Konspect New Version
Konspect New Version
Konspect New Version
Uncountable nouns :
Liquid (suyuqliklar): water, milk, oil, juice, ink…
Solid (quyuqliklar): ice, cream, butter…
Gazes (gazlar) : steam(bug`), smoke (tutun), air, oxygen (kislorod)…
Particles (moddalar): dust, chalk, dirt, grass, sugar, …
Languages (tillar): Arabic, Hindu, Indian, French, Irish, Uzbek…
Fields of study (fanlar): Biology, Chemistry, Economics, History…
Sport activities (sport turlari): football, baseball, tennis, golf…
-Ing activies (-ing bilan tugagan faoliyat turlari): playing, running, driving, diving….
Naturel phenomenon (tabiiiy hodisalar): dew, fog (tuman), heat, lightning, rain, storm,
thunder, wind, darkness, sunshine, avalanche…
Yuqoridagilarga qo`shimcha sanalmaydigan otlar:
Money* Pollution Gossip
Furniture Flour
Accommodate Sand-qum
Advice Garbage –axlat, qoldiq
Luggage Jewellery
Baggage Homework
Traffic Gasoline
Gem-qimmatbaho tosh Housework
Petrol Evidence
Money (pul) sanalmaydi, lekin pul birligi sanaladi.
F.ex: 2 million dollars isn’t enough to develop transportatiton.
Dollars are used all over the world.
Ba’zi bir Uncountable Nouns sanaladigan ko`rinishda bo`lishi mumkin: bunday vaqtda
uning ma’nosini tarjima orqali farqlashimiz mumkin:
Beer/ coffee/ wine/ gin – umumiy A beer/ a coffee (coffees)/ a wine(wines)/a gin
ma’noda sanalmaydi. (gins)- agarda stakan ma’nosida tushunilsa.
She drank strong coffee. I ordered a beer/ 2 beers
We ordered some wine.
Fruit so`zining birligi ham ko`pligi Meva turini ko`rsatilganda fruits so`zi kelishi
ham bir xil shaklda bo`ladi. mumkin.
Export, import – umumiy ma’noda Export(import)- Tovar (goods)ma’nosida kelsa
kelsa sanalmaydi. sanaladi.
Room – bo`sh joy ma’nosida Room – xona ma’nosida sanaladi.
Abstract Nouns
Abstract Nouns – tegib, ko`rib, eshitib, sanab bo`lmaydigan otlarga mavhum otlar
Ular ham sanalmaydigan otlarga kiradi. Ular faqat his qilinadi hamda ularning kesimi
birlikda bo`ladi.
Confidence-ishonch Intelligence Success
Beauty-go`zallik Justice-adolatli Permission
Courage-jasur, mard Knowledge Bravery
Education Laughter Romance
Enjoyment Friendship Truth
Fun Childhood Violence
Happiness Strictness Wealth
Enthusiasm-hissiyot Kindness Comfort
Hate-nafrat Lack Laugh
Impression-ta`surot Patience-chidamli, sabirli Interest
Hope Peace Excitement
Health Pride-mag`rurlik Wit
Honesty-rostgo`y Progress Power
Importance-muhimlik Recreation Humor
Lekin: Courage and confidence are
To have a desire
Countable nouns.
F:ex: There are several shrimp. There are many species of fishes.
He caught many fish.
Fish have existed for ages.
Deer are beautiful animals.
Izoh: lekin ko’pchilik baliq turlar birlikdan ko’plikka aylanganda “s” qo’shiladi.
crab crabs herring herrings sardine sardines
eel eels lobster lobsters shark sharks
Agar gapda fe’l manosida kelsa (III shaxs birlikka nisbatan) yoki ko`llar/okeanlar
ma’nosida kelsa Waters ishlatilishi mumkin.
Compound nouns (Qo`shma otlar).
Compound noun – ikki otning qo`shilib, bir ma`no hosil qilishiga aytiladi. Bunda birinchi
ot aniqlovchi bo`lib keladi. Qo`shma otlarni ko`plikka aylantirish uchun ko`plik
ikkinchi otga o`tadi. Birinchi ot ko`plikda kelmaydi.
Policeman Bus driver Cookery book
Boyfriend Kitchen cupboard Address book
Girlfriend Window cleaner Animal hospital
Water tank Morning call Night flight
Bedroom Tooth brush Language center
Tea break Paper bag Car park
Breadknife Birthday party Letter box
Engine driver Dental clinic
Archimedes’ rule (Arximed qonuni)-> bunda “s” so`z tarkibida qotib qolgan.
!!! Atoqli otlar –s/es (-lar) qo`shimchasi bilan kelsa ham birlik kesim oladi.
F:ex: The United States has 51states.
The United Nations is situated in New York.
Philippines consists of many island.
!!! Pul, vaqt, masofa, og`irlik, uzunlik o`lchov birliklari, ko`plik shaklda bo`lsa ham birlik
kesim oladi.
F:ex: 25 dollars is needed to do smth…..
1000 pounds is the monthly profit of Tom`s mother.
8 hours is spent on my homework.
20 kilometrs was enough for him to run everyweek.
3 kilos of meat is our weakly purchase.
Lekin: ko`plikdagi o`lchov birliklaridan oldin “there are” ishlatiladi.
!!! Quyidagi arifmetik hisob-kitoblar birlik kesim talab qiladi.
2 and 2 is 4 multiply 7*7 is 49
30 minus 10 is 20 49 divides 7 is 7
2 plus 5 is 7
!!! 2 ta sanalmaydigan ot alohida-alohida tushunilsa, ko`plik kesim oladi.
Butter and bread cost 5 dollars.
Lekin: butter rod, hot-dog, cheeseburger, kabilar non ichida pishloq, saryog`, …… bo`lib
bitta narsa vujudga kelsa, birlik kesim bo`ladi.
!!! Barcha kasallik nomlari hatto –s/-es ko`plik qo`shimchasini olsa ham birlik kesim
bilan keladi.
F:ex: Diabetes is a serious illness.
Measles is / Mumps has /Hay fever consists of……
!!! Barcha sport turlari hatto –s/-es qo`shimchasi bilan kelsa ham, brlik kesim oladi.
Darts is an interesting play.
Baseball has several rules. Lekin: Sports are
Billiards consists of several types.
!!! Quyidagi otlar ajralmas 2 qismdan iborat, ular bir narsa sanalsa ham, lekin ko`plik
kesim talab qiladi.
Scissors Pyjamas Pliers Shears
Shorts Glasses Tweezers Knockers
Pants Binoculars Tongs
Jeans Spectacles Pincers
Trousers Tights Knockers
4 + pairs of + ……. + ko`plik kesim
Quyidagi otlar ko`plik shaklda bo`ladi. Ularning birlik shakli yo`q. Ular hamma
vaqt ko`plik kesim qabul qiladi. Ularni olmosh bilan almashtirsak They ga tengdir. These ,
those ko’rsatish olmoshlari bilan ishlatiladi.
Arms Steps Wages Riches
Belongings Stairs Earnings Peoples
Clothes Customs Outskirts (xalqlar)
Contents Congratulation Goods
Savings s Wits
Thanks Tropics Proceedings
Hayvon, o`simliklar, insonlar to`dasini ifodalovchi so`zlar o`zidan keyin birlik kesim ( is,
was, has) qabul qiladi.
A school of fish A flock of sheep / birds A group of people
A pack of wolves (dog, A herd of cattle (horses) A bouquet of flowers
…..) A colony of ants A bunch of flowers
A troop of monkeys A gang/band of thieves
an army of soldiers a bunch of crooks a company of soldiers
a bevy of beauties/girls a caravan of gypsies a congregation of
a band of musicians a choir of singers worshippers
a band of robbers a class of pupils a crew of sailors
a board of directors a class of students a crowd of spectators
a body of men a company of actors a crowd of people
a dynasty of kings a galaxy of film stars a gang of prisoners
a galaxy of beautiful a gang of crooks a gang of robbers
women a gang of labourers
a gang of thieves a posse of policemen a party of friends
a horde of savages a regiment of soldiers
a host of angels a staff of employees IZOH
a line of kings/rulers a staff of servants 2 bands of robbers
a mob of rioters a staff of teachers some classes of pupils
a group of dancers a team of players many crowds of
a group of singers a tribe of natives spectators
a pack of rascals a troop of scouts several staffs of servants
a pack of thieves a troupe of artistes the staffs of teachers
a party of friends a troupe of dancers
a patrol of policemen a troupe of performers
The + adjective.
The poor (kambag`allar) Siafatlar otlashgan holda kelganida ko`plik
The rich ishlatiladi.
The young
The wounded (yaradorlar)
The injured + plural verb.
The old
The blind
The deaf
The handicapped(nogironlar)
Much / Many.
Much /Many o`zbek tilida ko`p degan ma`noni bildiradi, biroq ularning bir-biridan
farqi shundaki, much sanalmaydigan, many esa sanaladigan otlar uchun ishlatiladi.
Many a lot of, plenty of(unc/count nouns)/ a big number of, a great number of(count
noun) kabi so`zlar bilan sinonim bo`la oladi.
Much a lot of, plenty of (unc/count nouns)/ a great dalof, a great amount of, a big deal
of, amount of(uncount nouns) kabi so`zlar bilan sinonim bo`la oladi.
Much(2) – ish-harakatning ko`p bajarilganligini bildiradi. Synonyms: a lot, a great
F:ex: He runs much.
Tom reads a lot.
Tom works a great deal.
Few / Little.
Few / little – kam (yetarlimas) deb tarjima qilinadi. Few sanaladigan otga ishlatilsa,
little sanalmaydigan otga nisbatan ishlatiladi.
Synonyms: few – a small number of + countable noun.
little – a small amount of + uncountable noun.
F:e: Tom`s little money to buy a TV set.
Tom`s few friends in a new city.
A few / A little.
A few/a little – bir nechta, biroz (yetarli) deb tarjima qilinadi. A few sanaladigan otga
ishlatilsa, a little sanlmaydigan otga nisbatan ishlatiladi.
F:ex: I have a little time to have dinner.
Tom`s a few friends in his town. He is not a newcomer.
I have a little money to buy a few flowers.
IZOH! Agar bir necha otlar boshqa otdan oldin kelsa u paytda oldingi otlar aniqlovchi
vazifasida bo’lib ularga hech qanday qo’shimcha qo’shilmaydi.
A ten year Old girl A girl of ten years old
A ten year Old girl a girl of ten years old is
A three room flat A flat of three rooms is
A four door car A car of four doors Is
A two hundred page book A book of two hundred pages Is
A five speed bicycle A bicycle of five speeds Is
A three week holiday A holiday of three weeks
A three piece suit A suit of three pieces
A twenty minute flight A flight of twenty minutes
A six month course A course of six months
A two day trip A trip of two days
A week holiday A holiday of a week
An hour film A film of an hour
Three ten year old girls Three girls of ten years old are
Five three room flats Five flats of three rooms are
Two four door cars Two cars of four doors are
Three two hundred page books Three books of two hundred pages Are
Ten five speed bicycles Ten bicycles of five speeds are
Many two hour films Many films of two hours
Izoh: vaqt ko’rsatkichlai bilan strukturalarda “’s” yoki “’” dan ham foydalansak bo’ladi.
A) Miqdori birlik
A week holiday = week’s holiday Eslatma: a artikli tushsa “’” ishlatiladi.
An hour film = hour’s film
A month course = month’s course
A 3 day holiday – 3 day’s holiday
B) Miqdori ko’plik
A two week holiday = a two weeks holiday
A three hour film = a three hours’ film
Two five month courses = two five months’ courses
Dozen = 12 Score = 20 Gross = 44
sanalmaydigan otlardir.
Politics is very interesting
They need much mathematics. They studied less physics.
Narsa yoki predmetning bildiruvchi so`z turkumi sifat deyiladi. Sifatlarda 3 ta daraja
Sifat darajalari:
1. Oddiy daraja
2. Qiyosiy daraja
3. Orttirma daraja.
Sifatlarda darajaga oshirish ularning bir yoki ikki bo`g`inli ekanligigga bog`liq.
Bir bo`g`inli sifatlarni qiyosiy darajaga orttirishda ularga –er qo`shimchasi qo`shiladi.
Orttirma darajada esa ularga the … est qo`shimchasi qo`shiladi.
a) Bir bo`g`inli sifatlarni darajalanishi:
Oddiy daraja Qiyosiy daraja ( .. roq) Orttirma daraja (eng …)
big Bigger the biggest
tall Taller the tallest
deep Deeper the deepest
nice Nicer the nicest
dry Drier the driest
simple Simpler the simplest
narrow Narrower the narrowest
funny Funnier the funniest
sunny Sunnier the sunniest
lucky Luckier the luckiest
happy Happier the happiest
Polite/ sincere/ severe/ common – bular ham bir bo`g`inli kabi o`zgaradi.
b) 2 va undan ortiq bo`g`inli sifatlarning daraja jadvali.
2 va undan ortiq bo`g`inli sifatlarga qiyosiy darajada more/less so`zi qo`shiladi. Orttirma
darajada esa ular the … most so`zi qo`shiladi.
Eslatma: Ba’zi bir sifatlar 2 bo`g`inli bo`lsa ham er qo`shimchasi bilan kelishi mumkin.
Oxiri –y bilan tugagan sifatlar ham qiyosiy darajada ier ga o`zgaradi.
Funny -> funnier.
