BS 6759-Part 3 Safety Valves

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BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

UDC 621346.28

O British Standards Institution. No part

of this publication may be photocopied
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British Standard

Safety valves
Part 3. Specification for safety valves
for process fluids

Soupapes de sûreté
Partie 3. Soupapes de sûreté pour fluides de traitement - Spécifications
Teil 3. Sicherheitsventile für Industrieabwässer

O British Standards lyistitution


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BSI B S * h 7 5 9 P A R T * 3 84 rn 1624b69 0353836 3 rn
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Page Page
Foreword 1 Appendices
Committees responsible Back cover A. Guidance on safety valve types and features 22
B. Relationship between pressure terms used to
describe safety valve characteristics and the
Specif ication requirements of the system to be protected 23
Section one. General C. Flow areas 23
1. Scope 2 D. Guidance on safety valve installation 25
2. Definitions 2 E. Provision of information 27
F. Preferred connection sizes 31
G. Derivation of compressibility factor Z 31
Section two. Material requirementsand H. Determination of average values of M , 'Y,
limitations T, and pc for gas mixtures 36
3. Pressure containing components 4
4. Spring materials 4 Tables
5. Other internal parts 4 1. Materials for pressure containing components 5
2. Spring materials 6
3. Stress correction factor for curvature ( K ) 8
Section three. Design and construction 4. LoadAength tolerances 10
6. General 4 5. Spring rate tolerances 10
7. Springs 7 6. Inside diameter tolerances 10
7. Free length tolerances 10
8. Minimum duration of pressure t e s t 12
Section four, Production testing and inspection 9. Seat leakage rates 12
8. General 11 IO. Values of C relative to values of k 19
9. Safety 11 1 1 . Capacity correction factors for back
1 O. Pressure tests 11 pressure ( k b ) 20
11. Repairs 13 12. Flow areas 23
12. Test certificate 13 13. Valve data for conventional, balanced bellows
and balanced piston valves 32
14. Maximum pressure ratings for different
Section five. Marking and preparation
temperature ranges 34
for despatch
15. Properties of gases 36
13. Body marking 14
14. Identification plate 14 Figures
15, Preparation for despatch 14
1. Safety valve layout and components 3
2. Illustration of an end coil 7
3. Spring plate 8
Section six. Performance testing 4. End-squareness 9
16. Type testing of safety valves for operating 5. End-parallelism 9
and flow characteristics using steam, air, 6. Typical test rig for determination of valve
water or other gases or liquids of known leakage rates 13
characteristics 14 7. Compressibility factor Z a s a function

A 17. F P m t o determine operating characteristics

18. TYP5 tëstito determine flow characteristics
19. Determination of coefficient of discharge
of reduced pressure p r and reduced
temperature T,
8. Capacity correction factor for vkcosity ( f p )
and certified discharge capacity 16 9. Typical pressure term relationships 24
20. Equivalent capacity 19 IO. illustration of area definitions 26

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BSI B S * b 7 5 9 PART*3 84 m Lb24bbï.ûL5LB27 5
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

The preparation of this British Standard has been under- it proved impossible to define safety valve, safety relief
taken under the direction of the Pressure Vessel Standards valve and relief valve in a manner which was unambiguous
Committee and, as far as i s applicable to safety valves for and acceptable to representatives of all interested parties
fluids, takes account of the requirements of I S 0 4126 in both the power and process industries in the UK. Thus,
'Safety valves, general requirements', published by the in the interests of standardization, it has been decided t o
International Organization for Standardization, refer to all valves for the automatic relief of pressure as
The opportunity has been taken to bring together in one safety valves, irrespective of the type of fluid on which
standard the requirements for safety valves. The standard they are designed to operate and their functional
will be published in three Parts as follows. characteristics.
Part 1. Specification for safety valves for steam and The requirements of this standard call for the manufacturer
hot water of a safety valve to certify i t s capacity in terms of the flow
rate of a reference fluidto the satisfaction of the indepen-
Part 2. Specification for safety valves for compressed *dentauthority.This certified caoacitv. ..founded- on- I
air and inert gases (in course of preparation)
Part 3. Specification for safety valves for process fluids.
tests carried out on the actual or similar valves in order to
establish the coefficient of discharae. orovides the basis fi57 1 -A
To provide guidance to manufacturersand users, appendices
to the standard are included which cover aspects relevant
to the ordering and installation of safety valves together
certified discharge capacity tables from which the
equivalent capacity of the valve for fluids other than the
reference fluid maybe calculated;
with other relevant matters of general interest. 7 7 1 .
The need to distinguish between a valve installed because a l i s t of testing establishments, together with details of L.

of statutory requirements, invariably known as a safety facilities available, has been compiled and is available on

a value, and a valve for the relief of liquids, commonly known

as a relief valve, has led to the extensive use of the term
safety relief valve in the process industries. Unfortunately,
request from the Enquiry Section (London), British
Standards Institution.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself
confer immunity from legal obligations.

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B S I BS*b759 PARTU3 BL( L b 2 4 b b 4 OL5LB18 7 W
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

British Standard

Safety valves
Part 3. Specification for safety valves for process fluids

Section one. General


1. Scope
This Part of this British Standard specifies requirements for (b) attains i t s certified discharge capacity in the event
the design, type selection and flow certification relating to of the supplementary loading not being released a t an
safety valves for process fluids, It does not cover safety overpressure not exceeding 115 % of the set pressure.
valves for the following. 2.1.4 pilot operated safety valve (indirect loaded safety
(a) Steam and hot water, covered by BS 6759 : Part 1. valve). A safety valve, the operation of which is initiated
(b) Compressed air and inert gases, covered by and controlled by the fluid discharged from a pilot valve
BS 6759 : Part 2 (in course of preparation). which is itself a direct loaded safety valve subject to the
requirements of this standard (see also appendix A).
(c) The protection of low pressure storage tanks and
tanks storing liquefied gases a t or near atmospheric 2.1.5 balanced bellows safety valve. A valve incorporating
pressure within the scope of BS 799 ; Part 5, BS 2594, a bellows which has an effective area equal to that of the
BS 2654 and BS 5387. valve seat to eliminate the effect of back pressure on the
set pressure of the valve and which effectively prevents
(d) The protection of vessels and containers used for the discharging fluid entering the bonnet space.
the transport of fluids under pressure.
2.1.6 balanced bellows safety valve with auxilliary piston.
NOTE. The titles of the publications referred to in this standard
are listed on the inside back cover. A balanced bellows valve incorporating an auxilliary piston
which has an effective area equal to the valve seat which
2. Definitions becomes effective in the event of a bellows failure.
For the purposes of this Part of BS 6759 the following 2.1.7 balanced piston safety valve. A valve incorporating
definitions apply. a piston which has an area equal to that of the valve seat
NOTE. See figure 1 for safety valve layout and components. to eliminate the effect of back pressure on the set pressure
of the valve.
2.1 safety valve. A valve which automatically, without the
assistance of any energy other than that of the fluid 2.1.8 bellows seal safety valve. A valve incorporating a
concerned, discharges a certified quantity of the fluid so as bellows which prevents discharging fluid from entering the
to prevent a predetermined safe pressure being exceeded, bonnet space.
and which is designed to re-close and prevent the further 2.1.9 conventional safety valve. A valve of the direct
flow of fluid after normal pressure conditions of service loaded type, the set pressure of which will be affected by
have been restored, (See appendix A.) changes in the superimposed back pressure.
2.1.1 direct loaded safety ualve. A safety valve in which 2.2 blowdown of a safety valve. The difference between
the loading due to the fluid pressure underneath the valve the set pressure and the reseating pressure, normally stated
disk is opposed only by direct mechanical loading such as as a percentage of set pressure, except for very low set
a weight, a lever and weight, or a spring. pressure when the blowdown is then expressed in bar*.
2.1.2 assisted safety valve. A direct loaded safety valve (See appendix B.)
which, by means of a powered assistance mechanism, 2.3 built-up back pressure. The pressure existing a t the
is lifted a t a pressure below the unassisted set pressure outlet of a safety valve caused by flow from the valve
and will, even in the event of failure of the assistance through the discharge system.
mechanism, comply with all the relevant requirements 2.4 bursting disc. A'thin disc of material of controlled
for safety valves given in this standard. thickness which will burst when a predetermined pressure
2.1.3 supplementary loaded safety valve. A safety valve is reached below the disc, so preventing a predetermined
which: safe pressure being exceeded in the vessel to be protected.
(a) has, until the pressure a t the inlet of the safety valve 2.5 certified discharge capacity. That portion of the
reaches set pressure, an additional force (supplementary measured capacity permitted to be used as a basis for the
load) to increase the sealing force, which may be application of a safety valve.
provided by means of an extraneous power source which NOTE. The certified discharge capacity is derived from measured
is reliably released when the pressure a t the inlet of the flow rate X derating factor, or theoretical flow rate X coefficient
safety valve reaches the set pressure, and of discharge X derating factor,or theoretical flow rate X derated
coefficient of discharge.
bar = l o 5 N/m' = 100 kPa.

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BSI B S * b ï 5 7 PART*3 84 Lb24bb7 O L S L B L ï 7
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984


e t vent

(a) Nozzle type balanced safety valve (b) Body seat ring or semi-nozzle type safety valve

1. Body 9. Spring
2. Body nozzle I O . Spring plate
3. Body seat ring or semi-nozzle 11. Bonnet
4. Disk 12. Compressionscrew
5, Bellows 13. Easing gear
6. Guide 14. Cap
7. Balancing piston 15. Locking device
8. Spindle 16. Locknut

NOTE. The nozzle and body seated valves shown in diagrammatic form do not represent actual valves. These figures are used t o illustrate
alternative arrangements of inlet configurations and serve also t o identify the component parts.

Figure 1, Safety valve layout and components

2.6 closed disposal system. A system in which the area, which controls the flow of fluid through the safety
discharge from a safety valve is prevented from leaking to valve when it i s discharging i t s certified discharge capacity.
atmosphere. (See appendix C.)
2.7 coefficient of discharge. Ratio of the measured 2.12 equivalent calculated capacity. The calculated
capacity to the theoretical capacity. capacity of the safety valve for conditions of pressure,
2.8 cold differential test pressure. The inlet static pressure temperature or nature of the fluid which differs from those
a t which a safety valve i s set to commence to lift on the for which the certified capacities are available.
t e s t stand. This t e s t pressure includes corrections for service 2.13 flow area (orifice area). The minimum cross-sectional
conditions of back pressure and/or temperature. flow area (but not the curtain area) between inlet and seat
2.9 commencement of lift.Initial lift such as would cause which i s used to calculate the theoretical flowing discharge
the first indication of movement on a linear transducer or capacity, with no deduction for any obstruction.
equivalent. (See appendix C.)
NOTE. Provision of such instrument facility only applies t o valves 2.14 independent authority. The competent independent
under operating characteristics test. authority which bears responsibility for all aspects of
2.10 derated coefficient of discharge. The coefficient of surveillance of tests, checking of calculations and certifica-
discharge multiplied by the derating factor. tion of safety valve discharge capacities.
2.11 discharge area of a safety valve. The minimum cross- 2.15 lift. The travel of the disk away from the closed
sectional area between inlet and seat, including the curtain position.

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A BS 6513 : P a m : 1984
BSI B S * b 7 C î PARTU3 84 = 3624bbî 0353820 5

2.16 measured capacity. Actual flow rate of discharge 3.4 Materials intended to be welded. The chemical
on test. composition, by ladle analysis, of carbon, carbon-manganese
2.17 nominal size (DN). A numerical designation of size and carbon-molybdenum steels intended to be welded shall
which is common to all components in a piping system have a maximum carbon content of 0.25 %.
other than components designated by outside diameter or 3.5 Carbon steel for sub-zero service. Steels for sub-zero
by thread size. It is a convenient round number for service shall comply with the impact and other requirements
reference purposes and is only loosely related to manufac- of appendix D of BS 5500 : 1982.
turing dimensions. 3.6 Pressure and/or temperature limitations. The following
2.18 open disposal system. A system in which thedischarge limitations shall apply.
of fluid from a safety valve is to atmosphere. (a) Cast iron. When cast iron is used for bodies, bonnets
2.19 overpressure of a safety valve. A pressure increase or caps, the set pressure shall not exceed 13 bar gauge
over the set pressure of a safety valve, usually expressed as nor the design temperature exceed 220 " C or be below
a percentage of set pressure. (See appendix B.) o O c .

2.20 relieving pressure of a safety vaive (flow rating NOTE. Cast iron shall not be used for service with hydrocarbon
pressure). Set pressure plus overpressure. vapours or for other flammable or toxic materials or in an area
where a fire risk exists.
2.21 reseating pressure of a safety valve. The value of inlet
static pressure a t which the disk re-establishes contact with . . alloi
(b)Carbon. low and hicrh allov steels and comer
the seat or a t which lift becomes zero. (See appendix B.) h i m u m and maximumtemperature limitations
shall be in accordancewith the relevant materia-
2.22 set pressure. The predetermined pressure a t which a standard
safety valve under operating conditlons should commence
to lift. It is the gauge pressure measured a t the valve inlet
a t which the pressure forces tending to open the valve for
the specified service conditions are in equilibrium with the
forces retaining the valve disk on i t s seat. (See appendix B.)
4. Spring materials
2.23 superimposed back pressure. The static pressure
existing a t the outlet of a safety valve a t the time the device Spring materials shall be selected from those listed in
is required to operate. It is the result of pressure in the table 2 with particular reference to their corrosion resisting
discharge system from other sources. properties and the temperature a t the spring (see also
clause 7):
2.24 theoretical flowing (discharge) capacity. The calcu-
lated capacity expressed in gravimetric or volumetric units
of a theoretically perfect nozzle having a cross-sectional 5. Other internal parts
flow area equal to the flow area of a safety valve. 5.1 -Guiding surfaces. The material of the guiding surfaces
shall be compatible with the service conditions and shall be
selected to reduce the possibility of galling or seizure.
5.2 Bolting. Bolting for pressure containing joints shall be
Section two. Material requirements and limitations in accordance with BS 4882.
5.3 Gaskets. Gasket material shall be suitable for the
3. Pressure containing components application.
3.1 General. The materials of construction shall comply
with this standard and shall be compatible with the process
fluid, the adjoining components and the environment in
which the valve is to be used. Section three. Design and construction
3.2 Bodies and bonnets. Bodies and bonnets, or yokes,
of safety valves shall be manufactured from either: 6. General
(a) cast or forged material, listed in table 1, NOTE. Guidance on safety valve installation is given in appendix D.
or equivalent grades of plate or bar; or 6.1 Valve passage areas. The minimum bore area of the
(b) materials other than those listed, providing they inlet connection of the safety valve shall be not less than
comply with a standard or specification that ensures the minimum flow area of the body seat ring or nozzle.
control of chemical and physical properties and quality, The bore area of the outlet connection and the passages in
appropriate to the end use. the valve body leading to it shall be not less than the bore
3.3 Disk, nozzle and body seat ring. Material for these area of the inlet.
components shall be capable of withstanding the corrosive In the case of a double safety valve, i.e. a safety valve with
and erosive effects of the particular service conditions. two body seat rings in one body, the bore area of the inlet
If a resilient insert is employed the material and design connection and the bore area of the outlet(s) connection(s)
shall be such that it will not become distorted under and passages leading thereto shall be not less than the sum
operating conditions or adhere to the body seatldisk so as of the flow areas of the body seat rings.
to change the discharge or operating characteristics of the 6.2 Prevention of obstruction. The design of a safety valve
valve. shall be such that breakage of any part or failure of any
Cast iron shall not be used. device does not obstruct free and full discharge through
the safety valve.


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BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Table I . Materials for pressure containing components

Mater ia1 British Standard reference Comparable ASTM referencet

Grey iron BS 1452 grade 220 min. AI26 : 1973 (reaffirmed 1979) class B

Copper alloy BS 1400 grade LG2 min. -

Carbon steel "BS 1504-161, grade 480 A A216 : 1983 WCB
1 '/4 % chromium, '/z % molybdenum BS 1504 A217 : 1983 WC6
2l/4 %chromium, 1 % molybdenum "BS 1504-622 E A217 : 1983 WC6

Austenitic chromium nickel "BS 1504-304C15A A351 : 1983 Grade CF8

Austenitic chromium nickel 2l/z %
molybdenum *BS 1504-316C16A A351 : 1983 Grade CF8M

Carbon steel BS 1504-161, grade 430 LT40 A352 : 1983 LCB

3l/z % nickel BS 1504-503 LT60 A352 : 1983 LC3

Carbon steel "BS 1503-221430 A105: 1983
"BS 1503-221490
Austenitic chromium nickel "BS 1503-304831 A l 82 : 1982a Grade F304
Austenitic chromium nickel molybdenum "BS 1503316S31 A182 : 1982a Grade F316
~ ~~

"Nominal design stress values for the British Standard materials are given in BS 5500.
tAmerican Society of Materials and Testing. Publications available from the Library, BSI, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes M K 1 4 6LE.
These materials may not be exact equivalents of the British Standard material but are included as generally acceptable alternatives.

