Icsce10 Conference Abstract Book Web
Icsce10 Conference Abstract Book Web
Icsce10 Conference Abstract Book Web
Table of Content
2 Welcome
4 Venue information
Thank you for joining us at the 10th International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitonic Systems
(ICSCE10). ICSCE10 is a great opportunity for Australian and international scientists to discuss the latest progress
in the study of quantum collective phenomena in various kinds of excitations in solids and other physical
ICSCE10 will be hosted at the Arts Centre Melbourne on 28-31 January 2020. Continuing with the ICSCE series
with previous conferences held in Edinburgh (ICSCE8 2018) and Montreal (ICSCE9 2019), ICSCE10 will be taking
a broader perspective on spontaneous coherence effects, with topics on excitons, novel materials, exciton-
polaritons, quantum dots and spontaneous coherence in cold atomic, plasmonic and other systems.
We hope this will be a fruitful meeting for you. Enjoy your time in Melbourne!
Kind regards,
ICSCE10 Organising Committee
Host Organisation
ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies (FLEET)
FLEET is developing electronic devices that operate at ultra-low energy, enabling revolutionary new
technologies to drive future electronics and computing, while meeting society’s demand for reduced energy
FLEET addresses a grand challenge: reducing the energy used in information and communication technology
(ICT), which already accounts for up to 8% of the electricity use on Earth and is doubling every 10 years.
The “internet of things” would drive this energy demand even higher. Within a decade, the financial and
environmental cost of electricity use will limit the growth of computing. The current, silicon-based technology
(CMOS) is 40 years old, and reaching the limits of its efficiency.
FLEET is linking a highly interdisciplinary team of high-profile Australian and international researchers in
atomic physics, condensed matter physics, materials science, electronics, nanofabrication and atomically-thin
FLEET’s solution will be a new generation of ultra-low energy electronics that will allow computing to continue
to grow. FLEET will develop electronic devices in which electrical current can flow with near-zero resistance
and dissipation of heat. The work is built on the science of atomically-thin two-dimensional materials and
Invited Speakers Program Outline
A/Prof Hui Deng – University of Michigan, USA Note: Program details subject to change at any time
Dr Johannes Feist – Universidad Autónoma de
Madrid, Spain Tuesday 28 January 2020
Save presentation file as: Day_Time_LastName, for Posters are to be displayed on designated boards
example: Tue_1545_Ostrovskaya from noon Tuesday 28 Jan 2020 until noon Friday 31
Jan 2020
Both pptx and pdf formats are acceptable.
The official poster presentation time is 17:00-19:00
Please bring your presentation file on a USB stick and Tuesday 28 Jan
submit to the technician in the “Speaker Room”
Delegate Profile
ICSCE10 provides a unique environment, dedicated
to bringing 150 international and national scientists
working on light-matter interaction in various systems.
40% of our delegates to come from Australia and
60% from overseas. The majority are in academia,
government or federally funded employment.
Conference Program
08:00 Registration
11:15 Emanuel Tutuc – Observation of an emerging equilibrium indirect exciton condensate in double bilayer
graphene-WSe2 heterostructures
11:45 Andrew Joe – Gate tunable spin-singlet/-triplet charged interlayer excitons in atomically thin hetero-
12:15 Andres Mier Valdivia – Enhanced interlayer exciton lifetime in atomically thin semiconducting van der
Waals hetetrostructures
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Dmitry Krizhanovskii – Nonlinear polariton effects in photonic structures based on III-nitrides and
monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides
14:00 Yuerui Lu – Super-transport of excitons in atomically thin organic semiconductors at the 2D quantum
14:15 Jiaxin Zhao – Strong light-matter interaction in multiple quantum-wells system based on monolayer
tungsten disulfide
14:30 Guan-Hao Peng – Distinctive signatures of the spin- and momentum-forbidden dark exciton states
underlying in the temperature dependent photoluminescence of WSe2 monolayers
Peter Gruenwald – Electromagnetically-induced transparency with Cu2O Rydberg excitons in the pres-
14:45 ence of phonon coupling
15:00 Pierre Gilliot – Ultrafast relaxation path due to colliding coherent excitons in the strong coupling re-
15:45 Elena Ostrovskaya – Measurements of polariton-polariton interaction strength and quantum depletion
in optically trapped exciton-polariton condensates
16:30 David Snoke – Assessing the various measurements of the polariton-polariton interaction strength in
GaAs microcavities
Conference Program
09:00 Hui Deng – When polariton condensates have dissipations or have no excitons
11:45 Jesper Levinsen – Spectroscopic probes of quantum many-body correlations in polariton microcavities
12:15 Jeff Davis – Measuring exciton polariton interactions and relaxation with multidimensional coherent
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Paivi Torma – Bose-Einstein condensation and stimulated thermalisation in plasmonic lattices
15:00 Hirofumi Shiraki – Chirality selective enhanced correlation among quantum emitters by chiral metallic
16:15 Anna Musial – Stand-alone quantum dot-based single-photon source operating at telecommunication
16:30 Kevin Silverman – Inas quantum dots and surface acoustic wave cavities for quantum transduction
16:45 Michael Cosacchi – Phonon-induced quality enhancement of quantum dot-based photonic sources
17:00 Oleg Sushkov – Prediction of the spin triplet two-electron quantum dots in Si: towards controlled quan-
tum simulations of magnetic systems
Conference Program
09:00 Junichiro Kono – Ultra-strong light-matter and matter-matter coupling: Dicke phenomena
09:30 Carlos Sanchez Munoz – Ultrastrong coupling in cavity QED: exotic phenomena and their simulation
11:45 Alexis Askitopoulos – Spontaneous emergence and tuning of phase coherence revivals within a quan-
tum fluid
12:00 Anne Maitre – Soliton patterns and stationary arrays of vortex streets in a 2D polariton superfluid
12:15 Min Park – Direct transfer of light’s orbital angular momentum onto a nonresonantly excited polariton
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Barbara Pietka – Real magnetic fields and artificial Hamiltonians to control exciton-polaritons’ spin
14:00 Bernd Berger – Switching the topological charge of exciton polariton vortices
14:15 Matt Reeves – Relaxation to negative temperature equilibria in a chiral system of superfluid quantum
14:30 Mateusz Krol – Synthetic Hamiltonians and spin-orbit engineering in tunable birefringent microcavities
15:45 Daniele Sanvitto – Polaritons as efficient and ultrafast platform for neuromorphic computing
16:45 Kirill Kalinin – Networks of non-equilibrium condensates for simulation of spin Hamiltonians
17:00 Helgi Sigurdsson – Engineering interactions in networks of polariton condensates and the prospect of
neural architectures
Conference Program
09:00 Christian Schneider – Room temperature organic exciton-polariton condensates in tailored landscapes
12:00 Toby Dowling – Observation of the optical spin hall effect in photonic graphene
12:15 Subhaskar Mandal – One way reflection free polariton spin filtering channel
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Rimi Banerjee – Coupling between exciton-polariton corner modes mediated through edge states
14:00 Paolo Comaron – Topological edge mode lasing in non-Hermitian polariton systems
14:15 Luis Jauregui – Electrical control of interlayer exciton dynamics in atomically thin heterostructures
14:30 Mykhailo Klymenko – Effect of charge transport in organic semiconductors on the conductance of
silicon nanowires
Holger Fehske – On the existence and nature of the excitonic insulator phase in the extended Fali-
15:00 cov-Kimball model
Conference Program
07 Matthias Wurdack – Towards all-dielectric monolithic microcavities with embedded atomically thin
semiconductors for exciton-polariton research
08 Nicolo Defenu – Quantum scale anomaly and spatial coherence in a 2D Fermi superfluid
10 Huawen Xu – Universal self correcting computing with driven-dissipative disordered neural networks
15 Shao-Yu Chen – Coulomb bound many-body excitonic states in monolayer tungsten diselenide
Observation of an emerging equilibrium indirect exciton condensate
in double bilayer graphene-WSe2 heterostructures
Burg, G. William1, Efimkin, Dmitry2, Prasad, Nitin1, Taniguchi, Takashi3, Watanbe, Kenji3, Register,
Leonard F.1, MacDonald, Allan H.2, Tutuc, Emanuel1,*
1Microelectronics Research Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of
Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78758, USA
2Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712, USA
3National Institute for Materials Science, 1-1 Namiki Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan
*e-mail: [email protected]
Electronic double layers, consisting of two two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors separated by a dielectric,
are an ideal platform for probing indirect exciton physics. When the two 2D layers are doped with equal
and opposite charge densities, at a sufficiently small interlayer separation electrons and holes in opposite
layers can couple and form equilibrium indirect excitons. We present here a study of rotationally aligned
double bilayer graphene heterostructures, separated by bilayer WSe2.
Rotational alignment of the graphene bilayers ensures that tunneling between layers conserves both
energy and momentum, resulting in tunneling characteristics that agree well with single particle tunneling
calculations. By using a dual gated structure with multiple contacts to each layer, we can electrostatically
dope each graphene layer individually, and probe the intrinsic tunneling current-voltage characteristics.
When the two graphene bilayers are doped with equal and opposite charge densities, the tunneling
amplitude is dramatically enhanced relative to single particle expectations, showing a vertical onset at
zero interlayer bias. The tunneling enhancement is strongly dependent on temperature, with the
enhancement largely suppressed above T = 5 K. Furthermore, the enhancement is fully suppressed by
applying an in-plane magnetic field. These experimental observations suggest the emergence of a
nascent indirect exciton condensate in double bilayer graphene heterostructures (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of indirect exciton formation in a double bilayer graphene heterostructure.
Gate tunable spin-singlet/-triplet charged interlayer excitons in atomically thin
Joe, Andrew1, Jauregui, Luis A.1, Pistunova, Kateryna1, Lu, Zhengguang2,3, Wild, Dominik S.1., Scuri,
Giovanni1, De Greve, Kristiaan1,4, Gelly, Ryan J.1, Sung, Jiho1,4, Mier Valdivia, Andrés5, Sushko, Andrey 1,
Taniguchi, Takashi 6, Watanabe, Kenji6, Smirnov, Dmitry2,3, Lukin, Mikhail D. 1, Park, Hongkun1,4, Kim,
Abstract: Strong Coulomb interactions across the atomically separated electrons and holes can create
neutral and charged excitons with long lifetimes in van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures [1]. Large spin-
orbit coupling in transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) provide helical coupling of photons and excitons
with different spin states. Here, we fabricate a dual-gated MoSe2/WSe2 vdW heterostructure optoelectronic
device and demonstrate electrically tunable optical helicity using spin-singlet and spin-triplet charged
interlayer excitons. We use electrostatic gate doping to reach the spin-split conduction band, accessing the
spin-triplet exciton state in TMDs (Fig. 1a) and show they still have lifetimes significantly longer than
intralayer excitons (Fig. 1b). By applying a magnetic field, we measure the g-factors for the two states and
show that they have opposite signs (Fig. 1c). Due to a non-trivial phase introduced in rotation by the in-
plane displacement of the layers, the singlet and triplet interlayer excitons have opposite valley
characteristics when emitting the same circular polarization. Electrically controlled and optically addressed
singlet/triplet charged excitons provide a route for optoelectronic valleytronic devices that can dynamically
switch between the two valley states without changing the helicity of incoming light.
Fig. 1. (a) Electrostatic doping dependence of the photoluminescence spectra that shows spin-singlet and
spin-triplet charged interlayer excitons at high n-doping. (b) Single spectra at Vtg = 25 V and lifetimes of the
two peaks. (c) Energy splitting (∆𝐸 = 𝐸𝜎+ − 𝐸𝜎− ) of the photoluminescent energy for the triplet and singlet
with calculated g-factors.
[1] L. A. Jauregui et al., “Electrical control of interlayer exciton dynamics in atomically thin
heterostructures,” arXiv, p. 1812.08691, 2018.
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute),Kashirskoe
highway 31, 115409 Moscow, Russia
Russian Quantum Center, Skolkovo IC, Bolshoi Boulevard 30 bld.1, 121205 Moscow, Russia
Institute for Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Fizicheskaya 5, 142190 Troitsk, Russia.
*e-mail: [email protected]
Indirect excitons is a perfect solid-state platform for studying many-body effects, thanks to their long
lifetimes, high critical temperatures, and the possibility to control the density by laser excitation [1]. To
describe the motion of such cold excitonic systems, a formalism based on transport equations was
developed in a series of works [2]. However this approach breaks down in the limit of very low
temperatures where collective effects take place.
In our work, we develop a formalism based on quantum hydrodynamics approach [3], extending the
description from conservative to driven-dissipative systems. Relating to the geometry of the experiment [1]
with spatially-separated pumping and losses, we account for pumping as boundary conditions on density
and velocity of the exciton incoming flow, while the losses are assumed present in all 2D space in
consideration. We introduce the free energy functional of the system with terms describing dissipation,
and study its properties in the hydrodynamic approximation. Stationary profiles of the condensate density
and velocity are obtained from the applied model (Fig. 1), indicating the existence of the static superfluidity
in the system. Furthermore, we derive the quadratic Hamiltonian and obtain the Bogoliubov spectrum of
excitations which indicates that the excitations do not decay despite the losses in the system.
Fig. 1. Stationary profiles of the density (left) and velocity (right), with the lifetime τ = 42 ns and effective
mass of the indirect exciton m = 0.22 me (experimental data from [1]).
[1] A.T. Hammack, M. Griswold, L.V. Butov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 2006, 96, 2227402.
[2] A.L. Ivanov, Europhys. Lett., 2002, 59(4), 586; A.L. Ivanov, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2004, 16, 3629.
[3] S. Stringari, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1996, 77, 2360; W.-C. Wu and A. Griffin, Phys. Rev. A, 1996, 54, 4204.
Mier Valdivia, Andrés M.1, Joe, Andrew Y.2, Jauregui, Luis A.2, Rhodes, Daniel3, Kim, Bumho3, Taniguchi,
Takashi4, Watanabe, Kenji4, Hone, James3, Kim, Philip1,2,*
1John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge,
Massachusetts 02138, USA
2Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA
4National Institute for Materials Science, 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba 305-0044, Japan
*email: [email protected]
Interlayer excitons (IXs) in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) heterostructures are a
promising platform for the study of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in two-dimensional solid-
state systems. IXs exhibit tunable emission energies, large binding energies, and long lifetimes, allowing
for the manipulation of the exciton energies and spatial position [1]. To successfully generate a BEC, long
lifetimes are favorable for the IXs to thermalize with each other and potentially condense. One approach to
further extending the excitonic lifetime is to place ultrathin hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) in between two
monolayers of TMDs [2]. At sufficiently high electric fields, we demonstrate the existence of two species of
IXs in a system of WSe2/monolayer h-BN/WSe2 (Fig. 1a). We can tune their emission owing to their large
dipole moments of 0.9 nm for the A-IX, and 0.5 nm for the B-IX. Further, we can use the electric field to
tune the lifetime of the A-IX between 75-100 ns (Fig. 1b), a significant improvement over natural bilayer
lifetimes. This technique is promising for applying to other indirect exciton systems, such as MoSe2/WSe2
Fig. 1. (a) Electric field dependence of the photoluminescence spectra. We observe two distinct IX
species: a higher energy peak starting around -0.34 V/nm labeled A-IX, and a lower energy peak
appearing around -0.24 V/nm, labeled B-IX. (b) The lifetime of the A-IX is enhanced with increasing
magnitude of the electric field.
[1] L. A. Jauregui, A. Y. Joe, K. Pistunova, D. S. Wild, A. A. High, G. Scuri, K. De Greve, A. Sushko,
C. Yu, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, D. J. Needleman, M. D. Lukin, H. Park, and P. Kim, ArXiv,
2018, 1812.08691.
[2] E. V. Calman, M. M. Fogler, L. V. Butov, S. Hu, A. Mishchenko, and A. K. Geim, Nat. Commun.,
2018, 9, 1895.
Dmitry Krizhanovskii
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S3 7RH, United Kingdom
Strong exciton-photon coupling in semiconductor microcavities and waveguides gives rise to formation of
hybrid light-matter 2D quasiparticles, so-called polaritons. Giant Kerr-like optical nonlinearity arising from
the excitonic component resulted in a number of remarkable observations: superfluidity of light, bright and
dark solitons, vortices limited by interactions and continuum generation have been reported in GaAs-based
systems1,2. Very recently weak antibunching (polariton blockade) has been also observed in 0D GaAs-
based microcavities.
Here I focus on polaritons in photonic structures based on III-nitrides and monolayers of transition metal
dichalcogenides materials (TMDC). While in GaAs exciton-polaritons exist at T up to 50-70 K the larger
exciton binding energy in these materials makes polaritons stable at temperatures up to 300 K, which is
potentially useful for applications utilizing strong optical nonlinearites. Moreover, the strong oscillator
strength in TMDCs enables polaritons with just a single monolayer. Remarkable compatibility of TMDCs
with various semiconductor/dielectric substrates also paves the way towards development of active
nanophotonic devices of new generation.
Firstly, we investigated AlGaN waveguide with 20 embedded GaN quantum wells (QWs)3. Strong coupling
between the waveguide photonic mode and QW excitons leads to formation of UV high-velocity polaritons
emitting at ~350 nm and characterized by a Rabi splitting up to 90 meV. The resonant excitation of
propagating polariton fluid with a strong laser pulse results in a significant energy broadening of the injected
pulse from the initial 10 meV up to ~80 meV and spatial defocussing, which is associated with self-phase
modulation, modulation instability and possibly Cherenkov radiation by bright polariton solitons 4. The
strength of polariton-polariton (exciton-exciton) interactions normalized to a single QW is found to be
comparable to that in GaAs. The effects persist up to 300 K and to the best of our knowledge this is the first
observation of nonlinear polariton fluids in GaN system.
In the second part of my talk I will present studies of nonlinear polaritons in microcavities and photonic
crystals with an embedded monolayer of MoSe2. Importantly, the strong Coulomb interactions give rise to
very robust 2D trions (charged excitons) in TMDCs, the large oscillator strength of which enables formation
of trion-polaritons at low electron density. This leads to very pronounced phase space filling effects resulting
in giant trion-polariton nonlinearity comparable to or even stronger than that in GaAs polariton system. The
trion-polariton nonlinearity is also found to be 1-2 orders of magnitude stronger than that measured for
neutral TMDC exciton-polaritons5. I will also discuss the theoretical perspective of reaching strong polariton
blockade using TMDC trion-polaritons.
1 Iacopo Carusotto and Cristiano Ciuti Rev. Mod. Phys. 85, 299 (2013)
2 M Sich, et al., Comptes Rendus Physique 17 (8), 908-919 (2016)
3 J. Ciers, J. G. Roch, J.-F. Carlin, G. Jacopin, R. Butté, and N. Grandjean Phys. Rev. Applied 7, 034019 (2017)
4 PM Walker, et al, Light: Science & Applications 8 (1), 6 (2019)
5 V Kravtsov et al., arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.13505
1Research School of Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science, The Australian National
University, Canberra, ACT, 2601, Australia
*e-mail: [email protected]
Long-range and fast transport of coherent excitons is important for development of high-speed excitonic
circuits and quantum computing applications [1]. However, most of these coherent excitons have only
been observed in some low-dimensional semiconductors when coupled with cavities, as there are large
inhomogeneous broadening and dephasing effects on the exciton transport in their native states of the
materials. Here, by confining coherent excitons at the 2D quantum limit, we firstly observed molecular
aggregation enabled ‘super-transport’ of excitons in atomically thin two-dimensional (2D) organic
semiconductors between coherent states, with a measured a high effective exciton diffusion coefficient of
~346.9 cm2/sec at room temperature. This value is one to several orders of magnitude higher than the
reported values from other organic molecular aggregates and low-dimensional inorganic materials.
