Lesson 31 Prefixes PDF

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Unit 11A

Vocabulary: Prefixes
As with many languages in the world, prefixes can be very useful to give certain words
you already know, an alternative meaning - two words for the price of one!!

Furthermore, using prefixes effectively allows for you to communicate an idea in a more
refined manner i.e. you can replace two or three words with one to achieve the same

For example:

“I played better than Mike.” “I outplayed mike.”

“I didn’t understand the instructions.” “I misunderstood the instructions.”

“Those dogs are not fed enough.” “Those dogs are underfed.”
Many words and their prefixes can be very similar or the same in different languages. It is
therefore good to be aware of these as it makes your vocabulary expansion more efficient.
For example:

hyper- auto- anti-
active - hyperactive mobile - automobile septic - antiseptic
market - hypermarket biography - autobiography social - antisocial

hyper- auto- anti-
activo - hiperactivo móvil - automóvil séptico - antiséptico
mercado - hipermercado biografía - autobiografía social - antisocial

However, there are many English prefixes which may not be as obvious as the
above, but are extremely useful. The prefix tables which follow list some of the most
commonly used words under each prefix presented (there are more prefixes, but these
are a great start!).

Use a dictionary to look up any words/words with prefixes which you do not
mid- out-
in the middle part/position of to exceed or surpass
life - midlife perform - outperform
summer - midsummer master - outmaster
winter - midwinter run - outrun
course - midcourse play - outplay
night - midnight class - outclass
day - midday number - outnumber
morning - midmorning grow - outgrow
week - midweek smart - outsmart
June - mid-June stay - outstay
size - midsize do - outdo
air - midair
term - midterm

*this prefix can be added to all the months of the year *this prefix can be added to most verbs
and the seasons.
mis- under-
to be done wrongly or badly not enough/below
calculate - miscalculate paid - underpaid
inform - misinform age - underage
manage - mismanage feed - underfeed
interpret - misinterpret done - underdone
pronounce - mispronounce rated - underrated
understand - misunderstand line - underline
match - mismatch pants - underpants
represent - misrepresent valued - undervalued
lead - mislead cooked - undercooked
spell - misspell ground - underground
count - miscount estimate - underestimate
behave - misbehave privileged - underprivileged
place - misplace developed - underdeveloped
carry - miscarry weight - underweight

*this prefix can be added to most verbs *Some of the above words are in verb or adjective forms, and in
different tenses, according to how they are most commonly used
with the specific prefixes.
over- un-
too much/excessively not/the reverse of
populated- overpopulated tie - untie
protected - overprotected dress - undress
done - overdone do - undo
joy - overjoyed tidy - untidy
eat - overeat salted - unsalted
sleep - oversleep zip - unzip
buy - overbuy plug - unplug
wear - overwear pack - unpack
booked - overbooked kind - unkind
dose - overdose lock - unlock
loaded - overloaded lucky - unlucky
think - overthink known - unknown
flow - overflow stable - unstable
crowded - overcrowded safe - unsafe
time - overtime dress - undress
excited - overexcited believable - unbelievable
*Some of the above words are in verb or adjective forms, and in
different tenses, according to how they are most commonly used
with the specific prefixes.
up- dis-
increase/in the direction of removal or negation (denial)
vote - upvote arm - disarm
load - upload obey - disobey
size - upsize like - dislike
river - upriver allow - disallow
town - uptown prove - disprove
grade - upgrade infect - disinfect
market - upmarket appear - disappear
stairs - upstairs connect - disconnect
turn - upturn respectful - disrespectful
approve - disapprove
honest - dishonest
agree - disagree
embark - disembark
continue - discontinue
Task 11.1 - Word Formation (using prefixes)
Read the text below and then use the word in capitals at the end of each line,
to form a word that fits correctly in the gap in the same line.

While I was (1)__________ the file to the cloud, the LOAD

power cut and the internet (2)______________, so CONNECT
the client didn’t get it in time.

Due to a slight (3)_______________ on behalf of the CALCULATE

accountant, all of the staff were (4)____________ for PAY
the month.
When the meat arrived it was way (5)_____________, COOK
and the french fries were (6)____________. All in all, DONE
for an (7)___________ restaurant, I was most MARKET

The town council has recently (8) ______________ ALLOW

skating in the main plaza, as it has proven to be
(9)___________ for the toddlers playing in the area, SAFE
while their parents dine in the restaurants alongside.
Although he was an expert on the subject, I
(10)__________ with his first explanation regarding AGREE
quantum mechanics, which I heard has recently
been (11)__________. However, I’m not certain, I PROVE
may have (12) ______________. UNDERSTAND

E-commerce companies have seen a sudden

(13)________ in sales over the past few months. TURN
Many big names in the field have (14)_____________ PERFORM
high street shopping chains, whose future now
clearly seems (15)__________. CERTAIN
Task 11.1 - Word Formation - answer key

uploading (9)______________
disconnected (10)______________
miscalculation (11)______________
underpaid/overpaid (12)______________
overcooked/undercooked (13)______________
underdone/overdone (14)______________
upmarket (15)______________

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