More -> ko`proq degan ma’noda otlar bilan birga keladi. (more sugar)
Sifatlarga qiyosiy darajada qo`shiluvchi so`z vazifasida keladi.
Less -> kamroq degan ma’noda otlar bilan birga keladi. (less sugar)
Sifatlarga qiyosiy darajada qo`shiluvchi so`z vazifasida keladi.
Most -> a) most +Noun ko`pchilik degan ma’noda keladi.
Most students failed at the exam. -> Ko`pchilik talabalar imtihonda yiqildi.
b) sifatlarga orttirma darajada qo`shiluvchi so`z vazifasida keladi.
c) most + adjective juda degan ma’noda. Most near- juda yaqin.
Oddiy daraja
Izoh: Hech qanday qo`shimchasiz kelgan sifat oddiy darajadagi sifat deyiladi.
It was a difficult task.
Tom is tall.
Too + oddiy daraja. The room is too dark to work.
Extremely It was a very long story.
Comparative degree (qiyosiy daraja)
Izoh: 2 ta narsa yoki predmet solishtirilganida sifatlarning qiyosiy darajasi ishlatiladi.
Qiyosiy daraja ko`pincha than so`zi bilan keladi, ba’zi hollarda esa qiyosiy daraja
ekanligidan tarjimasidan bilinadi.
c) Faqatgina shu strukturada qiyosiy daraja oldidan the artiklini ishlatish mumkin.
Bu struktura o`zbek tiliga qancha… shuncha …
The +qiyosiy, the qilinadi.
deb tarjima + qiyosiy
d) Elder/ Older
Elder -> oila a’zolariga nisbatan “katta” degan ma’noda ishlatiladi.
Elder qiyosiy darajadagi sifat emas. than
My elder sister studies at the university.
The eldest -> to`ng`ich degan ma’noni bildiradi. 90% gaplarda orttirma daraja keladi.
My eldest sister married to an American man 5 years ago.
(Mening to`ng`ich opam amerikalikka 5 yil burun turmushga chiqdi.)
Latest or the latest -> so`nggi. Hozirgacha olingan yoki berilgan so`nggi xabar, so`nggi
moda, so`nggi yangiliklarning barchasiga latest ishlatiladi. Lekin latest oxirgi degan
ma’noda ishlatilmaydi.
Last -> oxirgi, o`tgan.
Last week (day/ month/ year/ season) Latest news ( information / fashion)
Eslatma: Agar gapda between so`zi kelsa qiyosiy daraja ishlatamiz, among so`zi kelsa
orttirma daraja ishlatamiz.
Between-> 2 kishi, narsa o`rtasida. Among -> 3ta va undan ortiq kishi/narsa
Between 2 houses mine is bigger. Among these houses mine is the biggest.
Orttirma daraja 90% gapda the artikli bilan keladi. 10% holatda the artikli bilan
kelmaydi. Quyidagi holatlarda orttirma darajada the ishlatilmaydi.
a) Sanoq son va undan keyin orttirma daraja kelsa:
3 the best films -> 3 best films 10 the cleverest students -> 10 cleverest students
b) Kishilik olmoshi va undan keyin orttirma daraja kelsa:
my/ his/ her/ Tom’s + the + orttirma daraja.
My best friend/ his latest movie.
c) Orttirma darajada –est orqasidan noun kelmasa the ham kelmaydi.
She is best. He knows best.
Teng va teng bo`lmagan daraja.
Bo`lishli gaplarda: { as + oddiy darajadagi sifat (ravish) + as} -> xuddi … dek
I am as tall as my father. Men xuddi otamdek uzunlikdaman.
Lekin: {so … as} hamma vaqt inkor gapda ishlatiladi. U darak gaplarda ishlatilmaydi.
{as … as} ham inkor gap uchun, ham darak gap uchun ishlatiladi.
Eslatma: The same … as o`rtasida keladigan ot gap boshida kelishi mumkin, lekin bunday
paytda the same as qo`shilib keladi.
Your age is the same as Mike’s. Tom’s results are the same as mine.
I’m the same age as you. My age is the same as yours.
The number of students at school 10 is the same as school 9.
The colour of these roses isn’t the same as tulips.
I have enough time to drink coffee. I have enough money to buy this house.
b) Such + a/an + adj + noun (birlik) Such dan keyin sifat va ot keladi.
I drank such a good swimmer. We saw such an interesting film.
c) Such + adj + noun -> plural
I drank such cold water.
e) So / such + that
Mike has so many friends that he can rely on them.
Alex is such a good swimmer that he came first.
You were so pretty that I fell in love with you at first sight.
Ko’pchilik sifatlar boshqa so’z turkumlariga suffiks va prefikslarning qo’shilish orqali
1. Suffixes
Ful Careful, beautiful, useful, powerful
Ant Distant, important, resistant
Ous Famous, dangerous, various
Ed Talented, developed, interested, surprised, worried
Ing Interesting, boring
Al Natural, cultural, territorial
Ent Dependent, transparent, different
Ish Spanish, British, boyish, Irish
Ible Possible, terrible, visible
Ic Atomic, historic, poetic, heroic
Y Rainy, busy, sunny, windy
Less Hopeless, lifeless, useless
Ary Ordinary, revolutionary
Ive Inventive, effective, impressive
Ian Russian, Canadian, Romanian
2. Prefixes
Un Unhappy, unable
In Independent, indirect
Dis Disappointing, discouraging
Im impossible, imperfect, immoral
Non Non-governmental
Ir Irregular, irresponsible
Post Post-war, post-operational
Inter Interdependent, interchangeable
il Illegal, illiberal, illimitable
Ravish so`z turkumi harakatning belgisini ifodalab keladi. Sifat so`z turkumi ot bilan
bog`liq bilan bo`lsa, ravish so`z turkumi fe’l bilan bog`liq.
Ravish so`z turkumi harakat nomi, belgisini bildiradi.
a) harakatning qay tarzda bajarilganligini ko`rsatadi.
Cleverly/ accurately/ carefully/ deeply/ narrowly
Smb + smell + adverb
He tasted a special meal carefully.
Sound The meal tasted good.
Smth + smell + adjective
Somebody + smell + sifat (hid taratmoq.)
You smell bad.
She smells good.
3) Quyidagilar tarkibida -ly qo`shimchasi kelmaydi. Garchi bular –ly kelmasa ham ham
ham ravish vazifasida keladi.
Soon Late Fast food/ He runs fast.
Fast Wrong a hard working person/ He worked hard.
Hard Far A long way/ we walked vary long.
Near Straight
High Long
Low Flat –tekis ma’nosida
Deep Flatly – zerikarli ma’nosida
14. Quyidagi so’zlar o’rin, payt, maqsad, sabab va daraja miqdor ravishlari bo’lib,
ularning ishlatilishi fe’l bilan aloqasi yo’q.
Again Also Often Rarely
Ago Always Sometimes Seldom
Almost Usually Frequently Today
Tomorrow Next year Outdoors So
Yesterday Next week Towards Too
Now Next month Upwards Very
Last year Next night Backwards Quite
Last week Inside Forwards Rather
Last month Outside Much
Last night Indoors Little
Cats don't usually walk backwards.
The ship sailed westwards.
He walked towards the car. She ran towards me.
The child went indoors.
He lived and worked abroad.
The child ran towards his mother.
He came to me last night. He is playing now.
Nick is waiting outdoors.
Agar fe’l 15 talik bo’lsa Sifat darajalanishi bo’ladi.
Agar fe’l barcha bo’lsa ravish darajalanishi bo’ladi.
Degrees of comparison in adverbs
Adverb Comparative Superlative
hard harder the hardest
late later the latest
fast faster the fastest
badly worse worst
far farther/further farthest/furthest
little less least
well better best
Sifatlarning ketma-ketligi.
Agar sifatlar birdan ortiq bo`lsa, ya’ni 2 va undan ortiq sifatlar o`zining ketma-ketligiga
ko`ra joylashtiriladi. Bunda ular ma’lum qoidaga bo`ysunadi.
Sifatlar 2 xil bo`ladi. Ularning birinchisi fikr sifatlari (opinion adjectives), ikkinchisi es
fakt sifatlari (fact adjectives).
Opinion adjectives -> bu turdagi sifatlar shunchaki fikr yuritishda ishlatiladi. Ular bilan
boshqa bir kishi fikr yuritishda boshqasini tanlashi yoki rozi bo`lmasligi mumkin.
nice Good bad beautiful interesting boring hardworking
dull Clever important wonderful Easy difficult famous
light Brave wise stupid Ugly handsome impolite
foolish Silly safe polite Cheap lazy delicious
Dirty Clean Horribly
Fact adjectives -> bu turdagi sifatlar konkret tushunchaga ega bo`lib, ularning belgilari
ma’lumdir. Bu belgilar otlarning hajmini, uzunligini, yoshini, temperaturasini, shaklini,
millatini … nima maqsadda ekanligini bildiradi.
Big Black Expensive High Broad Huge Fat
Large Red Cold Short Old Enormous Thin
Tall Deep Small Shallow Hot Wast ….
Low Young Little Narrow Round Wide
Izoh: Agar bir otdan oldin uning bir necha xususiyatini tasvirlash uchun bir nechta
sifatdan foydalanmoqchi bo`lsak, ushbu jadvaldan foydalanamiz. Ketma – ket kelgan
sifatlar hech qanday tinish belgilarisiz hamda bog`lovchilarsiz bog`lanadi.
1. opinion
2. hajm
3. shakl
4. yosh, temperature
5. rang
6. millat
7. din
8. material
9. –ing maqsad + ot.
Quite -> o`zbek tiliga juda deb tarjima qilinadi. Quite dan keyin ijobiy sifatlar
Agar sifatdan keyin ot kelmasa a/an qo`yilmaydi. -> Tom is quite amusing.
Quite+ wrong/right/true/safe/extraordinary/impossible/sure/certain/amusing –
mutlaqo …
Rather ->o`zbek tiliga juda deb tarjima qilinadi. Lekin rather salbiy sifatlar bilan birga
Rather + salbiy sifat -> rather ugly/ bad/ cold/ hot/ boring
a/an + rather + sifat + birlikdagi + ot Rather + a/an + sifat + birlikdagi + ot
sanaladigan sanaladigan
F.ex. a rather hot day = rather a hot day
Sanalmaydigan yoki ko`plik otlar qatnashgan gapda hamda otsiz gaplarda a/an
These are rather strange. They are rather difficult tasks. It is rather cold water.
Pronouns (Olmoshlar)
Olmoshlar quyidagi turlarga bo`linadi:
Personal pronouns.
a) Personal pronouns – gapda ega vazifasida keladi hamda o`zidan keyin fe’l talab qiladi.
Bu olmoshlar kim?, nima? So`rog`iga javob beradi.
I – men We - biz
He – u (o`g`il bola) You - siz
She – u (qiz bola) They - ular
It – u (predmet)
They olmoshi ham predmetga, ham kishilarga, ham hayvonlarga nisbatan ishlatiladi.
Bu olmoshlar o`zidan keyin emas, balki o`zidan oldin predlog yoki fe’l bilan birga
This story is about Mike and Tim -> This story is about them.
Look at Jane -> Look at her.
She is like my father -> She is like him.
Possessive pronouns.
Possessive pronouns – gapdagi vazifasi aniqlovchi bo`lib, otdan oldin keladi. Bu
olmoshlar tarkibida –ning qo`shimchasi bo`ladi. Bu olmoshlardan keyin doim ot keladi:
My – mening our - bizning
His – uning (o`g`il) your - sizning its -uning
Her – uning (qiz) their - ularning
F.ex. My friend came to see me. Mening do`stim meni ko`rishga keldi.
Bu olmoshlar o`zidan keyin ot olmaydi. Agar gapda ще kelsa, shu otni qaytib
takrorlamaslik uchun bu olmoshlardan foydalaniladi.
Reflexive pronouns.
Reflexive pronouns -> birlikda –self, ko`plikda –selves qo`shimchasi bilan birga keladi.
O`zlik olmoshi - gap boshida kelgan ega bilan moslashishi kerak, ya’ni gapdagi ega
o`sha ish-harakatni o`zi bajarganligini bildirishi kerak.
Tom carried the bag himself.
I found this place myself.
O`zlik olmoshi birdan egadan keyin kelishi ham mumkin. Bunda egaga nisbatan kuchliroq
ma’no beriladi.
I like meals and drinks in paties but I don`t like paties themselves.
I liked the colour but I didn`t like the shoes themselves.
Istisno holat: This man is goodness itself. This woman is richness itself.
Reciprocal pronouns.
Indefinite pronouns.
Any => biror bir, inkor gapda birorta ham degan ma`noni beradi.
Some => darak gapda keladigan bo`lsa, shu ma`nodagi gaplar so`roq va inkor gapga
aylantirilganda any ishlatiladi. (asosan)
F:e: I have some books to read and do you have any?
- Yes, I have some
- No, I haven`t any.
Did you go anywhere yesterday? You didn`t help him anyhow.
Any- darak gapda ham keladi, bunda xohlagan bir (любой) ma`nosida ishlatiladi.
Tom said he could answer any my questions. (Tom xohlagan savolimga javob berishini
I`ll go anywhere with you any time you want.
Anyone can do it. You can ask anybody about it.
Anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere/anyhow=> birlik kesim ishlatiladi.
Does anybody know the answer? Any person knows about it.
Any girl is sure about it.
Any dan keyin ko`plik va brlik ot kelishi mumkin.
