Proposal Before Edi

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Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) commonly known as black-eyed pea or southern pea, is a vital legume crop
grown extensively in Africa, Asia, and South America. It is an essential source of protein, vitamins, and
minerals, contributing significantly to food security and nutritional needs, especially in regions where
meat and other protein-rich foods are scarce or expensive (Singh et al., 2003). Beyond its nutritional
value, cowpea also plays a significant role in agricultural systems due to its ability to fix atmospheric
nitrogen, thereby enhancing soil fertility (Ehlers & Hall, 1997).

However, one of the major constraints to cowpea production is post-harvest loss due to insect pests,
particularly the cowpea beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus. This beetle is a notorious storage pest that
infests cowpea seeds, causing significant quantitative and qualitative losses (Jackai & Daoust, 1986). The
damage inflicted by C. maculatus not only reduces the seed weight and germination rate but also
compromises the nutritional quality, thereby affecting both farmers' income and consumers' food quality
(Doumma et al., 2011).

Various studies have explored methods to control C. maculatus infestations, including the use of chemical
insecticides, biological control agents, and improved storage techniques. However, chemical control
methods have limitations, such as high costs, health risks, and environmental concerns (Murdock et al.,
2012). Therefore, there is a growing interest in identifying alternative approaches that are more
sustainable and cost-effective (Philips et al., 2017).

Statement of the Problem

While cowpea varieties differ in their susceptibility to C. maculatus infestation, and different storage
methods provide varying degrees of protection, there is limited research on how the interaction between
cowpea variety and storage condition affects the beetle's development, reproduction, and damage
potential (Sanon et al., 2018). Understanding these interactions is critical to developing integrated pest
management strategies that minimize post-harvest losses and improve cowpea storage practices (Adedire
et al., 2011).

Justification of the Study

This research is justified because it addresses the critical need for sustainable management strategies to
reduce post-harvest losses of cowpea due to infestation by Callosobruchus maculatus. By investigating
the development and reproductive performance of the cowpea beetle across different cowpea varieties and
storage conditions, this study aims to provide insights into selecting resistant varieties and optimizing
storage methods. Such findings can help reduce dependency on chemical pesticides and contribute to food
safety and security (Murdock et al., 2012). Additionally, identifying varieties that are less susceptible to
beetle infestation can benefit breeders and farmers by promoting the use of resistant cultivars, thereby
enhancing productivity and profitability.

Moreover, understanding how different storage conditions impact beetle development and infestation
rates can guide the development of improved storage techniques, which are crucial for preserving cowpea
quality during storage (Seck et al., 2018). Effective storage solutions can help mitigate the economic
losses suffered by smallholder farmers and traders, ensuring that cowpea remain available and affordable
throughout the year. This study is aligned with sustainable agricultural practices and contributes to
achieving food security goals in regions heavily reliant on cowpea as a staple crop (World Bank, 2019).

Aim and Objectives


This study aims to investigate the developmental biology, reproductive performance, and impact of
Callosobruchus maculatus on different cowpea varieties under varying storage conditions. The goal is to
identify strategies for minimizing post-harvest losses and improving cowpea storage practices.


1. To determine the developmental time of Callosobruchus maculatus from egg to adult on

different cowpea varieties.

2. To assess the oviposition and egg viability of Callosobruchus maculatus on different varieties
of cowpea reared under different storage conditions.

3. To evaluate the F1 adult emergence of Callosobruchus maculatusreared on different varieties

of cowpea under different storage conditions.

4. To determine the loss of weight of different varieties of cowpea infested by Callosobruchus

maculatus under different storage conditions.


The null Hypotheses:

1. NO There is no significant difference in the developmental time of Callosobruchus maculatus

from egg to adult among different cowpea varieties under different storage conditions
2. NO There is no significant difference in the oviposition rate and egg viability of Callosobruchus
maculatus on different cowpea varieties reared under different storage conditions.
3. NO There is no significant difference in the number of F1 adults emerging from Callosobruchus
maculatus reared on different cowpea varieties under different storage conditions.
4. NO There is no significant difference in the weight loss of different cowpea varieties infested by
Callosobruchus maculatus under different storage conditions.

