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Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited

GSTIN Number: 29AACCB1412G1Z5

Office of
Assistant Executive
DATE: 28-11-2018


Sub: Arranging Power Supply to an extent of 100KVA on HT Basis - New Connection

Ref: 1) Application ID: 921600381985 Dated: 02-11-2018
2) Account ID: 9903648079
With reference to your application registered vide Application No. 921600381985 on 02-11-2018,
Power supply to an extent of 100KVA on HT basis under 1HT2B1 tariff is hereby sanctioned
subject to the following conditions:
1. You are requested to pay the following charges through DD payable in favor of the Assistant
Executive Engineer (Ele.), CO&M, C4 HEBBALA,BESCOM within a period of 30 days from the date
of this letter:
SL. No. Particulars Amount
1. Initial Security deposit(ISD) 220000.00
2. Supervision charges at 10% on estimate cost 41508.00
3. Meter Security Deposit 0.00
4. Infrastructure Charges 0.00
5. CGST Amount 3736.00
6. SGST Amount 3736.00
7. Other Charges
Total 268980.00

2. The power supply will be arranged at 11KV

3. The HT metering cubical of BESCOM approved make shall be procured at your cost and installed
under self-execution. Please ignore if Sl. No. 3 is paid.
4. You should own and install the necessary transformer at your end to receive and step down to the
required distribution voltage for your installation.
5. The work shall be carried through Class-I licensed electrical contractor as per the sanctioned
estimate under self-execution within 90 days from the date of sanction of estimate.
6. Guarantee shall be furnished for a period of not less than one year for the materials used in the works
as well as for the quality of the work carried out from the date of taking over of the lines and
equipments by BESCOM. The material used shall conform to the BESCOM specifications. Proof of
having purchased the materials used for executing the works from the BESCOM Vendor approved
firm will be verified where ever necessary.
7. The following may please be produced to the Assistant Executive Engineer (El)/Executive
Engineer (Ele.,) [C,O&M], C4 HEBBALA/HEBBALA, BESCOM.
a. Execute power supply agreement on Rs. 200/- value stamp paper in triplicate.
b. Produce necessary License/Permit/No Objection Certificate etc., issued by the competent
authority as required under statute.
c. The approval for your installation by competent authority of Electrical Inspectorate (test and
commissioning Certificate) should be produced for servicing of your installation.
d. Submit the completion-cum test report from Class-I licensed electrical contractor along with a list
in duplicate showing details of machinery, make capacity and the layout plan of your premises
within which you intend to use the Power. The capacity of any individual machinery/equipment
installed/connected shall not be more than the contract demand.
8. You are liable to pay the tariff minimum charges from the date of commencement of supply (i.e.,
actual date of availing of Power Supply or expiry of 30 days' notice period issued by the BESCOM
whichever is earlier) as indicated in the agreement even if you fail to avail Power Supply.
9. You have to install approved shunt capacitors of appropriate capacity so as to maintain the Power
factor at not less than 0.9.
10. The Power tariff applicable to your installation will be 1HT2B1 tariff or as in force from time to time.
11. If you are not desirous of availing the Power Supply, before execution of agreement the amount paid
by you towards Initial Security Deposit, Meter Security Deposit, etc., will be refunded on application,
after deducting ten percent of the total amount paid by you.
12. The metering equipment to be installed should be conspicuously visible and at the main entrance to
the premises preferably with an independent entrance.
You are requested to contact the jurisdictional Assistant Executive Engineer (El)/Executive Engineer
(Ele.,) [C,O&M], C4 HEBBALA/HEBBALA, BESCOM for further needful action in the matter.

Yours faithfully
Assistant Executive Engineer

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