Chapter 6 Report

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Chapter 6 5.

Youth Development Programs- young may

involve themselves in youth development
programs to enhance their skills and talents.
6. Community Service- students participating in
tutorial programs, clean up drive, projects and
so on.
Opportunities for School-Community Partnership-
Partnership implies two parties helping each other. What can schools do for communities in return?

What can the community do for schools?  Classroom used by community organizations for
1. Brigada Eskwela- engages all education  The school used as a polling place and venue for
stakeholders to contribute their time, effort medical missions which it may co-sponsor with
and resources in ensuring that public school Rural Health Unit.
facilities are set in time for the forthcoming  The school is used by the Rural Health Unit for
school opening. mother’s class on childcare.
2. Curriculum development- use of community  School used as an evacuation center.
resources for learning.  School facilities used for community assemblies.
3. Work Experience programs- business  school basketball court was used for local
establishments and offices in the community celebrations and barangay sports league.
can serve as training grounds for learners.  Schools conduct livelihood skills-training
A concrete example is the Work Immersion programs for parents and out-of-school youths
required of Senior High School students. In this by using school resources.
Work Immersion, students are given the  Livelihood skills training for parents and out-of-
opportunity to work in relevant establishments school youths by teachers themselves.
or offices in the community to help develop in
them "the competencies, work ethics, and Learning From the experiences of schools and
values relevant to pursuing further education community partners:
and/or joining the world of work....
Urbanidad Kids- were ideal students who acted as role
models for the PEMBO community. They were the
Partner offices for immersion provide Senior
cleanest, most well-mannered and most diligent in class.
High School students with opportunities: "
1) to become familiar with the workplace. BOWLS- means Brain Operates Well on Loaded
2) for employment simulation; and Stomach. Every recess, there are children who are
3) to apply their competencies in areas of selected by school to become BOWLS beneficiaries due
specialization /applied subjects in authentic to malnutrition.
work environments (Enclosure to DepEd Order
Pera sa Panapon- weekly trash market where students,
No. 30. 3. 2017).
their parents and other members of community were
invited to bring their recyclable garbage.
Service Learning- involves students in a wide
range of experiences which benefits students
and the community.
4. Remediation and enrichment classes- parents SOCIOLOGICAL BASIS OF SCHOOL-COMMUNITY
and retired teachers may be involved in the PARTNERSHIP?
school reading remediation and learning The functionalist theory states that institutions must
enrichment programs. perform their respective functions for the stability of
society. Other institutions must come in if one
institution fails to do its part for the sake of society.
 The school cannot do it all. "It takes a village to Section 3 (f) of the same Act encourages "local
educate a child", so goes the African proverb. It initiatives for the improvement of schools and learning
must work in partnership with other institutions centers and to provide the means by which...
in the community such as the church, improvements may be achieved and sustained." Batas
government organizations and non-government Pambansa Blg. 232, otherwise known as the Education
organizations. Act of 1982, Section 7 states that:
 The school, the Church and other social
- Every educational institution shall provide for
institutions come to assist parents and families
the establishment of appropriate bodies
to fulfill their irreplaceable obligation.
through which the members of the educational
 The breakdown of marriages, the demand for
community may discuss relevant issues and
both mother and father to work to meet the
communicate information and suggestions for
demands of a rising cost of living resulting to
assistance and support of the school and for the
less or practically no more time for parents to
promotion of their common interest.
spend time with their children
Representatives from each subgroup of the
 In addition, the increasing number of families
educational community shall sit and participate
composed of single mothers struggling to raise a
in these bodies, the rules and procedures of
family. With the burden of earning lodged solely
which must be approved by them and duly
on the shoulders of one parent, single parents
struggle to earn enough to provide for their
families. RA. 8525, Adopt -A-School Program Act,
 This responsibility leads to their having a limited
amount of time to spend for and with growing Provides:
who, unfortunately become more likely and  for school-community partnership.
developing children into single-parent families  It allows "private entities to assist a public
themselves. school, whether elementary, secondary, or
This is not to mention the negative effect of tertiary, in, but not limited to, the following
uncontrolled and unregulated use of technology on the areas:
young. While the use of technology has brought a lot of  staff and faculty development for training and
convenience its uncontrolled and unregulated use by further education.
the tech-savvy kids expose these kids to all sorts of  construction of facilities.
information not necessarily favorable for their  upgrading of existing facilities,
development. So families, schools and other social  provision of books.
institutions need to work together to save the youth.  publications and other instructional materials;
 modernization of instructional technologies."



