G4S Offer Letter
G4S Offer Letter
G4S Offer Letter
CIN U74920DL1988PTC031060
G4S Security Services India Pvt. Ltd.
G4S SECURITY SERVICES INDIA PVT. LTD., has decided to make you this offer of
employment. This letter sets forth the terms of the offer which, if you accept, will
govern your employment.
your working hour 10:00AM to 6:00PM Monday to Saturday and your first day of
work will be 7 October 2024 at 10:00AM you are eligible for the employee benefit
program as outlined in the attachment to this job offer.
Position; Duties. Your position will be SECURITY GUARD and you will be reporting
the AREA SUPERVISOR – Nearby 8km of the Company. Your duties and
responsibilities will be as designated by the Company.
Warm Regards,
Manjeet Kumar
Asst. Manager HR
G4S Security Services India Pvt. Ltd.,
Signature of Candidate
Registration Formalities
First You have to pay ₹ 1470/- for Uniform & ID card then after that you will get joining letter.
Manjeet Kumar
Asst. Manager HR
G4S Security Services India Pvt. Ltd.,
Signature of Candidate