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Chapter 13

Resource Masters
Consumable Workbooks
Many of the worksheets contained in the Chapter Resource Masters booklets
are available as consumable workbooks.
Study Guide and Intervention Workbook 0-07-828029-X
Skills Practice Workbook 0-07-828023-0
Practice Workbook 0-07-828024-9

ANSWERS FOR WORKBOOKS The answers for Chapter 13 of these workbooks

can be found in the back of this Chapter Resource Masters booklet.

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ISBN: 0-07-828016-8 Algebra 2

Chapter 13 Resource Masters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 066 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02
Vocabulary Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Lesson 13-6
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . 805–806
Lesson 13-1 Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . 775–776 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 808
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777 Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 809
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 810
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 779
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780 Lesson 13-7
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . 811–812
Lesson 13-2 Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . 781–782 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783 Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 815
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 785
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 786 Chapter 13 Assessment
Chapter 13 Test, Form 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 817–818
Lesson 13-3 Chapter 13 Test, Form 2A . . . . . . . . . . 819–820
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . 787–788 Chapter 13 Test, Form 2B . . . . . . . . . . 821–822
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 789 Chapter 13 Test, Form 2C . . . . . . . . . . 823–824
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 790 Chapter 13 Test, Form 2D . . . . . . . . . . 825–826
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 791 Chapter 13 Test, Form 3 . . . . . . . . . . . 827–828
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 792 Chapter 13 Open-Ended Assessment . . . . . 829
Chapter 13 Vocabulary Test/Review . . . . . . 830
Lesson 13-4 Chapter 13 Quizzes 1 & 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . 793–794 Chapter 13 Quizzes 3 & 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795 Chapter 13 Mid-Chapter Test . . . . . . . . . . . . 833
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 796 Chapter 13 Cumulative Review . . . . . . . . . . 834
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 797 Chapter 13 Standardized Test Practice . 835–836
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 798
Standardized Test Practice
Lesson 13-5 Student Recording Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . 799–800
ANSWERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2–A32
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 802
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 803
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill iii Glencoe Algebra 2

Teacher’s Guide to Using the
Chapter 13 Resource Masters
The Fast File Chapter Resource system allows you to conveniently file the resources
you use most often. The Chapter 13 Resource Masters includes the core materials
needed for Chapter 13. These materials include worksheets, extensions, and
assessment options. The answers for these pages appear at the back of this booklet.
All of the materials found in this booklet are included for viewing and printing in the
Algebra 2 TeacherWorks CD-ROM.

Vocabulary Builder Pages vii–viii Practice There is one master for each
include a student study tool that presents lesson. These problems more closely follow
up to twenty of the key vocabulary terms the structure of the Practice and Apply
from the chapter. Students are to record section of the Student Edition exercises.
definitions and/or examples for each term. These exercises are of average difficulty.
You may suggest that students highlight or
star the terms with which they are not WHEN TO USE These provide additional
familiar. practice options or may be used as
homework for second day teaching of the
WHEN TO USE Give these pages to lesson.
students before beginning Lesson 13-1.
Encourage them to add these pages to their Reading to Learn Mathematics
Algebra 2 Study Notebook. Remind them One master is included for each lesson. The
to add definitions and examples as they first section of each master asks questions
complete each lesson. about the opening paragraph of the lesson
in the Student Edition. Additional
Study Guide and Intervention questions ask students to interpret the
Each lesson in Algebra 2 addresses two context of and relationships among terms
objectives. There is one Study Guide and in the lesson. Finally, students are asked to
Intervention master for each objective. summarize what they have learned using
various representation techniques.
WHEN TO USE Use these masters as
reteaching activities for students who need WHEN TO USE This master can be used
additional reinforcement. These pages can as a study tool when presenting the lesson
also be used in conjunction with the Student or as an informal reading assessment after
Edition as an instructional tool for students presenting the lesson. It is also a helpful
who have been absent. tool for ELL (English Language Learner)
Skills Practice There is one master for
each lesson. These provide computational Enrichment There is one extension
practice at a basic level. master for each lesson. These activities may
extend the concepts in the lesson, offer an
WHEN TO USE These masters can be historical or multicultural look at the
used with students who have weaker concepts, or widen students’ perspectives on
mathematics backgrounds or need the mathematics they are learning. These
additional reinforcement. are not written exclusively for honors
students, but are accessible for use with all
levels of students.
WHEN TO USE These may be used as
extra credit, short-term projects, or as
activities for days when class periods are

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill iv Glencoe Algebra 2

Assessment Options Intermediate Assessment
The assessment masters in the Chapter 13 • Four free-response quizzes are included
Resource Masters offer a wide range of to offer assessment at appropriate
assessment tools for intermediate and final intervals in the chapter.
assessment. The following lists describe each
• A Mid-Chapter Test provides an option
assessment master and its intended use.
to assess the first half of the chapter. It is
composed of both multiple-choice and
Chapter Assessment free-response questions.
• Form 1 contains multiple-choice questions Continuing Assessment
and is intended for use with basic level • The Cumulative Review provides
students. students an opportunity to reinforce and
retain skills as they proceed through
• Forms 2A and 2B contain multiple-choice
their study of Algebra 2. It can also be
questions aimed at the average level
used as a test. This master includes
student. These tests are similar in format
free-response questions.
to offer comparable testing situations.
• The Standardized Test Practice offers
• Forms 2C and 2D are composed of free-
continuing review of algebra concepts in
response questions aimed at the average
various formats, which may appear on
level student. These tests are similar in
the standardized tests that they may
format to offer comparable testing
encounter. This practice includes multiple-
situations. Grids with axes are provided
choice, grid-in, and quantitative-
for questions assessing graphing skills.
comparison questions. Bubble-in and
• Form 3 is an advanced level test with grid-in answer sections are provided on
free-response questions. Grids without the master.
axes are provided for questions assessing
graphing skills.
All of the above tests include a free- • Page A1 is an answer sheet for the
response Bonus question. Standardized Test Practice questions
• The Open-Ended Assessment includes that appear in the Student Edition on
performance assessment tasks that are pages 758–759. This improves students’
suitable for all students. A scoring rubric familiarity with the answer formats they
is included for evaluation guidelines. may encounter in test taking.
Sample answers are provided for • The answers for the lesson-by-lesson
assessment. masters are provided as reduced pages
• A Vocabulary Test, suitable for all with answers appearing in red.
students, includes a list of the vocabulary • Full-size answer keys are provided for
words in the chapter and ten questions the assessment masters in this booklet.
assessing students’ knowledge of those
terms. This can also be used in conjunc-
tion with one of the chapter tests or as a
review worksheet.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill v Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Vocabulary Builder

Vocabulary Builder
This is an alphabetical list of the key vocabulary terms you will learn in Chapter 13.
As you study the chapter, complete each term’s definition or description. Remember
to add the page number where you found the term. Add these pages to your Algebra
Study Notebook to review vocabulary at the end of the chapter.

Vocabulary Term Definition/Description/Example
on Page
angle of depression
or elevation

Arccosine function


Arcsine function


Arctangent function





coterminal angles


Law of Cosines

Law of Sines

(continued on the next page)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill vii Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Vocabulary Builder (continued)
Vocabulary Term Definition/Description/Example
on Page

principal values

quadrantal angles




reference angle



standard position




© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill viii Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-1 Study Guide and Intervention

Right Triangle Trigonometry
Trigonometric Values
Trigonometric Functions If  is the measure of an acute angle of a right triangle, opp is the measure of the
B leg opposite , adj is the measure of the leg adjacent to , and hyp is the measure
of the hypotenuse, then the following are true.
hyp opp opp adj opp
sin    cos    tan   
hyp hyp adj
 hyp hyp adj
A C csc    sec    cot   
adj opp adj opp

Lesson 13-1
Example Find the values of the six trigonometric functions for angle .
Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find x, the measure of the leg opposite . 7
x 7 9
2 2 2 Pythagorean Theorem

x2  49  81 Simplify. x
x2  32 Subtract 49 from each side. 9
x   32 or 4
2 Take the square root of each side.

Use opp  42

, adj  7, and hyp  9 to write each trigonometric ratio.
 7 42
 9 72

cos    tan   
sec    cot   
9 7

Find the values of the six trigonometric functions for angle .
1. 2. 3. 17 
 12 8
5 12 4 3 8 15
sin   ; cos   ; sin   ; cos   ; sin   ; cos   ;
13 13 5 5 17 17
5 13 4 5 8
17   12 ; csc   5 ; tan   ; csc   ; tan   ; csc  
3 4 15
13 12 5 3 17 15
sec   ; cot    sec   ; cot    sec   ; cot   
12 5 3 4 15 8
4. 9 5. 6.

