Badu-Apraku Et Al., 2021
Badu-Apraku Et Al., 2021
Badu-Apraku Et Al., 2021
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Maize, an important source of calories and nutrients in sub-Saharan Africa is threatened by northern
corn leaf blight (NCLB) caused by Exserohilum turcicum. This study examined combining ability and
heterotic patterns of early-maturing (EM) maize inbreds, gene action conditioning NCLB resistance,
performance of derived hybrids across environments, and identified testers. Fifteen each of white and
yellow inbreds, were intercrossed using North Carolina Design II to obtain 75 hybrids per endosperm
color. Hybrids plus six checks were inoculated with a virulent isolate of E. turcicum four weeks after
planting in six inoculated and three non-inoculated environments in Nigeria, 2018 and 2019. Inbreds
were assigned to heterotic groups using general combining ability (GCA) of multiple traits method.
Specific combining ability (SCA), GCA, and genotype × environment interactions (G × E) were
significant for grain yield (GYLD), disease severity, and other traits. NCLB caused 46% GYLD
reduction. GCA effects were preponderant over SCA for GYLD and NCLB severity across
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hybrid performance. White and yellow inbreds were placed in two and three heterotic groups,
respectively. High-yielding NCLB resistant testers identified could be used to classify other inbreds yet
to be field-tested into heterotic groups. TZEI 32 × TZEI 5 and TZEI 124 × TZEI 134 were identified as
single-cross testers. TZEI 32 × TZEI 5, TZEI 5 × TZEI 75 (white) and TZEI 124 × TZEI 134, TZEI
124 × TZEI 11 (yellow) were identified for on-farm testing and possible commercialization.
Abbreviations: AMMI: additive main effects and multiplicative interaction; ASI: anthesis-silking
interval; BI: base index; DA: days to 50% anthesis; DS: days to 50% silking; EASP: ear aspect; EHT:
ear height; EM: early maturing; EPP: number of ears per plant; GCA: general combining ability; G × E:
genotype by environment; GYLD: grain yield; HGCAMT: heterotic grouping based on GCA of
multiple traits; HUSK: husk cover; PASP: plant aspect; PHT: plant height; RL: root lodging; SCA:
specific combining ability; SL: stalk lodging; SSA: sub-Saharan Africa; TURC2WAI: disease score two
weeks after inoculation; TURC6WAI: disease score six weeks after inoculation; TURC: average disease
Core Ideas
Gene action for grain yield and turcicum resistance was predominantly additive in early-
Three heterotic groups identified for planned hybrid crosses involving EM inbreds.
Inbred and single-cross testers identified for grouping and testing for turcicum resistance.
Identified testers should be used to classify EM inbreds which are yet to be field-tested.
Ten high-yielding and stable hybrids with turcicum resistance identified for commercialization.
Maize (Zea mays L.), a cereal crop widely cultivated for high source of calories, minerals, and other
nutrients for populations in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (Badu-Apraku and Fakorede, 2017), also plays
et al., 2013; Badu-Apraku and Fakorede, 2017). However, maize productivity in SSA is constrained
by several biotic and abiotic stresses. Among the prominent biotic stresses are the parasitic weed
Striga hermonthica, the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), stemborers, and several foliar
diseases, including the northern corn leaf blight (NCLB). The NCLB caused by the fungus,
Exserohilum turcicum (Pass.) Leonard & Suggs., is a destructive foliar disease accounting for over
30% yield loss and complete loss if infection occurs at the seedling stage (Hooda et al., 2016; Human
et al., 2016). Recently, there has been increased incidence and severity of NCLB in the lowland
tropics of SSA calling for urgent disease control strategies to manage the disease (Akinwale and
Oyelakin, 2018). Several methods could be adopted to manage NCLB; however, breeding for
resistance is the most appropriate, environmentally friendly, and most feasible and sustainable control
method (Ayiga-Aluba et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2016; Wiesner-Hanks and Nelson, 2016). Maize
varieties, inbred lines, and hybrids vary in susceptibility to NCLB and there are no immune
accessions. Susceptible germplasm has poor physiological development and growth, reduced quality
of produce and low yield. Contrarily, tolerant germplasm support disease development but exhibits
little or no reduction in physiological development, growth, quality of produce and yield (Badu-
Apraku and Fakorede, 2017). Both qualitatively and quantitatively inherited resistance have been
reported for the control of NCLB (Welz and Geiger, 2000). However, repeated emergence of
physiologically diverse races renders qualitative resistance unstable. Therefore, the development of
quantitatively inherited resistance has been the goal of breeders (Sibiya et al., 2013).
