Essential Book 4

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4000 Essential English Words / Book 4 @Vocabulary_Essential

4000 Essential English Words 4 / Paul Nation

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4000 Essential English Words / Book 4 @Vocabulary_Essential

Essential English Words 4000 / Book 4

Unit 1 fiery - olovli

aroma - xushbo'y hid flesh - badan, tana
beverage - ichimlik grapefruit - greyfrut
cluster - shingil, to'plam, bog' hay - pichan, somon
combine - birlashtirmoq horrified - dahshatga tushgan
condensed - quyuq kerosene - kerosin
contemporary - zamonaviy loop - sirtmoq
cultivate - yetishtirmoq paddle - eshkak
divine - ilohiy raft - sol
humid - nam sour - nordon
odor - hid stake - tirgak, ustun
palate - tanglay steward - styuardessa
paradise - jannat string - kanop ip
plantation - plantatsiya thorn - tikan
rapid - tez wreck - vayron qilmoq
rate - tezlik
Unit 3
soothing - tinchlantiruvchi
admonish - tanbeh bermoq
subtle - sezilmas
audible - eshitiladigan
texture - yuza shakli
awesome - ajoyib, hayajonga soluvchi
toxic - zaharli
beware - ehtiyot bo'lmoq
vary - farq qilmoq
brag - maqtanmoq
Unit 2 conscious - xushi joyida
accident - baxtsiz xodisa, falokat disagree - qarshi bo'lmoq
admiral - admiral echo - aks sado
arc - ark eventual - so'nggi, yakuniy
character - fe'l-atvor, xarakter hint - ishora
conscience - vijdon idiot - tentak

4000 Essential English Words / Book 4 @Vocabulary_Essential

immense - ulkan utterly - butkul, o'ta darajada

indirect - aylanma, to'g'ri emas weep - yig'lamoq
option - tanlov, tanlash imkoniyati
Unit 5
pastime - ko'ngilochar mashg'ulot,
awhile - bir muddat
cyberspace - kiber-maydon
perfect - mukammal
edit - tuzatish kiritmoq
pinpoint - aniqlamoq
essay - insho
switch - o'zgartirmoq
evaluate - baholamoq
thorough - batafsil, to'liq
faint - xushdan ketish
torment - azob bermoq
global - global
Unit 4 gymnasium - sport zali
beak - tumshuq highlight - marker bilan belgilab
damp - ho'l qo'ymoq
disapprove - norozi bo'lmoq ignorant - e'tiborsiz
except - ... dan tashqari index - ilova, mundarija
flight - parvoz lecture - ma'ruza
fond - xush ko'rmoq moral - axloqiy
immoral - axloqsiz operate - ishlamoq
ivy - pechak private - xususiy
moan - ingramoq recent - yaqinda
oblivious - bexabar, unutgan resolution - qaror
perish - halok bo'lmoq, vafot etmoq semester - semestr
pit - chuqurlik typewritten - yozma
rim - chet, gardish weird - g'alati
roost - qo'noq
Unit 6
slippery - sirpanchiq
absolute - mutlaq
soar - baland ko'tarilmoq
alas - afsuski
trivial - ahamiyatsiz
attentive - diqqatli
typical - odatiy
4000 Essential English Words / Book 4 @Vocabulary_Essential

cape - yopinchiq oblige - majbur qilmoq

envision - tasavvur qilish offence - jinoyat
evenly - teng ravishda proclaim - e'lon qilmoq
folk - xalq rally - namoyish
melt - erimoq resolve - hal qilmoq
patch - parcha resource - manba
pleasure - zavq sentence - hukm
pop - paq (tovush) volunteer - ko'ngilli
pudding - shirin desert witness - guvoh
rail - panjara qismi
Unit 8
recipe - retsept
access - kirish imkoniyati
role - rol, vazifa
conduct - fe'l-atvor
shrink - kichraymoq
constant - doimiy
soak - namlamoq
crack - yoriq
spark - uchqun
device - qurilma
spirit - ruhiyat
enclose - o'ramoq
suit - kostyum
grip - mahkam tutmoq
Unit 7 halt - to'xtamoq
account - hisob raqam impending - yaqinlashib kelayotgan
architect - arxitektor, me'mor influence - ta'sir o'tkazmoq
conceal - yashirmoq law - qonun
crime - jinoyat mode - holat
deed - dalolatnoma perspire - terlamoq
gratitude - minnatdorchilik replace - o'zgartirmoq
habitat - yashash joyi snap - sindirmoq
intervene - aralashmoq sly - ayyor
landmark - belgi, oriyentir tend - moyil
legal - qonuniy valid - ishonchli
memorable - unutilmas version - versiya
4000 Essential English Words / Book 4 @Vocabulary_Essential

