EMW SL Arora Notes
EMW SL Arora Notes
EMW SL Arora Notes
i-1,+l¡=l+o dt
of modified
But the area bounded by CG lies in the region G, there is
no electric flux ( =0). Ampere's law. For loop
between the capacitor plates, so no current flows equation (5) we have Therefore, from
across it.
...3) Ci ..(6)
Imagine the loops G and C, to be infinitesimally close to because loop
C,, conduction current I =0 but I,
each other, as shown in Fig. 8.1(b). Then we must have time-varying electric field exists in the
region between the capacitor plates. Hence
C, Cz dt ..7)
This result is inconsistent with the If Abe the area of the capacitor plates and gbe
and (3). So a need for modifying Ampere'sequations (2)
law was felt charge on the plates at any instant t the
by Maxwell. during the
charging process, then the electric field in the gap will
Maxwell's modification of Ampere's law : Dis- be
placement current. To modify Ampere's law, Maxwell E=1
followeda symmetry consideration. By Faraday's law,
a changing magnetic field induces an electric field,
hence a changing electric field must induce a magnetic or EA 9
field. As currents are the usual sources of magnetic
fields, a changing electric field must be associated with
a current. Maxwell called this current as or Flux
displacemnent current to distinguish it from the usual
conduction current caused by the drift of electrons. d d
Displacement current(is that current which comes =Mo 0 dt dt
into existence, in addition to the conduction current,
whenever the electric field and hence the electric flux or
8.6 HERTZ'S EXPERIMENT The receiver or detector consists of an almost
stout wire terminating at the two ends in two
7. Describe Hertz's experiment for producing and detec- circular
small polished brass spheres S and ec
ting electromagnetic waves. How were the various pro- maenetic waves reaching the gap of the detector
perties of electromagnetic waves demonstrated by Hertz ? associated with a sufficiently strong electric field
Hertz's experiment. Maxwell predicted the which sets up a high p.d. across the gap S, S, his
existence of electromagnetic waves in 1865. This causes tiny sparks jumping across the gap, thereby
prediction had to wait for about 22 years before a proving the existence of e.m. waves.
German physicist, Heinrich Hertz, succeeded in experi Hertz demonstrated the various properties of e.m.
mentally confirming the existence of electromagnetic waves as follows :
waves in 1887.
1. Hertz observed that maximum sparks are
In the oscillations of an LC- circuit, we know that produced across the detector gap when this gap is
the charge oscillates across the capacitor plates. Since parallel to the transmitter gap. When these two gaps
an oscillating charge has non-zero
acceleration it will
are perpendicular to each other, no sparkes are
continuously emit electromagnetic waves. As shown produced across the detector gap ie., no electro
in Fig, 8.6, Hertz used an oscillatory LC-circuit for magneticwaves are detected. This means that
producing electromagnetic waves. the
field associated with the waves radiated from
trarnmitter is parallel to the two gaps i.e., the direction
direction of
of the electric field is perpendicular to the
-Metal propagation of the e.m. wave. This clearly demon
Induction plate in nature.
strates that the e.m. waves are transverse
coil Gap electro
2. Hertz not only produced and detectedproperties
Input magnetic waves, butalso demonstrated their and so
of reflection, refraction and interference
Detector established beyond doubt that the e.m. radiation has a
Transmitter Metal wave nature.
plate 3. Hertz allowed the e.m. waves to fall on a large
plane sheet of zinc. The reflected waves superimposed
on the incident waves, produced stationary e.m.
Fig. 8.6 Hertz's experimental set-up for producing waves. The wavelength of these waves was deter
and detecting e.m. waves. mined by measuring the distance between two nodes.
equal to that of the
The transmitter consists of two large square metal The frequency of the wave was
(brass) plates with sides of length 40 cm. These are oscillator, ie.
placed in the same vertical plane with their centres
about 60 cm apart. The plates are connected to two 2n VLC
thick wires ending in highly polished brass spheres Hence the speed of the e.m. wave was determined
S, and S,. The distance between the two spherestois the
2to by using the formula v=và It was found that e.m.
3 cm. The two thick wires are connected
secondary terminals of an induction coil.
waves travel with the same speed as the speed oflight.