Increased maize production by farmers in West and Central Africa (WCA) has been possible through
cultivation of open-pollinated varieties (OPV); only a small area (~5%) in WCA is planted with
hybrids (Abdoulaye et al., 2009). However, use of hybrids holds a great promise for maize production
in WCA (Oyekunle and Badu-Apraku, 2014), but the hybrids need to be resistant to major diseases to
have increased usage. Early maturing (EM), high-yielding, and stable maize hybrids could contribute
to increased hybrid preference in the region. Therefore, during the past two decades development of
such hybrids has received considerable attention in the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
yield, has been on Striga and drought tolerance. Breeding for resistance to NCLB was recently
included as a target trait due to severe incidence of the disease in the region. Development and
on the heterotic patterns of parental lines is needed to determine the potential usefulness of the inbred
lines in the hybrid program. This would facilitate better understanding of the genetic relationships
among the inbreds and classification into appropriate heterotic groups for effective utilization in the
IITA maize improvement program for the development of multiple-stress tolerant hybrids, synthetic
The combining ability of maize inbreds and their classification into heterotic groups provide
information on their potentials for the development of productive hybrids. Panhwer et al. (2008)
defined combining ability as the potential of inbreds to hybridize so that favourable genes could be
transmitted to their progenies. Studies on combining ability are of utmost importance for designing
breeding programs for hybrid development and comparison of the performance of hybrids developed
from inbreds. Information on combining ability of inbreds in hybrid combinations is, therefore,
important for successful maize hybrid improvement (Panhwer et al., 2008; Amegbor et al., 2017). An
assessment of the general combining ability (GCA) effects of inbreds for grain yield (GYLD) and
other agronomic traits relative to the specific combining ability (SCA) effects of the derived hybrids is
crucial for identifying outstanding hybrids for commercial production (Badu-Apraku and Oyekunle,
2012). Genetic studies have demonstrated the predominance of GCA over SCA effects for NCLB and
grain yield, indicating that genetic gains in breeding for resistance to NCLB could be maximized
through population improvement methods (Vivek et al., 2010; Sibiya et al., 2013). Contrarily,
Schechert et al. (1997) reported the predominance of SCA over GCA effects of inbreds studied
yield losses. Fortunately, numerous drought, low soil nitrogen tolerant, and Striga resistant EM and
extra-early-maturing (EEM) inbreds have been developed in the IITA-MIP. In an effort to mitigate the
damage caused by NCLB, the EM and EEM multiple stress tolerant inbreds were screened for
resistance to NCLB (Badu-Apraku et al., 2021a). Several resistant inbreds were identified thus paving
the way for the development of high-yielding hybrids resistant to NCLB and other stresses. In order to
develop multiple stress tolerant hybrids with resistance/tolerance to NCLB, it is necessary to study the
combining ability of traits and patterns of inheritance of the inbreds to identify hybrids with potential
for commercialization (Badu-Apraku et al., 2013; Badu-Apraku and Oyekunle, 2012). Additionally,
there is a critical need for accurate evaluation of the crosses under high disease pressure, which could
be achieved through artificial E. turcicum inoculation. Additionally, there is the need to examine the
heterotic patterns of the inbreds and identify testers in selected IITA-MIP EM inbreds with resistance
to E. turcicum.
The present study was conducted with the objectives of i) estimating the combining abilities of sets of
EM white and yellow inbreds, ii) determining the gene action conditioning resistance to NCLB, iii)
classifying the inbreds into distinct heterotic groups, iv) identifying EM testers for maize breeding
Generation of crosses
Thirty EM maize inbred lines developed by IITA-MIP were used for the present study. The inbreds
were selected based on their performance under high NCLB disease pressure provided by artificial
inoculation at Ile-Ife, Ikenne, and Zaria, Nigeria (Badu-Apraku et al., 2021a). There were 15 yellow
and 15 white endosperm types which were inter-crossed using the NCD II mating scheme (Comstock
and Robinson, 1948). The inbreds were classified into six sets (three sets per grain color) with five
inbreds in each set. Inbreds within each grain color were crossed with one set used as female and
Inoculum for each location was prepared using a total of 100 Erlenmeyer flasks containing sorghum
grains, inoculated with E. turcicum. Briefly, 100 g of white sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) grains were
weighed into each Erlenmeyer flask and soaked overnight. The grains were washed in distilled water
and sterilized at 121°C for 1 hr in an autoclave. After cooling in aseptic conditions, the grains were
inoculated with a 4 ml spore suspension (105 spores ml-1) of virulent E. turcicum isolate NGIB16-13
and incubated for 4 d at room temperature (~26°C) (Badu-Apraku et al., 2021a). The colonized grains
were stored in a refrigerator (4°C) for less than 48 h before field inoculations.