Materials and Method

Study area

The experiment would be carried out at Department of biological sciences Laboratory, Federal university
Gashua, Yobe state, Nigeria. Gashua is a community in Yobe state in northeastern Nigeria, on the Yobe
River a few miles below the convergence of the Hadejia River and the Jama’are River. Average elevation
is about 299 m. The population in 2006 was about 125,000 (Gashua, 2009). The hottest months are March
and April with temperature ranges of 38-40o Celsius. In the rainy season, June–September, temperatures
fall to 23-28o Celsius, with rainfall of 500 to 1000mm (Sunday Tribune, 2013).

Collection and Disinfestation of cowpea varieties

Improved cowpea variety (IT89K-568-18) will be sourced from the Centre for Dry land agriculture,
Bayero University Kano. Seeds of two local varieties (Red and white) will be purchased from local
market in Gashua, Nigeria. Seeds of all the cowpea varieties will be separately wrapped in polyethylene
bags and disinfested in a deep freezer at -180 C for 3 days to kill developing insects and air-dried prior to
the study (Musa and Adeboye, 2017).

Collection and identification of C. maculatus

The adult C. maculatus will be collected from infested seeds of a cowpea variety (brown) different from
the three varieties used in the study. The collected beetle will be identified in the laboratory following the
method described by Beck and Blumer (2011), using traits associated to the coloration and shape of the
plate covering the end of the abdomen (i.e., enlarged and darkly colored in females, small and lacking
stripes in males).

Culture of C. maculatus

Culturing will be carried out at the Biological Sciences Laboratory Federal University Gashua, using C.
maculatus adults. The initial strain will be collected from infested seeds of a cowpea variety (brown)
different to the three varieties used in this study. For mass rearing, male and female adults will be rear in
jars containing 450 g of high quality seeds of the brown variety. Adults will be removed from the jars a
week later, having ensured mating and oviposition. All adults emerging from these seeds will be collected
and used in the experiments (Beck and Blumer, 2011).

Storage conditions

The storage methods used in this research are polyethylene bag (hermetic) of 192 mm x 165 mm
dimensions, storage bins which are made of aluminum and plastic containers. Before placing of the
samples in containers, Moisture content of each of the cowpea variety will be determined using standard
methods as used by (Abodenyi et al., 2018) to ensure that the sample are safe at storage moisture content
to minimize spoilage during storage period.

Experimental Procedure

Experiment 1

Each variety of cowpea will be weighed 2kg and placed into the respective storage conditions. 5 pairs of
newly emerged adult beetles (5 males and 5 females) will be randomly introduced into each experimental
unit (containers) to initiate infestation. The containers will be sealed and stored under ambient laboratory
conditions (Abodenyi, V.A. et al., 2021). The experimental set up will be laid out in a completely
randomized design with three replicates.

Experiment 2

Five days after the initial release, adults will be removed from each containers and the eggs laid in each
containers will be counted for each containers following the method described by Kebe et al. Then, all
the seeds will be return to respected containers for a month, after what we counted all adults emerging
within a 15-days period.

Experiment 3

First filial generation adult C. maculatus emerged from pods and seed in each replicate batch, and each
variety will be counted and removed to avoid second generation emergence. All seeds in each replicate
for all varieties will be open and dead larvae and pupae will be counted. Adult emergence, larval and
pupal mortalities will be express as percentage of the total number of eggs that will be hatched (Arong
and Usua,2004)
Experiment 4(Loss of Weight)

To assess the impact of beetle infestation on weight loss, each sample’s initial weight will be recorded.
Following a predetermined period, we weighed the samples again to determine the final weight. Weight
loss was calculated using the formula:

Weight loss% =

This calculation provided a quantitative measure of the damage inflicted by the beetles, enabling
comparisons across the different cowpea varieties and storage conditions. Our findings will shed light on
how the choice of storage material and cowpea variety influences beetle development and weight loss,
which is vital for optimizing storage practices and minimizing economic losses for farmers.