RA 9155, Governance of Basic Education Act, Section - UNESCO Assistant Director-General for
Entities and other stabs 1101 explicitly states that one Education. AGENDA 2030 cannot be realized
of the responsibilities of school heads is "establishing without school-community partnership
school and community networks and encouraging the
"Our vision must be more aggressive, more committed
active participation of teacher’s organizations,
not just involving government, non-government
nonacademic personnel of public schools, and parents-
agencies but all stakeholders." -DR. QIAN TANG
teachers-community associations"
RA 9155, states that partnership between school and
community also ensures.
1. educational programs, projects and services consider
the interests of all members of the community.

2.The schools and learning centers reflect the values of

the community by allowing teachers/learning facilitators
and other staff to have the flexibility to serve the needs
of all learners.

3. local initiatives for the improvement of schools and

learning centers are encouraged and how these
improvements may be achieved and sustained are
Chapter 7 conducive learning environment makes learners
believe they can do the work and they feel
The Teacher and the Community: Teacher's Ethical and
accepted. A favorable learning climate is not
Professional Behavior
competitive where everyone is tense.
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, Article III
The teacher who believes that "Every child deserves a
The 8 Sections of Article III of the Code of Ethics refers champion. an adult who will never give up on them,
to the community within the school and the community who understands the power of connection and insists
outside the school. How can teachers be a part of the they become the best they can possibly be like Teacher
community? The various Sections of Article III give more Rita Pierson in TED Talk, is a facilitator of learning
Teacher Leadership and Initiative for Community
Teacher as Facilitator of Leaming Section 2 refers to the "leadership and initiative of the
professional teacher to participate in community
Article III, Section1 states that the teacher is a
movements for moral, social, economic and civic
facilitator of learning and the development of the
betterment of the community."
youth... therefore shall render the best service by
providing an environment conducive for such learning The words in Section 2 of Article III are "provide
and growth. leadership and initiative..."

Facilitator comes from the word "facilitate" which - This implies that as a professional teacher you
means to make something easy or easier. You as, the have not to wait for the community to ask for
professional teacher, facilitate learning or make learning help. Section 6 further explicates how you can
easier. show your professional leadership, to wit:
- "Every teacher is an intellectual leader in the
Learning is a difficult task and is made easier when you
community, especially in the barangay, and shall
make dry lesson interesting, exciting and enjoyable. As a
welcome the opportunity to provide such
professional teacher, you make learning easier when
leadership when needed, to extend counseling
you simplify the complex and concretize the abstract.
services, as appropriate, and to be actively
This is what is ethical for every professional teacher like
involved in matters affecting the welfare of
you ought to do. This you can do after four long years of
academic preparation.
Section 2, states that you, the professional teacher
ought to take the initiative to offer your help for the
What happens sometimes, however, is teachers improvement of the community.
complicate the simple and teach only at the abstract
- Many a time, you can be a guidance counselor,
a prayer leader, commentator or reader in
 To facilitate learning, a conducive learning religious celebrations, fiesta coordinator, judge
environment is necessary. It has been proven in or coach for a contest, financial adviser, a
that learners learn best in a pleasant nurse, a doctor, commentator, prayer leader
environment. A pleasant environment is where rolled into one.
the learners can be themselves because
Providing leadership and initiative also means working
teachers are caring.
with the community. This means getting the parents
 No need to put best sell forward because
and other members of the community to participate in
teachers and classmates truly care and take you
school activities.
for who you are. All forms of bullying has no
place in a conducive learning environment. A
however, the negative aspects with teacher pointing
them out tactfully and sincerely.
Professional Teacher with Honor and Dignity
The Professional Teacher and Information Update
Section 3 states: "Every teacher shall merit reasonable
social recognition for which purpose he shall behave Section 5 states that the teacher "shall help the school
with honor and dignity at all times and refrain from such inform the community about the school's work,
activities as gambling, smoking, drunkenness, and other accomplishments, needs and problems.
excesses much less illicit relations."
- Community here refers to internal as well as
- As a professional teacher, you are an inveterate external stakeholders.
gambler, chain smoker and alcoholic or if it is
common knowledge that you are engaged in an
Internal stakeholders include the
illicit relationship, how can you have moral
authority? Who will listen to you when you  students,
advise your class not to smoke, not to drink  the parents of the students and
alcoholic drinks, not to gamble, etc.?  the teachers.
"The influence of a good teacher can never be
erased" but the influence of a dishonorable The external stakeholders are the:
teacher is as lasting."
 other parents in the community without
Teacher's Attitude Toward Local Customs and children enrolled in school.
Traditions  barangay officials and
 other government officials,
Section 4 expects every teacher to live for and with the  non-government organizations,
community and shall, therefore study and understand  government organizations,
local customs and traditions in order to have a  alumni /alumnae and retirees.
sympathetic attitude, therefore, refrain from
disparaging the community."

