UNIT I Water Technology (R-2021)
UNIT I Water Technology (R-2021)
UNIT I Water Technology (R-2021)
5. What is hard water & soft water? OR Distinguish between hard water & soft water
Water, which does not produce lather readily with soap solution but produces white precipitate,
is called hard water.
Water, which produces lather readily with soap solution is called soft water.
8. What are the salts responsible for temporary and permanent hardness of water?
Temporary hardness: Ca(HCO3)2 , Mg(HCO3)2
Permanent hardness: CaCl2 , CaSO4 , MgCl2 , MgSO4
9. What happens when temporary hardness water is boiled? Give equation.
Boiling removes temporary hardness.
Ca(HCO3)2 CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O
To find out the endpoint through colour change (wine red to steel blue)
15. What are the constituents responsible for alkalinity of water? OR what is the cause for
alkalinity of natural water?
It is due to the presence of soluble i) carbonate, ii) bicarbonate and iii) hydroxide ions.
22. What is meant by sterilization of water? OR what is disinfection? Give two examples
The process of destroying harmful bacteria to make water safe for drinking is called sterilization. (1)
Ozonization & (2) Chlorination
24. What is chlorination?
The process of adding chlorine to water is called chlorination. It can be done by adding- chlorine
gas, chloramines and bleaching powder.
25. What is break point chlorination?
Break point chlorination is the point at which all the impurities and bacteria are removed and free
chlorine begins to appear.
31. Why is water softened before using in boilers? OR why is hard water unsuitable for
boilers? OR What are boiler troubles? OR list two disadvantages of using hard water in
boilers. OR Why is water softened before using in boiler?
If hard water obtained from natural sources is fed directly into the boilers, the following troubles
may rise: i) Scale and sludge formation, ii) priming and foaming, iii) caustic embrittlement and
iv) boiler corrosion.
Foaming: It is the process of formation of stable bubbles above the surface of water due to presence
of oil, grease and fine particles.
37. Mention any two compounds that cause caustic embrittlement in boilers.
Alkali metal carbonates and bicarbonates like Na2CO3, K2CO3, NaHCO3 & KHCO3
38. What is boiler corrosion?
Corrosion in boilers due to the presence of dissolved gases such as oxygen, carbondioxide, hydrogen
sulphide and salts like magnesium chloride in water.
39. Name the gases dissolved in water that cause corrosion? How can it be prevented?
The presence of dissolved gases such as oxygen, carbondioxide, hydrogen sulphide causes corrosion.
It can be prevented by mechanical de-aeration.
43. Name an internal treatment method used for high pressure boiler and explain
Phosphate conditioning is used in high pressure boilers.
Phosphate forms non-adherent soft sludges with calcium and magnesium salts, which can be
removed by blow down operation.
3MgCl2+ 2Na3PO4 Mg3(PO4)2 + 6NaCl
Part B
I. Physical parameters
1. Colour: primary concern for aesthetic view
Due to suspended particles, inorganic and organic matter
Organic: Algae, tannins, dyes, etc.
Inorganic: Fe and Mn compounds, chemicals from industries.
Light to dark brown: Fe
Yellowish tinge: Cr
Light to green: Algae/ organic matter.
Significance: Objectionable in Dyeing and laundry.
Removed by: Coagulation, settling, adsorption and filtration techniques.
3. Total dissolved solids (TDS): Measure of all inorganic and organic substances present in
Impacts salinity of water, potable water-300ppm, >1200ppm impacts colour, odour and taste.
Problem: scaling in pipes, heaters and boilers.
Sources: Minerals (fluorapatite, cryolite) and domestic sewage and farm land runoff.
Limit: 1 to 1.5ppm
1ppm : prevents dental cavities
>1ppm: decolouration of teeth
>1.5 ppm: weakening of bones (fluorosis)
precipitation using Al salts in alkaline medium
Using Strong basic anion exchange resin & adsorption on activated carbon
6. Hardness: property of water which does not produce lather with soap.
Due to presence of Ca+2/Mg+2 ions in water.
Expressed interms of CaCO3 in mg/l or ppm
Types of hardness
1) Temporary hardness or Carbonate hardness or alkaline hardness:
Due to presence of bicarbonates of Ca+2/Mg+2 ions.