3 10

3 1 5
sin   ; cos   sin   ; cos   ; sin   ; cos  
2 2 2 61

2 661 5
; tan   1; csc   tan   3
; ; tan   ;
2 61 6
23 61

; sec   2
; csc   ; csc   ; sec  
3 5

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-1 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Right Triangle Trigonometry

Right Triangle Problems

ExampleSolve ABC. Round measures of sides to the A

nearest tenth and measures of angles to the nearest degree.
You know the measures of one side, one acute angle, and the right angle.
You need to find a, b, and A. b

Find a and b.
b a B C
sin 54   cos 54   a
18 18
b  18 sin 54 a  18 cos 54
b  14.6 a  10.6
Find A.
54  A  90 Angles A and B are complementary.
A  36 Solve for A.

Therefore A  36, a  10.6, and b  14.6.

Write an equation involving sin, cos, or tan that can be used to find x. Then solve
the equation. Round measures of sides to the nearest tenth.

1. 2. 3.
63 14.5
10 4 20

10 4 x
tan 38  ; 12.8 cos 63  ; 8.8 sin 20  ; 5.0
x x 14.5

Solve ABC by using the given measurements. Round measures A

of sides to the nearest tenth and measures of angles to the
nearest degree. b c


4. A  80, b  6 5. B  25, c  20 6. b  8, c  14
a  34.0, c  34.6, a  18.1, b  8.5, a  11.5, B  35,
B  10 A  65 C  55

7. a  6, b  7 8. a  12, B  42 9. a  15, A  54

c  9.2, A  41, b  10.8, c  16.1, b  10.9, c  18.5,
B  49 A  48 B  36

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 776 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-1 Skills Practice

Right Triangle Trigonometry
Find the values of the six trigonometric functions for angle .

1. 2. 3.
6 2

8 13
4 3 5 12 3 13
sin   , cos   , sin   , cos   , sin   ,
5 5 13 13 13

Lesson 13-1
4 5 5 13 2 13
tan   , csc   , tan   , csc   , cos   ,
3 4 12 5 13
5 3 13 12 3 13

sec   , cot    sec   , cot    tan   , csc   ,
3 4 12 5 2 3
13 2
sec   , cot   
2 3

Write an equation involving sin, cos, or tan that can be used to find x. Then solve
the equation. Round measures of sides to the nearest tenth and measures of
angles to the nearest degree.

4. 5. 6.
60 x
x 10
8 5

30 22
8 5 x
tan 30  , x  13.9 cos 60  , x  10 tan 22  , x  4.0
x x 10

7. 8. 9.
60 x x
5 2
x 5 4
sin 60  , x  4.3 cos x  , x  51 tan x  , x  63
5 8 2

Solve ABC by using the given measurements. Round measures of A

sides to the nearest tenth and measures of angles to the nearest degree.
b c
10. A  72, c  10 11. B  20, b  15
a  9.5, b  3.1, B  18 a  41.2, c  43.9, A  70 C B

12. A  80, a  9 13. A  58, b  12

b  1.6, c  9.1, B  10 a  19.2, c  22.6, B  32

14. b  4, c  9 15. a  7, b  5
a  8.1, A  64, B  26 c  8.6, A  54, B  36

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 777 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-1 Practice (Average)

Right Triangle Trigonometry

Find the values of the six trigonometric functions for angle .

1. 2. 3. 3

45 3

15 8 5 46  1 3
sin   , cos   , sin   , cos   , sin   , cos   ,
17 17 11 11 2 2
15 17 56 11  3
tan   , csc   , tan   , csc   , tan   , csc   2,
8 15 24 5 3
17 8 116  46  23
sec   , cot    sec   , cot    sec   , cot  
8 15 24 5 3


Write an equation involving sin, cos, or tan that can be used to find x. Then solve
the equation. Round measures of sides to the nearest tenth and measures of
angles to the nearest degree.

4. 5. 6. 49
x x
30 20
7 32
x x 17
tan 30  , x  4.0 sin 20  , x  10.9 tan 49  , x  14.8
7 32 x
7. 8. 9.

41 x x
28 17
28 19.2 7
cos 41  , x  37.1 tan x  , x  48 sin x  , x  27
x 17 15.3

Solve ABC by using the given measurements. Round measures of A

sides to the nearest tenth and measures of angles to the nearest degree.
b c
10. A  35, a  12 11. B  71, b  25
b  17.1, c  20.9, B  55 a  8.6, c  26.4, A  19 C B

12. B  36, c  8 13. a  4, b  7

a  6.5, b  4.7, A  54 c  8.1, A  30, B  60

14. A  17, c  3.2 15. b  52, c  95

a  0.9, b  3.1, B  73 a  79.5, A  33, B  57

16. SURVEYING John stands 150 meters from a water tower and sights the top at an angle

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 778 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-1 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Right Triangle Trigonometry
Pre-Activity How is trigonometry used in building construction?
Read the introduction to Lesson 13-1 at the top of page 701 in your textbook.
If a different ramp is built so that the angle shown in the figure has a
tangent of , will this ramp meet, exceed, or fail to meet ADA regulations?

Lesson 13-1
Reading the Lesson
1. Refer to the triangle at the right. Match each trigonometric r
function with the correct ratio. 
r r t s s t t
i.  ii.  iii.  iv.  v.  vi. 
t s r t r s

a. sin  iv b. tan  v c. sec  iii

d. cot  ii e. cos  i f. csc  vi

2. Refer to the Key Concept box on page 703 in your textbook. Use the drawings of the
30-60-90 triangle and 45-45-90 triangle and/or the table to complete the following.

a. The tangent of 45 and the cotangent of 45 are equal.

b. The sine of 30 is equal to the cosine of 60 .

c. The sine and cosine of 45 are equal.

d. The reciprocal of the cosecant of 60 is the sine of 60.

e. The reciprocal of the cosine of 30 is the cosecant of 60.

f. The reciprocal of the tangent of 60 is the tangent of 30.

Helping You Remember

3. In studying trigonometry, it is important for you to know the relationships between the
lengths of the sides of a 30-60-90 triangle. If you remember just one fact about this
triangle, you will always be able to figure out the lengths of all the sides. What fact can
you use, and why is it enough?

Sample answer: The shorter leg is half as long as the hypotenuse. You
can use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the longer leg.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 779 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-1 Enrichment

The Angle of Repose

Suppose you place a block of wood on an inclined
plane, as shown at the right. If the angle, , at which ck
the plane is inclined from the horizontal is very small, B lo
the block will not move. If you increase the angle, the e
block will eventually overcome the force of friction and d Pla
start to slide down the plane. Inc

At the instant the block begins to slide, the angle 

formed by the plane is called the angle of friction, or
the angle of repose.
For situations in which the block and plane are smooth
but unlubricated, the angle of repose depends only on F 
the types of materials in the block and the plane. The
angle is independent of the area of contact between 
the two surfaces and of the weight of the block. N
The drawing at the right shows how to use vectors to
find a coefficient of friction. This coefficient varies with F  W sin  N  W cos
different materials and is denoted by the F  N
Greek leter mu, . sin 

Solve each problem. Material Coefficient of Friction 

1. A wooden chute is built so that Wood on wood 0.5
wooden crates can slide down into the Wood on stone 0.5
basement of a store. What angle should Rubber tire on dry concrete 1.0
the chute make in order for the crates Rubber tire on wet concrete 0.7
to slide down at a constant speed?

2. Will a 100-pound wooden crate slide down a stone ramp that makes an
angle of 20 with the horizontal? Explain your answer.

3. If you increase the weight of the crate in Exercise 2 to 300 pounds, does it
change your answer?

4. A car with rubber tires is being driven on dry concrete pavement. If the
car tires spin without traction on a hill, how steep is the hill?

5. For Exercise 4, does it make a difference if it starts to rain? Explain your


© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 780 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-2 Study Guide and Intervention

Angles and Angle Measurement
Angle Measurement An angle is determined by two rays. The degree measure of an
angle is described by the amount and direction of rotation from the initial side along the
positive x-axis to the terminal side. A counterclockwise rotation is associated with positive
angle measure and a clockwise rotation is associated with negative angle measure. An angle
can also be measured in radians.

Radian and 180

To rewrite the radian measure of an angle in degrees, multiply the number of radians by  
 radians .
To rewrite the degree measure of an angle in radians, multiply the number of degrees by  ians .
Measure 180

Example 1 Draw an angle with Example 2 Rewrite the degree

measure 290 in standard notation. measure in radians and the radian
The negative y-axis represents a positive measure in degrees.
rotation of 270. To generate an angle of a. 45
290, rotate the terminal side 20 more in
the counterclockwise direction.
45  45    radians

Lesson 13-2
y 90 4
b.  radians
290 3

180 O initial side x

5 180°
 radians     300
terminal side

Draw an angle with the given measure in standard position.
1. 160 2.   3. 400
y y y

O x O x O x

Rewrite each degree measure in radians and each radian measure in degrees.
3 11
4. 140 5. 860 6.  7. 
5 3
7 43
  108 660
9 9

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 781 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-2 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Angles and Angle Measurement

Coterminal Angles When two angles in standard position have the same terminal
sides, they are called coterminal angles. You can find an angle that is coterminal to a
given angle by adding or subtracting a multiple of 360. In radian measure, a coterminal
angle is found by adding or subtracting a multiple of 2.