I haven`t seen any person. I haven`t seen any people.
! Shart ergash gaplarda ya`ni if dan keyin any olmoshi ishlatiladi. Testda ba`zan any
javob bo`lmasa, some bilan bo`ladigan javob to`g`ri keladi.
F:e: If you see any of my friends, tell them I am here.
If you have any(biron bir) time…………..
If you know any information about Jack, tell us.
agar ma’nosida o`zidan keyin (shall, will, some)= any
If mi? ma’nosida o`zidan keyin (shall, will, some) oladi. Lekin so`roq gap bo`lsa
yana any ishlatiladi.
I wonder if he will come.
I don`t know if something is wrong with Jack.
He didn`t go anywhere.
Did you know if he had gone anywhere? (so`roq gapda)
I wonder if somebody will come here – darak gapda kelishi.
Any- olmosh bilan o`zgartirilsa, they, them, their olmoshlariga almashadi.
If you see any of my relatives, inform them about my party.
F:e: Anyone can do it, can`t they?
Anybody should know their language very well.
If anyone asks me, tell them I am out.
! Ba`zi so`zlarning tarkibida ,,not” bo`lmasa ham, baribir bo`lishsiz so`z sanaladi. Shu
so`zlar uchragan darak gaplarda any qo`llaniladi.
reject never hardly scarcely seldom neither
refuse without barely rarely no sooner nothing
no one (none)
F:e: I refused to say anything.
Tom has never been to any foreign country.
Tom left the room without say anything.
Any bilan kesimning kelishi: Any dan keyin ot ko`plik bo`lsa kesim ham ko`plik bo`ladi,
lekin ko`pincha birlik oladi.
Any boy was to do that. Any children were able to do it.
Any student is able to do it. Any child is to be taken there.
Any time was convenient for us.
No/none- hech bir, biror bir deb tarjima qilinadi.
No+noun None+noun
Of bilan kelishi:
Both…..and……as well as. F:e: I prefer both tennis and football as well as golf.
As well (as) -> yakka holda ham keladi. (shuningdek)
As well as dagi as gap oxirida kelsa as tushib qoladi.
Tom is clever as well as kind. (and o`rniga ishlatilgan)
Every no other
No + other + even other
Even another (bo`lishi ham mumkin)
(niki qo`shimchalari)
friend mine my friend
a + book + of + hers = her book
house Tom`s Tom`s house
dog my friend`s
my own / his own / their own + noun – harakatni o`zi qilganligini ko`rsatadi.
She cuts her own hair = o`zi kesadi sochini.
Do you grow your own vegetables = siz o`zingiz o`stirasizmi?
Did you cut your hair? — sochingizni o`zingiz kestingizmi?
On my own => men o`zim = alone=> yolg`iz o`zim.
On her/his/Tom’s/your own = by herself/himself/yourself/ourselves = by me/her/him
Jack was sitting on his own. Tom did the project by him alone.
Did you go there on your own = by yourself(by yourselves)
Which one / of them do you like best? Your mother or your father.
Lekin where qo`yiladi qachonki joyga nisbatan qayerga/qayerda deb savol berilsa.
Agar joy ega vazifasida kelsa, unda that yoki which ishlatiladi.
Where do you live?
Where did you stay?
The table broken is ancient. (which was/that was)
The reason I am learning English is simple. (which)
The man I saw was quite intelligent. (whom)
The school that /which I wanted to study is school 9.
The placethat/ which I like most is Labi Hovuz.
Agar gap oxirida predlog kelsain/at bazan on where o`rniga that ishlatiladi.
The country that I was born in
The school that I study at
Who? bilan savol berganda agar biz egaga savol bersak qisqa javob berishimiz mumkin.
Boshqa paytda to`liq javob talab qilinadi.
Who? bilan biz to`ldiruvchiga savol bersak, to`liq javob beramiz. (kimni degan ma’noda)
Savol qaysi zamonda va qanday yordamchi fe’l (modal fe’l) bilan berilayotgan
bo`lsa, o`sha zamon va o`sha yordamchi fe’l (modal fe’l) bilan javob beriladi.
Tom went to the shop to buy a cassette.
- Why did Tom go to the shop?
- Who went to the shop?
- Where did Tom go?
- What did Tom buy?
3. Alternative questions.
Or bilan yasalgan savollar, 2 kishi yoki narsadan birini tanlash uchun beriladi. Bu
savollar ham garchi yordamchi fe’l bilan boshlansa ham, to`liq javob talab qiladi.
Need/need to – do/does
I have got a car, haven’t I?
Have got - have He has got 2 children, hasn’t he?
Has got - has
Have to - (to`gri kelmoq) do She has to do it, doesn’t she
Has to - does I don’t have to check the documents, do I?
Tag questionga javob berish birinchi qismdagi gapga qarab bo`ladi. Agar biz tasdiq talab
qilayotgan kishiga ha gaping “to`g`ri” desak birinchi qism bo`lishli bo`lsa javob “Yes”
bilan bo`lishli gap yoziladi yoki “no” bilan bo`lishsiz bo`ladi.
Izoh: Ba’zi so`zlar tarkibida not bo`lmasa ham bo`lishsiz hisoblanadi. Bu gaplarning
ikkinchi qismi bo`lishli bo`ladi.
Never Neither Hardly No sooner Reject
Rarely Nothing Barely Refuse Without
Seldom No one (none) Scarcely Deny
I have never asked him about it, have I? – Neither have I.
Tom rarely visits supermarket, does he?
He works nowhere, does he?
Lekin: He went out without saying goodbye, didn`t he?
Izoh: Agar gap Let’s bilan boshlansa, bu gap bo`lishli bo`lsa ham, bo`lishsiz bo`lsa ham
uning 2-qismida shall we keladi.
Let’s ask it from the professor, shall we? Bunda ma’no so`raymizmi?, yaxshimi?,
Let’s not to do it, shall we? ma’qulmi? kabi bo`ladi
Eslatma: Agar berilgan savolga (ya’ni fikrga) qo`shilsa, 1-qismdagi gap bo`lishli
bo`lsa, javob ham bo`lishli bo`ladi.
Agar qo`shilmasa, 1- qism bo`lishli bo`lsa javob bo`lishsiz bo`ladi.
Short questions.
Izoh: Tag questions da bir kishi gapiradi va o`zi aytgan gapiga tasdiq talab qiladi. (2-
Short questions da bir kishi aytgan gapga 2-odam “rostdan shundaymi”,
“rostdanmi” deb tasdiq talab qiladi.
Izoh: Short questions ning Tag questions dan 2 farqi bunda 1-gap darak bo`lsa, 2-qism
darak bo`ladi va aksincha.
Izoh: Zamon, yordamchi fe’l va modal fe’lga qarab savol beriladi. Olmosh esa aytilgan
gapga qarab o`zgaradi.
- Students, you can all go home. - We have hardly heard your cry.
- Can we? - Have not you ?
Tasdiq berishda so`zlovchining gapiga qarab tinglovchi yordamch yoki modal fe’l bilan
tasdiq qiladi.
yordamchi fe’l
Darak gap: So + Noun
modal fe’l
yordamchi fe’l
Inkor gap: Neither + Noun
modal fe’l (bo`lishli shaklda)
Hozirgi oddiy zamon hozirgi zamonda takrorlanib turadigan barcha ish harakat
uchun ishlatiladi. Ingliz tilida gap tartibi o`zgarmas bo`lib, avval ega keyin kesim undan
so`ng esa ikkinchi darajali bo`laklar ishlatiladi. Ingliz tilida umumiy gap quyidagi
formula asosida tuziladi:
S + V + 2dp
Present Simple da gap tuzganda biz fe’lning birinchi shaklidan foydalanamiz:
S + V1/s,es + 2dp
Tom knows English well.
Agar gapning egasi uchinchi shaxs birlikda bo`lsa (he, she, it), fe’lga s yoki es qo`shiladi.
Gap inkor shaklda bo`lsa quyidagi formula bo`ladi:
S + do + not+V1 + 2dp
Tom doesn`t know English well.
Gap so`roq shaklda bo`lganida quyidagi formula bo`ladi:
do + S + V1 + 2dp
Does Tom know English well?
Har bir zamon o`zining signallariga ega bo`lib, Pr. Simple da quyidagi payt ravishlari
Always regularly
Usually once a week (day, month,year)
Often frequently each day (week, month, year)
Sometimes, occasionally, at times every (day, week, month, year)
Rarely, seldom On Mondays, On Sundays
Never In summer
From time to time twice a week
As a rule three times a week (day, month, year)
How often In the morning
In general, generally
Do you ever get up early.
Signallar to be dan keyin fe`ldan oldin keladi.
Mike dies in this film as a hero.
I never see him. – hozirgacha va bundan keyin ham ko`rmayman.
I have never seen him. – hozirgacha ko`rmagan, bundan keyin ko`rishi mumkin.
Ishlatilish holatlari
1. Odatiy, takroriy bo`ladigan (har kuni, bazan, hatto kamdan kam) ish harakatlar
Pr. Simple da ishlatiladi.
F. ex. We go to the beach every summer. I never speak Italian.
We rarely see each other. How often does Tom visit there?
Work/ live/ study -> agar vaqtinchalik ma’noda kelsa Pres. Cont ishlatiladi.
I live in Bukhara. But I am living in Tashkent now.
5. Kalendardagi aniq kun kelasi zamonda kelsa ham, bu vaqtga nisbatan Pr.Simple da
-When is your birthday? – Tomorrow is my birthday What is day? – Tomorrow is
Past Simple da fe’lning ikkinchi shaklidan foydalaniladi hamda gap tuzish quyidagicha
amalga oshiriladi:
They arrived yesterday.
S + V2 + 2dp
Fe’lning ikkinchi shakli uning to`g`ri yoki noto`g`ri fe’l ekanligiga bog`liq bo`lib, u 2 xil
yo`l bilan yasaladi:
a) Agar fe’l to`g`ri fe’l (regular verb) bo`lsa uning asosiga ed qo`shimchasi qo`shiladi:
worked invented lived
watered landed joined
b) Agar fe’l noto`g`ri fe’l (irregular verb) bo`lsa uning asosi o`zgaradi yoki bazi fe’llarda
o`zgarishsiz qoladi:
So`roq shakli:
Did+S +V1 + 2dp
Did they arrive yesterday?
Inkor shakli:
S + did + not+V1 + 2dp
They didn’t arrive yesterday.
1. Bu zamon ham o`zining signallariga ega :
Yesterday During the lesson In 1993
Ago S +hardly In the past
Just now S + recently Once upon a time
The day before When I was out One day
yesterday In my childhood Soon (tez orada
The other day In + time ma`nosida)
Once – bir vaqtlar In + place Once (gap boshida)
Suddenly – asosan bundan keyin ega kelsa Past Simple ishlatiladi. Ba`zida egadan
keyin kelishi mumkin.
At 4 o`clock yesterday yoki at + payt o`tgan zamon bo`lsa, past simple da ishlatiladi,
qachonki harakat davomiylikka ega bo`lmasa:
At 5 o`clock yesterday it started to rain.
2. Agar o`rin joy ko`rsatilib u yerda biror ish bajarilgan bo`lsa va qachon degan savolga
javob bo`lsa yashirin signal ishlatiladi. Biror bir davr ichida, masalan, yoshligida,
talabaligida … ya’ni shu davrda qilingan barcha ish- harakat Past Simple da
The Chinese in vented paper. Popov invented the radio. Navoi died in 1501.
2 – tip signallar:
I think/ Do you think/ I I guess/ I suppose/ I hope I am afraid / In my opinion
don’t think /I’m not sure I promise/ I believe/ I
Probably/ perhaps/ maybe expect
F:ex: I am afraid he will fail his exams.
I hope they will come back at 6 oclock.
I expect Tom will arrive tonight.
1.To`satdan rejalashtirilgan ish-harakat:
What would you like to drink?
- I shall drink a cup of tea.
2.Bashorat qilish ma`nosida:
I think it will rain tomorrow.
3. Taklif ma’nosida Fut. Simplda I, we olmoshi ishlatiladi: Shall I open this window?
You olmoshi iltimos ma’nosida ishlatiladi: Will you lend me some money?
Provided (that)
Until 1) Future Ind. (agar ma’no kelasi zamon)
As long as + S+V1, S + 2) Present Ind. (agar doimiy faoliyat yoki
While bo`lsa)
As soon as
Unless (If … not)
On condition (that)
In case
The next time
When – “qachonki” degan ma`nosida bog`lovchi bo`lib kelsa, shall / will olmaydi. When
– “qachon” degan ma`nosida bog`lovchi bo`lib kelsa, shall / will oladi.
If – “agar” ma`nosida shall / will olmaydi, “mi” ma`nosida shall / will oladi.
Bu bog`lovchilarning ko`pchiligidan keyin Present Perfect Tense ham kelishi mumkin.
If Tom has done his homework, give him another task.
By the time + S + V1 + Future Perfect.
If I finish my task, I’ll let you know.
If I finish my task in time, I watch my favorite program.
As soon as I get my visa, I’ll go abroad.
I always give you money, when I have it.
I’ll give you my bike, providing you return it in time.
The Present Continuous Tense
2. 2-tip signal so`zlar alohida so`zdan iborat bo`lib, ulardan keyin keladigan gap Pr. Cont
da bo`ladi.
