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PDS® Quick Guide

Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale
MENTAL HEALTH Completed by adults ages 18-70, during the First and Last EBP Treatment
Quality, Outcomes, & Training Sessions, and every 6 months, if treatment continues, for the following EBP:
[email protected]  Prolonged Exposure for PTSD (PE)
Clinical Utility
Purpose  Aids in diagnosis and treatment planning
 The PDS is a 49-item screening  Useful for identifying client’s concerns
instrument, based on DSM-IV  Helpful in determining duration of symptoms (acute vs. chronic)
diagnostic criteria for  Identifies symptom severity
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder  Evaluates the client’s level of functional impairment
 It is designed to assess the
presence and severity of PTSD Sections of the PDS
symptoms experienced in the  12-item trauma inventory
past month Part 1  If client responds “no” to items 1-12, s/he does not need to
 It is sensitive enough to monitor complete the questionnaire and does not meet diagnostic criteria
short-term treatment progress, for PTSD
so it can be administered at any  8 items that parallel criteria A of DSM-IV PTSD diagnosis,
time during the course of Part 2 identifying the traumatic event as well as the person’s response
treatment to the event
 Assesses the intensity and frequency of the 17 DSM-IV PTSD
symptoms clients may experience
 Symptoms are presented in the three symptom clusters listed in
Administration the DSM-IV, i.e., re-experiencing, avoidance, and arousal
 The PDS is a self-report Part 3  Respondents rate the severity of the symptom from 0 (“not at all
questionnaire or only one time”) to 3 (“5 or more times a week/almost
 It requires a minimum 8th grade always”)
reading level  Evaluates the duration of the symptoms and the length of time
 The PDS should be completed between traumatic event and symptom onset
by adults ages 18-70  Identifies the functional impairment relative to the individual’s
Part 4 symptoms

Scoring Information
Hand Scoring Scales
 Please review to make sure Reveals whether or not client is reporting that his/her
client has answered every Level of Impairment posttraumatic symptoms have interfered with his/her
item in Functioning – relationship with friends and family, work, fun or leisure
 Please see PDS Hand- Symptom Distress activities, or client’s general satisfaction with life in the past
Scoring Directions booklet month
for scoring instruction details Number of Reveals the total number of PTSD symptoms client endorsed
Symptoms Endorsed
Total Severity Score Symptom Severity Reflects the severity of PTSD symptoms endorsed by client
 The PDS yields a total Score
severity score (ranging from
0-51) that reflects the
frequency of the 17
symptoms of PTSD Symptom Severity Score Symptom Severity Rating
0 No Rating
1-10 Mild
11-20 Moderate
21-35 Moderate to Severe
36-51 Severe

Number of Omitted Items Excessive Omits?

0-5 No
6-12 Yes, symptoms may be understated
Revised: April 1, 2020 13-36 Yes, results are questionable

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