Class-VII Answer Key

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Class-VIII Speaking

ENGLISH To enable the students to -

1. operate intelligibly using appropriate word stress, sentence
Text Books
series and intonation pattern.
1. New Pathways Course Book (MCB)
2. narrate incidents and events, real and imaginary, in a logical
2. New Pathways Literature Reader (LR)
3. Collins English Grammar and Composition-8
General Note:
4. The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
A thorough reading of the text on regular basis is a must as
Learning Objectives -
questions from within the lesson will be given in the exams/tests.
Questions in the exams are likely to be different from those
To enable the students to -
attempted in the note books.
1. read silently at varying speed depending on the purpose of
Reading Comprehensions
2. recognise the organisation of a text.
MCB - 1. My Big Brother
3. identify the main points of a text.
2. Elephants Raid the Kitchen
4. read extensively on their own.
3. I Think I Could Turn and Live with Animals
4. Can We Change This?
To enable the students to -
Writing Skills
1. express ideas in clear and grammatically correct English,
1. Notice Writing
using appropriate punctuation and cohesion devices.
2. School Magazine Report
2. write a clear description.
3. Formal Letter Writing
3. expand notes into a piece of writing.
4. Guided Story Writing
4. use an appropriate style and format to write letters (formal
and informal), articles etc.; monitor, check and revise written
1. Nouns
2. Pronouns
3. Sentences
To enable the students to -
4. Conditional Sentences
1. adopt different strategies according to the purpose of
5. Transformation of Sentences
listening (e.g. for pleasure, for general interest, for specific
6. Synthesis of Sentences
7. Adjectives
2. understand and respond appropriately to directive language
8. Verbs
(e.g. instruction, advice, request and warning).
9. Agreement of Subject and Verb
3. understand and interpret messages conveyed in person or
10. Non-Finite Verbs
by telephone.

(1) (2)
11. Adverbs SECOND TERM
12. Active and Passive Voice Reading Comprehensions
13. Test I MCB - 1. Imagination
Literature and Long Reading Text 2. The Diamond Maker
MCB - 1. Refugee Blues (Poem) 3. The Choice
LR - 2. The Secret of the Machines (Poem) 4. Mr. Tallent’s Ghost
3. The Nightingale and the Glow worm (Poem) Writing Skills
4. Boyhood Days 1. Dialogue Writing
5. Father’s Help 2. Advertisement Writing
3. Article Writing
6. Jamaican Fragment
4. Speech Writing
MCB - 7. Pocahontas
N.B. : Diary entry from the following chapter is to be done in class
1. Phrases and Clauses
and assessed in literature section as long answer (80-100 words)
2. Relative Clauses
1. Father’s Help
3. Determiners
The Hound of Baskerville - Chapters 1 to 7
4. Articles
Note : There will be separate assessment of listening and speaking
5. Modals
6. The Present Tense
Listening Activities to be taken up in the term - 7. The Past Tense
MCB - 1. A Most Important Person (Pg. 33) 8. The Future Tense
2. Elephants Raid the Kitchen (Pg. 57) 9. Direct and Indirect Speech
3. Can We Change This? (Pg. 83) 10. Prepositions
4. Assessment of Listening Task 3, Task 4 (Pg. 170, 171) 11. Conjunctions
Creative Writing (Expressions) 12. Punctuation
1. Friendships are fragile things and require as much careful handling 13. Grammar on the Go
as any other fragile and precious thing. Elaborate this statement 14. Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
on the basis of the chapter ‘A Most Important Person’ (MCB) 15. Words : A Mixed Bag
2. Read the poem ‘Somebody’s Mother’ (MCB) and write how the 16. Test II, III
elderly people need our love and support. Also what can we do to Literature and Long Reading Text
make their life easy and pleasurable. MCB - 1. Haunted Houses (Poem)
3. Terenty had never been to school but nature had been his greatest LR - 2. A Newspaper Is a Collection of Half-Injustices
teacher. What lessons can we learn from nature? Explain with (Poem)
reference to the chapter ‘A Day in the Country’ (MCB). 3. On a Night of Snow (Poem)