Without coupling to any optical cavities, the monolayer pentacene sample, a very clean 2D quantum
system (~1.2 nm thick) with high crystallinity (J-type aggregation) and minimal interfacial states, showed
superradiant emissions from the Frenkel excitons, which was experimentally confirmed by the
temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) emission, highly enhanced radiative decay rate,
significantly narrowed PL peak width and strongly directional in-plane emission. The coherence in
monolayer pentacene samples was observed to be delocalized over ~150 molecules, which is significantly
larger than the values (a few molecules) observed from other organic thin films. In addition, the super-
transport of excitons in monolayer pentacene samples showed highly anisotropic behaviour. Our results
pave the way for the development of future high-speed excitonic circuits, quantum computing devices, fast
OLEDs, and other opto-electronic devices [2].
0.62 nm 1.2 nm 1.5
1L x 0.2
PL intensity (a.u.)
hBN 0.0
550 600 650 700 750
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 1. a, Atomic force microscope (AFM) image of layered organic 2D materials showing the actual
measured thickness of WL and 1L pentacene. The scale is 2 μm. b, Measured PL spectra from WL and
1L samples at room temperature.
[1] D. Goldberg et al. Exciton-lattice polaritons in multiple-quantum-well-based photonic crystals. Nature
Photonics, 2009, 3, 662.
[2] G. Grosso et al. Excitonic switches operating at around 100 K. Nature Photonics, 2009, 3, 577.
Strong Light-matter Interaction in Multiple Quantum-wells System
Based on Monolayer Tungsten Disulfide
Zhao, Jiaxin1, Su, Rui1, Zhao, Weijie1, Du, Wei1, Liu, Xue1, Diederichs, Carole 2,3, Liew, Timothy C. H.1,2,
Xiong, Qihua1,2*
of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore 637371
2MajuLab, International Joint Research Unit UMI 3654, CNRS, Université Côte d’Azur, Sorbonne
Université, National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
3LaboratoirePierre Aigrain, Département de physique de l’ENS, Ecole Normale Supérieure, PSL
Research University, UniversitéParis Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ.
Paris 06, CNRS, 75005 Paris, France
*e-mail: [email protected];
[1] X. Xu, W. Yao, D. Xiao, & T. F. Heinz, Nature Physics, 2014, 10, 343.
[2] X. Liu, et al. Nature Photonics, 2015, 9, 30.
[3] S. Dufferwiel, et al. Nature communications, 2015, 6, 8579.
Peng, Guan-Hao1,*, Lo, Ping-Yuan1, Li, Wei-Hua1, Huang, Yan-Chen1, Chen, Yan-Hong1, Lee, Chi-Hsuan2,
Yang, Chih-Kai2, Cheng, Shun-Jen1
Department of Electrophysics, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Graduate Institute of Applied Physics, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
*e-mail: [email protected]
Atomically thin transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers (TMD-MLs) have recently drawn broad
attention because of the extraordinary spin-, valley- and excitonic properties. [1,2] With the combined
spin- and valley-degrees of freedom, an exciton in a TMD-ML under photo-excitation exhibits the complex
fine structures, composed of the bright exciton (BX) states, and spin-forbidden (SF) and momentum-
forbidden (MF) dark states (DXs) as well. Because of the optical invisibility, the latter two kinds of the dark
states are in principle hardly observed and even distinguished in conventional spectroscopies though their
impacts on the optical and dynamical properties of TMD-MLs have been well noticed. In this work, we
present a theoretical and computational investigation of the excitonic band structures and the
temperature-dependent photo-luminescence (TD-PL) spectra of WSe2-MLs under thermalization by
solving the density-functional-theory (DFT)-based Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) with the full
consideration of both electron-hole direct and exchange Coulomb interactions.[3] As main results, we
reveal the distinctive signatures of the SF- and MF-DX underlying in the TD-PL, featured by the quickly
rising and slowly descending PL intensities with increasing the temperature at low T~80K and high
T~260K, respectively. Further, the exciton dynamics in the W-based TMD-MLs subjected to the exciton-
phonon interactions is also studied by using the Lindblad quantum master equation based on the multi-
exciton-level model. The computational results agree well with the existing experimental data, [4] and
account for the impact of the high lying MF-DX states on the optical properties of W-based TMD-MLs.
Fig. 1. (a) Schematics of the fine structure of the bright exciton (BX) states, and spin-forbidden (SF) and
momentum-forbidden (MF) dark states (DX) of a WSe2-ML. (b) The calculated temperature-dependent PL
spectra and (c) the temperature-dependent PL intensities of a WSe2-ML featured by the characteristic
temperatures T1 and T2 as the signatures of the existing SF- and MF-DX, respectively. [3]
[1] K. F. Mak, C. Lee, J. Hone, J. Shan, and Tony F. Heinz, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2010, 105, 136805.
[2] D. Xiao, G. B. Liu, W. Feng, X. Xu, and W. Yao, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2012, 108, 196802.
[3] G.-H. Peng, P.-Y. Lo, W.-H. Li, Y.-C. Huang, Y.-H. Chen, C.-H. Lee, C.-K. Yang, and S.-J. Cheng,
Nano Lett., 2019, 19, 2299.
[4] X.-X. Zhang, Y. You, S. Y. F. Zhao, and T. F. Heinz, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2015, 115, 257403.
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
ITAMP, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
*e-mail: [email protected]
Rydberg excitons in Cu2O have emerged as a platform of strongly interacting particles with great potential for
both fundamental phenomena as well as optical applications. A central problem is a strong absorptive
background underlying the spectrum, stemming from the excitons' coupling to optical phonons and
constricting the effect of exciton interactions [1]. Here, we analyze how and under which conditions
electromangnetically-induced transparency (EIT) can suppress this background [2]. After developing a
Hamiltonian theory that captures the single-photon absorption spectrum, we investigate the optical response
in two-photon absorption as a function of yet unknown system parameters, see Fig. 1. Depending on these
parameters, the background and exciton spectrum can partially or even fully be separated, essentially
switching off the coupling to the phonon dynamics. This procedure also provides a direct handle on the
experimental determination of these quantities and places limits required for optical applications. Our findings
pave the way for the exploitation of Rydberg blockade with Cu 2O excitons in EIT setups.
Fig. 1. a) Two-laser setup with the first laser pumping a low-lying p-exciton and the second coupling to a
Rydberg s-exciton. b) single-photon absorption showing the background superimposing the p-states. c)
adding the second laser with appropriate system parameters suppresses the resonance and the background,
thus maximizing the absorption contrast.
[1] F. Schöne, N. Naka, H. Stolz, Phys. Rev. B, 2017, 96, 115207.
[2] V. Walther, P. Grünwald, T. Pohl, in preparation.
Exciton-exciton annihilation is a very essential process that governs excitation dynamics in photo-physics.
For example, the efficiency of carrier generation in photovoltaic organic materials is limited by exciton-
exciton annihilation that decreases their population before they have been dissociated. As well, the light-
emission efficiency of carbon nanotubes is strongly reduced due to the relaxation that follows collisions
between excitons [1]. Moreover these processes seem to be very efficient and very fast: An instantaneous
E22- to E11-exciton transfer is observed in carbon nanotubes [2] and the measured very short relaxation
times are incompatible with the usual processes, involving for example a cascade of phonons that would
imply a minimum relaxation time for each phonon emission [3]. Furthermore, when exciting the lowest E11-
exciton resonance, an instantaneous change on the E 22 resonance [4] is observed, showing a direct link
between the two states.
Strong coupling has deep consequences on the exciton dynamics. First the exciton population can be
coherently transferred to the high energy states in a very efficient way. Second, as in a degenerate
parametric amplification process that is described by the same Hamiltonian, at high exciton densities, the
E11 population is depleted in favor of the E22 level. The latter being less protected from the interaction with
the environment, this favors non-radiative exciton recombination. We will discuss in this paper the
efficiency of this process and relate it to the spatial features of the excitons described by their diffusion
and coherence length [6] that govern the collision efficiency.
[1] L. Cognet et al. Science 316, 1465 (2007)
[2] J-S. Lauret, C. Voisin, G. Cassabois, C. Delalande, Ph. Roussignol, O. Jost, and L. Capes, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 90, 057404 (2003)
[3] S. Cronenberger, C. Brimont, O. Crégut, K. Kheng, H. Mariette, M. Gallart, B. Hönerlage, and P. Gilliot,
Phys. Rev. B 77, 195311 (2008)
[4] Zipeng Zhu, et al., J. Phys. Chem. C, 111 (10), 3831–3835 (2007)
[5] Alfred Wünsche, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 4 359 (2002)
[6] L. Valkunas et al., Physical Review B 73, 115432 (2006)
ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies and Nonlinear Physics Centre,
Research School of Physics, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
*e-mail: [email protected]
Condensates of exciton polaritons in semiconductor microcavities typically coexist and interact with an
incoherent excitonic reservoir injected by an optical pump. The reservoir serves both as the gain medium
and as a repulsive potential for exciton polaritons, hence directly affecting the formation, coherence, and
dynamics of the condensate. Measurements of the most fundamental properties of the exciton-polariton
condensate, such as the strength of polariton-polariton interactions, have been hindered by the presence
of the reservoir [1], with the reported values for GaAs and InGaAs quantum well microcavities differing by
up to four orders of magnitude [3].
By realising a single-shot condensation [2] in an optically-induced “box” trap, our group has successfully
created an exciton-polariton condensate in the high-density Thomas-Fermi regime, spatially separated
from the incoherent reservoir. This has allowed us to perform a direct measurement of the polariton-
polariton interaction strength by measuring the blueshift of the condensate mean-field energy as a
function of the polariton density. This measurement, performed for a range of the excitonic fractions in the
exciton-polariton quasiparticle, yields values in agreement with theoretical predictions [3].
[1] M. Pieczarka et al., arXiv:1808.00749, to appear in Phys. Rev. B (2019).
[2] E. Estrecho et al., Nature Comm. 9, 2944 (2018)
[3] E. Estrecho et al., Phys. Rev. B, 100, 035306 (2019).
[4] R. Chang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 235303 (2016).
[5] M. Pieczarka et al., arXiv:1905.10511 (2019)
Over the past decade, exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities have attracted a great deal of
interest as driven-dissipative quantum fluids [1]. They offer themselves as a versatile platform for performing
Hamiltonian simulations with light as well as for experimentally realizing nontrivial out-of- equilibrium phase
transitions. The key ingredient at the basis of these phenomena is the fact that polaritons interact with each
other. In the regime of large two-body interactions, polaritons can be used to manipulate the quantum
properties of a light field. A regime of particular interest that has remained elusive so far is the one for which
the interactions are large enough to show up in the system response at the level of few quanta, signified by
the presence of quantum correlations between the emitted photons [2,3].
In this talk, I will report on the experimental observation of such correlations in resonant laser light
transmitted through a fiber-cavity polariton system [4], indicating the onset of the strong interaction regime
[5]. We observe a dispersive shape of the photon autocorrelation function including weak antibunching
around the polariton resonance which is a characteristic signature of this phenomenon. From the photon
autocorrelation data, we are further able to extract a value for the polariton-polariton interaction constant.
Owing to their weak amplitude, the observed quantum correlations remain far from a fully- developed Fock
state of light with low photon number, but they still demonstrate the emergence of time- ordering in the
photon stream.
Besides resonant measurements, we have also conducted experiments under off-resonant pumping of the
fiber-cavity polaritons. Using a narrow-band filter for the emitted photons, we are able to again observe
non-trivial quantum correlations from the off-resonantly pumped system. These findings, at first sight
surprising, are supported by numerical simulations of the system dynamics.
Our works act as a door opener for the emerging field of quantum polaritonics [3]. With further improvements
both on the photonics engineering and the materials engineering side, quantum well cavity polaritons might
eventually become a platform of choice for turning laser light into single photons and for realizing strongly
interacting quantum fluids of light for quantum simulations.
[1] I. Carusotto and C. Ciuti. “Quantum fluids of light”, Rev Mod Phys 85, 299–366 (2013).
[2] A. Verger, C. Ciuti, I. Carusotto. “Polariton quantum blockade in a photonic dot”, Phys Rev B 73,
193306 (2006).
[3] D. Sanvitto and S. Kéna-Cohen, “The road towards polaritonic devices”, Nature Materials 15, 1061
[4] B. Besga et al, “Polariton Boxes in a Tunable Fiber Cavity”, Phys. Rev. Applied 3, 014008 (2015).
[5] G. Muñoz-Matutano et al, “Emergence of Quantum Correlations from interacting fiber cavity
polaritons", Nature Materials 18, 213–218 (2019).
Assessing the various measurements of the polariton-polariton interaction strength in
GaAs microcavities
1. E.g., F. Tassone and Y. Yamamoto, Phys. Rev. 59, 10 830 (1999).
2. Y. Sun et al., Nature Physics 13, 870 (2017).
3. V. E. Hartwell and D.W. Snoke, Phys. Rev. B 82, 075307 (2010).
Figure 1. a) Numerically predicted polariton and exciton distribution for a cavity lifetime of 1.3 ps, with
non-resonant pumping, using the theoretically predicted value for the exciton-exciton interaction constant,
for total polariton density 7.4×109 cm-2. b) The same simulation but with density 3.4×109 cm-2 and
interaction constant 100 times larger.
*Current address: Department of Engineering Physics, Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, QC H3C 3A7.
Self-interference effects in condensed matter systems
David Colas, 1,* Fabrice P. Laussy,2,3 and Matthew J. Davis 1
ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies (FLEET), School of
Mathematics and Physics, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland 4072, Australia
Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Wolverhampton,Wulfruna St, Wolverhampton, UK
Russian Quantum Center, Novaya 100, 143025 Skolkovo, Moscow Region, Russia
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
The phenomenon of interference is one of the main manifestations of the wave-like nature
of quantum particles. In the Schrödinger picture, particles are well-described by wave packets,
and their interference naturally follows from the principle of superposition. The self-interference
of a single packet can occur, e.g. when bouncing against a potential wall. However, a wide range
of quantum systems allow for dispersion engineering, with the appearance of regions of negative
effective mass permitting the free propagation of self-interfering wave packets in the absence of
an external potential or applied forces. This effect was first predicted theoretically for exciton-
polariton systems [1]. It was later observed in 1D atomic spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein
condensates (SOC-BEC) [2,3] and also found to be at the origin of the formation of polariton
nonlinear X-waves [4]. Here we show that self-interference can develop due to the presence of
nonlinear interactions, despite being a pure linear effect of the dispersion relation. We
demonstrate how the X-wave formation can be understood using the wavelet transform, a spectral
decomposition that provides unique insights into the nontrivial dynamics of wave packet
propagation that can fully characterize self-interfering wave packets. The wavelet transform also
provides a new perspective on another well-known non-spreading wave packet: the Airy beam, a
solution of the free Schrödinger equation with surprising properties [5].
Figure 1: Propagation of nonlinear X-waves in an exciton-polariton system (top row) and in a 2D SOC-
BEC system (bottom row). The X-wave is self-generated from an initial Gaussian wave packet that is
initially placed in the hyperbolic region of the dispersion relation. The wavelet analysis reveals the
interference mechanism that leads to the X-wave formation.
[1] D. Colas and F. P. Laussy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 026401 (2016).
[2] M. A. Khamehchi et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 155301 (2017).
[3] D. Colas, F. P. Laussy and M. J. Davis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 055302 (2018).
[4] D. Colas, F. P. Laussy and M. J. Davis, Phys. Rev B. 99, 214301 (2019).
[5] D. Colas, F. P. Laussy and M. J. Davis, in preparation (2019).
When polariton condensates have dissipations or have no excitons
Hui Deng
We then look "inside" the polaritons and reveal an electron-hole-photon condensate that
share similar spectral properties as a polariton BEC but with a microscopic origin similar
to a BCS-state.
TITLE: Microscopic theory of exciton-polaritons
Parish, Meera1,*
We present a microscopic description of exciton-polaritons that involves electrons, holes and photons
within a two-dimensional microcavity. Our approach goes beyond previous work and allows us to describe
the effect of the light-matter coupling on the exciton wave function. We will also explore the high-excitation
regime of the microcavity, where there is the prospect of realizing a BCS state of overlapping electron-
hole pairs.
BEC-BCS crossover in an equilibrium exciton-polariton condensate
1Centre for Quantum and Optical Science, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria 3122,
*e-mail: [email protected]
Microcavity exciton-polariton systems in two-dimensions are long anticipated to exhibit a crossover from
Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) to Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) superfluid, when the carrier density
is tuned to reach the Mott transition density. Yet, theoretical understanding of such a BEC-BCS crossover
largely relies on the mean-field framework [1, 2] and the nature of carriers at the crossover remains
unclear to some extent. Here, inspired by the recent demonstration of a BCS polariton laser [3] and based
on a simplified description with contact interactions to model the attraction between electrons and holes,
we investigate quantum fluctuations of an exciton-polariton condensate and determine the number of
electron-hole pairs, condensed photons and polaritons at the crossover beyond mean-field. We find that
the exciton-polariton condense remains in the strong-coupling regime, when the carrier density is much
larger than the Mott density.
[1] K. Kamide and T. Ogawa, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 056401 (2010).
[2] T. Byrnes, T. Horikiri, N. Ishida, and Y. Yamamoto, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 186402 (2010).
[3] J. Hu, Z. Wang, S. Kim, H. Deng, S. Brodbeck, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, N. H. Kwong, and R. Binder,
Signatures of a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer Polariton Laser, arXiv:1902.00142v1.
Critical exceptional point in a driven-dissipative coupled condensate
Hanai, Ryo1,2*, Littlewood, Peter1,3
1James Frank Institute, University of Chicago, 929 E 57th Street, Chicago, IL, US.
2Department of Physics, Osaka University, 1-1 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka, Japan.
3Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL, US.
*e-mail: [email protected]
Critical phenomena arise ubiquitously in various context of physics. Usually, these phenomena are
associated with the softening of the massive. Here, we propose a novel, nonequilibrium-induced
mechanism of critical phenomena driven by the coalescence of the eigenmodes, that may arise in driven-
dissipative many-body systems with coupled order parameters, such as polariton condensates and driven-
dissipative Bose-Einstein condensates in a double-well potential.
In this work [3], we investigate the critical properties of CEP. We show that the critical fluctuations arise
at the CEP due to the coalescence of the collective eigenmodes that converts all the thermal and
dissipative noise activated fluctuations to the Goldstone mode, leading to anomalously giant phase
fluctuations that diverge at spatial dimensions d≤4 (Fig. 2). By performing a renormalization group analysis
to the coupled-KPZ-like equations, we find that this anomalous feature leads to the rise of a strong-
coupling fixed point at dimensions as high as d≤8.
Fig. 2: Schematic explanation of the criticality of CEP. In the equilibrium limit (a), the two
eigenmodes are given by the longitudinal (δφ//) and transverse (δφ⊥) modes. As the system
approaches CEP by varying the parameter α, these modes (δφ+ and δφ⊥) become non-orthogonal
(b), until they coalesce at CEP (c), leading to anomalously giant phase fluctuations.
[1] R. Hanai, A. Edelman, Y. Ohashi, and P. B. Littlewood, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2019, 122, 185301
[2] For example, J. Tempel, et al., Phys. Rev. B 2019, 85, 075318.
[3] R. Hanai and P. B. Littlewood, in preparation.