Removed by simple boiling and addition of lime.
2. Chemical oxygen demand (COD): Amount of oxygen required for chemical decomposition of
the pollutants using acidified K2Cr2O7
COD is always higher than BOD
Determined for duration of 2 to 3 hrs at 20oC (fast & accurate process)
7. How the water can be treated for the use of domestic purpose?
Treatment of water
Sources of water- Rivers / Lakes
Screening – removing the floating materials by using screens.
Aeration – mixing air with water to remove gases (CO 2 & H2S) and
salts (Fe+2& Mn+2)
Sedimentation – removing the suspended impurities (75%) by
allowing the water to stand for 2-6 hrs (due to forces of gravity)
Coagulation – sedimentation by chemicals called coagulants.eg)
Alum, Al2(SO4)3, etc.
Al2(SO4)3 + water Al(OH) 3 entraps finely divided
and colloidal impurities and settle to bottom.
Filtration – process of removing bacteria, colour, taste, odour and
suspended particles by passing the water in filter beds (sand filter)
containing fine sand, coarse sand and gravel. Figure
Disinfection – destroying the harmful bacteria is called sterilization.
Chemicals used for this purpose is called disinfectants
Sterilization/ Disinfection Methods
1. Boiling: water is boiled for 10-15mins to kill the bacteria (not for large scale).
2. Ozonization: Nascent oxygen released due to decomposition of ozone (unstable) acts as a
powerful disinfectant.
O3 O2 + [O]
Disadvantages: costly, not for large scale and unstable (cannot be stored)
3.Ultraviolet radiation: Using mercury vapour lamp as a source for UV radiation.
Used in swimming pools.
Disadvantages: costly, not used for turbid water.
4. Chlorination methods:
(a) Chlorine gas: Chlorine gas bubbled in the water.
(b) Chloromine (Cl NH2): Chloromine decomposes slowly to chlorine.
Cl2 + NH3 Cl NH2 + HCl
Reverse osmosis: when the hydrostatic pressure in excess of osmotic pressure is applied on higher
concentration side, solvent flows from the region of higher concentration to lower concentration. It
is also called as super filtration.
Examples of membranes: Cellulose acetate, Cellulose butyrate
The lifetime of membrane is high and it can be replaced within few minutes
It removes ionic as well as non-ionic colloidal impurities
Low capital and simple equipment.
11. Explain the boiler troubles suggesting the remedial methods.
Boiler troubles:
a. i) Scale & Sludge formation: when water is continuously
converted into steam the concentration of dissolved salts
reaches the saturation point and they are thrown out in
the form of precipitates.
Sludge: The loose and slimy precipitate.
Can be removed by blow down operation
eg) MgSO4, MgCl2, MgCO3 and CaCl2
Scale: The hard and adherent precipitate coated on the
inner walls of the boiler
Can be removed by external and internal treatment.
eg) CaSO4, Ca(HCO3)2, Mg(OH)2
ii) Priming and foaming: Due to rapid boiling, some droplets of liquid water (with impurities) are
carried along with steam. This steam is wet steam and the phenomenon is Priming and foaming.
Priming: process of production of wet steam
Caused by high steam velocity & sudden boiling
Controlled by controlling steam velocity & using treated water
Foaming: formation of stable bubbles above the surface of water.
Caused by oil, grease and fine particles
Prevented by coagulants & antifoaming agents
Caustic embrittlement: means intercrystalline cracking of boiler material (rivets, bends & joints)
due to accumulation of caustic substances.
As water evaporates in the boiler, concentration of Na 2CO3 increases (undergoes hydrolysis). Also
it may be left behind in the boiler water after lime soda process (softening)
Hydrolysis: Na2CO3+ H2O 2NaOH + CO2
Dissolution of boiler material (Fe): Fe + 2NaOH Na2 FeO2
Decomposition: 3Na2 FeO2 + 4 H2O 6NaOH + Fe3O4 (rust) + H2
Replacing Na2CO3 by Na3PO4
Adding tannin or lignin or Na2SO4 to block hair line cracks.
iv) Boiler corrosion: due to the presence of dissolved O2, CO2 and salts.