Field evaluations
One hundred and fifty EM single-cross hybrids plus six checks (81 hybrids) each of white and yellow
endosperm color were evaluated under artificial E. turcicum inoculation at Ikenne (6°53’ N, 3°42’ E),
Ile-Ife 7 8 E and Zaria (11°7’ N, 7°45’ E) in Nigeria during the 2018 growing season. The
experiment was repeated in 2019 growing season at the three sites but, in addition non-inoculated
trials were evaluated at the three test locations. The characteristics of the test sites are described in
Table 1. The test sites are in target environments of the IITA-MIP, where severe NCLB outbreaks
have occurred recently. The hybrids were evaluated using 9 × 9 lattice design with two replicates per
grain color. A plot consisted of a single-cross hybrid planted in 4 m single-row plot, each spaced 0.75
m × 0.40 m. Three seeds of each hybrid were planted per hill and thinned to two seedlings per hill 2
weeks after planting (WAP), resulting in 22 plants per plot. Basal application of NPK 15-15-15
fertilizer was done 3 WAP and top-dressed with urea at 5 WAP. Artificial inoculation of the trials was
carried out within each plot at 4 WAP by placing 10 to 15 E. turcicum colonized sorghum grains (at a
rate of 40 kg ha-1) into the whorl using a sterile scoop. Non-inoculated trials were treated with 0.4 ml
weeks until 10 WAP to prevent the spread of the pathogen from the inoculated fields to non-
inoculated trials.
Whole plots of each experiment were visually scored twice during crop growth and development for
disease severity: i) two weeks after inoculation (TURC2WAI, 6 WAP) to determine the initial
response of the hybrids at the early plant growth stage, and ii) six weeks after inoculation
(TURC6WAI, 10 WAP) to determine the reaction of the hybrids as they matured. The plots were
Observations on days to pollen shed was recorded as the days when half of the plants per plot had
started producing pollen (days to anthesis, DA), while days to silking (DS) was determined by
counting the number of days from planting to incipient silk extrusion of 50% of plants in a plot.
Anthesis-silking interval (ASI) was obtained as days to silking minus days to pollen shed. Plant
(PHT) and ear (EHT) heights were obtained as the distance measured from the base of the plant to the
height of the first tassel branch and to the node bearing the upper ear, respectively. Root lodging (RL)
was computed as the number of plants leaning >30° from the upright position. Stalk lodging (SL) was
recorded as the number of stalks broken below the ear few days before harvesting. Ears per plant
(EPP) was calculated by counting the total number of ears per plot and dividing by the number of
plants harvested. Plant aspect (PASP) was scored based on the overall plant appeal, considering
factors such as relative uniformity of plant height and ear placement, reaction to diseases and insect
damage, and lodging resistance, using a scale of 1 to 9 where 1 = excellent phenotypic appeal and 9 =
poor phenotypic appeal. Ear aspect (EASP) was measured as the extent of disease and insect damage
of ears, ear size, and uniformity. The EASP was measured using a scale of 1 to 9; where 1 = clean,
uniform, large, and well-filled ears and 9 = ears with undesirable features (Badu-Apraku et al., 2013).
beyond the ear tip, while 9 = ears with the tips greatly exposed. Field weight represented weight of
dehusked ears per plot. GYLD (kg ha-1) was estimated based on 80% shelling. The moisture content
of the grains was adjusted to 150 g kg-1 and computed as previously described (Badu-Apraku et al.,
Data analysis
Each location × year combination was regarded as a test environment and analysis of variance
(ANOVA) was conducted per test environment to estimate the means for each entry adjusted for
block effects (Cochran and Cox, 1960). The MIXED MODEL procedure of Statistical Analysis
System (SAS) package version 9.13 (SAS Institute, 2011) was used, with blocks nested in replication
× environments. Genotype effect was fixed while replicates within environments were considered as
random factors. The PROC GLM with RANDOM statement and a TEST option was employed for
Yijkg represents the measurement for the gth genotype in the ith environment, in the kth block within
jth replicate; μ is the grand mean; Ei is main effect of environment; Rj(i) is the effect of replication
within environment effect; Bk(ij) is the block effect nested in replicate j by environment i; Gg are the
effects due to genotypes; EGig is the interaction between genotypes and environments and εijkg is the
error term.
ANOVA for NCD II pooled across sets and test environments was done with the component of
variation due to the hybrids partitioned into female (sets), male (sets), and interaction between female
× male (sets). General combining ability (GCA) was represented by female (sets) and male (sets)
main effects while specific combining ability (SCA) was the interaction between female × male (sets)
(Hallauer et al., 2010). The F tests were calculated for male (sets), female (sets), and female × male
(sets) mean squares employing the respective mean squares for interaction with environment (E).