6.3 Moving parts. The valve disk and spindle shall be due account shall be taken of the suitability of the valve
guided efficiently and so constructed as to prevent their spindle, seat face and disk to accept additional compression
lifting out of the guides. The working parts shall have loadingarising from the use of the gagging device. On totally
sufficient clearance to ensure freedom of movement under enclosed safety valves, the gagging device hole in the
all conditions of service particularly temperature effects pressure containing part shall be sealed with a suitable plug.
during discharge. Spindles shall not be fitted with glands. NOTE. It is recommended that the gagging device be supplied by
Guides below the disk shall not be permitted. the safety valve manufacturer.
6.4 Body seat ring or nozzle. Safety valve body seat ring 6.8 Certified capacity. Safety valves for use on gases shall
or nozzle seating faces shall be either: be so designed as to achieve their certified discharge
(a) flat and at right angles to the axis of the body seat capacity a t an overpressure of 1O % (i.e. 110 X of set
ring or nozzle; or pressure), whilst those for liquid service shall be a t 10 % or

25 % of overpressure (i.e. 110 % or 125 % of set pressure)

(b) tapered, provided that the included angle of the (see 16.1).
taper is not less than 90 O .
The seat ring or nozzle shall be secured effectively in 6.9 Tolerance on set pressure. Under operating conditions,
the body. the tolerances on set pressure shall be:
6.5 Preventionof alteration to the set pressure. Interference (a) set pressure below 5 bar: -t- 0.14 bar;
with the load on the spring after the safety valve has been (b) set pressure 5 bar and above: & 3 %.
adjusted shall be prevented by the fitting of a ferrule or 6.10 Blowdown. The blowdown shall be as follows.
compression ring under the adjusting screw collar or by
suitably locking the adjusting screw, and a separate bolted (a) Under operating conditions, the blowdown shall be
or screwed cover shall be sealed to the bonnet by means adjustable between 5 % and 1O % o f the set pressure
of a lead seal or other suitable device. except for valves having:
6.6 Easing gear. Easing gear, when fitted, shall be so (11 seat bore less than 15 mm, when the maximum
arranged that when the valve is pressurized to a minimum limit of blowdown shall be 15 % of set pressure:
of 90 % of set pressure, the valve disk can be lifted. (2) a set pressure less than 3.0 bar, when the blow-
If valves are handling fluids where an escape to atmosphere down shall be a maximum of 0.3 bar.
might create a hazard, the easing gear, if fitted, shall be of (b) Limits for valves with non-adjustableblowdown
sealed design. shall be a maximum of 15 % of set pressure.
NOTE. Where the fluid is likely to cause gumming or the formation (cl Limits of blowdown for incompressible fluids shall
of deposits, the valve should be fitted with easing gear to provide be a maximum of 20 % of set pressure except for values
a means of checking that the valve will lift.
of set pressure less than 3 bar, when the blowdown shall
6.7 Gagging device. When a gagging device i s provided, be a maximum of 0.6 bar.
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BSI B S * b 7 5 7 P A R T U 3 8L( m 3b24b‘bî 0353822 7 m
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Table 2. Spring materials

Material Recommended limiting Recommended

section (diameter) temperature
Specification limit a t the spring

Min. Max.


Carbon steels BS 2803 094A65 HS Up to 12.5 mm - 20 +i50

BS 5216 HS2 and HS3 Up to 13 mm - 20 +I 30
BS 970 : Part 5 070A72 10 mm to 20 mm -20 +I 50
070A78 10 mm to 20 mm -20 +I 50

Alloy steels BS 970 : Part 4 302 S25 above 10 up to 30 mm - 200 +250

316 SI6 above 10 up to 30 mm -200 1-250
BS 970 : Part 5 250A58” 1O mm to 40 mm -20 +I 50
250A61* * 1O mm to 40 mm -20 +I 50
527A60 10 mm to 40 mm - 20 +I 50
735A50 10 mm to 80 mm -20 t 1 75
805A60 10 mm to 80 mm -20 +I 50
BS2056302826 Up to 10 mm - 200 +250
31 6842 Up to 10 mm -200 +250
BS 2803 685A55 HS Up to 12.5 mm - 20 +I 75
735A50 HS Up to 32.5 mm -20 +I 75
BS 4659 BH12 Up to 50 mm -20 +370
BH13 Up to 50 mm -20 +370
BH21 Up to 50 mm - 20 +370
British Standard 2 s 143 -
British Standard 2 s 144 -
British Standard 2 s 145 Up to 50 mm -90 +350
DTD 5086 : 1969t Up to 10 mm -90 +300
ASTM A638 : 1982 Grade 660 Up to 80 mm -200 +400

Non-ferrous BS 3075 NA13 Up to 10 mm -40 +200

NA1 4 Up to 10 mm - 200 +370
NI8 Upto 8 m m -200 t230
British Standard 2HR 501 Upto 8 m m -200 +540
British Standard 2HR 502 Upto 8mm - 200 +540
SAE AMS 5698C : 1953 (reaffirmed 1977)* Up to 12.5 mm -200 +540

’Above 30 mm diameter special heat treatment may be necessary which could induce brittleness.
tDepartment of Technical Development. Publications available from HMSO. Can be obtained as 17/7 PH in larger sizes.
+American Society of Automotive Engineers. Publications available from the Library, BSI, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MK14 6LE.
NOTE. These materials may require cold working during wire manufacture or heat treatment after coiling to produce an adequate
spring for the temperatures in the table.

6.1 1 Drainage. Where circumstances permit, each safety flanged, screwed or welded connections shall be as specified
valve shall be provided with a drain connection a t the in the appropriate application standard.
lowest point ofthe body on the discharge side of the valve. 6.13.2 Flanges. Flanges shall be forged or cast integral
This drain COnneCtiOn shall be supplied with a suitable plug. with the body. ~h~ dimensionsof flanges, integral or
NOTE. When circumstancesdo not permit the provision of a otherwise, flange facings, ring joints (if used), bolt holes,
drainage connection this may be omitted by agreement between the
bolting and the manufacturingtolerances of both inlet and
manufacturer and the purchaser.
outlet flanges shall be in accordance with BS 1560 : Part 2,
6.12 Pressure containing parts. The design of the pressure BS 4504, Bs 3293, AP, 605 : 1980* or MsS sp44 : 1982t
containing parts of a safety valve shall be the responsibility (see also D.6).
of the manufacturer. NOTE 1 . The dimensions of flanges should be specified by the
6.13 Inlet and outlet connections purchaser (see appendix E).
6.13.1 General. Limitations on the particular type of NOTE 2. Flanges may be attached by welding to the body, subject
to agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.

*American Petroleum Institute. Publications available from the Library, BSI, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MK14 6LE.
tMenufecturers”Standardization Societyof America. Publicationsavailablefrom the Library, BSI, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MK14 6LE.

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3 -
B S I BS*c757 P A R x 3 8Lf a Lb2qbb7 0151823 O W
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

6.13.3 Screwed connections. Valve bodies shall be screwed ture of the spring, the environment and the amount of
with a parallel or taper thread in accordance with BS 21, relaxation which is permissible in service.
or with a taperthread in accordance with API Std 6A : 1983. N O T E 2. Where appropriate, the hardness should be specified by
NOTE. Screwed connections should be avoided where crevice the purchaser (see appendix E).
corrosion may occur. 7.2 Materials. The material selected shall comply with the
6.13.4 Welded connections. Welded connections shall be limitations on temperature range given in table 2 and shall
as follows. have corrosion resistant properties for the duty specified.
(a) Socket welding connections shall comply with The material shall be of circular section.
BS 3799. NOTE. The use of protective coatings is not covered by this
standard and, if they are necessary, their use should be agreed
NOTE. Socket welding connections should be avoided where
between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
crevice corrosion may occur.
7.3 Dimensions
(b) The valve stub shall be of a length which shall permit
welding and heat treatment as required by the appro- 7.3.1 Proportion. The proportion of the unloaded length
priate welding standard. to the external diameter of the spring shall not exceed four
NOTE. Butt welded end details shall be provided by the purchaser to one.
(see appendix E). 7.3.2 Spring index. The spring index, i.e. the mean diameter
6.14 Valve dimensions and selection of the coil, D ,divided by the diameter of the section, d ,
NOTE. Preferred face-tocentre dimensions are listed in appendix F, shall be within the range 3 to 12.
relative t o connection sizes and BS 1560 : Part 2. I n the interest of 7.3.3 Spacing of coils, The spacing of the coils shall be
standardization, users are recommended t o use these dimensions
such that when the valve head is a t the lift corresponding
which correspond t o those given in API 5 2 6 (second edition 1969).
to i t s certified discharge capacity the space between coils
Inlet pressure limits shall be governed by the inlet termina- shall not be less than 1 mm. The total of these clearances
tion or the manufacturer's spring design limits, whichever for the spring as a whole shall not be less than 20 % of the
is,the smaller. Inlet flanges shall be capable of withstanding deflection of the spring from the free length to the solid
reaction forces due to the valve discharge in addition to the length.
internal pressure and are therefore generally suitable for
7.4 End coils. Both ends of each spring shall be closed
pressures and temperatures lower than the ANSI ratings
against the adjacent full coils, and ground.
(see appendix FI. Outlet pressure limits shall be determined
by the valve design. The ends of the springs shall present a flat bearing of
between 270 o and 300 o of the circumference a t right
6.15 Bonnet venting. Bonnet venting arrangements shall be
angles to the axis (see figure 21, so that when placed on end
as follows.
on a horizontal plane the springs shall be within the
(a) Conventional safety valves: external vent not tolerances for class A springs recommended in appendix A
required. of BS 1726 : Part 1 : 1964.
(b) Balanced bellows safety valve and balanced piston Smooth consistent tapers to smooth edges shall be provided
safety valve: the bonnet space in both types of valve with a coil tip thickness approximately equal to onequarter
shall be vented to prevent i t s becoming a closed chamber. of the wire (bar) diameter.
6.16 Pilot operated safety valves. The operation of the The end coils of a spring shall not encroach upon the
main valve shall be controlled by a pilot valve which is specified inside or outside diameters of the spring (see
itself a direct loaded safety valve, complying with this figure 2).
standard and initiated and controlled by the system
The number of pilot valves controlling each main valve When end coil of
shall be such as to ensure that the main valve opens spring toes out from
automatically and reliably a t not over the set pressure and diameter or into
discharges i t s certified capacity if some essential part of a inside diameter of

pilot valve should fail. spring, the toe in or

out portion shall be
Where two or more pilot valves are provided, they shall ground to match the
be arranged such that failure of one or more pilot valve(s)
does not prejudice the correct functioning of the remain- diameter or inside
ing serviceable.pilot valve(s) in controlling the main valve.
NOTE. The pilot valve(s) may be mounted directly on the main
valve or separate from it.

7. Springs
7.1 General. Under normal operating conditions, springs
used in safety valves shall be of helical coil design made of
material complying with one of the specifications given in
table 2.
N O T E 1. Where operating conditions require an alternative material,
this shouId be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
The allowable stresses shall be based on previous satisfactory
experience and the current understandingof the behaviour
of spring materialstaking into consideration the tempera- Figure 2. Illustration of an end coil

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BSI BS*b757 PART*3 89 = 1624bb7 0151829 2
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

7.5 Spring plates/buttons. The spring plates/buttons shall 7.9.2 Dimensional checks. Following the above test,
have a locating spigot length (excluding any radius or each spring shall then be subjected to the following minimum
chamber) of a t least 0.75of the spring wire/bar diameter. checks.
The maximum clearance betweeithe outside diameter of (a) Measurements correspondingto:
the locating spigot and the inside diameter of the spring (1 ) load/length a t 15 % of the calculated total
shall not exceed 0.7 mm and shall rotate freely (see
deflection of the spring;
figure 3).
(2)loadhength a t the maximum compression a t
which the spring will be used, or the spring rate over
a given range above 15 % of the calculated total
0.75 w wire/ bar (b) Dimensional check of coil diameter and free length.
dia.min. (c) Dimensional check for end-squareness: by standing
the spring on a surface plate against a square and measur-
ing the maximum deviation between the top end coil
and the square. This shall be repeated with the spring
reversed end for end (see figure 4).
--+-0.7 mm max. (d) Dimensional check for end parallelism: by standing
the spring on a surface plate and measuring the difference
Figure 3. Spring plate between the levels of the highest and lowest points of
the surface of the upper ground end. These measure-
7.6 Stress. The corrected shear stress, g , shall be determined ments shall be repeated with the spring reversed end for
from the following equation: end (see figure 5).
8WDKA The tolerances shall comply with 7.10.
where Table 3.Stress correction factor
q i s the corrected shear stress (in N/mm2);
for curvature ( K )
W i s the force a t set pressure (in N); Dld K D Id K Y
D is the mean diameter of the coil (in mm);
d is the diameter of the section (in mm); 3.0 1.600 6.1 1.235 9.1 1.148
3.1 1.571 6.2 1.231 9.2 1.146
K i s the stress correction factor for curvature (see
table 3):
3.2 1.545 6.3 1.226 9.3 1.145
3.3 1.522 6.4 1.222 9.4 1 .I43
-- Old i- 0.2
3.4 1.500 6.5 1.218 9.5 1.141
D/d - 1 .O 3.5 1.480 6.6 1.214 9.6 1.140
A =- 61 + o 2 3.6 1.462 6.7 1.211 9.7 1.138
61 3.7 1.444 6.8 1.207 9.8 1 .I36
where 3.8 1.429 6.9 1.203 9.9 1.135
61 i s the axial def.!ection due to force W (in mm); 3.9 1.414 7 .O 1 .zoo 10.0 1 .I33
4.O 1.400 7.1 1.197 10.1 1.132
O2 is the lift (in mm) of the valve, a t certified
4.1 1.387 7.2 1 .I 94 10.2 1.130
discharge capacity.

4.2 1.375 7.3 .I 90 10.3 1 .I29

7.7 Number of working coils. The number of working or 4.3 1.364 7.4 .188 10.4 1.128
free coils in a spring, n , shall be determined from the 4.4 1.353 7.5 .I 85 10.5 1 .I26
following equation. 4.5 1.343 7 .6 .I82 10.6 1.125
4.6 1.333 7.7 .179 10.7 1.124
n = - d4G61 (3)
8D3W 4.7 1.324 7.8 .176 10.8 1 .I22
where 4.8 1.316 7.9 .I 74 10.9 1 .I21
4.9 1.308 8.O 1.171 I 1 .o 1.120
G is the shear modulus (in N/mm2 1;
5.O 1.300 8.1 1.169 11.1 1.119
n is the number of working coils. 5.1 1.293 8.2 1 .I 67 11.2 1.118
Other symbols used in the equation are defined in 7.6. 5.2 1.286 8.3 1 .I 64 II .3 1.117
7.8 Handing of coils. Where springs are nested, the adjacent 5.3 1.279 8.4 1 .I 62 11.4 1 .I 15
springs shall be opposite handed. 5.4 1.273 8.5 1 .I60 11.5 1.114
NOTE, Single springs may be coiled either right hand or left hand. 5.5 1.267 8.6 1 .I58 11.6 1.113
7.9 Testing and dimensional checks 5.6 1.261 8.7 1.156 I 1 .7 1.112
7.9.1 Permanent set. The permanent set of the spring 5.7 1.255 8.8 1.154 I 1.8 1.111
(defined as the difference between the free length and the 5.8 1.250 8.9 1.152 11.9 1.110
length measured 10 min after the spring has been com- 5.9 1.245 9.0 1.150 12.0 1 .IO9
pressed solid three additional times a t room temperature) 6.0 1.240
shall not exceed 0.5 % of the free length. - -

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p 0 . 0 1 7 free
~ length

I l I

Figure 4. End-squareness


Figure 5. End-parallelism

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BSI B S * b 7 5 9 PART*3 84 m L b 2 4 b b î OL5L826 b m
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

7.9.3 Hardness, Where maximum hardness i s specified, Table 6. Inside diameter tolerances
(see 7.8) hardness tests shall be carried out for each spring.
NOTE.The method of testing should be subject to approval by Inside diameters Tolerance
the purchaser.
7.10 Tolerances mm mm
7.10.1 Loadjength. The tolerances on Ioadhength require- 25 dia. and smaller +O .8
ments shall be as given in table 4. -0
Over 25 to 50 +I .5
Table 4. Loadhength tolerances -0
I Over 50 to 100 +2.5
Number of Load tolerances -0
working coils

I Wirelbar
up to and
including 10 mm

above 10 mm

Over 100 +3.O

NOTE. Specified outside diameters are a maximum.

