Ch-Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Ch-Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Ch-Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
During explanation, teacher will also recall, revise and explain the types of verbs- lexical, auxiliary, regular and
irregular verbs through examples and practice exercise. Teacher will further summarize the points where we do we
use regular & irregular verbs.
STEP 1 Introduction of Theme 10 minutes
STEP 2 Explanation by the teacher 20 minutes
STEP 3 Enhancement drill 20 minutes
Teacher will introduce, explain and discuss transitive verbs
Transitive verb definition: a transitive verb is a main
verb that has an object: a person or a thing. The object
receives the action (transitive verb) and comes right after
it. Without its object, it looks incomplete. So, always try
to mention the object of a transitive verb.
I love.
I will burn in some time.
He studied for 3 years.
Jon and I bought last week.
Teacher will introduce, explain and elaborate the concept of Intransitive verb
An intransitive is opposite to a transitive verb. Unlike a transitive verb, an intransitive can’t or don’t take a direct
● I was sleeping when you called.
(Sleep is an intransitive verb; it can’t take an object. You can’t sleep
something or somebody.)
For example, in the sentence “I can’t see Susan through the crowd,” the noun Susan follows the transitive
verb see.
However, in the sentence “Susan waved at me,” the preposition at follows waved, so waved is intransitive.
● My father gifted me a car on my last birthday.
The verb gifted is ditransitive. It is followed by an indirect object (me) and a direct object (a car).
Gifted what = a car
Gifted whom = me
● She gave him some chocolates.
She gave what = some chocolates (Direct object)
She gave some chocolates to whom = him (Indirect object)
● Sing me a song, please!
sing ‘what’ = a song
HOME WORK: Students will complete exercise Ex. 10 and DOIT YOURSELF in English Practice book
DAY-5 Practice Exercise from assignment booklet
STEP-1 Explanation and discussion of practice exercise 10 minutes
Teacher will explain guide and help students to complete them
STEP-2 Recalling the rules learnt during explanation of topic 10 minutes
Intransitive Verbs vs. Transitive Verbs
Unlike intransitive verbs, transitive verbs do transfer their action. Without direct objects, they don’t make sense.
For example:
● That toy costs.
● Tanya got.
● I borrowed.
● Thomas put.
When you add nouns after these transitive verbs, the sentences are now correct.
We did what we
Do We did well in the game.
Integrated life Skills/values Critical Thinking, Problem solving, Decision making, Effective communication
NEW VOCABULARY Auxiliary, lexical, transitive, intransitive, Di-transitive
ASSIGNMENT/S OR MLMs Live worksheets based on the theme, Mind Map
MODE OF DIAGNOSTIC Written, verbal and Graphic organizer, flow chart, anchor chart
MODE OF INTERNAL Crab worksheet , live worksheet, assignment worksheet
Name & Signature of teacher
Name & Signature of