Eslatma: Quyidagi payt ravishlari norozilik, shikoyat, jahl, tanbeh ma’nolarida kelsa va
kechikkani-kechikkan, qilgani-qilgan, yig`lagani-yig`lagan deb tarjima qilinsa, garchi bu
payt ravishlari Pr. Simplga tegishli bo`lsa ham Pr. Cont. da ishlatiladi.
Always He is always shouting at me.
Constantly doim U menga baqirgani- baqirgan. (doim)
Forever Continually She is coming late forever.
U har doim kech qoladi.
6. Vaziyatning o`zgarayotganligini ko`rsatish uchun Pr. Cont. zamoni ishlatiladi.
Istisno holat: -ing olmaydigan fe`llarning quyidagilari ma`nosiga ko`ra ikkiga bo`linadi:
1. –ing qo`shimchasini oladi. 2. –ing qo`shimchasini olmaydi.
Smells Smells
Tastes Tastes
Sound Sound
Look Look
Somebody +Take + -ing Something +Take + -ing
animal Fell Fell
Weight Weight
Hold Hold
Measure Measure
at + payt o`tgan zamon this time yesterday
at 4 o`clock yesterday yesterday at this time
at noon yesterday still
all the morning (all……) from….till…(from morning till night)
the whole…..(the whole evening) between 5 and 6 then
when/ while = as
F:ex: At four o`clock I feel asleep. Someone knocked at the door at 6 pm
It started raining at10 am.
1-ko`rinishi: Sodda gaplarda kelishi.
F:ex: I saw Jane near her office she was talking on the phone.
There were 6 people around the table. They were eating smth.
We were cleaning some places at 5 yesterday.
Signallari: ever, never, once (gap oxirida), twice, several times, 3-4 times, so far, before
(gap oxirida), before now,until now, till now, by now, up to now, How many times, How
long, for, since.
Never – qilmayman (o`ziga ishonch bilan aytilsa) Pr.Simple da keladi.
Never – qilmagan (shu vaqtgacha) Pr.Perfect da keladi.
3-ma’nosi. Ikkita sodda gap kelsa, biri natijani ko`rsatsa, ikkinchi gap shu natijani keltirib
chiqargan bo`lsa, ikkinchi gap Pr.Perfectda bo`ladi hamda birinchi gap Pr. Simplda
Pr. Perfect da qo`shimcha ma’no beruvchi signallar: This is the first year
This is the second year
F.ex. This is the first year I have known Tom. It is the 7th year
This is the second time, I have been here. It is the 8th anniversary
Biroq bir holatda bu formula o`zgaradi: (mustasno holat) It is a long time, since I have
seen Jack.
Sodda gap bo`ldimi bu har doim Present Perfect bo`ladi. Qo`shma gap har doim
Past Perfectda bo`ladi.
I haven’t heard from him lately/recently. Inkorda lately o`rinli.
The Past Perfect Tense
Agar natija o`tgan zamonda bo`lsa ( 1gap), natijani keltirib chiqargan harakat (2gap)
Past.Perfect da bo`ladi.
4.Eslatma: Just – endigina deb tarjima qilinadi, already, yet, never va shu kabi signallr
Pr. Perfect signali hisoblansada, agar bu signallar o`tgan zamondagi qo`shma gaplarda
ishlatilsa, bu signallar bilan biz Past Perfect ishlatamiz.
F:ex: Tom knew that Jack had just arrived.
I understood that he hadn`t done it yet.
Agarda qo`shma gapning birinchi qismi Past Simple da yoki Past Cont.da bo`lsa, qo`shma
gapning ikkinchi qismi hech qachon hozirgi zamonda kelmaydi. Bu holda Past Perfect
ishlatiladi. Ya`ni agar 1-qismi o`tgan zamon bo`lsa, 2-qismi ham o`tgan zamon bo`ladi.
F.ex. I said that he has come. (had ni ishlatish kerak)
I was sure he is in hospital. ( was ni ishlatish kerak)
We can use will be + an ing-form (the future continuous) to talk about future actions.
There are two different uses.
To be going to
Pr. Cont in future meaning is synonym “to be going to” -> Pr.Cont kelasi zamon
ma’nosida to be going to ga sinonim.
I’m flying to Moscow = I’m going to fly to Moscow.
Tom is meeting the delegates tonight = Tom is going to meet the delegates tonight.
2-Izoh. Vaziyatga asosan bashorat qilish ma’nosida kelganda “shekilli” deb
tarjima qilinadi va bashoratlarga – going to keladi.
3-Izoh. Future Cont. so`roq holatlarda yana bir qo`shimcha ma`noga ega: Mabodo….
biron ish qilmaysizmi deb o`zini manfaatini ko`zlab so`rash faqat so`roq formada keladi.
Will you be + Ving.
F:ex: Will you be going to the shop? No, why? -> yo`q, nima edi?
Will you be using your bike? Yes, why? -> ha, nima edi?
Will be doing ya`ni Future Cont. ba`zan to be going to ga syn. bo`ladi lekin undan ko`ra
kuchliroq ma`no beradi.
F:ex: I will be meeting Tom tomorrow. = I am meeting Tom tomorrow.
I shall be flying to New York tonight.
The Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect -> o`zbek tiliga qilib bo`lgan bo`laman, qaysidir paytga qadar
bajarib bo`lgan bo`laman deb tarjima qilinadi.
When you visit me at noon, I shall be having lunch. But if you come by 1.30, I shall have
had lunch.
Eslatma:Pr. Perf. Cont. ning Pr. Perfectdan asosiy farqi shundaki, bu zamondagi
fe’l davomiy ma’noda bo`ladi.
Masalan break, lose, understand kabi fe’llar davom zamonlarda ishlatilmaydi,
shuning uchun bu zamonda ham bu fe’llar ishlatilmaydi.
Izoh(1): O`tgan tugallangan davom zamonda Past Simple dan oldin boshlangan harakatni
davom etib kelib, Past Perfect Continuous Tense ga qadar tugaganligini ko`rsatadi.
Bu jihatdan Present Perfect Continuous II-ma`nosiga o`xshaydi, faqatgina natijasi o`tgan
zamonda bo`ladi, ma`nosi jihatdan esa Past Perfect bilan sinonim, farqi davomiy fe`llar
bilan keladi.
Darak shakli.
S + had been +Ving
So`roq shakli.
Had + S + been + Ving?
Inkor shakli.
F:ex: I had been waiting for the bus for 20 minutes when he finally came.
How long had you been studying English before you took IELTS.
I had been waiting for you since 12 o`clock when you at last came.
Ba`zan for bizni adashtirish uchun tushib qoladi. Gapda for bilan by signali kelsa future
perfect ishlatamiz.
F:ex: I have been reading about an hour when he comes.
What have you been doing these three months?
Tom will have been studied here for 3 years by 2010.
Future in the Past – gapning shakli o`tgan zamonda bo`lsa ham ma`no kelasi zamonda
bo`ladi, gap qo`shma gaplarda keladi. Zamonlar moslashuviga ko`ra
1-yoki 2-fe`l o`tgan zamonda bo`lsa, garchi ma`nosi kelasi zamonda
bo`lsa ham, shall va will o`zgaradi should/would. Agar aksincha
1-qism Present Simple yoki Present Perfect larda bo`lsa, 2-qismda
shall/will o`zgarmaydi.
Passive Voice.
Passive Voice -> o`zbek tiliga majhul nisbat deb tarjima qilinadi. Bu nisbatda kelgan
gaplarda gapning egasi mavjud bo`lmaydi. Gapda eganing o`rnida to`ldiruvchi gap
boshida keladi.
Aniq nisbatda kelgan gapni majhul nisbatga o`tkazish uchun avval gapdagi to`ldiruvchini
aniqlaymiz hamda uni eganing o`rniga qo`yamiz.
3. Ko`pincha jonsiz predmetlar Passive da bo`ladi, lekin bu har doim ham emas.
Water was taken from this river.
The rocket fly high.
The rocket was launch.
Shalola asked difficult questions from her mother. (Shalola onasidan qiyin savollarni
Difficult questions were asked from her mother. (Qiyin savollar uning onasidan so`raldi)
4. To`ldiruvchisiz gaplar ya’ni to`ldiruvchi qatnashmagan gaplar Passive Voice da
kelmaydi hamda Active Voice da qoladi.
F.ex. I went to school. (Maktabga so`zi to`ldiruvchi emas, balki o`rin holi. Chunki
Let’s do this work at first. The door opened. The rocket flew high.
Lekin: the rocket was launched. (launch fe’liga e’tibor bering)
5. Passive Voice dagi gapni Active Voice ga o`tkazishda har doim ham ega berilgan
bo`lmasligi mumkin. Bunda biz egani o`zimizdan tanlaymiz.
The child is taken care of. -> She takes care of child.
6. to be confused – chalkashish/chalkashtirish to be convinced – ishontirish/ishonchi
komil bo`lish
7. Passive Voice da predlog gap oxirida keladi:
they sent for the doctor – the doctor was sent for.
They didn’t live in that house – the house wasn’t lived in.
Modal fe’llarning Passive da kelishi
Questions: Did she eat all the meal? -> Was all the meal eaten by her?
Must the doctor send her to hospital? -> Must she be sent to hospital?
Should you have thrown the letter away? -> Should the letter have been thrown away?
Special questions: What was given you yesterday?
Who was interviewed yes-day?
What kind of films are produced nowadays?
Buyruq gapda doim type I bo`ladi. Chunki buyruq gap hozirgi zamonda bo`ladi.
Ba’zi hollarda esa if dan keyingi qism Fut. Cont ham kelishi mumkin.
F.ex: If you come late, I shall be sleeping.
If qatnashgan qism ham, If dan keyingi qism ham Passive Voice da kelishi mumkin:
Unless = If … not -> Unless dan keyin inkor shakldagi fe’l kelmaydi.
Unless you promise, I shall not give you money
Don’t go out, unless I let you.
Type I da ikki tomonlama ham Present Simple da kelishi mumkin, agar har doimga
harakat ma`nosida kelsa.
If I finish my work I go home.
Agar mabodo ma’nosida If dan keyin should modal fe’li kelishi mumkin
will If I should see Tom, I shall tell kim about it.
If + S + should V1 / S + can + V1 Can you give it to Jack if you should see him?
buyruq gap
If + S + Present Perfect, + S +can + V1 Bu struktura ba’zi hollarda keladi.
buyruq gap
She is a very selfish girl. If she weren’t very selfish, she would help poor people.
Faqatgina if dan keyin were kelsa Type 2 da ham if ni tushirish mumkin.
Izoh: Type-3 o`tgan zamondagi noreal ish-harakatni ifodalaydi. Ko`pincha afsus, koshki
edi ma’nolarida keladi. Bund ma’no ham, zamon ham o`tgan zamonda bo`ladi.
If + S + had V3 + S + would + have V3
had been could
F.ex: He broke his leg, so he didn’t go there yesterday.
If he hadn’t broken his leg, he would have gone there yesterday.
If I had been living in Tashkent that time, I would have been living with you.
But for If lik qismga teng: But for you, I would have failed.
Type -3 da barcha holatlarda If ni tushirib qoldirish mumkin. Buning uchun Had
oldinga chiqadi.
If + S + had V3 … -> Had + S + V3 (been) darak gap.
Static words: asosan TypeII da keladi, chuki doimiy yoki uzoq muddatli sifatlar
If he were generous If I were rich
If he weren`t kind If he knew English
If he were intelligent If he weren`t stupid
If he were the biggest If it were the best
Were, had, could, should, might булса IF кисмда bo’lsa if тушиб улар унинг урнига
утиши мумкин.
Should – I tip
Were – II tip
Could – II tip
Might – II tip
Had – III tip
If you should see Tom tomorrow, tell him about the meeting --- Should you see Tom
tomorrow, tell him about the meeting.
If only = wish.
Wish in questions:
Do you wish you were in general records?
He wished he had been there before.
He wished he were rich.
Why didn`t you phone me. I could have helped you on the phone. = If you had phoned me,
It was your fault. You might have got a good mark. = If you had prepared, ……
S + V1 + As if / As though + S + V2(were).
He speaks English so fluently, as if he were an Englishman.
He walks such arrogantly, as if he were a son of the King.
He is trying to answer as though he knew everything.
All the trees were white as if they were covered with so.
Tom is wearing so elegantly as if he lived in a rich family.
He pretends as though he were sleeping.
He pretends as though he didn`t know anything.
As if / as though + S + could/would + V1
She seems as if she would come tomorrow.
Tom pretends as if he would fly to London next week.
Could – qila olmoq ma`nosida present va future da keladi.
He seems as if he could sing well.
He looks as though he could speak perfectly.
Direct / Indirect / Reported speech.
Izoh: Ko`chirma gapdagi zamon o`zgarishi, payt ravishlari o`zgarishi, olmosh o`zgarishi,
gap boshidagi kesimning o`tgan zamonda (V2/was/were) kelishiga bog`liq, agar
o`zgarmasa, zamon o`zgarmaydi.
F:e: He said,-> He says.
Tom wants to enter that college.-> He said he wanted to enter that college.
Tom was sure -> Tom has wanted to know, Tom was sure.
Jimmy passed his exams. -> Tom has reported that he passed the exams.
Agar gap qo`shma gap bo`lsa, 1-qism Present Perfect da bo`lsa, zamon o`zgarmaydi.
Mark is a clever boy. Tom has told us he is a clever boy.
Izoh: Birovning hech qanday o`zgarishsiz ,, “(qo`shtirnoq) ichidagi gapi ko`chirma gap
He says ,,I like horror film.“ Tom said ,, I don`t know.”