whatsoever - deyarli decade - o'n yillik

diagram - jadval
Unit 9
ferry - kema
alongside - yonida
handy - foydali
appetite - ishtaha
isolate - ajratib qo'ymoq
assist - yordam bermoq
longing - intizorlik
breeze - yengil shamol
numerous - ko'p
defy - qarshilik qilmoq
particle - zarracha
display - ko'rsatmoq
plea - o'tinch, iltijo
efficient - samarali
refrain - o'zini tiymoq
feeble - zaif
review - ko'rib chiqmoq
forgive - kechirmoq
sophisticated - ilg'or fikrli
lively - jo'shqin
surrender - topshirmoq
majestic - ulug'vor
upright - tik, tikka
nor - ham emas
worthwhile - foydali, arzirli
outraged - g'azablangan
pessimistic - noumid Unit 11
rumor - mish-mish alliance - ittifoq
slap - tarsaki tushirmoq applause - olqish
smash - sindirmoq armed - qurollangan
subject - mavzu authoritative - ishonchli
wage - ish haqi ceremony - marosim
whereas - holbuki culture - madaniyat
defense - mudofaa
Unit 10
detail - tafsilot
animate - jonli
diverse - turli xil
classify - tasniflash
enchant - maftun qilmoq
concede - tan olmoq
equip - ta'minlamoq
concept - tushuncha
exception - istisno
construct - qurmoq
genre - janr
4000 Essential English Words / Book 4 @Vocabulary_Essential

impact - ta'sir Unit 13

lure - o'ziga jalb qilmoq affect - ta'sir qilmoq
obstacle - to'siq autograph - dastxat
shelter - boshpana bead - tomchi
sort - saralamoq brew - choy/kofe damlamoq
supply - ta'minlamoq charm - e'tiborni tortmoq
vain - o'ziga bino qo'ygan destiny - taqdir
horn - signal
Unit 12
irritable - jizzaki, jahli tez
alternative - muqobil
lag - ortda qolmoq
avenue - shoh ko'cha
maximize - kuchaytirmoq
belly - qorin
nightmare - yomon tush
bid - urinish
nutritious - ozuqaga boy
blow - puflamoq
protein - oqsil
conflict - nizo
signature - imzo
continent - qit'a
stuff - narsa
current - oqim
subconscious - beixtiyor
disrespect - hurmatsizlik
van - yuk mashinasi
enthusiasm - ishtiyoq
warn - ogohlantirmoq
harsh - yoqimsiz
workout - jismoniy mashq
lean - suyanmoq
zoom - tez harakatlanmoq
meantime - shu orada
mischief - sho'xlik, nayrang Unit 14
muscle - mushak brick - g'isht
rescue - qutqarmoq crumble - to'kilib qolmoq
succession - ketma-ketlik dough - xamir
terrain - yer, relyef express - ifodalamoq
timid - qo'rqoq fist - musht
violence - zo'ravonlik flexible - egiluvchan
flush - qizarmoq
4000 Essential English Words / Book 4 @Vocabulary_Essential

injure - shikastlamoq midst - o'rtada, o'rtasi

lump - bo'lak misery - baxtsizlik
mixture - aralashma prior - oldin, avval
reconcile - yarashmoq research - tadqiqot, izlanish
ruin - vayron qilmoq variety - turli-tumanlik, xilma-xillik
shatter - sindirmoq
Unit 16
shutter - tashqi deraza
altogether - batamom, tamomila
sift - elamoq
bind - birlashtirmoq
slight - biroz, kichik
bruise - ko'karish, lat
sparkle - chaqnamoq
custom - urf-odat
sprinkle - sepmoq
disobedient - itoatsiz, qaysar
stale - aynigan, qotgan
foresee - oldindan ko'rmoq
utter - gapirmoq, aytmoq
glimpse - qaramoq, ko'zi tushmoq
Unit 15 hoop - halqa
although - bo'lsa-da, -sa ham misfortune - baxtsizlik
apply - surtmoq, qo'ymoq negative - salbiy
await - kutmoq per - boshiga har bir
beloved - sevimli, suyukli plead - iltimos qilmoq
bury - dafn qilmoq, ko'mmoq rip - yirtmoq
climate - iqlim sake - ... uchun, ... deb
complain - shikoyat qilmoq scrape - qirmoq
confuse - adashtirmoq, chalg'itmoq source - manba
due - kutilayotgan stern - juda jiddiy
entire - butun, butun boshli stitch - qo'shib tikmoq
establish - tashkil etmoq, asos solmoq thump - gursillash
furnace - pech, isitgich vehement - shiddatli
leash - jilov, bog', arqon
mature - ulg'aymoq
measure - o'lchamoq
4000 Essential English Words / Book 4 @Vocabulary_Essential