Selected inbreds were classified into heterotic groups using the GCA of multiple traits (HGCAMT)
set is presented in Supplementary Table 1. The statistical model of the HGCAMT method used to
∑ ( ) ɛij
where Y represents the HGCAMT, which denotes genetic value that measures the relationship among
genotypes used to determine the GCA of multiple traits i to n: Yi is the individual GCA effects of
genotypes for trait i. μ is the average GCA effects across Y genotypes for trait i. Si represents the
standard deviation of the GCA effects of trait i. ɛij denotes the residual of the model associated with
the combination of inbred line i and trait j. Characters with significant mean squares under artificial
inoculations were identified and GCA effects of the traits were standardized to reduce the effects of
various rating scales employed to measure the characters. The GCA standardized values were
employed for cluster analysis using Ward’s minimum variance method SAS Institute 20 to
classify the inbreds. Furthermore, a base index (BI) for selecting the resistant and susceptible hybrids
was computed using the following formula: BI= GYLD˗0.7 PASP -0.9(EASP)-0.3(TURC)+0.4(EPP)
To reduce the effects of contrasting scales for the BI, the parameters of the BI were standardized with
means equal to zero and standard deviation equal to one. Genotypes with positive BI values were
identified as resistant to E. turcicum while genotypes with negative BI values were considered as
Based on the BI, 35 (including the best 20, middle 5, and the worst 10 genotypes) white and yellow
single-cross hybrids were selected for stability analysis. The additive main effects and multiplicative
interaction (AMMI) biplot was used to study the genotype (G), environment (E), and G × E
interaction effects of GYLD of hybrids as well as the stability of performance of the hybrids across
analysis, the AMMI model divided the G × E interactions into different principal component axes
(IPCAs) (Yan, 2001). Subsequently, the AMMI model equation described by Sadeghi et al. (2011)
was applied. We adopted the AMMI biplot to examine the performance of the hybrids across test
Analysis of variance, GCA and SCA of GYLD and NCLB disease severity scores of early
For the white EM single-cross hybrids artificially inoculated with E. turcicum, environment mean
squares were highly significant for all measured traits (Table 2). Similar trends occurred for male in
set, female in set, female × male in set, environment × male in set, environment × female in set, and
environment × female × male in set for all measured traits with the exception of a few cases such as
EPP (Table 2). For the artificially inoculated yellow EM single-cross hybrids, similar trends occurred
for all measured traits, apart from EPP which showed a few more highly significant traits, and PHT
with more non-significant cases compared with the white EM hybrids (Table 3). Therefore, by
implication, all these effects were highly significant for all measured traits except in a few cases,
especially EPP, PASP, and EASP. For the two scenarios (Tables 2 and 3), the R2 values and
heritabilities were mostly high apart from ASI and TURC2WAI with relatively low R2 values. The
CVs also were relatively low except that for ASI that was very high in both cases.
Inbred lines with significant positive GCA (male and female) effects, having significant negative
GCA effects for TURC6WAI are the most desirable in this study. Among the white lines, TZEI 5,
TZEI 89, TZEI 32, TZEI 60, and TZEI 75 satisfied that condition (Table 4) and were, therefore,
considered as good general combiners usable either as female or male parents under high E. turcicum
pressure. TZEI 40 had significant positive GCA-male for GYLD and significant negative GCA
(female and male) for TURC6WAI. Contrarily, TZEI 39, TZEI 51, TZEI 56, and TZEI 269 had
significant negative GCA (male and female) effects for GYLD and positive GCA for TURC6WAI.
the yellow EM inbred lines, TZEI 134 and TZEI 124 were the only lines that satisfied the condition
and were, therefore, identified as good combiners usable either as male or female for GYLD and
TURC6WAI under high E. turcicum pressure (Table 4). Furthermore, TZEI 128 possessed significant
positive GCA-male effects for GYLD and significant negative GCA (male and female) effects for
TURC6WAI. However, TZEI 9 and TZEI 23 had negative GCA for GYLD but had significant
Of the total variation for the measured traits under artificial inoculation, the sum of squares (SS) of
GCA (female and male) for the white EM hybrids ranged from 43 to 83% while 14 to 57% was
attributed to SCA (Table 5). The contributions of the GCA SS to the variation observed among the
white EM hybrids were greater than the SCA SS for the measured traits except for EPP. In addition,
the GCA-male SS was greater than GCA-female SS for GYLD, DA, DS, EASP, TURC6WAI, and
TURC while GCA-female SS was higher for PASP, TURC2WAI, and EPP. Similar results (with few
exceptions) were generally recorded for the measured traits under non-inoculated conditions. Under
the non-inoculated condition, the GCA SS made larger contributions to GYLD, DA, DS, PLHT, EHT,
PASP, and EASP while SCA SS contributions were higher than GCA SS for ASI, TURC2WAI,
TURC6WAI, TURC, and EPP for the white EM hybrids (Table 5). In contrast, 49 to 76% of the total
variation for measured traits under artificial inoculation for the EM yellow hybrids was explained by
GCA (female and male) while the SCA explained 24 to 55 % (Table 6). The contribution of the GCA
SS among the hybrids was greater than the SCA SS for the measured traits except for EHT and EPP.