Charge-imbalanced polaritons
1Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada & Condensed Matter Physics Center
(IFIMAC), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid 28049, Spain
*e-mail: [email protected]
Recent technological progress has led to precise and efficient manipulation of electronic and optical
properties of semiconductor solid-state devices. Noticeable examples include GaAs heterostructures, while,
more recently, transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) monolayers have emerged as ideal materials for
optoelectronic devices. Crucially, these structures have been recently embedded into planar optical cavities,
allowing to study the interplay between strong light-matter coupling and electronic doping. This opens the
prospect to generate and control novel strongly correlated phases between exciton-polaritons and 2D
electron system.
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a charge-imbalanced bilayer (left) and single quantum well (right)
embedded into a planar microcavity confining the photon mode.
In this presentation, I will consider a charge-imbalanced mixture of electrons and holes in either doped
single quantum wells or bilayers, strongly coupled to a cavity mode (see schematic Fig.1). I will discuss the
occurrence of different coherent phases following the competition between long-ranged Coulomb
interactions, Pauli blocking and the strong coupling to light.
School of Physics and Astronomy and ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics
Technologies, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia
The Center for Complex Quantum Systems, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712, USA.
*e-mail: [email protected]
The dynamics of a quasiparticle can be significantly modified by a quantum media surrounding it. This
type of phenomenon can be viewed quite generally as a polaronic effect, using the concept invented by L.
Landau and S. Pekar. The Bose-polaron problem involving the quantum bath of phonons or magnons has
been important historically, stimulating the development of the path integral formulation of quantum
mechanics and creative new numerical tools in quantum physics. Over the past decade, the Fermi-
polaron problem involving a Fermi gas as the quantum media has become experimentally accessible in
cold atom systems, and considerable progress has been achieved in understanding of its rich behaviour.
In my talk, I will argue that the Fermi-polaron physics govern the optical properties of moderately doped
two-dimensional semiconductors. The interactions of photoexcited excitons with Fermi sea formed by
excess charge carriers split them into attractive and repulsive exciton-polarons, that manifest as two
separate peaks in the absorption. The doping dependence of resonant frequencies of two peaks and their
amplitudes are in a very good agreement with recent experimental results as in conventional quantum well
systems, as in transition metal dichalcogenides.
D.K. Efimkin and A.H. MacDonald, Phys. Rev B 95, 035417 (2017)
D.K. Efimkin and A.H. MacDonald, Phys Rev. B 97, 235432 (2018)
Spectroscopic probes of quantum many-body correlations in polariton
We theoretically investigate the many-body states of exciton-polaritons that can be observed by pump-
probe spectroscopy. Here, a weak-probe “spin-down” polariton is introduced into a coherent state of “spin-
up” polaritons created by a strong pump. We show that the spin-down impurities become dressed by
excitations of the spin-up medium, and form new polaronic quasiparticles that feature two-point and three-
point many-body quantum correlations, which, in the low density regime, arise from coupling to the
vacuum biexciton and triexciton states respectively. In particular, we find that these correlations generate
additional branches and avoided crossings in the spin-down optical transmission spectrum that have a
characteristic dependence on the spin-up polariton density. Our results thus demonstrate a way to directly
observe correlated many-body states in an exciton-polariton system that go beyond classical mean-field
[1] Levinsen, Marchetti, Keeling, Parish, Spectroscopic probes of quantum many-body correlations in
polariton microcavities, arXiv:1806.10835
*e-mail: [email protected]
Inspired by pioneering works on imbalanced electron-hole systems (due to applied bias voltage) in TMDC
monolayers strongly coupled to a cavity photon [5], we explore whether a combination of strong matter-light
coupling and electric field biasing promotes imbalanced condensed states, which do not exist otherwise. To
address this question, we use a variational mean-field approach [6] to construct a finite temperature phase
On top of a balanced polariton and a dark imbalanced FFLO condensates, we find novel imbalanced
polaritonic states with coexisting polariton condensate and unpaired electrons with either isotropic or
anisotropic Fermi surface (see Fig. 1) depending on applied bias voltage. These states arise due to
combination of strong matter-light coupling and long-range Coulomb potential. Moreover, akin to a usual
balanced polariton condensate, these new states are stable at high temperatures (within a mean-field
Therefore, we predict new imbalanced polariton states, which should be possible to observe in an existing
experimental platform of electrically biased TMDC monolayers.
Fig. 1. Crescent state. From left to right: system cartoon, electron and hole mode populations, coherence
in the momentum space.
[1] I. Carusotto and C. Ciuti, Rev. Mod. Phys. 85, 299, (2013)
[2] P. Fulde and R.A. Ferrell, Phys. Rev. 135, A550 (1964)
[3] A.I. Larkin and Y.N. Ovchinnikov, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 47, 1136 (1964)
[4] M.M.N. Forbes et al, PRL 94, 017001, (2005)
[5] M Sidler et al, Nat. Phys., vol 13, 255, (2017)
[6] R.P. Feynman, Statistical Mechanics (Benjamin, New York, 1972).
ARC Centre of Excellence for Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia.
*e-mail: [email protected]
Multidimensional coherent spectroscopy is based on transient four-wave mixing and has been used to
reveal dyanmics and interactions in a range of systems[1]. We have used this approach to reveal detail of
the relaxation dynamics of exciton polaritons resonantly excited in the lower polariton branch of a GaAs-
based quantum well in a cavity. Two-dimensional spectra, such as those shown below, map what is
effectively the absorption energy (E1) and emission energy (E2), and in this case, these rephasing plots
show homogeneous linewidths, even in the presence of inhomogeneous broadening.
After the initial excitation (t2= 0), the full range of energies of the lower polariton (LP) is excited, as
demonstrated by the diagonal peak in the 2D spectrum at t2=0. These polaritons rapidly (<500fs) relax,
however, they do not produce cross-peaks, (see plot below at 500fs) suggesting this process may not
conserve wave-vector. Finally, at longer times, the LP peak on the diagonal becomes narrower as the
excitation density decreases, and a distinct diagonal peak at the exciton energy is evident. In this figure, it
is also clear that there is a cross-peak between the bottom of the polariton branch and the bare exciton,
without any intermediate crosspeak. This suggests the relaxation from the bare excitons (with high k) to
the bottom of the LP is rather direct and different to the relaxation within the LP band. Further
experiments, analysis and modelling will help to understand the relaxation mechanisms and interactions in
these exciton-polariton systems.
-1.59 LP
E1 (eV)
1.58 1.59 1.60 1.58 1.59 1.60 1.58 1.59 1.60
E3 (eV) E3 (eV) E3 (eV)
Fig. 1. Two-dimensional spectra from GaAs-based exciton-polaritons at population times t2= 0, 500 fs,
and 1000 fs. The E1 (E3) axis can effectively be considered the absorption (emission) energy, and the
diagonal line marks the points where emission equals absorption energy. The dashed horizontal lines
indicate the exciton energy (Ex) and the energy at the bottom of the lower polariton band (LP).
[1] Tollerud, J.O., and Davis, J.A. Prog. Quant. Electr. 2017, 55, 1-34.
Hakala, Tommi1, Moilanen, Antti1, Väkeväinen, Aaro1, Guo, Rui1, Necada, Marek1, Martikainen, Jani-
Petri1, Daskalakis, Konstantinos1, Rekola, Heikki1 Julku, Aleksi1, Törmä, Päivi1,*
Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University, Finland
*e-mail: [email protected]
Bose-Einstein condensation has been realized for various particles or quasi-particles, such as atoms,
molecules, photons, magnons and semiconductor exciton polaritons. We have recently experimentally
realized a new type of condensate: a BEC of hybrids of surface plasmons and light in a nanoparticle array
[1]. The condensate forms at room temperature and shows ultrafast dynamics. We utilized a special
measurement technique, based on formation of the condensate under propagation of the plasmonic
excitations, to monitor the sub-picosecond thermalization dynamics of the system. Recently, we have
achieved such Bose-Einstein condensation also at the strong coupling regime, and shown by varying the
lattice size that the thermalization in these systems is a simulated process that occurs in 100 femtosecond
scale [2]. This new platform is ideal for studies of differences and connections between BEC and lasing
[3,4,5]. While usually lasing in nanoparticle arrays occurs at the centre of the Brillouin zone, we have now
demonstrated lasing also at the K-point [6]. The lasing mode can be identified with the help of group
theory. Clear lasing is observed despite a narrow band gap at the K-point, which is promising considering
future studies of topological photonics. Nanoparticle arrays are well suited for studies of topological
phenomena due to the easy tunability of the array geometry and the system symmetries.
[1] T.K. Hakala, A.J. Moilanen, A.I. Väkeväinen, R. Guo, J.-P. Martikainen, K.S. Daskalakis, H.T. Rekola,
A. Julku, P. Törmä, Nature Physics, 2018, 14, 739.
[2] A.I. Väkeväinen, A.J. Moilanen, M. Necada, T.K. Hakala, K.S. Daskalakis, P. Törmä, arxiv:1905.07609,
[3] T.K. Hakala, H.T. Rekola, A.I. Väkeväinen, J.-P. Martikainen, M. Necada, A.J. Moilanen, P. Törmä,
Nature Communications, 2017, 8, 13687.
[4] H.T. Rekola, T.K. Hakala, and P. Törmä, ACS Photonics 2018, 5, 1822.
[5] K.S. Daskalakis, A.I. Väkeväinen, J.-P. Martikainen, T.K. Hakala, P. Törmä, Nano Letters, 2018, 18,
[6] R. Guo, M. Necada, T.K. Hakala, A.I. Väkeväinen, P. Törmä, Physical Review Letters, 2019, 122,
Chris Vale1,*, Carlos Kuhn1, Sascha Hoinka1, Paul Dyke1, Ivan Herrera1
1Centre for Quantum and Optical Sciences, ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics
Technologies, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn VIC 3122, Australia
*e-mail: [email protected]
Dynamical processes in strongly-correlated quantum systems are central to understanding transport and
dissipation. Here, we experimentally measure the excitation spectra of strongly interacting Fermi gases as
a function of both the temperature and interactions. At temperatures below the superfluid transition, long
wavelength excitations are dominated by the Bogoliubov-Anderson phonon mode whose frequency and
width provide the sound speed and damping rate, respectively [1]. At higher energies, single particle
excitations become accessible allowing a direct measurement of the pairing gap. Bragg spectra of gases
at unitarity show a strong dependence on the temperature, particularly across the superfluid transition
where the evolution of the phonon mode displays striking similarities to what is found in liquid helium [2].
In the high-momentum limit, studied of the excitation spectra reveal universal features, such as Tan’s
contact parameter which we have mapped across the superfluid transition [3]. These measurements
establish quantitative benchmarks for many-body theories of fermionic matter.
[1] S. Hoinka, P. Dyke, M. G. Lingham, J. J. Kinnunen, G. M. Bruun, and C. J. Vale, Nature Phys. 13, 943
[2] C. C. N. Kuhn, S. Hoinka, I. Herrera, P. Dyke, J. J. Kinnunen, G. M. Bruun, and C. J. Vale,
arXiv:1912.03830 (2019).
[3] C. Carcy, S. Hoinka, M. G. Lingham, P. Dyke, C. C. N. Kuhn, H. Hu, and C. J. Vale, Phys. Rev. Lett.
122, 203401 (2019).
Probing Tan’s contact in an exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein
Pieczarka, Maciej1*, Estrecho, Eliezer1, Boozarjmehr, Maryam1, Steger, Mark 2, West, Kenneth3, Pfeiffer,
Loren3, Snoke, David4, Truscott, Andrew5, Ostrovskaya, Elena1
1ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technology and Nonlinear Physics Centre,
Research School of Physics, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
2National Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, CO 80401, USA
3Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA
4Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA
5Laser Physics Centre, Research School of Physics, The Australian National University,
Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
*e-mail: [email protected]
The short-range behaviour of the many-body wavefunction of a quantum system with contact interactions
is manifested in the momentum occupation distribution 𝑁(𝑘) as a power-law decay ~𝑘 −4 at large
wavevectors. The asymptotic value lim 𝑘 4 𝑁(𝑘) = 𝐶 is referred to as “the contact” and has been linked to
numerous universal thermodynamic relations in seminal papers of S.Tan [1]. The value of the contact has
been successfully measured in fermionic gases at the unitary limit [2,3]. Similar studies are much more
challenging in the case of bosonic quantum gases [4], where three-body Efimov resonances appear when
approaching the unitary limit. Recently, the contact has been measured in a weakly interacting Bose-
Einstein condensate (BEC), and significant deviations from theoretical predictions have been found [5].
Exciton polaritons are composite bosons resulting from the strong coupling between excitons and
photons in a semiconductor microcavity. These quasiparticles can condense into a driven-dissipative BEC
and form a macroscopically coherent many-body quantum state. We have recently observed experimental
evidence of quantum depletion in a high-density exciton-polariton BEC [6], by probing the
photoluminescence of the negative energy Bogoliubov excitation branch (so-called ghost branch – GB).
Analysis of the asymptotic behaviour of momentum distribution in the GB allows for the extraction of the
Tan’s contact for various exciton-photon detunings, i.e. for different polariton-polariton interaction
strengths and an excitonic fraction of the exciton-polariton quasiparticle, see exemplary data in Fig. 1. The
obtained values of the contact show
deviations from the theoretical predictions
based on the local density approximation
and Bogoliubov theory, which treats the
exciton-polariton as a structure-less boson
characterised by an experimentally
measured contact interaction strength. We
discuss the influence of the composite
nature of exciton-polaritons on the short-
range behaviour of the condensate
wavefunction and possibility to connect the Fig. 1 (a) Measured dependence 𝑘 4 𝑁(𝑘) for extraction of
extracted Tan’s contact to thermodynamical the contact. (b) Tan’s contact as a function of polariton
properties of exciton-polariton condensate. density fitted with a quadratic function.
[1] S. Tan, Ann. Phys. (NY) 323, 2952, 2971, 2987 (2008);
[2] Y. Sagi, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett, 109, 220402 (2012);
[3] S. Hoinka, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 055305 (2013);
[4] P. Makotyn et al., Nat. Phys. 10, 116 (2014);
[5] R. Chang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 235303 (2016);
[6] M. Pieczarka et al., arXiv:1905.10511 (2019);
Estrecho, Eliezer1,*, Pieczarka, Maciej1, Steger, Mark2, West, Kenneth3, Pfeiffer, Loren3, Snoke, David4,
Truscott, Andrew5, Ostrovskaya, Elena1
1ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies and Nonlinear Physics Centre,
Research School of Physics, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
2National Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, CO, USA
3Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
4Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
5Laser Physics Center, Research School of Physics, The Australian National University, Canberra,
*e-mail: [email protected]
Condensates of exciton-polaritons are nonequilibrium quantum fluids that exhibit an intriguing superfluid-
like behavior [1], which, along with other collective properties, can be well understood by studying its
elementary excitations. Recent experiments [2] measured the modified excitation spectrum but the near-
zero momentum components, which are mostly affected by dissipation, were excluded. In this work, we
observe collective oscillations, representing the low-energy excitations, of a high-density trapped
condensate. Using an optically induced trap in the pulsed regime [3], we create condensates with long-
lived sloshing that persist for the whole condensate lifetime, as shown in Figure 1. The longevity of the
oscillation suggests that the damping due to friction from the normal (non-superfluid) component and the
excitonic reservoir is minimal. The frequency of the oscillation, which is dominated by dipole modes, is
around 10 GHz and chirps down as the density decays, confirming that the collective mode frequency
depends on the mean-field energy. This work opens the way for probing and manipulating different
oscillation modes which will shed light on unexplored properties of this weakly interacting system, such as
the compressibility, hidden symmetry in two dimensions [4], and interaction of the first and second
Fig. 1. Time-resolved (a) cross-section and (b) mean of the k-(momentum) space distribution of the
sloshing condensate; (c) real space images of the condensate at different times.
[1] R. T. Juggins et al, Nat. Comm. 9, 4062 (2018).
[2] M. Pieczarka et al., arXiv:1905.10511, 2019; P. Stepanov et. al., arXiv:1810.12570v2, 2018.
[3] E. Estrecho et al., Phys. Rev. B, 100, 035306 (2019).
[4] L. P. Pitaevskii and A. Rosch, Phys. Rev. A 55, R853(R) (1997).
Chirality selective enhanced correlation among quantum emitters by
chiral metallic structures
Shiraki, Hirofumi1*, Yokoshi, Nobuhiko1, Ishihara, Hajime1,2
We have studied the anomalous enhancement of the cooperative effect by metallic structures sustaining
the localized surface plasmons so far, where we use our theoretical method that can analyze the emission
time profile of arbitrarily configurated emitters in an arbitrary dielectric environment [2]. In that study, we
have revealed the enhancement of cooperative effect in superfluorescence largely depends on the metallic
structure and the emitters’ arrangement.
In this contribution, we consider chiral spatial structures of the metal and particle arrangements (Fig. 1), and
calculate the emission intensity of superfluorescence. The result (Fig. 2) shows that a definite chiral
selectivity of the enhanced correlation in a superfluorescence. Furthermore, when examining the
polarization state of the radiation, there was a chiral selective change. We can expect that these results will
lead to a new methodology in chiral research. In this presentation, we will discuss the details conditions of
the metal and emitters’ configurations for the chiral selective behavior of the time evolution of the emission
intensity, including the dependence of the metal size and the emitter resonance energy.
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of metal and Fig. 2. The light emission intensity was calculated when
emitters’ spatial structures with chirality. the metal structures and the light emitters were arranged
as shown in Fig. 1.
[1] Dicke, R. H., Phys. Rev. 93, 99.
[2] N. Yokoshi, K. Odagiri, A. Ishikawa, and H. Ishihara, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 203601.
Feist, Johannes1
Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada and Condensed Matter Physics Center
(IFIMAC), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
*e-mail: [email protected]
Organic molecules have long been recognized as a favorable type of emitter to achieve the strong-
coupling regime, i.e., exciton-polariton formation, even at room temperature due to their large dipole
moments and the stability (large binding energy) of Frenkel excitons. Strong coupling creates a
paradigmatic hybrid quantum system with eigenstates that have mixed light-matter character, so-called
polaritons. Traditionally, this has been used to achieve new functionalities in which polaritons are thought
of as dressed photons, e.g., by exploiting exciton-exciton interaction to achieve interacting polaritons.
However, over the last years, it has become clear that this regime also allows to significantly modify
internal material properties and dynamics. Polariton formation leads to changes in the excited-state
character and energy levels (i.e., potential energy surfaces) of the involved molecules, which can affect a
wide range of properties, such as energy transport, photochemical reactions, and even thermally driven
ground-state chemical reactions.
At the same time, organic molecules are highly complex material systems with a large number of nuclear
(vibrational) degrees of freedom. Consequently, an accurate theoretical description of such systems faces
a large amount of challenges: Fundamentally, electronic, nuclear, and (quantized) photonic degrees of
freedom have to be treated on an equal footing both statically and dynamically. Typical experimental
systems display ultrafast femtosecond-scale dynamics in their coupled photonic, electronic, and nuclear
degrees of freedom due to room-temperature molecular dynamics and (typically) femtosecond-scale
lifetimes of the cavity modes and plasmonic resonances employed as the photonic components of the
polaritons. A theoretical description of these systems thus requires a combination of techniques from
historically separate fields such as quantum optics, quantum chemistry, and ultrafast laser science.
I will give an overview over some effects observed in these systems, focusing on ways to observe and
manipulate ultrafast dynamics in these systems, as well as different proposals for steering and catalyzing
(photo)chemical reactions.