(3) (4)
4. Her First Party fgUnh f'k{k.k dk mís'; %
5. The Stalled Ox 1. Hkk"kk dh ckjhdh vkSj lkSUn;Zcks/k dh {kerk dk fodkl djukA
6. The Unexpected
2. n`'; ;k JO; ek/;eksa dh lkexzh dks i<+dj] ns[kdj vkSj lqudj
7. Springtime Á La Carte
MCB - 8. The Red-Headed League le>us rFkk ml ij LorU=k o LokHkkfod ekSf[kd ,oa fyf[kr
N.B. : Diary entry from the following chapter is to be done in class izfrfØ;k O;Dr djus dh {kerk dk fodkl djukA
and assessed in literature section as long answer (80-100 words) 3. fofHkUu lkfgfR;d fo/kkvksa dk vkuUn mBkus dh {kerk dk fodkl
1. Her First Party djukA
The Hound of Baskerville - Chapters 8 to 15
4. ifBr] fyf[kr vkSj lqus gq, Hkkf"kd Kku ls lEcfU/kr lkexzh dk
Note : There will be separate assessment of listening and speaking
rkfdZd n`f"V ls v/;;u djus dh izof` Ùk dk fodkl djukA
Listening Activities to be taken up in the term - 5. vius Hkkoksa o fopkjksa dks lgt] LokHkkfod vkSj 'kq) vfHkO;Dr djus
MCB - 1. Feathered Friend dh {kerk dk fodkl djukA
2. Journey to the Centre of the Earth 6. 'kCnks]a eqgkojks]a yksdksfDr;ksa dk lqfpafrr iz;ksx djus dh {kerk dk
3. Mr. Tallent’s Ghost fodkl djukA
Creative Writing (Expressions)
7. ekSf[kd ,oa fyf[kr vfHkO;fDr ds lanHkZ vkSj vko';drk ds vuqlkj
1. The Chapter ‘Emperors on Ice’ (MCB) is based upon the
expedition taken up by the brave men. Based upon your reading leqfpr Hkk"kk&'kSyh o iz;ksx dks pquus dh le> dk fodkl djukA
of the chapter, explain what qualities of the explorers are required 8. Hkk"kk dh fu;ec) izÑfr dks igpkuuk vkSj mldk fo'ys"k.k
to undertake the hazardous journey. djukA
2. Read the chapter ‘Journey to the Centre of the Earth’ (MCB) and uksV% 1. izR;sd ikB ls 'kCnkFkZ] iz'uksÙkj vkSj fuca/kkRed iz'u djok, tk,¡xAs
imagine you are a copywriter for a travel agency. You want to
2. ijh{kk esa ikB ds e/; ls iz'u iwNs tk,¡x]s vr% ikB dks /;kuiwod Z
package and promote trips to the centre of the earth. Mention the
settings as well as the adventures that are in store for the
i<+uk vko';d gSA
vacationers. izFke&l=k
3. Life in space in different from the life on earth. Read the chapter olar Hkkx&3
‘Feathered Friend’ (MCB) and draw a comparison between the x| ikB & 1. yk[k dh pwfM+;k¡
two. 2. D;k fujk'k gqvk tk,
fgUnh i| ikB & 1. dchj dh lkf[k;k¡
ikB~; iqLrdsa & 1. olar ¼Hkkx&3½ ¼,u-lh-bZ-vkj-Vh-½ 2. nhokuksa dh gLrh
2. lkezkT; fgyk pqVdh Hkj ued ls ¼lh-ch-Vh- izdk'ku½ 3. lwj ds in
3. fganh O;kdj.k lq/kk & Hkkx&8 ¼xks;y cznlZ izdk'ku½ 4. Hkxoku ds Mkfd,

(5) (6)
iwjd iqLrd & i| ikB & 1. /ofu
lkezkT; fgyk pqVdh Hkj ued ls & Hkkx 1 ls Hkkx 6 2. ;g lcls dfBu le; ugha
O;kdj.k & 1. o.kZ fopkj 3. lqnkekpfjr
2. laKk iwjd iqLrd &
3. fyax] opu] dkjd lkezkT; fgyk pqVdh Hkj ued ls & Hkkx 7 ls Hkkx 12
4. milxZ] izR;; O;kdj.k & 1. fØ;k ¼lajpuk ds vk/kkj ij½
5. loZuke 2. dky
6. fo'ks"k.k
3. vO;; ¼fØ;k&fo'ks " k.k] la c a / kcks / kd] leq P p;cks / kd]
7. i;kZ;okph 'kCn (1-15)
8. foykse 'kCn ¼var ls m".k rd½
4. okD;&fopkj ¼okD; ds vax½
9. vusdkFkZd 'kCn (1-10)
5. fojke&fpg~u
10. eqgkojs (1-10)
6. i;kZ;okph 'kCn (16-30)
11. okD;ka'kksa ds fy, ,d 'kCn (1-15)
7. foykse&'kCn ¼Å¡p ls fuank rd½
jpuk dkS'ky & 1. vifBr&x|ka'k & (i) tc flusek us cksyuk lh[kk ¼olar½
8. eqgkojs (11-20)
(ii) ikuh dh dgkuh ¼olar½
jpuk dkS'ky & 1. vifBr&x|ka'k & (i) igkM+ ls Å¡pk vkneh ¼olar½
2. vifBr&dkO;ka'k & fpV~fB;k¡ ¼olar½
(ii) fpV~fB;ksa dh vuwBh nqfu;k ¼olar½
3. laokn&ys[ku & 2
2. vifBr&dkO;ka'k& (i) firk ds ckn ¼olar½
4. foKkiu&ys[ku & 2
3. laokn&ys[ku & 2
5. fp=k&o.kZu & 2
6. i=k&ys[ku & 2 ¼vukSipkfjd ,oa vkSipkfjd½ 4. foKkiu&ys[ku & 2

7. fuca/k&ys[ku & 2 5. fp=k&o.kZu & 2

xzh"ekodk'k iz;ksT;dk;Z gsrq 1. dEI;wVj xk,xk xhr ¼olar½ 6. i=k&ys[ku & 2 ¼vukSipkfjd ,oa vkSipkfjd½

2. vdcjh yksVk ¼olar½ 7. fuca/k&ys[ku & 2

f}rh;&l=k 'khrkodk'k iz;ksT;dk;Z gsrq 1. ge i`Foh dh larku ¼olar½
olar Hkkx&3 2. Vksih ¼olar½
x| ikB & 1. cl dh ;k=kk laLÑr
2. ckt vkSj lk¡i ikB~;&iqLrdsa & 1. #fpjk ¼r`rh;ks Hkkx%½
3. tgk¡ ifg;k gS 2. laLÑr O;kdj.k ef.kdk (8)