Tom replies:,, I don`t know”.
O`zlashtirma gapga aylantirish uchun; biz quyidagi fe`llardan foydalanamiz:
He said They ask(ed)
He reported They tell us
She informed
She wondered
They want to know
That – darak va inkor gapda keladi: They told us (that) they were busy.
Gap o`zlashtirilayotganda olmosh quyidagicha o`zgaradi:
I –> she, he
Me –> him, her It is me –> she said that it was she.
My –> his, her
Agar axborot beruvchi fe`lning egasi: he, she, it, they bo`lsa, o`zlashtirma va ko`chirma
gapda we bo`lsa, they bo`ladi.
Us – them
Our – their We did it ourselves-> They said they had done it themselves.
Ourselves – themselves.
Agar ko`chirma gapda you bo`lsa, o`zgaradi, I, we ga.
F:e: You workhere, don`t you.
He said that I worked.
Lekin. Olmosh o`zgarishi boshqacha bo`ladi. Faqatgina ma`noga qarab o`zgaradi.
He says to him ,, you study well”. We say to them ,,you work hard”.
He says to him he studies well. We say to them, they work hard.
Buyruq gap asosan he, she, you ga nisbatan bo`ladi, bunday paytda must o`zgarmaydi.
Payt ravishlarining o`zgarishi:
Now –> then Here –> there This –> that These –> those
Tomorrow –> the following day/the next day Yesterday –> the day before
Ago –> before 2 days ago – 2 days before
The day after tomorrow –> 2 days after
Today –> that day
Tonight –> that night
Last..... –> ........before last night – a night before
Next..... –> the following/the next ......
Now – hozirgi zamon ma`nosida then ga o`zgaradi.
I am waiting now. He said he was waiting then.
Izoh: Agar axborot beruvchi fe`l o`tgan zamonda bo`lsa, ko`chirma gaplardagi zamonlar
o`zgarishi quyidagicha: (zamonlar moslashuviniga binoan).
Ko`chirma gap O`zlashtirma gap
Am, is, are Was, were
Present Simple Past Simple
Present Cont. Past Cont.
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Present Perfect Cont. Past Perfect Cont.
Past Simple Past Perfect
Past Cont. Past Perfect Cont.
Future Simple shall/will + V1 Should/would + V1
Future Cont. Should/would be +Ving
Future Perfect Cont. Should/would + have + Ving
Can Could
May Might
Am, is, are able to Was/were able to
Was, were able to Had been able to
Could a)Qobilyat ma`nosida kelsa could ishlatiladi.
b) taklif ma`nosida kelsa: could have V3 ishlatiladi.
Have a) Had V3(Perfect)
a) Have V3 b) I had a car
b) I have a car c) Had had
c) Had (bor edi ma`nosida kelsa) 1. Taklif ma`nosida kelsa o`zi ishlatiladi.
Might 2. Taxmin ma`nosida kelsa: might have V3
Had to
Have to/has to Had had to
Had to a) buyruq ohangida bo`lsa: must ishlatiladi.
Must b) Ehtiyoj jihatda bo`lsa: had to bo`ladi.
1. Qila olardim ma`nosida bo`lsa could bo`ladi.
Could 2. Qiishingiz mumkin edi ma`nosida could have V3
Agar 1-qism gap present simple/perfect/cont. da bo`lsa, 2-qismda past perfect kelmaydi.
Send it to my brother either now or.
Darak gaplarda:
1. Please, gap boshida yoki oxirida, V1 bilan.
2. Verb bilan boshlanadi. Masalan: Come here / Go there
3. Ism bilan boshlansa.
4. Can you (please)
Could you ..... please. Will you ...... please. Would you ...... please.
Darak va buyruq gaplar ......... to V1 bilan o`zgartiriladi.
Rustam, please open the door. => He asked Rustam to open the door.
Go home! => He wanted he to go home. Come home! => He asked me to go home.
Bring it us! => .......to bring it us.
4-izohdagi birikmalar testda 2 xil shaklda keladi.
1) Buyruq shaklda. 2) so`roq shaklda.
Testda so`roq varianti to`g`riroq.
Could you please answer this question?
He wanted me to answer that question. -> bu so`roq bo`lmaydi.
Can you have a minute and talk withe him
a) He asked me if I could find a minute to talk with him.
b) He asked me to find a minute and talk........
Inkor gaplarda:
Ko`chirma gap. O`zlashtirma gap.
Don`t V1 --------------> ...... not to V1
Please don`t smoke here----He has asked me not to smoke there.
Don`t cry for over spilt milk everything. --He said to Tom not to cryover spilt milk
INDIRECT SPEECH ning so`roq gapda kelishi.
General questions da kelishi:
Aux.V + S + Verb => mi? ma`nosini beradi.
He asked me
He wants to know
She wondered + If / whether + S + Verb.
Do you know
Who knows
Did you know
Do you remember Jane?
He asked me If I remember Jane.
Did you want do it?
He has wandered if I wanted to do it.
Can – qila olmoq deb o`zbek tiliga tarjima qilinadi. Uning sinonimi am/is/are able to.
Modal verbs asosan o`zidan keyin V1 talab qiladi. Can va be able to teng sinonim bo`lib,
farqi shundaki, can ko`p ma’noga ega. Faqatgina qila olmoq ma’nosida to be able to
bilan sinonim bo`la oladi.
2-farqi: Can hozirgi va kelasi zamonda, could esa o`tgan zamonda ishlatiladi. Qolgan
zamonlar uchun to be able to ni zamonga moslashtiramiz.
Can Could -> Past.
Can V1 = am/is/are able to V1 I can swim through this river = I am able to swim
Could V1 = was/were able to V1 I could speak English when I was 5 = I was able to
speak …
Izoh: Agar gapda easily/ hardly so`zlari kelsa ko`pchilik holatlarda can va couldni
F:ex: I can easily translate it.
He could hardly remember his granny.
Izoh: Agar gapda quyidagi fe`llar kelsa can va could ishlatamiz, be able to ni ishlatish
shart emas. hear smell
see understand feel Bu fe’llar epladim/ qila oldim ma’nosida
kelsa ham
remember taste can/could modal fe’llarini olaveradi
It was dark but I could see some starts.
I could hear someone shouting at Martha.
I can/could easily remember his name.
Did they manage to buy the car yesterday?
Was/were able to V1 = managed to VWere
1 they able to buy the car yesterday?
Could (2) -> Can ning o`tgan zamoni bo`lishi bilan birga, taklif ma’nosida Pr. va Fut.da
keladi. Bunday paytda uning sinonimi would be able to V1 bo`ladi.
Yuqoridagi gapda Can modal fe’lini ishlatsak bo`ladi. Lekin bunda ma’no ishonchliroq
I’m free tomorrow, we can go somewhere tomorrow.
We could live together in Tashkent . (Biz birga Toshkentda yashashimiz mumkin)
Tom needs some help. You could lend him a hand.
Why do you live in the dorm? You could live with your uncle.
Could have V3 -> Noreal ma’noda o`tgan zamonda keladi .“Qilsak bo`lardi “ deb tarjima
qilinadi lekin qilinmagan ish-harakat nazarda tutiladi.
Tom could have lent her some money, but he didn’t want.
You could have phoned and asked me about it, why didn’t you?
We were free yesterday, we could have gone somewhere.
Couldn’t have V3 -> “nima bo`lganda ham baribir qila olmas edim” deb tarjima
You couldn’t have passed the exam anyway as it was very difficult.
Tom couldn’t have played football anywhere as the weather was awful.
You couldn’t have won him as he was very strong and tactful.
Have to/ Has to/ Had to/ Have got to/ has got to
1. Have to mustga sinonim bo`lib, kerak, lozim deb tarjima qilinadi. Lekin must dan asosiy
farqi shundaki, bu yerda biror ishni qilish vaziyat jihatidan yuzaga keladi hamda o`zbek
tiliga qilishga tog`ri keladi deb tarjima qilinadi.
I’ m late. I have to take a taxi. (Men kech qolayapman. Taksi tutishimga to`g`ri keladi)
My son is ill. I have to stay at home. (Mening o`g`lim kasal, uyda qolishimga to`g`ri
2. Must hozirgi va kelasi zamon uchun ishlatilsa, have to barcha zamonlarda kelishi
Present Tense
You mustn’t be there Future Tense
I have had to get up earlier as I have important exams. ( Present Perfect Tense)
Tom had had to stay here by Monday. (Past Perfect Tense)
3. Had to – have to ning o`tgan zamoni bo`lib, qilishga to`g`ri keldi deb tarjima qilinadi.
We had to spend all night at the hotel, as it was raining heavily.
(Qattiq yomg`ir yog`ayotganligi sababli, butun tunni mehmonxonada o`tkazishimizga
to`gri keldi)
So`roq gaplarda have to/ has to
Didn’t have to/ didn’t need to V1 -> qilishga to`g`ri kelmadi, shuning uchun qilmadik.
Used to V1 / Would V1
Used to V1 – o`tgan zamondagi fe’l bo`lib, o`tgan zamondagi takroriy ish-harakatni
bildiradi. O`zbek tiliga bajarardim, qilardim, o`qirdim, o`ynardim deb tarjima qilinadi.
I played football when I was a child = I used to play football while a child.
Tom used to listen to rock music.
Would V1 -> bu ham o`tgan zamondagi takroriy ish-harakatga nisbatan ishlatiladi, lekin
his-tuyg`uli fe’llar va Static words bilan birga kelmaydi.
Izoh: His-tuyg`uli fe’llar takroriy ravishda kelolmaydi, faqat uzoq vaqt davom etadi. Bu
holatda would mumkin emas.
Dream: Tush ko`rish – would V1/ used to V1 /Past simple
Orzu qilish, sevish - used to V1 /Past simple
To be allowed to V1 = may ga sinonim bo`lib, ruxsat berganda ishlatiladi.
We are allowed to stay at home
Tom was allowed to smoke. To be allowed to zamonlard o`zgaradi, may esa
We shall be allowed to go there faqat hozirgi va kelasi zamon uchun.
a) Should o`zbek tiliga lozim, shart debtarjima qilinadi, lekin must ga nisbatan kuchsiz
ma’no beradi.
Maslahat berganda ishlatiladi
Qilsang yaxshi bo`lardi, qilmasang yaxshi bo`lardi, … to`gri bo`lardi, …noto`g`rib
bo`lardi kabi ma’nolarda keladi.
O`zini fikrini aytib, bu ishing yaxshi yoki notog`ri deyish, ko`proq should ga to`g`ri keladi.
I think Do you think we should do everything he orders?
I don’t think + should V1 (U buyurgan barcha narsani qilishimiz kerak deb
Do you think o`ylaysizmi)
Should have V3 / Ought to have V3 -> qilish kerak edi, lekin qilinmagan ish-harakat.
Shouldn’t have V3 / Ought not to have V3 -> qilish kerak emas edi, lekin qilingan ish-
The paper ought not to have been thrown away. -> O`sha hujjat tashlab yuborilmasligi
kerak edi.
Tom shouldn’t have been sent instead of Mike -> Tom Mayk ning o`rniga jo`natilmasligi
kerak edi.
You shouldn’t have let him in. -> Siz unga kirishiga ruxsat bermasligingiz kerak edi.
You should have stayed with her. -> Siz u bilan qolishingiz kerak edi.
To be to V1
To be to V1 -> o`zbek tiliga kerak, shart, lozim deb tarjima qilinadi. Bu modal fe’lning
have to/ mustdan farqi shundaki, bunda ehtiyoj jihatdan olinmaydi.
To be to V1 – kelishilgan ish-harakat uchun ishlatiladi hamda zamonlarda o`zgaradi.
I am to be at the station at 5.
Tom was to sign the documents last week.
b) Buyruq asosida qilish kerak, (edi)
F.ex: My boss told me I was to meet the delegates the following day.
I have said to my secretary that she is to type 3 letters.
I was to air the room, but I forgot.
You are to work until 7.
Would you mind Ving Biror ish qilishga qarshi emasmisiz
F.ex. Would you mind closing the door? Would you mind going there with me?
Would you mind asking a question? Would you mind smoking here?
shakl: o`tgan
b) Would you mind if + S + V2 ma’no: hozirgi/ kelasi
Yuqoridagi 4 ta formaning gapda hech qanday kesimlik vazifasi yo`q. Ular fe’ldan
yasalgan bo`lsa ham, aslida fe’l emas.
Ular gapda quyidagi vazifalarda kelishi mumkin:
1) Ega — gerund, infinitive
2) Aniqlovchi — gerund, participle I, participle II
3) To`ldiruvchi — gerund, infinitive
4) Izohlovchi — participle I, participle II
5) Ravishdosh — participle I, participle II
Ega vazifasida kelgan paytida harakat nomi bo`lib keladi, gap boshida keladi.
O`zbekchada –sh, -ish qo`shimchalarini oladi.
Running is helpful for your health.
Seeing is believing. Eating much food is not always good.
Quyidagi fe’llardan keyin yana bir fe’l so`ralsa, 2-fe’l uchun biz to`ldiruvchi
vazifasida keluvchi gerund ishlatamiz.