4. Electromagnetic waves can be polarised. To test
Every time the current in the primary arcut Of ue this fact. take a portable AM radio provided with a
induction coil is interrupted, a large p.d. is set up across
high p.d. telescopic antenna. It responds to the electric
S, and S, and the metal plates get charged. Thegap conduc- component of the e.m. signal from the broadcasting
ionises the air in the gap and makes the
oscillate back station. When the antenna is turned horizontal, the
ting. The electrons and ions so produced
and forth across the gap S, S,. An oscillatory discharge signal is greatly diminished. The portable radios
of the plates occurs through the conducting gap. The having horizontal antenna inside themn are sensitive to
the magnetic component of e.m. wave. The signal is
process results in the production of e.m. waves.
The metal plates form a capacitor of low best received whern such a radio is held horizontal.
capacitance C and connecting wires offer a low In Hertz set-up, the frequency of the e.m. waves
inductance L The system generates e.m. waves of high produced was 5x 10 Hz. So the wave length of the
frequency (v)given by e.m. waves produced is given by
3x 108
=6 m.
2n /LC V 5x 10
Energy density of an electromagnetic wave. Electro Suppose a plane electromagnetic wave propa
gates along X-axis with speed c As shown in Fig. 8.8,
magnetic waves carry energy as they travel through consider
space and this energy is shared equally by the electric a cylindrical volume with area of cross
and magnetic fields. Energy density of an e.m. wave is section A and length cAt along the X-axis. The
the energy in unit volume of the space through which the c Af
wave travels.
We know that energy is stored in space wherever
electric and magnetic fields are present.
Infree space, the energy density of a static field Eis Area = A
Calculation of intensity.
Again in free space, the energy density of a static Fig. 8.8
magnetic field is contained in this cylinder crosses the area A in time At
as the wave propagates with speed c. The energy
2u0 contained is
The total energy density of the static electric and
magnetic fields willbe U= Average energy density x volume
1 = UX c Atx A
240 Intensity of the wave,
But in an electromagnetic wave, both Eand Bfields Energy
vary sinusoidally in space and time. The average I=
Area x Time AAt
energy density u of an e.m. wave can be obtained by
replacing E and B by their rms values in the above 1
equation. Thus or l=, E c= E Es C
Bms 1J=
24o Also,
44o1_B: Ems1
Or Bems Thus the intensity of an electromagnetic wave is
proportional to the square of the electriclmagnetic field.
Moreover, E, =c, and therefore Conversely, the size of the electric/magnetic field of an
electromagnetic wave is proportional to the square
1 root of its intensity.
12. Write an expression for the momentum carried by
1 1 an e.n. wave.
4 Momentum of an e.m. wave. An electromagnetic
Wave transports linear momentum as it
Hence in an electromagneticwave, the average energy of electromagnetic wave transfers a
through space. If an
the E field equals the average energy density of the B field. total energy U to a surface in time t, then total linear
It may be noted that momentum delivered to the surface is
1 1 1
Also, [For complete absorption of energy U]
1 = 1_ &= Bns If the wave is totally reflected, the mnomentum
240 delivered will be 2 U / c because the momentum of the
11. Define intensity of an electromagnetic wave. wave will change from p to - p
Obtain an expression for it. 13. Write an expression for the pressure exerted by an
Intensity of an electromagnetic wave. The energy electromagnetic wave.
crossing per unit area per unit time in adirection of Pressure exerted by an e.m. wave. When an electro
dicular to the direction of propagation is called intensity
the wave. magnetic wne falls on a surface, it exerts pressure on the surfuce.
This pressure is called radiation pressure. The
pressure for an electromagnetic wave of intensity 9. Electromagnetic waves obey the principle of
I is superposition. They show the
given by
reflection, refraction, interference,properties of
P= and polarisation.
10. The electric field of an
It is because of the radiation pressure of the solar electromagnetic
responsible for its optical effects,
wave is
radiation that the tails of comets point away from the sun. E, >> B because
14. Mention the various properties of An accelerating or oscillating charge is a
electro source of
magnetic waves. electromagnetic waves. An electric charge oscillating
Properties of electromagnetic waves. These are as harmonically with frequency v, produces electro
follows : magnetic waves of frequency v. An
dipole radiates electromagnetic waves.oscillating electric
1. The
electromagnetic waves are produced by
accelerated All types of electromagnetic waves travel through
material medium for and do not require any vacuum with the same speed but they
their propagation. different speeds in any travel with
2. The material medium.
directions oscillations of E and B fields
of The frequency of an
are perpendicular to each other as well as inherent characteristic. electromagnetic wave is its
When an electromagnetic
perpendicular to the
wave. So the direction of propagation of
wave travels from one
medium to
transverse in nature. electromagnetic
waves are wavelength changes but frequency remainsarnother, its
The ratioo/cgives the
3. The magnitude of the propagation
Oscillations of E and B fields are in same vector for an
electromagnetic wave,
phase. 2T
4. All
with the same speed, waves travel in free space The direction of
2 C
propagation of an
-3x 10 ms-1 wave is same as that of the vector Eelectromagnetic
The speed of an
In a material medium dependselectromagnetic wave through any
waves travel withmedium,
the on its
the speed, electromagnetic permittivity [ permeability and
1 1 C
Wavelength range 10-14 mto 10-10,m. (i) In the manufacture of polyethylene from
Frequency range 108 Hz to 10 Hz. (iii) To initiate some nuclear reactions.