ExampleFind one angle with positive measure and one angle with negative
measure coterminal with each angle.
a. 250
A positive angle is 250  360 or 610.
A negative angle is 250  360 or 110.
5 21
A positive angle is   2 or .
8 8
5 11
A negative angle is   2 or .
8 8

Find one angle with a positive measure and one angle with a negative measure
coterminal with each angle. 1–18 Sample answers are given.

1. 65 2. 75 3. 230

425, 295 285, 435 590, 130

4. 420 5. 340 6. 130

60, 300 700, 20 230, 490

7. 290 8. 690 9. 420

70, 650 330, 30 300, 60

 3 6
10.  11.  12. 
9 8 5
19 17 19 13 16 4
,  ,  , 
9 9 8 8 5 5
7 15 13
13.  14.  15. 
4 4 6
 15 7  11 
,  ,  , 
4 4 4 4 6 6
17 5 11
16.  17.  18. 
5 3 4
7 3  11 5 3
,  ,  , 
5 5 3 3 4 4

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 782 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-2 Skills Practice

Angles and Angle Measure
Draw an angle with the given measure in standard position.

1. 185 2. 810 3. 390

y y y

O x O x O x

4. 495 5. 50 6. 420

y y y

O x O x O x

Lesson 13-2
Rewrite each degree measure in radians and each radian measure in degrees.
7. 130  8. 720 4
9. 210  10. 90 
6 2
11. 30  12. 270 
6 2
13.  60 14.  150
3 6

2 5
15.  120 16.  225
3 4

3 7
17.  135 18.  210
4 6

Find one angle with positive measure and one angle with negative measure
coterminal with each angle. 19–26. Sample answers are given.

19. 45 405, 315 20. 60 420, 300

21. 370 10, 350 22. 90 270, 450

2 8 4 5 9 
23.  ,  24.  , 
3 3 3 2 2 2
 13 11 3 5 3
25.  ,  26.  , 
6 6 6 4 4 2

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 783 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-2 Practice (Average)

Angles and Angle Measure

Draw an angle with the given measure in standard position.

1. 210 2. 305 3. 580

y y y

O x O x O x

4. 135 5. 450 6. 560

y y y

O x O x O x

Rewrite each degree measure in radians and each radian measure in degrees.
  29 347
7. 18  8. 6  9. 870  10. 347 
10 30 6 180
2 41 25 11
11. 72  12. 820  13. 250  14. 165 
5 9 18 12
5 13 13
15. 4 720 16.  450 17.  468 18.  78
2 5 30
9 7 3 3
19.  810 20.  105 21.  67.5 22.  33.75
2 12 8 16

Find one angle with positive measure and one angle with negative measure
coterminal with each angle. 23–34. Sample answers are given.

23. 65 425, 295 24. 80 440, 280 25. 285 645, 75

26. 110 470, 250 27. 37 323, 397 28. 93 267, 453

2 12 8 5 17 7 17 29 7

29.  ,  30.  ,  31.  , 
5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6
3  7  7 9 5 19 29
32.  ,
2 2
 33.  ,  34.  , 
2 4 4 4 12 12 12

35. TIME Find both the degree and radian measures of the angle through which the hour
hand on a clock rotates from 5 A.M. to 10 A.M. 5
150;  6
36. ROTATION A truck with 16-inch radius wheels is driven at 77 feet per second
(52.5 miles per hour). Find the measure of the angle through which a point on the
outside of the wheel travels each second. Round to the nearest degree and nearest radian.
3309/s; 58 radians/s

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 784 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-2 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Angles and Angle Measure
Pre-Activity How can angles be used to describe circular motion?
Read the introduction to Lesson 13-2 at the top of page 709 in your textbook.
If a gondola revolves through a complete revolution in one minute, what is
its angular velocity in degrees per second? 6 per second

Reading the Lesson

1. Match each degree measure with the corresponding radian measure on the right.
a. 30 v i. 

b. 90 ii ii. 
c. 120 i iii. 

d. 135 vi iv. 

Lesson 13-2

e. 180 iv v. 
f. 210 iii vi. 
1 1
2. The sine of 30 is  and the sine of 150 is also . Does this mean that 30 and 150 are
2 2
coterminal angles? Explain your reasoning. Sample answer: No; the terminal
side of a 30 angle is in Quadrant I, while the terminal side of a 150 angle
is in Quadrant II.

3. Describe how to find two angles that are coterminal with an angle of 155, one with
positive measure and one with negative measure. (Do not actually calculate these angles.)
Sample answer: Positive angle: Add 360 to 155. Negative angle:
Subtract 360 from 155.

4. Describe how to find two angles that are coterminal with an angle of , one positive and
one negative. (Do not actually calculate these angles.) Sample answer: Positive
5 5
angle: Add 2 to . Negative angle: Subtract 2 from .
3 3

Helping You Remember

5. How can you use what you know about the circumference of a circle to remember how to
convert between radian and degree measure? Sample answer: The
circumference of a circle is given by the formula C  2r, so the
circumference of a circle with radius 1 is 2. In degree measure, one
complete circle is 360. So 2 radians  360 and  radians  180.

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13-2 Enrichment

Making and Using a Hypsometer

A hypsometer is a device that can be used to measure the height of an
object. To construct your own hypsometer, you will need a rectangular piece of
heavy cardboard that is at least 7 cm by 10 cm, a straw, transparent tape, a
string about 20 cm long, and a small weight that can be attached to the string.
Mark off 1-cm increments along one short side and one long side of the
cardboard. Tape the straw to the other short side. Then attach the weight to
one end of the string, and attach the other end of the string to one corner of
the cardboard, as shown in the figure below. The diagram below shows how
your hypsometer should look.


10 cm
Your eye

7 cm


To use the hypsometer, you will need to measure the distance from the base
of the object whose height you are finding to where you stand when you use
the hypsometer.
Sight the top of the object through the straw. Note where the free-hanging
string crosses the bottom scale. Then use similar triangles to find the height
of the object.
1. Draw a diagram to illustrate how you can use similar triangles and the
hypsometer to find the height of a tall object.

Use your hypsometer to find the height of each of the following.

2. your school’s flagpole

3. a tree on your school’s property

4. the highest point on the front wall of your school building

5. the goal posts on a football field

6. the hoop on a basketball court

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13-3 Study Guide and Intervention

Trigonometric Functions of General Angles
Trigonometric Functions and General Angles
Trigonometric Functions, Let  be an angle in standard position and let P (x, y ) be a point on the terminal side
 in Standard Position of . By the Pythagorean Theorem, the distance r from the origin is given by
y r  x 2  y 2. The trigonometric functions of an angle in standard position may be
defined as follows.
P(x, y )
y x y
r sin    cos    tan   
r r x
r r x
csc    sec    cot   
y x y
x O x

Example Find the exact values of the six trigonometric functions of  if the
terminal side of  contains the point (5, 52  ).
You know that x  5 and y  52. You need to find r.
x2  y2 Pythagorean Theorem

(5)2 2 Replace x with 5 and y with 52

 or 53

Now use x  5, y  52
, and r  53
 to write the ratios.
y 52
 x 5 3
 y 52

sin        cos         tan   x  

r 53
 3 r 53
r 53
 r 53
 x 5 2

csc        sec     
y 52
 2 x y 52

Lesson 13-3
Find the exact values of the six trigonometric functions of  if the terminal side of
 in standard position contains the given point.

1. (8, 4) 2. (4, 43


25 1 
3 1
sin   , cos   , tan   , sin   , cos   , tan   3
55 2 2 2
5 23 3
5, sec   , cot   2 csc   , sec   2, cot   
2 3 3

3. (0, 4) 4. (6, 2)

0 3
sin   1, cos   0, sin   , cos   , tan  
10 10
1 10

tan  undefined, csc   1, , csc   10
 , sec   ,
3 3
sec  undefined , cot   0 cot   3

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13-3 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Trigonometric Functions of General Angles

Reference Angles If  is a nonquadrantal angle in standard position, its reference
angle  is defined as the acute angle formed by the terminal side of  and the x-axis.

Reference y Quadrant I Quadrant II y y y

Angle Rule
  O x O  x
O x O x
Quadrant III Quadrant IV

     180       180   360  

(    ) (    ) (  2  )

Function I II III IV
Signs of
Trigonometric sin  or csc     
cos or sec     
tan  or cot     

Example 1 Sketch an angle of measure Example 2 Use a reference angle

205. Then find its reference angle. 3
to find the exact value of cos .
Because the terminal side of 205° lies in 3
Quadrant III, the reference angle  is Because the terminal side of  lies in
205  180 or 25. Quadrant II, the reference angle  is
   or  .
4 4
  205 The cosine function is negative in
Quadrant II.
 O x
3  2

cos   cos    
4 4

Find the exact value of each trigonometric function.