Acknowledge – tan olish Enjoy – rohatlanish
Admit – chaqirmoq Entail – jalb qilmoq
Anticipate – oldindan his qilmoq Escape – qochmoq
Appreciate – baholash qadrlash Discuss – muhokama qilmoq
Avoid – yiroqlashish Excuse – kechirmoq
Celebrate – nishonlamoq Finish – tugatmoq
Consider – o`ylamoq/tasavvur qilmoq Feel like – o`xshamoq
Catch – ushlamoq Fancy – yoqmoq
Can’t beer – chidolmaslik Forgive – kechirmoq
Can’t resist – qarshilik qilolmaslik Ignore – e’tiborsiz qoldirmoq
Complete – tugatmoq Imagine – tasavvur qilish
Contemplate – tahlil qilmoq Involve – jalb etmoq
Can’t help – o`zini tuta olmaslik Hate – yoqtirmaslik
Defer – orqaga surmoq Keep – saqlamoq
Delay – to`xtatmoq Keep on – davom ettirmoq
Deny – rad etmoq Loathe – nafratlanmoq
Detest – yomon ko`rmoq Miss – sog`inmoq
Dislike – yoqtirmaslik Mind – e’tibor qaratmoq
Dread – qo`rqmoq Pardon – kechirim so`rash
Find – topmoq Prevent – yuzaga keltirmoq
Prohibit – Risk – tavakkal qilmoq
Postpone – orqaga surmoq Suggest – taklif qilmoq
Practice – Smell –
Quit – tark etmoq Tolerate – baho bermoq
Recollect – Understand – tushunmoq
Report – xabar qilmoq Would mind – qarshilik
Resist – qarshilik qilmoq Stop –
Resent – g`azablanmoq Mention – eslatib o`tmoq
Recall – eslamoq
Feel Noun/pronoun + Ving
I detested getting up late. Stop talking!
I considered taking my notebook. I quitted working hard.
To 2 ta ma’noda keladi:
1) Predlog ma’nosida Ving I prefer reading to listening.
2) ga qaraganda to V1
Quyidagi fe’llar quyidagicha predlog oladi va o`zidan keyin gerund talab qiladi.
Capable of Look forward to Speak/Talk to
Complain about Object to Tired of/from
Congratulate on Participate in Be for
Decide against Prevent from To be good at
Dream of/about Responsible for To be expect in
Excite about Succeed in To be interested in
Fed up Suspect of Warn against
Forgive for To be care of Give up
Insist on Thank for Stop from
Instead of Inspire of
Keep on/from Think about
Aniqlovchi vazifasida keluvchi olmoshlardan keyin ham (`)dan keyin ham gerund
kelishi mumkin.
My Your Its
His Their A pupil’s
Her Our Pupils’
Ing oladigan fe’llar bilan NING qaratqich kelishigidagi olmoshlar yoki otlar kelishi
mumkin va ulardan keyin ING ishlatiladi.
My, your, his, her, its, our, their
Tom’s, Nick’s, My mother’s, his sister’s
Jack’s father’s, Nick’s sister’s,
The manager’s, the worker’s
I appreciate your speaking English.
He denied his father’s commiting the crime.
I dream of my son’s becoming a pilot.
Agar ikkalasi ham gap boshida kelsa birinchi o`rinda gerund olinadi.
Maqollarda ega vazifasida kelsa ham infinitive ishlatilishi mumkin.
To see is to believe. Seeing is believing. (kuchliroq)
To be or not to be.
Quyidagi fe’llardan keyin yana bir fe’l so`ralsa, biz infinitive ni ishlatamiz.
Anxious Be busy + Ving
Desirable + to V1 Be late + Ving
Important Be bored + Ving
… matter is difficult to be solved.
He is busy doing his research work.
He is bored working the same place.
Mike is bored enough to tall with her.
I am too busy to go with you.
To be + surprised .
to V1 I am pleased to see you.
He was surprised to see her
next Jack was the only boy to come early.
last My plane was the following to fly.
The + only to V1
…sure I am sure to win.
found He is unlikely to come home.
To be + certain to V1
Too + adjective + to V1
Tom is too young to marry.
Would rather prefer bilan sinonim. Lekin o`zidan keyin keladigan struktura bilan
farq qiladi.
Bu hozirgi va kelasi zamonda ishlatiladi.
would rather + V1
Inkor shakli to ishlatish mumkin emas.
Would ratherI would
+ not Vstay
rather 1 at home.
I would rather not go out.
O`tgan zamon uchun
would rather + have V3
would rather + not have V3
I would rather have gone these yesterday.
1) Future meaning
would rather (that) + S + (not) V1
2) Present meaning
would rather (that) + S + V2 / didn’t V1
would rather (that) + S + had (not) V3
Past meaning
I would rather you finish building your home by next year.
I would rather the work be finished soon.
I would rather I knew English well.
I would rather we hadn’t gone there yesterday.
Ba’zida fe’llar yakka tartibda gerund olsa, would bilan kelganda to qo`shiladi.
Faqat would mind/let/make/rather bundan mustasno.
Quyida berilgan 4 ta fe’l bu qoidaga bo`ysunadi. Qolganlar bundan mustasno.
Would sooner
→ would rather (I)
Would sooner + Ø + V1
To be worth + Ving Har doim Ving ishlatiladi. Ma’no passive da bo`lsa ham,
active da bo`lsa ham.
This book is worth reading.
That car is very old and it isn’t worth repairing.
Help + to V1 Lekin can’t help kelsa, biz gerund ishatamiz.
Help + V1
I helped my mother to do housework.
Help to me + to V1 Help me to carry it, please.
Help to me + V1
Dare + to V1 Ma’nosi — jur’at etmoq
Lekin daren’t bo`lsa, V1 keladi.
Dare + V1
smb Need + to V1
Require Require + to be V3
Deserve Deserve + Ving
Want Want
O`tgan zamonda bir vaqtlar qilgan ishini eslasa gerund ishlatamiz.
I remember meeting him at first time in the street.
Endi bo`ladigan narsani eslab qol ma’nosida gap berilsa, infinitive ishlatiladi.
Please, remember to post the letter. It is very urgent.
Father, don’t worry, I remember to lock the door.
Agar o`tgan zamonda bir ishni qilishni unutgan bo`lsa, gerund ishlatamiz.
Oh, I forget posting the letter.
Kelasi zamonda biror-bir ishni qilishni unutish yoki unutmaslik infinitive bilan keladi.
Sometimes I forget to take my pills. Don’t forget, to lock the door.
Biror-bir ishdan umumiy ma’noda rohatlanish gerund bilan ishlatiladi.
I like reading. Tom likes watching TV.
Vaziyat jihotidan bir ishga qaraganda ikkinchi bir ishni ma’qullash, yoqtirish ma’nosida
kelsa, infinitive keladi.
I like to read books in the evening.
I like to wash the dishes rather than do exercises.
So`roq gaplarda kelsa “to” oladi:
What do you like to do this evening? Do you like to swim?
Qilib ko`rmoq, sinab ko`rmoq ma’nosida kelsa, o`zidan keyin gerund oladi. Ko`pchilik
holatlarda kiyim kiyishga nisbatan, ovqatni tatib ko`rishga nisbatan, sog`lik uchun ma’lum
bir ish qilganda, dori ichganda try bilan Ving ishlatiladi.
My grandfather has tried taking long walks for his heart problem.
Bajarilayotgan harakat butunlay to`xtasa stop dan keyin gerund ishlatamiz.
Stop talking.
When I came into the room, they stopped talking.
If there is no oxygen, fire stops burning.
Ma’lum bir maqsad uchun biz harakatdan to`xtasak va biroz muddatdan davom ettirsak,
stop dan keyin to V1 keladi.
Tom stopped his car to have a rest to have a dinner.
We stopped near the river to take its photos.
Biror-bir ish natijasidan qo`rqish ya’ni oqibatidan qo`rqish gerund bilan keladi. Salbiy
fe’llar kelganda bu natija hisoblanadi va Ving oladi. (die/hurt/be poisoned/ be punished/
fail/ be robbed)
I am afraid of being robbed.
O`tgan zamonda biror-bir qilgan ishiga achinsa Ving ishlatiladi.
I always regret not taking part in the competition.
Tom regrets marrying in such a young age.
I regret not having told a truth. I regret not telling a truth.
Avval qilingan ishga achinish yoki afsuslanish gerund bilan keladi.
sorry for Ving/Noun - I ’m sorry for late arrivalbeceuse of traffic jam
I am sorry for being rude to you.
I am sorry for breaking your valuable vase.
Bir narsa qilishga achinish xuddi shu ishni qilishdan xijolat tortgandek bo`lish ma’no-sida
kelsa toV1 ishlatiladi.
Professor, I’m sorry to bother you but somebody is waiting for you.
I’m sorry to inform you that you have been fired.
Qachonki biror-bir faoliyatga qiziqish ma’nosida kelsa, to be interested in + Ving holati
Tom is interested in listening to rock.
Tom is interested in translating difficult texts.
Tom is interested in reading difficult pages.
Qiziquvchanlik bilan biror narsani, xabarni o`qish, eshitish, ko`rish ma’nolarida kelsa to
V1 ishlatamiz.
Agar bu fe’l see / know / hear fe’llari bilan kelganida hamma vaqt to V1 ishlatamiz.
I’m interested to hear about her.
I am interested to see the accident near my house.
Read fe’li kitob, hikoya, asar, detektiv kabilarni o`qishga qiziqish ma’nosida kelsa in
reading shaklida keladi.
Qandaydir bir yangilik, ma’lumotni o`qishga intilish to read shaklida keladi.
Go on doing something = continue doing the same thing (davom ettirish)
The minister went on talking for two hours.
We must change our ways. We can't go on living like this.
→ _____ uchun
In order to V1 I am here in order to talk with you.
→ _____maslik uchun
In order not to V1
Tom is working hard in order not to lose his job.
In order for + Ving
In order dan keyin that kelsa, ega va kesim
In order + that + S + V zamon bo`yicha moslashadi.
Tom is working hard in order that he keeps his
to V1 →maqsadida (sinonimi — in order to)
So as + He is preparing a meal so as to treat his guests well.
not to V1
He is working so as not to be bored.
So that + S + V Ega va kesim zamonga qarab moslashadi.
Tom is learning 50 words a day so that he can translate texts.
Agar bizga berilgan gapda who, which, that dan keyin fe’lni qo`yish so`ralsa, unda
zamonga qarab fe’l yoki ko`makchi fe’l tanlaymiz.
I see a man who is working very hard. ↔ I see a hardworking man.
The boy that is smiling studies in the UK ↔ The smiling boy studies in the UK.
The bird which is chirping is swallow ↔ the chirping bird is swallow.
Participle II – bunda ham biz otni izohlashga harakat qilamiz va fe’lning uchinchi
shakli ya’ni V3 dan foydalanamiz. Participle II ning ham o`ziga xos jihatlari bor:
1) Har doim passive voice da keladi;
2) Bu ham otni izohlaydi;
3) Bu ham ikki xil ko`rinishda bo`ladi:
V3 + noun noun + V3
4) Gapda asosiy fe’l emas.
Agar bizga berilgan gapda who, which, that dan keyin fe’lni qo`yish so`ralsa, unda
passive voice dagi fe’l tanlaymiz.
The table that was sold was in Italian design ↔ the table sold was in Italian design.
Tom gathered the crops which were grown in his field.
** Having V3 =Ving bu holat agar ikki ish o`rtasida juda kam sekundlik vaqt bo`lsa:
Getting the key out of his pocket, he opened the door.
1) Participle I : being + V3
Being questioned by the police he understood that he would be arrested.
Being interviewed by the journalist he answered calmly.
Asking a question – savol berayotib being asked a question – savol so`ralayotib
He cried loudly being punished by his father.
To be accustomed To + Ving
Get accustomed (predlog ma’nosida)
Active voice da hamma fe’llarni ishlatish mumkin lekin, passive voice da hamma
fe’llarni ishlata olmaymiz:
Having been being
to be said to V1
to be believed to be Ving
Subject to be reported to be V3 (p. v.)
Noun to be expected to have V3
to have been V3 (p. v.)
to be thought to have been Ving (pr.per.cont.)
to be seen
to be heard
to be supposed
to be considered
to be found
to be announced
to be known
Biz bir kishi yoki biror narsa bo`lsayu u narsa yoki kishi aniq ko`z oldimizga
kelmasa, tarjima qilganda biz qandaydir, qaysidir ma’nolarida kelsa, a/an artiklini
ishlatamiz. Agarda aniqlab berilsa the qo`yiladi.
Tom sat on a chair. He saw a man in the street.
Ann is looking for a job. Ann is looking for the teacher job.
Sanaladigan birlik ot hech qachon yakka, ya’ni artiklsiz yoki olmoshsiz kelmaydi.
He asked __ question from the teacher. A) any B) a C) the
Tom is a student. I have got a family.
This is a photo. Tom is a clever boy.
This is chair. → This is a chair.
Go to bed
Go to sea faqatgina shu holatda article olmaydi,boshqa
Be at sea holatlarda the bilan keldi.
Be at bed
The sea is his favorite place to go.
Birlikda kelgan ot oldidan sifat kelsa, undan oldin a/an artikli ishlatiladi.
Noun — countable in singular
a/an + adjective + noun
A kind woman → kind women A clever student → clever students
A generous man → generous men
Sifatning oddiy va qiyosiy darajasi ot bilan birga kelsa a/an bilan keladi.
Agar sifatning yolg`iz o`zi keladigan bo`lsa artikl ishlatilmaydi.
He is a clever boy → He is clever. Tom is kind man → Tom is kind.