(7) (8)
laLÑr f'k{k.k ds mís'; f}rh;% ikB% & fcyL; u dnkfi es Jqrk
1. laLÑrHkk"kk ,oa lkfgR; ds izfr ftKklk mRiUu djukA r`rh;% ikB% & fMthHkkjre~
2. vFkZcks/k ds lkFk laLÑr x|ka'k dks i<+us dh {kerk fodflr djuk prqFkZ% ikB% & lnSo iqjrks fu/ksfg
rFkk laLÑr 'yksdksa dks Lej.k dj lLoj okpu djus dh ;ksX;rk i×pe% ikB% & d.VdsuoS d.Vde~
mRiUu djukA uoe% ikB% & lIrHkfxU;%
3. laLÑrHkk"kk dk lkekU;Kku djkuk ftlls laLÑr ds ljyka'kksa dks 2. O;kdj.k
lqudj ;k i<+dj fo|kFkhZ le> ldsa ,oa ekSf[kd rFkk fyf[kr 1. miin foHkfDr;k¡ & miin foHkfDr;ksa ij vk/kkfjr v'kqf) la'kks/ku]
vfHkO;fDr dj ldsAa fjDrLFkkukfnA
4. laLÑr esa Jo.k&Hkk"k.k&okpu ls ys[ku&dkS'ky rFkk Hkk"kkxr dkS'ky 2. Loj lfU/k ¼okD;ksa es½a & nh?kZ lfU/k] o`f) lfU/k] ;.k~ lfU/k
dk fodkl djukA 3. milxZ ¼okD;ksa es½a & milxZ ;qDr /kkrq,¡ ¼laLÑr O;kdj.k ef.kdk&
5. n`';&JO; lk/kuksa dks /;kuiwod Z ns[kdj] i<+dj rFkk lqudj mu ij i`"B la[;k 101½
visf{kr fØ;k,¡ djus esa leFkZ gksukA 4. izR;; ¼okD;ksa es½a & rqeu q ~ izR;;] rqeuq ~ izR;; ds ;ksx ls okD;&la;kstuA
6. fo|kfFkZ;ksa esa lkSUn;Zcks/k] dYiuk'khyrk rFkk fpUru dh {kerk dk 5. 'kCn:i ¼okD;ksa es½a & unh] fir`]` vLen~] ;q"en~
fodkl djukA 6. /kkrq:i ¼okD;ksa es½a & ik¡pksa ydkjksa esa ¼yV~] y`V]~ y³~] yksV]~ fofèkfy³~
lkekU; funsZ'k % ydkj½ /kkrq,¡ & ue~] n`'k~] xe~] Ñ
1. #fpjk esa ls ijh{kk gsrq ifBr x|ka'kks]a 'yksdks]a laoknksa ij vkèkkfjr 3. 1. vifBr x|ka'k
iz'uksÙkj dk vH;kl djok;k tk;sxkA Hkkf"kd dk;Z esa tSls & iz'u&fuekZ.k] 2. i=kys[kue~ & ladr s k/kkfjra i=ke~
i;kZ;okph] foykse&'kCn] dr`fZ Ø;kinp;u] fo'ks"k.k&fo'ks";] laKk&loZuke 3. fp=ko.kZue~ & iznÙk fp=k ds vk/kkj ij laLÑr esa okD;A
iz;ksx vkfn djok;s tk;sxa As 4. fgUnh ls laLÑr esa vuqokn ¼ik¡p okD;ksa dk½
2. #fpjk ds ikB~;Øekuqlkj ikBksa dk lEiw.kZ vH;kl rFkk leLr 'kCnkFkZ iqujko`fÙk
djok;s tk;sxa As f}rh; l=k
3. 'yksdksa dk vUo; fjDrLFkku ds :i esa vk;sxkA 1. #fpjk & "k"B% ikB% & x`ga 'kwU;a lqrka fouk
4. lfU/k] izR;;] vO;;] la[;k] milxZ] 'kCn:i vkSj /kkrq:i okD;ksa esa lIre% ikB% & Hkkjrturk·ge~
vk;sxa As n'ke% ikB% & uhfruouhre~
5. iz'ui=k laLÑrHkk"kk esa vk;sxkA ,dkn'k% ikB% & lkfo=kh ckbZ Qqys
izFke l=k }kn'k% ikB% & d% j{kfr d% jf{kr%
1. #fpjk & izFke% ikB% & lqHkkf"krkfu prqn'Z k% ikB% & vk;ZHkV%

