Chem!stry: Notes On Atomic Structure - Macroconcept: Models
Chem!stry: Notes On Atomic Structure - Macroconcept: Models
Chem!stry: Notes On Atomic Structure - Macroconcept: Models
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Learning Outcomes:
• By the end of the unit, students should understand the concept of atom.
• Students will demonstrate their understanding of atomic structure by being able to…
(a) State the relative charges and approximate relative masses of a proton, a neutron and an
(b) Describe, with the aid of diagrams, the structure of an atom as containing protons and
neutrons (nucleons) in the nucleus and electrons arranged in shells (energy levels).
(c) Define proton (atomic) number and nucleon (mass) number.
(d) Interpret and use symbols such as 126C.
(e) Define the term isotope.
(f) Deduce the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons in atoms and ions given proton and
nucleon numbers.
(g) Draw the electronic configurations of the first twenty elements (hydrogen to calcium).
(h) Understand that atoms with noble gas electronic configurations are inert.
(i) Understand that atoms of metallic elements react by losing their valence electrons to form
positively charged ions (cations) with a noble gas electronic configuration.
(j) Understand that atoms of non-metallic elements react by gaining electrons into their valence
shell to form negatively charged ions (anions) with a noble gas electronic configuration.
(k) Understand generalisations about models and how models are used by scientists to visualise
and understand complex ideas.
• The concept of scale, from the extremely small to the extremely large.
1. What is the definition of atom?
An atom is the smallest part of a chemical element that demonstrates all of the typical
properties of that element.
2. Atoms are extremely small (see diagram on page 1). Even with the use of modern technology,
it is not possible to observe the detailed structure of an individual atom. On what evidence do
scientists base their understanding of atomic structure?
Atomic structure is based on experimental evidence, e.g. the fact that atoms can be broken
down into smaller particles (protons and electrons) which in turn can be deflected by positively
and negatively charge electrodes. Other experiments (e.g. Rutherford’s gold leaf experiment)
demonstrate that atoms are mostly empty space with a small, dense nucleus at the centre.
3. Modern understanding of atomic structure is a conceptual model. Ideas about atomic structure
may change as new evidence is discovered. What are some generalisations about models?
Models simulate real world processes. Models facilitate testing and prediction. Models can be
physical, conceptual or mathematical. Models simplify real world processes or behaviours.
Models involve variables.
4. At the centre of every atom is a small dense nucleus. This is composed of two sub-atomic
particles known as protons (which carry a charge of +1) and neutrons (which carry a charge
of 0)*. A third sub-atomic particle known as an electron (which carries a charge of –1) orbits
around the centre of the atom in energy levels that are often referred to as electron shells. The
inner shell (closest to the centre) can hold a maximum number of 2 electrons while the second
and third shells can hold a maximum number of 8 electrons each.
*Note: There is one exception. The nucleus of a hydrogen atom does not contain any neutrons.
5. Label the diagram shown below to summarise the fundamental structure of an atom.
6. Complete the table shown below to summarise the fundamental properties of protons,
neutrons and electrons.
Proton nucleus +1 1
Neutron nucleus 0 1
9. Which particle, the proton, neutron or electron, determines which chemical element an atom
belongs to (i.e. the number of which particle is unique for each chemical element)?
The number of protons is unique for each chemical element and determines which chemical
element an atom belongs to, e.g. 6 protons = carbon atom and 12 protons = magnesium atom.
10. How many protons, neutrons and electrons do the atoms of the following elements contain?
(a) 7
3 protons = 3 neutrons = 7 – 3 = 4 electrons = 3
(b) 19
9 F protons = 9 neutrons = 19 – 9 = 10 electrons = 9
(c) 23
11 Na protons = 11 neutrons = 23 – 11 = 12 electrons = 11
11. (a) What is the relationship between an element’s position in the Periodic Table and the total
number of electrons contained within a single atom of that element?
The total number of electrons in a single atom of the chemical element is the same as the
element’s atomic number (number of electrons = number of protons for a neutrally
charged atom).
(b) What is the relationship between an element’s position in the Periodic Table and the
number of electron shells in an atom of that chemical element?
The number of electron shells in a single atom of the chemical element is the same as the
element’s Period number (Periods = horizontal rows).
(c) What is the relationship between an element’s position in the Periodic Table and the
number of electrons in the valence shell of an atom of that chemical element?
The number of electrons in the valence shell of a single atom of the chemical element is
the same as the units value of the element’s Group number (Groups = vertical columns).
12. Based upon its electronic configuration, how can you determine whether an atom belongs to a
metallic element or a non-metallic element?
In general, atoms with only 1, 2 or 3 electrons in their valence shells belong to metallic
elements. Atoms with 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 electrons in their valence shells belong to non-metallic
13. In the space provided below, draw the full electronic configuration of (a) an atom of oxygen
(b) an atom of aluminium.
6 6 6 13 – 6 = 7
6 6 6 14 – 6 = 8
(c) There are two isotopes of the chemical element chlorine. 75% of naturally occurring
chlorine is 35 37
17Cl and 25% of naturally occurring chlorine is 17Cl. Use this information to
explain why the relative atomic mass of chlorine is not a whole number.
75 chlorine atoms out of 100 have a mass of 35. Their total mass = 75 35 = 2625
25 chlorine atoms out of 100 have a mass of 37. Their total mass = 25 37 = 925
The total mass of 100 chlorine atoms = 2625 + 925 = 3550
Hence the average mass of a single chlorine atom = 3550 100 = 35.5
15. The electronic configurations of helium, neon and argon are given below.
(a) What is unique about the electronic configurations of helium, neon and argon?
Atoms of the Group 18 elements all have complete / full valence shells. This is known as
the noble gas electronic configuration.
(b) How do the unique electronic configurations of helium, neon and argon affect their
Elements whose atoms have noble gas electronic configurations are very stable and
therefore very unreactive. They are often described as being chemically inert.
16. Atoms react to lose or gain electrons so that they can obtain the electronic configuration of a
Noble gas. Atoms do this to become chemically stable. During a chemical reaction, the
number of protons and neutrons in the nuclei of the atoms remains the same.
(a) What happens to the charge on a neutral atom if it gains electrons to complete its valence
electron shell?
If an atom gains electrons to complete its valence shell, then there will be more negative
electrons than positive protons, resulting in the formation of a negative ion (anion).
(b) What happens to the charge on a neutral atom if it loses electrons to complete its valence
electron shell?
If an atom loses electrons to complete its valence shell, then there will be more positive
protons than negative electrons, resulting in the formation of a positive ion (cation).
17. The diagram below shows the full electronic configuration of a sodium atom.
With the aid of a diagram, explain how a sodium atom reacts to obtain a noble gas electronic
• If the sodium atom loses the single
electron in its valence shell, then the old
valence shell will no longer exist. The
second electron shell from the nucleus will
become the new valence shell, and it is
complete with 8 electrons. Therefore, by
losing its single valence electron, sodium
obtains a noble gas electronic
configuration. Note: The sodium is now a
positively charged ion, because it has one
more (+) proton that it has (–) electrons.
18. The diagram below shows the full electronic configuration of a chlorine atom.
With the aid of a diagram, explain how a chlorine atom reacts to obtain a noble gas electronic
Self-checklist on Atomic Structure
• Scan the QR code below for the answers to this assignment.
Periodic Table