In addition, the GCA-female SS was greater than GCA-male SS for GYLD, DA, DS, PASP, EASP,
TURC2WAI, TURC6WAI, TURC, and EPP. Under non-inoculated conditions, the GCA SS was
larger for GYLD, DA, DS, PLHT, EHT, PASP, and EASP. However, the contributions of SCA SS
were higher than the GCA SS for ASI, TURC2WAI, TURC6WAI, TURC, and EPP (Table 6). For the
white hybrids, SCA made larger SS contribution for only one trait (EPP) under inoculation whereas
SCA was more important for five traits under non-inoculation treatment. For the yellow hybrids, SCA
non-inoculation treatment.
The white EM inbreds were assigned into two distinct groups at 38% level of dissimilarity (R-squared
value) (Figure 1). Eight inbreds (TZEI 1, TZEI 89, TZEI 35, TZEI 40, TZEI 5, TZEI 32, TZEI 75, and
TZEI 60) were placed in group 1 while seven (TZEI 39, TZEI 51, TZEI 86, TZEI 56, TZEI 83, TZEI 269,
and TZEI 4) were assigned to the second group. According to the criteria proposed by Pswarayi and
Vivek (2008) for the identification of a tester, inbreds TZEI 60, TZEI 75, and TZEI 32 classified into
group 1, possessed significant positive GCA (female and male) effects for GYLD, as well as high per se
GYLD. Furthermore, the three inbreds possessed significant negative GCA (male and female) effects for
NCLB severity scores. However, the per se GYLD of TZEI 60 was significantly higher than that of TZEI
75 and TZEI 32 (Table 7) and was therefore selected as a tester for group 1. The single-cross hybrid TZEI
32 × TZEI 5 had the highest GYLD under artificial inoculation and was identified as a single-cross hybrid
tester in group 1. None of the inbreds in group 2 met the criteria for selection as a tester. At 40% level of
dissimilarity (R-squared value of 40%), three distinct heterotic groups were identified for the yellow EM
inbreds (Figure 2). The inbreds TZEI 9, TZEI 24, TZEI 23 and TZEI 120 were classified into group 1;
TZEI 17, TZEI 13, TZEI 14, and TZEI 11 were assigned to group 2 while TZEI 128, TZEI 135, TZEI
182, TZEI 219, TZEI 161, TZEI 134 and TZEI 124 were assigned to group 3 (Figure 2). None of the
inbreds in groups 1 and 2 satisfied the criteria for a good tester. However, inbreds TZEI 134 and TZEI
124 from group 3, combined significant positive GCA effects for GYLD and significant negative GCA
(female and male) effects for NCLB disease severity scores. The per se GYLD of TZEI 124 was
significantly higher than that of TZEI 134 (Table 7). Therefore, TZEI 124 was selected as a tester for
group 3. Additionally, TZEI 124 and TZEI 134 belonged to the same heterotic group and had the highest
GYLD in hybrid combinations. Therefore, TZEI 124 × TZEI 134 was chosen as single-cross tester (Table
values of the white and yellow EM single-cross hybrids are presented in Tables 8 and 9. The white
EM single-cross hybrids produced GYLD ranging from 3,221 kg ha-1 for TZEI 39 × TZEI 4 to 7,201
kg ha-1 for TZEI 32 × TZEI 5 under artificial inoculation. Contrarily, under natural conditions, TZEI
75 × TZEI 60 had the highest GYLD of 8,409 kg ha-1 and a GYLD reduction of 22% under artificial
inoculation (Table 8). Overall, artificial inoculation reduced GYLD from 1% for TZEI 32 × TZEI 5 to
40% for TZEI 39 × TZEI 269 (Table 8). The yellow EM single-cross hybrids produced GYLD
ranging from 1,961 kg ha-1 for TZEI 14 × TZEI 11 to 7,020 kg ha-1 for TZEI 124 × TZEI 134 under
artificial inoculation (Table 9). In contrast, TZEI 124 × TZEI 11 had a GYLD of 8,852 kg ha -1 under
natural conditions with a yield reduction of 27% when artificially inoculated. Artificial inoculation of
the yellow EM hybrids resulted in GYLD reduction of 1% for TZEI 161 × TZEI 219 to 46% for TZEI
23 × TZEI 182 (Table 9). Using the BI, 47 of the white EM hybrids were classified as resistant to the
disease while 28 were susceptible. Similarly, 50 and 25 of the yellow EM hybrids were classified as
In the AMMI biplots displayed in Figures 3 and 4, the vertical dotted lines represent the grand mean
of GYLD while the horizontal line depicts the zero IPC1 values. Hybrids close to the zero IPC1 line
had stable GYLD across the test environments and had little interactions with the test environments
(Yan, 2001). Hybrids farther from the zero IPC1 line were less stable. In addition, hybrids that fell on
the negative side of the main effect axis of the biplots were characterized by GYLD lower than the
mean while those on the positive side had GYLD greater than the mean. Furthermore, hybrids that fell
on the upper right quadrant of the biplots (i.e., above the zero IPC1 line) were positively correlated
with the IPC1 scores and were adapted to favourable environments, while hybrids on the lower right
quadrant (i.e., below the IPC1 line) were negatively associated with the IPC1 scores and were adapted
to low-yield environments (Yan, 2001). A wide range of GYLD and large variability across the test
environments were observed. The principal component analyses explained 87.6% and 88.1% of the
GYLD SS for the white and yellow EM hybrids, respectively. This indicates that the biplots were
adequate in describing the G × E interactions across the test environments under NCLB (Figure 3).