3 11
1. tan(510)  2. csc  2

3 4

3. sin(90) 1 4. cot 1665 1

5. cot 30 3
 6. tan 315 1

7. csc 
 8. tan 

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13-3 Skills Practice

Trigonometric Functions of General Angles
Find the exact values of the six trigonometric functions of  if the terminal side of
 in standard position contains the given point.

1. (5, 12) 2. (3, 4)

12 5 12 4 3 4
sin   , cos   , tan   , sin   , cos   , tan   ,
13 13 5 5 5 3
13 13 5 5 5 3
csc   , sec   , cot    csc   , sec   , cot   
12 5 12 4 3 4
3. (8, 15) 4. (4, 3)
15 8 15 3 4 3
sin   , cos   , tan   , sin   , cos   , tan   ,
17 17 8 5 5 4
17 17 8 5 5 4
csc   , sec   , cot    csc   , sec   , cot   
15 8 15 3 4 3
5. (9, 40) 6. (1, 2)
40 9 40 25 5

sin   , cos   , tan   , sin   , cos   , tan  
41 41 9 5 5
41 41 9 
5 1
csc   , sec   , cot    csc   , sec   5
, cot   
40 9 40 2 2

Sketch each angle. Then find its reference angle.

7. 135 45 8. 200 20 9.  
3 3
y y y

Lesson 13-3
O x O x O x

Find the exact value of each trigonometric function.

10. sin 150  11. cos 270 0 12. cot 135 1 13. tan (30) 
2 3
 4 1 3 2
14. tan  1 15. cos   16. cot () 17. sin  
4 3 2 undefined 4 2

Suppose  is an angle in standard position whose terminal side is in the given

quadrant. For each function, find the exact values of the remaining five
trigonometric functions of .
4 12
18. sin   , Quadrant II 19. tan   , Quadrant IV
5 5
3 4 5 12 5 13
cos   , tan   , csc   , sin   , cos   , csc   ,
5 3 4 13 13 12
5 3 13 5
sec   , cot    sec   , cot   
3 4 5 12

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13-3 Practice (Average)

Trigonometric Functions of General Angles

Find the exact values of the six trigonometric functions of  if the terminal side of
 in standard position contains the given point.
1. (6, 8) 2. (20, 21) 3. (2, 5) sin   ,
4 3 21 20 229
sin   , cos   , sin   , cos   , cos   ,
5 5 29 29 29
4 5 21 29 5 29

tan   , csc   , tan   , csc   , tan   , csc   ,
3 4 20 21 2 5
5 3 29 20 29
sec   , cot    sec   , cot    sec   , cot   
3 4 20 21 2 5

Find the reference angle for the angle with the given measure.
13 3 7 
4. 236 56 5.   6. 210 30 7.  
8 8 4 4

Find the exact value of each trigonometric function.

8. tan 135 1 9. cot 210 3

 10. cot (90) 0 11. cos 405 
5 3 13 3

12. tan  3

13. csc  2
  14. cot 2
15. tan  
6 3

Suppose  is an angle in standard position whose terminal side is in the given

quadrant. For each function, find the exact values of the remaining five
trigonometric functions of .
12 2 
16. tan   , Quadrant IV 17. sin   , Quadrant III cos   ,
5 3 3
12 5 13 25 3
sin   , cos   , csc   , tan   , csc   ,
13 13 12 5 2
13 5 35 
sec   , cot    sec   , cot   
5 12 5 2

18. LIGHT Light rays that “bounce off” a surface are reflected air
by the surface. If the surface is partially transparent, some 1 1
of the light rays are bent or refracted as they pass from the
air through the material. The angles of reflection 1 and of
refraction 2 in the diagram at the right are related by the 2
equation sin 1  n sin 2. If 1  60 and n   3, find the
measure of 2. 30

19. FORCE A cable running from the top of a utility pole to the 800 N
ground exerts a horizontal pull of 800 Newtons and a vertical
pull of 800
3 Newtons. What is the sine of the angle  between the
cable and the ground? What is the measure of this angle?  3 800
; 60

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 790 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-3 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Trigonometric Functions of General Angles
Pre-Activity How can you model the position of riders on a skycoaster?
Read the introduction to Lesson 13-3 at the top of page 717 in your textbook.
• What does t  0 represent in this application? Sample answer: the
time when the riders leave the bottom of their swing
• Do negative values of t make sense in this application? Explain your
answer. Sample answer: No; t  0 represents the starting
time, so the value of t cannot be less than 0.

Reading the Lesson

1. Suppose  is an angle in standard position, P(x, y) is a point on the terminal side of ,
and the distance from the origin to P is r. Determine whether each of the following
statements is true or false.

a. The value of r can be found by using either the Pythagorean Theorem or the distance
formula. true
b. cos    true c. csc  is defined if y 0. true
d. tan  is undefined if y  0. false e. sin  is defined for every value of . true

2. Let  be an angle measured in degrees. Match the quadrant of  from the first column
with the description of how to find the reference angle for  from the second column.

Lesson 13-3
a. Quadrant III ii i. Subtract  from 360.

b. Quadrant IV i ii. Subtract 180 from .

c. Quadrant II iv iii.  is its own reference angle.

d. Quadrant I iii iv. Subtract  from 180.

Helping You Remember

3. The chart on page 719 in your textbook summarizes the signs of the six trigonometric
functions in the four quadrants. Since reciprocals always have the same sign, you only
need to remember where the sine, cosine, and tangent are positive. How can you
remember this with a simple diagram?
Sample answer: y

O x

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13-3 Enrichment

Areas of Polygons and Circles

A regular polygon has sides of equal length and angles of equal measure.
A regular polygon can be inscribed in or circumscribed about a circle. For
n-sided regular polygons, the following area formulas can be used.

Area of circle AC   r 2
nr2 360°
Area of inscribed polygon AI   sin  r
2 n
180° r
Area of circumscribed polygon AC  nr2 tan 

Use a calculator to complete the chart below for a unit circle

(a circle of radius 1).

Area of Area of Circle Area of Area of Polygon

Number Inscribed minus Circumscribed minus
of Sides Polygon Area of Polygon Polygon Area of Circle

3 1.2990381 1.8425545 5.1961524 2.054597

1. 4

2. 8

3. 12

4. 20

5. 24

6. 28

7. 32

8. 1000

9. What number do the areas of the circumscribed and inscribed polygons

seem to be approaching?

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 792 Glencoe Algebra 2

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13-4 Study Guide and Intervention

Law of Sines
Law of Sines The area of any triangle is one half the product of the lengths of two sides
and the sine of the included angle.

area   bc sin A C
1 a
Area of a Triangle area   ac sin B b
area   ab sin C A

You can use the Law of Sines to solve any triangle if you know the measures of two angles
and any side, or the measures of two sides and the angle opposite one of them.

sin A sin B sin C

Law of Sines     
a b c

Example 1 Find the area of ABC if a  10, b  14, and C  40.

Area  ab sin C Area formula
 (10)(14)sin 40 Replace a, b, and C.
 44.9951 Use a calculator.
The area of the triangle is approximately 45 square units.

Example 2 If a  12, b  9, and A  28, find B.

sin A sin B
   Law of Sines
a b
sin 28 sin B
   Replace A, a, and b.
12 9
9 sin 28
sin B   Solve for sin B.
sin B  0.3521 Use a calculator.
B  20.62 Use the sin1 function.


Lesson 13-4
Find the area of ABC to the nearest tenth.
1. C 2. B 3. A
54 15
11 14
12 32
125 18
A B 8.5

62.3 units2 41.8 units2 71.5 units2

Solve each triangle. Round measures of sides to the nearest tenth and measures of
angles to the nearest degree.
4. B  42, C  68, a  10 5. A  40, B  14, a  52 6. A  15, B  50, b  36
A  70, b  7.1, b  19.6, c  65.4, C  115, a  12.2,
c  9.9 C  126 c  42.6

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 793 Glencoe Algebra 2

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13-4 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Law of Sines
One, Two, or No Solutions
Suppose you are given a, b, and A for a triangle.
If a is acute:
a b sin A ⇒ no solution
Possible Triangles
a  b sin A ⇒ one solution
Given Two Sides
b a b sin A ⇒ two solutions
and One
a b ⇒ one solution
Opposite Angle
If A is right or obtuse:
a b ⇒ no solution
a b ⇒ one solution

Example Determine whether ABC has no solutions, one solution, or two

solutions. Then solve ABC.
a. A  48, a  11, and b  16
Since A is acute, find b sin A and compare it with a.
b sin A  16 sin 48  11.89
Since 11 11.89, there is no solution.
b. A  34, a  6, b  8
Since A is acute, find b sin A and compare it with a; b sin A  8 sin 34  4.47. Since
8 6 4.47, there are two solutions. Thus there are two possible triangles to solve.
Acute B Obtuse B
First use the Law of Sines to find B. To find B you need to find an obtuse
sin B sin 34 angle whose sine is also 0.7456.
8 6 To do this, subtract the angle given by
sin B  0.7456 your calculator, 48, from 180. So B is
B  48 approximately 132.
The measure of angle C is about The measure of angle C is about
180  (34  48) or about 98. 180  (34  132) or about 14.
Use the Law of Sines again to find c. Use the Law of Sines to find c.
sin 98 sin 34 sin 14 sin 34
c 6 c 6
6 sin 98 6 sin 14
c   c  
sin 34 sin 34
c  10.6 c  2.6

Determine whether each triangle has no solutions, one solution, or two solutions.
Then solve each triangle. Round measures of sides to the nearest tenth and
measures of angles to the nearest degree.
1. A  50, a  34, b  40 2. A  24, a  3, b  8 3. A  125, a  22, b  15
two solutions; no solutions one solution;
B  64,C  66, B  34, C  21,
c  47.6; B  116, c  9.6
C  14, c  12.9

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13-4 Skills Practice

Law of Sines
Find the area of ABC to the nearest tenth.