Unit 17 complicate - murakkablashtirmoq

civilization - sivilizatsiya decline - rad etmoq
convenient - qulay errand - topshiriq
den - in, uya, o'ra glove - qo'lqop
dew - shabnam hermit - darvesh, tarki dunyo qilgan
drastic - qat'iy kishi
exit - chiqmoq justly - adolatli
flock - suruv, poda leather - charm
fold - buklamoq ponder - puxta o'ylamoq
lid - qopqoq reserve - buyurtma bermoq,
loom - dahshatli ko'rinmoq buyurmoq
mighty - qudratli script - ssenariy
mushroom - qo'ziqorin search - izlamoq
native - mahalliy slam - qattiq yopmoq
poison - zahar staircase - zina
reed - qamish
Unit 19
shield - himoya qilmoq
afflicted - azoblangan
stormy - bo'ronli
aisle - yo'lak
sway - uyoqdan buyoqqa yurmoq
atmosphere - atmosfera
urban - shaharga oid
author - muallif
wade - suvdan kechib o'tmoq
breakdown - buzilish
Unit 18 cargo - yuk
accent - aksent, talaffuz chapter - bob
barber - sartarosh connect - birlashtirmoq, ulamoq
basement - yerto'la etc - va hokazo
blank - bo'sh flip - bosmoq
blink - ko'zni tez yumib ochmoq idle - bo'sh
choir - xor notify - xabar bermoq
comic - kulgili pea - no'xat
4000 Essential English Words / Book 4 @Vocabulary_Essential

raisin - mayiz Unit 21

retain - saqlamoq background - ijtimoiy kelib chiqishi
state - ta'kidlamoq, bildirmoq bait - xo'rak
tray - patnis chronicle - yozib bormoq
unfortunate - afsuslanarli copper - mis
vivid - yorqin, rang-barang disease - kasallik
vomit - qusmoq, ko'ngil aynimoq folklore - xalq ijodi, folklor
infect - kasallik yuqtirmoq
Unit 20
itch - qashimoq
betray - xiyonat qilmoq
literature - adabiyot
blast - portlash
millennium - ming yillik
bracelet - bilaguzuk, braslet
myth - afsona, mif
cease - to'xtamoq
promote - mansabini oshirmoq
choke - nafasi qaytmoq
relate - bog'liq bo'lmoq, aloqador
civil - fuqarolik
comment - fikr bildirmoq
religion - din
cross - kesib o'tmoq
sum - summa, miqdor
dent - pachoqlangan joy
teller - bank kotibi, kotibasi
distrust - ishonchsizlik
trustworthy - ishonchli
fort - qal'a
update - yangilamoq,
found - asos solmoq
lining - astar
vein - vena tomiri
mass - juda ko'p, ko'pgina
venom - zahar
pray - ibodat qilmoq
rife - ildiz otgan, yoyilgan Unit 22
sole - yagona charity - xayriya
sweep - supurmoq commerce - tijorat, savdo
treachery - xiyonat, xoyinlik condemn - hukm qilmoq
tuck - tartibga keltirmoq cozy - shinam, qulay
deplete - tugatmoq
4000 Essential English Words / Book 4 @Vocabulary_Essential

