Spe 13557 MS
Spe 13557 MS
Spe 13557 MS
SPE 13557
This paper was prf!sented at the International Symposium on Oilfield and Geothermal Chemistry held in Phoenix, ~rlzona, April9~11, 1985. T~e material
is subject to correction by the author. Permission to copy is restricted tp an abstract of not more than 300 words. Wnte SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson,
Texas 75083-3836. Telex: 730989 SPE DAL.
Recent work on aluminum chemistry has All high temperature aging was carried
shown that the anions present during the gel out in a roller oven at the temperatures indicated
formation, or added after gel formation, have a . for 16 hours. After the aging period, the samples
significant effect on the gel properties. For were cooled and mixed for 5 minutes on a Hamilton
example, Nail, White and Hem (6) showed that the Beach mixer.
chloride ion retards crystal formation and
.inhibits particle growth. Hare and Vickerman (7) The laboratory pH measurements were made
·round similar results with sulfate ion, and with an Altex model 3500 digital pH meter. All
Kerkhof et al (8) with carbonate ion. Kwong and samples were adjusted to pH 9.5 with dilute NaOH
Huang found that citrate (9) and tannate (10) before and after the aging tests.
inhibited crystallization of aluminum hydroxide
and distorted the crystal latice. Violante and Field pH measurements ~ere made with an
Violante (11) showed that both tartrate and Altex Chem-Mate portable pH meter.
citrate were strongly adsorbed by alumina gels.
A Phillips model 12045 B/3 X-ray
Based on these findings, it was felt that Diffractometer was used to obtain x-ray
the alumina gel might be stabilized with various diffraction patterns.
anions, especially bulky anions, and increase the
upper temperature limit of the system. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
POWER-LAW MODEL 121 °C Lab Tests
The power-law describes shear-thinning Typical lab test results for the AlO(OH)
liquids and is expressed mathematically as: cross-linked poly (vinyl alcohol) system are shown
in Table I. A typical rheological plot showing
"[ =
the shear thinning properties of the system is
shown in Figure 1. The data show that the system
where 1 the shear stress, is stable at 121°C (250 9 F) and is not appreciably
Y the shear rate, affected by moderate levels of NaCl, calcium and
K a constant often referred to magnesium. The tolerance to divalent ions is not
as the consistency surprising because poly (vinyl alcohol) is of
coefficient, and course, nonionic. At high NaCl levels the
n a constant, the power law cross-linked PVA begins to be salted out,
index. resulting in higher filtration values.
If n is unity, then the liquid is The clay stabilizing properties of the
Newtonian; if n is less than unity, then the system are demonstrated by the results shown in
liquid is shear-thinning. The lower the n value, Table II. It is felt that the cross-linked poly
the more shear-thinning the liquid. (vi0Yl alcohol), possibly in conjunction with the
alumina gel, forms a relatively impervious film
K is a viscosity-like term, and is equal around the shale, thus retarding water
to the viscosity when the shear rate is unity. penetration.
The constants K and n are readily FIELD TEST
obtained by plotting the log of the shear stress
versus the log of the shear rate. The slope is n
and the intercept at a shear rate of unity is K. A field test of the AlO(OH)-cross-linked
Because the system obeys the power-law model poly (vinyl alcohol) system was run in 1982 in
(between shear rates of approximately 10 and 1,000 Beckham County, OK. The mud was added at 1 ,372m
sec- 1 ) , all dat~ will be reported using the (4,500 ft) and was used to a total depth of 4,823
constants n and K. The Bingham plastic constants, m (15,824 ft), No significant problems were
PV and YP, were not obtained because the Bingham encountered and the mud properties are summarized
model assumes a Newtonian fluid with a yield in Table III.
point, and does not apply to a shear-thinning
fluid. The results show that the shear-thinning
character of the mud was maintained throughout the
EXPERIMENTAL well, unweighted and weighted. In addition, good
filtration control was also maintained.
