where the flow rate does not change over
A. continuous flow C. steady flow
B. laminar flow D. uniform flow
A pipe abruptly increases in diameter from 30 cm to 60
cm. When Q is 283 li/s, water inside the piezometer tube
connected to the bigger pipe near the change is 37 cm
higher than the water in the piezometer tube connected
to the smaller tube, near the change.Calculate the loss of
head, in meters, due to enlargement.
A. 0.088 C. 0.265
B. 0.127 D. 0.395
A 1.2 m Ø steel pipe, 10 mm thick, carries water at a
velocity of 1.56 m/s. For the pipe, E=200,000 MPa and for
water, Eb = 2158 MPa. The pipe is 910 m long and a valve
at the discharge end is shut in 3s.What is the water
hammer pressure?
A. 0.088 C. 0.265
B. 0.127 D. 0.395
A fireman has to put out a fire but is blocked by a fire wall.
To reach over the wall, he directed the water jet from the
nozzle at an angle of 30 deg to the horizontal. Evaluate
the velocity of the water, in meters/sec, leaving the nozzle
of his hose to reach over the wall if he stands 30 meters
away from the wall and the wall is standing 2 m higher
than the nozzle of the hose. Neglect friction in the jet.
A. 16.8 C. 18.2

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