1. B 36.9 cm2 2. A 10.0 ft2

7 ft
10 cm
125 35
9 cm 5 ft

3. A  35, b  3 ft, c  7 ft 6.0 ft2 4. C  148, a  10 cm, b  7 cm 18.5 cm2

5. C  22, a  14 m, b  8 m 21.0 m2 6. B  93, c  18 mi, a  42 mi 377.5 mi2

Solve each triangle. Round measures of sides to the nearest tenth and measures of
angles to the nearest degree.

7. A 8. B 12 9. B
51 212
72 C
375 18
B C A C 119

B  93, a  102.1, C  150, a  31.5, B  29, C  30,

b  393.8 b  21.2 c  124.6
10. C A 11. C 12. B 109

20 105
37 75 70
22 A
B  60, C  90, C  68, a  14.3, B  65, C  45,
b  17.3 b  22.9 c  82.2

Determine whether each triangle has no solution, one solution, or two solutions.
Then solve each triangle. Round measures of sides to the nearest tenth and

Lesson 13-4
measures of angles to the nearest degree.

13. A  30, a  1, b  4 14. A  30, a  2, b  4 one solution;

no solution B  90, C  60, c  3.5

15. A  30, a  3, b  4 two solutions; 16. A  38, a  10, b  9 one solution;

B  42, C  108, c  5.7; B  34, C  108, c  15.4
B  138, C  12, c  1.2
17. A  78, a  8, b  5 one solution; 18. A  133, a  9, b  7 one solution;
B  38, C  64, c  7.4 B  35, C  12, c  2.6

19. A  127, a  2, b  6 no solution 20. A  109, a  24, b  13 one solution;

B  31, C  40, c  16.4

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13-4 Practice (Average)

Law of Sines
Find the area of ABC to the nearest tenth.

1. B 2. B 3. B

9 yd 12 m 58 9 cm
15 m

46 C 40
11 yd A 9 cm

35.6 yd2 76.3 m2 26.0 cm2

4. C  32, a  12.6 m, b  8.9 m 5. B  27, a  14.9 cm, c  18.6 cm
29.7 m2 62.9 cm2
6. A  17.4, b  12 km, c  14 km 7. A  34, b  19.4 ft, c  8.6 ft
25.1 km2 46.6 ft2
Solve each triangle. Round measures of sides to the nearest tenth and measures of
angles to the nearest degree.

8. A  50, B  30, c  9 9. A  56, B  38, a  12

C  100, a  7.0, b  4.6 C  86, b  8.9, c  14.4
10. A  80, C  14, a  40 11. B  47, C  112, b  13
B  86, b  40.5, c  9.8 A  21, a  6.4, c  16.5
12. A  72, a  8, c  6 13. A  25, C  107, b  12
B  62, C  46, b  7.5 B  48, a  6.8, c  15.4
Determine whether each triangle has no solution, one solution, or two solutions.
Then solve each triangle. Round measures of sides to the nearest tenth and
measures of angles to the nearest degree.

14. A  29, a  6, b  13 no solution 15. A  70, a  25, b  20 one solution;

B  49, C  61, c  23.3
16. A  113, a  21, b  25 no solution 17. A  110, a  20, b  8 one solution;
B  22, C  48, c  15.8
18. A  66, a  12, b  7 one solution; 19. A  54, a  5, b  8 no solution
B  32, C  82, c  13.0
20. A  45, a  15, b  18 two solutions; 21. A  60, a  4
3, b  8 one solution;
B  58, C  77, c  20.7; B  90, C  30, c  23.3
B  122, C  13, c  4.8

22. WILDLIFE Sarah Phillips, an officer for the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, checks
boaters on a lake to make sure they do not disturb two osprey nesting sites. She leaves a
dock and heads due north in her boat to the first nesting site. From here, she turns 5
north of due west and travels an additional 2.14 miles to the second nesting site. She
then travels 6.7 miles directly back to the dock. How far from the dock is the first osprey
nesting site? Round to the nearest tenth. 6.2 mi

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 796 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-4 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Law of Sines
Pre-Activity How can trigonometry be used to find the area of a triangle?
Read the introduction to Lesson 13-4 at the top of page 725 in your textbook.
What happens when the formula Area   ab sin C is applied to a right
triangle in which C is the right angle? Sample answer: The formula
1 1 1
gives Area  ab sin 90  ab  1  ab, which is the same
2 2 2
as the result from using the formula Area   (base)(height).

Reading the Lesson

1. In each case below, the measures of three parts of a triangle are given. For each case,
write the formula you would use to find the area of the triangle. Show the formulas with
specific values substituted, but do not actually calculate the area. If there is not enough
information provided to find the area of the triangle by using the area formulas on page
725 in your textbook and without finding other parts of the triangle first, explain why.
a. A  48, b  9, c  5  (9)(5) sin 48
b. a  15, b  15, C  120  (15)(15) sin 120
c. b  16, c  10, B  120 Not enough information; B is not the included
angle between the two given sides.

2. Tell whether the equation must be true based on the Law of Sines. Write yes or no.
sin A sin B b c
a.    no b.    yes
b a sin B sin C
a sin A
c. a sin C  c sin A yes d. b   no
sin B

3. Determine whether ABC has no solution, one solution, or two solutions. Do not try to
solve the triangle.

Lesson 13-4
a. a  20, A  30, B  70 one solution
b. A  55, b  5, a  3 (b sin A  4.1) no solution
c. c  12, A  100, a  30 one solution
d. C  27, b  23.5, c  17.5 (b sin C  10.7) two solutions

Helping You Remember

4. Suppose that you are taking a quiz and cannot remember whether the formula for the
1 1
area of a triangle is Area   ab cos C or Area   ab sin C. How can you quickly
2 2
remember which of these is correct? Sample answer: The formula has to work
when C is a right angle. The formula cannot contain cos C because
cos 90  0 and this would make the area of a right triangle be 0.

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13-4 Enrichment

The bearing of a boat is an angle showing the direction the boat N
is heading. Often, the angle is measured from north, but it can
be measured from any of the four compass directions. At the
right, the bearing of the boat is 155. Or, it can be described as
25 east of south (S25E).

Example A boat A sights the lighthouse B in the

direction N65E and the spire of a church C in the
direction S75E. According to the map, B is 7 miles
from C in the direction N30W. In order for A to avoid
running aground, find the bearing it should keep to
pass B at 4 miles distance.
In ABC,   180  65  75 or 40 N X
4 mi
C  180  30  (180  75) N65°E
 45 B
a  7 miles
 7 mi
With the Law of Sines, A
a sin C 7(sin 45°)
AB      7.7 mi.
sin  sin 40° S75°E C

The ray for the correct bearing for A must be tangent

at X to circle B with radius BX  4. Thus ABX is a
right triangle.
BX 4
Then sin       0.519. Therefore,   3118.
AB 7.7
The bearing of A should be 65  3118 or 3342 .

Solve the following.

1. Suppose the lighthouse B in the example is sighted at S30W by a ship P

due north of the church C. Find the bearing P should keep to pass B at
4 miles distance.

2. In the fog, the lighthouse keeper determines by radar that a boat

18 miles away is heading to the shore. The direction of the boat from the
lighthouse is S80E. What bearing should the lighthouse keeper radio the
boat to take to come ashore 4 miles south of the lighthouse?