economy - iqtisodiyot offspring - chaqaloq; hayvon bolasi

empire - imperiya pesticide - pestisid
goods - tovar, mahsulot regulate - nazorat qilmoq
heed - maslahatga amal qilmoq reinforce - kuchaytirmoq
hitchhike - tekinga yurmoq stricken - kasalga chalingan
mock - kalaka qilmoq vast - ulkan
neutral - betaraf vegetarian - vegetarian
persecute - kamsitmoq
Unit 24
pity - rahm, achinish
cherish - qadrlamoq
reduce - kamaytirmoq
compassion - achinish, rahm qilish
scribe - xattot
consent - rozilik
temper - kayfiyat
core - o'zak
throne - taxt
cunning - ayyor
unity - birlik
dizzy - boshi aylangan
victor - g'olib
equilibrium - muvozanat
Unit 23 foster - tarbiyalamoq
accurate - aniq grind - tuymoq, yanchmoq
analyze - tahlil qilmoq growl - irillamoq
asteroid - asteroid moderation - me'yor
controversy - munozara predator - yirtqich
evolve - rivojlanmoq sane - hushi joyida
factor - omil saucer - likopcha
genetic - genetik snatch - uzib olmoq
genome - irsiyat stagger - gandiraklab yurmoq
identical - bir xil stumble - qoqilmoq
intellectual - oqil, aql zakovatli tense - asabiy
majority - ko'pchilik tumble - ag'anab tushmoq
mammal - sut emizuvchi withhold - berishdan bosh tortmoq
multiply - ko'paymoq
4000 Essential English Words / Book 4 @Vocabulary_Essential

Unit 25 cure - davolamoq

aircraft - havo kemasi deformed - qiyshaygan
celebrity - mashhur inson discriminate - kamsitmoq
concrete - beton embassy - elchixona
decisive - ikkilanmaydigan extinguish - olovni o'chirmoq
esteemed - hurmatli flint - chaqmoq tosh
ethical - axloqiy harass - bezovta qilmoq
extinct - yo'q bo'lib ketgan integrate - qo'shilmoq, a'zo bo'lmoq
hardy - chidamli, irodali miniature - kichkina, mitti
institute - institut nutrition - ozuqa
jealousy - xasad, rashk promptly - darhol
migrate - ko'chmoq technician - usta, texnik
nurture - o'stirmoq tropics - tropik mintaqalar
overhead - tepadan
Unit 27
principle - axloq qoidalari
beneficial - foydali
rural - qishloqqa xos
birthplace - tug'ilish joyi
secluded - xilvatdagi
capacity - hajm, sig'im
species - tur, xil
comparative - qiyosiy, solishtirma
swamp - botqoqlik
comprehensive - keng qamrovli
traverse - kesib o'tmoq
conserve - saqlamoq, asramoq
zoology - zoologiya
crucial - hal qiluvchi, ahamiyatli
Unit 26 cumulative - to'plangan
assumption - taxmin, faraz deposit - bankka pul qo'ymoq
barley - arpa distribute - tarqatmoq, ulashmoq
beast - yirik hayvon equator - ekvator
colonel - polkovnik exotic - ekzotik, g'alati
contagious - yuqumli federal - federal; federativ
corpse - murda, jasad formation - tuzilish
crisis - inqiroz frequency - sodir bo'lish darajasi
4000 Essential English Words / Book 4 @Vocabulary_Essential

objective - maqsad, niyat Unit 29

oxygen - kislorod automobile - avtomobil
rainforest - tropik o'rmon candidate - nomzod, kandidat
strategy - strategiya confidential - maxfiy
wooded - serdaraxt corporate - korporativ
enhance - yaxshilamoq, oshirmoq
Unit 28
era - davr, era
avail - samara
guideline - yo'riqnoma, ko'rsatma
expand - kengaymoq
incorporate - qo'shmoq
define - ta'riflamoq
interact - suhbatlashmoq
dread - vahima bosmoq
interval - tanaffus
fundamental - fundamental, asosiy
mobile - oson harakatlanadigan, mobil
horrifying - dahshatli, qo'rqinchli
modify - xiyol o'zgartirmoq
incredulous - ishonmaydigan, gumoni
parallel - parallel
phenomenon - hodisa, voqea
linger - ko'p vaqt turmoq
pollute - ifloslamoq
organism - tirik hujayra
ridicule - masxara qilmoq
paraphrase - qaytadan aytib bermoq
solar - quyoshga oid, quyosh ...
plague - o'lat, vabo
territory - hudud
presently - hozirgi kunda
tournament - turnir, musobaqa
random - tasodifiy
transportation - transport vositasi
riot - isyon
scribble - shoshib-pishib yozmoq Unit 30
shrine - ziyoratgoh bill - to'lov varag'i
solitude - yolg'izlik boundary - chegara
stark - sezilarli, mutlaq chaos - tartibsizlik
summon - chaqirmoq consistent - barqaror, tartibli
worsen - yomonlashmoq cyclone - siklon, to'fon
doomed - chatoq, dabdala
heir - merosxo'r
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