All laboratory rheological measurements Penetration rate comparisons were made with an
were made with a Haake RV3 rheometer using an MV-I offset well drilled with a dispersed bentonite
rotor. All field measurements were made with a mud, and indications were that a 20% improvement
Baroid multi-speed rheometer. was obtained with the alumina gel system. Further
discussion of this field test is presented
The filtration measurements were made elsewhere (2).
using the API procedures described in API Bulletin
Table IV summarizes lab data obtained The author gratefully acknowledges the
after hot rolling the AlO(OH)-poly (vinyl alcohol) work of L.J. Yeager, R.J. Davenport, K.M. O'Connor
system at 177°C (350°F) for 16 hours. It can be and D.D. MacLean who obtained most of the
seen that the rheological and filtration control laboratory and field data.
properties have deteriorated. The AlO(OH)
crystallite size, obtained by x-ray diffraction, REFERENCES
has increased appreciably indicating that the
alumina is now much more crystalline. It is felt 1. Block, J. "New Mud System Gets Field Trial,"
that this increase in crystallinity accounts for Oil & Gas J. p. 79 (January 11, 1982).
the loss of shear-thinning properties and quite
possibly the increase in filtration, due to a 2. Block, J., and Jewell, J.E. "Field Test of
break-down in the alumina gel-cross-linked poly Alumina Gel - Cross-Linked Poly (Vinyl
(vinyl alcohol) interaction product. Alcohol) Drilling Fluid," Transactions of the
1984 Drilling Technology Conference p. 95
177°C Test Results With Bulky Anions (1984).
The 177°C roller oven tests were repeated 3. Metzner, A.B. "Non-Newtonian Technology:
with the addition of some of the bulky anions Fluid Mechanics and Transfers", Advances in
known to stabilize alumina gels. The results Chemical Engineering , Academic Press, New
(Table V) show that sulfate, tartrate and citrate . York p. 87 (1956).
were effective in maintaining the rheological
properties of the alumina gel, whereas chlorides 4. Walker, R.E. "Mud Hydraulics - 3", Oil & Gas
were ineffective. Apparently, these bulky anions J., p. 59 (August 30, 1976).
attach (adsorbtion or ion exchange) to the surface
of the gel and sterically hinder crystallization. 5. Walker, R.E. "Mud Hydraulics - 4", Oil & Gas
This was confirmed by x-ray diffraction which J., p. 63 (September 13, 1976).
showed that the crystallite size of the
tartrate-containing samples was only 23 A (after 6. Nail, S.L., White, J.L., and Hem, S.L., J.
aging at 350°F for 16 hours) compared to 45 A for Pharm. Sci. (65) p. 1255 ( 1976).
the NaCl-containing samples.
7, Hare, A.S., and Vickerman, J.C., J, Chern.
Sulfate (at the higher level) and Soc., Faraday Trans. 1, (77) p. 1113 (1981).
tartrate also surprisingly maintained good
filtration control. It is believed that the good 8. Kirkhof, N.J., White, J.L., and Hem, S.L., J.
filtration control obtained with sulfate and Pharm. Sci. (66) p. 1533 (1977).
tartrate is a result of alumina gel stabilization,
i.e., if the alumina is maintained as a gel, then 9. Kwong, K.F., and Huang, P.M., Soil Sci. Am.
it will function better with the cross-linked poly J. (43) p. 1107 (1979).
(vinyl alcohol). Because the alumina was still
gelatanous, the lack of filtration control with 10. Kwong, K.F., and Huang, P.M., Geoderma (26)
citrate is surprising, However, since the K p.179(1981).
values were so high, it may be that less alumina
gel is required, and this may lead to improved 11. Violante, A., and Violante, P., Clays and
filtration. Clay Minerals (28) p. 425 (1980).