3. To avoid a rocky area along a shoreline, a ship at M travels 7 km to R,

bearing 2215, then 8 km to P, bearing 6830, then 6 km to Q, bearing
10915. Find the distance from M to Q.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 798 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-5 Study Guide and Intervention

Law of Cosines
Law of Cosines
Law of Cosines Let ABC be any triangle with a, b, and c representing the measures of the sides,
C and opposite angles with measures A, B, and C, respectively. Then the following
equations are true.
b a
a2  b2  c2  2bc cos A

A B b2  a2  c2  2ac cos B
c2  a2  b2  2ab cos C

You can use the Law of Cosines to solve any triangle if you know the measures of two sides
and the included angle, or the measures of three sides.

Example Solve ABC. A

You are given the measures of two sides and the included angle. 15
Begin by using the Law of Cosines to determine c. c
c2  a2  b2  2ab cos C C
28 B
c2  282  152  2(28)(15)cos 82
c2  892.09
c  29.9
Next you can use the Law of Sines to find the measure of angle A.
sin A sin C
a c
sin A sin 82
28 29.9
sin A  0.9273
A  68
The measure of B is about 180  (82  68) or about 30.

Solve each triangle described below. Round measures of sides to the nearest tenth
and angles to the nearest degree.

1. a  14, c  20, B  38 2. A  60, c  17, b  12

b  12.4, A  44, C  98 a  15.1, B  43, C  77

3. a  4, b  6, c  3 4. A  103, b  31, c  52
A  36, B  118, C  26 a  66, B  27, C  50
Lesson 13-5

5. a  15, b  26, C  132 6. a  31, b  52, c  43

c  38, A  17, B  31 A  36, B  88, C  56

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 799 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-5 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Law of Cosines
Choose the Method
Given Begin by Using

Solving an two angles and any side Law of Sines

Oblique Triangle two sides and a non-included angle Law of Sines
two sides and their included angle Law of Cosines
three sides Law of Cosines

Determine whether ABC should be B a C
solved by beginning with the Law of Sines or Law of
Cosines. Then solve the triangle. Round the measure 8
of the side to the nearest tenth and measures of angles 34
to the nearest degree. A
You are given the measures of two sides and their included
angle, so use the Law of Cosines.
a2  b2  c2  2bc cos A Law of Cosines
a2  202  82  2(20)(8) cos 34 b  20, c  8, A  34
a2  198.71 Use a calculator.
a  14.1 Use a calculator.

Use the Law of Sines to find B.

sin B sin A
   Law of Sines
b a
20 sin 34
sin B   b  20, A  34, a  14.1
B  128 Use the sin1 function.

The measure of angle C is approximately 180  (34  128) or about 18.

Determine whether each triangle should be solved by beginning with the Law of
Sines or Law of Cosines. Then solve each triangle. Round measures of sides to the
nearest tenth and measures of angles to the nearest degree.

1. B 2. A 3. B
18 22
8 4 16
25 C
A C 9 A C
b B 20

Law of Sines; A  108, Law of Cosines; c  Law of Cosines; A 

B  47, b  13.8 11.9, B  15, A  37 74, B  61, C  45

4. A  58, a  12, b  8.5 5. a  28, b  35, c  20 6. A  82, B  44, b  11

Law of Sines; B  37, Law of Cosines; A  Law of Sines; a  15.7,
C  85, c  14.1 53, B  92, C  35 c  12.8, C  54

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-5 Skills Practice

Law of Cosines
Determine whether each triangle should be solved by beginning with the Law of
Sines or Law of Cosines. Then solve each triangle. Round measures of sides to the
nearest tenth and measures of angles to the nearest degree.

1. B 2. 4 C 3. 9 B
B 34
7 5 10
41 A
C 3 A C

cosines; B  23, sines; A  27, cosines; A  143,

C  116, a  5.1 C  119, c  7.9 B  20, C  18

4. B 5. C 6. C B
4 2 4 4
A 85
C 3 A 5 A

cosines; A  104, cosines; A  41, sines; B  30,

B  47, C  29 C  54, b  6.1 a  2.7, c  6.1

7. C  71, a  3, b  4 8. A  11, C  27, c  50

cosines; A  43, B  66, c  4.1 sines; B  142, a  21.0, b  67.8

9. C  35, a  5, b  8 10. B  47, a  20, c  24

cosines; A  37, B  108, c  4.8 cosines; A  55, C  78, b  17.9

11. A  71, C  62, a  20 12. a  5, b  12, c  13

sines; B  47, b  15.5, c  18.7 cosines; A  23, B  67, C  90

13. A  51, b  7, c  10 14. a  13, A  41, B  75

cosines; B  44, C  85, a  7.8 sines; C  64, b  19.1, c  17.8
Lesson 13-5

15. B  125, a  8, b  14 16. a  5, b  6, c  7

sines; A  28, C  27, c  7.8 cosines; A  44, B  57, C  78

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 801 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-5 Practice (Average)

Law of Cosines
Determine whether each triangle should be solved by beginning with the Law of
Sines or Law of Cosines. Then solve each triangle. Round measures of sides to the
nearest tenth and measures of angles to the nearest degree.

1. B 2. 3 C 3. C
80 C 6
7 80 B
A B A 30

cosines; c  12.8, cosines; A  36, sines; B  60,

A  67, B  33 B  26, C  117 a  46.0, b  40.4

4. a  16, b  20, C  54 5. B  71, c  6, a  11

cosines; A  51, B  75, c  16.7 cosines; A  77, C  32, b  10.7

6. A  37, a  20, b  18 7. C  35, a  18, b  24

sines; B  33, C  110, c  31.2 cosines; A  48, B  97, c  13.9

8. a  8, b  6, c  9 9. A  23, b  10, c  12
cosines; A  61, B  41, C  79 cosines; B  54, C  103, a  4.8

10. a  4, b  5, c  8 11. B  46.6, C  112, b  13

cosines; A  24, B  31, C  125 sines; A  21, a  6.5, c  16.6

12. A  46.3, a  35, b  30 13. a  16.4, b  21.1, c  18.5

sines; B  38, C  95, c  48.2 cosines; A  48, B  74, C  57

14. C  43.5, b  8, c  6 15. A  78.3, b  7, c  11

sines; A  70, B  67, a  8.2 cosines; B  36, C  66, a  11.8

16. SATELLITES Two radar stations 2.4 miles apart are tracking an airplane.
The straight-line distance between Station A and the plane is 7.4 miles.
The straight-line distance between Station B and the plane is 6.9 miles.
What is the angle of elevation from Station A to the plane? Round to the 7.4 mi
nearest degree. 69 6.9 mi

2.4 mi

17. DRAFTING Marion is using a computer-aided drafting program to produce a drawing

for a client. She begins a triangle by drawing a segment 4.2 inches long from point A to
point B. From B, she moves 42 degrees counterclockwise from the segment connecting A
and B and draws a second segment that is 6.4 inches long, ending at point C. To the
nearest tenth, how long is the segment from C to A? 9.9 in.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 802 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-5 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Law of Cosines
Pre-Activity How can you determine the angle at which to install a satellite dish?
Read the introduction to Lesson 13-5 at the top of page 733 in your textbook.
One side of the triangle in the figure is not labeled with a length. What does
the length of this side represent? Is this length greater than or less than the
distance from the satellite to the equator?
the distance from the satellite to Valparaiso; greater than

Reading the Lesson

1. Each of the following equations can be changed into a correct statement of the Law of
Cosines by making one change. In each case, indicate what change should be made to
make the statement correct.

a. b2  a2  c2  2ac cos B Change the second  to .

b. a2  b2  c2  2bc sin A Change sin A to cos A.
c. c  a2  b2  2ab cos C Change c to c2.
d. a2  b2  c2  2bc cos A Change the first  to .

2. Suppose that you are asked to solve ABC given the following information about the
sides and angles of the triangle. In each case, indicate whether you would begin by using
the Law of Sines or the Law of Cosines.

a. a  8, b  7, c  6 Law of Cosines
b. b  9.5, A  72, B  39 Law of Sines
c. C  123, b  22.95, a  34.35 Law of Cosines

Helping You Remember

3. It is often easier to remember a complicated procedure if you can break it down into
small steps. Describe in your own words how to use the Law of Cosines to find the length
of one side of a triangle if you know the lengths of the other two sides and the measure
of the included angle. Use numbered steps. (You may use mathematical terms, but do not
use any mathematical symbols.)
Lesson 13-5

Sample answer: 1. Square each of the lengths of the two known sides.
2. Add these squares. 3. Find the cosine of the included angle. 4.
Multiply this cosine by two times the product of the lengths of the two
known sides. 5. Subtract the product from the sum. 6. Take the positive
square root of the result.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 803 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-5 Enrichment

The Law of Cosines and the Pythagorean Theorem

The law of cosines bears strong similarities to the
Pythagorean theorem. According to the law of cosines,
if two sides of a triangle have lengths a and b and if y
the angle between them has a measure of x, then the a
length, y, of the third side of the triangle can be found
by using the equation

y2  a2  b2  2ab cos x. b

Answer the following questions to clarify the relationship between

the law of cosines and the Pythagorean theorem.
1. If the value of x becomes less and less, what number is cos x close to?

