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Answers: Main Coursebook

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Accept all relevant responses.
The picture illustrates diversity among the people of all countries. However, diversity is not
shown as negative, but as a way to increase understanding among people across the world.
While the words ‘common’ and ‘diversity’ are almost opposite in meaning, this picture shows
how diversity in common among people from different nations. The children might be wearing
different national costumes but they have their youth in common. Also, the children are from
different nations but the belief in unity and peace is common among all of them.


A. 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. a
B. Accept all relevant responses.
Top left – Concrete cities
Top right – The early man
Bottom left – Hot seas with active volcanoes
Bottom right – Microscopic bacteria
Centre – The ecosystem
C. 1. Unequal distribution of resources causes not only poverty but also damages the environment
through pollution.
2. ‘Within nations’ means occurrences and internal matters relating to a country while ‘between
nations’ refers to the matters that concern two or more nations.
D. Accept all relevant responses.
1. The planet had resources and space for all life to coexist in a habitat that met all their needs
for survival and growth. However, now, resources are being turned into waste faster than
waste is being converted back into resources. This means that as resources deplete, various
life forms face the risk of extinction. This common concern and the inevitable overlapping
of spaces vying for resources are making the world smaller.
2. The Earth uses the environment to recycle waste into resources. However, this happens at
a rate slower than that our consumption of those resources. For instance, our petroleum
consumption in the form of gasoline puts the environment at a serious risk. The planet
cannot clean the air as quickly as we are polluting it.
E. 1. interspace, cyberspace 2. antifreeze
3. multicast, forecast, overcast 4. transact, overact, interact
5. supermarket 6. multicultural, intercultural
7. overwork 8. multinational, international
9. undersea 10. forefoot, underfoot
11. superstar 12. overlook
13. superman, foreman 14. transport
15. underworld 16. cybercafé
F. Accept all relevant responses.
G. 1. No 2. Yes 3. Sheila
4. The question asks when I came to Chennai.
5. Yes 6. No 7. Yes
H. 1. Have you ever seen the Valley of Flowers in Uttarakhand?
2. My sister has been studying Malayalam since April.
3. Vartika has always wanted to learn Manipuri dance.
4. It has not snowed in this hill station for two years.
5. Grandma has been writing a novel for ten months.
6. Franz Gastler has been associated with Yuwa since 2009.
I. Accept all relevant responses.
1. I have completed my Science project.
My parents and I have finished clearing out the storeroom.
I have joined painting classes.
2. My partner has cycled every evening this week.
My partner has finished all his homework on time this week.
My partner has planned his birthday party.
3. We have studied Science, English and Maths.
We have listened carefully to the news announcement in the morning assembly.
We have submitted our Science projects.
4. I have been writing my homework in the diary.
I have been studying and doing classwork.
I have been playing statue with my partner.