[1] J. Feist, J. Galego, F. J. Garcia-Vidal, ACS Photonics, 2018, 5, 205.
[2] J. Galego, F. J. Garcia-Vidal, and J. Feist, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2017, 119, 136001.
[3] J. del Pino, F. A. Y. N. Schröder, A. W. Chin, J. Feist, F. J. Garcia-Vidal,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 2018, 121, 227401.
[4] C. Climent, J. Galego, F. J. Garcia-Vidal, J. Feist, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 8698.
[5] J. Galego, C. Climent, F. J. Garcia-Vidal, J. Feist, Phys. Rev. X, 2019, 9, 021057.
[6] R. Sáez-Blázquez, J. Feist, E. Romero, A. I. Fernández-Domínguez, F. J. García-Vidal,
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2019, 10, 4252.
[7] R. E. F. Silva, J. del Pino, F. J. García-Vidal, J. Feist, arXiv:1907.12607.
[8] G. Groenhof, C. Climent, J. Feist, D. Morozov, J. J. Toppari,
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2019, 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b02192.
Musiał, Anna1, *, Żołnacz, Kinga2, Srocka, Nicole3, Kravets, Oleh1, Große, Jan3, Schneider, Philipp-
Immanuel4, Olszewski, Jacek2, Poturaj, Krzysztof5, Wójcik, Grzegorz5, Mergo, Paweł5, Dybka, Kamil6,
Dyrkacz, Mariusz6, Dłubek, Michał6, Rodt, Sven3, Burger, Sven4,7, Zschiedrich, Lin4, Urbańczyk, Wacław2,
Sęk, Grzegorz1, Reitzenstein, Stephan3
*e-mail: [email protected]
The ultimate security of the quantum communication protocols/schemes can be ensured by laws of
quantum mechanics, but realization of the quantum communication protocols requires, among others,
sources of single photons. For such solutions to become practical not only the sources need to be
efficient, but also compatible with existing fiber infrastructure (emission at telecom spectral range) as well
as semiconductor technology. Preferentially they should be fiber-coupled and operating at room
temperature. Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) provide inherently pure single-photons and they can
fulfill almost all abovementioned requirements. The fundamental limit is room-temperature operation which
is fundamentally not-achievable for QDs emitting at telecom wavelengths.
In this work we present realization of stand-alone fiber-coupled QD-based single-photon source operating
in the 2nd telecom window and cooled down by industrial Stirling cryocooler (T = 40 K) which does not
require access to cryogenics. The active element is a single In0.75Ga0.25As/In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs QD
deterministically incorporated [1] into a numerically (finite element method) optimized mesa structure [2]
for enhanced extraction efficiency. The especially developed interferometric method has been used to
position a specialty highly gradually Ge doped single-mode fiber (NA=0.42) with respect to mesa of a
cylindrical shape [3]. The single-photon purity has been evaluated by autocorrelation measurements with
superconducting NbN detectors in all-fiber Hanbury-Brown and Twiss configuration with custom-designed
fiber elements to deliver the optical pumping but also to filter from the detection channel the laser line and
scattering light as well as the emission from a sample except of a single QD transition. In result, there
could be obtained a train of single photons at the output of the standard telecom single-mode fiber.
The single-photon rate of the source at the output is 20 kHz which corresponds to coupling efficiency into
the specialty fiber of 30%. The best single-photon purity measured under non-resonant pulsed-excitation
(80 MHz, 50 ps pulses) corresponds to g(2)(0) = 0.15 proving single-photon emission from such stand-
alone device at the second telecommunication window.
[1] N. Srocka et al., AIP Advances, 2018, 8, 085205.
[2] P.-I. Schneider et al., Opt. Express, 2018, 7(26), 8479.
[3] K. Żołnacz et al., Opt. Express, in press, 2019.
Inas quantum dots and surface acoutsic wave cavities for quantum
Autry, Travis1, Berweger1, Samuel, Sletten2, Lucas, Mirin, Richard1, Kabos, Pavel 1, Lehnert, Konrad2,
Silverman, Kevin 1,*
Here, we present progress on a new type of transducer where the optical cavity is replaced with an InAs
quantum dot and the membrane is exchanged for a surface acoustic wave cavity (SAWc). Recently, hybrid
quantum devices involving SAW cavities and superconducting qubits have been successfully integrated [2].
In a SAWc, phonons will parametrically modify the resonance frequency of a QD via strain [3]. In this work,
we demonstrate progress in developing state-of-the-art, stable SAWc operating at ~ 3.4GHz. We
demonstrate a reduction in the SAWc mode volume by using focusing SAW mirrors (Fig. 1). These devices
are characterized using atomic force measurements of SAWc cavity-modes demonstrating high-quality
focusing phononic wavefronts. Finally, we discuss reducing bulk scattering, theoretical coupling rates and
discuss efficient photon extraction.
[1] R. W. Andrews, et al,, Nature Physics, 2014, 10, 321.
[2] K. J. Satzinger, et al., Nature, 2018, 563, 661.
[3] M. Metcalfe, S.M. Carr, A. Muller, G.S. Solomon, and J.Lawall, Physical Review Letters, 2010, 105,
Cosacchi, Michael1*, Seidelmann, Tim1, Ungar, Florian1, Cygorek, Moritz2, Barth, Andreas M.1, Vagov,
Alexei1,3, Axt, V. Martin1, Kuhn, Tilmann4
*e-mail: [email protected]
Semiconductor quantum dot-cavity systems are widely discussed as sources of highly nonclassical
photonic states, such as single photons and pairs of polarization-entangled photons. Since the pure-
dephasing type coupling to longitudinal acoustic phonons has been identified as the key decoherence
mechanism for quantum dot excitons one would naively expect the phononic influence on the quality of
the target photonic states to be of a similar
detrimental nature. But, quite unexpectedly, we
were able to theoretically identify situations leading
to a phonon-enhancement of single-photon purity [1]
and photon entanglement [2].
Comparing the standard resonant π-pulse excitation
with off-resonant phonon-assisted schemes in terms
of source brightness and single-photon purity
reveals a wide parameter regime, where the single-
photon purity is close to or beyond the value
obtained in the resonant scheme for otherwise
identical parameters [1] (cf. Fig. 1 d) and the
brightness does not drop significantly (cf. Fig. 1 b).
Besides numerous experimental advantages, off-
resonant schemes ultimately pave the way to excite
two or more spatially separated dots with the same
laser, which is a crucial step towards complex
quantum networks.
Furthermore, we predict a phonon-induced
enhancement of photon entanglement in the
Fig. 1. Source brightness (a,b) and single-photon biexciton-exciton cascade in a certain parameter
purity (c,d) as a function of the laser-exciton range caused by a combination of phonon-induced
detuning and the pulse area. Image taken from Ref. dephasing and renormalization of the cavity
[1]. coupling strength.
[1] M. Cosacchi, F. Ungar, M. Cygorek, A. Vagov, and V. M. Axt, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2019, 123, 017403.
[2] T. Seidelmann, F. Ungar, A. M. Barth, A. Vagov, V. M. Axt, M. Cygorek, and T. Kuhn, arXiv:
1902.04933, 2019 [to appear in PRL].
Prediction of the spin triplet two-electron quantum dots in Si: towards
controlled quantum simulations of magnetic systems
Ground state of two-electron quantum dots in single-valley materials like GaAs is always a spin
singlet regardless of what the potential and interactions are. This statement cannot be generalized
to the multi-valley materials like n-doped Si. Here we calculate the spectrum of a two-electron Si
quantum dot analytically and numerically and show that the dot with the lateral size of several nm
can have the spin triplet ground state which is impossible in the single-valley materials. Predicted
singlet-triplet level crossing in two-electron Si quantum dots can potentially establish the platform
for quantum simulation of magnetic many-body systems based on the triplet quantum dots. We
suggest several examples of such systems that open a way to controlled quantum simulations within
the condensed matter setting.
Kono, Junichiro1,2,3,*
1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
2Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rice University, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
3Department of Materials Science and NanoEngineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
*e-mail: [email protected]
Recent experiments have demonstrated that light and matter can mix together to an extreme degree, and
previously uncharted regimes of light-matter interactions are currently being explored in a variety of
settings, where new phenomena emerge through the breakdown of the rotating wave approximation [1].
This talk will summarize a series of experiments we have performed in such regimes. We will first describe
our observation of ultrastrong light-matter coupling in a two-dimensional electron gas in a high-Q terahertz
cavity in a quantizing magnetic field, demonstrating a record-high cooperativity [2]. The electron cyclotron
resonance peak exhibited splitting into the lower and upper polariton branches with a magnitude that is
proportional to the square-root of the electron density, a hallmark of cooperative vacuum Rabi splitting,
known as Dicke cooperativity. Additionally, we have obtained clear and definitive evidence for the vacuum
Bloch-Siegert shift [3], a signature of the breakdown of the rotating-wave approximation. The second part
of this talk will present microcavity exciton polaritons in a thin film of aligned carbon nanotubes [4]
embedded in a Fabry-Pérot cavity. This system exhibited cooperative ultrastrong light-matter coupling with
unusual continuous controllability over the coupling strength through polarization rotation [5]. Finally, we
have generalized the concept of Dicke cooperativity to demonstrate that it also occurs in a magnetic solid
in the form of matter-matter interaction [6]. Specifically, the exchange interaction of N paramagnetic
erbium(III) (Er3+) spins with an iron(III) (Fe3+) magnon field in erbium orthoferrite (ErFeO3) exhibited a
vacuum Rabi splitting whose magnitude is proportional to N1/2. Our results provide a route for
understanding, controlling, and predicting novel phases of condensed matter using concepts and tools
available in quantum optics, opening up exciting possibilities to combine the traditional disciplines of
many-body condensed matter physics and cavity-based quantum optics.
[1] P. Forn-Díaz, L. Lamata, E. Rico, J. Kono, and E. Solano, Reviews of Modern Physics 91, 025005
[2] Q. Zhang et al., Nature Physics 12, 1005 (2016).
[3] X. Li et al., Nature Photonics 12, 324 (2018).
[4] X. He et al., Nature Nanotechnology 11, 633 (2016).
[5] W. Gao et al., Nature Photonics 12, 362 (2018).
[6] X. Li et al., Science 361, 794 (2018).
University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PU, United Kingdom
RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research, Wako-shi, Saitama 351-0198, Japan
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland.
University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
*e-mail: [email protected]
Recent technological developments have made it increasingly easy to access the non-perturbative
regimes of cavity-QED known as ultra or deep strong coupling, where the light-matter coupling becomes
comparable to the bare modal frequencies [1]. Here, we present two works that highlight the unusual
phenomenology associated to the ultrastrong coupling regime, and show how these effects can be
replicated even without reaching these high-values of light-matter coupling.
First, we will discuss how in the non-perturbative light-matter coupling regime, the single-mode Rabi
model becomes unphysical, allowing for superluminal signalling. We show that the multi-mode description
of the electromagnetic field, necessary to account for light propagation at finite speed, reveals phenomena
of fundamental interest on the dynamics of the intracavity electric field, where a free photonic wavefront
and a bound state of virtual photons are shown to coexist [2].
Second, we will describe how a number of analogs of well-known nonlinear-optics phenomena that can be
realized in the ultrastrong coupling, such as the excitation of two atoms by a single photon, can also be
simulated with coupling rates below this regime by means of strong optical drivings [3].
Fig. 1. Dynamics of light and matter in the ultrastrong coupling regime of the multi-mode Rabi model.
[1] C. Ciuti, G. Bastard, and I. Carusotto, Phys. Rev. B 72, 115303 (2005).
[2] C. Sánchez Muñoz, F. Nori and S. De Liberato, Nature Communications 9, 1924 (2018)
[3] C. Sánchez Muñoz, A. Frisk Kockum, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori, in preparation (2019)
Emergent quantum criticality in driven-dissipative cavity arrays
The possibility of realizing strongly correlated states in photonic cavity arrays has stimulated an intense
research on open quantum many-body systems, establishing a fascinating interface between condensed
matter physics and quantum optics. Among the phenomena emerging in these systems, dissipative phase
transitions are nowadays receiving increasing attention. Due to the competition between the coherent and
incoherent dynamics, a continuous tuning of the external parameters can lead to a criticality in the non-
equilibrium steady state of the open system.
Here, I will present a theoretical study of the driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard model in the presence of
two-photon driving and losses, a model that is within reach of current experimental techniques based on
circuit-QED resonators [1]. The mean-field analysis of the steady state of this system reveals the
occurrence of a second-order phase transition, characterized by the spontaneous breaking of the Z2
symmetry of the model [2]. The critical exponents associated to the transition are computed using a fully
many-body approach, based on the corner-space renormalization method. These show that the phase
transition belongs to the universality class of the quantum transverse Ising model, revealing thus the
important role of quantum fluctuations and long-range entanglement at the critical point [3].
Quadratically driven-dissipative photonic arrays are feasible both on a circuit-QED platform and using
microcavity polaritons, as in both cases the coherent two-photon driving process has been experimentally
demonstrated. Such systems would then be suitable for the simulation of a wide range of collective
phenomena, among which the emergence of the spin liquid phase in frustrated magnets [4].
Fig. 1. Figure (a) Mean-field phase diagram of the quadratically driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard model,
as a function of the two-photon driving amplitude G and of the hopping strength J: the color plot indicates
the value of the order parameter, i.e. the expectation value of the coherence. (b) Finite size scaling of the
parity in a 2D lattice, using the critical exponents of the quantum 2D transverse Ising model.
[1] Z. Leghtas et al., Science 347, 853 (2015).
[2] V. Savona, Phys. Rev. A 96, 033826 (2017)
[3] R. Rota, F. Minganti, C. Ciuti and V. Savona, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 110405 (2019)
[4] R. Rota and V. Savona, Phys. Rev. A 100, 013838 (2019)
Driven-dissipative polariton fluid can exhibit a novel non-equilibrium order, where superfluidity is
accompanied by stretched exponential decay of correlations [1]. This celebrated Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ)
phase has not been achieved in any system in 2D and even 1D realisations are not conclusive.
We show analytically [1] and confirm numerically that polaritons in the OPO configuration can be
fine-tuned to realise the so far experimentally elusive KPZ phase in two dimensions for realistic
experimental parameters. Further, we study the phase-ordering after a sudden quench across the critical
region [2] and show that the unique interplay between non-equilibrium and the variable degree of spatial
anisotropy leads to different critical regimes. By providing an analytical expression for the vortex evolution,
based on scaling arguments, which is in agreement with the numerical results, we confirm the form of the
interaction potential between vortices in this KPZ system.
[1] A. Zamora, L. M. Sieberer, K. Dunnett, S. Diehl, and M. H. Szymanska, “Tuning across Universalities
with a Driven Open Condensate”, Phys. Rev. X 7, 041006 (2017)
[2] A. Zamora, N. Lada, M. H. Szymanska, “Vortex dynamics in a compact KPZ system”, under review
[3] P. Comaron, G. Dagvadorj, A. Zamora, I. Carusotto, N. P. Proukakis, M. H. Szymańska, “Dynamical
critical exponents in driven-dissipative quantum systems”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 095302 (2018)
[4] A. Zamora, G. Dagvadorj, P. Comaron, I. Carusotto, N. P. Proukakis, M. H. Szymanska, “Kibble-Zurek
mechanism in driven-dissipative systems crossing a non-equilibrium phase transition, under review
[5] R. T. Juggins, J. Keeling and M. H. Szymańska, “Coherently driven microcavity-polaritons and the
question of superfluidity”, Nature Comms. 9, 4062 (2018)
1 Australian
superfluid flows.
⇠ 10
x0 /⇠
vy /c
School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia.
x0 /⇠
Research Council Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies,
efficient way to pin a vortex. We will also present results for vortex pinning in driven-dissipative polariton
pinning behaviour is essential. While vortex pinning is reasonably well-understood in superconductors, an
superfluid velocity required to unpin a vortex. We find that larger pinning sites are not always the most
vortex pinning we elucidate the physical mechanisms that lead to vortex pinning, as well as calculating the
a dielectric medium in regimes when the flow velocity is small (see Fig. 1). By building a phase portrait of
simulations are consistent with analytical solutions of an analogue system of a free charge interacting with
simulate the scattering of a quantised vortex off a pinning obstacle in a two-dimensional atomic superfluid
mapping the mean-field description of the superfluid to classical electrostatics. We show that our
using the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We provide a framework for interpreting the numerical simulations by
understanding of the dynamics of vortex pinning is not as well developed in superfluids [1, 2]. Here we
An understanding of the turbulent behaviour of superfluid flow is important for their future development for
devices such as exciton transistors. Therefore, an understanding of the dynamics of vortices and their
Spontaneous emergence and tuning of phase coherence revivals within a
quantum fluid
Polaritons are quantum bosonic admixtures of excitons and photons, that have been shown to
undergo the BEC phase transition and have been proposed as a platform for simulations of classical
Hamiltonians [1]. The polariton architecture is advantageous for such endeavors, featuring extreme optical
control and scalability enables straightforward realization of large scale lattices of interacting condensates
limited mainly by the available optical power, while also featuring extremely efficient readout of the spin
degree of freedom owing to the large number of particles populating the quantum degenerate
condensation level. Additionally, we have recently demonstrated, that when the system is driven to the
weak inter-particle interaction limit and interactions with the incoherent reservoir are suppressed, the
coherence time of the polariton Bose gas increases to almost three orders of magnitude beyond the
polariton lifetime of ~5ps, to the nanosecond range [2], underscoring the huge potential of the system
should quantum effects be revealed, allowing individual spinor condensates to be treated as qubits [3].
Here we present and discuss initial experimental evidence towards the revealing of quantum coherence in
spinor polariton BECs. It has been shown that in the optical trap configuration [4], the BEC tends to
coalesce into one of its two spin eigenstates [5,6]. By spin polarizing the reservoir of particles (excitons)
from which polaritons originate, combined with the macroscopic number of particles (N~2000) of the
spinor condensate, we induce a local effective magnetic field on the system. The application of an
effective field Ω will induce rotations of the spin state of the system around the Bloch sphere [3], while
control of this field can serve as a means of coherent control of the BEC. By means of gated single shot
delayed interferometric measurements of the condensate for the first time we uncover coherent rotations
around the Bloch sphere that manifest as revivals of the first order normalized Glauber correlation function
(g(1)(τ)) and demonstrate the extreme coherent control capabilities inherent in the system.
Fig. 1. Emergence of coherence revivals in a polariton BEC for increasing density. (a) For a condensate
density around 1.5 times the threshold density we observe that the oscillation of the matter wave field
accelerates and becomes more pronounced (b).
[1] N. G. Berloff, et al., Nature Materials 16, 1120 (2017).
[2] A. Askitopoulos, et al., (under review)
[3] T. Byrnes, K. Wen, and Y. Yamamoto, Phys. Rev. A 85, 040306 (2012).
[4] A. Askitopoulos, et al., Phys. Rev. B 88, 041308 (2013)
[5] A. Askitopoulos, et al., Phys. Rev. B 93, 205307 (2016).
[6] H. Ohadi, et al., Phys. Rev. X 5, 031002 (2015)
Bramati, Alberto1,*, Claude, Ferdinand1, Maitre, Anne1, Koniakhin, Sergei2, Bleu, Olivier2, Stupin, Daniil3,
Lerario, Giovanni1, Pigeon, Simon1, Glorieux, Quentin1, Giacobino, Elisabeth1, Solnyshkov, Dmitri2,
Malpuech, Guillaume2
1Laboratoie Kastler Brossel, Sorbonne Université, CNRS, ENS-PSL, Research University, Collège de
France, 4 Place Jussieu, Paris, France.