(9) (10)
2. O;kdj.k 5. To develop basic understanding, conjugation of verbs in
present, past and future tense, articles, prepositions,
1. Loj lfU/k ¼okD;ksa es½a & xq.k lfU/k] v;kfn lfU/k
conjunctions, adjectives, imperatives and different
2. vO;; ¼fjDrLFkku ds :i es½a & leLr vO;; 'kCn
3. izR;; ¼okD;ksa es½a & DRok rFkk Y;i~ izR;;] bu izR;;ksa ds ;ksx ls 6. To use an appropriate style and format to write messages.
okD;&la;kstuA 7. To implement different strategies to make learning French
4. la[;k ¼okD;ksa es½a & 51 ls 100 rdA an enjoyable and interesting experience.
8. To acquaint them with French culture and civilization.
5. 'kCn:i ¼okD;ksa es½a & ekr`] eqfu] jktu~] bne~] ¼rhuksa fyaxksa es½a
General Note :
6. /kkrq:i ¼okD;ksa es½a & ik¡pksa ydkjksa esa ¼yV~] y`V]~ y³~] yksV]~ fofèkfy³~ Questions from within the lessons and related to culture and
ydkj½ /kkrq,¡ & b"k~] [kkn~] vl~] ip~ civilization of France will be asked in the exams/tests.
7. okD;&la'kks/kue~ & opu] fyax] iq#"k] ydkj rFkk fo'ks"k.k&fo'ks"; ij FIRST TERM
Detailed Study
Text Book - Leçon 0 - Que savez-vous de la France? (Pg. 9)
3. 1. vifBr x|ka'k Leçon 1 - Une boum
2. i=kys[kue~ & ladr s k/kkfjra i=ke~ Leçon 3 - La vie d’un mannequin, est-elle facile?
3. fp=ko.kZue~ & iznÙk fp=k ds vk/kkj ij laLÑr esa okD;A Leçon 4 - On voyage
4. fgUnh ls laLÑr esa vuqokn ¼ik¡p okD;ksa dk½ Leçon 5 - Bon voyage!
Work Book : Leçons - 1, 3, 4, 5
iqujko`fÙk Grammar :
FRENCH 1. Les articles (définis, indéfinis, contractés, partitifs)
Text Book : Apprenons Le Français-4 2. Les adjectifs : possessifs, interrogatifs, démonstratifs
Work Book : Cahier d’ exercices-4 3. Les adverbes de quantité
Dictionary : Larousse 4. Les conjonctions
Learning Objectives 5. Les verbes réguliers et irréguliers (présent)
1. To enhance the level of the students both in written and 6. L’interrogation
spoken French. 7. Les adverbes interrogatifs
2. To enable the students to express themselves more 8. Les verbes pronominaux
effectively, naturally and correctly in the productive skill of 9. Les expressions négatives
writing. 10. Les prépositions
3. To enhance the level of vocabulary and strengthen their 11. Le passé composé avec ‘avoir’
concepts of grammar. 12. Corrigez la faute
4. To enable the students to write in an appropriate style for 13. Mettez les phrases en ordre
communication purposes. REVISION
(11) (12)
SECOND TERM — apply Mathematical knowledge and skills to solve real life
Detailed Study problems by developing abilities to analyze, to see
Text Book - Leçon 0 - Que savez-vous de la France? (Pg. 10, 11 interrelationship involved, to think and reason.
& 12) — develop interest in Mathematics as a problem solving tool
Leçon 6 - Des nouvelles de Lyon in various fields.
Leçon 7 - Bon Appétit — develop reverence and respect towards great
Leçon 8 - Des invitations Mathematicians, particularly towards the Indian
Leçon 9 - Aneesh partira bientôt Mathematicians for their contributions to the field of
Work Book : Leçon - 0, 6, 7, 8, 9 Mathematics.
Grammar :
Chapter-1 : Rational Numbers
1. Le passé composé avec ‘être’
— Introduction
2. Les verbes réguliers et irréguliers (passé)
— Properties of Rational Numbers
3. Faire une recette
— Representation of Rational Numbers on the Number Line
4. Les expressions négatives au passé composé
— Rational Numbers between two Rational Numbers
5. L’impératif (affirmatif, négatif, pronominal)
Ex. 1.1, 1.2 with examples
6. Le passé composé des verbes pronominaux
Practice Book : Worksheets 1 to 5
7. Le futur simple
Chapter-2 : Linear Equations in One Variable
8. Corrigez la faute — Introduction
9. Mettez les phrases en ordre — Solving Equations which have Linear Expressions on one
REVISION Side and Numbers on the other Side
MATHS — Some Applications
Text Book : Mathematics Textbook for Class-VIII (NCERT) — Solving Equations having the variable on both sides
Practice Book : NCERT Practice Workbook Mathematics (Goyal — Some More Applications
Brothers Prakashan) — Reducing Equations to Simpler Form
Learning Objectives — Equations Reducible to the Linear Form
Teaching of Mathematics helps the learners to Ex. 2.1 to 2.6 with examples
— acquire knowledge and understanding of the terms, symbols, Practice Book : Worksheets 8 to 15
concepts, principles, processes, proofs etc. Chapter-3 : Understanding Quadrilaterals
— consolidate the Mathematical knowledge and skills acquired — Introduction
at the primary level. — Polygons
— develop mastery of basic algebraic skills. — Sum of the Measures of the Exterior Angles of a Polygon
— develop drawing skills. — Kinds of Quadrilaterals

(13) (14)
— Some Special Parallelograms — Rate Compounded Annually or Half Yearly (Semi Annually)
Ex. 3.1 to 3.4 with examples — Applications of Compound Interest Formula
Practice Book : Worksheets 18 to 22 Ex. 8.1 to 8.3 with examples
Chapter-5 : Data Handling Practice Book : Worksheets 55 to 64
— Looking for Information Chapter-16 : Playing With Numbers
— Organising Data — Introduction
— Grouping Data — Numbers in General Form
— Circle Graph or Pie Chart — Games with Numbers
— Chance and Probability — Letters for Digits
Ex. 5.1 to 5.3 with examples — Tests of Divisibility
Practice Book : Worksheets 31 to 36 Ex. 16.1, 16.2 with examples
Chapter-6 : Squares and Square Roots
Practice Book : Worksheets 111 and 112
— Introduction
Vedic Mathematics
— Properties of Square Numbers
1. Solving equations of the type ax + b = cx + d by Parvartya
— Some More Interesting Patterns
Yojayat Method.
— Finding the Square of a Number
— Square Roots ax + b m
2. Solving equation of the type = by Parvartya
— Square Roots of Decimals cx + d n
— Estimating Square Root Yojayat Method
Ex. 6.1 to 6.4 with examples 3. Division of 4 and 5 digit numbers by 9 using Nikhilam Sutra
Practice Book : Worksheets 39 to 46 4. Multiplication of numbers with special case using
Chapter-7 : Cubes and Cube Roots
Antyayordasake pi method.
— Introduction
— Cubes
Chapter-4 : Practical Geometry
— Cube Roots
— Introduction
Ex. 7.1, 7.2 with examples
— Constructing a Quadrilateral
Practice Book : Worksheets 49 to 52
— Some Special Cases
Chapter-8 : Comparing Quantities
Ex. 4.1 to 4.5 with examples
— Recalling Ratios and Percentages
Practice Book : Worksheets 25 to 28
— Finding the Increase or Decrease Percent
— Finding Discounts Chapter-9 : Algebraic Expressions and Identities
— Prices Related to Buying and Selling (Profit and Loss) — What are Expressions?
— Sales Tax / Value Added Tax / Goods and Services Tax — Terms, Factors and Coefficients
— Compound Interest — Monomials, Binomials and Polynomials
— Deducing a Formula for Compound Interest — Like and Unlike Terms