Dissolved O2:
4 Fe + 6H2O + 3O2 4Fe(OH)3
Removal by chemical method:
2Na2SO3+ O2 2Na2SO4
N2H4 + O2 N2 + 2H2O
Mechanical deaeration: by applying high
temperature and low pressure
Dissolved CO2: CO2 + H2O H2CO3
Removal by chemical method:
NH4OH + CO2 (NH4)2CO3 + H2O
Mechanical deaeration: by applying high temperature and low pressure
Dissolved salts: like MgCl2
MgCl2 + 2H2O Mg(OH)2 + 2HCl
Fe + 2HCl FeCl2 + H2
FeCl2 + 2H2O Fe(OH)2 + 2HCl
Removal chemical method: HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O
12. Explain the formation of scale and sludge and give the differences.
a. i) Scale & Sludge formation: when water is continuously
converted into steam the concentration of dissolved salts
reaches the saturation point and they are thrown out in
the form of precipitates (scales & sludges).
(1) Wastage of fuel: as they act as thermal insulators,
overheating of the boiler is required for the production of
(2) Decrease in efficiency of boiler.
(3) Boiler explosion: due to overheating, scales crack
and cause sudden contact of boiler material with water.
Thus, large amount of steam is produced and develops
high pressure leading to explosion.
Scales Sludges
1. The hard and adherent precipitate coated on 1. The soft, loose, slimy and non-adherent
the inner walls of the boiler precipitate.
2. It is formed by substances like CaSO4, 2. It is formed by substances like MgSO4, MgCl2,
Ca(HCO3)2, etc. etc.
3. It is a thermal insulator. 3. It is a poor conductor of heat
4. Can be prevented by using soft water produced 4. Can be prevented by using soft water produced
from external and internal treatment. from external and internal treatment.
5. Can be removed by 5. Can be removed by blow down operation
a. wire brush in initial stage Blow down operation: It is a process of removing a
b. thermal shocks if scales are brittle portion of concentrated water and adding fresh
c. dilute acids, for CaCO3 scales water to the boiler during steam production.
a. Colloidal conditioning:
Used in low pressure boilers.
Colloidal agents (Agar Agar, gelatin, kerosene etc.,) form coating on scale forming particles and
make them non-adherent, loose precipitates (soft sludges), which can be removed by blow
down operation.
b. Phosphate conditioning:
Used in high pressure boilers.
Phosphate forms non-adherent soft sludges with calcium and magnesium salts, which can be
removed by blow down operation.
3MgCl2+ 2Na3PO4 Mg3(PO4)2 + 6NaCl
RCa + 2HCl RH2+ CaCl2
RNa +HCl RH + NaCl
RCl2 + 2NaOH R(OH)2 + 2NaCl
Highly acidic or alkaline water can be treated by this process
The water obtained by this process will have very low hardness
Water containing turbidity (reduces output), Fe and Mn (form stable compounds with
resin) cannot be treated.
The equipment is costly and more expensive chemicals are needed.
11. What are zeolites? How are they used in softening of water?
Zeolites are naturally occurring hydrated sodium alumino silicate.
Its general formula is Na2OAl2O3.xSiO2.yH2O. (x = 2-10, y =2-6).
These are green sand and non-porous in nature.
Synthetic zeolites are called permutit.
These are porous and have gel like structure, therefore used in water softening process.
These are represented as Na2Ze.
Na2Ze + CaCl2 CaZe + 2NaCl
Na2Ze + MgCl2 MgZe + 2NaCl
Na2Ze + Ca(HCO3)2 CaZe + 2NaHCO3
Na2Ze + Mg(HCO3)2 MgZe + 2NaHCO3
Na2Ze + CaSO4 CaZe + Na2SO4
Na2Ze + MgSO4 MgZe + Na2SO4
CaZe + 2NaCl Na2Ze + CaCl2
MgZe + 2NaCl Na2Ze + MgCl2
Water obtained by this process has low hardness(2ppm)
It is less expensive
No sludge formation
Equipment is compact and operating is easy
Turbid water cannot be treated because it blocks the pores of zeolite.
Water containing Fe and Mn cannot be treated because regeneration is difficult.
Acidic water cannot be treated because it destroys zeolite structure.
The softened water contains more dissolved sodium salts and produces boiler corrosion
and caustic embrittlement.