7.10.5 End-squareness, The maximum deviation from

Less than 4 f 7.5 4-7.5 end-squareness (see 7.9.2(c)) shall not exceed 0.017 x free
-5.0 length (see figure 4).
4 to 10 inclusive f 5.0 t6.0 7.10.6 End-parallelism. The maximum deviation from
-4.0 end-parallelism (see 7.9.2(d)) shall not exceed 0.034 x the
More than 10 * 3.0 +6.0 mean diameter of the spring (see figure 5).
I7.1 1 Condition of material. Bars or wires used in the
unmachined condition shall be in accordance with the
7.10.2 Spring rate. The tolerances on spring rate shall be as relevant British Standard. Where the relevant standard does
given in table 5. not specify the maximum depth of surface defects and
decarburization, these shall be limited to the following.
Table 5. Spring rate tolerances
(a) Surface defects: 1 % of bar diameter or 0.25 mm,
whichever is the greater.
Number of Spring rate tolerances
working coils (b) Decarburization: 2 % of bar diameter or 0.30 mm,
Wirelbar whichever is the greater. No more than 1/3of the total
diameter diameter
up to and above 10 mm affected depth shall be complete decarburization.
including 10 mm (c) Machined bars shall be free from all surface defects,
there shall be no complete decarburization and partial

% % decarburization shall not exceed 0.13 mm in depth.
Less than 4 f 3.0 +8.O 7.12 Marking. Identification marks which involve stamping
-6.0 or etching shall be confined to the inactive coils and be
4 or more ~ k3.0 4-7.5 located between the tip and 180 o of the circumference
-5.0 from the tip.
7.13 Spring test certificate. When required, the safety
valve manufacturer shall request a test certificate stating
7.10.3 Coil diameters. Assembly and machined part
that the spring(s) has been made from the specified material
considerations determine whether the inside or outside
and has been tested in accordance with this standard.
diameter of the spring i s critical and the spring specification
shall indicate the limits on the spring diameters within
which the spring shall be supplied.
Table 7. Free length tolerances
Inside diameter tolerances are given in table 6.
7.10.4 Free length. Prior to determination of free length, Nominal free length To lerance
springs shall, a t room temperature, be compressed to the
nominal free length less 85 % of the average total deflection. mm mm
After a 10 min wait, in an unloaded condition, the free u p to 75 f 0.8
length shall then be determined by placing a straightedge Over 75 to 165 f 1.5
across the top of the spring and measuring the perpendi-
cular distance from the plate on which the spring stands
Over 165 to 250 * 2.5
Over 250 to 360 f 3.0
to the bottom of the straight-edge a t the approximate
Over 360 to 560 f 4.0
centre of the spring. The measured free length shall be
within the tolerance given in table 7.

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BSI BS*b759 P A R T * 3 8 4 W 3 b 2 4 b b ï 0353827 8 9
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Section four. Production testing and inspection NOTE 2. Attention is drawn t o some relevant factors, namely:
(a) if a major rupture of the valve should occur at some stage
during the application of pressure, considerable energy will be
8. General released, hence no personnel shall be in the immediate vicinity
Pressure testing shall comply with this specification and be during pressure raising,
carried out by the safety valve manufacturer prior to any (b) if the gas pressure is reduced to the valve under test from
painting which may be required. high pressure storage the temperature will fall.
NOTE 1. Hydraulic testing is the preferred method but pneumatic The risk of brittle failure under test conditions shall have
testing i$
permissiblewhere the use of liquid media i s not practicable. been critically assessed a t the design stage and the choice
NOTE 2. If it is considered that the hydraulic test is not adequate of materials for valves which are to be pneumatically
to detect seepage or leakage through micro-porosity in the body or tested shall be such as to avoid the risk of brittle failure
other pressure containing parts, additional t e s t requirements, which
should follow the hydraulic test, should be specified by the during test. This necessitates provision of an adequate
purchaser (see appendix E). margin between the transition temperature of all parts
and the metal temperature during testing.
All pipes, connections and blanking devices, of the test
installation, shall be capable of withstanding the test
All pressure measuring devices fitted to test equipment shall IO. Pressure tests
be regularly tested and calibrated to ensure the required 10.1 Test pressure and application
accuracy during testing. All Bourdon tube pressure gauges
10.1.1 Bodies. The bodies of all safety valves shall be
shall be calibrated in accordance with clause 34(a) of
subjected to a pressure t e s t to ensure the integrity of
BS 1780 : 1960.
the part.
Any temporary welded-on attachments, for the purpose of
NOTE. Open bonnet safety valves which are not fitted with a
carrying out the tests, shall be carefully removed after the bellows seal do not require a pressure test to be applied to that
test and the resulting weld scars shall be ground flush with part of the body on the discharge side of the seat.
parent metal. After grinding, all such scars shall be inspected 10.1.2 Nozzle type valve bodies. The test pressure applied
by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant techniques in to nozzle type valve bodies shall be not less than 1.5 times
accordance with BS4080 to ensure that no injurious defects the design pressure of the valve body.
10.1.3 Body seat ring (half or semi-nozzle) type bodies.
9. Safety For those safety valve bodies where the body seat rings
are separate from the inlet connections (see figure 1(b))
9.1 Hydraulic testing. The safety valve bodies shall be the body seat shall be blanked off and a test pressure of
properly vented to remove entrapped air. No safety valve or 1.5 times the maximum pressure for which the safety valve
part thereof undergoing pressure testing shall be subjected is designed shall be applied only to the part of the body a t
to any form of shock loading, for example, hammer testing.
the inlet side of the seat.
If materials that are liable to failure by brittle fracture are NOTE. The body on the discharge side of the seat may be subjected
incorporated into that part of the safety valve which is to to the testspecified in 10.1.2.
be hydraulically tested, then both the safety valve or part
thereof and the test medium shall be a t a sufficient 10.1.4 Bonnet and cap test. All closed bonnets and caps
temperature to prevent the possibility o f such failure. shall be pressure tested a t a pressure not less than the body
test specified in 10.1.2.
Precautions shall be taken to ensure the test pressure is
not exceeded. 10.1.5 Inlet nozzle test. For those safety valves with a
NOTE. Suitable purity water should normally be used as the test body nozzle (see figure 1(all. the nozzle shall be subjected
medium. Attention is drawn to the need to control the chloride to a pressure t e s t 1.5 times the maximum pressure for
content of test water in the case of austenitic stainless steel valves or which the nozzle is designed.
components. Where other liquids are used, subject t o agreement
between the manufacturer and the purchaser, additional precautions 10.2 Drying after testing. Following hydraulic testing,
may be necessary, depending on the nature of the liquid. valves shall be dried.

9.2 Pneumatic testing 10.3 Duration of pressure test. The t e s t pressure on the
body and inlet nozzle shall be applied, and maintained
NOTE 1. WARNING. Pressure testing with air or other suitable gas
should be avoided and should only be carried out in place of the a t the required pressure for a sufficient length of time to
standard body hydraulic test, with the agreement of a l i parties permit a visual examination to be made of all surfaces and
Involved, in the following cases: joints, but in any case for not less than the times detailed
(a) valves of such design and construction that it is not in table 8. For tests on the discharge side of the seat,
practicablefor them to be filled with liquid; andlor the testing times shall be based on the pressure specified
(b) valves that are to be used in service where even small in table 8 and the discharge size.
traces of water cannot be tolerated,
The test pressure on the bonnet and cap shall be applied
No valve undergoing pneumatic t e s t shall be subjected to and maintained a t the required pressure for a t least 2 min.
any form of shock loading.
10.4 Adjustment of cold differential test pressure.
Precautions shall be taken to ensure t h e test pressure is The adjustment of the cold differential test pressure using
not exceeded. air or other gas as the t e s t medium shall not be carried out
The hazards involved in pneumatic pressure testing shall unless the safety valve components have previously been
be considered and adequate precautions taken. pressure tested in accordance with 9.1 or 9.2.

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B S I BS*6759 PART*3 84 1 6 2 4 6 6 9 0151B28 T
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Table 8. Minimum duration of pressure test

Pressure rating

U p to and Over 40 bar, up t o Over

including and including 64 bar
40 bar 64 bar

Nominal valve size DN* Duration

min min min

Up t o and including 50 2 2 3
over 50 up to and including 65 2 2 4
over 65 up to and including 80 2 3 4
over 80 up to and including 100 2 4 5
over 100 up to and including 125 2 4 6
over 125 up to and including 150 2 5 7
over 150 up to and including 200 3 5 9
over 200 up to and including 250 3 6 11
over 250 up to and including 300 4 7 13
over 300 up to and including 350 4 8 15
over 350 up to and including 400 4 9 17
over 400 up to and including 450 4 9 . 19
over 450 up to and including 500 5 10 22
over 500 up to and including 600 5 12 24

*Nominal valve sizes larger than DN 600 shall have testing times pro rata.

Under normal conditions, all safety valves shall be set and For a safety valve with an open bonnet or an exposed
adjusted in accordance with the manufacturer's standard spring, the seat leakage test shall be conducted by placing
practice. a dam over the lower half of the outlet flange and flooding
NOTE. For exceptional conditions, a procedure should be stipulated the valve body to submerge the seat faces. The leakage rate
by the purchaser (see appendix E). across the seat faces shall not exceed those specified in 10.5.
The test medium shall be a gas for valves which are to be
used with gas but it shall be permissible to use liquid or gas
as the test medium for valves to be used on liquid service. Table 9. Seat leakage rates
10.5 Seat leakage test
Grade Flow area Bubbles of air or nitrogen
10.5.1 Test limitations, The seat leakage tests shall be per minute at 90 % of cold
carried out subsequent to the cold differential test pressure differential test pressure
adjustment and shall comply with the following.
(a) The leakage rate for the grade (see appendix E) shall mm2
not exceed that given in table 9 for valves with metal-to- 1 71 to 250 10
metal seats for cold differential test pressures not Over 250 5
exceeding 70 bar.
2 71 to 250 40
(b) For cold differential test pressures greater than Over250 20
70 bar, the leakage rate specified in table 9 shall be
multiplied by the cold differential test pressure, in bar,
divided by 70.
NOTE. Where resilient seals are incorporated in the seats or where 10.5.4 Minimum test duration. The t e s t pressure shall be
greater tightness is required in the design, the permissible leakage applied for a minimum of 1 min for valves up to and
rete should be specified by the purchaser.
including DN 50,2 min for values above DN 50 up to and
10.5.2 Test apparatus. The leakage measurement shall be including DN 100 and 5 min for valves above DN 100.
made using a tube with a bore of 6.12 mm.The tube end
shall be cut square and smooth and it shall be parallel to, 10.6 Bellows test, A t e s t shall be applied to the discharge
and 13 mm below, the surface of the water. side of those safety valves fitted with bellows to t e s t the
NOTE. A typical test epparatus for determining seat tightness of pressure tightness of the bellows and i t s joints. The bonnet
a closed bonnet safety valve is shown in figure 6. vent, which shall be open, shall have a soapy water film
10.5.3 Test conditions. For a closed bonnet safety valve placed across it and there shall be no visible leakage.
mounted vertically as shown in figure 6, the leakage rate The t e s t shall be carried out using air or nitrogen a t a
shall be determined in bubbles of air or nitrogen per minute pressure not less than the maximum specified back pressure.
with the pressure a t the valve inlet held a t 90 % of the The duration of the t e s t shall be as for the seat leakage t e s t
cold differential test pressure, after the valve has lifted. duration specified in 10.5.


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BSI B S * b 7 5 9 P A R T * 3 8L( m lb2Llbb9 0151827 1 m
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

I 10.7 Adjustable settings The repair, inspection of completed welds, records of

location of welds, etc. shall comply with BS 4570 : Part 1.
10.7.1 Adjustable components. Prior to despatch, it shall
be ensured that adjustable components, i n addition to the
12. Test certificate
I’ main or pilot valve spring compression screws, are set a t
the estimated position appropriate to the service conditions.
10.7.2 Nozzle and/or shroud ring setting. On spring loaded,
The t e s t certificate shall contain the following information,
as appropriate.
(a) Identification:
direct acting safety valves the (lower) nozzle ring and/or
(upper) shroud ring, where fitted, shall be set to the best (1 ) purchaser’s order number and manufacturer’s
estimated position for the service conditions. reference number;
10.7.3 Locks or seals, On the completion of satisfactory (2) serial number;
tests, adjustable components, or access to them, shall be (3) tag number;
locked or sealed to prevent unauthorized tampering.
(4) number of valves.
10.8 Test certificate. A t e s t certificate and report shall
(b) Description:
be completed, see clause 12.
(1) style;
11. Repairs ( 2 ) inlet nominal size and rating;
NOTE. This standard does not specify requirements for the repair (3) outlet nominal size and rating;
of the following which should not be undertaken unless approved
by the purchaser. (4) flow area or orifice area.
(a) Defects in forgings. (c) Materials specification:
(b) Defects in non-ferrous castings. (1 ) body, bonnet;
(cl Defects in any coatings on springs. (2) trim:
11.1 Cast iron. Defects in iron castings shall not be (i)nozzle;
(¡i) disk;
11.2 Steel. Weld repairs shall be carried out in accordance
with BS 4570 : Part I . The inspection of weld zones shall (iii)resilient seal;
be to the same extent as that applied to the unwelded (3) spindle;
casting, (4) spring;
NOTE. Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser on the enquiry
(51 bellows.
and order, steel castings may be rectified by welding without the
previous sanction of the purchaser.

A. ~ - )ee note1


c- ,6.12 mm bore

iii 6 m m mm max. head

in cup I
Rubber gasket
Section A A

NOTE 1. Opening covered with a suitable membrane to relieve pressure if valve should open during test,
It i s essential that the opening is securely sealed against leakage.
NOTE 2. When using this fixture all other outlets shall be sealed.

Figure 6. Typical test rig for determination of valve leakage rates

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BSI BSmh759 PART*3 8 4 1 b 2 4 b b î 0151830 B
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

(d) Pressure tests: other than that specified, e.g. if a marking is required to appear
on the body it may also be repeated on an identification plate.
(1 ) nozzle/semi-nozzle body inlet test pressure; Additional markings may be used a t the option of the manufac-
(2) body and bonnet testpressure; turer, e.g. a serial number or catalogue number, providing they do
not conflict with any of the specified markings.
(3) bellows seal test pressure.
(e) Valve setting:
(1 ) set pressure; 15. Preparations for despatch
(2)cold differential test pressure. 15.1 End protection. Both inlet and outlet flanges shall be
fitted with suitable end closures to protect the flange faces
(f) Seat leakage test: leakage rate grade l/grade 2.
and to prevent the ingress of foreign matter.
Threaded and weld-end openings shall be plugged with a
suitable protective device. Temporary plugs shall be readily
Section five. Marking and preparation for despatch distinguishablefrom permanent metal plugs.

13. Body marking 15.2 External coatings. Unmachined exterior surfaces of

valves of austenitic steel or non-ferrous material shall not be
Each safety valve shall bear legible and permanent marking
painted. Unmachined exterior surfaces of valves of other
on the body or on a plate fixed securely to the body, If a
materials shall be painted.
plate is used, it shall be separate and distinct from the
identification plate referred to in clause 14, Body markings NOTE. The painting should be according to the manufacturer's
shall be as follows: standard procedures or as specified by the purchaser.

(a) the inlet nominal size (DN), e.g. DN . . . . ; 15.3 Packaging. Valves shall be so packaged as to minimize
(b) the material designation of the body; the possibility of damage during transit or storage.
(c) the manufacturer's name and/or trademark; Instructions shall be provided, preferably attached to the
(d) an arrow showing the direction of flow, where the valve, for removing devices used for temporary protection.
inlet and outlet connections have the same dimensions
or the same nominal pressure rating;
(e) ring joint number where applicable (to be marked
on the flange).
Section six. Performance testing
14. Identification plate 16. Type testing of safety valves for operating
The following information, stating units, shall be marked and flow characteristics using steam, air, water or
on a corrosion resistant identification plate.
other gases or liquids of known characteristics
NOTE. The identification plate may be in two parts if the body
or bonnet is too small to accommodate one larger plate.
16.1 General. Safety valves shall attain their certified
(a) The limiting operating temperatureb) (in OC) for discharge capacity a t an overpressure of 10 % (i.e. 110 % of
which the valve has been designed, where applicable. set pressure) for gases and vapours and an overpressure of
(b) The set pressure, in bar gauge. 10 % or 25 %for liquids (i.e. 110 %or 125 % o f set
(c) The back pressure. pressure).
(d) The number of this British Standard, 16.2 Carrying out of tests. The tests to determine the
i.e. BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984". operating characteristics shall be in accordance with
(e) The size (nominal pipe size inlet by outlet). clause 17 and the tests to determine the flow character-
(f) The manufacturer's type reference. istics shall be in accordance with clause 18.
(9) The derated coefficient of discharge or certified When these tests are carried out separately, the parts of
discharge capacity (stating units) indicating reference the valve which influence fluid flow shall be complete and
fluid: G for gas, S for steam and L for liquid. installed in the valve (see 18.2).
NOTE. The designation letter may be placed either before or All testing shall be witnessed by a representativek) of the
after the derated coefficient of discharge or certified discharge independent authority or authorities.
capacity, e.g. G-0.815 or G - 1 0 0 0 0 0 kg/h.
(h) The flow area, in square millimetres. 16.3 Testing facilities. Type testing in accordance with
this clause shall only be carried out a t establishments
(i)The minimum lift, in millimetres, and corresponding approved by the independent authority or authoritiest.
overpressure expressed as a percentage of set pressure.
(i) The cold differential test pressure.
NOTE. A manufacturer, having complied with clauses 13 and 14
is not precluded from marking any item additionally in a place

*Marking BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984 on or in relation to a product i s a claim by the manufacturer that the product has been manufactured
to the requirements of the standard. The accuracy of such a claim is therefore solely the manufacturer's responsibility. Enquiries as to the
availability of third party certification t o support such claims should be addressed to the Director, Quality Assurance Division, BSI,
Maylands Avenue, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 2SQ for certification marks administered by BSI or to the appropriate authority for
other certification marks.
tDocument 83/71897 is a schedule of potential safety valve testing facilities in the UK. Copies are available from the Enquiry Section,
(London), British Standards Institution.