across the test environments. These hybrids had little interaction with test environments as denoted by
their proximity to the zero IPC1 score. However, hybrid 17 was the highest-yielding across the test
environments and was positively correlated with the IPC1 axis suggesting that it was adapted to high-
yielding environments. Also, hybrids 10, 16, 46, 55, and 63 had average GYLD greater than the mean
and were positively correlated with the IPC1 axis indicating adaptation to high-yielding environments.
Contrarily, hybrids 12, 31, 35, 50, 51, and 60 had GYLD higher than the mean but were negatively
correlated with the IPC1 scores implying adaptation to low-yield test environments. Furthermore, EM
yellow hybrids 84, 116, and 134 were the most stable as they had little association with the test
environments and had GYLD greater than the average (Figure 4). However, hybrid 118 had the
highest yield across test environments and was positively correlated with the IPC1 axis suggesting
adaptation to high-yielding environments. Similarly, hybrids 119, 120, 127, 128, 130, 140, and 145
had GYLD greater than the average and were adapted to favourable test-environments. However, the
GYLD of hybrids 93, 117, 125, and 138, were higher than the grand average but were negatively
correlated with the IPC1 scores implying adaptation to low-yield research environments (Figure 4).
Recently, our research group screened yellow and white endosperm EM maize inbreds under artificial
E. turcicum inoculation across contrasting agro-ecologies in Nigeria and identified several resistant
inbreds (Badu-Apraku et al., 2021a). Outstanding inbreds with combined resistance to E. turcicum
and other agronomically desirable traits identified in that study were used in the present study to
develop high-yielding EM white and yellow single-cross hybrids with resistance to NCLB. The
different responses of the hybrids to contrasting environments should facilitate the selection of
outstanding hybrids adapted to different environments. The significant genotype and environment
effects detected for most measured traits, especially GYLD and NCLB disease severity scores for
both white and yellow EM hybrids, indicates that the performance of the hybrids varied under
contrasting environmental conditions. This result also implied that the test environments were
resistance to NCLB. Vivek et al. (2010) reported similar results for intermediate to late maturing
Additionally, significant G × E interactions observed in the present study for GYLD, NCLB disease
severity scores, and other measured traits indicated varying responses of the genotypes to the
contrasting test environments and that it would be necessary to identify genotypes characterized by
high-yield and stable performance across research environments (Moghaddam and Pourdad, 2009).
Therefore, there is a need for extensive testing of the hybrids in contrasting environments before
In combining ability studies, if GCA effect is the largest component, then breeding schemes that
capitalize on additive gene effects of the parents are appropriate. Therefore, it is advisable to employ
breeding schemes that would lead to accumulation of additive genes. This calls for the use of
recurrent selection methods such as the S1, half-sib, or full-sib family selection. Contrarily, if the SCA
effects are preponderant, then a back-cross breeding program or hybridization are the preferred
choices for introgression of beneficial genes into agronomically desirable parents. However, if both
GCA and SCA effects are important, then there is a need to employ a recurrent selection method to
increase the frequency of the favorable alleles (additive genes), followed by hybridization to take
advantage of the SCA effects. The significant SCA and GCA (male/female) effects observed for most
measured traits especially GYLD and TURC6WAI suggested that the inheritance of GYLD and
NCLB resistance were controlled by both non-additive and additive genetic effects. This finding is
similar to those of Vivek et al. (2010) who reported significant GCA and SCA effects for GYLD and
NCLB resistance. Our results indicated that hybrids, synthetics and populations with high GYLD and
resistance to NCLB could be developed through recurrent selection, hybridization, and back-crossing
methods (Badu-Apraku et al., 2015). Additionally, our results suggested that inbreds with outstanding
combining abilities as well as efficient testers could be identified and assigned to distinct groups
under NCLB infection. The preponderance of GCA (female/male) effects compared to the SCA
EPP implied that additive genetic effects were largely responsible for the variations observed among
the parents of the hybrids tested in the present study. This result is consistent with those of Badu-
Apraku et al. (2015) who reported that the additive genetic effects were more important for GYLD
and other agronomic characters in the stress environments. Therefore, early generation testing would
be effective and selection of hybrids with high GYLD and NCLB resistance would be successful
through predictions based on additive genetic effects in both the yellow and white inbreds studied.