Additional tests were run with a weighted
system, with and without the addition of sodium
potassium tartrate (Rochelle salt). The results
(Table VI) again show that the tartrate stabilizes
the alumina gel-cross-linked PVA system.
Table I Properties of the Alumina Gel- Cross-linked PVA System (121°C) Tabl<? II Shnle Stabilizing Properties o[ the Alumina-Gel -
Ambient Ambient
Mud Addit~ve (%) (a) n ~ Filt.(c) _n_ ~ Filt. (c)
Final Pellet
None 0.21 5.? 7.8 0.18 15.0 11 .8 Pellet Composition Mud System Tested Volume (ml) (b)
CaCl 2 (1) 0.29 2.7 7. 0 0.19 8.2 7. 7 Sodium BcmtonltP H,O >80
CaCl 2 (?) 0.27 2.8 6.9 0.21 ~ .5 7.6 Sodium Bentonite Sodium bentonite {2.8%)
Polyanionic cellulose (0. 28%) lJO
CaC1 2 (3) 0_28 2. ~ 8.6 0.2ll 3-2 7.0
Sodium Bentonite AlO(OH) (1.2%), CLPVA (1 .61) 20
C:tC I, (',) o.~fi 3.2 ll.8 0.:.'3 11.8 li.6
Sodium Bentonite Sodium bentonite (?.8%), lJO
Polyanionic cellulose (0.28%)
r1gCl 2 ( 1) 0.21 ll.O 7.9 0.17 15.7 7.9 KCl (17.5%)
MgCl, (;>) o.;';> 3.8 8.9 0. Jli 15.:; 9.5 Sodium Bentonite AlO(DH) (1.2%), CLPVA (1.6%), 25
KCl (17.5%)
MgC1 2 ( 3) 0.21 ll.ll 9.2 0.16 8.6 10.2
Anahuac Shale H2 0 35
NaCl (3.5) 0.26 lj. ~ 6.ll 0.20 9:9 6.6 Anahuac Shale AlO(OH) (1.2%), CLPVA (1.6%) 12.5
(a) Initial mud contained 1 .~% AlO(OH), 1.5% CLPVA and 5.ll% high. Pellet volume is ll.5 cm 3 •
kaolin. All samples adjusted to pH 9.5, before and after heating. (b) Final pellet volumP determined af'ter static aging ror 16
Compositions i1.re weight percent based on final mud. hours at 250°F in test mud. Values are averages of at least
:r·able £II Summary of Hud Properties - Field Test - Beckham County, OK Table IV Performance Test Results After Heating at 177°C (350°F}
Before Heating After Heating
Mud wt Gels Ambient API AlO(OH) Ambient AlO( OH)
Depth <ill (lb/gal) 100 ft 2
{lb/1 OOft 2 ) (b) Filt. (ml/30min) Ambient Crystal. Filt. Crystal.
Mud Composition(a) n K Filt. (c) Size (A) _n_ ~ __ (c_)__ Size (A)
6,080 9.2 0.06 9.0 12/lll 1ll .3
AlO(OH) (2-~%),
~ 10' 3~8 9.0 0.13 9.0 9/12 1ll .8 CLPVA (1 .6%)
pH 9.5 0.17 9. 3 6.4 22 O.ll1 0.52 ll1 .6 li5
13,067 9.5 0.16 lj .9 5/10 7.0
After Heating
Additive (%) n K (b) Filtration (c)
(b) lb,...sec/lOOft 2
(c) lb-sec/100ft 2
SPE J 3 55.7
AlO(OH) :- 1.5%
CLPVA : 1.6%
Kaolin :. 5.7%
pH- : 9.5
Stress 2
{lb/100ft ) .
n = 0 .. 24
K = 3.2
1 I I I f I f I I I I I ( I J- I I I I I I I I· I I I I 1- I
I 10 lOQ- 1,.000
. -1
Shear Raee (sec }
Fig. 1-Typical rheological plot for the arumina ge~/crosslinked PVA system.