Umuman olganda noaniq artikl sanaladigan birlik otga tegishli bo`lganligi uchun
yuqoridagi qoidalarda yoki strukturalarda sanalmaydigan yoki ko`plikdagi ot kelsa a/an
artikli ishlatilmaydi.
I have two cars. Tigers are animals. They are good neighbors.
These are pencils.
Otni izohlagan paytimizda who, which va that so`zlaridan foydalangan paytda ham
ot oldidan the artikli keladi.
Lekin agar sifatdosh bilan otning o`rni almashsa va otga qo`shimcha izoh berilmasa,
bunda biz a/an artiklidan foydalanamiz.
a/an + hard + time
What + undov
gap What + ᴓ + ko`plik ot
What + a/an +birlik ot Sanalmaydigan
What a nice day! otweather!
What hot
What a beautiful girl! What nice people!
So`roq gapda gu holat o`rinli emas: What colour; what time
Lekin: What is the matter
Iboralar: What a pity!
That’s a pity!
What a shame!
Such Such
Quite + a/an + adj. + noun Quite + ᴓ+ adj. + noun
She is such a clever girl. Such good work.
A rather boring boy → rather a boring boy
It is quite an interesting story. Quite hot tea.
Kasb tanishtirilsa yoki tushuntirilsa, a/an artikli bilan keladi. Agar ko`plikda bo`lsa,
artikl kerak emas.
Agar lavozim bilan keladigan so`z biror-bir harakatni bajarsa, bu holatda doimo the
I am a lawyer. We are lawyers.
The lawyer signed all the documents.
The teacher entered the room.
The postman said that he had good news for us.
The editor looked through a translated article.
Lekin: Agar lavozim bilan ism kelsa, the qo`yilmaydi.
Teacher Shukurov entered the room.
When the director was talking, a teacher rose hand to ask smth. (bir o`qituvchi)
Once day airport
Twice + a/an + month Go to bank
3 times year Be at + the + post office
4 times week cinema
Once a week I visit our Thomson. theatre
I attend extra courses 3 times a week.
We were at the station. Tom went to the post office.
Go ᴓ article
Arrive ᴓ preposition
Tom arrived __ home very early in the morning. (come to my home)!
Police Are
Fire brigade Are The police have caught him.
Army Are The fire brigade haven’t arrived yet.
Bank Is
Post office Is Atoqli otlarga the ishlatilmaydi.
Navy Are Where is Tashkent?
ᴓ time __ next month __ next day
Last __ last year __ next year __ last week
Agar gap o`tgan zamonda, ya’ni future in the past da bo`lsa, next so`zi oldidan the
Last so`zidan keyin time so`zi kelsa ham the last time deb ishlatiladi.
I shall go there next week.
I would go there the next week.
I went there last year.
The last time I saw her she was depressed.
the noun The next train arrived at 9.
Last The last lesson will be held in hall 2.
Lekin of kelsa ham quyidagi iboralar a artikli bilan keladi. A good deal of
A lot of
At ᴓ first time A great number of
Birinchi marta
For the first time A good number of
A plantbaliq
Sea — dengiz tushunilsa, of
tutishthe bilan keladi.
The sea is very deep. I live near the sea.
We have caught a lot of fish from the sea.
Sea — dengizga vaqt o`tkazish uchun sayohat qilish uchun borilsa artikl kelmaydi.
Go to ᴓ sea / Be at ᴓ sea
We went to sea
Tom goes to sea on holiday.
Jan is at sea with her family now.
plant plant
The + flower (in singular) ᴓ+ flower (in plural)
animal animal
The rose is my favorite flower. Roses grow in garden.
The garlic smells bad.
The rose ↔ roses the tiger ↔ tigers
The tulip ↔ tulips the dog ↔ dogs …
Kimyoviy moddalar va yer osti qazilma boyliklari hech qanday artikl bilan
Protein Calcium Oxygun Hydrogen CO2 H2O
Coal Silver Iron oil gold
… Noun + number – son arab/ rim yoki harf bilan yozilishidan qat’iy nazar:
Volume 4 – 4-jild world war II – 2-jahon urushi
O`zbek va Rus gazeta nomlari oldidan artikl ishlatilmaydi. Ingliz gazeta nomlari oldidan
the ishlatiladi. (chet el gazetasi)
The Times ᴓ Khalk suzi
The Washington Post ᴓ Ma’rifat
The New York Times ᴓ Darakchi
The Wall street Journal
Jurnal nomlari oldidan the artikli ishlatilmaydi.
The + Life
News’s West
Fan nomlari oldidan artikl kelmaydi.
History Astrology
Biology Math
He teaches history at school.
Lekin izohlansa (va fan tushunilmasa) umumiy va aniq qoida bo`lib, the artikli ishlatiladi.
The USA has a violent history. The history of the USA is violent.
The history of Great Britain. The history of Russian.
Agar gapda ikkita ism yoki familiya adash bo`lib kelsa, har doim the ishlatiladi.
The Georg Brown, who teaches Math here isn’t the Georg Brown you know.
Page 17 platform 13
ᴓ + noun + number room 5 size 40
ᴓ + sanoq son + ot 2 people 10 children 20 buses
Agar oldin izohlangan bo`lsa, ikkinchi, uchinchi marta gapirganimizda the ishlatamiz.
Agar number so`zi yoki tartib son bilan kelsa the bo`ladi.
The bus number 10. The first book – the 1st book
ᴓ + unvon + ism-familiya
President Bush Doctor Brown
Queen Elizabeth King Edward
General Sobirov Mr. ______ Mrs. ________
Tartib sonlar yana bir, yana birta ma’nosida kelganida a artikli bilan keladi.
They heard a shot, then a second, a third.
A third man entered the room. (the third ham xato emas)
Lavozimdagi odam, ma’lum bir ish harakatni bajarsa, the artikli ishlatiladi.
The teacher entered the room so suddenly that nobody could notice.
The director spoke his employees angrily.
→ har doim o`rinli
The Monarch
Agar yillar (–s) qo`shimchasi bilan kelmasa, ular oldidan
artikl kelmaydi.
__ in 1992 → aniq bir yilni ko`rsatadi.
In the 1980s → o`ziga bir necha yillarni qamrab oladi.
Tarkibida united, states, kingdom, republic, federation so`zlari bo`lgan joy nomlari oldidan
the artikli keladi.
The United States of America The Russian federation
The republic of Uzbekistan The United Kingdom
The United Arab Emirates
Qisqartmalar oldidan artikl ishlatiladi. UFO
The UK (United Kingdom) Bular qo`shib o`qilgani uchun – bilan keladi
The UN (United Nations) Pacific Ocean
The USSR The + Atlantic Ocean
The VIP The MP
Bu qisqartmalar harflab aytilgani uchun
Indian Ocean
oladi oldidan the artikli ishlatiladi. Arctic Ocean
Dengiz nomlari the artikli bilan keladi.
Black Sea
Aral Sea
The Caspian Sea
Dead Sea
Caribbean Sea
Tog` nomlari ko`plik shaklida kelgan paytida va -s harfi bilan tugasa, the artiklini oladi.
The Alps The Ands The Urals The Pamirs The Rockils
Daryo nomlari oldidan the artikli ishlatiladi. Ba’zi bir daryo nomlari shahar nomlariga
mos qo`yilgan. Bunday holatda biz ma’noga qarab artikl olamiz yoki yo`q.
The Amudarya The Severe The Siena
The Syrdarya * The Zarafshon * The Lena
The Thames The Mississippi * The Volga
The Nill The Amazon
My uncle lives in – Mississippi.
We met him near the Syrdarya when we went swimming.
Orol nomlari ko`plikda kelganda, ya’ni –s bilan tugaganda the artikli bilan keladi.
The British Islands The Bahamas The Isle of man
The Aleutians The Hawaii islands The West Indies
The Canary Islands The Indonesia Island
Lekin bu joy nomlari o`rnida boshqa narsa kelsa yoki ismsiz kelsa, the aartikli ishlatiladi.
Let’s go to the airport. He went to the park.
The Royal Palace The White House
A guest came to the school.
Yuqoridagi so`zlar garchi ism yoki joy nomlari bilan kelsa yoki of strukturasi bilan kelsa,
the ishlatiladi.
London University ↔ The University of London
Hamza school ↔ The school of Hamza
Victoria station ↔ The station of Victoria
The airport of Tashkent
Istisno: the botanical garden.
The Gorkiy Park
The tier garden
The Snoundonia national park
Park yoki zoo park kishi nomiga va joy nomiga qo`yilgan bo`lsa Ø bo`ladi.
Central zoo.
Lekin: qolgan paytlarda the keladi.
Let`s go to the park.
We went to the zoo.
Joy nomlari oldidan quyidagi kishi yoki shahar, mamlakat nomi bilan boshlanmasligi
sababli har doim the artiklini oladi. Biroq uchta kishi nomiga qo`yilgan maktab va institute
the artikli bilan keladi.
The Smith Sonian Institute
The Maryland school for the deaf
The Horal Secondary school for the blind
The Kremlin The Senate Office Building
The Pentagon The Empire State Building
The White House The National Archives
The Festival Hall The Capital
The House of Lords The Palata
The Goverment The house of commons
ᴓ + peoples → xalqlar, millatlar (umumiy
people – Ø British – the British. The Iraqi
Japanese people Japanese – the Japanese
The Japanese are polite people.
Japanese people are polite.
There are many people in our country.
O`zbeklar, tojiklar – the oladi.
London lik, Toshkent lik, Buxoroliklar bo`lsa - Londoners, BukhariansØ
He is a british – u britaniyaliklardan biri. (ot)
He is british – u britaniyalik. (sifat)
He is a Muslim – u musulmonlardan biri
He is Muslim – u musulmon
Bo`lib o`tgan urush to`g`risida gapirsak (gapimiz o`tgan zamonda bo`lsa) yoki urushni
izohlasak the artikli bilan keladi.
The war was terrible.
The war between England and Japan was memorable.
House of commans
The + House of Lord
Government (the English Govement)
Artikl umuman kelmaydigan holatlar.
Agar izohlovchi mashhur kishilardan biri bo`lsa ham ot the artikli bilan keladi.
Pushkin, the Great Russian poet, was born in Russia.
Bir narsani ta’kidlab, mana bu narsa emas, unisi deb ko`rsatilsa, birinchi ot oldiga the
This isn’t the car market; this is the bridge of the Imperial State Destroyer.
Noaniq artikl mavhum otlar oldida ba’zi bir holatlarda ishlatilishi mumkin. Bunda
mavhum ot sifat yoki tuyg`uning biror turini ko`rsatib keladi va a kind of, such
shunday ma’nolarida kelishi kerak.
He showed a patience that I had never expected him.
He opened the letter an excitement that he couldn’t conceal.
He spoke an enthusiasm that people couldn’t say a word.
You must learn patience.
He opened the letter with excitement.
Quyidagi so`zlardan oldin a artikl ishlatiladi.
Hundred He got a score and won the game.
Thousand The bag costs a hundred pounds.
a hundreds/thousands of people – yuzlab/minglab odamlar
Dozen It is not so simple a question. It is too urgent
so/too + adj. + a/an + noun such + a/an + adj. + noun
Donalab sanaladigan birlikdagi otning oldidan so, such, too, kelsa, noaniq artikl ishlatiladi.
Dunyodagi yoki biror vaziyatdagi barcha shaxs, buyumlarni ifodalagan ko`plikdagi ot
oldidan the ishlatiladi.
Give me a list of the students.
Donalab sanaladigan birlikdagi ot biror holatda yagona bo`lgan mansab yoki unvonni
ifodalab kelsa va to elect, to appoint, to make fe’llaridan keyin kelsa, o`sha mansab yoki
unvon oldidan artikl ishlatilmaydi.
He has been appointed captain of the Minsk.
Lekin yuqoridagi gaplarda of lik struktura bilan kelsa va ega yoki to`ldiruvchi vazifasida
kelsa the artikli bilan keladi.
The captain of the Minsk decided to begin loading at 9.
The dean of our faculty criticized our conduct.
The letter was signed by the director of our school.
Class mashg`ulot va dars ma’nosida kelsa, hech qanday artikl ishlatilmaydi. Agarda sinf
tushunilsa the bo`ladi.
I’m going to class now. I’m having an English class now.
Geografik nomlari artiklsiz ishlatiladi. Lekin quyidagi holatlarda biz artikl ishlatamiz:
a) Agar geografik nom ajratuvchi aniqlovchi bilan kelsa;
In “Ivanhoe” Walter Scott dascribed the England of the Middle Ages
b) Tasvirlovchi aniqlovchi bilan kelsa bunday holatda geografik nom oldidan
sifat kelishi keral (a/an ishlatiladi);
The flier went on saying: “There will be a difficult Germany”
It was a new Russia, that he found on his return.
Shaxs ismlari oila vakillari sifatida ishlatilsa, bu ismlar oldidan a/an keladi.
“Florence(ism) will never, never be a Dombey(bu yerda familiya nomi)” said Mrs. Chick.
Certain so`zi aniqlovchi bo`lib kelganda shaxs nomlari oldidan a/an artikli ishlatiladi.
Lekin ikkita ism bir vaqtda kelsa, ikkala ism oldidan the keladi. (bir xil ism)
I heard it from a certain Brown.
There is no + ᴓ + use
The rest of the … — qolgan qismi
It is of no
The keladi qachonki ism gap boshida kelsayu great so`zi ismdan keyin kelsa.