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BSI BSmb757 PARTS3 84 Lb24bb7 0353833 T m
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

16.4 Object of tests. The object of the tests is to determine, (e) Non-adjustable blowdown (liquids): maximum 20 %
under specific operating conditions, particular character- of set pressure. For valves of set pressure less than 3 bar
istics of the valves before opening, while discharging and the blowdown shall be a maximum of 0.6 bar.
a t closing. The following characteristics shall be determined: NOTE. The independent authority may dispense with the operating
characteristic test described in this clause when it has experience or
(a) set pressure;
documented independent evidence of lift and satisfactory
(b) reseating pressure; performance of the specific design of safety valve.
(c) blowdown; 17.2 Test equipment. The error of pressure measuring
(d) reproducibility of valve performance; equipment used during the test shall be not more than
0.5 % o f full scale reading, with the test pressure within
(e) mechanical characteristics of the valves, determined
the middle third of the instrument range.
by seeing or hearing such as:
ability to re-seat satisfactorily; 17.3 Valves used in the test programme. The safety valves
absence or presence of chatter, flutter, sticking tested shall be representative of the design, pressure,
and/or harmful vibration; and size range of valves for which operating characteristics
are required. To be representative, the ratio of valve inlet
(f) relieving pressure;
area to flow area and the ratio of flow area to valve outlet
(9) lift a t the appropriate overpressure (see 17.1). area shall be taken into account.
26.5 Procedure for testing. The purpose and manner of Test shall be carried out on three sizes unless the size range
testing shall be such as to provide suitable data from which contains not more than six sizes, when it is permissible to
the operational and flow characteristics are determined. reduce the number tested to two. When the range i s
To this end the following information shall be supplied to extended from a number less than seven to a number equal
the independent authority, and shall be approved before to or in excess of seven, then tests on three sizes of valves
testing i s undertaken: shall be carried out.
(a) full particulars of the valves to be tested and the When the range is extended so that the previously tested
range of valves and springs which they represent; safety valves are no longer representative of the range,
(b) details of the t e s t rig(s) including proposed instru- further tests shall be carried out.
mentation t e s t and calibration procedure; 17.4 Test procedure. The tests shall be carried out using
(c) proposed source, capacity, pressure, temperature three significantly different springs for each size of valve.
and properties of the t e s t fluid(s). Where three test pressures are required from one valve
16.6 Results calculated from test. The theoretical flowing size, it is permissible to test either one valve with three
capacity shall be calculated (see 19.2,19.3 or 19.4) and, significantly different springs or three valves of the same
using this value together with the actual flowing capacity size a t three significantly different settings in order to
a t relieving pressure, the coefficient of discharge of the comply with the requirements. Each t e s t shall be carried
safety valve shall be calculated (see 19.1). out a minimum of three times in order to establish and
- confirm acceptable reproducibility of performance.
~ For the case of valves of either novel or special design,
17.T'ype tests to determine operating characteristics of which one size only a t one pressure rating is being
manufactured, tests a t that set pressure shall be carried
17.1 Carrying out of tests. The set pressures a t which the
operating characteristics are determined shall be the
minimum set pressuresfor which the spring used i s designed. For the case of valves of which one size only a t various
Valves designed to discharge gases or vapours shall be tested pressure rating is being manufactured, tests shall be carried
using steam, air or other gas of known characteristics and out using four different springs which shall cover the range
valves designed to discharge liquid shall be tested on water of pressure for which the valve shall be used.
- - - -, ..-.. - -- -
or liquidsof known Characteristics. The allowable tolerances
or limits, as applicable, on these characteristics are as
fo Ilows.
18. Type tests t o determiKflÕw
18.1 CarryÍng out of tests. For safety valves designed to
(a) Set pressure: discharge gashapour, after operating characteristics have
been satisfactorily established (see clause 17), it is
below 5 bar f 0.14 bar
acceptable to use steam, air or other gas of known charac-
5 b a r u p t o 20bar +-3%
teristics as the fluid for flow characteristic tests.
20 bar up to 100 bar k2%
When discharged quantities are being assessed using a fluid
1O0 bar f1.5%
other than that used for the operating characteristic tests,
(b) Lift: 5 % of the average for a given size of valve. the valve disk shall be mechanically held a t the same lift
(cl Adjustable blowdown: 2.5 % of set pressure, as that obtained a t the same overpressure,
minimum; 7 % of set pressure, maximum except for It is not permissible to use steam, air or other gas
valves having: for the flow characteristic tests for a liquid safety valve,
(1) seat bore less than 15 mm when the maximum nor liquid for the flow characteristic tests of a gashapour
limit of blowdown shall be 15 % of set pressure, valve.
(2) a set pressure less than 3.0 bar when the blow- 18.2 Valves used in the test programme
down shall be a maximum of 0.3 bar. 18.2.1 Representative valves. The safety valves tested shall
(d) Non-adjustable blowdown (gas/vapour): maximum be representative of the design, pressure and size range of
15 % of set pressure. valves for which flaw characteristics are required.

--`,,,,,`````,,``,``,,`,,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- . . .

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BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

18.2.2 Size range and number of valves to be tested. 18.3.4 Test results. In all methods described for flow
Tests shall be carried out on three sizes unless the size characteristics testing, all final results shall be within f 5 %
range contains not more than six sizes, when it is permissible of the average, or additional testing shall be carried out
to reduce the number tested to two. When the range is until this criterion is met.
extended from a number less than seven to a number equal Where test technique (b) of 18.3.2 has been adopted,
to or in excess of seven, then tests on three sizes of valves the results obtained shall be plotted as curves to obtain the
shall be carried out. unique value of discharge capacity of a valve a t a given
When the range is extended so that the previously tested overpressure and which has the blowdown ring(s) a t a given
safety valves are no longer representative of the range, setting.
further tests shall be carried out. 18.4 Adjustments during test. No adjustment to the valve
NOTE, If the size range comprises one only, see 18.3.3. shall be made during the test. Following any change or
18.3 Test procedure deviation of the t e s t conditions, a sufficient period of time
18,3.1 Tests on each valve. On each of the valves to be shall be allowed to permit the rate of flow, temperature
tested, as required by 18.2.2, flow characteristics t e s t s for and pressure to reach stable conditions before readings
determination of the coefficient of discharge shall be are taken.
carried out a t three different pressures. 18.5 Records of tests. The test records shall include all
In all cases the size and pressure range shall be representa- observations, measurements, instrument readings and
tive of the design range within limits of the testing facility. instrument calibration records for the objective(s) of the
test. Original t e s t records shall remain in the custody of the
In those cases where the size of the valve i s greater than can test establishment which conducted the test. Copies of all
be flow tested a t the test facility, the independent authority test records shall be furnished to each of the parties
shall, at i t s discretion, subject to feasibility and oppor- concerned with the test. Corrections and corrected values
tunity, require one confirmatory flow t e s t a t the location shall be entered separately in the t e s t record.
of the installation and require the proper function of a t
18.6 Flow test equipment. The test equipment shall be
least one valve of the design to be demonstrated by test.
designed and operated in such a way that the actual test
NOTE, Three geometrically similar models of different sizes may
be used to determine the coefficient of discharge.
flowing capacity measurement shall be accurate to within
f 2 %.
18.3.2 Test techniques. The test techniques adopted shall
be either of the following. 18.7 Coefficient of discharge. The coefficient of discharge
shall be determined as specified in clause 19.
(a) The valve configuration shall be the same as that used
during the tests for operatLon characteristics, i.e. the lift 18.8 Certification of valves. The certified discharge capacity
of the valve shall be 0.9 of the capacity determined b y test,
and, if a blowdown ring(sj is fitted, i t s position shall be

the one($)established for the particular size and over- For valves using the coefficient of discharge method,
pressure during operating characteristic testing. the certified discharge capacity shall be 0.9 of the theore-
tical capacity times the coefficient of discharge (i.e. the
Average values of lift shall be used when the tolerances derated coefficient of discharge).
of 17.1 have been met; attention i s also drawn to the
requirements of 18.4. The coefficient of discharge or the derated coefficient of
discharge shall not be used to calculate the capacity a t a
or lower overpressure than that a t which the t e s t was carried
(b) The valve configuration shall be varied in respect out (see 18.3) although they can be used to calculate the
of lift and/or blowdown ring(s) position where such is capacity a t a higher overpressure.
fitted. The actual capacity for a back pressure above the test back
NOTE. Technique (a) is used where it is desired to derive from the pressure condition and/or for subcritical flow shall only
test results the coefficient of discharge of a given configuration
of safety valve at a given overpressure. be established by test.
Technique (b) is used where it is desired to derive from test results, NOTE. Valves having a certified coefficient of discharge established
usually plotted as a series of curves, the appropriate coefficient of on critical flow at the test back pressure may not have the same
discharge of a safety valve for various combinations of overpressure, coefficient of discharge at a higher back pressure. Calculations for
lift and blowdown ring(s) position. equivalent capacities for sub-critical flow will result in a theoretical
capacity equivalence only.
18.3.3 Tests on valves of novel or special design. For the
case of valves of either novel or special design of which
one size only for various pressures is being manufactured,
19. Determination of coefficient of discharge and
tests shall be carried out a t four different set pressures
which shall cover the range of pressure for which the valve certified discharge capacity
will be used or as determined by the limits of the test 19.1 Coefficient of discharge. The coefficient of discharge,
facility. The discharge capacities as determined by these four Kd,shall be calculated from the following equation:
tests shall be plotted against the absolute inlet pressure, actual flowing capacity
and a straight line drawn through these four points and . (from test)
zero-zero. For liquids, the capacities as determined by the Kd= (4)
theoretical flowing capacity
four tests shall be plotted on log-log paper against the (from calculation)
differential (inlet pressure minus back pressure) t e s t
pressure, and a straight line drawn through these four The derated coefficient of discharge, Kdr,shall be calculated
points, If all points do not lie within f 5 % o f this line, from the following equation:
additional testing shall be carried out until the line is K,, = Kd X 0.9 (5)
established without ambiguity.

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BSI BS*6757 P A R T S 3 8L( Lb24667 03511833 3
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

19.2 Theoretical flowing (discharge) capacity using dry p is the actual relieving pressure (in bar, absolute);
saturated steam as the test medium. Dry saturated steam in v is the specific volume a t the actual relieving
this context means steam with a minimum dryness fraction pressure and the relieving temperature (in m3/kg);
of 0.98 or a maximum degree of superheat of 1O "C.
M is the molecular mass of gas (in kg/kmol);
For applications where the value of p is up to and including
T i s the actual relieving temperature (in K);
110 bar:
Z is the compressibility factor (see figure 7);
,,q = 0 . 5 2 5 ~ (61 for derivation of Z see appendix G.
For applications where the value of p is over 110 bar and
up to 220 bar: 19.3.3 Theoretical flowing (discharge capacity at sub-
(2.7644~- 1000) critical flow. The theoretical flowing (discharge)capacity,
qms= 0 . 5 2 5 ~ (7) qm9,a t sub-critical flow shall be calculated from the
(3.3242~- 106.1)
following equation:
qmcis the theoretical flowing capacity of dry saturated (10)
steam (in kg/h per mm' of flow area);

p i s the actual relieving pressure (in bar, absolute).

19.3 Theoretical flowing (discharge) capacity using air or
any gas at the test medium where
19.3.1 Critical and subcritical flow C is a function of the isentropic coefficient k (for
NOTE. The flow of gas or vapour through an orifice, such as the rounded figures see table IO;see also equation (9)
flow area through a safety valve, increases as the downstream for the derivation);
pressure is decreased until critical flow is achieved. Further decrease
in the downstream pressure will not result in any further increase k is the isentropic coefficient a t the relieving inlet
in flow. conditions;
Critical flow occurs when: Kb is the capacity correction factor for back pressure

Subcritical flow occurs when: (11)

is greater than
where the validity of Rankine's law i s assumed and where:
(for rounded figures see table 11)
p i s the actual relieving pressure (in bar, absolute);
M i s the molecular mass (in kg/kmol);
Pb is the back pressure (in bar, absolute);
p is the actual relieving pressure (in bar, absolute);
k is the isentropic coefficient a t the relieving inlet
conditions (for a perfect gas k is taken as the ratio pb i s the back pressure (in bar, absolute);
of specific heats). qma i s the theoretical flowing capacity (in kg/h per mm'
19.3.2 Theoretical flowing (discharge) capacity at critical of flow area);
flow. Where the validity of Rankine's law is assumed, T is the actual relieving temperature (in K);
the theoretical flowing (discharge) capacity, qmg,a t critical v i s the specific volume a t the actual relieving
flow shall be calculated from the following equation: pressure and the relieving temperature (in m3/kg);

Z is the compressibility factor (see figure 7);
for derivation of Z see appendix G.)

= 0.2883FC
' 19.4 Theoretical flowing (discharge) capacity using a
where liquid as the test medium. The theoretical flowing
, i s the theoretical flowing capacity (in kg/h per mm2 (discharge) capacity, qmi,shall be calculated from the
of flow area); following equation: .
C is a function of the isentropic coefficient k (for qrni = 1-61 dZF (12)
rounded figures see table I O ) . where
qrnli s the theoretical flowing capacity (in kg/h per mm'
of flow area);
Ap is the pressure drop (in bar), i.e.p - Pb;
k i s the isentropic coefficient a t the relieving inlet p i s the actual relieving pressure (in bar, absolute);
conditions; i f the value of k is not available a t these pb is the back pressure (in bar, absolute);
conditions the value at 1.O13 bar, 15 OC shall be p i s the volumetric mass (in kg/m3).


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BSI BS*b757 PART*3 84 m Lb24bb7 0353834 5 m
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984



Reduced pressure P, = PIP,

p is the actual relieving pressure (in bar absolute);
T is the relieving temperature (in KI;
pc is the critical pressure of the pure gas (in bar absolute);
Tc is the critical temperature of the pure gas (in KI.

Figure 7. Compressibility factor Z a s a function of reduced pressurep, and reduced temperature T, (see also appendix D)

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B S I BS*b75î PART*3 B 4 m L b 2 4 b b î 0353835 7 m
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Table 10. Values of C relative to values of k discharge shall be assumed constant and the equations of
clause 19 shall be used.
k c k c k C NOTE. No distinction is made between substances commonly
referred to as gases and those commonly referred t o as vapours;
the term gas is used t o describe both gas and vapour.
0.40 1.65 1.o2 2.41 1.42 2.72
0.45 1.73 1.O4 2.43 1.44 2.73 20.3 Calculation of equivalent capacity
0.50 1.81 1.O6 2.45 1.46 2.74 20.3.1 General. The equation to be applied depends upon
0.55 1.89 1.O8 2.46 1.48 2.76 the reference fluid used to establish the certified capacity
0.60 1.96 1.10 2.48 1.50 2.77 (see clause 19) of the safety valve under consideration and
0.65 2.02 1.12 2.50 1.52 2.78 the equivalent capacity shall be calculated using the
equations given in 20.32 to 20.3.4 as appropriate.
0.70 2.08 1.14 2.51 1.54 2.79
0.75 2.14 1.16 2.53 1.56 2..80 20.3.2 Reference fluid :dry saturated steam. The equi-
0.80 2.20 1.18 2.55 1.58 2.82 valent capacity for any gas designated g, qmg,shall be
calculated from the following equations:
0.82 2.22 1.20 2.56 1.60 2.83
0.84 2.24 1.22 2.58 1.62 2.84 (a) At a pressure up to and including 110 bar:
0.86 2.26 1.24 2.59 1.64 2.85 qmg
-=qmcs (13)
0.88 2.28 1.26 2.61 1.66 2.86
0.525p PC,&
0.90 2.30 1.28 2.62 1.68 2.87
0.92 2.32 1.30 2.63 1.70 2.89
0.94 2.34 1-32 2.65 1.80 2.94 (b) At a pressure over 110 bar and up to 220 bar:
0.96 2.36 1.34 2.66 1.90 2.99 qrncs - 4,s
2.38 2.68 3.04 (14)
0.98 1.36 2.00 (2.7644~- 1000) pC,
0.99 2.39 1.39 2.69 2.1 o 3.09 0.525~
(3.3242~- 1061)
1.o01 2.40 1.40 2.70 2.20 3.13
C, is a function of the isentropic coefficient k (for
19.5 Capacity correction for the effect of back pressure. rounded figures see table I O , see also equation (9)
If the capacity of the valve ceases to be independent of the for the derivation);
back pressure, i.e. sub-criticalflow occurs, even if the lift M, is the molecular mass for the gas (in kg/kmol);
remains constant, a capacity correction shall be applied to
p is the actual relieving pressure (in bar, absolute);
allow for the decrease in capacity.
q,,, is the Certified capacity for dry saturated steam
For valves where the lift is a function of back pressure,
(in kg/h per mm2 of flow area);
the manufacturer shall be asked to supply specific
information, as verified by the independent authority, qmg i s the authorized equivalent capacity of a gas
where applicable. (in kg/h per mm2 of flow area);
T, i s the actual relieving temperature (in K);
20. Equivalent capacity Z, i s the compressibility factor (see figure 7 and
appendix G).
20.1 General. Equivalent capacity calculations provide a
means to establish the relieving capacity for a safety valve
20.3.3 Reference fluid :a gas (designated 1 ) of known
for application with a fluid other than that with which it characteristics. The equivalent capacity for a gas
was tested and when these calculations are required to be (designated 21, qmgz,shall be calculated from the following
made the requirements of 20.2 to 20.4 shall be applied as equation:
NOTE 1. This clause covers safety valves for use with gases, (15)
gas mixtures, liquids and liquid mixtures. It does not apply t o
two-phase flowand fluids which undergo a change of phase during
NOTE 2. The nameplate of a safety valve gives information relating where
to the condition of the fluid used for certification; not to the i s a function of the isentropic coefficient k
calculated equivalent capacity. C,
(for rounded figures see table IO, see also
The equivalent relieving capacity shall not be calculated a t equation (9) for the derivation); .
a lower overpressure than that a t which the t e s t was carried
out. Mg i s the molecular mass for the gas (in kg/kmol);
NOTE 3. Capacity calculation is permitted at the same or higher P i s the actual relieving pressure (in bar, absolute);
overpressure than that at which the test was carried out. qmcg, is the certified capacity of a gas (designated 1)
Actual capacity of a safety valve for a back pressure above (in kg/h per mm2 o f flow area);
the t e s t back pressure condition and sub-criticalflow shall qmg2 is the authorized equivalent capacity of a gas
be established by test. (designated 2) (in kg/h per mm2 of flow area);
NOTE 4. Valves having a certified coefficient of discharge
established on critical flow at the test back pressure may not have
T, i s the actual relieving temperature (in K);
the same coefficient of discharge at a higher back pressure. Z, i s the compressibility factor (see figure 7 and
Calculation for equivalent capacity for subcritical flow will result appendix G).
in a theoretical equivalent only.
NOTE. Subscripts 1 and 2 associated with the appropriate symbols
20.2 Valves for gas or vapour relief. To calculate the above, respectively indicate the reference fluid and fluid for which
capacity for any gas, the area and the coefficient of equivalent capacity is required.