(15) (16)
— Addition and Subtraction of Algebraic Expressions — Use of Exponents to Express Small Numbers in Standard
— Multiplication of Algebraic Expressions : Introduction Form
— Multiplying a Monomial by a Monomial Ex. 12.1, 12.2 with examples
— Multiplying a Monomial by a Polynomial Practice Book : Worksheets 92 to 94
— Multiplying a Polynomial by a Polynomial Chapter-13 : Direct and Inverse Proportions
— What is an Identity? — Introduction
— Standard Identites — Direct Proportion
— Applying Identities — Inverse Proportion
Ex. 9.1 to 9.5 with examples Ex. 13.1, 13.2 with examples
Practice Book : Worksheets 67 to 75 Practice Book : Worksheet 97
Chapter-10 : Visualising Solid Shapes Chapter-14 : Factorisation
— Introduction — Introduction
— Views of 3-D Shapes — What is Factorisation?
— Mapping Space Around Us — Division of Algebraic Expressions
— Faces, Edges and Vertices — Division of Algebraic Expressions Continued
Ex. 10.1 to 10.3 with examples (Polynomial ÷ Polynomial)
Practice Book : Worksheets 78 and 79 — Can you Find the Error?
Chapter-11 : Mensuration Ex. 14.1 to 14.4 with examples
— Introduction Practice Book : Worksheets 100 to 103
Chapter-15 : Introduction to Graphs
— Let us Recall
— Introduction
— Area of Trapezium
— Linear Graphs
— Area of a General Quadrilateral
— Some Applications
— Area of a Polygon
Ex. 15.1 to 15.3 with examples
— Solid Shapes
Practice Book : Worksheets 106 to 108
— Surface Area of Cube, Cuboid and Cylinder
Vedic Mathematics
— Volume of Cube, Cuboid and Cylinder
1. Finding squares of numbers ending in 5 by Ekadhikena
— Volume and Capacity
Purvena Sutra.
Ex. 11.1 to 11.4 with examples 2. Finding HCF of algebraic expressions of the type :
Practice Book : Worksheets 82 to 89 (ax2 + bx + c) and (ax2 + dx + e) by Lopana Sthapana Sutra.
Chapter-12 : Exponents and Powers 3. Multiplication of any number by 12 using Urdhava Tiryak
— Introduction Sutra.
— Powers with Negative Exponents 4. Finding squares of numbers not ending in 5 by Ekadhikena
— Laws of Exponents Purvena Sutra.

(17) (18)
SCIENCE Chapter-15 : Some Natural Phenomena
Text Book : Science text book for Class VIII (NCERT) Lightning, charging by rubbing, types of charges and their
Learning Objectives interaction, transfer of charge, the story of lightning, lightning
— to strengthen the knowledge acquired at primary level safety, earthquakes, what causes an earthquake? Protection against
— to emphasize the acquisition of scientific knowledge earthquake.
— to appreciate nature and sensitise the students about the REVISION
environment. SECOND TERM
— to understand scientific language i.e. symbols, formulae, Chapter-14 : Chemical Effects of Electric Current
equations etc. Do liquids conduct electricity? Chemical effects of electric
— to develop scientific aptitude/temper current, electroplating.
— to apply the theoretical knowledge of science to daily life Chapter-16 : Light
— to make the students abreast with the latest technological What makes things visible? Laws of reflection, regular and
developments that have taken place and their impact on the diffused reflection, reflected light can be reflected again, multiple
society images, sunlight - white or coloured, what is inside our eyes?
— to enable the students to develop the process of problem Care of the eyes, visually impaired persons can read and write,
solving and decision making what is braille system?
PHYSICS Chapter-17 : Stars and the Solar System
FIRST TERM The moon, the stars, constellations, the solar system, some other
Chapter-11 : Force and Pressure members of the solar system, artificial satellites
Force : A push or a pull, forces are due to an interaction, exploring REVISION
forces, a force can change the state of motion, force can change CHEMISTRY
the shape of an object, contact forces, non-contact forces, pressure, FIRST TERM
pressure exerted by liquids and gases, atmospheric pressure. Chapter-3 : Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
Chapter-12 : Friction What are synthetic fibres? Types of synthetic fibres, characteristics
Force of friction, factors affecting friction, Friction : A necessary of synthetic fibres, plastics, plastics as material of choice, plastics
evil, increasing and reducing friction, wheels reduce friction, fluid and the environment.
friction. Chapter-4 : Materials : Metals and Non-metals
Chapter-13 : Sound Physical properties of metals and non-metals, chemical properties
Sound is produced by a vibrating body, sound produced by of metals and non-metals, uses of metals and non-metals.
humans, sound needs a medium for propagation, we hear sound REVISION
through our ears, amplitude, time period and frequency of a SECOND TERM
vibration, audible and inaudible sounds, noise and music, noise Chapter-5 : Coal and Petroleum
pollution. Coal, petroleum, natural gas, some natural resources are limited.