2. If the value of x is very close to zero but then increases, what happens to
cos x as x approaches 90?

3. If x equals 90, what is the value of cos x? What does the equation of
y2  a2  b2  2ab cos x simplify to if x equals 90?

4. What happens to the value of cos x as x increases beyond 90 and

approaches 180?

5. Consider some particular value of a and b, say 7 for a and 19 for b. Use a
graphing calculator to graph the equation you get by solving
y2  72  192  2(7)(19) cos x for y.

a. In view of the geometry of the situation, what range of values should

you use for X?

b. Display the graph and use the TRACE function. What do the maximum
and minimum values appear to be for the function?

c. How do the answers for part b relate to the lengths 7 and 19? Are the
maximum and minimum values from part b ever actually attained in
the geometric situation?

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 804 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-6 Study Guide and Intervention

Circular Functions
Unit Circle Definitions

Lesson 13-6
If the terminal side of an angle  in standard position (0,1) y
Definition of intersects the unit circle at P(x, y), then cos   x and
Sine and Cosine sin   y. Therefore, the coordinates of P can be
P (cos , sin )
written as P(cos , sin ). (1,0)

(1,0) O x


ExampleGiven an angle  in standard position, if P   ,  lies on the

6 6
 5 11

terminal side and on the unit circle, find sin  and cos .


P , 
 P(cos , sin ), so sin   
6 6
and cos     .

If  is an angle in standard position and if the given point P is located on the
terminal side of  and on the unit circle, find sin  and cos .

1. P   ,
2 2  2. P(0, 1)
sin   , cos    sin   1, cos   0
2 2


3. P   , 
33   4
4. P   ,  
 2 3 4
sin   , cos    sin   , cos   
3 3 5 5

5. P  ,  
6. P 
 1 3 
sin    , cos    sin   , cos   
6 6 4 4

7. P is on the terminal side of   45. 8. P is on the terminal side of   120.

3 1
sin   , cos    sin   , cos   
2 2 2 2

9. P is on the terminal side of   240. 10. P is on the terminal side of   330.

 1 1 
sin   , cos    sin   , cos   
2 2 2 2

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 805 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-6 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Circular Functions
Periodic Functions
Periodic A function is called periodic if there is a number a such that f(x)  f(x  a) for all x in the domain of
Functions the function. The least positive value of a for which f(x)  f(x  a) is called the period of the function.

The sine and cosine functions are periodic; each has a period of 360 or 2.

Example 1 Find the exact value of each function.

a. sin 855

sin 855  sin(135  720)  sin 135  

b. cos   316 
cos     cos    4
31 7
6 6
7 3


Example 2 Determine the period of the function graphed below.

y The pattern of the function repeats every 10 units,
1 so the period of the function is 10.
5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Find the exact value of each function.
1 1
1. cos (240)  2. cos 2880 1 3. sin (510)  
2 2
5 5 
4. sin 495 
5. cos  0
2  3
6. sin  

7. cos    114  
8. sin 
4  9. cos 1440 1

10. sin (750)   11. cos 870  12. cos 1980 1
2 2
13 23 
13. sin 7 0 
14. sin 
15. cos  
6  2
16. Determine the period of the function. 2

O  2 3 4 5 

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 806 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-6 Skills Practice

Circular Functions
The given point P is located on the unit circle. Find sin  and cos .

Lesson 13-6
4 12
 35 45 
1. P ,  sin   ,
5  153 12
2. P ,  sin   , 3. P ,  sin  
13 13
3 5 40 9
cos    cos    , cos   
13 41 41

4. P(0, 1) sin   1, 5. P(1, 0) sin   0,  12 3

6. P ,  sin  
cos   0 cos   1 1
 , cos   
2 2

Find the exact value of each function.

1 1
7. cos 45 8. sin 210  9. sin 330 
2 2
1 1
10. cos 330 11. cos (60)  12. sin (390) 
2 2 2
13. sin 5 0 14. cos 3 1 15. sin  1
7 7 1 5
16. sin 
3 2 
17. cos  
3  2 
18. cos  
6  2

Determine the period of each function.

19. y 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


20. y 2

O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x


21. y 2

O  2 3 4 

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 807 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-6 Practice (Average)

Circular Functions
The given point P is located on the unit circle. Find sin  and cos .

1 3 
1. P ,  sin   ,
2 2  20 21
2. P ,  sin   , 3. P(0.8, 0.6) sin   0.6,
2 29  29
1 20 cos   0.8
cos    cos   
2 29


   3 2 
1 1
4. P(0, 1) sin   1, 5. P  
sin   6. P 
,  sin   ,
cos   0

, cos    cos   
2 2 2

Find the exact value of each function.

7 2
 1 2 
7. cos  
4 2
8. sin (30) 
9. sin  
3  2
10. cos (330) 

1 9 11 
11. cos 600 
12. sin  1
13. cos 7 1 
14. cos  
4  2

2 10 1 
15. sin (225) 
16. sin 585 
17. cos  
3  2
18. sin 840 

Determine the period of each function.

19. y 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

20. y 2

 2 3 4 5 6 

21. FERRIS WHEELS A Ferris wheel with a diameter of 100 feet completes 2.5 revolutions
per minute. What is the period of the function that describes the height of a seat on the
outside edge of the Ferris Wheel as a function of time? 24 s

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 808 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-6 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Circular Functions
Pre-Activity How can you model annual temperature fluctuations?

Lesson 13-6
Read the introduction to Lesson 13-6 at the top of page 739 in your textbook.
• If the graph in your textbook is continued, what month will x  17
represent? May of the following year
• About what do you expect the average high temperature to be for that
month? 24.2F
• Will this be exactly the average high temperature for that month?
Explain your answer. Sample answer: No; temperatures vary
from year to year.

Reading the Lesson

1. Use the unit circle on page 740 in your textbook to find the exact values of each expression.

2 1 
a. cos 45  b. sin 150  c. sin 240 
2 2 2

2 1
d. sin 315  e. cos 270 0 f. sin 210  
2 2

g. cos 0 1 h. sin 180 0 i. cos 330 

2. Tell whether each function is periodic. Write yes or no.

a. y  2x no b. y  x2 no c. y  cos x yes d. y  | x | no

3. Find the period of each function by examining its graph.

a. y 4 b. y 
2 1

O x O x
4 2 2 4   2 

2 1

y 6

O x
8 4 4 8

Helping You Remember

4. What is an easy way to remember the periods of the sine and cosine functions in radian
measure? Sample answer: The period of both functions is 2, which is the
circumference of the unit circle.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 809 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-6 Enrichment

Polar Coordinates
Consider an angle in standard position with its vertex 90°
at a point O called the pole. Its initial side is on a 60°
coordinated axis called the polar axis. A point P on
the terminal side of the angle is named by the polar 30°
coordinates (r, ) where r is the directed distance of 150° P
the point from O and  is the measure of the angle.

Graphs in this system may be drawn on polar 180° O 0°

coordinate paper such as the kind shown at the right.
The polar coordinates of a point are not unique. For
example, (3, 30) names point P as well as (3, 390).
Another name for P is (3, 210). Can you see why? 240°
The coordinates of the pole are (0, ) where  may 270°
be any angle.

Example Draw the graph of the function

r  cos . Make a table of convenient values for 
and r. Then plot the points.

 0 30 60 90 120 150 180

3 1 1 
r 1   0   1
2 2 2 2

Since the period of the cosine function is 180, values of r

for  180 are repeated.

Graph each function by making a table of values and plotting the

values on polar coordinate paper.

1. r  4 2. r  3 sin 

3. r  3 cos 2 4. r  2(1  cos )

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 810 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-7 Study Guide and Intervention

Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Solve Equations Using Inverses If the domains of trigonometric functions are
restricted to their principal values, then their inverses are also functions.

Principal Values y  Sin x if and only if y  sin x and  x .

2 2
of Sine, Cosine, y  Cos x if and only if y  cos x and 0 x .
and Tangent y  Tan x if and only if y  tan x and 2 x 2
Inverse Sine, Given y  Sin x, the inverse Sine function is defined by y  Sin1 x or y  Arcsin x.
Cosine, and Given y  Cos x, the inverse Cosine function is defined by y  Cos1 x or y  Arccos x.
Given y  Tan x, the inverse Tangent function is given by y  Tan1 x or y  Arctan x.

Lesson 13-7

Example 1 Solve x  Sin1  .  23 

If x  Sin1 
2  3 
, then Sin x  




The only x that satisfies both criteria is x   or 60.

Example 2 
Solve Arctan   x.


If x  Arctan  
, then Tan x   



The only x that satisfies both criteria is  or 30.

Solve each equation by finding the value of x to the nearest degree.