Initially seed moisture content (%), electrical conductivity (EC), germination percentage, seedling length
(cm) and vigour index were recorded. Finally following observations were recorded Determination of
seed loss due to bruchid infestation To estimate actual and apparent loss in weight of cowpea seeds
caused by bruchids, samples of 50 g seeds were drawn from each treatment in each replication after
specified period (90 days) and observations were recorded on number of damaged seeds (Nd), seeds
showing emergent holes, number of undamaged seeds (Nu), weight of damaged seeds (D), weight of
undamaged seeds (U), total number of seeds in 50 g (Nd+Nu) and weight of seeds in each replications.

The per cent actual loss was calculated by using the following formula (Adams and Schulten, 1978).
U(Nd) -D (Nu) Per cent actual weight loss = ____________________ × 100 U (Nu+Nd) The per cent loss
in weight was worked out using the following formula (Girish et al., 1975).

Per cent apparent weight loss = ____________________ × 100 Initial weight In general, Wi-Wn Per cent
apparent loss = ___________ × 100 Wi Where, Wi = Initial weight of seeds at the beginning experiment
Wn = Weight of seeds after ‘n’ months (3 month) No. of seeds with emergent holes Per cent infestation
= _________________________________ × 100 Total number of seeds observed Based on statistical
analysis 35 cowpea genotypes were classified high, moderate and less susceptible groups against the
bruchid attack during storage.
Expected Outcomes

Adams, J. M. and G. G. M. Schulten (1978). Losses caused by insects, mites and micro organisms in post-
harvest grain loss assessment methods. An Assoc. Cereal Cheme., St., Paul Minnesota, USA., p. 193.

Girish, G. K., S. K. Jain, Ashok Kumar and N. S. Agrawal (1975). Ashok Kumar and Agrawal, N. S., 1975,
Assessment of storage losses quality and particular concentration in wheat availability in the marker of
Western UP, Punjab and Haryana. Bull. Grain Tech., 13 : 8-18.


Abdulrasak K. Musa and Abiola A. Adeboye (2017). Susceptibility of some cowpea varieties to the
seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (F.)(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Vol. 62, No. 4, 2017 Pages 351-360

Adedire, C. O., et al. (2011). "Comparative evaluation of insecticidal properties of some plant
powders against Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) on stored cowpea seeds." Journal of
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Baoua, I. B., et al. (2012). "Control of cowpea insect pests using a combination of biological
control and cowpea-resistant varieties." African Journal of Biotechnology 11(48): 10857-10864.

Beck, C.W., Blumer, S.B., (2011). A handbook on bean beetles, Callosobruchus maculatus.

Doumma, A., et al. (2011). "Impact of cowpea beetle infestation on the quality of cowpea seeds and
economic losses in Niger." International Journal of Pest Management 57(3): 281-287.

Ehlers, J. D., & Hall, A. E. (1997). "Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.)." Field Crops Research
53(1-3): 187-204.

Fleurat-Lessard, F. (2017). "Storage pests of food legumes and cereals." *Food Reviews
International 33(4): 251-274.
Jackai, L. E. N., & Daoust, R. A. (1986). "Insect pests of cowpeas." Annual Review of Entomology 31:

Lale, N. E. S. (2000). The Biology of the Cowpea Beetle. Insect Science and Its Application, 20(3), 213-

Murdock, L. L., et al. (2012). "Persistence of the efficacy of hermetic storage bags against
Callosobruchus maculatus." Journal of Stored Products Research 48: 81-85.

Philips, T. W., et al. (2017). "Management of storage pests in organic foods." Insects 8(2): 47.

Sanon a,b,, L.C. Dabiré-Binso b , N.M. Ba b (2011). Triple-bagging of cowpeas within high density
polyethylene bags to control the cowpea beetle Callosobruchus maculatus F. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)

Sanon, A., et al. (2018). "Impact of the combination of resistant varieties and storage conditions
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Gashua". GeoNames. Retrieved 1 October 2009.

Jump up to:a b "Gashu'a Where Gani got his lung cancer?". Sunday Tribune. 13 September
2009. Archived from the original on 22 February 2013. Retrieved 1 October 2009.

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