A. 1. c 2. b 3. c
B. 1. true 2. true 3. false 4. true 5. false 6. false
C. 1. Jason’s grandfather had brought Chinese chess and a sort of beanbag as gifts for the
children. They were not happy with the gifts because they couldn’t understand them.
The reason for their distance from the gifts was their distance from Chinese culture
to which the gifts belonged.
2. Jason’s grandfather had been a general in the Chinese army during World War II.
3. Jason’s grandfather and grandmother, in an attempt to escape from China, put all their
valuables and money in their children’s diapers and boarded a ship. However, to board the
ship, they first had to make their way round the soldiers. They escaped to Taiwan.
4. a. Jason is ‘I’.
b. Jason’s parents were special because they had adapted to two different cultures.
c. Jason wanted to be able to adapt to the Chinese culture as well as the American culture
because even though he lived in America, his origin was Chinese. Also, he wanted to be
able to form a bond with his grandfather.
D. 1. Jason could not understand why his grandfather seemed to be lonely and frustrated. He also
could not understand his grandfather’s sentiment when he spotted the old man humming a
Chinese tune sombrely while crying softly.
2. Jason gifted a headset to his grandfather on Christmas. When his grandfather couldn’t
understand how to use the gift, Jason’s mother taught him how to play tapes on it.
When Jason’s grandfather heard the Chinese tape, he was pleased and he gave Jason a hug.
That was probably the first time he thought that Jason had made an attempt to understand
his sentiment for China and his discomfort in America. So, he felt at home after Jason’s
simple gesture.
3. Jason’s grandfather could only speak Chinese while Jason couldn’t. The inability to
communicate probably created the distance between Jason and his grandfather. His
grandfather was disappointed about Jason’s distance from the Chinese culture and Jason
sensed it but couldn’t explain or attempt to close up the distance because they couldn’t talk.
E. 1. Jason bought a headset for his grandfather as a Christmas gift. His grandfather was
overwhelmed when he understood the gift and hugged Jason. This shows that he was happy
with the gift.
2. The sentence ‘his eyes locked with mine and we both smiled at the same time’ shows that
Jason and his grandfather had started understanding each other and were beginning to form
a bond. Jason’s grandfather had found his culture in America through Chinatown and Jason
was attempting to understand the Chinese culture through his grandfather. This effort to
communicate was responsible for the formation of their bond.
F. 1. Mexican 2. Irish, Scottish 3. Martian 4. Assamese
G. Accept all relevant responses.
2. For how long has Latika lived in Darjiling?
Latika has been living in Darjiling for the past two years.
3. Since when has it been raining heavily?
It has been raining heavily since morning.
4. For how long has Saba been working for this organization?
Saba has been working for this organization since 2011.
5. For how long did the pups sleep?
The pups had slept for eleven hours.
H. a. Yes b. Yes c. Mira/Aslam d. No e. Yes f. Yes
I. Accept all relevant responses.
People’s prejudice and intolerance of other cultures and people who are not familiar is because
the lack of awareness, understanding and the fear of the unfamiliar. While it is easy to suggest
being more aware and make an attempt to understand other cultures, it is difficult to do so
because human beings believe that what is strange is dangerous.
However, it is not always so. Assumptions can be proved right or wrong by making an effort
to understand what is seen as strange. More often than not, you might find that what is strange,
is actually not very different from you. For instance, do you know that the Chinese drink tea
as much as Indians do? Or that the equivalent of the Indian Namaste is the Chinese custom of
bowing? It isn’t very hard to accept and start to understand different cultures when you see the
similarities with your own culture.
Our fear and distrust of the unfamiliar causes intolerance and thus, we hear of violent acts
against foreigners in our country or Indians in foreign countries. We can make an attempt to
perceive people, regardless of their nationality and religion, as human beings. This is the first
step to start understanding them as people from diversity that we ourselves belong to.

A. 5 Martin Luther King, Jr – d
4 Jagdish Chandra Bose – c
1 William Shakespeare – e
2 Enid Blyton – a
3 Mahatma Gandhi – b
B. Accept all relevant responses.
C. Accept all relevant responses.
The Gateway of India in Mumbai is situated near the Arabian Sea. There is a ferry docked
nearby. There is another ferry approaching the harbour. Many tourists can be spotted. Many
buildings surround the monument. One of them is the famous Taj hotel, The Taj Mahal Palace.
The tall building is part of the hotel. There are smaller buildings to the right.
D. Accept all relevant responses.
JASON: I would like to learn Chinese. I think that’s the first step to adapting to that
culture. Also, I’ll be able to talk to you more easily then!
GRANDFATHER: Yes, it would certainly be much easier. At your age, one learns a new
language faster. It has been tough learning to speak English but I am so glad
that I can finally talk to my grandson!
JASON: Grandpa, weren’t you scared when you fled China during World War II? I
think you’re so brave to be able to do that! I’m glad you can tell me about
your adventures now. Dad told me some, but it’ll be better hearing them
from you. You were a bit of a mystery to me before but ever since we’ve
been able to talk, I feel really close to you.
GRANDFATHER: It was hard for me too to not be able to talk to you. I felt so lonely here
initially and it was a shock when I realized you couldn’t speak Chinese. I
never thought that my grandchildren would be so distant from a culture that
I’ve always been a part of. I thought you didn’t want to know me till you
gave me the Christmas gift. That headset was so thoughtful! It certainly
helped me to understand your culture better.
A. 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. d 6. c
B. 1. The poet wants a country where knowledge is accessible to all, where honesty is paramount,
where tireless effort is made for perfection, where the people find the courage and rational
thought to abandon meaningless traditions and where the mind is set free by open thought
and subsequent action.
2. Accept all relevant answers.
No, the poet’s wishes have not come true. The poet wants knowledge for all but 287 million
of our population is illiterate. The poet wishes our country to seek reason in its traditions
and leave behind those that are meaningless. However, our country continues to practise
certain traditions and customs that have been renounced worldwide.
C. 1. Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
2. Where words come out from the depth of truth
3. Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
4. Where knowledge is free
5. Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls
6. Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
D. Accept all relevant responses.
and the head is held high
into the dreary desert sand of dead habit