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BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

20.3.4 Reference fluid :a liquid (designated I ) of known correction factor for viscosity fw shall be obtained from the
characteristics. Equivalent capacity for liquids shall only Reynolds number for the flow through the nozzle from
be calculated from the certified capacity established.using figure 8, only for those valves which have a nozzle type
a reference liquid. Certified liquid capacities shall not be configuration (i.e. flow diameter to inlet diameter ratio
used to calculate equivalent capacities for steam, gas or of 0.25 to 0.80 with a continuously contoured change and
flashing Iiquids. which have exhibited a coefficient K, in excess of 0.90).
The equivalent capacity for a liquid (designated 21, q m I 2 , For safety valves not complying with the above require-
shall be calculated from the following equation: ment, the safety valve manufacturer shall be consulted to

qm12 =qrncil
f-- PI2 AP12
Pi1 Pi1
obtain the appropriate viscosity factor.

Re =
0.31 34 W
P f l
or (171

qmcll is the certified capacity for a liquid (designated I ) Re = or

(in kg/h per mm2 of flow area); PFL.\/A
q m I 2 is the authorized equivalent capacity of a liquid 312.8QdF0
(designated 2) (in kg/h per mm2 of flow area); Re = (19)
P a
Apil is the pressure drop for liquid designated 1
(in bar); where

ApI2 is the pressure drop for liquid designated 2 Re is the Reynolds number;
(in bar); W is the certified capacity of the valve (in kg/h);
pll is the volumetric mass for liquid designated 1 0 is the certified capacity of the valve (in m3/h);
(in kg/m31; p is the liquid density a t relieving conditions
pI2 is the volumetric mass for liquid designated 2 (in kg/m3 1;
(in kg/m3 l. dFo is the liquid relative density a t relieving conditions;
20.4 Capacity correction factor for liquid viscosity ( f p ) . @ is the absolute (dynamic) viscosity a t relieving
The flow through a safety valve will be reduced compared conditions (in kg/(m.s));
with that for water if the liquid is viscous. Since viscous
A i s the flow area (in mm2).
flow is configuration sensitive the value of the capacity






10 20 40 60 100 200 400 1000 2000 4090 10000 20000 100 O00

Re = Reynolds number

Figure 8. Capacity correction factor for viscosity ( f w )

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B S I BS*b75î PART*3 8 4 Lb2Llbbî 0151838 2
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Appendix A by that of pilot valves which are themselves direct loaded

safety valves. The characteristics of two types of such
Guidance on safety valve types and features valves are as follows.
A.l Valve types (a 1 Pilot operated safety valve (differential piston).
A.1.1 General, Safety valves are essentially of two basic Typically in this valve the seat load results from the
types to which special design features may be added to give pressure of the process fluid being applied t o the upper
particular operational characteristics. The two basic types and larger of two connected pistons. The lower smaller
are the direct loaded safety valve and the pilot operated piston carries the disk. The space above the upper piston

safety valve. is open to the pressure of the process fluid through a

restrictive orifice which, when relieved by the pilot valve,
A.1.2 Direct loaded safety valve causes the piston to move and the valve to open.
A,1.2.1 General. The direct loaded safety valve is the If the valve i s required to remain seated, when subjected
simplest type of safety valve; it attains i t s certified capacity to a vacuum a t the inlet, a supplementary spring loading
a t an overpressure of 10 % (i.e. 110 % of set pressure) for may be a necessity.
gases and vapours and an overpressure of 1O % or 25 %
(i.e. 110 % or 125 % of set pressure) for liquids. (b) Pilot operated safety valve (combination loaded).
A.1.2.2 Safety valves with additionalseat load. When a Typically in this valve the seat load is provided by a
particularly good seal i s required on gas vapour duties a t combination of a coiled spring and a diaphragm or
pressures up to the set pressure, an additional seat load piston on which the system pressure acts. When the pilot
may be applied up to the set pressure. This additional valves are actuated by the process fluid a t the set
seat load is achieved as follows. pressure, the pressure above or below the diaphragm or
(a) Assisted opening safety valve. The total seat load i s piston is exhausted to atmospheric pressure reducing the
provided by the spring. A power device is incorporated load on the seat faces to about 75 % o f that normally
which, when actuated a t the set pressure, assists the required to keep the valve closed and so permitting the
pressure beneath the valve disk in overcoming the main valve to lift.
spring load. A.2 Features of safety valves. Safety valves have the
Should failure occur either to the source of power or following features.
to the mechanism by which it is applied, the valve will (a) Fullnozzle valve. The valve body of this style of valve
not open until a pressure higher than the desired set is not subjected to the system pressure (see figure 1 (a))
pressure is reached. In the event of failure of the hence this valve i s widely used when the fluid to be
mechanism, the certified discharge capacity i s achieved relieved is corrosive since only the nozzle and disk,
a t a pressure not exceeding 115 % of the set pressure. which may be of corrosion resistant material, come into
This type of valve can also be used to relieve the pressure contact with the fluid continuously.
in the system when it i s below the set pressure. (b) Body seat ring (see figure 1 (b)). A separate compo-
(b) Supplementary loaded safety valve. The additional nent which is incorporated or fixed in the valve body
seat load is provided by a powered device which applies (semi-nozzle).Since the fluid is in contact continuously
a continuous load in addition to that of the spring. with both the valve body and the body seat ring,
When the set pressure is reached, the device is actuated this style of valve is seldom used with corrosive fluids.
and the additional load i s released, allowing the valve to (c) Closed bonnet. A closed bonnet which prevents
operate in a manner identical to that of a direct loaded leakage to atmosphere is used for toxic or hazardous
safety valve. fluids. The closed bonnet also protects the valve spring
Shouldthe supplementary load fail to be released, and internals from environmental conditions and damage.
the valve will not open until a pressure higher than the (d) Open bonnet. An open bonnet exposes the spring to
desired set pressure is reached. In the event of failure to the environment.
release the supplementary load, the certified discharge (e) Balanced bello wshalanced piston. Variable back
capacity is achieved a t a pressure not exceeding 115 % pressure effect on the performance of a safety valve,
of the set pressure. e.g. caused by the discharge of another safety valve into
A.1.3 Pilot operated safety valve (see also 2.14 and 6.16). a common discharge manifold, can be minimized by the
Pilot operated safety valves are usually utilized where a use of a balanced bellows or balanced piston valve.
narrow margin is desired between the system operating Balanced piston valves have a small continuous fluid
pressure and the valve set pressure or where the valve size flow past the piston which increases significantly when
is so large that a direct loaded safety valve would be the valve opens. This fluid should be vented continuously
unsuitable. to a safe location a t atmospheric pressure.
Owing to the possibility of small bore passages and/or Means should be provided to detect if flow occurs
small clearances in the pilot valves and blow-down control through the vent connection as a result of bellows
mechanisms, it is particularly important to consider the failure, as this would affect the capacity and set pressure
possibility and effect of solidification and precipitation of of the valve, unless the valve i s designed to continue to
chemicals, blockage due to the entry of foreign matter and operate with a failed bellows.
collection of condensate in the pilot connecting pipes. NOTE. The valve vent should not be connected, directly or
indirectly, to the same closed disposal system into which the
The load on the disk is applied either by the process fluid safety valve discharges. I t may be connected t o a separate
pressure or the combination of this and a spring. In all disposal system which is at atmospheric pressure.
cases, theaction of the main valve is initiated and controlled

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BSI B S * b 7 5 9 PART*K3 84 W L b 2 4 b b î OL5L839 4 W
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

(f) Bellomseals. Bellows seals will: For direct operated safety valves in liquid service with
chosen 25 % overpressure, the required discharge capacity
(1) prevent leakage through the spindle guide when
of the valve will not be reached until an overpressure of
the valve lifts; or
25 % above the set pressure is reached when the valve will
(2)protect the working surfaces of the guides and achieve full lift. Hence such a valve in liquid service should
the interior of a closed bonnet against corrosion, be set a t a pressure not greater than 88 % of the design
gumming or deposits either from the inlet or the pressure so that the 25 % overpressure can be accommo-
outlet side. dated within the maximum permitted accumulated pressure
(9) Jacketed valves. These may be necessary to prevent of the vessel. Since a reasonable margin is required between
the fluid solidifying in the valve or the formation of ice the normal operating pressure of the vessel and the reseat
when the valve discharges. Heated inlet and discharge pressure of the valve, the normal operating pressure may be
pipes may also be required in such cases. as much as 22 % below the design pressure of the vessel.
(h) Easinggear. Easing gear enables the freedom of If this pressure margin is unavailable, it may be possible to
movement of valve internals to be checked while the install a larger capacity valve to give the required discharge
plant is in operation. In the case of a closed bonnet capacity a t an overpressure of less than 25 % of the set
valve, leakage of fluid to atmosphere can be avoided pressure. However, this larger valve would not achieve full
if the lever spindle is sealed. Frequent operation of the lift and i t s selection would require discussion with the valve
easing gear may damage the valve seat. manufacturer, Alternatively, safety valves which are
certified a t 10 % overpressure may be considered.
(i) Testgag. Where it is required to test a pressurized
system with the safety valve installed, a t e s t gag may be
required to prevent the valve opening during the test.

Appendix B Appendix C

Relationship between pressure terms used to Flow areas

describe safety valve characteristics and the The standard flow areas which are designated by letter in
requirements of the system to be protected API 526 are listed in table 12 and are illustrated in
The design of a vessel (or pipework system) i s dictated by figure 10 (see 2.13).
the operating pressure of the process, the relieving charac-
teristics of the safety valve used to protect the vessel and Table 12. Flow areas
the maximum accumulated pressure permitted by the
Nozzle orifice Orifice nominal area
pressure vessel standard to which the vessel is designed
and manufactured.
The relationship between the design pressure and the mm in
permitted accumulated pressure of the vessel and the set 71 0.1 10
pressure and overpressure a t which the safety valve attains
E 125 0.196
i t s certified capacity are shown in figure 9.
F 198 0.307
BS 5500 requires that when a safety valve is fitted to a 325 0.503
vessel, it has to prevent the pressure in the vessel from
H 506 0.785
rising more than 10 % above the design pressure of the
vessel. J 830 1.287
K 1186 1.838
For direct operated safety valves in gas or vapour service,
L 1841 2.853
the required discharge capacity has to be achieved a t an
overpressure not exceeding 1O % above the set pressure. M 2 323 3.60
Following discharge, the valve will reseat within the range N 2 800 4.34
5 % t o 1 O % below the set pressure providing that it is P 4 116 6.38
correctly set and adjusted. The normal operating pressure 0 7 129 1 1 .O5
of the system should be below the reseat pressure, R 10 323 16.0
the difference being chosen on the basis of the probable T 16 774 26.0
variations in operating pressure due to process factors and
the tolerance on cold differential t e s t pressure.
With assisted and supplementary loaded safety valves,
failure of the assist mechanism or of the supplementary
load to be released may result in the valve remaining
closed until a pressure higher than the desired set pressure
i s reached. If the integrity of the assist mechanism or
release of the supplementary load cannot be assured, the set
pressure of the valve should be such that, in the event of


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BSI BS*b757 PART*3 84 a 3b24bbî 0353840 O
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Pressure vessel Vessel pressure Safety valve

requirement or characteristic
design pressure
Max. per m i t t e d
regulated pressure Reliev ing p r e s s u r e

Accumulation Overpressure

Design pressure Set p r e s s u r e


Reseat pressure

(a) Safety valve with 1 O Yá overpressure (gas or vapour service)

Max. permitted
regulated pressure Relieving pressure

Accumula tion

Design pressure

Set pressure

Usual margin

Reseat pressure

(b) Safety valve with chosen 25 %overpressure (liquid service)

Figure 9. Typical pressure term relationships

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B S I BS*bï59 P A R T * 3 8 q W 1 6 2 4 6 6 9 0151841 2 W
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Appendix D D.2 Inlet piping

D.2.1 Pressure drop limitation. The bore of the inlet piping
Guidance on safety valve installation should not be less than that of the safety valve inlet.
D.l Valve location and position The pipe between the protected equipment and the inlet of
D.l.l Location in gas and liquid space. I f a vessel contains the valve should be as short as possible and should be
both liquid and gas, and gas is to be relieved, a safety valve designed so that the total pressure drop to the valve inlet
for use with gases should be connected to t h e vessel in the does not exceed 3 % of the set pressure of the safety valve,
gas space or to piping connected to this space and located The total pressure drop is calculated using the certified
in a position chosen to minimize the entrainment of liquid capacity of the safety valve divided by 0.9. The pressure
when the valve discharges. Alternatively, if liquid i s to be drop should include the effect of any isolating valves,
relieved, a safety valve for use with liquid should be which should be of the full ported type, and other line
connected to the vessel or piping below the liquid level a t fittings, but may be reduced by rounding the entrance to
a point chosen to prevent ingress of gas. the inlet piping and by the use of larger inlet piping.
D.1.2 Proximity to pressure source. The connection
between the safety valve and the vessel should be as short D.2.2 Stress considerations. Consideration should be given
as possible and have a bore area a t least equal to the area of to the following.
the valve inlet. However, on installations where there are (a) ,Externa/ loads. It is essential to support the inlet
pressure pulsations, it i s advisable to locate the valve or piping adequately to ensure that no external mechanical
the connection in a region where the effects of the pulsa- loads are transmitted to the safety valve. In addition,
tions are minimized consistent with maintaining correct the inlet piping should be sufficiently strong to with-
operation of the safety valve. With all installations, stand the effects of the reaction forces when the valve
consideration should be given to the pressure drop in the discharges.
inlet piping system to the safety valve as discussed in D.2.1. (b) Thermal stresses. Provision should be made to
D.1.3 Pressure impulse line. For assisted opening and accommodate any thermal stresses induced in the inlet
supplementary loaded safety valves, to minimize the effect piping when the valve discharges.
of localized pulsations and system vibrations in the impulse (c) Vibration stresses, Mechanical vibrations in inlet
line when the valves are operating, the connection for the piping systems may cause leakage across the seat of a
impulse line a t the pressure source should be located as safety valve and even fatigue failure of the valve and
remotely as possible from the safety valve mounting. piping.
The line should incorporate a syphon, where applicable,
and stop valves with a t e s t connection so that the pressure D.3 Discharge piping
settings and the correct functioning of the instrumentation D.3.1 General. Discharge pipes should be as short as
can be checked, possible and have a bore a t least as large as the valve outlet.

0.1.4 Mounting position. Safety valves should be mounted To prevent reaction stresses being transmitted to the safety
with the spindle in a vertically upward position. Installing valve, discharge pipes should be securely anchored and
a valve in other than a vertical position may adversely affect adequately supported, yet be sufficiently flexible to
i t s operation, because of induced misalignment and excessive accommodate thermal stresses.
friction between moving parts.
Whenever practical, safety valves should discharge directly
D.1.5 Accessibility. Easy access and sufficient work space to atmosphere through individual vertical vent pipes,
and height should be provided for the adjustment, servicing clear of adjacent equipment and areas normally accessible
and removal of safety valves. to personnel. In certain circumstances, the outlets from
D. 1.6 Isolation individual safety valves may be manifolded into a common
D.1.6.1 There should be no intervening valves between discharge pipe.
the vessel and i t s safety valve or safety valves, or between
the safety valve and the point of discharge, except as D.3.2 Discharge piping systems. The following recom-
provided in D.1.6.2and D.1.6.3. mendations apply.
D.1.6.2 Intervening stop valves may be installed provided (a) Open disposal system. When multiple valves have a
that they are so constructed and controlled by interlocks common discharge pipe, it should be large enough so
that a limited number only can be closed a t any one time, that when one or more valves are discharging, the super-
and that those stop valves which remain open will be imposed back pressure on the remaining valve does not
adequately sized to permit the unaffected safety valves to have a significant effect on the operational and flow
discharge a t the required capacity for the vessel. characteristics.
D.1.6.3 Full area stop valves may be installed in discharge Where there i s possibility of a liquid head forming in
systems serving a number of vessels provided the arrange- the discharge pipe, a drain should be provided and lead
ment incorporates the principle of D.1.6.1 and is acceptable to a safe location. If discharge pipes are fitted with
to the inspecting authority. Arrangements should also be devices to prevent ingress of rainwater or foreign bodies,
made to ensure that discharge from an operating vessel these devices should not obstruct the free and full
cannot flow into vessels out of use or to valves or safety discharge o f the safety valve(s).
valves undergoing maintenance. (b) Closed disposal system. It is not normally possible
D.1.6.4 A vent or bleed valve should be fitted to the space to provide drainage points in a closed disposal system;
between an isolating valve and the safety valve so t h a t the nevertheless the discharge pipe should be adequately
space may be depressurized before commencing the drained.
removal of the safety valve,
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BSI BS*b757 PART*3 84 H 3b24bb7 0353842 4 :

BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

-_ __
NOTE. The discharge area is the lesser of the curtain area ( n D I L ) or the flow area (nDz/4).