2PHOTON-N2, Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS, SIGMA Clermont, Institut Pascal, Clermont
Ferrand, France.
3St. Petersburg Academic University-Nanotechnology Research and Education Center of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
*e-mail: [email protected]
The quantum fluids of light [1] are a wide family of systems where an effective photon-photon interaction
can be engineered, resulting in collective hydrodynamic effects. Exciton-PoIaritons in semiconductor
microcavities are a paradigmatic example of this behaviour.
In this work, we show how, in a resonantly driven 2D polariton superfluid, the combination of the bistability
behaviour of the system with flexible all-optical methods allows to shape the potential polariton landscape
and to control the formation and the propagation of a new class of dark solitons. Due to the onset of the
snake instabilities these topological defects evolve in stationary symmetric or anti-symmetric arrays of
vortex streets, straightforwardly observable in CW experiments [2]. The flexibility of this photonic platform
allows implementing more complicated potentials such as maze-like channels, with the vortex streets
connecting the entrances and thus solving the maze. These results open the way to the study of quantum
[1] I. Carusotto and C. Ciuti, Quantum Fluids of Light, Rev. Mod. Phys. 85, 299 (2013)
[2] S. V. Koniakhin et al., arXiv: 1905.04063v1
Direct transfer of light’s orbital angular momentum onto a
nonresonantly excited polariton superfluid
Min-Sik Kwon1,2, §, Byong Yong Oh1, §, Min Park1, Su-Gyun Gong1,2,4, Je-Hyung Kim1,2, Hang Kyu Kang3,
Sooseok Kang3, Jin Dong Song3, Hyoungsoon Choi1,2†, and Yong-Hoon Cho1,2,*
1 Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, 34141,
Republic of Korea
2KI for the NanoCentury, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, 34141,
Republic of Korea
3Center for Opto-Electronic Convergence Systems, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST),
Seoul, 02792, Republic of Korea
†Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]
* Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]
§These authors contributed equally to this Letter.
An exciton-polariton (polariton) is a Bosonic quasiparticle formed through the strong coupling of an exciton
and a photon. It can condense into a coherent ground state which behaves like a superfluid in many ways.
It is an inherently driven-dissipative superfluid due to the presence of pumping and leakage. Therefore,
formation of both the condensate itself and quantized vortices of the condensate has been a subject of
intense research. In this experiment, we present a relatively simple method to create quantized vortices in
the polariton condensate with a non-resonat Lagurre-Gaussian (LG) beam. We found that the chirality of
the polariton vortex mostly depends on the orbital angular momentum of the pumping beam. [1]
No fine tuning of other parameters such as the laser beam’s intensity, energy, momentum, size or shape
is required Polariton condensates angular momentum follows the incident beam’s angular momentum
both in direction and magnitude indicating some form of angular momentum transfer occurring from the
beam to the condensate. In other words, there is a one to one correspondence between the photon’s
angular momentum to polariton’s angular momentum and photonic control of polariton's topological
charge is possible. [1]
[1] Min-Sik Kwon, Byoung Yong Oh, Su-Hyun Gong, Je-Hyung Kim, Hang Kyu Kang, Sooseok Kang, Jin
Dong Song, Hyoungsoon Choi, and Yong-Hoon Cho, Physical Review Letters, 2019, 122, 045302
Barbara Piętka
Institute of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland
*e-mail: [email protected]
The internal angular momentum, the spin of polaritons, is an important degree of freedom that can
be used to control polaritons and its condensates. Polaritons inherit the spin property from excitonic
component and from the point of view of spin structure are therefore bosons with a 1/2 pseudospin. Spin of
polaritons is difficult to control through external parameters because polariton Zeeman splitting is usually
very weak in standard semiconductor microcavities. However, spin effects can be magnified by increasing
the sensitivity to magnetic field of either excitonic or photonic part of polariton in a specially designed
To control the excitonic part, we propose structures based on II-VI semimagnetic semiconductors
with magnetic ions incorporated into the crystal lattice. In the CdMgZnTe microcavity and CdMnTe material of
the quantum well, the s,p-d exchange interactions between localized d-shell electrons of the magnetic ions
and delocalized band electrons and holes allows to enhance magneto-optical properties of polaritons. I’ll
discuss many spectacular effect that are observed in semimagnetic exciton-polaritons and its condensates,
such as giant Zeeman splitting, condensation induced by external magnetic field, giant spin Meissner effect,
and spin polarized vortices. I’ll demonstrate that the control over the condensate spin can be taken through
external parameters such as excitation power and/or magnetic field.
The control over the polariton spin through photonic part is more difficult. Photons do not react
directly to external magnetic field, so to study spin effects we propose a synthetic field resulting from H-V
splitting of photonic modes which leads to the effects known as optical spin-Hall effect. I’ll demonstrate a new
type of a tunable birefringent microcavity filled with liquid crystal, where the H-V splitting can be tuned over
extreme range from -20 meV to +50 meV. Moreover, when cavity thickness reaches the resonance condition
for the photonic modes of different even-odd parities, a new coupling term becomes observable. The photon
modes become circularly polarised and split, as described by the Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling
and artificial magnetic field (Zeeman) terms in the Hamiltonian.
Our results demonstrate the wide range of method to control over polariton spins and are the first
step to use the spin degree of freedom in realization of polariton simulators and logic operations based on
polariton condensates.
This work was supported by the National Science Centre grants 2015/18/E/ST3/00558 and 2017/27/B/ST3/00271.
Switching the topological charge of exciton polariton vortices
Berger, Bernd1,*, Ma, Xuekai2, Schneider, Christian3, Höfling, Sven3,4, Schumacher, Stefan2,5, Assmann,
Vortices are elementary excitations arising in exciton polariton condensates [1] and consist of a 2π·m
radial phase shift of the polariton wavefunction, where m is the topological charge of the vortex. This
topological charge translates into the orbital angular momentum (OAM) state of the emitted light field and
can be detected by application of a dedicated OAM spectroscopy technique [2]. This technique gives us
the opportunity to study the temporal dynamics of vortices in exciton polariton condensates without using
complex interferometric techniques that also always require a phase reference. Here, we experimentally
demonstrate the switching of the topological charge of a vortex due to a pulsed perturbation [3].
First, we create a stable localized m=+1 vortex inside an annular trap created all-optically by a CW laser.
Then an additional non-resonant pulsed laser is switched on in addition to create a potential barrier, which
interacts with the polariton vortex and may reverse its direction of rotation. Depending on the pumping
power of the pulsed laser a switching to the m=-1 state is observed. This effect is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Left: Vortex switching in dependence of the excitation power of the pulsed perturbation.
Right: Experimental geometry.
[1] K. G. Lagoudakis, M. Wouters, M. Richard, A. Baas, I. Carusotto, R. André, Le Si Dang and
B. Beveaud-Plédran, Nat. Phys., 2008, 4, 706-710.
[2] B. Berger, M. Kahlert, D. Schmidt and M. Assmann, Opt. Express, 2018, 26, 32248-32258.
[3] X. Ma, B. Berger, M. Assmann, R. Driben, T. Meier, C. Schneider, S. Höfling and S. Schumacher,
arXiv:1907.03171, submitted 6 July, 2019.
Reeves, M. T.1, Goddard-Lee, K.2, Gauthier, G.2 , Yu, X.3, Bradley, A. S.3, Baker, M.2, Rubenstein-Dunlop,
H.2, Davis, M. J.1,2 and Neely, T. W.2
Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy Electronics Technologies,
School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia.
*e-mail: [email protected]
Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems, School of
Mathematics and Physics, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia.
Department of Physics, Centre for Quantum Science, and Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum
Technologies, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
A system of N identical point-like vortices confined to a disk exhibit a symmetry-breaking phase transition,
whereby they preferentially gather into an off-axis cluster at certain values of angular momentum and
energy [1]. These distributions can be understood as maximum entropy states at negative absolute
temperatures, a concept first put forward by Onsager to explain the emergence of coherent vortices from
turbulent flow [2]. Here, we experimentally realize these non-axisymmetric vortex equilibria in an atomic
superfluid containing quantized vortices, Further, we demonstrate the relaxation of a non-equilibrium
initial state to negative temperature equilibrium. We find the experimental observations to be in excellent
agreement with microcanonical Monte Carlo simulations of the point-vortex ensemble, evolving gradually
through different equilibrium states under weak dissipation. We demonstrate that the system dynamics
can be quantitatively modelled by a simple point-vortex model supplemented by a Brownian motion term.
Our results establish quantum gases as a platform for quantitative studies of emergent quantum vortex
phenomena, and open new directions in the study of turbulence, vortex matter [3], and statistical
mechanics of systems with long-range interactions.
[1] R. A. Smith & T. M O’Neil, Physics of Fluids B:
Plasma Physics 2, 2961 (1990).
[2] L. Onsager, Il Nuovo Cimento, 6, 2, 279 (1949).
[3] A. Bogatskiy and P. Wiegmann,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 214505 (2019).
Synthetic hamiltonians and spin-orbit engineering in tunable birefringent
Spin-orbit optical interactions in photonic systems exploit the analogy between the quantum
mechanical description of electronic spin-orbit system and synthetic Hamiltonians derived for propagation
of electromagnetic waves in dedicated spatial structures. We realize an artificial Rashba-Dresselhaus
spin-orbit interaction (SOI) and synthetic magnetic field (Zeeman term) using a birefringent photonic
A nematic liquid crystalline (LC) optical medium was enclosed in a typical Fabry-Perot resonator.
The long-range order of elongated liquid crystals molecules results in a strong anisotropy in particular in
optical properties. The liquid nature of these materials, thus freedom of molecular reorientation, allow for
convenient control of these properties by relatively weak external electric fields. Significant changes in the
optical properties of LC can be obtained after applying merely several volts. With the ability to manipulate
the permittivity tensor and, therefore, effective refractive indices for different polarizations of light it is
possible to tune the energy splitting between cavity modes which strongly influences the reflectivity and
transmission of the microcavity (Fig. 1).
When two linearly polarized modes of different parity are brought into resonance theoretical analysis
of birefringent electromagnetic waveguide results in SOI effects of light which stem directly from the
solutions of Maxwell equations, in the form of 𝐻 ̂𝑅𝐷 = −2𝛼𝜎̂𝑧 𝑘𝑦 , where 𝜎̂𝑧 is the Pauli matrix describing
polarization (“spin”) of light and 𝑘𝑦 is light’s direction of propagation. The Rashba parameter 𝛼 depends
on the properties of LC and cavity dimension. We performed three-dimensional tomography in energy-
momentum space to directly observe the spin-split photon dispersion relation in the presence artificial
spin-orbit coupling. Engineering of spin-orbit synthetic Hamiltonians in cavities opens the way to photonic
emulators of quantum Hamiltonians with internal degrees of freedom.
Fig 1. a Scheme of the birefringent microcavity and degree of circular polarization (S3 Stokes parameter) of b reflected
and c-f transmitted light in momentum space. b,c,e experiment d,f modeling for different energies marked in b.
[1] K. Lekenta et al., Tunable optical spin Hall effect in a liquid crystal microcavity. Light Sci. Appl. 7, 74 (2018).
Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Ministry of Higher Education, Poland under project "Diamentowy Grant":
0005/DIA/2016/45 and 0109/DIA/2015/44 and the National Science Centre grant 2016/23/B/ST3/03926 and by the Ministry of
National Defense Republic of Poland Program – Research Grant MUT Project 13-995.
Daegwang Choi1§, Min Park1§, Byoung Yong Oh1, Min-Sik Kwon1,2, Hang Kyu Kang3, Sooseok Kang3, Jin
Dong Song3, Yong-Hoon Cho1, 2,*, and Hyoungsoon Choi1, 2,**
1Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, 34141,
Republic of Korea
2KI for the NanoCentury, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, 34141,
Republic of Korea
3Center for Opto-Electronic Convergence Systems, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST),
Seoul, 02792, Republic of Korea
*e-mail: [email protected]
**e-mail: [email protected]
[1] Min-Sik Kwon, Byoung Yong Oh, Su-Hyun Gong, Je-Hyung Kim, Hang Kyu Kang, Sooseok Kang, Jin
Dong Song, Hyoungsoon Choi, and Yong-Hoon Cho, Physical Review Letters, 2019, 122, 045302
Department of Physics and CeOPP, Paderborn University, Paderborn, Germany
College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
*e-mail: [email protected]
Vortices are topological objects carrying quantized orbital angular momentum, also known as topological
charge, and have been widely studied in many physical systems. In those with spin degree of freedom the
elementary excitations are so called half-vortices (HVs), referring to a vortex state carrying a topological
charge in only one circular polarization component of a spinor system. We demonstrate the spontaneous
formation of localized half-vortices in spinor polariton condensates, non-resonantly excited by a linearly
polarized ring-shaped pump [1,2]. In the core region of the half-vortex the condensate is circularly
polarized, while it is linearly polarized elsewhere. With TE-TM splitting, the pseudospin structure of the
condensate gives rise to solutions with broken cylindrical symmetry. The attractive cross-interaction
between different spin components can be used to realize optical vortex core switching between left- and
right-circularly polarized HV states [1]. This switching process (Fig. 1) results in the reversal of the circular
polarization state in the HV core. It can be easily detected by measuring the polarization resolved intensity
in the vortex core region, and the same method can also be applied to higher order states.
Fig. 1 (a,b) Densities and phase profiles of the initial and final states in the two circular polarization
components Ψ+ and Ψ−. (c,d) Corresponding condensate spectra in real space. The grey dashed arrow
represents imprinting of a vortex state in the Ψ− component due to the resonant control beam, while the
blue arrow shows the simultaneous transition into the ground state (non-vortex) of the Ψ+ component,
induced by the attractive cross-interaction leading to a redshift.
[1] M. Pukrop, S. Schumacher, and X. Ma, arXiv:1907.10974, 2019.
[2] X. Ma and S. Schumacher, Physical Review Letters, 2018, 121, 227404.
Polaritons as efficient and ultrafast platform for neuromorphic computing
Daniele Sanvitto
CNR NANOTEC – Institute of Nantechnology, Italy
Exciton-polaritons, mixed states of photons and excitons, have attracted a great deal of
interest both from a fundamental point of view, with the observation of quantum macroscopic
phenomena, and, given the possibilities they can offer, for the realisation of all-optical
devices with limitless advantages in terms of energy consumption, dissipation-less operation
and high clock frequencies [1].
After showing some of the most intriguing characteristics of polaritons in semiconductor
microcavities, we will focus on the use of polariton systems as semiconductor-based
platforms for the realisation of an image recognition system based on a reservoir computing
array of polariton nodes [2].
We have studied several schemes to best exploiting the strong polariton nonlinearities in a
network of almost degenerate polariton states. We used the MNIST database of handwritten
numbers as a benchmark to test the efficiency of the network against the number of training
dataset as well as the network dimension.
Using quasi-resonant excitation schemes, we obtained extremely unexpected and startling
results. Compared to previous works on hardware implementation of neuronal network
schemes we could show a higher success rate in a system that offers the fastest
computational speeds. Moreover, despite a smaller set of training data, such an exciton-
polariton-based platform demonstrated to outperform even linear classification algorithms
working with the full MNIST database.
[1]. D. Sanvitto, & S. Kena-Cohen, “The road towards polaritonic devices”. Nat. Mater. 15,
1061–1073 (2016).
[2]. D. Ballarini, A. Gianfrate, R. Panico, A. Opala, S. Ghosh, L. Dominici, V. Ardizzone, M.
De Giorgi, G. Lerario, G. Gigli, T.C.H. Liew, M. Matuszewski, D. Sanvitto “Polaritonic
neuromorphic computing outperforms linear classifiers”. arXiv:1911.02923 (2019).
a,2 Michał Matuszewski,2 Tomasz Paterek,1, 3 and Timothy C. H. Liew1, †
thematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University 637371, Singapore
stitute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Lotników 32/46, PL-02-668 Warsaw, Poland
A quantum optical neuromorphic network
NUS-NTU International Joint Research Unit, UMI 3654, 117543 Singapore
f artificial intelligence and quantum information poses opportu-
Sanjib Ghosh*, and Timothy C. H. Liew
sciplinary technologies like quantum neural networks. Quantum
1School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
ntroduced here, is a platform for quantum information process-
rinciple of reservoir computing that *Corresponding
is a form of author: [email protected]
artificial neural
eservoir computer can perform qualitative tasks like recogniz-
We introduce
at are entangled quantum
as well as reservoir processing
quantitative as a like
tasks platform for quantum information processing developed on
f an inputthe quantum
principle ofstate (e.g.
a neural entropy,
network. purity
A quantum or logarithmic
reservoir processor can efficiently perform qualitative quantum
y experimental schemes that require measurements of multiple
tasks like recognising
plified to measurement of oneentangled states on
observable or quantitative
a trained quantum
quantum tasks like estimating entropy, purity and
negativity (see Ref[1, 2] for more details). This platform can be implemented in a variety of systems, e.g.,
arrays of semiconductor quantum dots, superconducting qubits, cold atoms and NV centres in diamond.
N Exciton-polaritons
the inevolution
semiconducting microcavities
of nonlinear are yet [32]
dynamics another
of system which are
recently shownchaotic
to operatesystems [33]. regime [3, 4].
in the quantum
erging technologies
al neural networks
Sigurðsson, Helgi1,2,*, Töpfer, Julian1,2, Pickup, Lucinda1, Cookson, Tamsin1, Lagoudakis, Pavlos1,2
1School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, Southampton, United Kingdom
2Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Skolkovo Innovation Center, Building 3, Moscow 143026,
Russian Federation.
*e-mail: [email protected]
Exciton-polariton condensation has now been demonstrated as a flexible platform to study light-matter
wave physics with transients in the order of picoseconds. Here, I will discuss the all-optical engineering of
polariton condensate networks and the corresponding potential landscape of non-condensed exciton
reservoirs induced by the nonresonant beams. We show that one can deterministically tune the interaction
strength between different condensates by using another set of intruding nonresonant optical beams [1].
This allows switching of the phase arrangement between individual as well clusters of condensates (see
Fig.1a,b). Such control enables us to study the physics of synchronous phases in large networks of
nonlinear oscillators and intermediate regimes where chaotic trajectories reside.
I will present results on how the band structure of such all-optical lattice systems can be engineered to
support polariton modes unique to the geometry in question. Of interest are polyacetylene-like lattices
where the staggered interactions between condensates split the bands and a multimodal condensate
appears. Implanting lattice defects leads to the appearance of dark and bright condensate defect states
reminiscent of solitonic solutions. For polygon structures, characterized by discrete rotational symmetry,
we find modes supporting persistent circulating currents along the polygon edges. Lastly I will discuss the
prospect and challenges of using polariton condensate networks as neuromorphic hardware. Specifically,
the advantage of time-delay interactions [2] over Josephson interactions between condensate nodes and
how it suits a neural network strategy known as Reservoir Computing [3] (see Fig.1c).
Fig. 1. A real space photoluminescence of a 4x4 polariton condensate lattice without (a) and with (b)
nonresonant optical barriers [white circles] switching the parity of the upper and lower half denoted by the
blue arrows. (c) Schematic of a reservoir computer where a resonant analogue signal is fed into a
condensate network undergoing linear regression training in the same spirit as recurrent neural networks.
[1] S. Alyatkin, J.D. Töpfer, A. Askitopoulos, H. Sigurðsson, P.G. Lagoudakis, arXiv:1907.08580 [cond-
mat.mes-hall] 2017.