The identified inbreds with higher GCA-female could serve as female parents while those with higher
GCA-male could be used as male parents in crosses for improving resistance to NCLB. Additionally,
significant SCA × environment interactions for GYLD and the disease severity scores implied that the
GYLD and NCLB resistance of the white and yellow EM hybrids were not the same in the contrasting
test environments. This result suggested the possibility of selecting different inbreds for the
development of hybrids under each test environment (Badu-Apraku et al., 2015). Single-cross hybrids
are sensitive to changes in environmental conditions (Hallauer et al., 2010). This justified the need for
evaluating hybrids across contrasting test environments to identify stable and high yielding hybrids
(Akinwale et al., 2014). GCA effects of an inbred play an important role in improving a particular
trait of a genotype. The outstanding inbreds identified based on GCA (male and female) for GYLD
and NCLB disease severity scores could be used for the development of heterotic populations from
which NCLB resistant and high-yielding hybrids and synthetics could be extracted. In the present
study, EM white inbreds, TZEI 60, TZEI 75, TZEI 32, TZEI 5, TZEI 89 and the yellow inbreds TZEI
124, and TZEI 134 had significant positive GCA (female / male) effects for GYLD. These inbreds
possessed favorable alleles for GYLD that had high probability of being transferred to the progenies.
Furthermore, inbreds such as TZEI 60, TZEI 75, TZEI 5, TZEI 89, TZEI 124, TZEI 134, TZEI 135,
and TZEI 182 which had significant negative GCA (male and female) effects for disease severity
Information on the heterotic groups of inbreds is important for successful commercial hybrid
programs. Therefore, classifying inbreds into appropriate heterotic groups is invaluable for
white and yellow EM inbreds. This would help speed-up the development of synthetics, hybrids, and
heterotic populations and NCLB resistant inbreds could be extracted from such populations for
development of high-yielding and NCLB resistant hybrids. Based on the reports of Fan et al. (2009),
an efficient grouping method should facilitate identification of groups which permit inter-heterotic
group crosses to display higher heterosis than intra-heterotic group crosses. In the present study, the
HGCAMT method classified the white and yellow inbreds with positive GCA effects for GYLD and
negative GCA effects for NCLB disease severity scores into the same group while white inbreds with
negative GCA effects for GYLD and positive GCA effects for NCLB scores were assigned to a
different group. The choice of potential testers is crucial to the successful development of different
hybrid types. A tester should discriminate between inbreds within its group and other groups (Badu-
Apraku et al., 2013). The testers identified in this study could be used to classify the large number of
EM white and yellow inbreds in the IITA-MIP which are yet to be tested in the field. In addition, the
single-cross testers identified in the present study could be used for developing three-way and double-
cross hybrids.
An important objective of the present study was to identify high-yielding and NCLB resistant white
and yellow EM hybrids for commercialization in SSA. Several white and yellow hybrids with
outstanding GYLD under artificial inoculations with a virulent E. turcicum isolate were identified. For
example, TZEI 32 × TZEI 5, TZEI 60 × TZEI 89, TZEI 5 × TZEI 75, TZEI 60 × TZEI 5, TZEI 124 ×
TZEI 134, and TZEI 134 × TZEI 17, had GYLD of more than 7,000 kg ha-1. Despite the outstanding
performance of these hybrids, GYLD reduction due to NCLB recorded for the white and yellow EM
hybrids such as TZEI 39 × TZEI 269, TZEI 86 × TZEI 83 and TZEI 23 × TZEI 182, was very high
ranging from 40% to 46% and may be attributed to loss of photosynthetic apparatus of the infected
plants (Hooda et al., 2016; Hurni et al., 2015; Weems and Bradley, 2018). Therefore, it should be
possible to improve these hybrids for NCLB resistance by introgressing resistant genes from selected
and TZEI 124 × TZEI 11, TZEI 219 × TZEI 17, TZEI 11 × TZEI 128 (yellow) were high-yielding
and stable hybrids across the contrasting test environments. These hybrids should be urgently tested
extensively in multi-location trials and on farmers’ fields to confirm their outstanding performance for
possible commercialization.
