CHE 222 Midterm - Assessment
CHE 222 Midterm - Assessment
CHE 222 Midterm - Assessment
1) The assessment starts at 9:00 AM. The total time is 2 hours to write the assessment plus 10
minutes to scan your answers and upload them. After 11:10 AM the assessment will be
automatically closed and submission won’t be accepted.
2) Notes and text books are allowed. Consultation with others is absolutely prohibited, and is
considered plagiarism. Academic dishonesty and offences are taken very seriously, so please
honor the rules.
3) You are allowed to manually write your answers on blank papers, scan them, and submit them
as (preferably) one pdf file. If images cannot be converted to pdf, you can submit multiple jpg
files. You can (on your own choice), type your answers in a Word file, convert the file to pdf, and
submit it.
4) Number of questions: 4, Total Marks: 100
1. (15 Marks)
(a) What are the three types of process (just name them)? (5 marks)
(b) In your own language describe process dynamics and process control in maximum 4 lines.
(10 marks)
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2. (40 Marks)
Consider a surge tank with a constant cross section area 𝐴1 (𝑚2 ) as shown below. The
volumetric flow rate at the inlet and the outlet of the surge tank are 𝑞𝑖 and 𝑞𝑜 (𝑠
respectively. The level of liquid inside the tank is described by ℎ (𝑚), and a square root
relationship holds between 𝑞𝑜 and ℎ, i.e. 𝑞𝑜 = 𝐶𝑉 √ℎ.
A small upside down cylindrical container with a cross section area 𝐴2 (𝑚2 ) is submerged into
the liquid, and a body of air is trapped inside the container. The atmospheric pressure is
𝑃0 (𝑃𝑎).
1- The density of the liquid 𝜌 (𝑚3 ) is constant.
2- The whole system is isothermal, i.e. temperature 𝑇 (𝐾) is constant.
3- Air follows the ideal gas law.
4- The cylindrical container is fixed in place, i.e. 𝐿 (𝑚) is constant.
5- Liquid level within the surge tank never drops below 𝐿, i.e. ℎ > 𝐿.
6- The area of the container is much smaller than the area of the tank, i.e. 𝐴2 ≪ 𝐴1
(a) Drive an unsteady-state model relating 𝑦 to the input flow rate 𝑞𝑖 . Make sure to write down
extra assumptions (if any), conservation equation/s, auxiliary equation/s, and variables.
(25 marks)
*Hint: First, ignore the container and drive a dynamic model for the liquid level inside the
surge tank ℎ (10 marks). Then, consider the container and using an ‘auxiliary equation’ find a
relation between ℎ and 𝑦 (remember air is compressible) (10 marks). Then substitute ℎ with
the relation in your dynamic model (5 marks).
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(b) For the model developed in (a), perform a degree of freedom analysis. (10 marks)
Note: Even if you could not find the final solution for part (a), you should be able to answer
this part.
(c) Justify whether your model is linear or non-linear. (5 marks)
3. (30 marks)
Consider the following transfer function:
𝑌(𝑆) 4
𝐺(𝑆) = =
𝑈(𝑆) 3𝑆 + 2
(a) What are the gain (𝐾) and the time constant (𝜏). (10 marks)
(b) For a disturbance of the form 𝑢(𝑡) = 4𝛿(𝑡), obtain the response of the system, i.e. 𝑦(𝑡).
(10 marks)
Note: 𝛿(𝑡) is unit impulse or Dirac delta function.
(c) For a disturbance of the form 𝑢(𝑡) = 𝐻(𝑡), what is the output after a very long time, i.e.
lim 𝑦(𝑡). (10 marks)
Note: 𝐻(𝑡) is unit step or Heaviside function
4. (15 marks)
In the two systems (A & B) shown below, the purpose of the control loop is to control the liquid
flowrate. Indicate whether each system is either a feedback or feedforward control system and
Justify your answer. It can be assumed that the distance between the flow transmitter (FT) and
the control valve is quite small in each system.
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