[2] J.D. Töpfer, H. Sigurdsson, L, Pickup, P.G. Lagoudakis, arXiv:1905.09092 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 2019.
[3] A. Opala, S. Ghosh, T.C.H. Liew, and M. Matuszewski, Phys. Rev. Applied, 2019, 11, 064029.
Networks of non-equilibrium condensates for simulation of spin
K. P. Kalinin1 and N. G. Berloff2,1
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0WA,
United Kingdom
Russian Quantum Center, 100 Novaya St., Skolkovo, Moscow 143025, Russia
e-mail: [email protected]
There is a growing interest in investigating the potential of various physical systems to solve hard optimisation prob-
lems. One promising class of optimisers can be based on a driven-dissipative physical platform, namely gain-dissipative
simulators. The underlying operational principle of such simulators depends on the gain (pumping) mechanism. As
the gain increases from below threshold until a nonzero occupation appears, the system becomes globally coherent.
Such a phase transition to a coherent state of matter occurs at the minimum of an associated spin Hamiltonian
that describes the maximum occupation of the state for the given gain. Examples of such spin Hamiltonians include
Ising, XY, Potts, and Heisenberg models. Finding the global minimum of such spin Hamiltonian problems is known
to be strongly NP-complete, meaning that an efficient way of solving them can be used to solve all problems in
the complexity class NP. We have developed a general framework for the operation of the gain-dissipative analogue
simulators [1] and demonstrated how the minimization of the Ising and XY models can be tackled with polariton
graphs [2]. Moreover, motivated by the operation of such physical systems, we have developed a novel class of classical
optimisation algorithms that can outperform standard built-in methods [3]. We have also shown recently that other
models, including Kuramoto and Stuart-Landau, can be realised with polaritonic networks under different conditions
[4]. Together with an individual control of pairwise interactions via spatially varying the dissipation profile [5], the
networks of polariton condensates offer great potential for an efficient analogue Hamiltonian optimiser and for reservoir
Macroscopically coupled polariton condensates
Töpfer, Julian1,2,*, Sigurdsson, Helgi1,2, Pickup, Lucinda1, Alyatkin, Sergey2, Askitopoulos Alexis2,
Lagoudakis Pavlos1,2
Dept of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow Region, Russian Federation
*e-mail: [email protected]
Networks of interacting polariton condensates have been shown to offer a versatile platform for
engineering and studying complex systems such as phase or spin-synchronized lattices [1, 2]. In this work
we present an in-depth study of the nature of interaction and synchronization between two spatially
separated, non-trapped and ballistically expanding polariton condensates. We show that this system
differs from a conventional Josephson-junction of trapped condensates since the coupling is not mediated
by a tunneling current but by radiative coupling inherently connected with finite time of particle transfer [3].
Synchronization is observed over macroscopic distances as large as d = 114 µm (Fig.1a) for two tightly-
pumped condensates, which is more than 50x larger than the FWHM of each condensate
(~2 µm). We demonstrate that interactions in-between condensates can be optically controlled (Fig.1b) [4]
and are described by delay-differential equations which makes networks of non-trapped polariton
condensates a promising platform to study time-delay coupled systems [5], that arise in many areas of
nature, and can be attractive for implementing artificial neural networks.
Fig. 1. (a) Two macroscopically separated and ballistically expanding polariton condensates.
Interference fringes visualize the synchronization of both condensates. (b) Optical control of
synchronization between two condensates locked in-phase (left) and anti-phase (right) by modulation
of the optical-pump intensity of an additional potential barrier in-between the two condensates
(middle red circle).
[1] N.G. Berloff, et al., Nature Materials 16, 1120-1126 (2017).
[2] H. Ohadi, et al., Phys. Rev Letters 119, 067401 (2017).
[3] J.D. Töpfer, et al., arXiv:1905.09092 (2019).
[4] S. Alyatkin, et al., arXiv:1907.08580 (2019).
[5] H.G. Schuster, et al., Progress of Theoretical Physics 81, 939 (1989).
Schneider, Christian1, Dusel, Marco1, Betzold, Simon1, Egorov, Oleg3, Ohmer, Jürgen2, Klembt,
Sebastian1, Fischer, Utz2, Höfling, Sven1
1Lehrstuhl für Technische Physik, Universität Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Germany
2Department of Biochemistry, Universität Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Germany.
3Institute of Condensed Matter Theory and Solid State Optics, Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena,
*e-mail: [email protected]
Interacting Bosonic condensates, loaded in periodic potentials have emerged as a prime system for on-
chip quantum simulation, exploration of exotic quantum phases, and topological photonics. However, such
experiments, which rely on a well-defined shaping of the potential landscape of the condensates, have
been restricted to ultra-cold temperatures in atomic systems in laser traps, or cryogenic temperatures for
exciton-polaritons in the mature GaAs platform. In our work, we present first experiments conducted on a
condensate of exciton-polaritons in a lattice at ambient conditions. We utilize fluorescent proteins as an
excitonic gain material, providing ultra-stable Frenkel excitons, and directly take advantage of their soft
nature by mechanically shaping them in the photonic lattice environment.
I will discuss the following observations:
The high quality of our device allows us to generate a close-to ideal bandstructure of the lattice,
arranged by tightly bound polaritonic traps [1].
The high structural quality of our material allows us to enter the regime of bosonic condensation at
ambient condition in this lattice [1,2].
Microscopic modelling allows us to establish the fundamental understanding about polaritonic
non-linearities based on Frenkel-Excitons [2]
By shaping the pump spot, we can load the condensate into distinct lattice modes and symmetries
at will. This capability is a powerful tool for any sort of advanced experiments relying on collective
transitions of coherent bosonic states.
[1] Dusel, Marco, et al. "Room temperature Organic Exciton-Polariton Condensate in a Lattice." arXiv
preprint arXiv:1907.05065 (2019).
[2] Betzold, Simon, et al. "Coherence and Interaction in confined room-temperature polariton condensates
with Frenkel excitons." arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.02509 (2019).
Exciton polaritons in perovskite lattices at room temperature
1Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore 637371
*e-mail: [email protected]
Microcavity exciton polaritons are part-light, part-matter quasiparticles emerging from the quantum
hybridization of excitons and microcavity photons. As strong-interacting bosons, they have been
exhibited rich quantum dynamics in the past decades. With the development of microfabrication
techniques, polariton condensates can be precisely trapped in periodical potentials to form artificial
lattices, which have led to a wide range of important applications, such as ultrafast simulators of the X-
Y Hamiltonian1, topological Chern insulators2 and topological lasers3. However, such realizations have
been limited in GaAs system, which can only work at liquid helium temperatures. Here, we demonstrate
our latest results on perovskite microcavities, which serve as a promising system to realize artificial
polariton lattices operating at room temperature. Specifically, we demonstrate the observation of exciton
polariton condensation in a one-dimensional strong lead halide perovskite lattice at room temperature.
Modulated by deep periodic potentials, the strong lead halide perovskite lattice exhibits a large
forbidden bandgap opening up to 13.3 meV and a lattice band up to 8.5 meV wide (Fig.1), which are at
least 10 times larger than previous systems. Above a critical density, we observe exciton polariton
condensation into py orbital states with long-range spatial coherence at room temperature. In addition,
we also demonstrate the realization of a perovskite zigzag lattice with topological protected edge states
Our results pave the way to implement artificial polariton lattices for quantum simulation and topology
at room temperature.
a b
Fig.1. a, Atomic microscopy image of the perovskite lattice. b, Energy-resolved dispersion of the
perovskite lattice.
[1]Berloff, N. G., Silva, M., Kalinin, K., et al. Nat. Mater. 2017, 16, 11.
[2] Klembt S, Harder T H, Egorov O A, et al. Nature, 2018, 562, 7728.
[3] St-Jean P, Goblot V, Galopin E, et al. Nat. Photon., 2017, 11, 10.
Applications of organic molecule-light strong coupling
Hutchison, James1*, Zhong, Xiaolan2, George, Jino2, Thomas, Anoop2, Shalabney, Atef2, Chervy,
Thibault2, Vergauwe, Robrecht2, Devaux, Eloise2, Genet, Cyriaque2, Ebbesen, Thomas 2
The typical tools utilized by chemists to control the rate of a chemical reaction include temperature,
concentration of reactants, presence of catalysts, solvent, etc. In recent years a less intuitive notion has
been explored: that the electromagnetic environment of the reactants one can perturb the reaction
potential energy surface, much like the action of a catalyst, and thereby influence chemical reactivity.
Work over the last decade shows that this becomes possible in the strong coupling limit of molecular
interactions with light, where the new collective polaritonic states have very different energies to the
unbound system. We have shown that reactivity is influenced in both photochemical reactions (coupling
electronic transitions) and for thermal reactions (coupling vibrational transitions).[1]
Our other recent work has examined strong light-molecule coupling effects on electrical conductivity [2],
energy transfer [3], non-linear optics [4], and in biological systems targeting protein vibrational modes [5],
further evidence that exciton-polaritons are worthy of study in the context of the molecular sciences.
[1] A. Thomas, J. George, A. Shalabney, M. Dryzhakov, S. J. Varma, J. Moran, T. Chervy, X. Zhong, E.
Devaux, C. Genet, J. A. Hutchison, and T. W. Ebbesen, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55, 11462.
[2] E. Orgiu, J. George, J. A. Hutchison, E. Devaux, J. F. Dayen, B. Doudin, F. Stellacci, C. Genet, J.
Schachenmayer, C. Genes, G. Pupillo, P. Samorì, and T. W. Ebbesen, Nature Mater., 2015, 14,
[3] X. Zhong, T. Chervy, L. Zhang, A. Thomas, J. George, C. Genet, J. A. Hutchison, and T. W.Ebbesen,
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2017, 56, 9034.
[4] T. Chervy, J. Xu, Y. Duan, C. Wang, L. Mager, M. Frerejean, J. A. W. Münninghoff, P. Tinnemans, J.
A. Hutchison, C. Genet, A. E. Rowan, T. Rasing, and T. W. Ebbesen, Nano Lett., 2016, 16, 7352.
[5] R. Vergauwe, J. George, T. Chervy, J. A. Hutchison, A. Shalabney, V. Y. Torbeev, and T. W.
Ebbesen, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2017, 7, 4159.
Zasedatelev Anton1,2,*, Baranikov Anton1, Urbonas Darius 3, Scafirimuto Fabio3, Stöferle Thilo3, Mahrt
Rainer3, Lagoudakis Pavlos 1,2
1Center for Photonics and Quantum Materials, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology Novaya St.,
100, Skolkovo 143025, Russian Federation
2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, United
3IBM Research–Zurich, Säumerstrasse 4, Rüschlikon 8803, Switzerland
*e-mail: [email protected]
Recent progress in polaritonics makes fascinating polariton physics possible at room-temperature [1–3].
Exciton-polaritons obey Bose-statistics and therefore undergo well-known bosonic stimulation in case a
state is occupied with N>1 bosons. Exploiting the principle, we have managed driving a strongly coupled
organic system towards the regime of dynamic polariton condensation where a transition from incoherent
exciton reservoir to a massively occupied polariton state becomes stimulated by a weak resonant seed
pulse [4]. We fabricated a strongly coupled microcavity consisting of 35 nm layer of ladder-type
conjugated polymer (MeLPPP), sandwiched between SiO2/Ta2O5 DBRs and study dynamic polariton
condensation through the direct exciton-to-polariton vibron-mediated relaxation at very low energies of the
seed pulse. We observe significant contrast of the ground polariton state occupancy by resonantly
seeding the state with a few atto-joules pulse. Figure 1a shows dispersion images recorded for the
unseeded (upper) and seeded (bottom) polariton condensates. In particular, seeding of the ground state
by 40 aJ pulse drastically changes the total occupancy of the polariton condensate as shown in Figure 1b.
Our results reveal extreme nonlinearity of dynamic condensation in Frenkel exciton-polariton systems
allowing for microscopic control over macroscopic polariton wave-functions.
Fig. 1. (a) Dispersion images of unseeded (upper) and seeded (bottom) polariton condensates. (b) Norm.
emission spectra of unseeded (orange) and seeded (black) condensates integrated over ±0.4 µm-1
[1] Kéna-Cohen, S. & Forrest, S. Room-temperature polariton lasing in an organic single-crystal
microcavity. Nat. Phot., 2010, 4, 371.
[2] Plumhof, J. D. et al. Room-temperature bose-einstein condensation of cavity exciton-polaritons in a
polymer. Nat. Mater., 2014, 13, 247.
[3] Lerario, G. et al. Room-temperature superfluidity in a polariton condensate. Nat. Phys., 2017, 13, 837.
[4] Zasedatelev, A. et al. A room-temperature organic polariton transistor. Nat. Phot., 2019, 13, 376.
Topological physics with a hybrid light-matter system
34126, Korea
4Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang
6SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, KY16 9SS, United
* [email protected]
Topological insulators (TIs) are a striking example of materials in which topological invariants are
manifested in robustness against perturbations, as originally observed in the integer quantum Hall
effect. However, during the past decade the concepts of topological physics have been introduced into
numerous fields beyond condensed matter, ranging from microwaves, photonic and polaritonic
systems to cold atoms, acoustics, mechanics and electrical circuits. Topology has emerged as an
abstract, yet surprisingly powerful, new paradigm for controlling the flow of an excitation, e.g. the flow
of light. As such, it holds great promise for a wide range of advanced applications.
Topological phenomena in polaritons are fundamentally different from all topological effects
demonstrated experimentally thus far: exciton-polaritons are part-light part-matter quasiparticles
emerging from the strong coupling of quantum well excitons and microcavity photons. We show that
by placing exciton-polaritons in artificial lattices that emulate two-dimensional materials, we can
engineer a wide range of exotic band structures hosting flat bands as well as Dirac cone dispersions.
Based on this precise technological control, we have demonstrated experimentally the first exciton-
polariton TI [1]. Due to the strong interactions and a large nonlinearity displayed by the exciton-
polariton system, this platform promises a wide range of novel many-body effects and resulting
functionalities. Here, we will briefly discuss the progress towards a topological polariton laser [2-4].
[1] Klembt, S., Harder, T. H. et al. Exciton-polariton topological insulator. Nature 562, 552-556 (2018).
[2] St-Jean, P. et al. Lasing in topological edge states of a one-dimensional lattice. Nature Photonics
11, 651 (2017).
[3] Bandres, M. et al. Topological insulator laser: Experiments. Science 359, eaar4005 (2018) and
Harari, G. et al., Topological insulator laser: Theory. Science 359, eaaar4003 (2018).
[4] Suchomel, H., Klembt, S. et al., Platform for Electrically Pumped Polariton Simulators and
Topological Lasers. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 257402 (2018).
Artificial matter in semiconductor lattices
Sylvain Ravets
Contact e-mail: [email protected]
Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies (C2N) CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, 10 boulevard
Thomas Gobert, 91120 Palaiseau, France
[1] Amo, A. and J. Bloch, “Exciton-polaritons in lattices: A non-linear photonic simulator”, Comptes Rendus Phys.
17, 934 (2016).
[2] V. Goblot, A. Strkalj, N. Pernet, J. L. Lado, C. Dorow, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, I. Sagnes,
S. Ravets, A. Amo, J. Bloch, and O. Zilberberg, “Emergence of criticality through a cascade of delocalization
transitions in quasiperiodic chains”, in preparation (2019).
[3] V. Goblot, B. Rauer, F. Vicentini, A. Le Boité, E. Galopin, A. Lemaître, L. Le Gratiet, A. Harouri, I. Sagnes,
S. Ravets, C. Ciuti, A. Amo, J. Bloch, “Nonlinear Polariton Fluids in a Flatband Reveal Discrete Gap Solitons”,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 113901 (2019).
Dowling, Toby1*, Whittaker, Charles1, Natilov, Anton2 Clarke, Ed3, Royall, Benjamin1 Shelykh, Ivan2,
Skolnick, Maurice1 and Krizhanovskii, Dimitry1
1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S3 7RH, United Kingdom
2ITMO University, St. Petersburg 197101, Russia
3EPSRC National Epitaxy Facility, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3JD, United Kingdom
*e-mail: [email protected]
Exciton-polariton (polariton) gases confined in lattice potentials have emerged as an attractive candidate
for emulating nonlinear lattice Hamiltonians, where 2D arrays of micropillars whose photonic energy
bands have strong analogy with the electronic energy bands of real world 2D (or quasi-2D) materials.
Results such as the demonstration of Dirac cones [1] and more recently a topological insulator [2], have
only furthered research into this ever growing field of research.
The spin hall effect is the spin current generated from the interplay between spin-orbit coupling and the
TE-TM modes in a photonic system. We report on the experimental observation of the optical spin Hall
effect in a patterned microcavity with a honeycomb lattice geometry, so-called photonic graphene. TE-TM
splitting native to microcavities, which acts as an effective magnetic field with a double azimuthal winding,
in the neighborhood of the dirac point energies K-K' point is transformed into a Dresselhaus-type field with
a single winding around these points, figure 1a ,b, c. This reduced symmetry is revealed in the optical spin
hall effect pattern, figure 1d, e. The precession of the pseudospin of a resonantly injected photonic wave
packet, which leads to the formation of the two spin domains, confirming the artificial gauge field created
through the periodic potential combined with photonic spin-orbit coupling.
(a) (b) (c)
(d) S3 (e) S3
[1] Direct Observation of Dirac Cones and a Flatband in a honeycomb Lattice for polaritons.
T.Jacqmin, I. Carusotto, I. Sagnes, M. Abbarchi, D. D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech, E. Galopin, A.
Lemaître, J. Bloch, and A. Amo, Physical Review Letters, 2014, 112, 11.
One way reflection free polariton spin filtering channel
Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang
Technological University 637371, Singapore.
*e-mail: [email protected]
Topological polariton systems are characterized by the appearance of chiral edge states, which travel in a
particular direction at an edge of a topological lattice where time reversal symmetry is broken [1, 2]. In a
strip geometry, chiral edge states always appear in pairs, which propagate in opposite directions on opposite
edges of the strip. While there has been a very clear fundamental interest in these states, the suggestion
that they can act as information carriers is hindered by this fact that they appear in pairs, as it means that
in any system there will be an unwanted counter-propagating signal, potentially leading to detrimental
feedback effects.
Here we consider polaritons in a strip of honeycomb lattice with zigzag edges. It is shown that the interplay
between the TE-TM splitting, Zeeman splitting and an onsite potential can give rise to a band structure
where one of the edge states vanishes completely while the other one resides with the gap-less bulk having
opposite spin. Being surrounded by opposite spin states and the absence of one of the edge states ensures
both reflection free and feedback suppressed one-way flow for polaritons with one particular spin in the
system. This paves the way for feedback free polariton channels, which can be useful in transferring
information in polariton networks.
Fig. 1. (a) Band structure of the system under consideration with the edge states shown in red and green.
(b) Same band structure plotted with colour coding corresponding to the spin degree of freedom. (c)
Spatial distribution of the spin degree when the system is subjected to a linearly polarized coherent pump
whose position is indicated with the red arrow.
[1] C. E. Bardyn, T. Karzig, G. Refeal, and T. C. H. Liew, Phys. Rev. B. 91, 161413 (R) (2015).
[2] S. Klembt, et al., Nature 562, 552 (2018).
Coupling between exciton-polariton corner modes mediated through
edge states
Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang
Technological University 637371, Singapore.
*e-mail: [email protected]
In recent years there has been a surge of interest in using exciton-polaritons to realize first order
topological bandstructures [1-2]. These topological states are well-isolated from disorder and so seem
ideal candidates for preserving information. However, this also means that they are well-isolated from
each other and so it is hard to imagine coupling together multiple topological states, which would likely be
prerequisite for some information processing elements (e.g., two-input logic gates).
