Grade 3 DLL MTB 3 Q3 Week 10
Grade 3 DLL MTB 3 Q3 Week 10
Grade 3 DLL MTB 3 Q3 Week 10
A. Content Standard Demonstrates expanding knowledge Demonstrates expanding knowledge Possesses expanding language
and understanding of language and understanding of language skills and cultural awareness
grammar and usage when speaking grammar and usage when speaking necessary to
and/or writing. and/or writing. participate successfully in oral
communication in different
B. Performance Standard Study Skills Vocabulary and Concept Development Composing
C. Learning Competency Arrange 7 -10 words with the same Identifies and use hyperbole in Write reactions and personal
beginning letter in alphabetical sentences. opinions to news reports and
order. MT3VCD – IIIf –h -3.6 issues. Third Quarterly Examinations
MT3SS – IIIg – h -9.3 MT3C – IIIa –I – 2.6
II CONTENT Arranging 7 -10 words with the Hyperbole Writing reactions and personal
same beginning letter in alphabetical opinions to news reports and
order. issues.
A. References