A. 1. d 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. c 7. c 8. d
B. Gerald Durrell’s book My Family and Other Animals is a really funny account of his family’s
stay at the Greek island of Corfu. The family made many friends on the island and he talks
of those friends’ eccentricities. The island was a good place to study his favourite subject –
animals – and he writes engagingly of the many animals he saw, observed and made friends
with. He lovingly describes the animals’ antics as well as his family’s adventures with all
the amazing pets he brought home. It is true that very few families’ stories would sound as
interesting as the Durrells’ but Durrell brings his own keen observation, acute perception and
humorous style to the tale. It is a book that can be read again and again and enjoyed afresh
each time.
C. and D. Accept all relevant responses.
E. Accept all relevant responses.
Problems: communication, making friends, travelling between home and school, studying and
doing homework with a new syllabus, different kind of food, understanding customs and habits
of the schoolchildren, understanding school rules and schedule, participating in co-curricular
Ways to help: help her/him in learning the local language, guide her/him with the classwork
and explain the homework, explain the habits of the classmates and the requirements of the
school, make sure that she/he is accompanied the first few times back home from school,
invite her/him to a club/co-curricular society you belong to, share your tiffin with her/him and
introduce her/him to new flavours
F. Accept all relevant responses.
I think I am a fair person because I do not judge a person from afar and give her/him a friendly
I think I can improve myself if I am friendlier and find ways to make new students more
G. Accept all relevant responses.

Interact with the persons who are Don’t behave rowdily.
familiar with the places.
Read the guidance material provided Don’t litter.
there carefully.
Be observant and record your obser- Don’t stray away from the group.
vations in a diary.
Research the places before the visit. Don’t show lack of interest if you
find something dull.

A. 1. less 2. ed 3. al 4. ly 5. ly
6. y 7. ian 8. ity 9. able 10. ment
B. 1. wasp 2. whale 3. lion 4. lamb 5. dove
6. monkey 7. bee 8. lark 9. swan 10. colt
C. 1. cultural 2. Bhutanese 3. charitable 4. donation 5. pleasantly
D. 1. people, animals, problem 2. Animals, friends, questions, remarks
3. man, dog, cat 4. Beasts, humans, spirit
5. Animal, soul
E. 1. spectators 2. chairperson 3. crew
4. population 5. mob 6. immigrants
F. 1. read 2. have dreamt, has occurred 3. have never done
4. have been 5. have found 6. has told, have
7. have 8. be 9. have found
10. have told 11. has remained 12. not made
G. 1. Who has seen my library book?
I have not seen it.
2. Have you finished shopping?
No, I have not.
3. Who has bought a card for Grandma?
I have bought one.
4. Have you decided on the gift for Simran?
Yes, I have decided on something very interesting.
5. Have you posted the letter I gave you?
Yes, I have already posted it.
H. 1. have questioned 2. has played 3. had finished
4. went 5. had settled 6. had crossed
I. 1. has taken 2. has reduced 3. has designed
4. have converted 5. have made 6. have caused
J. 1. for 2. for 3. since 4. for 5. since 6. for 7. since 8. for
K. 2. tS 3. N 4. k 5. dZ 6. S
2. kwdrrpli:dZik 3. knfeti 4. drmdri
5. knvlsd 6. keIs
L. Accept all relevant responses.
1. earth – world, planet
The world is synonymous with the earth. The earth is one of the planets.
2. seas – water, salt
Water makes up the seas. All seas contain salt.
3. resources – coal, water
Both coal and water are energy resources.
4. food – plants, animals
Both plants and animals are sources of food for human beings.
5. pollutants – water, air
Both water and air can be seriously harmed by pollutants.
M. Accept all relevant responses.
Dear Naman,
I am really sorry but I won’t be able to go with you to the music show on Saturday. Something
has come up. Kantik has been having severe toothache for three days and mom is taking
him to the dentist on Saturday. She wants me to go along and I think I should. I hope you’ll
understand the situation and won’t be annoyed. Enjoy yourself. I will call you on Sunday.
A. 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. a
5. c 6. b 7. c
B. 1. The Sirens attracted sailors by singing so sweetly that sailors could not resist steering toward
their island. Many ships were lured upon the rocks, and men forgot home, duty and honour
as they flung themselves into the sea to be embraced by arms that drew them down to death.
2. The two things that Ulysses and his crew did to not get lured by the Sirens were that he tied
himself to the mast of his boat and his crew stuffed their ears with wax. They took on board
the beautiful singer Orpheus whose melodies were sweeter than the music of the Sirens.
3. The three main problems that hamper man’s growth and development are racial injustice,
poverty and war.
C. Accept all relevant responses.
Living in peace and harmony is the only possible way for the development of any nation. The
advancement of science and technology has the power to make life free and beautiful. Without
peace and harmony, humans face the threat of extinction, so we should stress on universal
Five ways in which our nation can co-exist peacefully with our neighbours are:
a. Exchange latest technological advancement.
b. Provide aid and support in times of natural disaster.
c. Refrain from any hostile activities.
d. Conduct cultural exchange programmes.
e. Provide any kind of support that our neighbours need.
D. Accept all relevant responses.
The image signifies peace harmony and freedom.
Slogan: We gave war a chance, it didn’t work;
So, let’s give peace a chance and make it work,
For, it can’t be wrong to get along.