Here we consider theoretically the realization of a second order topological polariton bandstructure, which
gives rise to zero-dimensional localized corner states in a polariton lattice (Fig. 1). Due to the topological
nature, information can be trapped in the corner even in the presence of disorder. We show that in the
presence of polariton-polariton scattering, polaritons can scatter from a pumped corner state into an edge
state, which again scatter back to another adjacent corner. In this way, we find that as a nonlinear driven-
dissipative system exciton-polaritons offer a unique opportunity for realizing spatially localized topological
states that can be coupled together.
(a) (b)
Energy, E
J' 0 2500
-J -J' Quantum number, n
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic diagram of a square lattice formed by coupled exciton polariton micropillars with four
different hopping J, -J, J’, and -J’ indicated by four colors. (b) Energy eigen-values of the system
consisting of 50 50 micropillars, as a function of the quantum number n. The modes corresponding to
n=1249-1252 are the corner states appearing at E=0, denoted by red. The bulk and edge states are
shown in blue and green respectively.
[1] Bardyn, et al., Phys. Rev. B, 2015, 91, 161413(R).
[2] Klembt, et al., Nature, 2018, 562, 7728.
Propagating exciton-polariton condensates in coupled waveguide
Beierlein Johannes,1,* Egorov Oleg,2 Harder Tristan,1 Gagel Philipp,1 Karol Winkler,1 Emmerling Monika, 1
Schneider Christian, 1 Peschel Ulf,2 Klembt Sebastian1 and Höfling Sven1,3
1Technische Physik, Physikalisches Institut and Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen-Research Center for Complex
Material Systems, Universität Würzburg, Am Hubland, D-97074 Würzburg, Germany
2 Institute of Condensed Matter Theory and Solid State Optics, Abbe Center of Photonics,
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Max-Wien-Platz 1, 07743 Jena, Germany
3SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, KY16 9SS, United
*e-mail: [email protected]
In the past decades, exciton-polaritons (polaritons) have emerged as a new scientific field due to its light-
matter nature. In addition, polaritons show a strong non-linearity when reaching the condensation
threshold. Using a variety of etching techniques to create microcavity waveguides (WGs), long-range
propagation and interference effects of polaritons have been demonstrated [1,2].
In this paper, we study coupling phenomena in two microcavity WGs, which are realized by etching the
top and bottom DBRs. Due to pronounced evanescent coupling the condensate oscillates between the
waveguides. This transfer of energy is clearly displayed in real-space due to the propagating nature of the
condensate.(Fig 1) Depending on the device parameters a different phase at the end of the coupling area
can be reached, resulting in different routing ratios. We study this two WG coupling as a building block for
larger coupled WG arrays.
This arrays are manufactured using a well developed etch-and-overgrowth technique. Here, the barrier
height and thus the WG coupling is highly controllable. In homogenous coupling WG arrays we clearly
observe discrete diffraction patterns of polaritons propagating. Furthermore, we show that the precise
control of the coupling parameters opens the way to study topologically non-trivial band structures and
complex propagation behaviors such as Bloch oscillations and Zener-tunneling.
Fig. 1.a,b) Real space image of a propagating polariton condensate in a codirectional coupler with
different coupling strength. c) SEM image of a codirectional coupler at an angle along the coupling
propagation direction.
Comaron, Paolo1*, Shahnazaryan, Vanik1,2, Wojciech Brzezicki3, Timo Hyart3, Matuszewski, Michał1
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
ITMO University, St. Petersburg 197101, Russia
International Research Centre MagTop, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotników
32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
*[email protected]
The control of topological properties in optical systems is a contemporary attracting objective from both
experimental and theoretical perspective. Recently, topological insulators were suggested to be realizable
in the strong matter-light coupling regime [1] and lately experimentally probed in exciton-polaritons lattices
of coupled microcavities [2]. Here, the edge mode populated by a polariton condensate presents novel
topological effects which differ from those demonstrated so far. Motivated by this recent achievements, in
this work we investigate the properties of topological edge states and topological phase transition in a
four-site unit-cell one-dimensional chain (Fig.1, left). Here the topological band-gap is generated by the
gain and loss mechanisms rather than the different hopping ratio between the individual cells [3].
We theoretically analyse the system in general terms, allowing to address relevant physical structures well
beyond polaritonic setups and investigating the transition from Hermitian to non-Hermitian topological
insulators. Our results clearly indicate the presence of different topological phases with diverse number of
topological edge modes which are characterised by a well defined topological invariant. We then
numerically study the physically stable solutions of the system in the presence of nonlinear terms by
solving the temporal evolution of the tight-binding model considered. Our results predict an establishment
of single edge-mode lasing in microcavity arrays (Fig.1, right). Investigation of the proposed system is
within the current experimental reachability.
Fig. 1. Left: Schematic of the system considered, with single-cavity coupling κ and on-site potential
ϵn = g n eiθ where n = 1, 2 and θ = (0, 2π). Right: Temporal evolution of the field intensity in a N=10
unit-cells structure of microcavities showing stable single edge-mode lasing.
[1] T. Karzig et al., Phys. Rev. X, 5, 031001; A. V. Nalitov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 114, 116401
[2] P. St-Jean et. al,Nature Photonics, 11, 2017, 651–656; S. Klembt et. al, Nature, 2018, 562, 552–556
[3] K. Takata and M. Notomi, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2018, 121, 213902
Electrical control of interlayer exciton dynamics in atomically thin heterostructures
Luis A. Jauregui1, Andrew Y. Joe1, Kateryna Pistunova1, Dominik S. Wild1, Alexander A. High1,2, You
Zhou1,2, Giovanni Scuri1, Kristiaan De Greve1,2, Andrey Sushko1, Che-Hang Yu3, Takashi Taniguchi 4,
Kenji Watanabe4, Daniel J. Needleman3,5,6, Mikhail D. Lukin1, Hongkun Park 1,2 and Philip Kim1,3*
1 Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
2 Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
3John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
02138, USA
4 National Institute for Materials Science, 1-1 Namiki, Tsukuba 305-0044, Japan
5 Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
6Faculty of Arts and Sciences Center for Systems Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138,
Excitons in semiconductors, bound pairs of excited electrons and holes, can form the basis for new classes
of quantum optoelectronic devices. A van der Waals heterostructure built from atomically thin
semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) enables the formation of excitons from electrons
and holes in distinct layers, producing interlayer excitons with large binding energy and a long lifetime.
Employing heterostructures of monolayer TMDs WSe2/MoSe2, we realize optical and electrical generation
of long-lived neutral and charged interlayer excitons. We demonstrate the transport of neutral interlayer
excitons across the whole sample that can be controlled by excitation power and gate electrodes. We also
realize the drift motion of charged interlayer excitons using Ohmic-contacted devices. The electrical
generation and control of excitons provides a new route for realizing quantum manipulation of bosonic
composite particles with complete electrical tunability.
Fig. 1
Fig. 1. (a) IE PL spectra vs. electric field applied to the heterostructure ( 𝐸ℎ𝑠 = (𝑉𝑡𝑔 − 𝑉𝑏𝑔 )/𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 ∗
(𝜀ℎ−𝐵𝑁 /𝜀𝑇𝑀𝐷 )). Here the top (Vtg) and bottom (Vbg) gate voltages are swept together with a voltage ratio
( = 𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑝 /𝑡𝑏𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑚 = 0.614 , 𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑝
ℎ−𝐵𝑁 ℎ−𝐵𝑁 ℎ−𝐵𝑁
= 70 nm and 𝑡𝑏𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑚
= 114 nm are the top and bottom h-BN
thicknesses, respectively), ttotal is the total h-BN thickness, and 𝜀ℎ−𝐵𝑁 = 3.9 and 𝜀𝑇𝑀𝐷 = 7.2 are the h-BN
and TMD permittivity, respectively. Right inset: optical image of a representative device with the top-gates
false colored. Left inset: schematic of the heterostructure cross section, showing electrons (holes)
accumulate on the MoSe2 (WSe2) layers, forming IEs. The white arrow represents the positive direction of
𝐸ℎ𝑠 . (b) Normalized reflectance vs. 𝐸ℎ𝑠 . (c) IE lifetime vs. 𝐸ℎ𝑠 . (d) Spatial dependence of 𝐼𝑃𝐿 with the laser
excitation fixed at the center of the heterostructure (laser position labeled as laser). An optical image of the
device with false colored top gates that cover the WSe2 and MoSe2 contacts is overlaid. An in-plane electric
field is applied by a voltage in one of the WSe 2 contacts (Vds) while keeping the other contact grounded. (e)
Spatial dependence of 𝐼𝑃𝐿 normalized according to 𝐼𝑃𝐿 (𝑉𝑑𝑠 )/𝐼𝑃𝐿 (𝑉𝑑𝑠 = 0) for Vds = 3 V. We observe a larger
population of charged IEs near the right WSe2 electrode by increasing Vds. The yellow arrow in (d)
represents the current direction. (f) Average of the normalized 𝐼𝑃𝐿 along the y-axis vs. x (depicted in Figure
3b) for different Vds. (g) Schematic of the heterostructure bands with applied Vds. The red (green) bands
correspond to WSe2 (MoSe2). A positive Vds is applied, while the chemical potential (indicated by a blue
dotted line) is kept inside the WSe2 valence band to form positively charged IEs. Under positive Vds, the
CIEs drift towards the grounded contact. The emission mainly occurs near the grounded contact, because
the charged exciton cannot move beyond the heterostructure.
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3. A. A. High et al., Spontaneous coherence in a cold exciton gas. Nature 483, 584-588 (2012).
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6. X. P. Hong et al., Ultrafast charge transfer in atomically thin MoS2/WS2 heterostructures. Nat
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7. P. Rivera et al., Observation of long-lived interlayer excitons in monolayer MoSe2-WSe2
heterostructures. Nat Commun 6, 6242 (2015).
8. D. Unuchek et al., Room-temperature electrical control of exciton flux in a van der Waals
heterostructure. Nature 560, 340 (2018).
9. J. S. Ross et al., Electrical control of neutral and charged excitons in a monolayer semiconductor.
Nat Commun 4, 1474 (2013).
10. J. S. Ross et al., Interlayer Exciton Optoelectronics in a 2D Heterostructure p-n Junction. Nano Lett
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ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science, RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia
*e-mail: [email protected]
We study electron transport processes in a silicon nanowire covered by an organic semiconductor (see Fig.
1 a) [1]. We propose a mathematical model that estimates the effect of charge carriers in organic
semiconductor (tetracene in this work) on the conductance of the nanowire. The model is based on the non-
3 5
equilibrium Green’s function approach [2] with the semi-empirical sp d s* tight-binding model for the
electronic structure of the nanowire [3]. The scattering potential has been computed using a combination of
the polarizable continuum model and density functional theory with the range-separated exchange-
correlation functional for organic molecules [4].
Moving charge carriers in the organic semiconductor distort the electrostatic environment of the nanowire,
introducing an additional source of elastic scatterings that suppresses the coherent transport of electrons.
The computed conductance change caused by scattering on a single molecule is shown in Fig. 1b both for
positive and negative charge carriers for a range of Fermi energies. There is also a possibility to observe
the exciton and charge transfer across the interface between silicon and tetracene. In this case the organic
semiconductor acts as a source of electrons and/or holes. A steady-state injection of additional charge
carriers into the nanowire redefines the quasi-equilibrium thermodynamic variables such as temperature
and Fermi energy level. In Fig. 1 b we have schematically shown the corresponding shift of the Fermi level,
Ef, caused by the electron injection. As a result of such shift the conductance of the nanowire increases.
Thus, in the considered case the movement of charge carriers in tetracene reduces the conductance of the
nanowire introducing an additional source of scatterings, while the charge transfer across the interface
enhances it. Both effects can be quantified from experimental measurement of the conductance.
a) b)
Fig. 1. a) an array of silicon nanowires covered by a bilayer of crystalline tetracene and b) conductance
change in a silicon nanowire caused by scatterings on a single charge carrier.
[1] M. V. Klymenko, J. A. Vaitkus, J. H. Cole, 2019, arXiv:1905.07115
[2] M. P. Anantram, M. S. Lundstrom, and D. E. Nikonov, Proceedings of the IEEE, 2008, 96, 1511.
[3] Y. Zheng, C. Rivas, R. Lake, K. Alam, T.B. Boykin, G. Klimeck, IEEE Tran. Elec. Devices, 2005, 52,
[4] H. Sun, S. Ryno, C. Zhong, M. K. Ravva, Z. Sun, T. Korzdorfer, and J.-L. Bredas, J. Chem. Theory and
Comp., 2016, 12, 2906.
Resonant photovoltaic effect in doped magnetic semiconductors
The non-linear optical response of clean undoped semiconductors contains a static intrinsic term – the
shift current. We show that when Kramers degeneracy is lifted, the second order DC response of doped
semiconductors or semimetals to an AC electric field becomes large at the interband absorption threshold
in clean nearly isotropic materials. We refer to this effect, which results from an interesting interplay
between inter-band coherence and intra-band occupation number response, as the resonant photovoltaic
effect (RPE). We evaluate the RPE for a model of the surface states of a Bi 2Te3 coupled to in-plane
magnetic order due to either bulk doping or proximity coupling.
Fig. 1. RPE resonance for a topological insulator with warping coefficient , with I0 the intensity in W/m2.
The blue curve corresponds to known values for Bi2Te3.
On the existence and nature of the excitonic insulator phase in the
extended Falicov-Kimball model
Fehske, Holger
We act on the suggestion that an excitonic insulator (EI) state might separate — at very low critical
temperatures — a semimetal (SM) from a semiconductor (SC) and ask for the nature of these transitions.
Thereby the EI constitutes an exciton condensate in equilibrium. To analyze the EI instability, triggered by
the Coulomb interaction between conduction band electrons and valence band holes, we study the half-
filled Falicov-Kimball model extended by a finite f-bandwidth, by means of various analytical and
numerical methods. For the 1D extended Falicov-Kimball model, we present exact DMRG results for the
ground-state phase diagram and show that the criticality of the EI state with power-law correlations shows
up in the von Neumann entropy [1]. In 3D, the momentum-resolved exciton numbers clearly reveal the
BCS-like mechanism at the SM-EI transition, whereas at the SC-EI transition a Bose-Einstein
condensation (BEC) of preformed electron-hole pairs occurs [2]. Thus, the composite nature of the
excitons is of vital importance. We furthermore calculate the bound-state fractions and the exciton density
to characterize the composition of the normal phase and to identify the so-called halo phase (surrounding
the EI above the critical temperature), which realizes a three-component plasma consisting of electrons,
holes, and excitons. The coherence length and the single-particle spectral functions show the continuous
crossover from a BCS- to a BEC-type pairing by tuning the Coulomb attraction within the EI phase. The
precursor of this crossover in the normal phase might cause the transport anomalies observed in several
mixed-valence compounds. We also comment on spontaneous coherence in double-layer exciton
systems [3].
[1] S. Ejima, T. Kaneko, Y. Ohta, H. Fehske, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2014, 112, 026401.
[2] B. Zenker, D. Ihle, F. X. Bronold, H. Fehske, Phys. Rev. B, 2012, 85, 121102(R).
[3] T. Kaneko, S. Ejima, H. Fehske, Y. Ohta, Phys. Rev. B 2013, 88, 035312.
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge,
United Kingdom
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russian Federation
*e-mail: [email protected]
The rich physics of systems of interacting polariton condensates has sparked much interest in their
behaviour. For example, recent work has demonstrated their potential to shed light on the nature of systems
of coupled oscillators [1]. Despite extensive theoretical [2] and experimental [3] investigations into polaritonic
networks, most of the literature assumes that only ferro and antiferro stationary states exist. In this study,
the rate equations described in [1] are implemented on various lattices to reveal that asymmetric stationary
states are possible. In such states, the condensates have unequal densities and their phase differences do
not correspond to those of ferro or antiferro states (Fig. 1). We found one type of asymmetric state in
systems consisting of two and three condensates, and four distinct types of asymmetric states in systems
with four condensates. This study presents an investigation into the nature of such states, providing a more
complete picture of the possible ground states of polaritonic networks.
Fig. 1. Bifurcation diagram for a polariton dyad showing ferro, antiferro, asymmetric, and non-stationary
states. The diagram is plotted in 𝑃 − 𝑔 parameter space, where 𝑃 is the pump intensity and 𝑔 = 2𝑔𝑅 /𝑅𝑅
(𝑔𝑅 is the polariton-exciton interaction strength and 𝑅𝑅 is the rate of scattering from the hot reservoir).
[1] Kirill P. Kalinin, Natalia G. Berloff, arXiv preprint, 2019, 1902.09142.
[2] Kirill P. Kalinin, Natalia G. Berloff, New Journal of Physics, 2018, 20, 11.
[3] Natalia G. Berloff, Pavlos G. Lagoudakis et al., Nature Materials, 2017, 16, 11.
Exciton-polariton propagator with application to electron-polariton scattering and testing of
quantum reference frame transformations
Guangyao Li
Abstract: We obtain via diagrammatic method the propagator of exciton-polariton for a $2D$
quantum well microcavity system with screened Coulomb interaction. The polariton
propagator carries information about the renormalization of the exciton-photon interaction
strength and the nonparabolic polariton dispersion. As an application, we calculate the
electron-polariton s-wave scattering cross section and find that the effective mass
approximation works very well in excitonic regime and photonic regime. However, since the
polariton dispersion is nonparabolic, a gemeral momentum-dependent calculation brings up
the issue of quantum reference frame transformation. Conversely, our results can provide an
experimentally testable scenario for verification of existing quantum reference frame
transformation proposals.
Tunable Room-Temperature Exciton-Polaritons in a Microcavity
Containing 2D-Perovskites
K. Łempicka1, M. Furman1, M. Muszyński1, M. Król1, A. Wincukiewicz1, K. Rechcińska1, R. Mazur2,
M. Kamińska1, W. Piecek2, J. Szczytko1, B. Piętka1,*
1Institute of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, ul. Pasteura 5, PL-02-093
Warsaw, Poland.
2Institute of Applied Physics, Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
*e-mail: [email protected]
Very promising materials, that are attracting growing interest in optical devices and photonic applications,
are hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites. In particular, great attention is recently devoted to the two-
dimensional (2D) perovskites. In the two-dimensional crystalline form these materials behave as multiple
quantum-well heterostructures with stable excitonic resonances up to room temperature.
We report the realization of tunable planar dielectric microcavities containing a 2D-layered perovskite-type
semiconductor: CH3NH3PbI3, showing the strong-coupling regime at both room and liquid helium
temperatures. We synthesized 2D-layered perovskite structure from the organic solution which was
deposited by spin-coating on a dielectric mirror. One of the main advantages of selected 2D-layered
perovskite is that excitons in such material are characterized by a high binding energy which leads to a
great stability even at room temperatures, as well as exhibit strong non-linearities.
We constructed a tunable cavity from two dielectric mirrors. The distance between the mirrors was
controlled through piezo positioners. It allow, at the same time, for the realization of high fineness open
micro-cavities (high Q) with tunable photonic mode and to avoid deterioration of perovskite crystals
caused by the growth of the upper mirror. A strong coupling regime between the perovskite exciton and
the confined photon mode is evidenced at room (Fig.1) and liquid-helium temperatures from angular-
resolved reflectivity and photoluminescence experiments. The observed exciton-photon coupling strength
is of ~110 meV and photonic mode can be tuned over the range of 100 meV.