(19) (20)
Chapter-6 : Combustion and Flame Chapter-9 : Reproduction in Animals
What is combustion? How do we control fire? Types of Modes of reproduction, sexual reproduction, asexual
combustion, flame, structure of flame, what is a fuel? Fuel reproduction.
efficiency. Chapter-10 : Reaching the Age of Adolescence
Chapter-18 : Pollution of Air and Water Adolescence and puberty, changes at puberty, secondary sexual
Air pollution, how does air get polluted? Case study - The Taj characters, role of hormones in initiating reproductive function,
Mahal, Greenhouse effect, what can be done? Water Pollution, reproductive phase of life in humans, how is the sex of the baby
how does water get polluted? What is potable water and how is determined? Hormones other than sex hormones, role of hormones
water purified? What can be done? in completing the life history of insects and frogs, reproductive
REVISION health.
Chapter-2 : Microorganisms : Friend and Foe
Learning Objectives
Microorganisms, where do microorganisms live? Microorganisms
The course in Social Science will help learners :
and us, harmful microorganisms, food preservation, nitrogen
— develop an understanding of the processes of change and
fixation, nitrogen cycle.
development - both in terms of time and space, through which
Chapter-7 : Conservation of Plants and Animals
human societies have evolved.
Deforestation and its causes, consequences of deforestation,
— deepen the knowledge and understanding of environment in
conservation of forest and wildlife, biosphere reserve, flora and
fauna, endemic species, wildlife sanctuary, national park, red data its totality, their interactive processes and effects on the
book, migration, recycling of paper, reforestation. future life of people.
Chapter-8 : Cell Structure and Functions — develop scientific temper by promoting the spirit of enquiry
Discovery of the cell, the cell, organisms show variety in number, and following rational and objective approach in analysing
shape and size, cell structure and functions, parts of the cell, and evaluating data and information as well as views and
comparison of plant and animal cells. interpretations.
REVISION Textbooks :
SECOND TERM 1. Our Pasts-III : Textbook in History for Class VIII (NCERT)
Chapter-1 : Crop Production and Management 2. Social and Political Life-III : Textbook for Class VIII
Agricultural practices, basic practices of crop production, (NCERT)
preparation of soil, sowing, adding manures and fertilizers, 3. Resources and Development : Textbook in Geography for
irrigation, protection from weeds, harvesting, storage, food from Class VIII (NCERT)
animals. 4. Atlas - Oxford School Atlas

(21) (22)
FIRST TERM Chapter-3 : Mineral and Power Resources
Our Pasts-III Map Work : World Political Map - First country to develop hydro-
Chapter-1 : How, When and Where electricity; Largest producer of bauxite, diamond, high
Chapter-2 : From Trade to Territory (The Company Establishes grade iron-ore; iron-ore
Map Work : World Political Map - Sea route to India via Cape of Our Pasts-III
Good Hope; continent where slave trade began; Chapter-6 : Weavers, Iron Smelters and Factory Owners
continent from where British, French & Portuguese Map Work : India Political Map - Tata Iron and Steel Plant; First
came; Portuguese base in India Cotton Mill, Major centres of silk weaving in the 18th
India Political Map - Battles fought, area ruled by Ranjit century
Singh, place ruled by Tipu Sultan, Areas conquered by Chapter-7 : Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation
Doctrine of Lapse. Map Work : India Political Map - Place where Hindu college and
Chapter-3 : Ruling the Countryside Santiniketan was established, places where Universities
Map Work : India Political Map - Champaran movement against were established in 1857
Indigo plantation; famine in 1770; Place governed by Chapter-8 : Women, Caste and Reform
Thomas Munro; Kalamkari weavers; Production of Map Work : India Political Map - Place where Brahmo Samaj and
indigo in India Paramhans Mandali were found
Chapter-4 : Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age Chapter-9 : The Making of the National Movement (1870s–1947)
Chapter-5 : When People Rebel (1857 and After) Map Work : India Political Map - Champaran, Partition of Bengal,
Map Work : India Political Map : Main centres of the Revolt of 1857 Jallianwala Bagh, Sabarmati to Dandi, Chauri Chaura
SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE III Chapter-10 : India after Independence
Chapter-1 : The Indian Constitution Map Work : India Political Map - Linguistic States; State where
Chapter-2 : Understanding Secularism Bhilai Steel plant is located, First linguistic state
Chapter-3 : Why do we need a Parliament? SOCIAL AND POLITICAL LIFE-III
Chapter-4 : Understanding Laws Chapter-6 : Understanding Our Criminal Justice System
Chapter-5 : Judiciary Chapter-7 : Understanding Marginalisation
RESOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT Chapter-8 : Confronting Marginalisation
Chapter-1 : Resources Chapter-9 : Public Facilities
Map Work : India Political Map : Place where Uranium is found, Chapter-10 : Law and Social Justice
Popular wind farms in India RESOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT
Chapter-2 : Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Chapter-4 : Agriculture
Resources Map Work : World Political Map - Leading producers of jute, cotton,
Diagram : Soil Profile tea, coffee, rice, wheat, millets