A. 1. expulsion d. the act of forcing something to leave a place
2. cosmic h. very great and important
3. discord a. disagreement
4. dynamics j. the way in which people or things behave and react to
each other in a particular situation
5. harness b. to control and use the force or strength of something to
achieve something
6. offensive i. a series of actions aimed at achieving something in a
way that attracts a lot of attention
7. hitherto c. until the particular time you are talking about
8. imminent f. likely to happen very soon
9. elegy e. a poem or song that expresses sadness
10. psalm g. a song, poem or prayer that praises God
B. Destroy: Build
Turbulent: Peaceful
Denial: Affirmation
Indecision: Determination
Fruitless: Creative
C. compassion, harmony, tolerance, love, empathy, sacrifice, unity, reconciliation

A. 1. had started 2. had forgotten 3. had been
4. had not paid 5. had not done
B. 1. has grown 2. has studied 3. have not met
4. have seen 5. has not reached
C. Accept all relevant responses.
Ravi is trying to solve a Math problem.
Hina is going to the library.
D. Present Continuous Present Perfect
Irene is cleaning the table. Irene has cleaned the table.
Maya is helping her mother keep the
Maya has helped her mother keep the plates.
Balvinder is reading a book on the history Balvinder has read a book on the history of
of India. India.
Balan is writing a letter to his grandfather. Balan has written a letter to his grandfather.
Mapui is singing her favourite song. Mapui has sung her favourite song.

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are
dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”
“Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of
love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent than the one
derived from fear of punishment.”
“Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest
weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.”
“All the religions of the world, while they may differ in other respects, unitedly proclaim that
nothing lives in this world but Truth.”
“The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve
most of the world’s problems.”
“I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won’t presume to probe
into the faults of others.”
“I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and non-violence are as old as the hills. All I
have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could.”
1. d 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. c

Accept all relevant responses.
I want to help eradicate poverty from the face of the world. I think in order to eradicate
poverty, basic social facilities like food, housing and healthcare should be accessible to
everyone. Clean water and proper sanitation for everyone are also important in the fight against
poverty. We need to work on plans and programmes that will provide these basic facilities
to all.

Accept all relevant responses.
Every child has the right to education. It is the fundamental right of every child. Education is
the only way through which a child can explore the world of knowledge. Education is the best
way to overcome age-old superstitions and replace such beliefs with reason. An illiterate person
is more likely to ignore the symptoms of diseases and avoid seeking medical aid unless the
problem aggravates. Education ensures that a person can take better care of herself/himself.
A major factor that influences our decisions and helps us understand the difference between
right and wrong is education. Education is also important for maintaining peace around the
world. We live in a country where we enjoy a number of rights and education saves us from
being exploited. Education opens the doors to the world of knowledge and it has the power to
change the destiny of a child and a nation.

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