Figure 10. Illustration of area definitions

D.3.3 Back pressure. Consideration should be given to the (d) The space between the valve disk and the bursting
possible effect of back pressure on both the safety valve set disc should be vented, and fitted with a device to indicate
pressure and i t s discharge capacity. A superimposed back if and when leakage occurs. The space should be vented
pressure will increase the set pressure of a conventional directly or through an excess flow valve to a safe
valve. I f the back pressure is both known and constant, location.
i t s effect should be compensated for by reducing the spring (e) For balanced safety valves, the sum of the bursting
load by an amount equal to the constant back pressure. pressure of the disc plus the pressure on the downstream
If the back pressure i s unknown or i s variable, a balanced side of the disc should not be more than the lowest
bellows/piston valve should be used, in which case adequate value of:
venting of the bonnet spaceshould be provided (see A.2(e)). (1 ) 50 % of the safety valve set pressure;
D.4 Safety valve and bursting disc combinations (see also (2) the maximum rating of the safety valve bellows; or
BS 2915). Where a bursting disc is used a t the inlet to a
safety valve, the discharge area of the bursting disc device (3) the maximum rating of the safety valve outlet.
should be equal t o or greater than the bore area of the inlet (f) For conventional safety valves, the sum of the
piping. The space between the disc and the safety valve bursting pressure of the disc and the pressure on the
should be fitted with a device to indicate if and when downstream side of the disc should not be more than
leakage occurs. The space should be vented directly or the lowest value of:

through an excess flow valve to a safe location. (1 ) 1O % of the safety valve set pressure; or
NOTE. The discharge area of a bursting disc is the area which is
(2) the maximum rating of the safety valve outlet.
the geometrical minimum cross-sectional flow area of the bursting
disc installation which is used t o calculate the theoretical flow D.5 Multiple safety valves. The total capacity of the safety
capacity. valves should be sufficient to discharge the maximum
Possible reduction of the cross section, e.g. by beck pressure quantity of fluid that can be generated or supplied without
supports catching devices or parts of the bursting disc which remain exceeding the design pressure by more than the percentage
after bursting, has to be considered.
permitted by the system application standard. The effect
Where a bursting disc is used a t the outlet from a safety of any reduced overpressure on the capacity of any safety
valve, the following should apply. valve a t a higher pressure than design pressure should be
(a) The valve should be so designed that it will not fail considered and the manufacturer consulted.
to open a t i t s set pressure regardless of any back pressure D.6 Flange bolting and gaskets. Gaskets and bolts should
that can accumulate between the valve disc and the be in accordance with the appropriate flange or piping
bursting disc. This will usually result in a balanced standard.
bellows type valve being selected.
All joint faces should be clean and be free from burrs,
(b) The discharge area of the disc device should be equal protrusions or distortion.
to or greater than the bore area of the outlet piping. Gaskets should be dimensionally correct and should not
(c) Any piping downstream of the bursting disc should obstruct any part of the bore of the safety valve or inlet
be designed to prevent obstruction by the disc or or discharge piping.

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BSI B S * b 7 5 ï P A R T * 3 8 4 W 3 b 2 4 b b î OL53843 b W
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

The bolts should be evenly loaded to prevent uneven gasket that the permitted accumulation in the equipment which
loading or distortion of the safety valve body. the valve protects i s not exceeded.
D.7 Storage and handling. Safety valves should be stored The.purchaser should provide sufficient information to
in the upright position, in a clean dry place. They should enable the manufacturer to select a valve of suitable type
be handled with care, particular anention being taken to and capacity.
ensure that components are not damaged. The purchaser should ensure that sufficient information is
0.8 Inspection before installation and system testing. provided to the manufacturer to enable selection of
All safety valves should be checked by the user or his agent materials which will resist corrosion and other effects from
before installation, against system requirements. If it i s the process fluid or environment.
necessary to make any adjustment prior to installation, The manufacturer should supply sufficient information
the manufacturer should be consulted. to enable the purchaser to check that the valve offered
It is recommended that all safety valves be isolated or is capable of performing i t s required task.
removed prior to system pressure testing. The purchaser should ensuïe that the valve offered by
Where a test gag (see A.2 ( i ) ) i s used to prevent the valve the manufacturer is adequate for i t s intended purpose.
opening during a test, it should be removed immediately A typical specification sheet i s illustrated, which is designed
following the test. to cater for complete valves and not for components.
Should more than one valve be needed todischarge the
required capacity, a separate sheet should be prepared for
Appendix E each valve except where the valves are identical.

Provision of information
The purchaser should specify the set pressure of the safety
@ valve relative to the design pressure of the equipment so


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B S I BS*b757 PART*3 84 M Lb24667 O L 5 L B 4 4 8 M
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Items to be included in safety valve specification sheet

Line Instructions

1 Insert item number

2 User's safety valve identification number
3 Service, line or equipment on which valve is to be mounted
4 Number of valves required
5 Description of valve inlet: full nozzle, semi-nozzle or other types
6 Specify whether conventional, bellows seal, balanced bellows, balanced piston, balanced bellows with

auxiliary piston or pilot operated

7 Specify 'open' or 'closed' bonnet
8 Insert nominal size of inlet and outlet connections
9 If flanged connections insert 'flanged' and indicate relevant flange standard, if screwed connections insert
'screwed' and indicate thread form, if socket weld insert 'S.W.' and if butt weld insert 'B.W.' for inlet
and outlet
10 Indicate flange nominal size and nominal pressure rating or insert thread size, male or female, parallel or
taper, for inlet and outlet
11 Specify type of facing for inlet and outlet if flanged connections
12 Insert material of body and bonnet
13 Insert material of seat or nozzle and disk
14 If a resilient seat seal i s required, insert material of seal, otherwise 'no'
15 Insert material of guide and rings
16 Insert material of spring and bellows
17 Insert material of bolting and gaskets
18 Insert material of piston and spindle
19 If valve is to have a cap and no lever, specify 'screwed' or 'bolted' cap
20 If valve is to have an easing gear, specify whether 'plain' or 'packed'
21 If a gagging device is required insert 'yes', otherwise 'no'
22 Insert other accessories that are required, e.g. wire seal
23 Insert applicable code
24 insert 'yes' if fire governs selection of valve
25 Insert basis of selection if other than fire, i.e. cooling water failure, blocked discharge, thermal relief
26 Indicate flowing liquid, if it is a mixture name all the major constituents and give the percentage of each
indicating whether by mass or volume
27 Indicate state of fluid, liquid, gas, vapour or mixture
28 Specify quantity of fluid that valve is required to discharge a t relieving conditions
29 Insert molecular mass or relative density of fluid a t flowing temperature
30 Specify viscosity a t flowing temperature
31 Indicate ratio of specific heats
32 Indicate expected percentage of flash by mass. Assume expansion reversible and adiabatic and that the
two phases are in equilibrium during this process
33 Insert operating pressure and set pressure
34 Insert operating temperature and temperature a t which valve relieves
35 Specify amount of superimposed back pressure normally on valve outlet
36 I f back pressure is variable, specify range of variation
37 Specify the percentage of overpressure allowed
38 Insert compressibility factor, if used
39 Indicate required re-seating pressure
40 Insert ambient temperature extremes
41 Specify the temperature a t the valve outlet in the case of a superimposed back pressure system
Insert calculated flow area (orifice area)
Insert selected flow area (orifice area) c
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BSI B S r h 7 5 9 P A R T * 3 8 4 W Lb24bh9 015L845 T M
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Items to be included in safety valve specification sheet (concluded)

Line instructions

44 Insert letter designation of selected orifice where appropriate

45 Insert manufacturer's model or type number, if desired
46 Insert name of manufacturer, if desired
47 Insert valve seat leakage grade 1 or 2 (see 10.5)
48 Indicate whether bellows leakage test i s required, insert 'yes' or 'no'
49 Indicate any additional or alternative tests required for components or valve
50 Indicate whether none, normal or, if supplementary inspection is required, give details
51 Indicate purchaser's reference number
52 Indicate if test certificates are required 'yes' or 'no'. If 'yes' insert number of copies
53 Indicate if drawings are required 'yes' or 'no'. If 'yes' insert number of copies
54 Indicate if installation/maintenanceinstructions are required 'yes' or 'no', If 'yes' insert number of copies
55 Specify whether valve is to be marked on a separate label with the tag number, 'yes' or 'no'
56 Indicate if quotation for spares if required 'yes' or 'no'. If 'yes' specify for how many years' service
58 Insert certified discharge capacity (in kg/h) or derated coefficient of discharge
59 Insert equivalent capacity for a given fluid
60 Insert cold differential test pressure
62 Confirm all inspections carried out
64 Insert mass of valve supplied
65 Insert price of valve
66 Insert delivery date


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BSI B S U 6 7 5 9 P A R T * 3 811 16211bb9 01518116 1
BS 6759 :'Part 3 : 1984

Typical safety valve specification sheet

SHEET NO. ...........................

Valve specification sheet REO" NO. ...........................
JOB NO. .................................
DATE ....................................
REVISED ...............................
- BY ..........................................
I 1 item no.
I 40 I Ambient temperature extremes ( "Cl max./min.

2 I Tag no. I 41 I Temperatureat discharge ( "C)

Service, line or equipment no. 42 Calculated (mrn'l

Number required 43 Selected ímm')

Full nozzle, semi-rozzle or other 44 I Orifice designation
- 45 I Manufacturer's model no.
Bonnet type 46 I Manufacturer

8 I Size iniet/outiet I 47 1 Valve seat leakage grade

9 I Flanged, screwed, socket weld or butt weld

Inlet/outiet I 48 Bellows leakage

O Flangdthread details ' Inletloutlet 49 Other

1 Type of facing Inlet/outlet z 50 Purchaser's inspection requirements
2 Body/bonnet 51 Purchaser's ref. no.

3 Seat or nozzle/disk
52 Test certificate end no. off
4 Resilient seat seal 2
53 1 Drawings and no. off
6 Guiddrings 54 I InstaIlation/maintenanceinstructions and no. off
6 Springbellows 55 Valve Identification label

7 Bolting/gaskets 56 Spares

8 Piston/spindle 57

O 1 Cap: screwed or bolted 58 Certified discharge capacity (kg/h) or derated coefficient of discharge

O Easing gear: plain or packed Equivalent capacity

Gagging device ,.
Cold differential test pressure (bar)

2 Other z
3 1I Coda I W I

62 Inspection carried out

4 Fire 2
5 63 I

5 II Other 64 Mass of valve

ô Fluid 65 Price of valve

7 State 66 Delivery

3 Required capacity (per valve) (kglh) 67

3 Mol. mass or relative density at flowing temperature 68

1 I Viscosity at flowlng temperature (kglm) I 69

I I Ratio of specific heats I 70 I
2 I Percentage of flash I 71 I

; 1,
I Operating press. (bar)/Set press. (bar) 72
k 1 Operating temp. ( 'C)/Flowing temp. ( O C ) 73 I

v) Constant back pressure (bar1

Variable back pressure (bar)

Allowable overpressure i%)


I Compressibility factor
i Re-seat pressure bar 78 I

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BSI B S * b 7 5 9 P A R T 8 3 84 W l b 2 Y b b î 0151847 3 H
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Appendix F Appendix G

Preferred connection sizes Derivation of compressibility factor Z

After the orifice size necessary to relieve a predetermined Compressibility factor Z a t relieving conditions may be
quantity of vapour or liquid is determined, the appropriate obtained from accurate p-v- T data for the gas, using the
orifice designation can be found in table 13. For each equation (20). .
standard orifice there are a number of different inlet and Z = 10’ pvM/RT (20)
outlet connections available; to determine which of these
i s the preferred size, refer to table 14 as follows.
p i s the actual relieving pressure (in bar, absolute);
(a) Select appropriate temperature range.
T i s the actual relieving temperature (in K);
(b) Select rating temperature.
v is the specific volume a t the actual relieving pressure
(c) Select orifice letter and maximum pressure
and the actual relieving temperature (in m3/kg);
M is the molecular mass of the gas (in kg/kmol);
(d) Read off ANSI*= of inlet flange.
R is the universal gas constant, i.e. 8314 N.m/(kmol*K).
(e) Return to orifice designation and ANSI flange class -
given in table 13 where the following details will be In the absence of accurate data, the compressibility factor
found. may be obtained from the reduced temperature, T,,
anfi the reduced pressure, p r , of the gas, from figure 7.
(1) Nominal size of inlet and outlet.
T, = TIT,
(2) Rating of outlet flange.
(3) Maximum permissible pressure a t outlet in bar Pr = PIPC
a t 38 O C for: where

(i)conventional valves; T, is the critical temperature of the pure gas (in K);
pc is thecritical pressure of the pure gas (in bar absolute).
(i¡)balanced bellows valves.
Example of determination of compressibility factor Z using
(4) Centre-to-facedimensions for inlet and outlet.
figure 7. Determinethe value of Z for ammonia gas relieving
Example of safety valve selection. Conventional valve, through a safety valve set a t a gauge pressure of 50 bar,
with steel body and 50 bar set pressure. Required orifice 130 O C with 10 % overpressure.
area is 2459 mm2,
Relieving pressurep = 50 + 5 + 1.O13 = 56.013 bar,
From table 12, orifice designation N. absolute.
2322.6 < 2459 < 2800 Relieving temperature T = 130 + 273 = 403 K.
M N Critical pressurep, = 112.98 bar (see table 15).
Design temperature 220 OC: maximum pressure 50 bar. Critical temperature T, = 405.6 K (see table 15).
For bodies in ASTM A216 : 1982 WCB, take 232 O C rating p - 56.013
temperature table 13. P r ’ - Pc --- - 0.5
N orifice : 50 bar requires 600 class inlet flange (300 flange
T 403
is only suitable up to 44.8 bar). Tr=- -- - 0.99
From table 12, inlet size 4 in (1O0 mm) (600 Ib flange). T, 405.6
Outlet size 6 in (150 mm) with 150 flange. From figure 7, Z = 0.8.
NOTE. Appendix H describes the determination of average values
Maximum outlet pressure 15.9 bar. of M, y, TCand pc for gas mixtures.
Inlet flange face to outlet centre line 197 mm.
Outlet flange face to valve centre line 222 mm.

‘American National Standards Institute. Publications available from the Library, BSI, Linford Wood
Milton Keynes M K 1 4 6LE.

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BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Table 13. Valve data for conventional, balanced bellows and balanced piston valves
Orifice Connections Maximum outlet pressure %entre-to-face'

Letter Mominal 3iameter Inlet Outlet

at 38 O c
- -
irea Conventional Balanced Inlet Outlet
Nom. size \NSI Nom. size ìNSI valves oellows
316.5 : 1981 $16.5 : 1981 valves
:lange rating :la'nge rating
- - --
mrn' nm in nm in mm bar bar mm mm
1 25 150 2 50 I50 15.9 / 105 114
1 25 300 2 50 I50 15.9 -.I 105 114
1 25 300 2 50 I50 15.9 - 105 114
D 70.96 9.51 1 25 600 2 50 I50 15.9 105 114
1% 40 900 2 50 I00 41.4 I05 140
1% 40 i 500 2 50 300 41.4 105 140
1% 40 2500 2% 65 300 41.4 140 165
1 25 150 2 50 I50 15.9 105 114
1 25 300 2 50 150 15.9 105 114
1 25 300 2 50 I50 15.9 105 114
E 125.45 12.7 1 25 600 2 50 150 15.9 105 114
1% 40 900 2 50 300 41.4 105 140
1% 40 1500 2 50 300 41.4 105 140
1% 40 2500 2% 65 300 41.4 140 165
- - -
1% 40 150 2 50 150 15.9 15.9 124 121
1% 40 300 2 50 150 15.9 15.9 124 121
1% 40 300 2 50 150 15.9 15.9 124 152
F 198.06 15.88 1% 40 600 2 50 250 15.9 15.9 124 152
1% 40 900 2% 65 509 41.4 34.5 124 152
40 1500
40 2500
ss $gL 41.4
\ -
1% 40 150 2% -65 153 15.9 15.9 124 121
1% 40 300 2% kq 150 15.9 15.9 124 121
1% 40 300 2% 65 150 15.9 15.9 124 152
65 150 15.9 15.9 124 152
G 324.52 20.33 1%.
40 -600
40 $$ 65 300 41.4 32.4 124 152

% )::
2 50 3 300 41.4 32.4 156 171
2 50 2500 300 41.4 32-4 156 171
- -
15.9 15.9
130 124
1% 40 150 3 80 150
1% 40 300 3 8a 150 15.9 15.9 130 124
; 50 300 3 8C 150 15.9 15.9 130 124
H 506.45 25.4 2 50 600 3 8C 150 15.9 15.9 154 162
i2 50 900 3 8C 150 15.9 15.9 154 162
2 50 1500 3 8C 300 41.4 28.6 154 162
- r
i -- -

2 50 150 3 80 150 15.9 15.9 137 124
2 50 300 3 80 150 15.9 15.9 137 124
2% 65 4 1O0 150 15.9 15.9 137 143
J 830.32 32. 1
156 171
2% 65 4 1O0 150 15.9 15.9
3 80 4 1O0 150 15.9 15.9 184 181
3 80 1500 4 1O0 300 41.4 15.9 184 181
- - U

*Tolerances on the centre-to-face dimensions are f 1.5 mm up to and including 100 mm nominal size and f 5.0 mm for inlet sizes in excess
of 100 mm.
NOTE 1. Valves with flanges complving with 13s4504 may not correspond with these dimensions.
NOTE 2. For valve inlet rating see table 14.