Catherine the Great Great Catherine
Alexander the Great Great Alexander
Lola, Jon and Tom are good friend.
The 3 friends had lunch at Tom`s house.
Tog` nomlari ko`plikda va –s bilan tugagan bo`lsa the oladi. Lekin Ø+ Everest bo`ladi,
chunki bu cho`qqi.
Daryo nomlari ba`zi shahar va daryo nomlari bir xil ma`nosiga qaraladi.
Ilivein, Zarafshon – shahar.
Do you live in Mississippi – shahar.
Orol – Island
Yarim orol – peninsula the bilan keladi.
Aliaska / Nederlandiya – yarim orollar bo`lsa ham Ø bo`ladi, chunki davlat nomi.
What Ø book / what Ø colour
Translated from + the + French, Uzbek, English,…….
The letter are taken from the Uzbek.
What is + the + French, Uzbek,…….
What is the French for book.
By fire – yong`in
By the fire – pech, kamen olovi.
The slums – xarobalar.
Ø + Avenue garchi tartib son bilan kelsa ham article olmaydi.
He is in sixth grade.
He lives in 5th avenue.
My little brother studied on 6th grade.
Ø + first class – daraja ma`nosida.
The + noun+ `s + noun.
The doctor`s name.
The teacher`s manual.
Ø + ism + `s + noun.
Tom`s father. Bolt man’s factor.
Drive shulardan keyin atoqli ot kelsa the keladi.
The Holl effect / the Colum field
Kemalar, samalyot, poyezd, kosmik kema nomlari – the oladi.
Agar Boing756 samalyoti bo`lsa Ø oladi. Sonlarni hammasi article olmaydi.
Planetalarni hammasiga Ø ishlatiladi. Lekin planeta so`zining o`zi the bilan keladi.
The planets are good to study.
On earth – ibora.
The + very + noun -> aynan o`sha F:ex: the very man I need is Jack.
A + very + adj + noun – a very good man.
At the back / front The middle The center The bottom
Space (1) – the oladi bo`sh joy ma`nosida. Space (2) – Ø oladi fazo ma`nosida kelsa.
Go, see, visit – to the doctor / chemist / hairdresser / tailor.
Fuqarolik va dinga mansubligi aytils a/an oladi.
F:ex: He is an English.
She is a Christian.
She is a Moslem.
Ø + tabbiy qazilmalar.
Muqaddas kitoblar the oladi.
The Koran. The Bible.
Valyutalar the oladi.
The sum coupon
The dollar is the US currency.
The Great wall of China; the Eiffel Tower; the Sunday papers; the Tower Bridge; ...Big
The International Airway; The hemisphere; in – length; the middle countries; long –
To enter the university; to graduate from the university
Have a word- qisqa muddatli have a conversation - uzoq muddatli
At / on / in (time) – da qo`shimchasi.
F:ex: at 7 o`clock
in 1995
At – biz soat paytlari oldidan v aba`zi bir kun qismlari oldidan ishlatamiz.
At 5 o`clock At dusk
At midnight At lunch time
At night At down
Asosan: “What time?” keladi: “at What time” o`rniga.
What time did they meet?
Quyidagi birikmalar at predlogi bilan keladi:
At night At the age of 50 or at 50
At the weekend lekin at weekends At the moment
At the moment At the same time
At present
Jamoat bayramlari oldidan at predlogi keladi, lekin “day” bilan kelsa, on keladi.
F:ex: at Christmas, on Christmas day
On + dates / days
F:ex: on 12 May, on Friday, on Sunday, on the 3rd of November, on Sunday morning.
Aslida: morning
afternoon in bilan keladi, lekin hafta kunlari bilan on keladi.
F:ex: on Friday morning / on Sunday afternoon.
But: in the morning / in the evening / in the afternoon.
Agar fasl, oy, hafta kunlari sifat bilan kelsa a va on predlogi qo`yiladi.
On a cold night on a frosty winter lekin: in the late evening
In + uzun davr / asr / 10 yillik / yil / fasl / oy lar kelsa ular oldidan ishlatiladi.
F:ex: In the middle ages
In the 21th century
In May / in August
In summer = (in the summer)
In 1968 / in the 1930s.
Ø + last /next + time.
He will return the book next week. Lekin He come the next week.
Last year we enjoyed ……
In + kelasi zamon payti.
In 20 minutes. Yoki: in a week`s time = in a week
Tom will marry in two weeks. in 3 weeks` time = in 3 weeks.
Ø + time agar -da qo`shimchasi ma`nosi kelmasa.
F:ex: The year 1995 was hardly to him. Spring is the first season of the year.
Monday is starting working day. Summer is my favorite season.
In ->joylashuv.
On + position. In the room……
At in + position ichida. Suv ichida yoki yuzasida in
In the water. Qatorda, navbatda in
In a raw
In a line
In a queue
What is there in the newspaper?
On the sofa On the chair -- but -- in the armchair.
Expressions. At … da, …yonida, …..oldida.
In + a photo / photograph / picture the bus-stop
a mirror at + the window yonida.
the street the door
the sky/the screen/the sunshine
Qog`oz / betning tepasi / pasti:
at the top.
F:ex: Put down your name at the top and sing at the bottom (of the
at the bottom.
Fasl, oy, hafta kunlari sifat bilan kelsa a article va on predlogi qo`yiladi.
On a cold night.
On a forsty winter.
In the late evening
To - ga borish
At the cinema - o`sha yerda
In - zalni ichida
In va on oladigan joylar:
In bed /in hospital / in prison / on a farm
Lekin: Tom`s mother is at the hospital to see him.
Work – at bilan keladi, asosan, lekin: work on a farm.
Tom works at the airport.
Tom worked on a farm.
While + qachonki
While + subject + verb: while in my childhood
Robert suddenly began to feel ill during the examination.
I fell asleep while I was watching television.
We met a lot of interesting people while we were on holiday.
Robert suddenly began to feel ill while he was doing the examination.
We saw Amanda while we were waiting for the bus.
While you were out, there was a phone call for you.
Christopher read a book while I watched television.
At the doctor's, at the hairdresser's, at the chemist’s, at the barber’s, at the dentist’s
I was at the chemist’s yesterday.
TO = go/come/travel (etc.) to a place or event.
go to America return to Italy go to a concert
go to bed go to the bank be sent to prison
take (somebody) to come to my house
hospital drive to the airport
When are your friends returning to Italy? (not 'returning in Italy')
After the accident three people were taken to hospital.
Izoh: home, here, there dan oldin TO ishlatilmaydi
I went home late.
We got there at midnight.
in and into
IN – joylashuvni ko’rsatadi – ichida
INTO – yo’nalishni ko’rsatadi - ichiga
They climbed into the lorry.
I poured the beer into a tankard.
Thieves broke into my house
My house was broken into.
He phoned me at night
He telephoned to me at night
On Tv
On television
On the phone
On the telephone
On the radio
I heard it on the radio.
He was speaking on the telephone
There is a good film on TV tonight.
I didn't watch the news on television, but I heard it on the radio. on the phone/telephone:
You can't phone me. I'm not on the phone. (= I haven't got a phone.)
I've never met her but I've spoken to her on the phone.
On holiday
(be/go) on holiday/on business/on a trip/on a tour/on a cruise etc.:
Tom's away at the moment. He's on holiday in France.
Did you go to Germany on business or on holiday?
One day I'd like to go on a world tour.
(be) on fire:
Look! That car is on fire!
on the whole (= in general):
Sometimes I have problems at work but on the whole I enjoy my job.
on purpose (= intentionally):
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to annoy you. I didn't do it on purpose.
in the rain/in the sun / in the sunshine/in the shade/in the dark / in bad weather
We sat in the shade. It was too hot to sit in the sun.
Don't go out in the rain. Wait until it stops.
At meeting – qilindi.
For meeting – endi qilinadi.
(be/fall) in love (with somebody):
Have you ever been in love with anybody?
in (my) opinion
To my mind / on my mind
In my opinion, the film wasn't very good.
To my mind the film wasn't very good.
at a temperature of
at the rate
At the age of at the degree
at a speed of
Jill left school at the age of 16 (at 16).
The train was travelling at a speed of 120 miles an hour (at 120 miles).
Water boils at 100 degrees celsius.
since I was a child since they left since he arrived Since you came
since he phoned since she arrived since they finished their work. since we moved
He's worked here since 1970.
She's been sitting in the waiting room since two-thirty.
Bir narsani ber deb so`rash “ask for” F:ex: Ask for another question.
“Ask” ni o`zi shunchaki so`rash Answer my question.
He asked a question. Answer (N) bo`lib kelsa to oladi.
The answer to my question is clear.
Like/ as
Like -> noreal o`xshashlik. As(3) -> real o`xshashlik.
You are shouting like a mad.( aslida jinni emas) The building was used as a library.
You are crying like a baby. Tom did the task as people asked.
As(4) -> masalan (such as) -> misol uchun
Some birds, as swallows arrival show the beginning of spring.
Sports, such as football and basketball are popular in Uzbekistan.
As + noun/pronoun/gerund + S+verb
Such as + noun/ pronoun/gerund + S +verb
…… else yana
Who else is absent?
What else do you want?
Where else shall we go?
S + V + Agreement
Ingliz tilida ham egaga qarab kesim tanlanadi. Birlik egaga birlik kesim, 2 ta
sanalmaydigan yoki ko`plikdagi otlardan so`ng esa ko`plik kesim keladi. Lekin istisno
holatlar ham mavjud.
1) S + noun of (otli birikma) + V -> The number of students is increasing.
Biz oflik ot birikmasiga e’tibor bermasdan 1 – ega ya’ni of dan oldingi egaga qaraymiz. U
ko`plikda kelgan bo`lsa ko`plik kesim, birlikda kelgan bo`lsa birlik kesim olamiz.
The advantage of these instruments is
The negative sights of the internet are
along with
S + Together with + (noun: ko`plik ot bo`lsa ham/ Birlik ot bo`lsa ham) + V ( 1-otga
qarab olinadi)
As well as
Accompanied by
The tourists accompanied by their guide are ready to leave.
The boy accompanied by his classmates is ready to leave.
Mood (mayl).
Active va Passive Voice dagi barcha gaplar xabar mayli hisoblanadi:
Tom received an invitations.
The guests were served.
Barcha iltimos yoki buyruq ma`nodagi gaplar buyruq mayli hisoblanadi:
Put down your name.
Don`t speak.
Please, take your coat off.
Barcha if, wish, as if, only if mavzulariga kiruvchi gaplar shart mayli hisoblanadi:
If I were you, I couldn`t wear it.
I wish I could do it.
Quyidagi ikki xil struktura ham Subjunctive mood ga tegishli:
Bu yerda Infinitive dan farqlashning asosiy yo`li shuki bu yerda ega keladi(to`ldiruvchi
emas) va agar Infinitive mavzusiga doir bo`lishi uchun ega kelmasdan to, of yoki for +S
kelishi kerak.
It is vital for Tom to go there.
Agar fe’ldan keyin to`ldiruvchi kelsa Infinitive/Gerund mavzusiga doir bo`ladi.
2. Sifatlardan tashqari bir qator fellardan keyin ham shu strukturadan foydalanamiz:
pray Bunda that kelishi shart.
S + ask + that + S + a) should V1 / b) verb word. (active voice)
suggest a) should be V3/ b) (not)be V3 (passive
be surprised
I recommended that he be more attentive during the lecture.
I insisted that they shouldn’t be take up any hobby during the study period.
I demanded that Mike not be late for the classes.
He suggested that his brother shouldn`t be so strict.
Bu yerda Infinitive dan farqlashning asosiy yo`li shuki bu yerda ega keladi(to`ldiruvchi
emas) va agar Infinitive mavzusiga doir bo`lishi uchun ega kelmasdan to, of yoki for +S
kelishi kerak.
It is vital for Tom to go there.
Agar fe’ldan keyin to`ldiruvchi kelsa Infinitive/Gerund mavzusiga doir bo`ladi.
Bizga ma`lumki not only, never, hardly, scarcely, only, rarely, seldom so`zlari egadan
keyin keladi.
Rasmiy holatlarda esa, gap boshida bo`lib, avval yordamchi fe`l keladi, keyin ega kesim.
Gap lekin so`roq gap bo`lmaydi.
Not only did he fail to report the accident, but also later denied that he had been druring the
Not only
Never + aux. Verb + S + Verb. (kuchliroq ma’no beradi)
Hardly …..
Never have I enjoyed myself more before. = I have never enjoyed myself more before.
Never have I heard a weaker excuse.
Never, Rarely, Seldom o`zidan keyin ko`proq Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Modallardan
can/could ni oladi.
Seldom has the team given a worse performance.
Rarely had I had so much responsibility.
Hardly, scarcely, barely, no sooner bular odatda agar qo`shma gap bo`lsa, Past Perfect
oladi va ikkinchi gap Past Simple da bo`ladi. Ikkita ish-harakat birin-ketin tezda sodir
Hardly had the train left the station when there was explosion.
Scarcely had I entered the room when the phone rang.
No sooner had I reached the door than I realized the door was locked.
Istisno holatlar.
1)Quyidagilar har doim ko`plikda keladi
Particulars Greens Valuables Premises
Earnings Grounds Tropics Contents
Wares Outskirts Damage
13) In case dan keyin Past Simple ishlatsak harakatni nimaga qilinganligini ko`rsatamiz.
I gave him my address incase he came to my house.
Qo`shimchalar uchun.