Basic Speaking Skill For Beginner
Basic Speaking Skill For Beginner
Basic Speaking Skill For Beginner
Connected Speech
● When we speak naturally, we do not pronounce a word, stop, then say the next word
in the sentence.
● Fluent speech flows with a rhythm and the words bump into each other.
● To make speech flow smoothly the way we pronounce the end and beginning of some
words can change depending on the sounds at the beginning and end of those words.
● These changes are described as features of connected speech.
● What are you going to do?
● Whaddya gonna do?
● You need to stop it right now.
● You neeto stopit right now.
● Get out of here!
● Get outta here!
#1 Consonant to vowel
#2 Consonant to consonant
#3 vowel to vowel
● Most nouns and adjectives with two syllables usually have stress on the first syllable.
● Most verbs with two syllables usually have stress on the second syllable.
Nouns Verbs
CONflict conFLICT
CONtrast conTRAST
CONvict conVICT
INsult inSULT
OBject obJECT
PROject proJECT
PREsent preSENT
REcord reCORD
SUspect susPECT
● Education
● Information
● Revision
● Scientific
● Economic
● Dynamic
English Speaking by Teacher Moon
Words that end with ‘er’ and ‘-ly’
For three-syllable words ending with the suffixes er or ly, the stress is placed on the first
● ORderly
● SIlently
● LOvingly
● MAnager
● GARdener
● EAsier
Sentence stress
● Content words are words that have meaning. Nouns, main verbs, adjectives and
adverbs are usually content words.
● Auxiliary verbs, pronouns, articles, and prepositions are usually
grammatical/structured words.
English Speaking by Teacher Moon
● The rules are for what is called "neutral" or normal stress. But sometimes we can
stress a word that would normally be only a structured word, for example to correct
● Note also that when "be" is used as a main verb, it is usually unstressed—even
though as a main verb it is also a content word.
Intonation Practice