The present study revealed the preponderance of the GCA effects over the SCA effects for inheritance
of GYLD and NCLB resistance in the yellow and white EM maize hybrids. The white inbreds were
classified into two groups while the yellow EM inbreds were placed in three groups. Promising testers
were identified for some of the groups. In addition, single-cross testers were identified for both white
and yellow EM hybrids. There were both white and yellow hybrids with high yield under both
artificial inoculation and natural conditions with stable performance across contrasting test
environments. The inbred testers identified in the present study could be used to classify other inbreds
into appropriate groups and introgressed into tropical breeding populations to enhance GYLD and
NCLB resistance. Additionally, the single-cross testers could be used for the development of NCLB
hybrids with NCLB resistance would contribute to increased maize production and productivity and
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Supplementary Table 1 Caption: General combining ability estimate of grain yield of white early
maturing inbred lines artificially inoculated with Exserohilum turcicum in six environments in Nigeria,
hesi Anthesis TURC
Grain s silking Ears
Degree yield Day Silkinginterv Plant Ear Plant 2 TU per
Source of of (kg ha- s Days al height height aspec aspectW TURCRC pla
Variation freedom ) (days) (cm) (cm) td e AIf h
6WAIg nt
Env 5 19066 653. 715 35.1* 2551 1736 35.7* 8. 47. 16. 18. 0.1
2832.1 7** .9* 8.0* 3.6* * 4* 3* 2* 0** **
** * * * * * *
Set 2 1.8* 5.3 2. 0.0
25561 31.2 28. 482. 109. 4* 2.9 0.2 0.9 1
47.6* ** 3** 8* 1 * ** **
Env × Set 10 0.3 1.5 0. 0.0
12508 4.1* 3.4 350. 91.8 6 0.5 0.6 0.4 2
59.5 * * 8** ** **
Rep (Env × 12 0.2 0.7 0. 0.0
Set) 11502 1.0 1.5 104. 42.4 5 0.3 0.2 0.1 1
83.3 2
Block (Env 96 0.3 2.7 0. 0.0
× Rep) 13629 3.5* 4.0 230. 104. 5* 0.3 0.6 0.3 2
28.8 * ** 3** 5** ** * **
Male (Set) 12 1.5** 4. 0.0
18312 36.8 36. 3468 1457 6.5** 2* 1.1 8.7 3.6 2
710.4* ** 4** .7** .6** * ** ** **
Female (Set) 12 1.1** 3. 0.0
15495 34.4 3.0 2916 1089 8.4** 6* 1.5 6.4 3.0 4*
796.2* ** .2** .1** * ** ** ** *
Female × 48 0.4 3.5 0. 0.0
Male (Set) 20097 3.6* 3.4 350. 192. 6* 0.4 1.4 0.6 1
30.3** * ** 6** 4* * ** ** **
Env × Male 60 0.6** 0. 0.0
(Set) 14866 2.6* 2.8 220. 101. 4.2** 8* 0.5 1.3 0.6 2
50.2** * ** 0** 8** * ** ** **
Env × 60 0.5* 2.7 0. 0.0
Female (Set) 18592 2.7* 2.9 249. 77.5 6* 0.5 1.1 0.5 1
Table 3: Means square derived from the analysis of variance for grain yield, Exserohilum turcicum infection
ratings and other agronomic traits for yellow early maturing single-cross hybrids artificially inoculated with
Exserohilum turcicum in six environments in Nigeria.
Degree Grain Silkin silking Plant Ear Ear 2 6 Ears
of yield Anthe g interv height height Plant As W W TU per
Source of freedo (kg sis (Days al (cm (cm Aspe pe AI AI RC pl
Variation m ha ) (Days) ) (days) ) ) ctd cte f g h
Env 5 11177 515.5* 565.5 56.6* 181 131 11.8* 17. 33. 14. 6.6 0.
6271. * ** * 99.7 60.7 * 9* 8* 1* ** 1*
1** ** ** * * * *
Set 2 0.4 0.
28237 47.5** 61.6* 1.7** 405 344. 5.4** 6.6 1.2 0.2 03
12.2* * 9.5* 5 ** **
* *
Env × Set 10 2.2 1.1 0.8* 0.5 0.3 0.
19134 77.7 369. 1.1 0.4 0.7 02
84.9* 3 * ** 9
Rep (Env × 12 1.1 1.5 0.6 0.3 0.1 0.
Set) 55108 120. 132 0.5 0.1 0.4 02
1.8 3 4.9*
Table 6: Percentage contribution of the combining ability effects of yellow early maturing inbred lines
for grain yield, Exserohilum turcicum infection ratings and other agronomic traits under artificial
inoculation and non-inoculated conditions, in six environments in Nigeria.
Table 8: Grain yield (kg ha-1) and yield reduction of selected (the best 20, middle 5, and the worst 10
based on grain yield) white grain early maturing single-cross maize hybrids artificially inoculated
with Exserohilum turcicum and under non-inoculated conditions at Ikenne, Ile-Ife, and Zaria in