DLL - English 4 - Q2 - W1

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: ISABELITA B. TAMAYO Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: NOVEMBER 7 - 11, 2022 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding Demonstrate understanding of
of the elements of of text elements to text elements to comprehend that word meaning can be library skills to research on a
informational text for comprehend various texts. various texts. derived from different variety of topics.
comprehension. sources.
Demonstrates command of
the conventions of standard
English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
B. Performance Recalls details,sequence of Use knowledge of text types Use knowledge of text types to Uses different resources to Uses library skills to gather
Standards events and shares ideas on to correct/W distinguish correctl distinguish literary from find word meaning. appropriate and relevant
texts listened to. literary from informational informational texts. Speaks and writes using good information.
texts. command of the conventions
of standard English.
C. Learning 1.Realize and appreciate the 1.Appreciate the value of 1.Show appreciation by 1.Identify and use compound 1.To realize that living
Competencies/ importance of bugs. sharing one’s blessings with accepting advice and warnings words in sentences.(EN4V- organisms are unique and
Objectives 2.Get the main idea and other. of parents,friends,and other IIa-1) different from one another.
( Write the LCcode for supporting details from text 2.Note important details well-meaning individuals. 2.Use personal pronouns and 2.To arrange 8-10 words
each) listened to.(EN4LC-IIa-1) from a selection listened to. 2.Identify the story their antecedents.EN4G-Ia-b- different beginning letters in
3.Restate and retell (EN4RC-IIa-1) elements(setting,character,and 1) alphabetical order.(EN4SS-IIa-
information from text listened plot.(EN4RC-IIa-1) 1)
to. 3.Write a short story using the
(ENOL-IIa-1) story elements.l (EN4WC-IIa-1)
Week 1:Big or Small,Animals Week 1: Big or Week 1: Big or Small,Animals Week 1: Big or Week 1:Big or Small,Animals
II. CONTENT All Around Small,Animals All Around All Around Small,Animals All Around All Around
( Subject Matter)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages TG pp. 113-115 TG pp.116-119 TG pp. 119-122 TG pp.122-124 TG pp.124-125
2. Learner’s Material LM. 98-101 LM pp. 102-108 LM pp108-111 LM.pp.111-116 LM pp.117-119
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource LR portal
Other Learning Powepoint, ,paper,pencil Powerpoint, Paper,powerpoint Powerpont Powerpoint,Cartolina or manila
Resources paper
A. Reviewing previous Recall the details of the story, Rereading of the of the “Can you remember the title of Recall the elements of the Call selected pupils to read the
Lesson or presenting A Lesson for John Benedict Poem,I Like Bugs(individually the story we read yesterday? story. selection (refer to LM,Read and
new lesson and/or by groups) Retell the story”. Learn)
B. Establishing a purpose Pre-reading activities Unlocking of difficult words. “Today, we will learn about the Read the following Let the pupils read the
for the lesson Unlocking of difficult Have the pupils classify the different elements in the story”. sentences.(Refer to LM Find following words individually,by
words(using picture pictures. Am I an insect or (Call the pupils to read the out and Learn p.111) pairs,or groups.(refer to LM,
clues,context clues and not? paragraph taken from the story What are the underlined Try and Learn)
examples) The Grouchy Ladybug) wordsin the sentence?
Discuss the story.
C. Presenting examples/ Show a picture of bugs. Talk Sometimes you are in a bad What do you call the Reading the words on the “Look aat then word list in the
instances of the new about it.”What kind of bugs mood.do you get grouchy? persons/animals in the story? screen. box.If we will arrange these
lesson. does the author like?” When and wh do you get Discuss the different elements of These are compound words. words in alphabetical
grouchy? the story. What can you say about the order,what word will be first?
Describe the ladybug in the compound words in each next?what word will come next
picture. coloumn? in alphabetical order?
Do you think the Ladybug is
D. Discussing new concepts Model Reading of the poem. Read the story.(refer to LM Idewntify the elements int the Read the paragraph.Identify Group activities.Arrange the
and practicing new Shared reading of the poem for the story of the The story Buddy and the Cat (Refer the compound words. given words in alphabetical
skills.#1 with the class. Grouchy Ladybug to LM ,Do and Learn p.109) order.
E. Discussing new concepts Comprehension Check Differentiated group “What is the setting of the Refer to LM,Do and Learn Read the poem.Copy the
and practicing new skills up(refer to LM,Talk About IT activities. story?”Read the part where the p.113 underline words in your
#2. p.98) setting is mentioned.”Whoare notebook or paper .Then
the characters in the arrange the words in
story?.Describe each of these alphabetical order.
F. Developing Mastery What is the main idea of the Answer Talk about it p.106 Read the selection and do the Read the paragraph on Giving examples.
(Lead to Formative poem?What are the activity that follws.(refer to LM LM ,Read and Learn Answer Original File Submitted and
Assessment 3) supporting details that talk for the selection Pablo and the the questions that follow. Formatted by DepEd Club
about tha main idea of the Eggs) Member - visit depedclub.com
poem? for more
(use the graphic organizer to
show connection)
G. Finding practical Sing the poem to the tune of If Answer Learn Some More LM Identify the elements of the Discussion on personal Arrage the following words in
application of concepts You’re Happy and You Know It p.107 story by filling in the graphic pronouns. alphabetical oder.
and skills in daily living ( refer to LM,Find Out and organizers.
Learn Insect Bodies)
H. Making Generalizations How do we get the main idea How do you note important What are the elements of the Refer to LM Try and Learn How do you arrange words?
and Abstraction about and supporting details in a details fon the story? story? p.115-116
the Lesson. poem or stories?
I. Evaluating Learning Read the poem and identify Answer Find Out and Learn Write a short story following the Refer to LM ,Do and Learn Arrange the given words in
the main idea and supporting LM p. 107 three story elements.(refer to p.116 alphabetical order.
details.(Refer to LM,Learn LM,Write about It p.111)
Some More,Where is the
Caterpillar? P.101)
J. Additional Activities for Drawing activity Write the correct personal
Application or Draw and color a bug which pronouns that will complete
Remediation you think the author of the the paragraph.
poem will like.Explain why you
think the author will like it.
A.No. of learners earned
80%in the evaluation.

B . No. of learners who

required additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lesson

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounterwhich my
principal or supervisorcan
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish
to share with other

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