1. Cos1  
 x 150  2. x  Sin1 

3. x  Arccos (0.8) 143 4. x  Arctan 3



5. x  Arccos  
135  6. x  Tan1 (1) 45


7. Sin1 0.45  x 27 8. x  Arcsin  
9. x  Arccos  120 10. Cos1 (0.2)  x 102

) 60
11. x  Tan1 (3 12. x  Arcsin 0.3 17

13. x  Tan1 (15) 86 14. x  Cos1 1 0

15. Arctan1 (3)  x 72 16. x  Sin1 (0.9) 64

17. Arccos1 0.15 81 18. x  Tan1 0.2 11

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 811 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-7 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Trigonometric Values You can use a calculator to find the values of trigonometric

ExampleFind each value. Write angle measures in radians. Round to the

nearest hundredth.

a. Find tan Sin1  .
1 1   
Let   Sin1 . Then Sin    with   . The value    satisfies both
2 2 2 2 6
 3 3
conditions. tan   
6 3
1 1
so tan Sin   
2 3
b. Find cos (Tan1 4.2).
KEYSTROKES: COS 2nd [tan–1] 4.2 ENTER .2316205273
Therefore cos (Tan1 4.2)  0.23.

Find each value. Write angle measures in radians. Round to the nearest
1. cot (Tan1 2)  2. Arctan(1) 0.79 3. cot1 1 1.27


4. cos Sin1  
2   0.71 
5. Sin1  
6. sin Arcsin 

7. tan Arcsin   57  1.02 8. sin Tan1 152 0.38 )] 0.82
9. sin [Arctan1 (2


10. Arccos  
2.62  11. Arcsin 
2  3 
12. Arccot  


13. cos [Arcsin (0.7)] 0.71 14. tan (Cos1 0.28) 3.43 15. cos (Arctan 5) 0.20

16. Sin1 (0.78) 0.89 17. Cos1 0.42 1.14 18. Arctan (0.42) 0.40

19. sin (Cos1 0.32) 0.95 20. cos (Arctan 8) 0.12 21. tan (Cos1 0.95) 0.33

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 812 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-7 Skills Practice

Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Write each equation in the form of an inverse function.

1.   cos    cos1  2. sin b  a sin1 a  b

2 2
3. y  tan x x  tan1 y 4. cos 45  2
cos1   45

5. b  sin 150 150  sin1 b 6. tan y   tan1   y

Lesson 13-7
5 5

Solve each equation by finding the value of x to the nearest degree.

7. x  Cos1 (1) 180 8. Sin1 (1)  x 90


9. Tan1 1  x 45 10. x  Arcsin  
11. x  Arctan 0 0 12. x  Arccos  60

Find each value. Write angle measures in radians. Round to the nearest

13. Sin1 
0.79 radians 
14. Cos1  
2.62 radians 

15. Tan1 3
 1.05 radians 16. Arctan  
0.52 radians 

17. Arccos  
2.36 radians 18. Arcsin 1 1.57 radians

19. sin (Cos1 1) 0 

20. sin Sin1  0.5

21. tan Arcsin 
1.73  22. cos (Tan1 3) 0.32


23. sin [Arctan (1)] 0.71 
24. sin Arccos  
2   0.71

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 813 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-7 Practice (Average)

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Write each equation in the form of an inverse function.

1.   cos  2. tan    3. y  tan 120

  cos1    tan1  120  tan1 y

1 2 3
4.   cos x 5. sin    2
6. cos   
2 3 3 2
1  2 
x  cos1   12  sin
2 3
2 3

Solve each equation by finding the value of x to the nearest degree.


7. Arcsin 1  x 90 8. Cos1 
 x 30 9. x  tan1  

10. x  Arccos 
45  ) 60
11. x  Arctan (3  12 
12. Sin1   x 30

Find each value. Write angle measures in radians. Round to the nearest

13. Cos1  
2   14. Sin1  
2   15. Arctan  
2.62 radians 0.79 radians 0.52 radians

16. tan Cos1 
17. cos Sin1   35  18. cos [Arctan (1)]

1.73 0.8 0.71


19. tan sin1 
20. sin Arctan 
21. Cos1 tan 
2.4 0.5 3.14 radians


22. Sin1 cos  
23. sin 2 Cos1 
24. cos 2 Sin1 
0.52 radians 0.83 0.5

25. PULLEYS The equation x  cos1 0.95 describes the angle through which pulley A moves,
and y  cos1 0.17 describes the angle through which pulley B moves. Both angles are
greater than 270 and less than 360. Which pulley moves through a greater angle?
pulley A

26. FLYWHEELS The equation y  Arctan 1 describes the counterclockwise angle through
which a flywheel rotates in 1 millisecond. Through how many degrees has the flywheel
rotated after 25 milliseconds? 1125

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 814 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-7 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Pre-Activity How are inverse trigonometric functions used in road design?
Read the introduction to Lesson 13-7 at the top of page 746 in your
Suppose you are given specific values for v and r. What feature of your
graphing calculator could you use to find the approximate measure of the
banking angle ? Sample answer: the TABLE feature

Lesson 13-7
Reading the Lesson
1. Indicate whether each statement is true or false.

a. The domain of the function y  sin x is the set of all real numbers. true

b. The domain of the function y  Cos x is 0 x . true

c. The range of the function y  Tan x is 1 y 1. false

d. The domain of the function y  Cos1 x is  x . false
2 2

e. The domain of the function y  Tan1 x is the set of all real numbers. true

f. The range of the function y  Arcsin x is 0 x . false

2. Answer each question in your own words.

a. What is the difference between the functions y  sin x and the function y  Sin x?
Sample answer: The domain of y  sin x is the set of all real numbers,
while the domain of y  Sin x is restricted to  x .
2 2
b. Why is it necessary to restrict the domains of the trigonometric functions in order to
define their inverses? Sample answer: Only one-to-one functions have
inverses. None of the six basic trigonometric functions is one-to-one,
but related one-to-one functions can be formed if the domains are
restricted in certain ways.

Helping You Remember

3. What is a good way to remember the domains of the functions
y  Sin x, y  Cos x, and y  Tan x, which are also the range
of the functions y  Arcsin x, y  Arccos x, and y  Arctan x?
(You may want to draw a diagram.) Sample answer: Each
restricted domain must include an interval of
numbers for which the function values are positive
and one for which they are negative.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 815 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

13-7 Enrichment

Snell’s Law
Snell’s Law describes what happens to a ray of light that passes from air into
water or some other substance. In the figure, the ray starts at the left and
makes an angle of incidence  with the surface.

Part of the ray is reflected, creating an angle of reflection . The rest of the
ray is bent, or refracted, as it passes through the other medium. This creates
angle .

The angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection.

The angles of incidence and refraction are related by Snell’s Law:

sin   k sin 

The constant k is called the index of refraction.

k Substance
  1.33 Water
1.36 Ethyl alcohol
1.54 Rock salt and Quartz
1.46–1.96 Glass
' 2.42 Diamond

Use Snell’s Law to solve the following. Round angle measures to the
nearest tenth of a degree.

1. If the angle of incidence at which a ray of light strikes the surface of a

window is 45 and k  1.6, what is the measure of the angle of refraction?

2. If the angle of incidence of a ray of light that strikes the surface of water
is 50, what is the angle of refraction?

3. If the angle of refraction of a ray of light striking a quartz crystal is 24,

what is the angle of incidence?

4. The angles of incidence and refraction for rays of light were measured five
times for a certain substance. The measurements (one of which was in
error) are shown in the table. Was the substance glass, quartz, or diamond?

 15 30 40 60 80

 9.7 16.1 21.2 28.6 33.2

5. If the angle of incidence at which a ray of light strikes the surface of

ethyl alcohol is 60, what is the angle of refraction?

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13 Chapter 13 Test, Form 1 SCORE

Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
1. Find the value of tan .

A. 4 B. 3 5 4
3 4

C. 4 D. 5 3
5 3

2. Which equation can be used to find x?

A. cos 60  4 B. tan 60  x
x 4

C. sin 60  4 D. cot 60  4 4

x x

3. Find P to the nearest degree. P

A. 21 B. 23 5

C. 67 D. 69 3.

R 12 Q
4. Rewrite 90 in radian measure.

A.  B.  C.  D. 2 4.

2 90 4 

5. Rewrite  radians in degree measure.

A. 30 B. 30 C. 120 D. 60 5.

6. Which angle is coterminal with a 90 angle in standard position?

A. 540 B. 450 C. 90 D. 270 6.

7. Find the exact value of cos  if the terminal side of  in standard position
contains the point (8, 15).
A.   B. 8 C. 8 15
D.   7.
8 17 15 17

8. What is the reference angle for 150?

A. 150 B. 60 C. 210 D. 30 8.

9. Find the exact value of sin 150.

3 3
A.  B.  C. 1 D. 1 9.
2 2 2 2

10. Which formula can be used to find the area of ABC?

A. area  1ac sin C B. area  1ab sin A
2 2

C. area  1bc sin A D. area  1bc sin B 10.

2 2

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