Source Radioactive nuclei and nuclear
reactíons. Co - 60 is a pure y-ray (iv) To preserve food stuffs for a long time
sOurce. because soft Y-rays can kill micro
Discovered by Henry Becqurel in 1896 (v) To study the structure of atomic nuclei.
Properties Effect on photographic plate, fluore
scence, íonisation, diffraction,
high penetrating power.
Microwaves 10 to 1o!2 0.1 m to Klystron valve or Point contact (a) Radar communication.
1mm magnetron valve. diodes. (b) Analysis of fine details of
molecular and atomic
(c) Since 23 x 10- m, useful
for demonstration of all wave
properties on macroscopic
Intrared 10!" to 1mm to Vibration of atoms Thermopiles (a) Useful for elucidating
5 x 104 700 nm and molecules. Bolometer molecular structure.
Infrared (b) Less scattered than visible
light by atmospheric particles-
useful for haze photography.
4x 10'4 700 nm to Electrons in atoms Human eye (a) Detected by stimulating
Visible light 400 nm emit light when they Photocells nerve endings of human
move from one
energy level to a
(b) Can cause chemical reaction.
lower energy level.
Ultraviolet 10l6 to 1017 400 nmn to Inner shell electrons Photocells (a) Absorbed by glass
1nm in atoms moving Photographic (b) Can cause many chemical
from one ener8y film. reactions, e.g., the tanning of
level to a lower level. the human skin.
(c) lonize atoms in atmosphere,
resulting in the ionosphere.
X-rays 10l to 1o' 1nm to X-ray tubes or inner Photographic (a) Penetrate matter
10- nm shell electrons. film, Geiger (eg, radiography)
tubes, Ionization (b) lonize gases
(c) Cause fluorescence
(d) Cause photoelectric emission
from metals.
(e) Reflected and diffracted by
crystals enabling ionic lattice
Spacing and N, (or wave
length) to be measured.
Gamma rays 10 to 1022 < 10 nm Radioactive decay of Photographic film, Similar to X-rays.
the nucleus. Geiger tubes,
Ionization chamber.
813 EFFECT OF EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE ON Atmosphere reflects
Solar energy
ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION heating earth Infrared rays
CO, and other
Introduction Gases in lower
The sun is the main source of the Atmosphere
radiation that we receive on the earth. The atmosphere
is transparent to the visible radiation as we can see the Clouds
Problem 1. What is displacement current due to ? Problem 4.If you find closed loops ofB in a region in
Solution. Displacement current exists due to a space, does it necessarily mean that actual charges are
time-varying electric field or changing electric flux. flowing across the area bounded by the loops ?
Problem 2. Is the steady electric current the only Solution. Not necessarily. A displacement current
source of magnetic field ? Justify your answer. (such as that between the plates of a capacitor that is being
[CBSE D13C] charged) can also produce loops of B, where charges do
Solution. No, displacement current also produces a not flow actually.
magnetic field between the capacitor plates. Problem 5. A variable frequency a.c. source is
Problem 3. A capactor of capacitance C, is being connected to a capacitor. How will the displacement
charged up by connecting it across a d.c. voltage source current change with decrease in frequency ?
of voltage V. How do the conduction and displacement [Exemplar Problem;CBSE OD 15C)
currents, in this set-up compare with each other Solution. With the decrease in frequency, the
(a) during the charging up process ? reactance X = increases.
(b) after the capacitor gets fully charged ? 2rfC
[CBSE D 13] This decreases conduction current. As I, = , the
Solution. By the property of continuity, displacement current will also decrease.
(a) Conduction current Problem 6. Why is the quantity dd called the
= Displacement current
=a non-zero value, during the charging up process. displacement current ?
(b) Conduction current Solution. This is because the quantity dÙg Idt has
= Displacement current the dimensions of current and this current exists due to
=0, after the capacitor gets fully charged. displacement of chargesacross the capacitor plates.