Examining User Intention Toward Cloud Ba f6b20163
Examining User Intention Toward Cloud Ba f6b20163
Examining User Intention Toward Cloud Ba f6b20163
Erika Handayani
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Padjadjaran
Zaldy Adrianto
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Padjadjaran
Hamzah Ritchi
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Padjadjaran
Abstract: This research examined the association of users perceived ease of use, usefulness, and risks
with the intention of cloud-based accounting information systems (AIS) adoption. The research
involved 41 small-medium enterprises (SMEs) in Bandung as the samples of the study. The data was
collected using a questionnaires instrument with a purposive sampling technique. The results showed
that perceived ease of use (PEOU) and usefulness (PU) was positively associated with adopting a
cloud-based accounting information system. Meanwhile, the perceived risk (PR) had no significant
influence on the cloud-based accounting information system's perceived usefulness (PU). However,
the perceived risk significantly influenced to intention to use (IU) cloud-based accounting information
several researchers. The TAM research model and can predict user acceptance of technology
is developed from various theoretical based on the most critical determinants of
perspectives. TAM has the purpose of computer technology acceptance behaviours
explaining and predicting user acceptance of such as perceived usefulness and ease of use
technology. TAM is a development of TRA (Davis, 1989).
Perceived ease of use (PEOU) and perceived can provide a sense of worry that can affect
usefulness (PU) cloud-based AIS perceived usefulness. The perceived risk can
view the technology is useless because it has a
The perceived usefulness (PU) in Davis (1989) higher risk than its benefits. So based on the
is the degree to which a person believes that above explanation, formed the following
using a system can improve his performance. hypothesis:
According to Saputra and Misfariyan (2012),
indicators on PU can provide accurate results, H4:Perceived risk (PR) influence the
make work easier, make work complete faster, perceived usefulness (PU) cloud-based
control the work, and increase user AIS.
productivity. Based on the description above,
it is expected that cloud-based SIA can Perceptions of risk (PR) and interest in using
provide convenience for users in accurately (IU) cloud-based SIA (cloud)
accessing all company accounting information
to increase productivity because it makes the The concerns about the use of cloud-based
job easier then feels vital for the job and can accounting information systems can
provide control with the job. The perception of undoubtedly affect the sustainability of the
convenience influences this perceived usage of this technology. For example, if
usefulness because if a system can be used cloud-based AIS can provide losses such as
easily (without significant difficulties), it can data loss and performance degradation after
benefit its users to perform well. From the using this system, the user's interest in using
above explanation, then in this study formed this system will be affected, resulting in a
the hypothesis as follows: tendency for users to be reluctant to use this
technology. So, based on the above exposure,
H2: Perceived ease of use (PEOU) has an formed the following hypothesis:
intention to use (PU) cloud-based
accounting information systems (AIS). H5: Risk perception (PR) influences the
interest in using cloud-based AIS (IU).
The perceived usefulness (PU) in the cloud- The study was conducted in Bandung, which
based AIS is expected to have influenced the has won the Natamukti Nindya award as a city
system's intention to use (IU). Because of the with the best development of small and
technology can be perceived to have various medium enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia,
benefits, the user will desire to use the system. according to the Indonesia Council for Small
So, in this study formed the hypothesis as Business (ICSB) and Ministry of Cooperatives
follows: and SMEs. The time of research was
conducted in July-August 2017. The selection
H3: Perceived usefulness (PU) influences the of respondents was conducted by purposive
interest in using (IU) cloud-based sampling method, which the respondent must
accounting information systems (AIS). know or use conventional AIS to their
business. It implies that the researcher must
properly judge which respondents best meet
Perceived risk (PR) and perceived usefulness the study's objective. Researchers want to meet
(PU) cloud-based AIS. some of the desired criteria: 1) Knowing/using
the application/accounting software in
Perceived risk (PR) is defined as a subjective managing corporate financial data; 2) Never
estimate of the user to suffer a loss in used cloud-based AIS and 3)Willing to be a
receiving the desired result (Pavlou, 2003). So, respondent.
the perceived risk (PR) in a cloud-based AIS is Furthermore, the researcher obtained a
assumed to be the possibility of user losses in sample of 41 SMEs in Bandung used in the
using this system. In other words, the use of analysis. The data were collected using
cloud-based accounting information systems questionnaires online and in papers. All of
these variables are latent or unobservable (also and the remaining 9.8% are IT staff. With
called construct), so that each construct is spelt 53.7%, most respondents are bachelor
out in the form of some question items graduates, 24.4% are high school graduates,
(measurement variable). Five-point 12.2% are diploma graduates, and the
measurement scales operationalise each remaining 9.8% are postgraduate graduates.
independent variable in the proposed model
with 1 (one) as "strongly disagree" and 5 (five)
as "strongly agree". Outer Model
Latent Variable CR CA
IU 0,951 0,923
PEOU 0,904 0,841
PR 0,902 0,878
PU 0,925 0,898
In table 4 that can be seen that the predictor strength of the structural model. The
composite reliability (CR), generated by all value of R-Square can be used to explain the
constructs, is excellent because it has a more contribution of the influence of certain
significant number than 0.7. It can be exogenous latent variables to endogenous
concluded that all constructive indicators latent variables.
(manifest variables) are reliable, or in other
words, all variables manifest proved to have Coefficient correlation
the accuracy, consistency, and the instrument's
accuracy in measuring its construction. This coefficient correlation is a number
indicating the degree of association or strength
Inner Model of the relationship between an exogenous
latent variable with endogenous latent
The test of the structural model (inner model) variable. Based on the results of data
can be seen from correlation and R-Square processing using SmartPLS 2.0 program,
value for each endogenous variable as obtained the following results (table 5):
In table 6, PEOU, PR, and PU contribute IU; 2) PEOU contributes 28.4% to the PU; 3)
64.8% influence on IU, while PEOU and PR PU contributes influence of 10.1% to IU; 4)
contribute 31.4% to PU. the contribution given PR contributes 0.4% P.U; 5) PR contributes
by each exogenous variable to endogenous can 7.8% to IU.
be seen in table 7. Interpretation for table 7 is
as follows: 1) PEOU contributes 18.1% to use
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