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Policy Group at 303-397-2295.
Table 13. Valve data for conventional, balanced bellows and balanced piston valves
Orifice Connections Maximum outlet pressure Centre-to-face*
at 38 "C dimension
Nominal liameter Inlet Outlet -
irea Conventional Balanced Inlet Outlet
Nom. size 1NSI Nom. size ANSI valves bellows
316.5 : 1981 816.5 : 1981 valves
-lange class Flange class
nmz nm in nm in nm bar bar mm mm
1 25 150 2 50 150 19.7 105 114
105 114

1 25 300 2 50 150 19.7

1 25 300 2 50 150 19.7 105 114
70.96 9.51 1 25 600 2 50 150 19.7 105 114
1% 40 900 2 50 300 41.4 105 140
1% 40 I500 2 50 300 41.4 105 140
1% 40 !500 2% 65 300 51.O 140 165
- -
1 25 150 2 50 150 19.7 105 114
1 25 300 2 50 150 19.7 î 05 114
1 25 300 2 50 150 19.7 105 114
125.45 12.7 1 25 600 2 50 150 19.7 105 114
1% 40 900 2 50 300 41.4 105 140
1% 40 I500 2 50 300 41.4 105 140
1Y2 40 2500 2% 65 300 51.O 140 165
- - _.

1% 40 150 2 50 150 19.7 15.9 124 121

1% 40 300 2 50 150 19.7 15.9 124 121
1Y2 40 300 2 50 150 19.7 15.9 124 152
198.06 15.88 1% 40 600 2 - 50 150 19.7 15.9 124 152
1% 40 900 2% 65 300 51.O 34.5 124 152
1% 40 1500 2% 65 300 51.O 34.5 124 152
1% 40 2500 2% 65 300 51.O 34.5 140 165
1% 40 150 2% 65 150 19.7 15.9 124 121
1% 40 300 2% 65 150 19.7 15.9 124 121
1% 40 300 2% 65 150 19.7 15.9 124 152
324.52 20.33 1% 40 600 2% 65 150 19.7 15.9 124 152
1% 40 900 2% 65 300 51.O 32.4 124 152
2 50 1500 3 80 300 51.O 32.4 156 171
2 50 2500 3 80 300 51.O 32.4 156 171
- - - -
1% 40 150 3 80 150 19.7 15.9 130 124
1% 40 300 3 80 150 19.7 15.9 130 124
2 50 300 3 80 150 19.7 15.9 130 124
506.45 25.4 2 50 600 3 80 150 19.7 15.9 154 162
2 50 900 3 80 150 19.7 15.9 154 162
2 50 1500 3 80 300 51.O 28.6 154 162
2 50 150 80 150 19.7 15.9 137 124
2 50 300 80 150 19.7 15.9 137 124
2% 65 300 1O0 150 19.7 15.9 137 143
830.32 32.5 1
2% 65 600 1O0 150 19.7 15.9 156 171
3 80 900 1O0 150 19.7 15.9 184 181
3 80 1500 1O0 300 41.4 15.9 184 181

'Tolerances on the centre-to-facedimensions are * 1.5 mm up to and including 100 mm nominal size and f 3.0 mm for inlet sizes in excess
of 100 mm.
NOTE 1 . Valves with flanges complying with BS 4504 may not correspond with these dimensions.
NOTE 2. For valve inlet rating see table 14.

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Policy Group at 303-397-2295.
B S I BS*b75’7 P A R T * 3 8L( W LbZL(bb’7 0353850 3 W

Table 13 (concluded)

Letter Nominal Diameter

A Outlet ’
flaximum outlet pressure
it 38 OC
area :onventional 5alanced nlet Outlet
lorn. size NSI Nom. size rNSI lalves iellows
16.5 : 1981 116.5 : 1981 ialves
lange class :langeclass
- - - -
mm2 mm n nm in nm )ar i ar nm rnm
I 80 150 4 i O0 50 19.7 10.3 156 162
i 80 300 4 I O0 50 19.7 10.3 156 162
I 80 300 4 1 O0 50 19.7 10.3 156 162
K 1185.8 38.86
I 80 600 4 IO0 50 19.7 13.8 184 181
I 80 900 6 I50 50 19.7 13.8 198 216
I 80 500 6 i 50 100 $1.4 13.8 197 216
- - - - -
I 80 150 4 1 O0 50 19.7 6.9 156 165
I 80 300 4- 1O0 50 19.7 6.9 156 165
I O0 300 6 150 50 19.7 11.7 179 182
L 1840.6 48.41
1 I O0 600 6 150 19.7 11.7 179 203
I I O0 900 6 150 50 19.7 i 1.7 197 222
I I O0 500 6 i50 50 19.7 I 1.7 I97 222

I I O0 150 6 150 50 19.7 5.5 178 184
i IO0 300 6 150 50 19.7 5.5 178 184
M 2322.6 54.38 1 IO0 300 6 150 50 19.7 11.0 i 78 184
1 IO0 600 6 150 50 19.7 i 1.o 178 203
1 I O0 900 6 150 I50 19.7 1 1.o 197 222
- - - - - - -
1 IO0 150 6 150 I50 19.7 5.5 197 21o
2 i O0 300 6 150 I50 19.7 5.5 197 21o
N 2800 59.71 1 I O0 300 6 150 I50 19.7 11.0 197 21o
4 1O0 600 6 150 I50 19.7 11.o 197 222
4 1O0 900 6 150 I50 19.7 11.0 197 222
- - - - -
4 1O0 150 6 150 I50 19.7 5.5 181 229
4 1O0 300 6 150 I50 19.7 5.5 181 229
P 4116 72.39 4 1O0 300 6 150 I50 19.7 10.3 225 254
4 1O0 600 6 150 150 19.7 225 254
4 1O0 900 6 150 i 50 19.7 225 254
- - - - -
6 150 150 8 200 150 7.9 4.8 240 241
6 150 300 8 200 150 7.9 4.8 240 241
O 7129 95.27
6 150 300 8 200 150 7.9 7.9 240 241
6 150 600 8 200 150 7.9 7.9 240 241
- - -
6 150 153 8 200 150 4.1 4.1 240 241
6 150 300 8 200 150 4.1 4.1 240 241
R IO323 114.64 240 267
6 150 300 10 250 150 6.9 6.9
6 150 600 10 250 150 6.9 6.9 240 267
- - - -
8 200 150 10 250 150 2 .I 2.1 276 279
T I6774 146.14 8 200 300 10 260 150 2.i 2.1 276 279
8 20c 300 10 250 150 4.1 4.1 27 6 279
8 20c 300 10 25C 150 6.9 6.9 276 279
- - -

*Tolerances on the centre-to-face dimensions are f 1.5 mm up to and including 1 O0 mm nominal size and & 3.0 mm for inlet sizes i n excess
of 100 mm.
NOTE 1. Valves with flanges complying with BS 4504 may not correspond with these dimensions.
NOTE 2. For inlet rating see table 14.

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Policy Group at 303-397-2295.
' BSI B S * b 7 5 9 P A R T * 3 8 4 W l b Z 4 b b î Ol15185l 5
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Table 13 (concluded)

Orif ice



ùom. size ,NSI


Nom. size
Waximum outlet pressure
it 3 8 "C



16.5 : 1981 t16.5 : 1981 valves

lange rating :lange rating
~ - -
mm2 mm n nm in bar bar mm mm
3 80 150 4 I50 15.9 10.3 156 162
i 80 300 4 I50 15.9 i 10.3 156 162
3 80 300 4 1O0 I50 15.9 10.3 156 162
1185.8 38.86
3 80 600 4 1O0 I50 15.9 13.8 184 181
3 80 900 6 150 150 . 15.9 13.8 198 216
3 80 500 6 150 300 41.4 13.8 197 216
- - - -
3 80 150 4 1O0 I50 15.9 6.9 156 165
3 80 300 4 1O0 I50 15.9 6.9 156 165
1 I O0 300 6 150 I50 15.9 11.7 179 181
1840.6 48.41
1 1 O0 600 6 150 I50 15.9 11.7 179 203
1 I O0 900 6 150 I50 15.9 11.7 197 222
B 1 O0 500 6 150 I50 15.9 11.7 197 222
- - -
B 1O0 150 6 150 I50 15.9 5.5 178 184
4 1O0 300 6 150 150 15.9 5 -5 178 184

2322.6 54.38 B 1O0 300 6 150 150 15.9 11.0 178 184
4 1O0 600 6 150 150 15.9 11,o 178 203
4 1O0 900 6 150 150 // 15.9 11.o 197 222
- - - - ,-. .'
4 1O0 150 6 150 150' ' 15.9 5.5 197 21o

1 do
q ! 15.9
4 1O0 600 6 150 150 15.9 11.o 197 222
4 1O0 900 6 150\ 150 15.9 1.1.o 197 222
~~ - - - -
4 1O0 150 6 150 16.9 5.5 181 229
4 1O0 300. 6 150 160 15.9 5.5 181 229
15.9 10.3 225 254
41 16 72.39 4
- 900
Y 150
1 0 150
150 150
- -.
6 150 150, %
-' 8 200 150 7.9 4.8 241
6 150 18 200 150 7.9 4.8 241
7129 95.27
6 150 300 / 8 200 180 7.9 7.9 240 241
6 150 600 8 200 150 7.9 7.9 240 241
- - ~~ - -
F- 150 150 8
6 150 300
6 150 300 10 250 150 6.9 267
6 150 600 10 250 150 6.9 240 267
- -
8 200 150 10 250 150 2 .I 276 279
16774 8 200 300 10 250 150 2.i 276 279
8 200 300 10 250 150 4.1 4.1 276 279

- -

*Tolerances on the centre-to-facedimensions are I: 1.5 mm up to and including 100 mm nominal size and f 3.0 mm for inlet sizes in excess
of 100 rnm.
NOTE I. Valves with flanges complying with BS 4504 may not correspond with these dimensions.
NOTE 2. For inlet rating see table 14.

fi. ~

Copyright British Standards Institution

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02:01:03 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Group at 303-397-2295.
B S I BS*b757 PART*3 84 3624bb7 0353852 i
BS 6759 ; Part 3 : 1984




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Policy Group at 303-397-2295.
BSI BS*b759 PART83 84 a 3 b 2 4 b b î 0353853 7 W
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

n in --e
r N N N


Y - > I U O W O

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Policy Group at 303-397-2295.
BSI BSmb759 PART*3 84 m 1 6 2 4 b b ï 0151854 O
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Table 15. Properties of gases

Gas Symbol Molecular Isentropic Critical Critical Critical

mass coefficient k at pressure temperature flow
w 1.013 bar, absolute PC TC pressure
and 15 OC ratio

<g/kmol bar abs. K

Acetylene 26.02 1.26 62.82 309.15 0.553
Air 28.96 1.40 37.69 132.45 0.528
Ammonia 17.03 1.31 1 1 2.98 405.55 0.544
Argon 39.91 1.66 48.64 151.15 0.488
n-Butane 58.O8 1.11 36.48 426.1 5 0.583
Carbon dioxide 44.O0 1.30 73.97 304.25 0.546
Carbon monoxide 28.00 1.40 35.46 134.15 0.528
Chlorine 70.91 1.35 77.11 417.15 0.537
(R22) 86.47 1 .I8 49.14 370.15 0.568
Dichlorodif luoromethane
(RI21 120.91 1.139 40.08 384.65 0577
Ethane 30.O5 1.22 49.45 305.25 0.561
Ethylene 28.03 1.25 51.57 282.85 0.555
Hydrogen 2.015 1.41 12.97 33.25 0.527
Hydrogen chloride 36.46 1.41 82.68 324.55 0.527
Hydrogen sulphide 34.O8 1.32 90.08 373.55 0.542
Isobutane 58.O5 1.11 37.49 407.15 0.583
Methane 16.03 1.31 46.41 190.65 0.544
Methyl chloride 50.48 1.28 66.67 41 6.25 0.549
Nitrogen 28.02 1.40 33.94 126.05 0.528
Nitrous oxide 44.02 1.30 72.65 309.65 0.546
Oxygen 32.O0 1.40 50.36 1 54.36 0.528

n-Propane 44.06 1.13 43.57 368.75 0.579

Propylene 42.05 1 .I5 45.60 365.45 0.574
Sulphur dioxide 64.07 1.29 78.73 430.35 0.548

Appendix H where
xi is the mass fraction of component i;
Determination of averag- values of M, y, Tc and
Mi is the molecular mass of component i(in kg/kmol);
pc for gas mixtures
If the composition of the gas mixture is known on a mass
ri i s the heat capacity ratio of component i;
fraction basis, then the average molecular mass, z, T,j i s the critical temperature of component i(in K);
the average h e t capacity ratio, 7,the average critical pci i s the critical pressure of component i(in bar,
temperature, T,, and the average critical pressure F, may absolute).
be calculated from the following equation. If the composition of the gas mixture i s known on a mole
fraction basis, the average properties may be calculated
jj= 1 (21) from the following equation.
(XiIMjI fi = (YjMj)

y; is the mole fraction of component i.

(24) The average value for molecular mass (MI, heat capacity
ratio (C) and compressibility factor (Z)
calculated from
equations 21 to 28 are used (see example 1).

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BSI B S * b ï 5 î P A R T * 3 8 4 W 3 b i 9 b b 9 0353855 2 w
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984

Example 1, Calculate the area for a safety valve to handle Hence:

40 O00 kglh of air a t a set pressure of 70 bar gauge and 10 % p r = 78142.05 = 1.85
O overpressure. Relieving temperature i s 15 OC. The valve has
a coefficient of discharge 0.96. The outlet side of the
T, = 4231331.32 = 1.28
safety valve i s a t atmospheric pressure. From figure 7 , 7 = 0.73
Formula for the capacity of a safety valve:
Capacity = W, = 0.864 x ¿? x A x p x p x 1
\ ff
Kdr = 0.9 X Kd = 0.9 x 0.96 = 0.864
Properties of air from appendix G.
W, = 0.864 X 2.56 x 830 x 78 x 0.36 x 1
k = 1.4 = 51550 kglh
T, = 132.45 K
M = 28.96 Example 3 (check on example 2). A safety valve has a
pc = 37.69 bar certified capacity of 48630 kglh of air at 15 O C a t a set
pressure of 70 bar gauge plus 10 % overpressure. Calculate
Therefore, from table I O , C = 2.7
the equivalent capacity of the valve for a mixture consisting
To find the value of Z of 30 mol % methane, 20 mol % ethane and 50 mol %
p (70+7+1) butane a t a temperature of 150 O C , assuming that the
Pr=-= = 2.069 relieving pressure remains unchanged.
Pc 37.69
T 15 + 273 From example 1:
Tr= - = = 2.174
T, 132.45 . X I
Therefore from figure 7:
Z = 0.97

40 O00 Wa i s the certified capacity of the valve for air (in kglh);
Therefore area A =
0.864 x 2.7 x 78 x 0.322 x 1 W, i s the certified capacity of the valve for the mixture
= 683 mm2 (in kglh);
From table 14 J orifice = 830 mm2 Ca i s the function of the isentropic coefficient k
for air;
Capacity of J orifice:
C, i s the function of the isentropic coefficient k for
WA = 0.864 x 2.7 X 830 x 78 x 0.322 X 1 ' the mixture;
= 48 630 kglh Ma is the molecular mass of air (in kg/kmol);
Example 2. Calculate the equivalent capacity of the valve M, is the molecular mass of the mixture (in kglkmol);
for a mixture consisting of 30 mol % methane, 20 mol %
Za i s the compressibility factor of air a t relieving
ethane and 50 mol % butane a t a temperature of 150 OC, conditions;
assuming that the relieving pressure remains unchanged.
Z, i s the compressibility factor of the mixture a t
From appendix G:
relieving conditions;
Yi Mi Yi Tci Pci Ta i s the actual relieving temperature for air (in K);
Methane 0.3 16.03 1.31 190.65 46.41
T, i s the actual relieving temperature for the mixture
Ethane 0.2 30.05 1.22 305.25 49.45
(in K).
Butane 0.5 58.08 1.11 426.15 36.48
E = X ( y i M j ) = (0.3 x 16.03) + (0.2 x 30.05) +
+ (0.5 x 58.08) = 39.86
T = Z (y;')';) = (0.3 X 1.31) + (0.2 x 1.22) +
- Ca X F
Tc = Z (yiT,i) = (0.3 x 190.65) + (0.2 x 305.25) + Z a Ta
i x 426.15) = 331.32
2.56 x 0.36
p, = X (yip,i) = (0.3 x 46.41) + (0.2 X 49.45) + = 48630x = 51550 kglh
2.7 x 0.322
+ (0.5 x 36.48) = 42.05
From table I O , = 2.56:
p = 78 bar absolute
T=423 K


