4as Tle7 LC1

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Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education- Agriculture

Grade Level: Grade 7

Objective: Identify different tools and equipment used in agriculture.
Learning within the curriculum:
1) Farm Tools and Their Functions - This topic covers various hand tools used in agriculture,
such as hoes, shovels, and rakes, focusing on their specific uses and maintenance. This connects
with the current lesson objective as students will learn to identify these tools and understand their
importance in agricultural practices.
2) Agricultural Machinery - This topic introduces students to machinery such as tractors, tillers,
and seeders. Understanding how these machines function and their role in modern farming
practices extends the objective by showcasing the evolution of agricultural tools from manual to
mechanized forms.
Learning across the curriculum:
1) Science: Plant Biology - This subject area discusses plant growth, photosynthesis, and the role
of soil in agriculture. Understanding plant biology connects with the lesson objective as students
will recognize how the right tools and equipment can enhance plant growth and productivity.
2) Mathematics: Measurement and Estimation - This topic involves calculating areas for planting
and estimating quantities of tools needed for specific tasks. This relates to the lesson objective by
emphasizing the practical application of math in choosing and using agricultural tools
Review Motivation:
[Teaching Strategy:] Interactive Quizzes
[Instructional Materials:] Quiz sheets, markers
Engaging Activity 1 - K-W-L Chart: Students will fill out what they Know, Want to know, and
later, what they Learned about agricultural tools.
Get more activitiesUse 1credit to generate more activity examplesEngaging Activity 2 - Picture
Analysis: Show images of various agricultural tools and have students guess their names and
Engaging Activity 3 - Mystery Box: Place different small agricultural tools in a box for students
to feel and guess without looking.
ActivitiesActivity 1: Tool Identification Relay
[Teaching Strategy:] Cooperative Learning
Materials - Pictures of agricultural tools, labels
Significance - This activity promotes teamwork and reinforces tool identification.
Instructions -
1) Divide the class into small groups.
2) Provide each group with a set of pictures of agricultural tools.
3) Groups must correctly match the tool images to their names in the shortest time possible.
- Accuracy of matches - 15 pts.
- Teamwork and cooperation - 10 pts.
- Time taken to complete - 5 pts.
Assessment Questions:
1) What tool is used for planting seeds?
2) Which tool is best for digging?
3) How do you maintain agricultural tools?
Activity 2: Tool Function Poster
[Teaching Strategy:] Project-Based Learning
Materials - Poster board, markers, reference materials
Significance - Students create a visual representation of tools and their functions, enhancing
understanding and retention.
Instructions -
1) Research different agricultural tools and their uses.
2) Create a poster showcasing at least five tools with images and descriptions.
3) Present the poster to the class.
- Creativity of the poster - 10 pts.
- Clarity of information - 10 pts.
- Presentation skills - 5 pts.
Assessment Questions:
1) What tool would you recommend for a specific task? Why?
2) How does each tool contribute to farming efficiency?
3) What safety measures should be taken when using these tools?
Inclusive Activity 3: Tool Story Circle
[Teaching Strategy:] Interactive/Integrated Learning
Materials - None
Significance - Encourages students to share knowledge and experiences related to agricultural
tools, fostering inclusivity.
Instructions -
1) Sit in a circle and take turns sharing a story about a tool used in farming.
2) Discuss its importance in farming practices.
3) Reflect on how these tools impact agricultural productivity.
- Participation - 15 pts.
- Relevance of the story - 10 pts.
- Listening skills - 5 pts.
Assessment Questions:
1) What did you learn from your peers about agricultural tools?
2) How do personal experiences shape our understanding of tools?
3) What common themes emerged from the stories shared?
Get more activitiesUse 1credit to generate more activity examplesAnalysis
Activity 1 - Students actively engaged in teamwork, enhancing their ability to identify tools
under time constraints. This aligns with the objective of recognizing different agricultural tools
and their functions.
Activity 2 - The creation of posters allowed students to delve deeper into the specifics of each
tool, reinforcing their understanding through research and creativity.
Activity 3 - The story circle fostered a sense of community and shared learning, allowing
students to connect their personal experiences with the lesson objective.
The objective to identify different tools and equipment used in agriculture emphasizes the
significance of understanding practical farming implements that enhance productivity.
Recognizing these tools not only supports agricultural practices but also instills respect for the
craftsmanship behind them.
Supporting Material 1 - "The Importance of Farm Tools" - This reading material explores the
various tools used in agriculture and their impact on farming efficiency, encouraging students to
appreciate their roles.
Supporting Material 2 - "Modern Agricultural Equipment" - This resource discusses
advancements in agricultural tools and machinery, highlighting their benefits and how they
revolutionize farming practices.
[Teaching Strategy:] Experiential Learning
Task 1 - Visit a local farm to observe and identify different agricultural tools in use,
documenting their functions.
Task 2 - Create a DIY project where students design a simple tool using recyclable materials,
explaining its purpose and usage.
[Teaching Strategy:] Discussion and Reflection
[Instructional Materials:] Discussion prompts, reflection journals
Question 1 - Name three tools you learned about today and their uses.
Question 2 - How can the right tools affect agricultural productivity?
Question 3 - What safety precautions should be taken when using agricultural tools?
Question 1 - Why is it important to learn about different agricultural tools?
Answer 1 - Understanding tools helps improve farming efficiency and ensures safety in their use.
Question 2 - How do agricultural tools evolve with technology?
Answer 2 - Tools evolve to increase productivity, reduce labor, and enhance sustainability in
farming practices.
Question 3 - In what ways can improper tool use affect crop yield?
Answer 3 - Improper use can lead to damage to crops, inefficient farming practices, and
increased labor costs.
Assignment 1: Research and Report
[Guiding Overview for Teacher:] Assign students to research a specific agricultural tool, its
history, and its modern applications.
[Assessment Question:] Describe the evolution of the tool and its impact on farming practices.
Assignment 2: Tool Diary
[Guiding Overview for Teacher:] Students will maintain a diary for one week, documenting any
agricultural tools they encounter in their daily lives.
[Assessment Question:] Reflect on how these tools are used and their significance in agricultural

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