The scientific significance of this work is based on the realization of a room-temperature new material
platform allowing for the observation of phenomena previously carried out at cryogenic temperatures.
Fig. 1. (Left) Schematic image of the structure. Cavity is formed from two DBR mirrors with the perovskite
layer deposited on top of bottom mirror. A free space between the mirrors allows for cavity tunability by
shifting one of the mirrors with piezoelectric stage. (Right) Emission from 2D-layered perovskite in strong
light-matter coupling regime at room temperature tuned by bias applied to the piezoelectric chip.
Biegańska Dąbrówka1, Pieczarka Maciej1,4, Suchomel Holger2, Schneider Christian2, Höfling Sven2,3,
Syperek Marcin1,*
Exciton-polaritons are quasiparticles emerging from the strong coupling between excitons and photons in
a semiconductor optical microcavity. They can form a macroscopically coherent state, a Bose-Einstein
Condensate which can be the source of laser emission. In the case of (Al,Ga)As-based monolithic
microcavities, with an (Al,Ga)As/AlAs quantum well (QW), the QW-confined excitons dissociate above
cryogenic temperatures due to their binding energy (~10 meV), preventing the formation of the
condensate at high temperatures. Here, we propose a strategy to enhance the exciton binding energy (EB)
and to increase the stability of the condensate up to 300 K in GaAs-based structures. The EB is reached
>30 meV through band engineering of the Al0.2Ga0.8As/AlAs QW, exploiting the Γ-Χ valley mixing [1]. It
preserves strong exciton-photon coupling up to 300 K. Additionally, we employ a modified excitation
scheme with the pump laser beam structuring to diminish the influence of incoherent excitonic reservoir on
coherent properties of the condensate at high T.
Preliminary experimental studies on the proposed polaritonic structure show the low-temperature
polaritonic lasing after employing a standard pumping scheme with a focused pump beam. Polaritonic
emission is indicated by a deviation from the parabolic dispersion of the cavity mode, a spectral blueshift
with the pumping power, and narrowing of the emission band above the lasing threshold. We investigate
the possibility of polariton lasing at elevated temperatures and test whether the strong coupling is
preserved under high particle densities. The results give hope for reaching polariton emission and lasing
at much higher temperature up to 300 K, after implementing an optimized excitation scheme.
Exciton-polaritons in multilayer WSe2 in a tunable planar microcavity
Due to high exciton biding energy and oscillator strength transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)
have recently gained significant attention in a field of light-matter interactions. A unique characteristic of
this group of materials is strong dependence of optical properties on their thickness. Single layer flakes
are of special interest to study light-matter interactions due to their direct bandgap. Significantly less
explored are multi-layer flakes, which, in contrast to monolayers, exhibit an indirect bandgap.
We investigated 1 to 4 WSe2 monolayer flakes, which were encapsulated in high quality hBN to
ensure the best optical properties [1]. In case of the monolayer, excitonic transition is visible in both
luminescence and reflectance spectra. For thicker layers, weak emission comes mostly from the indirect
transition between Q and K points in reciprocal space. However, strong absorption at energies
corresponding to direct excitonic transition in K point in the Brillouin zone are still observable in the
reflectance spectra.
Few-layer flakes under investigation were embedded inside a tunable cavity made of two SiO 2/TiO2
distributed Bragg reflectors (DBRs). Angle-resolved reflectance spectra, performed at 10 K, revealed
strong light-matter coupling regime for all of the investigated WSe2 flakes. When cavity mode energy
approaches direct excitonic resonance in given WSe2 flake, spectrum consists of two anticrossing
branches: lower and upper polariton (Fig. 1b–e). Observed Rabi splitting increases with thickness of
WSe2 flake, which is well reproduced with our transfer matrix simulations, based on measurements of the
flakes outside the cavity.
Fig 1. a Scheme of tunable microcavity with few-layer thick WSe2 flakes encapsulated in hBN. Angle-resolved reflectance
spectra for b 1 ML, c 2 ML, d 3 ML and e 4 ML flakes. White dashed lines marks fitted exciton-polariton dispersion
[1] M. Król et al., Exciton-polaritons in multilayer WSe2 in a planar microcavity. Preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.05300 (2019).
Acknowledgements The authors thank Artur Slobodeniuk for helpful discussions.This work has been supported by the Ministry of
Higher Education Republic of Poland budget for education via the research projects "Diamentowy Grant" 0109/DIA/2015/44 and
0005/DIA/2016/45; by the National Science Centre: grants 2013/10/M/ST3/00791, 2018/31/B/ST3/02111 and 2018/31/N/ST3/03046;
by the EU Graphene Flagship project (ID: 785219), and the ATOMOPTO project (TEAM programme of the Foundation for Polish
Science co-financed by the EU within the ERD Fund). B.P. acknowledges Ambassade de France en Pologne for the research stay
project. K.W. and T.T. acknowledge support from the Elemental Strategy Initiative conducted by the MEXT, Japan and the CREST
Towards all-dielectric monolithic microcavities with embedded
atomically thin semiconductors for exciton-polariton research
Wurdack, Matthias1,2*, Yun, Tinghe1,3, Estrecho, Eliezer1,2, Syed, Nitu4, Bhattacharyya, Semonti1,5,
Pieczarka, Maciej1,2, Wan, Zhichen,1,5, Ma, Wendi1,6, Truscott, Andrew2, Lu, Yuerui1,6,
Fuhrer, Michael S.1,5, Qiaoliang, Bao1,3, Daeneke, Torben1,4, Ostrovskaya, Elena1,2
*e-mail: [email protected]
Since their first experimental observation [1], exciton polaritons in high-quality GaAs-based microcavities
have become a platform for studies of collective quantum effects, such as Bose-Einstein condensation
and superfluidity. However, polaritons in GaAs quantum wells exist only at cryogenic temperatures, which
limits their future applications. Room temperature regime can be achieved by utilising excitons with larger
binding energies, e.g., in transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) monolayers [2]. Although exciton
polaritons in TMDCs have been demonstrated, the polariton condensation has not been observed so far.
We are working towards polariton condensation in TMDCs by fabricating a monolithic cavity with an
embedded stack of monolayers (Fig. 1a). This design should enable the crucial combination of long
photon lifetimes and high densities of excitons interacting with the photon. An essential component of the
stack is the spacer material, which should a) protect the monolayer from the subsequent fabrication steps,
and b) have a controllable nm-scale thickness and a wafer-scale size. Here, we demonstrate a method to
protect fragile WS2 and WSe2 monolayers by wafer-scale nanosheets of Ga2O3 [3], which can be
fabricated with a reproducible thickness. We show that Ga2O3 both preserves the excitonic properties of
the TMDCs (Fig. 1b) and protects them against further deposition of dielectric materials (Fig. 1c). Our
results demonstrate a scalable alternative to hBN for embedding TMDCs in a monolithic microcavity.
Fig. 1. (a) Schematics of the microcavity design, (b) Reflectivity spectra of exfoliated WS2/Ga2O3 and
WSe2/Ga2O3 stacks at T = 4.2 K. Here, the exciton is labeled with X and the trion with T, (c) PL-spectra of
protected and unprotected CVD-grown WS2 after Al2O3 deposition via electron-beam evaporation.
[1] C. Weisbuch, M. Nishioka, A. Ishikawa & Y. Arakawa, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1992, 69, 3314–3317.
[2] C. Schneider, M. M. Glazov, T, Korn, S. Höfling & B. Urbaszek, Nature Comm., 2018, 9, 2695.
[3] A. Zavabeti et al., Science, 2017, 358, 6361, pp. 332-335.
Quantum scale anomaly and spatial coherence in a 2D Fermi
Defenu, Nicolò Presenting1*, Murthy, Puneet A.2*
Quantum anomalies are violations of classical scaling symmetries caused by quantum fluctuations. Although they appear
prominently in quantum field theory to regularize divergent physical quantities, their influence on experimental
observables is difficult to discern. Here, we discovered a striking manifestation of a quantum anomaly in the momentum-
space dynamics of a 2D Fermi superfluid of ultracold atoms. We measured the position and pair momentum distribution
of the superfluid during a breathing mode cycle for different interaction strengths across the BEC-BCS crossover.
Whereas the system exhibits self-similar evolution in the weakly interacting BEC and BCS limits, we found a violation in
the strongly interacting regime. The signature of scale-invariance breaking is enhanced in the first-order coherence
function. In particular, the power-law exponents that characterize long-range phase correlations in the system are
modified due to this effect, indicating that the quantum anomaly has a significant influence on the critical properties of
2D superfluids [1].
[1] Puneet A. Murthy, Nicolò Defenu, Luca Bayha, Marvin Holten, Philipp M. Preiss, Tilman Enss, Selim Jochim,
Science 365, 268-272.
DOI: 10.1126/science.aau4402
Synchronized energy transport by surface plasmons on a metallic
1 Department of Physics and Electronics, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka 599-8531, Japan
2 Division of Frontier Materials Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531, Japan
3 Quantum Information and Quantum Biology Division, Institute for Open and Transdisciplinary Research
Initiatives, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531, Japan
*e-mail: [email protected]
Many-particle system, which is coupled to cavities or waveguides, forms a nonlinear correlated state
through the exchange of photons. Such a correlation is a key element of quantum devices such as
quantum gate [1] and single photon transistor [2]. The performance of the devices depends on the
efficiency of the photon energy transport between the particles. However, the temporal behavior of the
inter-particle correlations is highly complicated because it should strongly depend on the spatial
configurations and the environment of the plural particles.
In this work, we calculate the temporal evolution of the spontaneously-formed correlation and excited
population of two particles, which are coupled with a surface plasmon on a infinite silver nanofiber. Here
we use the equation of motion for two-particle correlation in arbitrary environments [3]. The figure below
illustrates the temporal evolution from the initial state in which only one particle is excited. By adjusting the
particle position so that the electric field phase of the surface plasmon at each particle position matches, a
synchronization can be seen in the excited populations and the transport efficiency becomes enhanced.
These results can introduce a guideline for constructing future quantum devices.
Fig. 1. Time evolution of excited populations of two two-level particles on a silver nanofiber. Here τ is the
radiation decay time of each particle. (Left) Case: the particles are set so that the electric field phase of
the surface plasmon mode at each particle position does not match. (Right) Case: the particles are set so
that the electric field phase at each particle position matches.
[1] B. Hacker, S. Welte, G. Rempe and S. Ritter, Nature 536, 193 (2016).
[2] D. E. Chang, A. S. Sørensen, E. A. Demler, M. D. Lukin, Nat. Phys. 3, 807 (2007).
[3] N. Yokoshi, K. Odagiri, A. Ishikawa, and H. Ishihara, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 203601 (2017).
Ou, Qingdong, Ma, Weiliang, Dai, Zhigao, Wu, Yingjie, Bao, Qiaoliang*
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and ARC Centre of Excellence in Future Low-Energy
Electronics Technologies (FLEET), Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia
*e-mail: [email protected]
Main text: This talk will introduce our recent progress on engineering highly confined low-loss polaritons in
2D materials and heterostructures [1,2]. Firstly, plasmonic excitations in graphene/Bi2Te3, topological
insulator Bi2Te3, graphene nanoribbon and 3D graphene were investigated using either spectroscopic or
real space imaging techniques [3-6]. We show how the plasmonic coupling happens in two Dirac
materials, how high-order plasmonic modes are observed in 3D graphene structure, how multiple
plasmonic modes at sub-wavelength are achieved in graphene nanoribbon and how edge chirality
controls the plasmonic shift [3-6].
Secondly, we update our recent work on the observation of anisotropic and ultra-low-loss polariton
propagation along the surface of a natural van der Waals crystal α-MoO3 [7]. We visualized and verified
phonon polaritons with elliptic and hyperbolic in-plane dispersion, which have been theoretically predicted
but never experimentally observed in natural materials before. Furthermore, we show our recently
developed strategies (e.g., chemical intercalation [8], dielectric control, and nanopatterning) to manipulate
these low-loss polartions towards future low-energy photonic and optoelectronic device applications.
[1] Z. Dai et al., Chem. Rev. 2019, submitted.
[2] Q. Xu et al., Light: Science & Applications 2017, 6, e16204.
[3] J. Yuan et al., ACS Photonics, 2017, 4, 3055–3062.
[4] Y. Lu et al., JOSAB, 2016, 33, 1842-1846.
[5] J. Song et al., ACS Photonics, 2016, 3, 1986–1992.
[6] Y. Lu et al., JOSAB, 2016, 33, 1842-1846.
[7] W. Ma et al., Nature, 2018, 562, 557.
[8] Y. Wu et al., Nat. Nanotechnol. 2019, submitted.
School of Physical and mathematical Science, Nanyang Technological University 637371, Singapore
*e-mail: [email protected]; **e-mail: [email protected];
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Al. Lotników 32/46, PL-02-668 Warsaw, Poland
We show theoretically that neural networks based on driven-dissipative disordered systems [1] allow the
realization of Toffoli gates. A Toffoli gate is a binary logic gate with three inputs and three outputs, which
flips the third input if and only if the first two inputs are 1. One of the most remarkable features of neural
networks is their ability to operate with noisy data. Noise in input signals is self corrected for by the
networks, such that the obtained Toffoli gates are in principle cascadable, where their universality would
allow for arbitrary circuits without the need of additional error correcting codes. We further find that the
networks can directly simulate composite circuits, such that they are a highly efficient platform allowing
circuits to operate in a single step, minimizing the delay of signal transport between elements and error
correction overhead. As an example, we consider the full adder circuit. The architecture is generic, with
potential applications in ultracold atomtronic systems, nonlinear optical cavities, and exciton-polariton
systems. These findings suggest that small scale neural networks based on driven-dissipative disordered
systems can be used as building blocks (e.g., Toffoli gates and composite modules like full adders) for
efficient universal self correcting computing.
Fig. 1. Figure caption: a, A monochromatic optical field excites a driven-dissipative disordered system with
components at different angles of incidence. b, The presence of disorder allows elastic collisions that
effectively couple the different modes in reciprocal space. c, In-plane dispersion. The monochromatic
excitation has excited only modes along an equal energy circle in reciprocal space. These modes form the
nodes of our network.
[1] A. Opala, S. Ghosh, T. C. H. Liew, and M. Matuszewski, Physical Review Applied 11, 064029 (2019).
Nonadiabatic anomalous hall effect for exciton-polaritons
*e-mail: [email protected]
The particular case of a planar microcavity in the strong coupling regime, in presence of a non-zero
Zeeman field and TE-TM splitting, allows to extract the QGT components by direct light polarization
measurements and to check their effects on the quantum evolution of a propagating polariton wave
packet through the polariton anomalous Hall effect. Experimental measurement of all the QGT
components have been reported for the first time in a high-quality GaAs planar cavity recently [4]. This
technique can be extended to measure Bloch band geometries in artificial photonic lattices [5].
Exciton fine-structure in transition-metal dichalcogenides mono-
Gilliot, Pierre1*, Gallart, Mathieu1, Hönerlage, Bernd1
Transition metal dichacogenides have emerged recently because of their very peculiar properties, opening
a new domain between optics, spintronics, and electron transport: valleytronics. Indeed, those
compounds, like MoS 2, can be reduced to perfect 2D layers. They show then a direct gap, with a
hexagonal crystal structure. The band extrema are located at the 6 so-called K-points. But two interactions
play then a major role to define the electronic structure: Spin-orbit coupling splits the valence and
conduction bands in a reversed way for each half of those K-points. This allows to excite selectively the
corresponding valleys in the band structure using polarized light. We get thus a tool to couple the light
polarization, the spin of the photoexcited carriers, and their transport properties. The second interaction is
the electron-hole exchange that not only shifts those different levels but also gives rise to their mixing and
thus to a relaxation of their spin.
We use a method based on the invariant expansion of the Hamiltonian to precisely describe the effects of
spin-orbit and exchange interactions that are usually only approximately treated. In order to discuss their
fine structure, we define excitons in the product space of electron- and hole states, including the lowest
conduction band (LCB) and the uppermost valence band (UVB) where, at the Γ-point, they are both spin
degenerate. All other states are neglected. On this basis exciton states are constructed and analyzed in
the framework of a model Hamiltonian: The spin-orbit coupling in the conduction- and valence band is first
simulated by introducing an effective magnetic field, giving rise to a splitting of the electron- and hole
states outside the Γ-point. Then the Coulomb electron-hole exchange-interaction is introduced into the
exciton Hamiltonian. It is due to the fact that electron and hole are indistinguishable particles in the exciton
problem. In D 3h crystal symmetry this electron-hole exchange-interaction (named "intra-valley exchange")
has two different contributions: A first term accounts for an energy re-normalization of the different dark-
and bright-exciton states in both series. A second term does not influence the bright states but affects only
the dark states of both series, which become mixed. The importance of this mixing depends also on the
spin-orbit coupling within the bands. As a result, exchange interaction and spin-orbit coupling of the
conduction-band electrons lift together by different amounts the degeneracy of the bright- and dark states.
These calculations (starting from the Γ-point) can be extended up to the K±- points at the edges of the
Brillouin zone. In transition-metal dichalcogenides mono-layers the wave-vector group at the K± points is
C3h. K+ and K- points being separated by a reciprocal lattice vector, they are equivalent points of the
Brillouin zone. Their corresponding wave-vectors are connected to each other by time-reversal symmetry.
In this situation, the exchange interaction introduced above leads also to exchange interaction between
electrons and holes from different K± valleys. The latter is called "inter-valley exchange interaction".
Outside the K± points this results into a mixing of exciton states belonging to different valleys and leads to
an inter-valley transfer of electron-hole excitation that has been studied e. g. in the framework of k.p
perturbation theory. (See Ref. [1])
[1] M. M. Glazov, T. Amand, X. Marie, D. Lagarde, L. Bouet, B. Urbaszek, Phys. Rev. B 89, 201302(R)
Exciton-exciton annihilation and
superradiance in colloidal nanocrystals
John P. Philbin∗
E-mail: [email protected]
The fast nonradiative decay of multiexcitonic states via exciton-exciton annihilation (i.e.
the large number of valence electrons and exponentially growing number of excited exci-
tonic and biexcitonic states that are coupled by the Coulomb interaction. These challenges
models. Herein, I present a new approach for calculating Auger recombination lifetimes in
is imperative to capture the correct scaling of the Auger recombination lifetime with the size
and shape of the nanostructure. Neglecting such correlations can result in lifetimes that are
2 orders of magnitude too long. This new approach is the first theoretical method to postdict
the experimentally known “universal volume scaling law” for quantum dots. Additionally, I
present a few recent advances in designing nanosystems with slow exciton-exciton annihilation
rates based on coupled nanocrystals: core/shell quantum dot dimers, core/shell quantum dot
superlattices and nanoplatelet faces. These nanosystems have the potential to display a range
of exotic physics. For example, I discuss recent joint theoretical and experimental work on
1 91
Shao-Yu Chen 1,2, Thomas Goldstein 2, Zhengguang Lu 3, Dmitry Smirnov 3, Michael Fuhrer 1
and Jun Yan 2
*e-mail: [email protected]
Excitons in 2D-TMDC have sub-eV binding energy because of the lacking of dielectric
screening, providing an ideal platform to investigate the many-body Coulomb interaction.
We observed the four and five-particle excitonic states in a high quality hBN-sandwiched
1L-WSe2. We assigned these states as intervalley biexciton and the exciton-trion
composite. In addition, we have assigned a new mode at 60 meV below bright exciton
as the intervalley exciton. We found this the intervalley exciton exhibits superior valley
polarization and unusual magneto-optical properties.