(23) (24)
Chapter-5 : Industries — E-Commerce Business Models
Map Work : World Political Map - Countries which have Iron & — E-Retailing, Security Concern
Steel Industry; Manchester of Japan — Top E-Commerce Websites
India Political Map - States producing steel; States and — Blogging
cities rich in cotton textile, Manchester of India SECOND TERM
Chapter-6 : Human Resources Lesson 7 : Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Map Work : World Political Map - Most sparsely populated country;
— Introduction
Most populous country; Densely populated continents
— Artificial Intelligence
Diagram : Population Pyramid of India, Kenya.
— Understanding AI Environment
— Timeline of AI Intelligence
Learning Objectives
— Artificial Intelligence in Daily Life
— to enhance the knowledge of website designing using HTML.
— Future of AI
— to familiarize the students with the concepts of Computer
— AI and Ethics
Networks, E-Commerce, AI
— to develop basic skills of programming using PYTHON. Lesson 9 : Python - Introduction
Text Book - IT Planet - Petabyte (Class 8) — Programming Language
FIRST TERM — Introduction to Python
Lesson 1 : Computer Network — Character Set, Tokens, Comments
— Communication — Statements, Datatypes, Variables
— Comptuer Network — Defining Input and Output in Python
— Types of Network — Error Handling
— Network Hardware — Programs in Python
— Communication Channels Lesson 10 : Python - Control Structures
— Network Architecture — Control Structures
— Network Topology — Conditional Control Structures
— Protocol — Loop Control Structures
Lesson 4 : HTML - Form, Multimedia & CSS
— Break Statement
— Continue Statement
— Creating Forms
For Practical Sessions only
— Adding Multimedia
Lesson 2 : Access - Tables and Forms
— Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Lesson 3 : Access - Query and Reports
Lesson 6 : E-Commerce & Blogging
— E-Commerce Lesson 8 : App Development

(25) (26)
FIRST TERM ● Legends of the world ● Features of the World
● Which Country? ● International Organisation
● The World of Plants ● Distinctive Plants
● Colourful Speech ● The Bard of Avon
● Animal Phobia ● Nocturnal Animals SCIENCE
● Which Animal? ● IT Greats ● Genetic Diseases
INDIA ● Camera Clicks ● Dinosaurs
● Folk Art ● Handicrafts of India ● Nuclear Science ● Space Odyssey
● The Nine Yards ● Super South SPORTS
WORLD ● Winter Olympic Sports ● Formula 1
● Immortal Speeches ● The Philippines ● Bowling Alley
● Natural Reserves ● Bloody Battles
● On the Canvas ● Folk Music
Test Paper 1
● Indian Writers ● Must Reads Test Paper 2
● Phenomenal Scientists ● Scientific Studies Learning Objectives :
● Tech Talk ● Nobel Laureates To help the pupils to develop essential knowledge and
● Robotic ● Go GPS understanding in terms of :
SPORTS — acquainting themselves with productive activities in the
● Great Cricketers community
— understanding facts and scientific principles involved in
● Stress Management Life Skills
various forms of work
— knowing the sources of raw materials and understanding the
● Lights, Camera, Action ● On the Red Carpet use of tools and equipment in the production of goods and
SECOND TERM services.
NATURE — understanding the utility of productive work and services to
● Indian Mythology and Plants the community
● Rainforests ● Marine Life — developing abilities for self-evaluation of performance and
● Cauvery Calling ● Womb of Life! entrepreneurship
● International Borders ● Geo India
1. Newspaper Reading and making of a newspaper
● The First Citizen ● National Organisations 2. Vocabulary Enhancement
● Teenage Life Skills 3. Poem Writing, Poem Reading and Recitation