The professional teacher is neither ethnocentric nor Why do these stakeholders have to be informed? The
exocentric. school is there for the community and so the
community has the right to be informed about its
- He/she is not ethnocentric and so does not look activities, accomplishments, needs and problems.
down on community's culture because of the Informing them about the school's projects, needs and
thought that his/her culture is superior to the problems give them a sense of ownership. Having a
culture of the community. sense of ownership problems stakeholders will
- Neither is he/she exocentric and so looks at participate more actively in the resolution of these
his/her culture as inferior into other school's problems and needs.
community's culture.
The Parents-Teachers Association
We have Parents' and Teachers' Associations (PTA) in
Fortunate and happy is the community that has
place in every school. Some private schools call it Home
teachers who live with them, exert effort to understand
School Association or Family Advisory Council. This is
their local customs and traditions and consequently
for internal stakeholders only.
appreciate the same. This author sees no culture as
perfect. Every culture including hers has its positive and - A PTA is an association of teachers and parents
negative aspects. What we need to pass on are the with children who are enrolled in a school. It is
positive aspects of the culture. We need to purify,
a forum for discussions on school problems and those with whom you work with like other
how they can be solved. professional teachers. It is always best to be on
good terms with everyone else in the community.

The School Governing Council Desiderata gives this advice: "As far as possible,
without surrender, be on good terms with all
- Other than the PTA is the School Governing
persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and
listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant
 The SGC has different membership and
functions. A
they too have their story."
 The School Governing Council, as a policy-
making body, has the school head as Chief
Executive Officer, Manager and Chief The Professional Teacher Does Not Use
Operations Officer. Position to Proselyte
 The formation of SGC in every school is
proof of the school head sharing his/her Section 8 says: "A teacher possesses freedom to
leadership with members of the attend church and worship as appropriate but shall
community. not use his position and influence to proselyte
It determines general policies on student welfare, others. "
discipline, well- being it is concerned with the - To be in a position means to have power or
development and implementation, monitoring and
influence for a purpose, i.e. for you to use
evaluation of the School Improvement Plan (SIP), and
that position to perform your job as a
reporting of the progress of the SIP implementation to
the Schools Division Superintendent and the
professional teacher. It is highly
community: unprofessional for a teacher like you to use
your position of influence to proselyte.
In addition to PTAs are the School Governing Council in
every public school.
- Besides freedom of religion is guaranteed
This School Governing Council shares the management by the 1987 Philippine Constitution. "No law
of the school with the School Head as Chair. This School shall be made respecting an establishment
Council is another opportunity for communities to of religion or prohibiting the free exercise
participate in school activities. thereof. The free exercise and enjoyment of
religious profession and worship, without
discrimination or preference, shall forever
The Professional Teacher and Government be allowed." (Article II, Section 6).
Officials and Other Professionals
Section 7 states: "Every teacher shall maintain
harmonious and pleasant personal and official
relations with other professionals, with
government officials and with the people
individually or collectively."
As a professional teacher, you cannot afford not to
be in pleasant relations with others, especially
• At all times, at all places and for all
people, don't misuse nor abuse that
authority or power bestowed on you as a
professional teacher.
For you to be credible as a community
• Article III of the Code of Ethics for leader, you shall behave with honor and
Professional Teachers states that a dignity twenty-four hours a day, 7 days a
professional teacher shall live for and with week, respect community culture and seek
the community. ti understand them or else lose your
"flavor" as a community leader.
The community includes internal
stakeholders (learners and their
parents/guardians, teachers and the school
head) and external stakeholders (members
of the community who have no children
enrolled in the school such as community
non-government officials, church leaders,
non-organizations and government

• For the learners, you facilitate learning

and the development of the youth. To do
this, you have to create a nurturing, positive
learning environment.

For the community, you are a leader. You

take the initiative

and leadership to actively participate in

community affairs and movements and in
turn to involve the community in school
activities for the upliftment of both school
and the community. This can readily happen
if you are in a harmonious relations with all
people in the community.

• To keep parent and community

involvement in school, they must be
updated with happenings in the school
accomplishment, achievements, problems
and projects.

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