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BSI BS*b757 PART*3 84 H lb24bbî 0151856 4 W

Publications referred to
BS 21 Pipe threads for tubes and fittings where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads
BS 799 Oil burning equipment
Part 5 Oil storage tanks
BS 970 Specification for wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering purposes
Part 4 Valve steels
Part 5 Carbon and alloy spring steels for the manufactureof hot-formed springs
BS 1400 Copper alloy ingots and copper and copper alloy castings
BS 1452 Specification for grey iron castings
BS 1503 Specification for steel forgings (including semi-finished forged products) for pressure purposes
BS 1504 Specification for steel castings for pressure purposes
BS 1560 Steel pipe flanges and flanged fittings (normal sizes % in to 24 in) for the petroleum industry
Part 2 Metric dimensions
BS 1726 Guide to the design and specification of coil springs
Part 1 Helical compression springs
BS 1780 Specification for Bourdon tube pressure and vacuum gauges
BS 2056 Specification for stainless steel wire for mechanical springs
BS 2594 Carbon steel welded horizontal cylindrical storage tanks
BS 2654 Vertical steel welded storage tanks with butt-welded shells for the petroleum industry
BS 2803 Prehardened and tempered carbon and low alloy round steel wire for springs for general engineering purposes
BS 2915 Bursting discs and bursting disc assemblies
BS 3075 Specification for nickel and nickel alloys. Wire
BS 3293 Carbon steel pipe flanges (over 24 in nominal size) for the petroleum industry
BS 3799 Steel pipe fittings, screwed and socketwelding for the petroleum industry
BS 4080 Methods for non-destructivetesting of steel castings
BS 4504 Flanges and bolting for pipes, valves and fittings. Metric series
BS 4570 Fusion welding of steel castings
Part 1 Production, rectification and repair
BS 4659 Tool steels
BS 4882 Bolting for flanges and pressure containing purposes
BS 5216 Patented cold drawn carbon steel wire for mechanical springs
BS 5387 Specification for vertical cylindrical welded storage tanks for low-temperature service: double-walltanks for temperatures
down to -1 96 C.
BS 5500 Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels
BS 6759 Safety valves
Part 1 Specification for safety valves for steam and hot water
tPart 2 Specification for safety valves for compressed air and inert gases
I S 0 4126* Safety valves, general requirements
ANSI 016.5 Steel pipe flanges and flanged fittings
British Standard 2HR 501 Nickel-chromium-cobalt-titanium-aluminiumheat-resistingalloy cold drawn wire for springs, and springs
(Nickel base, Cr 19.5, Co 18.0,Ti 2.5,Al 1.5)
British Standard 2HR 502 Nickel-chromium-cobalt-titanium-aluminiumheat-resistingalloy cold drawn and solution heat-treated wire
for springs, and springs (Nickel base, Cr 19.5, Co 18.0, Ti 2.5, AI 1.5)
British Standard 2s 143 Specification for chromium-nickelcopper-molybdenumcorrosion-resistingsteel (precipitation hardening) billets,
bars, forgings and parts (930-1080 MPa)
British Standard 2s 144 Specification for chromium-nickel-copper-molybdenumcorrosion-resistingsteel (precipitation hardening) billets,
bars, forgings and parts (1130-1330 MPa)
British Standard 2s 145 Specification for chromium-nickel-copper-molybdenumcorrosion-resistingsteel (precipitation hardening) billets,
bars, forgings and parts (1270-1470 MPa)
DTD 5086 17-7 Chromium nickel precipitation hardening stainless steel rod, wire and springs
ASTM A105 Specification for forgings, carbon steel, for piping components
ASTM A126 Specification for gray iron castings for valves, flanges and pipe fittings
ASTM A182 Specification for low alloylstainless steel castings --`,,,,,`````,,``,``,,`,,,`,``,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

ASTM A216 Specification for carbon steel castings suitable for fusion welding, for high temperature
ASTM A217 Specification for martensitic stainless steel and alloy steel castings for pressure containing parts, suitable for high
temperature service
ASTM A351 Specification for austenitic steel castings for high temperature service
ASTM A352 Specification for ferritic steel castings for pressure containing parts suitable for low temperature service
ASTM A638 Specification for precipitation hardening iron base superalloy bars, forgings and forging stock for high temperature
API Std 6A Specification for well head equipment
API 526 Flanged steel safety relief valves
API 605 Large diameter carbon steel flanges. Nominal type sizes 26 through 60, Classes 75,150,300,400,600 and 900
M55 5P44 Steel pipeline flanges
SAE AMS 5698C Alloy wire, corrosion and heat resistant

*Referred to in the foreword only.

t l n course of preparation.

For information about BSI services relating to third party certification to suitable British Standard product specifications, schemes
for the registration of firms of assessed capability, testing and inspection facilities, please contact the Director, Quality Assurance
Division, BSI, Maylands Avenue, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 4SQTel. Hemel Hempstead31 11.

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BSI B S x b 7 5 9 PART*3 84 L b 2 4 b b 9 OL5L857 h
BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984
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The following BSI references relate t o the work on this standard:
grade designations. Enquiries should be addressed to the
Committee reference PVE/12 Draft for comment 76/74071 DC
Publications Manager, British Standards Institution, Linford Wood,

Committees responsible for this British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Department of Transport (Marine Directorate)
Pressure Vessel Standards Committee (PVE/-) to Technical Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales
Committee PVE/12 upon which the following bodies were Energy Industries Council
represented: Engineering Equipment and Materials Users' Association
Associated Offices Technical Committee GAMBICA )BEAMA Ltd.)
Association of Shell Boilermakers Health and Safety Executive
Institution of Chemical Engineers
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
British Compressed Air Society
Liquified Petroleum Gas Industry Technical Association (UK)
British Compressed Gases Association
British Valve Manufacturers' Association Ltd. Process Plant Association
Combustion Engineering Association Spring Research and Manufacturers' Association
Water-tube Boilermakers' Association

Amendments issued since publication

Amd. No. Date of issue Text affected

British Standards Institution - 2 Park Street London W I A 2BS a Telephone 01-629 9000 Telex 266933 0

8406-871.5k-B PVEII 2

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Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy 02:01:03 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Group at 303-397-2295.
BSI BS*b757 P A R T * 3 BL1 m Lb2Llbb7 0 1 5 L B C B 8 m I
AMD 5098
Amendment No. 1
published and effective from 39 April 1987
to BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984
Safety valves
Part 3. Specification for safety valves
for process fluids

Revised text

AMD 5098 Contents

April 1987
In the t i t l e s for tables 17 and 18, delete 'Tests' and substitute 'Type tests'.

A M D 5098 Foreword
April 1987
In paragraph 5, delete the first sentence and substitute the following:
'The requirements of this standard call for the manufacturer
of a safety valve to certify i t s capacity in terms of the flow

rate of a reference fluid to the satisfaction of the indepen-
dent authority.'

A M D 5098 Shoulder head, page 4

April 1987
Delete the existing shoulder head and substitute
'BS 6759 : Part 3 : 1984'.
A M D 5098 Clause 3.6 Pressure and/or temperature limitations
April 1987
In item (b) delete 'Carbon, lowand high alloy steels' and substitute
'Carbon, low and high alloy steels and copper alloy'.
Delete item (c).

A M D 5098 Table 1. Materials for pressure containing components

April 1987
Delete column 3 and substitute the following,

Comparable ASTM reference*

AI26 : 1973 (reaffirmed 1979) class B

A216 : 1983 WCB

A217 : 1983 WC6
A217 : 1983 WC6

A351 : 1983 Grade CF8

A351 : 1983 Grade CF8M

A352 : 1983 LCB

A352 : T983 LC3

A105 : 1983

A l 82 : 1982a Grade F304

A182 : 1982a Grade F316

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Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy 02:01:03 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Group at 303-397-2295.

AMD 5098 Clause 11.2 Steel
April 1987
Delete the first sentence and substitute the following:
Weld repairs to steel castings shall be carried out in
accordance with BS 4570.'

AMD 5 0 9 8 Clause 17. Tests t o determine operating Characteristics

April 1987
Delete the t i t l e and substitute the following:
'Type tests to determine operating characteristics'

AMD 5098 Clause 18. Tests to determine flow characteristics

April 1987
Delete the t i t l e and substitute the following:
'Type tests to determine flow characteristics'

A M D 5098 Figure 10. Illustration of area definitions

April 1987
Delete the existing note to figure 10 and substitute the following:
'NOTE. The discharge area is the lesser of the curtain area (nD1L)or the flow area ( n D 2 / 4 ) .

AMD 5098 Appendix E. Provision of information

April 1987
Delete the footnote below the typical safetv valve specification sheet (page 30).

I AMD 5098
April 1987
Appendix F. Preferred connection sizes
I n item (d) delete 'rating' and substitute 'class'. Insert the following associated footnote
a t the foot of the page:
'*American National Standards Institute. Publications available from the Library, BSI, Linford Wood,
Milton Keynes M K 1 4 6LE.'
In item (e) delete 'rating' and substitute 'class'.

A M D 5098 Table 13. Valve data for conventional, balanced bellows and balanced
April 1987 piston valves
Delete the existing table and substitute the following.


Copyright British Standards Institution Document provided by IHS Licensee=Bureau Veritas/5959906001, 11/24/2004
Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy 02:01:03 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Group at 303-397-2295.
BSI BS*b757 P A R T * 3 ¿!Li Lb24bbï OL5LBb0 h

Table 13. Valve data for conventional, balanced bellows and balanced piston valves

Orifice Connections Maximum outlet pressure Centre-to-faca*

Letter Nominal Diameter inlet Outlet

at 38 OC dimension
- -
area Conventional Balanced Inlet Outlet
Nom. size 4NSI Nom.size 4NSI valves bellows
316.5 : 1981 816.5 : 1981 valves
:lange class Flange class
- - -

mm2 mm in mm in nm bar bar mm mm
1 25 150 2 50 I50 19.7 105 114
1 25 300 2 50 I50 19.7 105 114
1 25 300 2 50 I50 19.7 105 114
D 70.96 9.51 1 25 600 2 50 150 19.7 105 114
1Y2 40 900 2 50 300 41.4 105 140
1% 40 500 2 50 300 41.4 105 140
1% 40 !500 2% 65 300 51.O 140 165
- -
1 25 150 2 50 I50 19.7 105 114
1 25 300 2 50 I50 19.7 105 114
1 25 300 2 50 i50 19.7 105 114
125.45 12.7 1 25 600 2 50 I50 19.7 105 114
1% 40 900 2 50 300 41.4 105 140
1% 40 ,500 2 50 300 41.4 105 140
1% 40 !500 2% 65 300 51.O 140 165
- - - _. ~~

1% 40 150 2 50 150 19.7 15.9 124 121

1% 40 300 2 50 150 19.7 15.9 124 121
1% 40 300 2 ?50 150 19.7 15.9 124 152
198.06 15.88 1% 40 600 2 50 150 19.7 15.9 124 152
1% 40 900 2% 65 300 51.O 34.5 124 152
1% 40 I500 2% 65 300 51.O 34.5 124 152
1% 40 !500 2% 65 300 51.O 34.5 140 165
- - -
1% 40 150 2% 65 150 19.7 15.9 124 121
1% 40 300 2% 65 150 19.7 15.9 124 121
1% 40 300 2% 65 150 19.7 15.9 124 152 1
G 324.52 20.33 1% 40 600 2% 65 150 19.7 15.9 124 152
1% 40 900 2% 65 300 51.O 32.4 124 152
2 50 I500 3 80 300 51.O 32.4 156 171
2 50 !500 3 80 300 51.O 32.4 156 171
- - - - -

1% 40 150 3 80 150 19.7 15.9 130 124

1% 40 300 3 80 150 19.7 15.9 130 124
2 50 300 3 80 150 19.7 15.9 130 124
506.45 25.4 2 50 600 3 80 150 19.7 15.9 154 162
2 50 900 3 80 150 19.7 15.9 154 162
2 50 I500 3 80 300 51.O 28.6 154 162
- -
2 50 150 3 80 150 19.7 15.9 137 124
2 50 300 3 80 150 19.7 15.9 137 124
2% 65 300 4 1O0 150 19.7 15.9 137 143
830.32 32.51
2% 65 600 4 1O0 150 19.7 15.9 156 171
3 80 900 4 1O0 150 19.7 15.9 184 181
3 80 I500 4 1O0 300 41.4 15.9 184 181
- - - - -

?Toleranceson thecentre-to-face dimensions are f 1.5 mm up to and including 100 mm nominal size and f 3.0 mm for inlet sizes in excess
of 100 mm.
NOTE 1. Valves with flanges complying with BS 4504 may not correspond with these dimensions.
NOTE 2. For valve inlet rating see table 14

Copyright British Standards Institution Document provided by IHS Licensee=Bureau Veritas/5959906001, 11/24/2004
Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy 02:01:03 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Group at 303-397-2295. [AMD 50981
Table 13 (concluded)
. . ~ -
Orifice 2onnections viaximum outlet pressure :entre-to-face+
- it 38 OC limension
Letter Nominal Diameter Inlet Outlet
area :onventional Balanced niet Outlet

Vom. sire NSI Nom. size rNSI ralves bellows
16.5 : 1981 116.5 : 1981 valves
ange class ,lange class
- - - -
rnrn' mrn in nm in nrn lar bar nm mrn
3 80 I50 4 I O0 50 19.7 10.3 156 162
3 80 300 4 I O0 50 19.7 10.3 156 162
3 80 300 4 IO0 50 19.7 10.3 156 162
K 1185.8 38.86
3 80 500 4 I O0 50 19.7 13.8 184 181
3 80 300 6 150 50 19.7 13.8 198 21 6
3 80 500 6 150 100 11.4 13.8 197 21 6
- - _. -
3 80 I50 4 1O0 50 19.7 6.9 156 165
3 80 300 4 1 O0 50 19.7 6.9 156 165
4 I O0 300 6 150 50 19.7 11.7 179 181
L 1840.6 48.41
4 I O0 500 6 150 50 19.7 11.7 179 203
4 I O0 300 6 150 50 19.7 11.7 197 222
4 I O0 JO0 6 150 50 19.7 11.7 197 222
- -
4 I O0 150 6 150 50 19.7 5.5 178 184
4 I O0 300 6 150 50 19.7 5.5 178 184
M 2322.6 54.38 4 I O0 300 6 150 I50 19.7 11.0 178 184
4 I O0 BOO 6 150 I50 19.7 11.o 178 203
4 I O0 900 6 150 I50 19.7 11.o 197 222
- -- - - - - -
4 1 O0 150 6 150 I50 19.7 5.5 197 21 o
4 1 O0 300 6 150 I50 19.7 5.5 197 21 o
N 2800 59.71 4 1 O0 300 6 150 I50 19.7 11.o 197 21 o
4 1 O0 600 6 150 I50 19.7 11.o 197 222
4 1 O0 900 6 150 I50 19.7 11.0 197 222
- -
4 1O0 150 6 150 I50 19.7 5.5 181 229
4 1 O0 300 6 150 I50 19.7 5.5 181 229
P 41 I6 72.39 4 1O0 300 6 150 150 19.7 10.3 225 254
4 1O0 600 6 150 150 19.7 225 254
4 1O0 900 6 150 150 19.7 225 254
- - - -
240 241
6 150 150 8 200 150 7.9 4.8
6 150 300 8 200 150 7.9 4.8 240 241
O 7129 95.27 240 24 1
6 I 50 300 8 200 150 7.9 7.9
6 I 50 600 8 200 150 7.9 7.9 240 241
- - - - -
6 I 50 153 8 208 150 4.1 4.1 240 241
I1 4.64
6 I 5a 300 8 zoo 150 4.1 4.1 240 24 1
R 10323 240 267
6 I 5a 300 10 250 150 6.9 6.9
6 15C 600 10 250 150 6.9 6.9 240 267
- - - . - - - P

8 20c 150 10 250 150 2.1 2.1 276 27 9

T 16774 146.14 .8 20c 300 10 25a 150 2.i 2.1 276 279
8 20( 300 10 26C 150 4.1 4.1 276 279
8 20( 300 IQ 25í 150 6.9 6.9 276 279
- - -

*Tolerances on the centre-to-face dimensions are f 1.5 mm up to and including 1 O9 rnm nominal size and * 3.0 mm for inlet sizes in excess
of 100 mm.
NOTE 1. Valves with flanges complying with BS 4504 may not correspond with these dimensions.
NOTE 2. For inlet rating see table 14.

Copyright British Standards Institution Document provided by IHS Licensee=Bureau Veritas/5959906001, 11/24/2004
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02:01:03 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document [AMD 50981
Policy Group at 303-397-2295.
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Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy 5
02:01:03 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Group at 303-397-2295.
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Reproduced by IHS under license with BSI - Uncontrolled Copy 02:01:03 MST Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
8704-3-1.6k-6 Policy Group 6
at 303-397-2295. PVEII 2

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