(27) (28)
Topics — Narrative poems MATHEMATICS CLUB
— Humorous poems FIRST TERM
4. Advertisement Writing and Dramatization 1. Puzzle Solving
5. Slogan Writing and Poster Making 2. Venn Diagrams
6. Spin-A-Yarn 3. Euler’s Formula (Activity)
7. Extempore 4. Coding Decoding and Direction Test
Topics – TV Commercials, lead or mislead 5. Crossword
– Haste makes Waste 6. Reasoning Test
SECOND TERM 7. Mathemagic Squaring Formula
1. Story telling and Reading of self-written stories
8. Histogram (Activity)
2. Vocabulary Enhancement (Through games)
9. To verify the algebraic identity (a – b)2 = a2 – 2ab + b2
3. Reading of Quotations
4. Radio Show
1. Exterior angles of a Polygon (Activity)
5. Conducting an Interview
2. Quiz (Written)
6. Character Dramatization
3. Magic of Numbers (Patterns)
7. Twist-a-Tale
8. Debates and Elocutions 4. Vedic Maths (Solving Linear Equations)
9. Proverb Enactment 5. Relation between area and perimeter of a square (Activity)
10. Dramatization of Short Stories and Plays 6. Coordinate Geometry (Activity)
fgUnh lkfgfR;d lfefr 7. Surface Area and Volume of Cubes and Cuboids (Activity)
8. Simple and compound interest & graphical representation
izFke l=k
9. To verify the algebraic identity a2 – b2 = (a + b) (a – b)
2. dfork ikB FIRST TERM
3. ukjs ys[ku 1. Celebrating Van Mahotsav - Tree plantation drive
4. lekpkj ys[ku ,oa okpu 2. Making of Steam Boat
3. Build a water wheel
5. Lojfpr & dfork] dgkuh
4. Project Energy Conservation - Model of Solar Cooker
6. foKkiu cukuk rFkk vfHkuhr djuk 5. Power point presentation on World Ozone Day
f}rh; l=k 6. Slogan Writing - Balanced diet and myths related to healthy
1. nksgk@in ikB nutrition.
2. lwpuk&ys[ku SECOND TERM
3. fp=kksa ij vk/kkfjr dgkuh fuekZ.k djuk 1. Campaign on Eco-friendly Diwali
2. Model of an Electroscope
4. i=k ikB
3. Making of Mechanical Crane
5. y?kq ,dkadh eapu @ ,dy vfHku;
(29) (30)
4. Saving our precious species - Bird nest making 5. Super Meva Mix
5. Play Holi with Safe Colours campaign - Making herbal colours 6. Designer Wax Candle
6. Excursion to generate awareness on environment 7. White Sauce/Cucumber dip
FINE ART * Table mats / Cushion Covers - 6
FIRST TERM * Pillow covers - 2 / Dupatta - 1
1. Paper Collage SECOND TERM
2. Miniature Painting 1. Garlic bread loaf
3. Painging of Buddha 2. Healthy Pizza/Stuff Pizza Pocket
4. Composition in ‘Pointillism’ 3. Gel Candle
4. Frill Bowl
5. Indian Contemporary Art
5. Chocolate Making
6. Crunchy Dalia Pattise
1. Landscape in water colours
7. Club Sandwich
2. Madhubani Painting
8. Nutritious Patties
3. Abstract Art
4. Portrait Study
Flamenco, Zive, Jamaican, Chinese
5. Figure Composition 1. Body movements
HANDICRAFTS 2. Exercise (warming work out)
FIRST TERM 3. Stretching exercise for flexibility of body
1. Mirror frames 4. One self composition based dance
2. Collage painting
3. Alluminium Foil Craft
'kkL=kh; u`R; rFkk yksd u`R;
4. Quill work 'kkL=kh; u`R;
5. Card Making 1. x.ks'k 'yksd 2. ljLorh 'yksd
SECOND TERM 3. gLr eqnkz ,¡ 4. in Hksn
1. Coasters
5. rkyks dk Kku
2. Curtain strings
yksd u`R;
3. Weave a mat
4. Candle lamps 1. igkM+h ¼uVh½ 2. d'ehjh ¼Mksxjh½
5. Mosaic work 3. vle ¼chgw½ 4. egkjk"Vª ¼yko.kh½
1. Protein Upma 1. 10 vyadkj
2. Chatpata whole cereal Oats pancake 2. jkx vkSj rky
3. Moong Dal Idli/Cheela
3. jkx ds fu;e
4. Flower floating cup decor (with hot Glue gun)
(31) (32)
4. ljxe xhr] rjkuk] y{k.k xhr (17) Simhasana (18) Gomukhasana
(10) Virasana (20) Makrasana
5. rkyc) vyadkj
(c) Yogic Suksma-Vyayama
6. >irky] ,drky] rhurky dks ,dxqu] nqxuq esa rkyh] [kkyh vkSj le (1) Buddhi-Tatha-Dhrti-Sakti-Vikasaka
foHkkx fn[kkrs gq, rky&fyfi esa fy[kuk (2) Smarana-Sakti-Vikasaka
7. vyadkj dh ifjHkk"kk (3) Netra-Sakti-Vikasaka
(4) Karna-Sakti-Vikasaka
(5) Griva-Sakti-Vikasaka (3 types)
1. vyadkjksa dk vH;kl (6) Udara-Sakti-Vikasaka (9 types)
2. rkyksa dk vH;kl (7) Kati-Sakti-Vikasaka (5 types)
3. rkyc) vyadkjksa dk vH;kl (8) Bhuja-Balli-Sakti-Vikasaka
(9) Purna-Bhuja-Sakti-Vikasaka
4. jkx nsl
(10) Naksa-Sthala-Sakti-Vikasaka (2 types)
5. ljxe xhr & nsl jkx (d) Yogic-Sthula-Vyayama
6. yksdxhr & xqtjkrh xhr (1) Hrd-gati (2) Sarvanga-Pushti
7. Hktu & Hktu eu ful fnu rsjks uke (3) Rekha-gati (4) Sirsasana
8. English Songs - ‘Glorious Song’
‘There shall be showers of blessings’
Learning Objectives
9. izkFkZuk rFkk ns'kHkfDr xhrksa dk vH;kl — Introduce the students to new media and technique and their
10. laLÑr 'ykd & la xPN/oa] la on/oe~ use for creative expression and making objects of common
11. ok|;a=k & Casio, Kongo, Harmonium use.
— Refine the sense of appreciation of the beauty of nature and
the basic elements of art forms.
(a) (i) Definition and general instructions
(ii) Elements of yoga
1. Know about colours (Primary, secondary and Neutral)
(iii) Types of Pranayama and its benefits
2. Basic colouring strokes and techniques.
(b) Yogasana
Art, Craft and Me : Book-6
(1) Yogasana (2) Vajarasana
Pages 7 to 374
(3) Karnapidasana (4) Kukkutasana SECOND TERM
(5) Padamasana (6) Brahmacharyasana Art, Craft and Me : Book-6
(7) Makarasana (8) Bhunamanasana Pages 38 to 66
(9) Janu-Sirsasana (10) Mandukasana MUSIC, DANCE, DRAMA
(11) Surya-Namaskara (12) Naukasana Theory :
(13) Tadasana (14) Kurmasana 1. Concept of Art Education
(15) Salabhasana (16) Urd-Sarvangasana 2. Basic knowledge of performing Art

(33) (34)
3. Definition of Sangeet, Raga, Alankars
4. Ten Alankars
5. Four Talas (detailed study)
6. Written work of ‘Teentaal, Dadra, Keherva, Jhaptaal’
7. Knowledge of Classical Dance and Folk Dance
8. Western Dance forms
Practical :
1. Practice of Alankars
2. Practice of Taal
3. Practice of prayers and songs from diary
4. Practical of Dance forms
5. Folk song - Gujarati Song
6. English Song - ‘We are the World’
7. Hktu & ^vP;qre ds'oe~*
8. Exercises of Western Dance and Classical Dance
Learning Objectives
— To develop a scientific point of view regarding Health and
Physical Education
— To give knowledge about balanced diet and nutrition
— Knowledge of exertices on cardiovascular
— Effects of exercises on respiratory system
1. Importance of good posture and advantages of correct
2. Knowledge of weight training and food supplement for
3. Drugs and their side effects on our body
1. Volley Ball 2. Basketball
3. Throw Ball 4. Badminton
5. Cricket 6. Table Tennis
7. Athletics


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